Chapter 3: Pep-What?

Story by Aysling SilverFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Paint Splatters

"Okay, guys, before we start, you need to listen. Tonight you need to be out by the field by 6:15," Mr. Marciniack, a badger, says addressing the band room at large with the friendly authority they have come to expect of him. The furs nod in agreement. "Alright," he pauses, thinking of a pep-tune then says loudly, "Gimme Some Lovin."

To which they yell back, "Extra slow?" he smiles and shakes his head knowing they will never let him live it down and moves into his office so the drum major can conduct.

After a while of playing high-energy songs, the badger walks out of his office and yells, "School Song," over the talking of the furs. The song finishes and there is a mass of rustleing music and clattering cases. Aysling sets the bass-beaters on the marching bass drum with a sigh. The bell rings and there is the usual mob at the door that is more compareable to a mosh pit. Aysling waits for them to clear out then heads to lunch.

"Hey, foxie," a zebra named Larka says outside the cafeteria, and hands her a can of tuna.

"Oh my gods! You awesome zeb!" Aysling squeeks and hugs her.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" Larka asks hopefuly as the sit a a lunch table.

"Pep-Band," Aysling replies exitedly and Larka's ears go down in disappontment.

"Pep-What?" Art asks sitting next to Aysling with a trey full of all his favorite bear foods.

"Pep-Band," Aysling repeats slowly, using her claw as a can opener.

"Whats that?" he asks with a mouth full of salmon.

"The band goes to the football field, plays band versions of rock songs, and get in for free," Aysling says licking tuna off her claw.

"I wanna go," Art says and stuffs more food in his mouth.

"Ok, but I have no clue how to get you in," she says playing with one of her peircings.

"I wish I could go," Larka complains chewing her peanut butter sandwitch.

"You could carry my beaters!" Aysling says triumphantly poining at him. Art nods and continues to shovel more food in his mouth. Aysling smiles and eats her tuna.

Eighth hour, Aysling has a computer class and is finished with the easy PowerPoint in five minuets, while the rest of the class struggle with it. She sees a notification of a new e-mail on the screen. She clicks on it when the warthog teaching isn't looking.

The message reads,

_Aysling blushes, checks that the warthog still isn't looking and sends, [You made my panties wet. - Angel of Music] then minimizes the window.

She gets the reply, [Murr. I want you soo badly, my sexy vixen. - Lil' Bear]

She blushes deeper and sends, [That depends on weather or not you tie me up. - Angel of Music]

Art was in study hall with a rageing hard on, before sending the messages, now, he's about ready to spooge in his boxers. He sends [Yes, but your not allowed to give orders. That is no way to talk to your Master is it? - Lil' Bear]

He gets his reply quickly, [No, sir. I appologize for disrespecting you. - Angel of Music]

He smiles and sends,

Aysling's cell phone vibrates as she sends, [Yes, sir. - Angel of Music] Then she checks her cell and it says one new message. Both Art and Aysling exit out of the e-mail program as the afternoon anouncements come on. The final bell rings and Aysling checks her voicemail.

"One new message. Message from 920-834-9174," her phone's voice says.

"Aysling, something has come up and we wont be home until tomarrow. Your mom isn't home either. Find some wher to sleep tonight. Bye," her uncles too-cheery voice says. Aysling flips her phone shut after deleating the message. She tracks down Art without too much difficulty, as there is only two bear in the school, and the other is a black bear._

She stands on the sip-of her toes and wispers in his ear, "I get to come home with you tonight, sir." He turns around, ajusting his Star Wars hat. He pushes his slipping glasses back up his muzzle.

"Do you have your homework?" he asks with an eybrow raised.

"I just wanted to make sure you don't leave without me," she says trying to avoid the fact that she did not grab her backpack.

"Another one," He says. She nods. He takes her by the paw to her locker. She packs her backpack, and closes her locker. She turns back to Art. Then a pug by the name of Tori run into her knocking Aysling over. Aysling's hits the floor with a THUD, her glasses fly to the opposite wall of the lockers.

"Hey, Art," Tori says trying to be sexy by puting her paw on his chest.

"Piss off," he tells her and shoves her away. She rolls her eyes.

"Watch where your going fat-ass," she says.

Art growels at her, "I would fight you if it wan't illegal. I don't want to end up in jail because of a stupid domestic."

Tori replies, "You'll regret going out with that thing," then walks away before Art can do anything.

"Are you ok, Aysling?" he asks her.

"I don't think anthing permanet," she says, "Though, sir, please don't hit my head while punishing me. I blacked out a little bit when I hit the floor."

