Addiscend: Revealed Truths Part 1

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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A story about reconcile; this the story about two coyotes that were enemies, until a startling truth has been reveled. Within the future like city of Addiscend, will these two coyotes; Nialus and Daedalus, put aside their differences to reconnect with each other.

A story for my friend this was originally going to be one complete full story, but I decided to cut into parts since its been a long while since I last uploaded another one on here. It was also originally supposed to be done in 2015, but problems in life happen. Part2 I will begin writing soon.

Story written by

Addiscend and its characters and the thumbnail art ©

Addiscend: Revealed Truths

Part 1

By Natsuru

It was a stormy afternoon; the sky was grey and filled with clouds, as rain was pouring down hard and fast. "Crackle, crackle", was the sound of thunder that could be heard all throughout the day. "CRASH"; the sound of lightning had struck the ground of an empty field. Well, the field wasn't completely empty, as there stood two coyotes facing each other. From the way the ground had looked; foot marks aplenty and parts of it burnt, it would appeared that they were just in a fight. As of right now, they were no longer fighting; they just stood across from each and stared at each other. On one end of the field stood Nialus, age twenty-three; the look of shock was plastered on his face as his eyes never left the coyote across from him. Daedalus, age fifty or over; stood across from Nialus, had the look of calmness on his face as he stood firm and quiet as his single eye never looked away from Nialus.

"You're wrong; you're lying", Nialus spoke out, as he broke the silence between him and Daedalus; "Every word you just spouted out of your muzzle is a damn lie." Daedalus just stood unfazed momentarily before speaking himself, "Believe what you want to believe, Nialus", he started. "I speak the truth of all that I had just told you; you and I are related. I am your father and as such, you are my very own offspring." Nialus was now gritting his fangs, as he bared them at the other canine and in his anger; he had his fists balled up like he was ready to charge at Daedalus and punch him. "THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT", he shouted out; "There's absolutely no way in Hell that you're my father. I know this because my parents are dead, and even then, there's no way in Hell my parents would work with the Council."

"Is that so; did it not strike you as odd that we both look quite similar to one another, the difference is that you started having hair grow out from your fur", Daedalus said. The older looking coyote then lowered his head; his expression had changed to that of melancholy and looked as if he were about to shed a tear. "You look so much like Alison", he whispered. Unfortunately, his whispered words didn't go unheard, as Nialus had managed to hear them; his ears twitching were proof of that. Alison; why did that name sound so familiar to the canine? Bringing a hand over to his head, Nialus grimaced like he was suffering from a headache, as images of a younger version of himself holding hands with a female coyote were running through his mind. Shaking his head of those thoughts, Nialus reached down into the holster that hung on the side of right leg, and pulled out a pistol; aiming it at Daedalus. The other coyote's single eye had gone wide in surprise from having a gun pointed at him, "I wouldn't normally use a weapon like this, but since I'm up against a member of the Council, I properly prepared myself for this as a just in case", Nialus explained; "So get ready to die, you bastard."

Daedalus was just awestruck; his attention never moved away from the pistol, but then he noticed something off. Nialus' hands were shaking; either he was nervous about killing someone, or nervous about having to fire a gun again; if he ever had done so before in his life. Was it possible that he believed that Daedalus was his father, and was just nervous about killing him? Seeing this, Daedalus couldn't help but snicker at such a sight, before eventually bursting out into full laughter; "Ahahahaha, do you really think you have what it takes to shoot me?" Nialus gritted his fangs as his hold on the pistol had tightened; his finger close to pulling the trigger, "You think I won't?" "I think you don't even have the balls to pull off such a feat", Daedalus taunted; "Through my single working eye, all I see is a pathetic pup." "DON'T BELITTLE ME", pissed off by the insult, Nialus began shooting Daedalus; three shots at his chest and one shot at his head. The older coyote's body had fallen backwards onto the ground, as a puddle of blood started to form from the bullet wounds he had received.

With the smoke from the gunfire clearing away from the pistol, Nialus returned his gun back into his holster. He gave a sigh of relief as he turned his back to the dead body that lied on the ground. With his anger gone and replaced with calmness, Nialus proceeded to walk off; satisfied with having killed a member of the Council. Or so he thought. "Well now, I guess I had you all wrong; you did have the balls to shoot four bullets at me. You sure proved me wrong." Nialus' eyes went wide from the sound of that voice. Turning himself around, he saw to his horror that Daedalus was standing on his feet; the bullet wounds he had were healing before the other coyote's eyes. On instinct, Nialus quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Daedalus, "You're alive; how is that even possible", he questioned. "I'll give a simple answer to such a simple question; I can't die for I am immortal", Daedalus answered back. Nialus stood in shock from what he just heard: immortality; was such a thing really possible? The coyote gave a growl before shouting, "CUT THE BULLSHIT", and then shooting another bullet at the canine. Acting fast, Nialus conjured up jolts of electricity within his right hand, thrust his digits forward, and shot out a bolt of lightning forward. Since the bullet he fired was metal, the lightning bolt attracted to the bullet, making it become an electric bullet.

