How I Met My Master, part 2

Story by GrowlTiger on SoFurry

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#2 of How I Met My Master

A pale light streamed through the curtains of the hotel room where I woke with a long, lazy stretch. Â As I reflected on the events of the previous day, a smile formed on my muzzle and I shifted beneath the sheets. Â I let out a soft rrr, recalling the handsome lion I'd met and our... ride... in the elevator, the memory helping to increase the size of the bulge in the bed. Â Not content simply with the memory, I turned to my left to see the gorgeous form of a lion, tucked seductively beneath the sheets of the bed next to mine, and my smile broadened.

We had spent the evening together, talking long into the night, our conversation taking on the air of old friends catching up rather, than lovers who'd just met.  I remembered finding myself looking deep into the lion's eyes across the small table in my hotel room; we'd opted for some quick takeout rather than an actual meal to spare both time and expense, and I heard myself telling him stories of my past, of my hopes and desires, of secrets I'd until then shared only with my closest of friends.   It was very late â€" or, more accurately very early â€" when tiredness finally overcame us and we retired to our beds.

I recast my gaze to the beautiful creature laying next to me, just in time to see him stirring. Â He looked over at me and smiled in recognition. Â "Good morning, tiger," he said quietly, a gentle rumbling resonating in his voice as he spoke.

"It's already a very good morning," I grinned. Â "And good morning to you, too."

He propped his head up on one of his paws and looked across at me. Â As my eyes met his, I was once again transfixed, mesmerized by the great cat. Â As I watched, the lion drew near to me, and he nuzzled my cheek softly, causing me to close my eyes and let out a soft sigh.

He leaned back, his whiskers brushing up against my own. Â I could still feel his breathing on my fur. Â "Tiger?" he said tenderly.

I opened my eyes to find the lion regarding me. He was looking at me with a sense of... something I couldn't quite put my paw to before he spoke again. Â "Do you remember what we were talking about last night?"

I nodded, "Of course I do." Â I paused, wondering whether I'd said something that offended him. Â "You'd said you wanted to get to know me better, and I was telling you... Why? Â Did I say something inappropriate?"

"No," he shook his head. Â "But I was wondering. Did you mean what you told me?" he asked, "About how you'd felt a desire to belong to someone, to serve them?"

I drew in a breath as I looked deep in the lion's eyes. Â There was a genuine curiosity there, mixed with something else... desire, perhaps? Â No, I shook my head to myself. Â That would be silly.

I nodded, much more slowly this time.  "I did mean it," I replied quietly.  "I'd always been independent. Successful," I'd said.  "But for a long time, I've felt a pull.  A wanting to... be shown how to be better, to be... trained.  I thought perhaps I had been destined to be a performing animal.  Maybe that's still true, but I think even stronger is a want to serve.  To be shaped into what another would want me to be â€" an ideal tiger, an ideal mate..." My voice trailed off as I realized that I was rambling, and that the lion was watching me intently.

A silence passed between us. Â It was only a few moments, but it felt like time had slowed to a snail's pace. Â Finally, he spoke again.

"Tell me tiger," he said quietly, "and tell me honestly. Â Would you like for me to be your master long term?"

A shiver ran up my spine and I drew in a sharp breath. Â I opened my mouth, but he brought his paw up to silence me.

"Before you answer," he said simply, "you should know what you're answering."

I stopped, and I nodded quietly.

"But perhaps we could talk about that over breakfast," he said. Â "I'm hungry."

I smiled. "Of course. Â We could go down and get something," I said. Â "Or we could order room service."

I saw his eyes light up at the suggestion of room service and I was passing him the menu before he had a chance to say yes. Â A short while later, with a plate of eggs and bacon between us, I engaged the lion yet again.

"You'd said that there was more I should know about what having you as my master might mean," I asked tentatively while fingering a piece of toast. Â I glanced upward, expectantly.