"What's the most recent thing you remember?" he asks, helping her up and handing her glasses.

"Her walking away and you asking if I was ok. so it must have only been a second or two, right?" she says pushing her glasses on.

"Let's go home," he says. She nods. They get into his truck and he asks, "How long do I have you for?"

"Pretty much all night," she replies, "Pep-Band is at 6:15."

Once at his apartment, Art goes into 'Dom Mode' and begins to order Aysling around. "Aysling, take off your clothes," She does so in the slow way he likes. "Go get the crop," She does quickly, and kneels down to present it to him. He takes it and says, "Bend over the arm rest of the chair," She does. "This first punishment is for trying to order me around. Do you understand why this was bad?" She nods. "Good. Now I want you to count everytime the crop strikes you. I think 10 will be sufficient."

The first hit startles her and she gasps.

"Count," he growls.

She studders out, "O-one," then the crop comes down in quick succession, "Two. Three," by the seventh she begins to rise to meet the crop. "Eight. Nine. Ten." She feels heat where the crop hit her.

"Now, for your punishment about forgetting your books," he says, "You were struck down by the pug, so your punishment will not be as sever as it would normaly be, as I believe that that has taught you a little bit. Your punishment right now is half that of what it will be next time, understand?"

"Y-yes, sir," Aysling studders.

"Get up, put the crop away, fetch me the flogger, and assume the position again," he commands.

"Yes, sir," she replies and quickly does what she is told, she loves the way Art uses the flogger on her. She loves the way the stinging senstion becomes pain then pleasure. It does teach her, but more pleasently then the crop. Art know this.

"After each strike you must thank me and ask for another." he says.

The flogger snaps aginst Aysling's skin. She gasps and says "Thank you,sir. Please, sir, may I have another?" Art brings the flogger down 13 times. Aysling says the required phrase 13 times.

"Get up now," Art says, "and put this away." Aysling does what she is told. "It's 6 o' clock. We should get going."

They get into the band room. Aysling hands Art her bass-beaters and silencer. He hands them back and picks up her drum for her. They go out to the stands and the band plays untill half-time. They Return the band items to the band room and return to watch the game. Ayslings welts have gone now and are only a little painful, the bump on her head hurts worse.

"I'll go get us some hot-chocolate," Aysling says clearly bored watching the jocks tackling eachother for a ball. Art nods then cheers when their school scores. Aysling happily hums 'Land of a Thousand Dances' which is her favorite pep-tune, on the way to the consession stand.

"Hey, fuckwad!" someone yells and when Aysling doen't turn around, someone yanks her around. "I said your name why didn't you turn around, fuckwad? Is that because your a stupid, boyfriend-stealing, dirty slut?" Tori asks trying to intimidate her fellow freshman.

"Art would never date you," Aysling says, every word aimed to pierce Tori's hert, even though she probably doesn't have one.

"He would if there wasn't a skanky, slutty, whore-fox lying around," Tori says and spits in her face. Aysling attempts to punch her, but Tori's friends grab her arms and hold them begind her back.

"Beat her face in!" one of Tori's friends says enthusiasticaly. Tori smiles violently and punches Aysling square in the jaw, knocking her glasses askew. She then punches her between the eyes, breaking her beloved emo glasses. She continues punching, until Aysling ends up on the ground, then kicks her while her friends join in. One of their shoes connect with the bump on Aysling's head, rendering her unconscious.

"That should teach you not to mess with me soon-to-be boyfriend," Torie says ceasing her seemingly relentless kicking. "James, you just came out of jail right? You need to get back into working order."

A white and brown pinto stillion steps ot of the shadows and says, "Yeah I was in for rape when I was 18, got five years. Vixens are my favorite. Even if you did knock this one out. That'll make it more fun. Though I'll need to use a condom. You never know where these sluts have been."

He unzips his pants, puts a condom on his gigantic cock, and pounds into her. Her bloody body coupled with the fact she was unconscious drove him insane with lust. He cums hard, pulls out, replaces her pants and fixes his.

"James, I promise I'll be more fun then the bitch," Tori says.

"I saved some cum for you too, sexy," he replies. They leave Aysling beaten, bleeding, and raped in the shadows close to the conssion stand.

"Where has my yiffy vixen gotten to?" Art asks himself at the end of third quarter. He walks in the general direction of the concession stand and he sees a darkermass in the shadows. He is expecting to see some drunken highschooler, but it's Aysling. He see's she's bleeding and unconscious.

"Aysling," he tries to wake her, then he realizes he can't and he panics and runs to the concession stand and gets the attention of one of the furs working there.

"What it'll be?" the fox-husky asks.