"NGH", Daedalus groaned out in pain as the electric bullet had made contact with him, and he was once again knocked on his back. Not only was he dealing with another bullet inside of his chest, but now he had to deal with the jolts of electricity coursing throughout his whole body. With the body appearing to not be moving anymore, Nialus proceeded to make his leave once again, "That should be it; there's no way he could have survived that." Taking a few steps forward, Nialus had suddenly stopped in his tracks upon hearing, "Assuming that you've killed me for good and then walk off. How naive you are?" Quickly turning himself around, Nialus was horrified to see Daedalus standing on his feet again; the electric bullet in chest had popped out as the wound started to heal.

The hand that held the pistol was shaking, as Nialus was slowly bringing the gun up to aim at Daedalus, "Unbelievable, you even survived the electric bullet; there's no way a mortal could still be standing from that." Nialus was trying to make heads and tails about the situation; about Daedalus still living after having endured the electric bullet, and there was only one reasonable explanation that he could think of. "It's your C-cells, isn't it? That's why you've managed to survive from those gunshots."

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; it's hard to say", Daedalus said; "All I know is that I'm immortal from here, to when I'll eventually see the world die off." Briefly putting an end to his talking, Daedalus watched as Nialus' hand was trembling with the pistol still pointed at him, and he could see his fingers were going to pull the trigger again. "You can continue all you want with shooting me with that puny, little pistol of yours, and you'll just get the same results in the end. I'll never die nor be killed, and you'll never comprehend the meaning of life and death."

Nialus really felt like pulling the trigger again, but he couldn't deny what the other coyote had said was true. This man who claimed to be his own father was immortal, and that very concept alone had terrified him. Did that mean that the other members of the Council were immortal too? Would he forever have to live his life under the rule of the Council who could possibly never be killed? Everything that has happened all around Nialus was too much for him to take in; all of the lies and the many losses of his comrades. The coyote had enough of it; he couldn't stand the world that he lived in any longer.

Resting his pistol on the side of his right leg; not even bothering to return it back into the holster, Nialus was thinking things through. Images of the past events that had transpired around him were running through his head, as he was trying to come to terms with the world around him. It was from there that he had come to a conclusion; a very drastic conclusion. There was silence between the two coyotes as Nialus lowered his head to the ground; all that could be heard was the rapid rain pouring down to the ground, and the thunder roaring through the clouds. His eyes had then darted to look at his pistol; a noticeable gleam running down it. "I get it now; after having talking to you, I now have come to a realization", Nialus spoke out; "I've realized that as long as I continue to live here in this city, I'll never truly be free." Daedalus raised a brow upon hearing the words that were spoken; standing there as he waited to hear more of what Nialus was getting at. "All of the lies and deceit, the hidden secrets from the general populace, and the fucking Council and their rules; I've had enough of it all."

Daedalus was taken aback; surprised with the other canine's sudden breakdown. A part of him wanted to go over and console him, but before he could even move over, he heard the other coyote chuckle. "Hehehe, you know what though; there's only one possible way for me to set myself free from this place, and that is..." Daedalus' single eye had widened as he watched Nialus slowly move his pistol upwards, "Wait; what on earth do you think you're doing?" Aiming the pistol at his head, Nialus stood firm as he remained calm, "Isn't it obvious you eye patch wearing old man? I'm going to blow my fucking brains out." An audible gasp had escaped out from Daedalus' mouth; Nialus had seemingly heard the gasp as he smirked back in response.

"You should consider yourself glad, because once I take myself out, you and the Council won't have to deal with me ruining your plans anymore." His finger was slowly starting to pull the trigger back, while the other coyote just stood and watched. However; after gritting his fangs, Daedalus ran over towards Nialus in an attempt to stop him from pulling the trigger. Getting within close range, Nialus had pulled the trigger all the way; the sound of the gunshot was blocked out by the loud booming of thunder. The pistol had hit the ground, followed by droplets of blood; it had seemed like Nialus had killed himself. However, Daedalus had managed to stop him in the nick of time, as he held the canine by the cuffs of his long coat. The blood that dripped from Nialus was from a graze he had gotten from bullet.

"ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT; WHY WOULD YOU GIVE UP SOMETHING SO PRECIOUS", Daedalus shouted as he punched Nialus to the ground. There was a bit of a silence between them until Daedalus said, "Your mother...your mother wouldn't be happy if you took your own life, and she probably wouldn't forgive me if I hadn't stopped you." There was another silence between the two coyotes; all that could be heard was the rain hitting the ground. Taking a few steps forward, Daedalus lowered himself to the downed canine, as he offered him a hand, "Come on, I'll drive you back to your place", he said; "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold out here." Nialus didn't speak back, instead he just swatted the coyote's hand away in response; his eyes were hidden behind his wet hair.

An hour and a few minutes late...

A black corvette was driving down the street through the rough pouring of the rain. Within it were both coyotes; Daedalus at the wheel while Nialus had his right hand under his face, as he stared out of the window. The ride to the younger coyote's home was a silent one; not even the radio was on, and it had been like that since the two had gotten into the vehicle. Since Nialus wasn't speaking to the older coyote through the whole drive, the only way he gave directions to his place was by pointing his finger in the right directions. There were times where Daedalus would try to start up a conversation with the younger male, but he just couldn't think of any words to say. He tried once more; this time actually speaking to him as he asked how Nialus has been throughout his whole life, if he had a job or was in a relationship with someone. There was no given response; Nialus only veered his eyes at the older coyote, before turning his attention back to look out the window, as he gave a "Hmph."

The coyote silently watched the rain drops sliding down the down, as he saw all of the buildings they had passed by. Nialus gave a quiet gasp; upon closer inspection of the area they driving down, the coyote could recognize that he wasn't far from his apartment, and that it would only take a few more blocks. However, he didn't want the man who was giving him ride to know where he lived, as he still didn't trust him, nor believed him. "Pull over", Daedalus gave a 'what' as he was confused by what the young canine was thinking, but before he could do anything Nialus repeated what he just said as he himself decided to make the corvette come to a complete stop. Afterwards, Nialus allowed himself out from the vehicle; the feeling of cold air and fast pouring water hitting as soon as he stepped out. Quickly making his move, Daedalus grabbed ahold of the young coyote's hand, "Wait!"

Nialus turned his head to the older canine; the look of disdain was present on his face, as he stared down coldly into Daedalus's single eye. The older coyote felt uneasy as he was given that cold look, and was unsure about what he was going to do. However, he wasn't going to let the cold stare of disdain stop him from what he had to do. Bringing forth his other hand, he clasped it over Nialus' hand as he handed him a small piece of paper with numbers on it. Pulling his hand back to himself, Nialus took a look at the numbered paper and instantly knew what it was. "That's my cell number for, y'know, if you ever feel the need to call me...for anything"; Nialus continued to stare down at the numbers before he momentarily turned his head to face Daedalus. Upon moving his attention away from the older canine, Nialus placed his hands into his pockets; still holding the numbered paper within his hand, "I'll think about it."

A smile slowly appeared across Daedalus' muzzle; he felt there was some new hope for him and Nialus to reconcile. The older coyote gave a nod of his head, "And if you feel like it, we could even spend a day together. I'll treat us and answer any questions you ask me; it'll be like we're on a date, heh." That very last that was spouted made Nialus cringe; why on earth would he ever want to go out with someone from The Council? Let alone if this man was supposedly his father; why in the world would he want to go on a date with him? "I said I'll think about it."

The young coyote resumed his walking, but immediately stopped as he noticed that Daedalus hadn't driven off. Not wanting this man to stalk him to his home, he brought his attention back to him and said, "Shouldn't you be driving off; I rather not have you follow me to my place?" Daedalus' ears sprung upwards in alert; either he had forgotten that he was supposed to be somewhere, or he was just surprised that the canine before had brushed him off. "Oh, r-right"; starting up his corvette, Daedalus said his good byes to Nialus and proceeded to drive off forward, and made a left turn. Nialus never let his eyes off of the older canine as he watched him drive off, until he was completely gone. Unbeknownst to him though, Daedalus was keeping his eye on him back, thanks to his rearview and side mirrors, "Heh, keeping his eyes on me until I'm completely out of sight. Clever boy." With the car completely out of his line sight, Nialus brought out the cell number that Daedalus had given him, and looked it over again; contemplating either throwing it away or tearing it to shreds. However, he decided he wouldn't do neither, as he placed the paper back into his pocket, and proceeded to walk himself to his apartment.