Addiction - Chapter Twenty-six: Anti-Prom

Story by Rufus01 on SoFurry

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#26 of Addiction

This chapter was originally meant to be the grand finale of the novel. Based on popular demand, I decided to extend the novel, elaborating on how their pregnancy develops and the trails yet to come, which were abbreviated in the epilogue. This chapter is still a conclusion of sorts. It's the end of their innocence. Dustin has manned up. He's put together a cute, but short sighted grand gesture to impress his love. It looks like Alex may well get her prom.

This is a work of fiction that will contain graphic incest between consenting adult characters. All characters are 100% fictional. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Good job Dusty. You put a lot of work into impressing Alex. She needs it. She's going through a lot after all. You're going to bed a dad soon. Taking care of a little runt will make lugging a generator uphill look like childsplay. You've got a lot to learn and a long way to go. Because of that I'm giving me a few more chapters. Let's see what it will feel like you see your sister face the music, when she's forced to lie about the parentage of your pup. What will happen after you graduate? What will the summer look like, now that you're done with general education, now that you have to make ends meet? What will you feel when you get to hold your offspring for the first time? Find out on this and next week's chapter of "Addiction"!


Chapter Twenty-six



Rufus Quentin

May 15, 1999

So it came to pass that after dinner I'd settled into my room with a book, just like I had the weekend before that and the one before it. All the dresses I needed to make were finished and currently clinging to the bodies of all the girls who commissioned them as they meandered into the convention center in Huntington. I'd almost forgotten about Dustin's surprise. I was more concerned about missing prom, though I tried not to think of it much, and succeeded for the most part. I didn't really want to spend the night in the ballroom of a sleazy hotel up in Huntington anyway. I bet they were playing boy bands. Why did I have to be born in a year where I so narrowly missed the grunge era, and where I had to come of age in a time polluted with boy bands? I tended to get lost in such thoughts when reading Charlotte Brontë. I wondered if she ever had those kind of thoughts; born a little too late to be romantic, dead a little too early to experience the full swing of the Victorian period. At least she didn't have to worry about proms or boy bands. I bet she wished she had penicillin though. I passed my paw over my pregnant belly and thought, I probably shouldn't spend too much time thinking about Charlotte Brontë, given how she kicked it.

Dustin rescued me from my thoughts, barging into my room with a backpack, dressed in ankle wraps and holding a flashlight in each paw. "You ready?" He said, as if I had some sort of a clue what I should be ready for.

I put down my book and gesticulated at my pajama bottoms. "For what?" I said, performing more frustration that I actually felt.

"Come on," he said, tossing a flashlight on my bed. "Let's go for a walk."

"It's dark out Dusty. I'm not gonna go out in the woods after dark. You're crazy."

"Come on sis. Trust me. I'll keep you safe."

I stood up and hiked down my pj bottoms, standing in my boxers in front of my brother. "Seriously. If I fall and break my ass up there, I am seriously going to kick you in the balls."

"What's with all the ball threats?" He asked as he watched me go through my drawers for a pair of shorts and ankle wraps.

"Your balls are where you make your decisions. I figure if they're on the line, they're more apt to make wiser ones," I said, slipping up my running shorts.

"Hasn't helped thus far," he said, watching me wrap my ankles as if for a jog. "You should try treating them really nice."

"That hasn't helped either," I said, standing and checking myself out in the mirror.

"You know what they say. Honey over vinegar."

I reached for the flashlight and flicked it on in my brother's face. He flinched and squinted. "You telling me to put honey on your balls?"

"Whatever it takes for you to lick 'em," he said, flicking on his flashlight as well.

An impromptu Jedi duel ensued in my bedroom. Dustin and I both whipped out our best lightsaber sounds, swooshing around our father's Maglites like complete idiots. I wasn't entirely sure what the contest was about anymore, something about ball sucking. If it was about who was the biggest dork, then I think we tied. We both chuckled as we increasingly grew aware of how ridiculous we must have looked. This sort of thing was exactly what Dustin and I did back on those unsupervised summer nights when our dad was asleep or at work, and our older brothers were of doing older brother things. We'd carry on with flashlights or plungers until one of us got hurt or stung by a bug, or when the debut of the fireflies captivated our short attention spans.

Now there I was, an expectant mother, doing the same damn things I did when I was ten. Somehow I wasn't ashamed. Maybe that would be the kind of mother I would be. A silver lining to this whole pregnancy thing was that in a few short years, I'd get to introduce another person to Star Wars. The one rule I'd already decided on; there would be no boy bands under my roof.

Dustin made peace before things really got rough. Just as I was about to strike him down in the name of the Sith, he lifted up his flashlight a la Obi-wan in A New Hope and shut it off, bowing his head in admiration of my skills. I shut mine before my beam of light swept across his torso. We looked at each other, chuckled, and suddenly felt like we both went overboard in the nerd department. We smiled at one another, knowing it would take more than a confession of just how deep our geekiness went to dent the love we had for each other. Dustin turned around and beaconed me to follow with a nod. I did so unquestioningly and chased his tail down the hall and stairs and out the front door.

We walked up the hill rather than run this time. Truth told I hadn't been up there since November. Though the weather would have permitted it since March, I'd been sulking too much to revisit the places I'd made the first questionable decisions. I wasn't sure of what Dustin's angle was, dragging me up there after dark. It was a surprise, whatever that meant. Probably more sex. Definitely sex.

"How're you doing?" He said, panting a little bit as we ascended the steepest incline.

"Fine," I panted. "Ankles are sore, but whatever."

"Almost there," he said, stopping. He tossed off his backpack and directed his beam on a side pocket. He produced a familiar bandana and offered it to me. "Here," he said. "You need to wear this for the rest of the way."

"Is that your cum rag?"

"Yea," he said like it was nothing in the world. "You need a blindfold."

"I'm not gonna put that on my face!" I said in protest.

"I washed it," he said.

"Still. Eww. How many times did you cum in that."

"Trust me. I washed it. Like a long time ago. Twice. It's clean," he said, trying to press it in my paws.

"This is going too far."

"Come on," he practically begged. "I worked really hard on this. I need this to be a surprise."

"What if I just close my eyes?"

He shook his head and looked at me sternly.

I sighed and folded the bandana into a strip. Trying to get the mental images of my brother rubbing his dick and spermy paws clean on this thing, I slowly brought it to my face. I closed my eyes tight so they'd never come into contact with the fabric and tied a knot behind my ears. I extended my right arm, signaling that I needed guidance from here on out. Dustin was weird, but whatever his plan was, he was winning a place on a new tier of oddity.

