03 - One Night on Monk Cock

Story by Sandwalker on SoFurry

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#3 of World of Warcraft

Continuing on from the previous two stories, Heyo and Rhuna finally get some time alone to get it on without being interrupted.

Picture commission done by the talented Wetherby on FA/Inkbunny.

"I never get over how this city can stay floating so far above the ground," mused Rhuna as he dismounted his wyvern taxi. The tauren winced as his stiff joints complained after what seemed like hours in the saddle. "It must take a lot of magic."

"The Kirin Tor have power beyond our imagining," responded Heyo, Rhuna's fellow monk, as she hopped lightly off her own wyvern. "As well as many high-priced wares for our coin purses to avoid." The diminutive pandaren dusted herself off and grinned winsomely at the tauren. "Feeling your age, are you?"

Rhuna poked his tongue out at Heyo. "Only because of the blasted cold in this continent. I always feel as if I need to soak in a hot bath for a week to get the chill out of my bones." He took off his helm and ran a thick-fingered hand through the frosty black hair that drizzled coarsely down his neck. "And the ice out of my fur."

"Come on," Heyo said with a soft laugh as she headed for the stairs leading down to the city from Krasus' Landing. "I'll treat you to a hot drink before we do anything else."

That was the best idea Rhuna had heard in several days. He took several quick steps after her before he heard a male voice shout after him. "Sir! Sir, your bags!" The tauren turned and saw the heavy, somewhat bulging backpacks that a young blood elf attendant was struggling to unload from the wyverns before they were led aside for a rest and sustenance.

"Oh, right. Forgot about those," he murmured. He hefted the larger pack onto his back, grunting under its weight, and took the other one from the attendant's hands and slung it over his right shoulder. After a moment's thought, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin. "Thanks," he said, holding it out to the young elf. He looked to be about ten, though Rhuna knew that he could just as well be a hundred or more years old. Elven life spans were a mystery to him.

The attendant's eyes widened, and he looked at Rhuna with a wide smile. "Thank you, sir!" he said, quickly pocketing the coin and nodding in appreciation.

Rhuna found Heyo waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. Wordlessly he held the smaller pack out, and the pandaren took it and slung it over her left shoulder. Together they wandered out into the bustling streets of Dalaran.

Though the spired city was home to the world's most eminent magi, a great many people of other persuasions had made their homes here. Goblin merchants, ever on the lookout for prospective new markets, rubbed shoulders, if grudgingly, with gnomish salesmen, both hawking their wares to the populace as they shopped.

"Boy, have I got a deal for you!" exclaimed a black-haired goblin with the crookedest nose Rhuna had ever seen as the tauren passed by a small stall.

"You must get sick of saying that," Rhuna said, stopping to glance over the goblin's stock, which seemed to consist of bric-à-brac from various cultures, including vases, crockery and curios.

The goblin looked offended briefly, but then he glanced around and leaned over conspiratorially. "Honestly... yeah, but it's what's expected of us." He waved a hand over his wares and brightened up. "Can I interest you in something? How about this lovely vase," he said, picking up a tall, thin vase with an ornate knot pattern in blue and yellow. Triangles seemed to feature prominently in the design, including the general shape. "This comes direct from the talented craftsmen of Ramkahen."

Rhuna picked up the vase and examined it closely, turning it upside-down to peer at the base. "Ramkahen, my hoof! It says, 'Made in Gadgetzan'!"

Unabashed, the goblin took back the vase. "Well, maybe we have a few of their craftsmen working in Gadgetzan, that's all," the goblin explained.

Heyo appeared behind Rhuna, and peered around him. "Looking to buy something?"

"I wasn't planning to, but this guy seems to think he can con me into buying this vase."

"Hey!" The goblin scowled fiercely. "I do NOT con people. I'd lose customers if I did. I prefer to call it creative marketing."

"The vase is rather nice, no matter where it comes from," Rhuna murmured. "What are you asking for it?"

"Thirty-five gold, but I'm open to negotiations."

And so the haggling began. Even Heyo chipped in with her two coppers, trying to beat the goblin down to a more reasonable price, while he resisted their efforts. Eventually they settled on nineteen gold, with a silver-plated ring inset with a tiny blue stone thrown in for free.

Heyo gazed at Rhuna reflectively as they walked away from the stall. "You wanted it that much, huh?"

"Mm, I guess. I might be able to find a use for it. If nothing else, it's a bit of attractive tat to brighten up a room. And I got the ring too. I may be able to sell it for a profit."

The pandaren shrugged. "It's your money." She turned down a side street, then another, leading Rhuna into a part of the city he'd never been before. "I like the out-of-the-way places," she explained when she noticed Rhuna looking around, as if he was trying to memorise their path. "Great treasures have been found in such places."

"I know. I found you and Fistsong after all."

Heyo smiled warmly and put her arm around her much larger companion. "I can't argue with you on that front." She scanned the buildings on either side of them, turning down several alleys, getting Rhuna progressively more disoriented.

"Do you have any idea of where we're going?" Rhuna asked, feeling concerned about being in an area that looked as if it could support the habits of many a thief.

"I've been down here a few times when I've visited. I found a really good inn. Sure, it looks run-down, but it's more of a facade. The beds are really soft and warm, and the ale isn't too bad either."

Rhuna nodded slowly, following a couple steps behind Heyo as she led the way. Eventually they stopped outside a small two-storeyed building with cracked marble blocks forming its outer wall. Several cracked windows looked out at them, and a somewhat lopsided sign with a rose and five-pointed star on it claimed the edifice to be the imaginatively named Rose & Thorn. It didn't look particularly inviting, but the first impression totally belied the warmth of the interior. He stopped just inside, and looked around at the glass-covered lamps flickering gently in their wall sconces. A roaring fire was blazing merrily in the fireplace, and about a dozen patrons of differing races were partaking of various alcoholic beverages. Two barmaids circulated through the tables delivering and taking away mugs.

