Overdue Work

Story by WhiteFire Sondergaard on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

This was done in response to gift art at:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19019895/

The snow-leopard nudged her long ponytail back over her shoulder while counter bracing against one of the ducts walls, all while looking at a readout on her HUD coming from the cable tester she had plugged in. With a little sigh she unplugged the fiber and returned it to it's connections, and then with a shove sent her floating further up the access shaft mumbling to herself, "Nope."

This had been going on for a while, and... suddenly she stopped and pressed herself up against the rungs to hold herself still with a little groan, closing her eyes tight and squeezed her thighs tightly together around the toy under her jumpsuit as it activated and teased her relentlessly for the next minute... just... teased... She thumped her head into the bunk head when it stopped, yet again leaving her yearning.

She took a few deep breaths with her eyes closed tight and she swallowed, saying, "back to work..." and she pushed herself up the shaft.

Once more before she found the break she had to stop, once with the heavy nipple rings that were a bit more than they appeared vibrating intensely enough she was left clutching her breasts, and curling and grinding a hand pointlessly over the crotch of her suit, which just let her feel the smooth plastic of the chastity device she was wearing.

Worse when she had found the break, she was close enough to the target location in the ship that the toy bound to her loins had started vibrating the plug inside her again, though low this time, and just staying on. She knew that it was only going to get more intense as she got closer, too. Because she wrote the program.

This left her splicing fiber with an aching chewing at the edge of her mind as she tried hard to concentrate on fussy work. It took much longer than it should leaving her all the more needy. She muttered to herself and her on board computer, "log fiber break repaired at this location, strand A345-12, initiate end to end test."

She didn't even realize where her wandering hand was going as she was impatiently watching the results on the test on her HUD and it made it to her beast. She realized it right about the time she touched her nipple through the jumpsuit as she received an intense static shock to her nipples from the piercings to remind her "fuck no touch!" as she cried out.

"Test complete. No errors" was heard in her ear and she says, "Oh thank fucking god." This had been going on for four weeks. She had made this 'bet' with herself that she could get all the computer systems of this ship 100% before launch. A bet that she secured with toys... and was rather now questioning the sanity of as she panted in that passage the sting still fresh on her chest and that toy in her groin teasing away at her.

As is typical of both computer work and people who work with computers it had taken a lot longer than she expected. Certainly not from a lack of effort on her part, however. As the fact station time was in the single digits could tell her.

And that suited her needs just fine. She was one of two people on the ship, and she knew perfectly well the guy on bridge watch was dead to the world.

She took a deep breath to try and calm herself before she pushed herself up the passage that ran parallel to the spine of the ship heading forward. She had a lot of practice, despite the narrow crawlspace she passed several decks with out having to correct. Her way was simply lit by the decorative glowing spots of fur she had, mostly inside the rosettes, though she had a few more geometric markings here and there. Between that and her eye implants she could see just fine.

As she had programmed it to and now totally out of her control the toy got increasingly more intense as she got closer to the forward observation dome. At 20 meters the vibe directly pressed to her clit kicked in and she huffed as she accidentally shouldered into a bulkhead, the pain in her shoulder so very briefly distracting her from her loins. She didn't remember it being quite so maddening when she tested it last month.

She opened the double hatches at a particular branch from the passage, slipping through them and pulling herself into the much larger open space of the observation lounge. She closed the panel she had just crawled out of, and made sure that the cameras in this lounge were still marked down, even though they were perfectly functional otherwise, and with a gentle push off she floated into the large space in front of the large glass dome and the stars.

And for just a moment, as she was getting close to her goal, squirming as she worked her way out of the suit, that caught her eye, just... the vastness and beauty of it. Which made the fact she was stripping nude in front of that giant window make her squirm even harder. The chances of someone happening to spot her from the outside were approximately nil.