He took my paw and within a moment we were underway. He guided me uphill, announcing roots, steps, and bramble. I tripped once or twice, cursing his name. Things felt a lot longer blindfolded, even though it was probably just one or two hundred yards to go. We stopped somewhere, I couldn't know where. We may as well have been in Detroit.

"Okay, Alex?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said. "Can I quit wearing your jizz rag now?"

"Just a sec," he said. "Gotta promise me. Take it off only when I say you can, no matter what."

"This is really fucking weird, Dustin."


"I promise."

"Just stay there." He said and let go of my paw. I heard steps through some dry leaves. Then I heard a pull chord as if someone was starting a lawn-mower. Three or four tugs of that and an engine came on, a small loud one by the sound of it. Some light came on a second after that, but a red glow was all I could sense under the bandana and my closed eyelids. "Just a few more seconds," Dustin said, but by now my curiosity was raging. I still kept my promise, even though a few seconds turned into well over two minutes. All the while Dustin cursed nearby, peaking both my ears and curiosity.

"Can I take it off now?" I asked impatiently.

Foot-paws crushed leaves on their way closer to where I stood. My ears perked and heard Dustin panting. "Okay," he said. "You can take it off now."

I tugged off the bandana and shook my mane back into shape. My eyes blinked open, squinting in the stark white light. I can honestly say I was surprised. I beheld, without a doubt, the greatest surprise anyone ever made for me during my short life and the years since. Dustin somehow managed to schlep a generator up the better part of a mile uphill. He strung up a half dozen or more car repair lights and portable flood lamps. The immediate area around the fort stood bathed in light. A few Christmas lights demarked the boundaries of the area he'd prepared. He'd also brought a boom box he'd gotten from who knows where. The whole backdrop was accented by a disco ball, albeit a small one, hanging from a tree branch. The blanket on which I lost my virginity to him lay unfurled beneath the light, suggesting the switches were set for us to indulge in taboo. Dustin himself stood there, in of all things, a tuxedo replete with tie and boutonniere. He held up the prom dress I'd made for myself, and smiled the sly "gotcha" smile I got to see on him on rare occasions and adored. I instantly forgave him for making me wear his cum rag on my face.

"Dusty," I whispered after several seconds of astonishment.

"This was a bitch to set up," he said, still smiling.

"I can see that," I said after I could find words again. I took a few steps forward and wandered into the makeshift pavilion of light. There were even a few fireflies going off beyond the light's reach, adding a cheesy, albeit seasonably accurate complement.

"Do you like it?" My brother asked.

"Oh fuck, Dusty, I love it."

"Well, you complained about not being able to go to prom, so, well, I made you one," he said, holding up my dress. "Even brought you this. Now you get to wear it after all."

"When did you steal that?"

"When you were showering this morning. Snuck in. Saw it hanging in your closet. Easy yoink."

"Bastard," I said and chuckled. "I'm not sure what to say here. I mean, wow."

"You don't need to say anything. That's the whole point of all this. To take your breath away."

"You're such a dork," I said.

Dustin shrugged, guilty as charged. "Here," he said, "put this on." He handed me my dress.

"You have no idea how long it takes for a girl to get ready for one of these things, do you?"

"I got this on in two minutes," he said, pointing at his tux.

"You're such a cute idiot," I said. All the spots and details made familiar by our more recent visits seemed transformed, slightly different under artificial light. I hung my dress up on a branch and began to strip. Once down to nothing but my boxers I stepped into the dress and slipped it up my body. In the meanwhile he fiddled with the boom box, inserting an audio cassette the first track of which came from my favorite band, R.E.M.

Dustin came just in time to help me with my zipper. "I'm nowhere near ready," I said, turning to him. "I haven't brushed. Fuck, I haven't showered since this morning. I'm kind of a mess."

"You look good," he said, lifting a paw to caress my mane into order. "None of this was gonna be perfect. The main thing is that you're here. It stayed a surprise. And I guess that means it worked out in the end."

I leaned in and kissed my brother on the lips. His muzzle tilted in acceptance and one of his paws came to rest on my flank. "Don't kiss me just yet," he said after parting a moment later. "I got one last surprise." He slipped away and stepped through the leaves toward where he'd discarded his backpack. He returned carrying a small plastic box, in it a corsage. He showed me the fragrant little bundle of flowers and wordlessly slipped it on my wrist. "Now you can kiss me."

I did just that, wrapping my arms around my twin. My pregnant belly pressed against my brother's flat stomach. Our tails swished behind us and our ears perked to the sounds of the wilderness beyond the music. Our sway turned into something of a dance. Our foot-paws bumped into one another as we added a little rotation, demonstrating just how inept we were and how unlike us this whole pretense was.

I was glad we were alone. My dancing can be described in one word; awkward. There was a reason I'd spent what few dances I'd ever attended standing by the wall of our auditorium, watching those with a little more skill or a little less self-respect sway and gyrate away. As self-aware as I felt, it eluded me until track four how strange it should have felt to dance with one's own brother and to peck the occasional kiss on his muzzle or cheek. The mere thought of us doing anything half as romantic would have seemed a grotesque perversion even to me just eight or nine months prior. Now my lips touched his fur without aversion. When his warmth caught in my fur I felt comforted and strong, strong enough to brave the knowledge that what we were and everything we did was impossible. I wanted to disbelieve, but there we were, brother and sister, spiraling alone in the wilderness on the edge of dark.

We only danced through four or five songs. As comprehensive as Dustin's plans were, I'm not sure if he figured in that dancing wasn't either of our things, though I told him twenty minutes of graceless and uncoordinated stumbling were worth all the effort. We parted and ended up lying side by side on our blanket, staring off into the blackness beyond the light's reach. Dustin produced a flask he'd brought with him. I didn't chastise him on it. Singlehandedly schlepping a 120 lb. generator the better part of a mile uphill warranted a drink.

"I can't believe you did all this," I whispered, not quite daring to interrupt one of my favorite songs. Dustin's mixtape was good, scary good, proof he knew me better than I thought.

"Was nothing," he said and took another swig.

"How much did this cost?"

"Not much. A lot is borrowed. Fringe benefit of working in a pawn-shop. Lotta cool shit just lying around. Even this," he said, undoing his tie. "Can you believe some guy only wore this once?"

"As long as it wasn't a dead guy."

"Could'a been, actually. The only thing that cost real money were these stupid flowers," he said, referring to his boutonniere and my corsage. "I never thought dead flowers where that fucking expensive."

