Strange experiment

Story by Shinru on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissioned stories

This the latest story that I wrote, about 3 weeks ago! :) I am finished with uploading my previous stories, so from now I can post new stories I write, and a new one is coming soon, and it's... coming hard hehe ^_^

About this story, well the guy who commissioned it had weird fetishes, and I didn't know how to do it but I think it turned out pretty good in the end :)


Nerion opened her eyes slowly, it was dark all around but she could distinguish the shape of walls and a window. She was tied on a table, by her wrists and ankles. She quickly found out that her mouth was free, so the first thing she did was to scream for help. When she realized nobody came to rescue her, she gave up on screaming and began to struggle, trying to break the restraints. Unfortunately they were too strong, it was impossible to break them. Nerion was frightened, she didn't know what she was doing there, and she didn't even remember what happened before. She was completely naked. She tried to stay calm, for she knew panicking wouldn't help. She was about to analyze her surroundings, and the lights suddenly turned on. The sudden brightness made her close her eyes tightly. She heard a door open and two males talking. "Yeah it'll work don't worry" one of the males said. "Okay. And then we'll make her forget." the other male said. "Exactly." he finished, before Nerion opened her eyes. Their voices were low-pitched, they sounded like the kind of males that you don't want to mess with. She focused and got accustomed to the light. The blurry males then appeared to be dragons, one was green and his partner was orange. Except from their colour, they seemed identical. Nerion thought it was a good moment to ask questions. "Where am I?" she asked. The dragons looked at her and surprisingly didn't look threatening. No weapons, no scary faces, only them in a laboratory coat. They approached her calmly. "You're in our lab" the green one said, followed by his colleague who said "You're the first bird we saw." "Why are you doing this? What do you want?" Nerion said. "We just need some eggs for personal reasons, we'll free you as soon as we have them." The bird was astonished, then relieved. She was imagining plenty of horrible scenarios in her head. "You don't have to tie me!" she shouted, "I can lay eggs and then you'll be happy... Even though I don't understand why you need eggs..." "You don't need to understand", the orange dragon said, before taking a syringe filled with a greenish liquid. "This will accelerate the process, you'll lay eggs in barely an hour." "Hum... Okay" Nerion said, "but really I don't feel comfortable, I don't need to be tied." "Strict rules, sorry." he replied. The green dragon looked at his colleague and looked concerned about the syringe. "Hey, are you sure this isn't..." "No, I checked them many times yesterday, trust me" Thus, he injected the liquid in the bird's arm, and she instantly began to feel really strange, soon she breathed heavily and her limbs hurt. "Aaah... Is that normal ??" she panicked, as she felt her limbs stretching. The green dragon slapped his partner. "Damnit! It was the wrong one!" he yelled. "I don't understand! I was sure it was the right one!"

Nerion's body began to grow, her body was changing from an anthromorphogical form to a feral form, more exactly a centaur form. The restraints were being pulled with massive force and they broke, letting the bird free. "What's happening to me?!" she screamed, not understanding the situation. "That idiot gave you a transformation serum!" the green dragon said. She had turned into a centaur. Having two more legs, and being bigger than before, she panicked. "Aah! Give me back my normal form!" she screamed "We can't right now! The serum acts for twenty-four hours!" "Why do you even have that kind of serum?!" she asked "Because... Science..." the dragons said. The green one checked a book and took another syringe. He examined it closely and compared it with other manuals on the desks. Then, he came near Nerion and gently patted her. "Okay... So this serum is the right one." he said. "What ? You mean, I can still lay my eggs in this form?" "Of course. Your internal organs weren't affected." Thus, he inserted the syringe in Nerion's leg and injected the serum. The bird felt strange inside, as her reproducing system was being forced to work quickly. She contracted herself and felt like she had to push. "Whaat? The eggs are already coming ?" she said, surprised. "They'll come soon, indeed." the green dragon said. Her body began ot hurt a little as she pushed to make her eggs come out. The dragons immediately prepared a bucket to catch the eggs so they wouldn't make the floor dirty. Soon the first egg was showing up, it was bigger than if Nerion had stayed in her normal form and it hurt. As it completely came out, it landed in the metal bucket held by the two dragons. Nerion continued to push, there were more eggs to come. "Nggghh, how many eggs does that serum make ??" she asked. "I don't know, probably three or five" the orange dragon answered. Nerion kept pushing, and released more eggs. The bucket was getting full and it didn't seem to be over yet. They went in the store room to take an other one, but Nerion had the time to lay two more eggs quickly. This time it seemed to be over. She lied down, tired, and breathed quickly. "Ah... Ah... How... How many eggs ?" she asked. "One, two, three... Four, five... Hmm... Seven!" the green one counted.

The orange dragon picked an other syringe that he hid in his jacket. The green one brought cleaning products to take care of the mess that Nerion made on the floor. He put the eggs in the bucket and started to rub the floor with a wet broom. Then, he brought a hose that he used to clean the bird's vagina. Both dragons patted her. "Thank you for your cooperation, we now have all we need." "Ahhh... Thanks... But why did you need my eggs, anyway ?" she asked. "Personal reasons, can't tell." the orange one said. He whispered something to his colleague, and the latter nodded. Therefore he took the syringe out of his jacket and injected its content in Nerion. "Hey! What are you do...", she couldn't finish her sentence, and fell asleep. The dragons waited until she turned back into her normal form, then they carried her back to where they found her in the first place, in a forest. They left her under a tree, they placed her in a way that'd make people think she is just having a nap. Then, they walked away, going back to their laboratory to do what they planned to the bird's eggs. Where was this laboratory ? Who really were those dragons ? Nobody knew, and nobody would ever know, for they always left their subjects with no memory of what had happened.

The day after, Nerion finally woke up, thinking she had just taken a nap: she didn't remember anything. She stood up, stretched, yawned and started walking to god knows where...

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