But not quite. And that fact had her cheeks feeling so hot as she wiggled her ankle out of her flight suit, and with a careful eye, still holding it balled up in her hands, she gave it a gentle nudge for breaking, leaving her floating nearly still in the middle of the room, and at target for the toy inside her which had gotten so intense she mewed and curled into a ball grasping her ankles. The heat grew under that smooth plastic covering her sex, her tummy felt that growing tightening sensation and she gasped in anticipation... and then it stopped.

She made a rather feral mrrowl of frustration at that and then gasped, "d-damn literal..." she cursed under her breath as she pulled the hair band off her nearly foot-paw long hair off, freeing the ponytail, and leaving her with a slight spin as her hair fanned out behind her.

Now that the program's requirements were met: work complete, location specified, completely nude, it disabled the denial program, and started the next one. She was a mix of afraid and intensely aroused by what she knew she had done to herself, what was coming... and still not, for she had given it as much randomness as she could.

It's fun programming your own sex toys.

She knew she got it right when she felt the more gentle prickly tingle spread through her erect nipples, and for the first time in a month she knew she was free to touch her own breasts, and as that tingling grew in her nipples she cupped her own chest and stroked over her breasts with a low lustful moan, squeezing her nipples between her fingers and making the rings stand out.

Then a jolt hit her right in the loins and she yelped loudly, followed by an intense buzzing against her clit and she mewled and this time arched her back, like she was pressing her breasts into her hands as all that could be seen of her self inflicted abuse was a smooth white plastic cover over her slit, while inside the toy caught between her inner folds with it's thick base started shaking in long throbs, stilling, doing it again.

And then it was the part she both dreaded and yearned for. The fact she was a total pain slut didn't make it that much less frightening at times. The first serious jolt was a static discharge to her right nipple that lasted a solid second and left her yowling and clenching that breast, while tugging and twisting on the other ring in frustration as her hips tried to buck pointlessly into the toy that was pretty much a part of her at the moment.

Then her left, with similar results, and then it just started randomly shocking them both, sometimes together, sometimes alternating, the intensity and duration varying and she finally let go of herself holding her arms out with her hands balled into little fists as she had to helplessly endure it. Which was exactly what was making her tummy tighten up so quickly again, her complete helplessness to a piece of software.

When she started to get close, it applied current from her clit to the plug inside, and again, short little zaps in time with her clenching at the toy inside her, until it was causing that instead, growing more and more intense until she outright screamed, throwing her head back in a way that had her spinning end over end, limbs spread out as the thing tortured her to a shreaking climax, clenching and clenching and feeling like she was trying to crush the toy inside her as she started to thrash in the air.

Worse, it was not about to stop until she did. Just as she started to come down, it hit her with an intense throbbing current again, causing her to scream loudly a second time. This cycle of climax and almost stopping continued for a time, which she at some point stopped being able to conceive of, though certainly less than the eternity that it felt like.

When she finally simply had no more to give, it just stopped. She floated there dazed and confused for several minutes gasping for breath, while the toy inside her deflated, and released, becoming loose enough to remove. Not that she dared touch her lap right away.

She took a deep breath finally to try and relax, and then reached down, and with a cringe popped the toy free from her aching loins, tender from being repeatedly shocked, and denied access for so long. She eyed the nearest support, and tossed the toy away from her hard enough to slowly float her into reach and from there she was able to push off in the direction of her clothes, and retrieve the toy, before vanishing back into the ductwork.

As she closed the hatch behind her, she said to herself, "worth it."

The Ring

This is one-off porn. That means I didn't put a lot of effort (read: any) into editing it. It was at least written with a spell-checker turned on. I had a hard time figuring out what sort of kinks actually apply to this story... it's... weird....

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Lust to Lose

Copyright (c) 2007 WhiteFire blah blah blah... WARNING: This is a piece of pure jackoff material. It makes no attempt to be anything more. It involves nonconsentuality, kidnapping, humiliation, exhibitionism, and most of all, castration. I beg...

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This story, which I have no better title for the moment for, takes place in the same world as the Brother's set of stories. That huge mess can be found at [http://www.fur.com/~wfire/Brothers/](http://www.fur.com/~wfire/Brothers/) in a draft state. It's...

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