"You really went all out."

"It was fun, actually."

"You did good, Dusty," I said, inching a bit closer to my brother.

Dustin looked up at me. "I wanted to show you I could make shit happen if I need too. This wasn't easy, but it wasn't that hard either. It was easier than I thought because I love you."

I chuckled, ears sweeping back out of flattery. I took a deep breath. "I like what you did. But it's just an event. One night. What's coming our way is going to take up the rest of our lives. We need to be there for this fella for at least eighteen years. Think about what kind of nightmares we were. That's gonna take a lot of work. Every day. You said it was easy because you love me. Will things be as easy when we get into a fight? Lord knows we fight. Will you love me as much when you're sleep deprived? Overworked? Will you love me in ten years? Twenty?"

"Fuck," he said. "You're making things heavy." Dustin sighed. "I'm not just some guy, sis. Not some fuck who knocked you up and now you have to be with out of obligation. I'm your brother you know? Even if things don't work out, there will always be a part of me that loves you. I'll always love you. That means I'll always help, or at least I'll try."

"This means you'll be in charge of birthday parties," I said and smiled.

Dustin vented a short breath. "If it's a girl, I'm not gonna do princesses. No way, never."

"Oh god, I never thought of that. What if she likes princesses? Fuck! What if it's a he who likes princesses?"

"Isn't there some way you can manipulate them into liking things that don't suck?"

"No, they're children. Everything they like sucks. If anything they manipulate you."

"Well, Leia was cool. Can't we compromise and do a princess of Alderaan thing?"

"You're such a dork. You know that?" I said, looking down my brother's muzzle into his eyes.

"So are you," he said, looking into mine. "Look at you in your dress. I always knew you secretly wanted to be Barbie." His paw came to rest on my thigh.

"I hate you so fucking much," I said and smiled.

My brother just hummed a line from the Star Wars soundtrack.

I inched closer to Dustin expectantly. To my elation he mirrored my motions. Our noses bumped and our whiskers touched. I giggled and he chuckled. We kissed as if it were the rightest thing in the world to do. Around the same time hundreds of other couples at the real prom began to lose interest in their DJ and the awkward sway they called dancing and began to shuffle out for the obligatory make out session under the stars. Dustin and I capped off our little anti-prom in the same fashion. My arm swept behind my brother's back and drew him near. We made out just like we spent those seven months practicing. Our eyes closed. Our ears perked. My tongue pursued his between our muzzles, tasting the vapor of whiskey on his lips.

We carried on after our mix tape needed to be flipped, until one could rest assured that the first of those couples at the real prom, ones who had advanced to the level I had with Dustin, or those who wanted to experience it for the first time, began to retreat to cars, hotel rooms, or whatever little nests they had access to for a little more privacy. There they would pick up where they left off and partake copiously of the aphrodisiac of proximity. Every minute indulged this way induced an intoxicating amnesia over every outcome other than complete surrender. Dustin and I were certainly not immune to that affliction. We suffered its fever just like the rest of our peers. As inaccessible as the teenage mind is, under that fever I understood it intuitively.

I flicked open a button on Dustin's shirt as if by accident. My brother's paw retreated down my thigh, only to advance under the split over bare fur, communicating an unambiguous reply to my suggestive deed. It was funny how a simple undone button suddenly made everything fair game. Finding little success striving for my boxers, Dustin's paws moved about my body, searching for any advance under my dress. My job was easier. I unbuttoned Dustin's shirt one button at a time. Once undone I had the luxury of teasing my brother through his pants. My paw gently caressed down between his thighs. His knees parted as I inched toward his sheath, which I found delightfully firm.

My sibling struggled with my dress. He had so little practice with feminine clothing, he completely forgot about the zipper on the back. Once he discovered it, things quickly accelerated. I was glad when Dustin called an intermission to our kiss. There didn't need to be a discussion about what to do next. "You ready?" My brother said, implying the obvious.

I quietly nodded, tugging my dress back up over my exposed breasts.

Dustin stood, slipping from my fingers. I watched him tend to the generator first, checking its fuel level and unplugging extraneous lights. He left a light focused on the spot we used to make love back in the fall. Finally he changed the sides of the cassette player then hobbled to our sordid spot. It was funny to watch him try to work while struggling to hold his pants up.

I stood on legs already wobbly from arousal and clutched my dress to keep it from slipping. Crooked and loose my dress barely clung to me, failing to conceal my nipples. My arms crossed my torso just to keep the dress up. In my indecency I felt especially aware of my visibly pregnant belly and my ears reflected that with a humble backward sweep. I always felt naked in dresses, and in that moment I felt doubly exposed.

Dustin stepped closer. He stood in front of me and smiled affectionately. He looked cute even though his pants hung open and loose. He reached out with both paws, took my wrists and uncrossed them away from my body. My dress started to slip immediately as did his pants. The dress caught on my belly for a second, but then fell to my ankles, leaving me standing in nothing but boxers. "There," he said. "I think I'd rather see you this way."

I stepped out of the garment and closer to Dustin. I hugged him tight and nuzzled my nose into his mane. "Thank god," I said. "Dresses are fun to wear like three times a year. I already feel like I reached my quota."

"It's not that I don't like your dress and all, but it's hard to get used to seeing you in one."

"You won't have to," I said and smiled. Oddly I felt a little more at ease in my boy shorts.

"Good," he said, venting a warm sigh beneath my ear. He embraced me and immediately his paws began to wander, sweeping down my back in an arousing curve. He caressed my butt over my boxers and beside my wagging tail. He began to inch the elastic down, exposing my cheeks bit by bit. I helped him with a little wiggle. Gravity did the rest. I felt my boxers land on my toes. Only his paws remained on my butt, keeping my bareness warm in the absence of any covering. My brother had me precisely as he wanted; naked, ready, and eager to feel his love.

I nuzzled up Dustin's neck and kissed him on the cheek as if thanking him for liberating me from the dress. His muzzle brushed along mine until our lips found each other again. His paws kept a firm hold on my butt, until the moment I decided my brother was overdressed. I helped him slip out of his shirt and jacket. They fell on the blanket behind him. As he began to grope for fur beneath my tail again, I tugged down his boxers. This put him in the same exposed state as he put me. I abused his nakedness and took hold of his furry balls and fondled the tender orbs.

The both of us stood there nude in the forest like some primordial beings until kisses and heavy petting began to lose its appeal. A brother and his pregnant sister stood together in an ancient wood, alone as if we comprised the only sentient life on earth. Blackness stretched from our vicinity to the horizon. Just crickets and toads sung around us. I sunk first onto the blanket. Dustin knelt between my legs.