He looked me over, up and down and nodded.  "I did.  And there is." He paused a moment longer, taking a drink of juice.  "If you agree, tiger, then I will take you as my slave."  His gaze grew more intense.  "I will expect you to obey my commands without question, and your body, your very being, will be mine.  You will serve me, fulfilling my every want and desire.  At times I will make you my toy, and as my slave, your cock and your cum will be under my control. Always; to be used whenever â€" and only when â€" I demand.   It will be hard work for you, but in return, I will promise to look after you.  To guide you and train you.  To help you be the best slave you can be, the slave that deep down inside you know you are."

His words sent a shiver up my spine. They coursed through me and filled my entire consciousness. Â My fur stood on end and my cock pulsed, hard and exposed from its sheath. Â I could hear my heart pounding in my chest as the big cat watched me. I extended a claw and poked my side to make sure I wasn't dreaming, because even more than the day before, when this handsome feline was thrusting deep into me and filling me with his seed, this was much, much more than lust. Â It was perhaps deeper, even, than love, though at that moment I was aware that I loved him passionately. Â Service, and more specifically serving this lion, could very well be what I was born to do. Â He understood that being a master wasn't some game, and that service would be filled with both tremendous responsibility and reward. Here was someone who had looked into my soul and saw who I was, what I wanted. Â And what I wanted was to serve him, to be his slave, and to be the best slave I could possibly be.

I took in a sharp breath and pushed myself back from the table without a word. Â I dropped down to all fours on the floor in front of him and looked deeply into his eyes, which twinkled lightly in the morning light that permeated the curtains. Â "Lion," I said.

He watched me intently in silence, his gaze taking me in entirely.

"It's as if," I continued quietly, "as if I were an open book to you. What you've described is not only what I've dreamt of, but what any slave would kill to have in a master." Â I paused, shaking. Â "And though I am still inexperienced in service, I will train hard to be the best I can possibly be for you. Â It would be a privilege to serve you..." my voice caught as I couldn't stop trembling violently, "Master Lion," I said, and I dropped my front paws, bowing in front of him, my muzzle touching the floor in front of his feet.

I closed my eyes for an interminable moment. Â I could hear colors and see sounds as I waited, hoping beyond hope that the lion was as genuine as he sounded, that he was not some fantasy that had sprung from yesterday's post orgasmic daze. Â I felt him place his paw lightly on my head, calming me as I shivered beneath it. Â He pulled my head up, raising me from my bowing position to look at him again. Â He was smiling broadly, and his eyes sparkled. Â His pantherine cock was fully erect, precum streaming from his tip, like mine, but it wasn't sex that was on our minds. Â No, it was much, much better than that.

He leaned in and touched his nose lightly to my own. Â "Very well," he said simply. Â "Then from this day forward, tiger, you shall be my slave, and I will be your master." Â I nodded breathlessly. Â "And now I want to inspect what's mine."

I tilted my head quizzically as he stood and walked the short distance back to the beds. Â He patted the top of his bed gently, and I followed his lead, jumping up onto it with grace and sitting lightly atop the sheets.

"Stand," he ordered, "stand up with your tail raised and your cock hard." Â I complied instantly, flicking my tail upwards and holding my head high. Â The tip of my cock glistened in pre.

He walked around the bed slowly as I presented for him, regarding me from every angle. Â He approached me and ran his paws across my back firmly, stroking at my fur with care and purpose. Â I could feel his pawpads sliding down my sides to run along my ribs, smoothing down little bits of fur as he went. Â Then they inched lower, and he grasped my cock firmly.

I gasped, squirting yet more precum onto the bed. Â "Careful, tiger," he said. Â "Your cum is mine now, and I won't have you spilling it without my permission."

"Yes, Sir," I shivered as I gave a slight nod.

He nodded with me, "and in future, I would like my slave to be silent for inspection."

I swallowed and nodded again, silently this time.

He gripped my shaft a little harder, and he tugged gently at my balls with his other paw. Â My tail twitched madly overhead.

