Desperation x 2

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#4 of Broken Soul

"Lieutenant, we have visual confirmation of enemy bunker. It is approximately five hundred yards North North-East of our current position. Security on the outside is lax, but I can't be sure. I don't see any signs of life." Leon was looking through his scope at the cement bunker. It was abandoned, but no one was sure why. It is armored, hard to find, and it is in an excellent strategic position. "Something doesn't seem right."

The lieutenant sighed, "I trust your judgement, but we can't be certain until we get a closer look at out target. Leon! Take Alpha Squad with you and get a closer look. Report anything suspicious, we'll cover you." Leon reluctantly moved towards the base. The lieutenant never did like him, so it made perfect sense that he would send Leon through a large expanse of desert valley when the winds were strong.

"Yeah, you'll cover us if you get around to it. We're on our own, boys! Keep your eyes peeled and don't ignore any movement. Tell me everything you see, I'll get Recon to confirm." Even though he wasn't a high ranking officer, he commanded more respect over the soldiers than everyone except the heads of operations. He was a human, but Leon knew what he was doing and would give his life for any one of them, "Alright, we're at the halfway point, and they have a visibility of... zero. Perfect. Hey Effie, what do you see?"

"Uhh... a bunch of sand. Sorry to say it, but I can't help you from here. Actually, we have a drone near your vicinity, hold position and I'll get a temperature reading."

"Thanks. Keep me posted." The faint sound of the drone flying overhead was comforting to the soldiers, but Leon knew that something wasn't right. This could be a nuclear test gone wrong, or worse.

"Leon, we can't get an accurate reading, there's too much heat around you or something. It's coming from your target. Nothing nuclear, but be careful."

Leon sighed, then signaled for his troops to move forward. "Hey, what'd Recon say?"

"Uhh... some things are better off as a secret. If it becomes an issue, I'll let you all know immediately. Got it? Good, now keep moving, this wind isn't dying down, and I have sand in places no man should ever have sand." Leon attempted to lighten the mood, but they felt his caution. "I said move maggots! Three on point, three in the rear. Double time, ladies! Longer we're in the open the more dangerous it is!" They wasted no time in getting in formation and running towards the target bunker.

"Alpha Leader, this is Recon. We have confirmed movement of enemy troops on your 9. Be advised, they are moving fast... away from your position? Somethings isn't right, keep your guard up."

"Thanks Recon, we see 'em." It was strange, they were moving very quickly away from their position. It's almost like they set off a firecracker and were running for cover. Leon wasn't far off. They approached the bunker, and immediately, Leon saw a red flashing light on the inside and heard the faint sound of an alarm. This was the worst case scenario, "Oh shit. Everyone! Run back to the lieutenant and evacuate everyone! Something's about to get blown to bits!"

Most of the men ran back, but two stayed with him, "Sir! Aren't you coming with us?"

Leon grabbed his rifle tightly, "I'm gonna try and stop whatever is inside, you get everyone out of every base in this region, got it?" The wolf nodded, but Leon could see his hesitation, "Trust me, I don't fail." With that, he kicked in the steel door, which was left unlocked, and proceeded inside.

He ran through the blaring alarms and blinding lights, but had no idea what he was doing. There were countless hallways, and the frantic atmosphere didn't help his cause. Leon ran blindly down the halls, hoping to find something interesting. Luckily for him, he found a room labeling in a foreign language. One of the words he was familiar with said "weapon" and the other kind of looked like "experimental," both good things. As he opened the door, he saw five soldiers, each with some kind of electric blade brass knuckles, and somehow they noticed him much faster than he would have liked. They yelled something in anger, and they all charged at him at once.