"Fuck, sis, you're beautiful," Dustin said admiring my maternal body.

"I'm kinda shy about this. This isn't flattering," I said, bringing a paw to my stomach and caressing it.

"No. You make it sexy," Dustin said. He crawled closer to me between my spread legs and put his paw beside mine.

"You always say that. I could shave all the fur off my body and you'd still think it's hot."

Dustin chuckled. "Don't do that. But seriously though. You look good."

I smirked. "Better not get used to it. I'm never gonna let you put another one in me."

"Come on. Just one more. Once we're more settled. For replacements."

"Fuck that shit. I'm getting my tubes tied the second this one's out."

Dustin grumbled with disappointment but that setback was short lived, given the fact that he had his own sister naked and presenting just below his muzzle. A quick downward gaze later and even I could tell he'd already forgotten the topic of the conversation. He took the moment to admire my nudity, bare pussy and breasts, and the bump on my tummy that confirmed that he needn't worry about his genetic lineage.

I reached up and invited my brother closer to me. My butt wiggled into a position explicit of our intentions. Fingers quickly found the softness of his fuzzy sheath. I cupped his sizable balls with one paw, and caressed his fuzzy tube with the other, feeling the firmness of his cock through the fur and thin layer of skin. I held on to him as he began to nibble on me, going down my neck in the way I adored. My fingertip rubbed his sheath-slit in a circular motion, brushing his canine point. Eventually I slipped my fingertip into his sheath, feeling the warm interior of his tube beneath my paw-pad.

Dustin growled at me as my finger invaded his manhood. I didn't let him dissuade me. Curious, I slipped my finger deeper, wiggling between my brother's cock and the pliant skin of a rough collie's sheath. When my sibling learned he was powerless to resist my exploration, he decided to join in kind. His paw darted between my legs, concealing the pink of my wet, aroused slit. He rubbed my sliver lengthwise as I caressed his canine cock, feeling him swell in the confines of his own sheath. My knees closed instinctively at the touch, desirous to keep the young man responsible for those first bolts of bliss trapped between my thighs.

By the time my brother reached my breast and began to nibble, his cock had swollen so much I couldn't ethically keep it trapped in his sheath. I withdrew my finger and began to stroke my sibling, tugging his sheath down and exposing his dark-pink, venous cock to the night air. As Dustin mouthed and lapped over my soft mound, his fingers began to play with my puffy labia, spreading them over and over in order to keep my arousal flowing. It worked. I hardly felt any resistance as my brother's index finger teased my vaginal opening and sunk into the heat and wetness of my canine sex.

I gasped. Dustin finished sucking my breast and gazed up at me. He watched my features contort into an image of needy sensitivity as his finger sank into me and wiggled between my soaked, smooth walls. He was no doubt eager to see me squirm and hear me squeal at the deep incestuous touch. I bit my lip and glared at him with slyness in my gaze, daring to try harder if he wanted me as overcome by bliss as he fantasized about. He certainly gave his best effort, thrusting his finger into me and reaching for my g-spot. His thumb rested on my clit. The touch was enough to keep me on edge. My pawing grew distracted, but I kept my pace.

Of course we hadn't come up there just to paw each other off. My brother reluctantly slipped his finger from my sex. I let go of his pre-slick cock and balls, but only after passing on a last wistful caress. We re-positioned with hasty eagerness. My knees parted and my hips rose, exposing my wet pussy to the male rough collie between my legs. A feminine gaze I'd been practicing invited my sibling to mate with me post haste. I'm not sure how convincing it was, but I'm guessing the maternal bump on my belly aided me in achieving the desired effect. Dustin wasted no time in bringing his cock to my sex. His canine point swept through my labia, marking me with pre, just as he became painted in my own arousal. My brother found my opening and sunk in, making us both complicit in the latest of countless rounds of consensual incest. I gasped and felt my body sink into the warm pool of haptic pleasure as the familiar details of a certain rough collie's cock parted and occupied my vaginal passage.

My brother made love to me, hovering above my writhing body and raining down the occasional affection upon my bliss-strained features. He seemed content in watching me roil in response to his slow, authoritatively deep thrusts. My grunts and coos won the attention of his ears. His cool eyes calmly scanned my motion and the heave of my breasts. No matter how I clutched the fur on his flanks or raised my hips with needy demand, inviting him to unleash the feral qualities I knew him to possess, the flex of his hips and the insertion of his canine member through my hot, wet passage maintained their gentlemanly restraint. Only in the last two or three minutes, when he had his pregnant sister riled up and needy, desperately beseeching him for release, did he demonstrate the wild thrusts of a male eager to spill some seed. His calculations paid off. By the time he vented the anticipated guttural "I'm gonna," into my back-swept ears, my foot-paws swung around and locked behind his back. Every gesture, every non-verbal tone practically ordered Dustin to mark every inch of my orgasming pussy with consanguineous collie sperm.

Dustin grunted and dove in a final time, buckling my body over as he tried in vain to slip his throbbing knot into my twitching lips. He looked into my pleasure clouded eyes with impassive dominance as his first spurts of sperm shot between my vaginal walls, renewing his genetic claim over my body. Then his eyelids closed and his features strained into the panting, snarling visage of climax. I clutched my brother, indulging him and proportionately myself in the mate's privilege of a bareback cum filling. My internal quivers slowed down just in time to allow me to feel the deep, telling twitch. "Dusty," I whispered into my sibling's attentive ear as his warm, slick canine semen poured unhindered over my feminine flesh, down to the gates of my already occupied womb. My brother responded with a few more firm bucks, taking advantage of my vagina's well-lubricated soft and puffy textures to milk out what collie sperm he was capable of producing.

Dustin and I relaxed in our incestuous embrace. His shrinking cock plugged my hole, surrounded by freshly deposited sensual slickness. Our eyes re-opened, clearer this time, free from the veils of coitus. The rough collie penetrating my inseminated sex smiled at me as our panting slowed. My paws left his flanks and my ankles uncrossed behind his back. My fingers moved to his mane and tugged his nose near. I kissed my mate once our breathing steadied, until his cock slipped free from my entrance to the sound of mutual gasps. A bead of pearl white fluid emerged where his cock had been, tucked between my wet, pink lips.

Dustin ultimately flopped beside me. He had that boyish, cocky glow about him, even though his sperm-dripping dog cock hanging semi-limp across his belly diminished the effect. He was above reproach and he knew it, he'd just nailed his own sister after all. "I need to go piss real quick," Dustin said, leaning upright then stumbling to his paws. He stretched, cracked his spine then padded off in search of his favorite tree.