"My girlfriend is passed out and I don't now what to do. I sent her to go get hot-chocolate, and I realy don't know what to do, and I dont want her to die, and -" he tries to say all at once.

"Calm down, honey,"the fusky says calmly, "Where is she?"

"Over there," Art says hurridly, pointing in the general direction, "I think she's -"

"Can you take me to her?" he asks. Art nods and leads him over there. "She's bleeding. It looks like she was attacked. Can you stay here while I go get officer Cane?" Art nods again, unwilling to speak. The fuskey comes back with a re dragon in a blue uniform a few minuets later.

"Did you do this to her?" he asks, checking Aysling over carefuly.

"Officer, I realy don't think he could have, he came to the consession stand in hysarics," the fuskey says kneeling down by the officer.

"Yeah, but he could have been fakeing it," the officer says gruffly, "he IS a bear."

"I doubt it," the fusky says leaning too close to the officer

"I'll get the ambulence drivers over here," he replies, getting up and walking over to the Ambulence. A mouse and a donkey follow the officer back, and check Aysling over.

"She's bleeding horribly from the back of the head," the mouse says semi-concerned. The donkey comes back with a stretcher, they load Aysling on it, and haul her to the ambulence. Art runs as fast as can to his truck and follows the ambulence to a hospital. Two hours later, Aysling becomes conscious again in a hospital bed, Art hold her paw obviously trying to distract himself with a graphic novel about zombies. She squezes his paw gently twice, he looks over at her with concerned blue eyes, she smiles in an attempt to relax him, He puts down his graphic novel, leans over and kisses her softly.

"Why am I here?" she asks softly.

"I found you unconscious and bleeding, so I got help," he says still looking worridly at her, "Who attacked you? Was it Tori?" Aysling nods but stops when she feels dizy.

"I don't remember most of it," she confesses.

"Baby," Art says hesitantly, "the doctors say you were raped."

"How do they know?" she says obviously stunned.

"He tore you up," he says slowly, willing it not to be true, "They think it was a stallion. That's where most of the blood came from. You've got ten stiches in the back of your head alone."

"Ahh, Miss SilverFox, your awake," a lizard nuse says, "I'll just take your IV out and you can leave."

Art eyes the nurse's cleavage as Aysling sobs and clutches his paw as the nuse takes out the IV. Aysling is terrified of needles. They leave the hospital and go out to arts dark blue ford.

"I tried to call your house, but no one answered," Art says starting the truck.

"Can I stay with you?" Aysling asks hopefully.

"Of course, baby," Art says, "You don't need to ask>"

"I guess we can't yiff..." Aysling says semi-sad.

"No," Art says firmly like a doctor, "You need to heal first.

"I was just kidding," Aysling says.

"I love you," Art says quietly, "I don't want you seriously hurt." Aysling nods and gets out when they get home.

"Where's my phone?" Ayslingasks, feeling her pockets. Art hands it to her and it says one new voicemail. "I gotta check this."

"One new message. Message from 920-604-5029," the cool female voice says.

"Aysling! I don't want a whore fox living under my roof! Don't ever show your skanky ass around here again!" her dad's drunken voice yells, "I'm burning all your shit right now! Have a nice fucking life!" Aysling delets the message.

"What was that about?" Art asks, "I heard 'whore', 'skanky', and 'burning your shit'. Was that your dad?

"Yeah the human is pissed off, as usual. I'm kicked out." Aysling replies, ears down.

"That fucker." Art growls menecingly, "Stay here until your mom gets back form Cali." She can feel the angeer radiating off of him.

"It's okay," Aysling whispers, "It happens alot."

"Well, it shouldn't," Art Growles, un locking the front dor.

"She's not," Aysling says, not meeting Art's eye's, "coming back."

"Why not?" he growls threatiningly.

"S-she say's she feels trapped here," she says.

"I'm sorry, babe," he says softly, enfolding her in a bear-hug. "Let's go to bed, you must be exhasted." Aysling nods, folows him to his room, and falls asleep in his protective arms. For once in her life, she knows she's compleatly safe, right here right now.

Chapter 2: Happy Yiffday!

Now it's October 25th, Art's birthday. Aysling is currently living with her mom and has been working at Trail Of Terror as a murder victim for the mad axe dragon who also chases the groups with a chainsaw at the end. Art avd Aysling have been dating...

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Chapter One: The Beginning

"Vila, I really don't wanna go," a chunky black and lime-green fox says. "C'mon, Aysling, you don't look too horrible," Vila, a semi-chunky fennic fox says. "Bullshit, don't lie to me," Aysling says looking at the two of them in the full length...

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