The first one was abnormally quick, and went for Leon's head, but he ducked and hit the man in his gut with the butt of his rifle. Another charged at his side, but Leon barely dodged it and shot the man in the head. The third went for a different strategy. He kicked Leon's shin, elbowed his face, then tackled him to the ground. "Dammit..." The same soldier jumped in the air and thrust both weapons at Leon's heart. Quickly, he fire off a round into that man's head, then another into the one still stumbling about. The other two just stood near a table, both were wearing lab coats. They flicked their fingers, and the blades grew to almost two feet in length, and the electricity didn't help either. "Oh crap. This can't be good."

Leon took aim and shot at one of the men, but he somehow leaned his head to his side just before the bullet hit. Leon fired his last shot at his torso, but he quickly dodged, "You two aren't human of anthro, are you?" Leon was afraid to reload, because that would leave him vulnerable and their speed would overwhelm him instantly.

One stepped forward, "You have bested our guards, the ones we have enhanced to make perfectly. We do not wish to hurt you, but we offer you something that may help you. We have been imprisoned here against our wills, to develop new weapons and chemical agents. You have seen our latest works, used improperly of course. We will die here, our hearts have bombs attached that detonate if we leave the room. We offer you our refined enhancement drugs, and any weapons you see here. We do not care who's side we work for, only that our work makes it's impact on the world." Leon was completely lost. "I understand your hesitation, but why would we kill a man who will die without this drug? Please, there are no side effects, you can't let out work die. It is only temporary... for the most part... please."

Leon was sure that they weren't lying to him, so he accepted their offer. With the blink of his eye, the silent man had already stuck a needle in Leon's arm and had injected the formula. His vision blurred, and a tickling sensation shot through his body. It was over in a second, and he felt as though his senses were improved. The man then pointed him to another table. Leon picked up the electric weapons, then his eyes caught on a sniper rifle. It had three settings: Auto, Single, and Infuse. He didn't care what they meant, but the weapon felt perfect in his hands, "Who's a pretty girl?" He felt the steel on the rifle, then looked through the scope. he was satisfied, "Thanks, scientists. If you'll excuse me, I have something to stop." he ran through the hallways at inhuman speed, and felt as though he could feel the room he was looking for.

Leon barrel through the bunker, which went a lot deeper than they had anticipated. It was only about twenty feet above the surface, and about 1000 feet below. He saw through a window a large missile, and the source of the alarms. The smoke was starting to billow out of the bottom, and it was already aimed. All that was left was to open the hatch so it could fire. Leon ran even faster than he thought he could, and in no time at all arrived at the abandoned silo control center.

It was in a foreign language, so he couldn't read it. However, in his training he learned about this machine and where the controls are. He hit stop, but nothing happened. He hit it again, with no result. Then he smashed his fist down on the machine, making it blow up in a shower of sparks and shrapnel. "Damn, I have to do it manually." He hopped on top of the smoking machine, turned his new rifle to infuse, and took aim at the supports. A beep surprised him, but he didn't have time to wonder where it came from. He fired what appeared to be an armor piercing bullet encased in a white fireball. It torn through the supports like butter, taking two of them out and causing the missile to fall on it's side. However, it was still about to go off. Leon looked up and saw what he feared the most. The silo doors had opened. "Shit!" He ran up the stairs and through the halls, and just as he reached the window, he heard the ignition turn on.

Without looking back, he just ran up. He wasn't sure where, but up was better than down. Leon felt his blood pour out of his body, some from the shrapnel, and some from the electric weapons. They had paralyzed his side when they touched, so he didn't feel anything until now, "Alpha Leader, come in. I repeat, Alpha Leader, come in!"

"Uh, busy right now! Call back later!"

"Leon, what the hell were you thinking, there might be a missile down... wait, why are you so out of breath?"