My ears flicked at the directness of his statement. It wasn't the romantic first words I'd expected after sex. My paw instinctively moved down between my legs, caressed my sore, still tingling lips, and returned with finger-pads glistening in my sibling's milky white semen. I reclined there for a moment, playing with the viscous stuff, watching it thread between my pads with perverse interest and feeling the better part of it ooze down my bare tail-star. I grew aware of a little bladder pressure too. If I didn't need to go now, I would in five minutes, fucking pregnancy. So I stood up, did the same set of stretches and followed my brother.

I ambled beside him with an awkward gait. Having a vaj full of dog cum made the short trip disconcerting. We met by an old oak standing in the periphery of the light's reach. This was Dustin's favorite marking spot over which he could get surprisingly territorial. I usually preferred a nearby aspen, but given the fact that the two of us were now an item, I figure I'd move in on his claim, even if just to annoy him. He threw me a wicked glare as I stepped in next to him and casually assumed my pissing stance. His tail swished, visibly perturbed. Since he knew he couldn't get me to move, he simply sighed in resignation and took hold of his limp, pinkish-red cock and pointed it at the bark.

He let go a second later and began to scent his tree. My fingers spread my cum-slick labia in preparation to do the same. Peeing standing up wasn't easy, but it became a technique I mastered many years earlier. I rarely sit if I don't have to. I watched Dustin and he watched me, his nose dipping to observe his semen dripping from my vaginal entrance, staining the dark earth between my foot-paws with a few tiny drops of cloudy white. My stream joined his a second later. I pushed just beneath my clit to give it the nearly the same arc my brother could muster. I beamed a sly smile at him as I defiantly negated his exclusive rights to that poor oak.

"My tree," he said, swaying his stream from side to side.

"Was your tree," I replied, performing my approximation of the same move.

"I think it's hot that you can do that standing up," he said.

"Nothing special. Just peeing. I do this every day. You see me do it all the time."

"I know. Just saying I think it's awesome," he continued as his stream died down. Before he finished he hastily directed his cock-tip toward my foot-paw. I immediately felt the warmth of urine soak into my fur.

"Eww gross," I said, lifting my paw off the ground in recoil. My stream abruptly ended, but only after I accidently got some on my thigh and fingers.

Dustin hit my ankle with a last jet. Then he shook himself off on me. "There," he said. "Now you're mine. Trumps you. Tree is still mine."

"You sick fuck," I said, shaking my foot paw off and looking at my brother in disgust. "It's fucking warm," I complained.

I reached out to smack my brother, but he bounded out of reach. I chased him into the darkness, stumbling, hampered by the mess of canine semen and urine trickling down my inner thigh. I ran through the dark, just like I did in dreams, chasing his taunts and laughter. It certainly felt spooky, dodging low hanging branches and the occasional spider web, but I felt safe on the count of that scoundrel who called himself my brother. He was just a few steps ahead, teasing me. I chuckled too as I tried to grab him, but I had way too many handicaps to be a serious threat. Together we ran naked through the woods, making circles around the fort and the electric lights until my intentions ceased to be about retaliation.

We played our game of chase until we both grew winded. Dustin led me back to our little blanket. He let me catch him there. We kissed and brushed the leaves out of each other's fur. Dustin sank onto the blanket and lay on his back. I pinned him to the ground. Sure the victory may have been given to me, but I pretended it was hard won. I gazed down at my naked twin and partner in crime. He looked at me affectionately, but I could read that fucker's subtleties well enough to recognize the sly smugness he tried to pull off as charm. I leaned down and kissed my brother's lips, pretending to fall for the cute puppy dog act. Meanwhile I plotted my revenge, assessing what resources my nude body had to offer. There were several things I could have done, but I settled for the most just. I entered into a dare I, dare I not dilemma as we made out. In the end I dared.

It took willpower, but I relaxed and began to emit a short stream of urine, a trickle really, and wet Dustin's sheath. It took him longer than I thought to check what happened. His eyes opened and he broke the kiss. He looked down at his freshly marked genitals and said, "You didn't? You bitch!"

I leaned up and laughed out loud. One upping my brother was among the most satisfying things I could do. He looked up at me, irked and confused as he dabbed his fingers in his soaked pubic fur.

"Dude. I just got you a little," he said as if it made a difference how much one got peed on.

"Fucker," I said. "Did you forget who you're playing with? Did you think you could get away with it?"

Dustin shook his head. "How could I?"

"And don't forget, I've dedicated the last eighteen going on nineteen years to one upping you. You perv."

"Fucking shit, I love you."

"I don't know why, but I do too. Fuck, I love the living hell out of you, Dusty," I said to my twin brother, gazing at the near mirror image of facial fur patterns.

Dustin pulled me close. Our lips met again, this time as intense as ever. I clung to him, willing my body to become flush with his, with complete indifference to the mess I made of him. We physically proved to one another how true our words were. Our paws clung to each other's bodies and drew the opposing sibling nearer; as if our fur and skin were too vast a boundary, too concrete an impediment to closeness. Our kiss became as intense as we'd ever done it before, our tongue tips counted the points of each other's teeth far back into our muzzles. Our scents and tastes became indistinguishable. In our nakedness we only had our bodies to offer, and what we had, we shared without restraint.

"Do it again," Dustin said as we eventually took a needed break from the intensity.

"Gross," I said, after a few seconds of computing what he asked for.

"Do it."

"You sure?"

"Yea, before I change my mind."

"You're a weird, weird pup you know that?" I said, my paw moving to part my labia. I sighed and showed Dustin my pee-slit for a lengthy moment as I worked up the courage to let loose. I stared down, but my pregnant belly prevented a view of myself. It started as a trickle. Droplets of urine dripped from my folds, mixed with constantly leaking semen. Then it built up to a stream, raining down on Dustin's belly. I didn't have much left in me, five or six seconds of flow tops. The stream quickly retreated down his torso and ended the way it began as a meager dribble. I relaxed and knelt on my brother's hips with a freshly drained bladder. "You happy now, you sick fuck?" I asked, shaking myself off and looking down at the wet fur on my brother's lower torso.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts," he said, brushing flat the drenched fur. "It's warm."

"A little late for that now."

"Yea, this should have stayed a fantasy."

"Not all things are meant to be acted upon."

"A little late for that now," Dustin said, his paw leapt to my belly and caressed the protruding curve.