He withdrew his paws and patted me firmly on the head, "Good tiger," he said, and I let out a long breath. Â "I would like my slave to present for my inspection each day," he said. Â "Consider it the first of your standing orders."

"Yes, Master," I said. Â The address was new but felt completely natural, and my brain wondered why it hadn't thought to use it before. Â For this lion was clearly my master; he had been since the beginning of time, even though it was only now that I'd discovered it. Â He crawled up onto the bed beside me and I turned to look at him. Â His form stood starkly in shadow against the light coming in from the window, but I could still see the silhouette of his powerful frame. His tail swished with purpose, and my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his full balls and fully erect cock.

He laid back on the bed and took my paw in his, guiding it to rest on his hard shaft. Â I felt it pulsing against my pawpads, and it twitched as he spoke. Â "Now make me cum, slave," he commanded.

I let out a throaty growl as I closed my paw around his thick shaft. Â I could feel it throb in my grip as a stream of leonine pre dribbled from its tip. Â I squeezed the base gently as I leaned over and closed my muzzle around the head of my master's cock, eliciting a low moan.

I brought my other forepaw to his considerable ballsac, cradling it in my palm. Â He dug his claws into the bed and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming heavy and hot. Â I slid my tongue from my muzzle, eagerly lapping up the clear, sweet fluid. Â I drew my paw upwards, gently tugging on his sheath as I brought my paw up to meet my muzzle.

After a moment, I reversed and brought my paw down again, letting my open maw follow it as I swallowed the full length of the lion's ample cock. Â I tilted my head to keep from gagging as his cockhead touched the back of my throat, casting off yet more pre while my master moaned in ecstasy.

I pulled back, pressing my lips around his shaft as I squeezed at its base, then took him again, his pre and my saliva acting as a natural lubricant. I bobbed my head on his cock with a gentle rhythm, using my paw to tug and stroke him in time.

In a moment, I could tell he was close, and as I lowered my head over his cock, I let my tongue wrap around his shaft. Â He groaned and bucked under me, tearing at the sheets as he lost himself to passion. Â I eased off just slightly, letting my master savor his impending orgasm, then squeezed hard around his shaft as I tugged on his balls and sucked hard on his cock.

He screamed as he exploded into my muzzle, unleashing a torrent of hot lion cum that filled my mouth and stretched my cheeks. Â I tilted my head back to swallow his creamy gift, gently squeezing his shaft, milking him of every drop of his seed.

My master came for an eternity, filling my muzzle several times over as I swallowed repeatedly to drink down the hot fluid. Â Finally, he crashed back on the bed, his body limp but shaking.

I smiled and gently licked him, cleaning and grooming his tawny fur, nuzzling at his side. Â I leaned back to look at him, a magnificent lion lying before me on the bed.

He lay there, panting, and after a moment or two, he opened his eyes narrowly. Â Dipping my head lightly, I whispered, "Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, tiger," he rumbled and closed his eyes again, but his mouth curled upwards into a soft smile. Â He lifted his forepaw and brought it to my neck. Â He pulled me into a tight hug as I wrapped my paws around him, and we embraced for what seemed like a very long time.

Finally, he pulled back and licked me lightly on the cheek. Â "I love you, Master," I said quietly.

"I love you too, tiger," he said, smiling.

We lay, curled up with one another, for a little while longer, his paw occasionally stroking my chest as we both soaked in my master's post orgasmic bliss. Â After a while, I felt him shift beside me and he spoke again.

"I promised I'd take you to the science museum today," he said.

"Master, that's very kind, but you don't have to ..."

He brought his paw up to my lips to silence me, then back down to cup my crotch firmly. I moaned softly as he smiled, "I hear that there's going to be an exhibit on the effect of thrust on fluid dynamics that I think you'd enjoy seeing..."

I let out a low hrrrr. Â "Yes, Master. Â I'm sure you're right," I said, and I grinned broadly as I bowed to Master Lion.