Leon turned a corner and found a staircase that led up, "Lot of blood, lot of fire, lot of pain, no thinking, big," he heard the boom, "Big big big big missile. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" the radio fizzled out as the heat grew rapidly. He ran up, but found that it led to a dead end. Time slowed down, giving him a chance to think, "Let's see, I could try to make a barricade or shield myself, and hope for the best, or I could bust through this little window and hope for the best. Both equally good choices, but I think I'm going for the window." Time returned to normal, and he tackled through the window, which shattered easily. He saw the sand, at least a hundred feet below him. Of course, the fire had pushed him out of the window, so this turned out to be the better of the two options. Leon shut his eyes, and thought about why he was doing this. As he smiled, the sand came up to greet his body.


"And... that's what I remember. A heli was sent to pick me up, and I survived. That drug wore off, but I'm still faster than I used to be. Fun stuff, really. Huh?" Effie was lying on top of him, her soft fur and firm body was comforting. She was still caressing his chest, slowly drifting off to sleep. "What's that glow?" She perked her ears and looked around, but didn't see what he saw.

"What are you talking about, I don't see anything. Maybe that story just brought up bad memories?" She tried to comfort him, but his eyes didn't lie. He saw something.

"It's... weird," he pointed his finger at the top drawer of her dresser, "It kinda looks like a security camera." Effie smashed her hands down on Leon's chest, springing her off of him and the bed, "Coulda been softer, you know." he said grunting.

"You have to be kidding me!" She rifled around in the drawer until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a camera and looked at the label, "That little bitch... she wasn't watching porn with someone, she was watching her latest work?"

Leon sat up, "I don't follow."

Effie sighed then looked embarrassed, "Well, you remember how I said my sister was kinky?" he nodded, "Well, that's because she owns a pornography business. She makes a ton of money, and i guess she thought my apartment would be good for filming. Look for the other cameras, I have to make a call." She put on her panties and her teddy, then went to her phone in the living room. Leon put on his pants and searched the room with a fine tooth comb. He found three more cameras and put them on the bed next to the first one. He left the room to hear Effie yelling at the phone, "Pick up, dammit! I know you're there!" The doorbell rang. Leon looked at her, and she waved him on. He answered the door, and it was Effie. Sort of.

"Oh my god! It's you! You were amazing! Effie, lookin' sexy! I can't believe I forgot my cameras, but still, that was amazing footage! I was just sitting at my computer masterbating and the live feed came from the motion activated cameras! You tow were awesome! I ran over here!" This was Effie's sister, Momo. The pattern on her fur was slightly different, as there her left ear was brown, and Effie right was brown. She was certainly eccentric. She did a flying tackle-hug to Effie, and sent the two sprawling to the ground. Effie kicked her off and hopped to her feet.

"What the hell were you doing in my room?!" Effie had her fists balled up, ready to beat Momo into a coma.

She waved her hands in front of her with a smile on her face, "Well, sadly I didn't do anything. My people came down with the flu, so I had to cancel productions. But you two! I'd love to make that into a movie. The inter-species thing is really popular right now, and we could make some big bucks together. Just think, "Operation Pleasure," or "Desert Plow." There's so many titles! I can't decide! What do you think Leon?"

"Whu? I'm sorry, I'm just a little screwed up right now. I think I need to take a seat."

Effie put her hands on his shoulders as he sat on the couch, "What's the matter?"

Leon laughed without humor, "Well, in 24 hours, I was awarded the Medal of Honor, found my girlfriend and learned what she had been doing for two years, drank enough whiskey to knock out a horse, got into a barfight with my ex and her new lover, had sex with you, which was my high point, then learned I was filmed in a porno. I'm not sure how I should be reacting."

Effie was nervous, so she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Momo was still jumping with joy, "I never thought I'd get off to my sister, but damn! That was incredible! Please, tell me you want to sign with me! I know you soldiers don't get paid much, and you wouldn't have to have sex with anyone else, so how about it? You want to start a family, right Leon? Don't worry, Effie's told me all about you. This could help both of you out. Think about it, then give me a call tomorrow. I'll be waiting~" She left Effie and Leon in an odd position. She was right, they didn't have much money, but was it really worth it?