"Yea, I guess we're both totally fucked," I said.

"At least we're fucked together."

"Don't forget I own you now. Highest pee wins," I joked, moving my paws to my brother's flanks and feeling my urine soaked in his fur cool beneath my paw-pads. I felt bad for making him messy, even though it was his idea. It was with remorse that my paws caressed his body, as if I'd inflicted permanent damage. A shower and he would be alright. The changes he helped inflict on me would accompany me for the rest of my life.

"I'm not playing that game again." He held me with apologetic tenderness, performing a similar sequence of affectionate touches no doubt aware of that fact.

"You started it. You can't start games you can't afford to lose."

"Ah shit," he said.

"The tree is mine," I said. "And this is mine," I said, wiggling my hips and brushing my vulva upon Dustin's sheath, marking him appropriately.

"Treat it well and I'll let you play with it whenever you like," he said and bucked at me.

"I'll set the terms, thank you very much," I replied, bucking back squeezing my brother's hips with my thighs.

I clung to my brother for warmth and proximity, feeling the rise and fall of his breathing. I felt him buck into my fur, sliding his smooth canid length through my soft fleece. I rocked back, the lips of my sex touching his furry sheath and balls. One escalation lead to another and soon we were doing some fairly advanced grinding. My back arched in pursuit of that little tickle of fur on skin. My bare vulva ground against Dustin, slowly scenting my siblings sheath until my sex touched the warm skin of his cock. I pressed and wiggled against that firm flesh so that my parted lips hugged his venous canine shaft, shivering as a new wish flashed in and out of my consciousness like a little sordid spark. I began sliding my aroused lips against and around my brother's shaft in pursuit of that tingle and for something, anything to push back against that small troublesome empty spot. Dustin moaned and thrust his maleness along the slick heat between my legs. Equally eager I let my vulva paint my brother's shaft with a blended mixture of cum and feminine arousal.

Eventually I couldn't take it anymore. Dustin's cock pulsed hard as a rock between my labia, dripping pre into his naval. I could think of a better place for him to mark with pre. I caved into my fantasies, rose up and decided he had another round in him. My paw seized my brother's cock. It only took me a few seconds to align him with my dripping vulva and conceal his cock-tip in my vaginal entrance. I let gravity take over and hilted Dustin, dragging him with me back into the indulgence of incest. Dustin hardly went kicking and screaming. The rapid descent forced me to wince and grunt in an unladylike way. Even with Dustin's semen acting as lube I'd probably taken him a bit too fast. Fuck, like I was any good at learning lessons.

"Fuck, sis," Dustin vented in approval as I straddled him. It didn't take long to feel alright. I signaled that fact with a wiggle. I could feel his knot expanding within me. I rose, feeling my brother's firm bulge tug at me from within. It audibly slipped free. I leaned back and lifted my body almost all the way off of him. A paw moved between my legs so I could spread my lips for better access. His venous length glistened with a couple of milky streaks of cum. I descended again, giving him a good view of himself entering his sister's pregnant body. The motion repeated itself, each time a little faster. Dustin chuckled. All the while he peered down his torso and took in the sight of the two of us committing incest. Before Dustin could get too eager I descended a final time. It took a bit of wiggling to get him in. The sperm on my lips came in handy in that moment. I hadn't decided if I wanted to tie yet, I just wanted to experience the potential. As such I rocked, keeping that firm spot in the part of my vagina designed to accommodate it.

"Hey sis?" He said. "If you don't pull off real soon, we're gonna be here all night."

"I know," I said, not letting his warnings impede my motions in the slightest. My thighs flexed as I rode my brother, needy for the comforting prickle of his pubic fur upon my clit during the disconcerting moment his expanding canine bulge still felt less than comfortable inside me. In defiance of Dustin's hesitance, I decided yes, there would be a tie.

"Didn't really prep to camp out up here," Dustin said, sliding his paws up the sides of my heaving frame. A quick caress straightened the fur on my pregnant belly. They came to rest on my hips. A squeeze seemed to indicate 'carry on.'

"There's a lot we didn't prep for. We'll figure it out when we get there," I said, gazing down at the rough collie beneath me. My paws traveled up his flanks and held him tight, pinning him to the blanket below. I beamed a strained smile down at my accomplice, informing him with movements and a quiet gaze that he would be my captive for the night.

"Reckless, sis, reckless," he said, joining in the movement with a buck of his own, and another after that.

"Shut up, you want it as bad as I do," I said, rewarding my incestuous companion with a vaginal flex.

"No," he said. "Way more." My brother continued to push his knotted cock into me as if deliberately trying to trigger that quasi-voluntary contraction that would make us mates.

I kept swaying my hips forward and back, grinding my intimates directly upon my sibling's wet sheath. His hard cock slipped through the cum inside me and his knot stretched me wide. In that moment as I rocked on my brother the last thing in the world I wanted was for him to slip out. I'm glad he didn't. I'm glad he decided to rebel against practicality with me.

Dustin repeatedly prodded my depths with that canine point of his. I half sighed, half grunted in complicit satisfaction even as my vagina stretched in all directions, conforming around my brother in the most illicit and complete way possible. After a few more moments I knew I could stop stressing about him slipping out. I understood intuitively that Dustin and I successfully renewed our mate-ship. His knot tugged within me, as big as it could get. Our motions changed to reflect a tie.

I bounced on the firm rough collie cock locked inside me and let it feel every aspect of my bare passage. At the same time I indulged myself on its girth, hardness, the details of its canid tip and knot. With eyes closed to slits and an open and panting muzzle I willed it to scratch that internal itch and reach that growing ball of blissful pressure. A slight upward bend curled the corners of my lips as I sensed the slickness of Dustin's genetically similar sperm between his cock and my internal flesh. The sensuality of that illicit addition aroused me beyond words. Every very much intentional vaginal flex milked him for more than just pre. Every cycle invited the reckless breeding. I repeatedly pressed my butt against my brother's hips as if the past hadn't taught me a thing.

As we mated, Dustin's paws drew ellipses on my body, circling clockwise between my hip and my slightly protruding belly. His fingers spread and ran through my belly-fur against the grain, intimately close to the life he put inside me. My spine tingled at the touch. Follicles on my back stood on end. I ended up leaning forward, paws clutching my brother's shoulders and enduring the onslaught of his rapid bucks. The cycles just kept coming and I somehow managed to keep accepting them. I reached my limits but at the same time tested them. My muzzle came beside Dustin's, drawing in and letting out quick breaths through bared fangs. His whiskers prickled my cheek and mine did his. I quit intentionally rocking, trusting in Dustin to bring me that badly craved release. All my muscles merely flexed in an effort to press downward in order to keep my sex in constant contact with my brother's sheath, but quick and vigorous thrusts wore down my strength.

Dustin's cock repeatedly sank into the source of mysterious pressure; the unnamable sweet spot I strained to keep angled his direction. After hovering at the brink of no return for some time, the cumulative amalgamation of fullness and motion caused the last barrier to erode and burst, rewarding my endurance with a gratifying rush. Warmth expanded outward from my sex until it enveloped my lower belly. Jerking contractions pulsed through that heat, gripping my brother in a flurry of spasms. I grunted through my teeth and lost control over my movement. Dustin mated away throughout my climax, prolonging the waves of satisfaction with ceaseless stimulation. In the tumult I remember fragments of watching my fingers curl into Dustin's fur, clinging to him as I weathered the bliss, and feeling the highest level of togetherness possible as fur blurred around me.

When he couldn't hold back anymore Dustin sighed the relief of a male orgasm into my back-swept ear. My brother's paws ruffled the fur on my back as if he were desperately seeking a handhold but couldn't find one. At the apex of his pleasure he merely grabbed what was beneath and held me close. His legs bent at the knees and his toe-claws dug into the blanket for leverage. My brother pressed into me with all the energy he had in an honest effort to make sure I was good and bred. His knot pulsed, wrapped in my tightly stretched vaginal walls, signaling the spurts of semen splashing directly upon my sex's deepest surfaces. I pressed down on his shaft in approval, as eager as ever to perceive the faint little twitches and the unhindered flow of my mate's cum through the bare confines of my intimates. I gasped for air near the end of my climax, after I'd become fully cognizant of what was occurring within me, indulging in the internal outpouring of my brother's sperm, but certainly not forgetting the risks and taboos inherent in the merger of such fluids with the very aspects of my body we both strove to feel marked.

A few more deep pushes forced grunts from me as Dustin attempted to discharge as much seed in me as he could and do so as deep as possible. Even after the nature of his breathing told me he'd given me all he could, he still kept forcing his canine cock into me as if in an attempt to rub out some last drops of incestuous semen into the excess spreading between us. We both panted for a while until our consciousness fully returned to messy reality. Then Dustin just kept licking the base of my ear as if it were a flippant thank you for allowing him to pass on his genes into me. His paws swept over my back, repairing the tousled and disordered fur.

"Looks like we're here for the long haul," Dustin said, testing our tie with a mutually pleasing push and pull.

"Good," I grunted and wiggled on my brother, feeling him slide through my well-marked passage. I lay with my cheek against his mane and watched myself draw little circles around his nipple with my index finger. Though I couldn't see it, I could feel some of Dustin's pre and semen leak past his swollen knot. The substance rendered us a matted mess of sexually scented fur. That strong olfactory detail certainly couldn't escape my perception.

"I like you this way, Alex. Could get used to you being this eager."

"Call it hormones," I said, feeling a blush come on.

"Always blaming it on something else. Maybe you just like getting bred."

"Shut up Dusty."

"Nothing wrong with it. I love mating you. I'd cum in ya every day if I could," he said in his unrepressed accent, simultaneous with three or four rapid bucks.

"Enjoy it while it lasts," I said after grunting in surprise. "We got a pup coming. That'll put an end to sex."

"What do you think I've been doing?"

"What you always do. Now you're coming up with excuses. You're just a perv."

"Just like you, sis," he said.

"I'll own it," I said leaning up. My paws raked down my brother's chest. I wiggled on him and felt his firmness slip deep. I sighed. Instincts told me to push down and so I did.

"Good girl," he said, bucking into me. His paws sensually slid up my thighs. His thumbs drew circles around the sides of my belly.

"Don't call me that," I said, curling my fingers into the fur of his much more tone belly.

"Good, or girl," he said, his butt flexing, pushing his firm, captive arousal upward through my confining vagina.

I sighed and said, "I'm neither of those things," caving into the urge to feel my clit sweeping through my brother's coarse pubic fur.

"Whatever you are, I'm in love with you," my brother said, pressing into me slowly, sliding back and forth exploiting the short distance his knotted cock could travel through my compatible body.

I hummed in approval. "Whatever you're doing, don't stop," I whispered, performing a vigorous flourish.

My brother seemed to enjoy this attention as we swayed intimately bound to one another without any particular telos. After a while I realized I rocked on Dustin at a pace that couldn't simply be called mere teasing anymore. Anybody could have gotten off under moves like that. If it weren't so late and if Dustin hadn't already gotten off twice I would have had other expectations. I just did it for fun and to get my brother back for all those bucks he gave me when I felt too sore to take them. After a while things began to feel really good again. I didn't think I could get off, but I also didn't have a reason to stop. Then I suddenly grunted as something unusual twitched in my belly, way too high to be an aftershock. My paw came to my tummy. I looked down at myself, uncertain as to what just transpired.

"What's up?" Dustin asked, looking up at me. His paws caressed my thighs.

"Donno," I said.

"You sore?"

"Well yea, but this is something else."

His paw came beside mine. It happened again that same instant. "Ooh," I said, sensing the disconcerting shift.

"Gross. Is that the pup?"

"I think so."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Good I think," I said.

"But you don't know?"

"I don't know. I think it's normal."

"Has it happened before?"

I nodded.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Not long."

"I think we need to take you to a doctor soon. Just to get you checked out. Make sure everything's healthy. Should have taken you when we first found out."

"I know. I really want to go. But where?"

"Huntington? Charleston?"

"How're we gonna get the money? Does dad even have insurance? If he does it's gonna land on the bill. What if he finds out?"

"I'll pay for it."

I sighed. It was good for Dustin to offer, but he was obviously clueless. "Dustin," I said, "I think we need help."

"We need to tell someone," Dustin said.

"Shit yea we do."

"I think we need to tell dad first."

I sighed again and ran a paw through my mane. "I don't think I'm ready to tell dad."

"You need to tell him sometime. He's gonna find this shit out. He's coming back. He's gonna be there for graduation and he's gonna spend a lot more time at home as of July."

"I think I'll tell Nate," I said. "He's a doctor. Cloe is pregnant too. He'll know what to do."

"Nate? Isn't he gonna chew you out too."

"I'm less worried about getting chewed out. You know? I've had enough time to feel ashamed. There's not much words and anger are gonna do to me that I haven't already done to myself. I can stand a chewing out. I'm afraid to hurt dad. I don't think he's gonna chew me out. I'm more worried that he won't. I'm afraid that I'm not going to get any reaction from him. That's the way he handles heavy shit. He grows cold. I don't want to lose dad, emotionally or otherwise. God, dad, I don't want to break his heart."

"He's going to find out eventually. It's dad. This is his grandkid," he patted my belly. "You can't hide this when he's back."

"Maybe we can move out. Get a trailer. Just for the summer. Say it's for work."

"Crazy talk, sis."

I sighed. "I'll tell him too. Just not right away. I'll tell Nate first. It's best that way. Maybe he can help me handle dad when the time comes."

"Alex, this has to happen soon though. I don't know if you can wait until the end of school."

"I'll do it soon," I said.

"How soon?"

"I don't know."

"Soon, Alex, I'm worried about you and my kid. I want you both to be healthy. Fuck, we've waited way too long to tell anyone about this. I know I promised to help, but this is way past my pay grade. You need to talk to a doctor."

"Tomorrow," I said as if it were the easiest thing in the world. Tomorrow, the word gained gravity as the dawn would bring doomsday, a final chapter, an end of history.

"Will you promise?"

"I promise. I'll call Nate tomorrow."

"I'll be there with you."

"I can't believe it's gonna happen," I said, rubbing my eyes and forehead. "I've been dreading this."

"It's not going to be the end of the world. If you get chewed out, well fuck that. You don't deserve it. He'll calm down and once he does he'll come down to brass tacks. He's good at that."

"This might mean the end for you and me," I warned.

"It's okay if you want to tell them it was me. I'll own it. It's my pup after all."

"I'm not gonna do that."

"Why not? I don't want you to take all the blame. I don't think I can stand idly by and watch that."

"You'll have to."

"Alex, come on. You don't have to go it alone."

"It's stupid for you to get involved. That'll just make matters ten times worse. I've got a back story. This way we'll get to keep the cub. Maybe there'll be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'll really need you then. That's where you come in."

"If you say so. I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be. I think taking the blame myself is the only way out."

"I don't care what's on the birth certificate. We're mates. I'll take care of it no matter what."

"You okay with that?"

"It beats jail time," he said. "Don't want my kid in the hands of the state."

"God, I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Alex," he said. He reached out and ran his paw through my mane. "The worst case scenario is that they figure out it was me. It's a long shot, but so long as we tell the good lies, we won't have to worry. But if they do they'll just fuck me over and not you. Whatever happens to me, I'll always love you. Even if I can't show it the way I want."

"I'm really scared," I said.

"Me too. Really worried about the two of you. I need to know you'll be alright, that my kid'll be alright. I know what they say about inbreeding. I want to make sure that's not true, or at least that we dodged a bullet. I'm losing sleep over it."

"I'm scared of doctors," I said.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be one?"

"I want to be a chemist, not treat people."

"Don't you have to be a doctor for that?"

"A different type."

"Whatever Alex. One step at a time."

"So this is it," I said.

Dustin nodded. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." I repeated and sunk back down into my brother's fur. I began to shiver and cuddled closer. His paws tried to keep me warm. Through the course of the conversation I felt Dustin's knot slowly deflate. I tried to ignore the disconcerting slip of his cock, but my body probably showed the signs. Now my brother and I looked at each other, feeling the last wet shift that came the instant before our canine practice came to an end. My brother and I gasped and jerked the moment it did. I sighed as the fullness diminished and freedom returned to my body. I pulled off Dustin's cock, watching the dark-pink shaft reemerge from my sex, coated in cum and wetness, and flop flaccid upon his belly. The semen my twin's knot kept in the proximity of my cervix was now free to dribble from my lips, and dribble out it did, demonstrating the prolific nature of Dustin's sperm production. I left a trail of diluted white drops on my brother's matted, sex-scented pelvic region, as well as the quilt as I came to rest beside him.

I snuggled up to my sibling, feeling wet, cold, and empty. The echoes of mating still throbbed like an ache which would continue to afflict me until late into the night. Dog sperm squished between my labia. Every shift let me feel the naughty slickness between my thighs and in every inch of my sex, as well as the resulting emotional tightrope walk between guilt and rebelliousness that came from knowing its purpose and origin. It may have been sensual and even special, but every downward glance reminded me that I was definitely too young to engage in such risky behavior and that it was too late to change it.

Dustin reached over and clawed at the blanket. He tossed one end over us. It was thin, but helped considerably. My brother also fashioned a pillow for us out of whatever clothes lay within reach. Nuzzling Dustin I sank into his body for the night, clinging to him for warmth and affection. Tomorrow I'd call Nate, I thought to myself as Dustin caressed me. Tonight would be my last night of pretending.

Dustin's paw ceased to move well after midnight. I could tell he'd fallen asleep. Well after my brother dozed off I kept thinking. I kept attempting to formulate the conversations to Nate and to the doctor that I needed to see. I forged explanations, lies, made up stories and backups for those stories. I made a whole network of alternate histories. After a while those thoughts became cyclical. I got stuck on a sentence and let the words reply on loop. I fell asleep too, intimately connected to my biological brother, clinging to him for support, and loving him dearly.

I woke up beside Dustin to a gray overcast morning, the kind where it's impossible to tell what time it is. A light fog obscured the hilltops on the other side of the valley. All was quiet. Our generator must have run out of fuel overnight. I peeled the blanket off me and sat up. I was naked and I could smell the scents of hardcore rough collie lovemaking clinging to me like a sultry perfume. Everything hurt and I had to piss like a racehorse. I felt hung over, even though I hadn't tasted a sip of alcohol. I looked down at myself. My pregnant belly was the first thing to greet me. I caressed it and wordlessly wished my offspring good morning.

Despite all the problems it caused, I love my pup, I very much did. We bonded like that every time I woke up. In the surreal milky white morning I channeled my maternal instincts and trusted in them to see me through the difficult times ahead. I remembered my promise to Dustin. Today was the day we'd find medical care and give it the attention it needed. Our night was over. A telephone three quarters of a mile away would change everything.

I looked up and to my surprise I saw a feral deer not three yards away. She was alone. She quietly strode into our fort, hardly disturbing a leaf. We saw each other at the same time. Her dull eyes bore witness to our incest. She stared at me as if with a combination of bewilderment and consternation, as if Dustin and I had broken into her living room and decided to have coitus beside her coffee table. If ferals could have complex thoughts I'd guess she thought, "How dare you." In the end, too soon, I won the staring contest. She galloped away before I could wake my brother and left me with an unverified anecdote and a very serious task.