"I'm impressed," the tauren murmured as he followed Heyo to a large table at the back of the room. A blood elf woman clad in robes of red and gold sat behind it, writing in a ledger. She looked up as the duo approached.

"My friend and I would like to have a room for three, if you can manage?" Heyo said cheerfully. "Or two rooms beside each other."

The woman picked up a blue leatherbound book and opened it at a bookmarked page. "We're almost full today, but you're in luck. Our last two vacancies happen to be rooms eight and ten, upstairs. It's twenty-five gold per night, or twenty if you stay for at least three nights."

"Um... just the one night, Rhuna?" Heyo asked, turning to her much larger companion.

Rhuna thought for a moment. "For now, yeah. We'll see what Fist says when she comes back." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his coin pouch. "Do you want an up-front payment, or just settle when we leave?"

"Up-front, please. If you quality for the discount, it will be deducted from your final bill." The blood elf smiled as Rhuna pulled out several gold coins and counted them out carefully. "Thank you very much. Stairs are just over there, and the first tankard from the bar is on the house." She reached into a drawer and pulled out a pad of small paper squares. She scribbled her signature on the bottom and tore the page off to hand it to Rhuna. "Just give this to the barkeep."

"Thank you," Rhuna said, glancing at the paper before giving it to Heyo. "We'll just go take our stuff up, then we'll be down to sample your ale. Apparently this place is better than it looks."

The woman tapped the side of her nose. "The shabby exterior is purely for looks. You'd be surprised at how much repeat business I get." She lifted two keys from their hooks and passed them to Heyo. "Enjoy your stay."

"Fistsong and I came here a little while ago. We had a few hours, so I suggested we roam around and see what Dalaran had to offer, and we found this place," Heyo explained as they went upstairs to check out their rooms. "The beds were so comfy, and just the right size for a horny tauren to get some relief." She shot Rhuna a sly sidelong glance.

Rhuna felt his face heating up, and his cock twitch in his trousers, as his mind immediately flashed back to when he'd first met his fellow monks. "I'm, uh, sure it was," he murmured, trying to think of something else to dampen his rising arousal. Heyo leaned in closer to him and rubbed a fluffy hand over his crotch, making his sheath swell even more. "Poor girl hadn't been getting herself off, so... I helped her with it. Again and again, until the blankets were soaked." Her voice was low, just loud enough for only him to hear.

"Heyo, stop that," Rhuna pleaded, as the crotch of his trousers tented further, becoming uncomfortably tight. "At least let us get into the room first."

The pandaren giggled and gave her partner's crotch bulge a squeeze. "Spoilsport," she pouted with a grin. She stopped in front of room eight and unlocked the door, then moved on to its neighbour. "Pick a room." A quick glance through the doorways showed that both rooms were virtually identical, so he opted for the second room. They were well furnished, with a bed definitely large enough to fit a male tauren - possibly two with intimate arrangements, a small table and two stools, and a bathroom. He dropped his large pack on the floor beside the bed, then went next door to give Heyo hers. "Did Fist say when she'd be back?" he asked.

"Later this afternoon, but I can't be more definite. I know she'll want to check out the evening markets." Heyo took her pack and began to pull things out of it, arranging them neatly on the table. "Apparently there's some guy who caters to the homebrew enthusiasts, and she's been looking forward to catching up with him again."

Rhuna nodded. "Has she ever thought of selling her brews?"

"I don't think she's ever made it in large enough quantities. Really, it's just enough to fill a few kegs, and she drinks most of it herself."

The tauren watched Heyo thoughtfully for a few moments. "Has she... ever made something that could... arouse passion?"

"Why, are you in need of some?" The pandaren turned and grinned widely at Rhuna. "I don't think you do, not with me to tease you with just a few words." She moved closer to him, with a definitely sensuous swish of her long striped tail, "I'd bet that I could get you hard in a minute, and...." Heyo trailed off, reaching up on tip-toes to wrap her hands around the back of his neck to pull his head down to her level. "In my hot, snug cunny in two."

A little part of Rhuna's mind wondered how Heyo had figured out exactly which of his buttons to push. As her small hand stroked over his crotch again, the movements quite deliberate as the fingers traced the outline of his sheath, he felt his pulse increasing, and his breathes to match. She was almost true to her word. It took only a short time for his member to emerge from his sheath and press uncomfortably against the taut fabric of his britches. Heyo seemed to take pleasure in caressing the large, lightly pulsing bulge, making it twitch uncontrollably every time she rubbed over his sensitive glans.

Heyo watched Rhuna's face as she teased him. listening to his quickened breath, the occasional whimper. "You're so big, but you're so easy to play with," she murmured, almost purring her words. "You know, I've been wanting to get you alone again, my big stud."

Rhuna nodded. acutely aware of his aching member, feeling it begging to be released from its confines.

"So why don't we do something with this, hmm?" Heyo pulled at the drawstring that keep Rhuna's trousers tight around his waist, then single-handedly undid the buttons, taking her time to pop each one, gradually reducing the pressure upon his member.

He wanted to ask how she had got so proficient with sensual teasing, but caught up in the moment, the rational part of his mind went to sit in a corner, letting his baser instincts take control.

Heyo released the last button, and slipped her fingers into his waistband to pull his trousers down, letting them fall to the floor. She gazed upon the tautly stretched fabric of his burgundy britches, watching it twitch and throb with each beat of his large heart. A dark, damp spot at the apex of the bulge gave further voice to his arousal. She caressed the bulge lovingly with light strokes of her fingertips, causing the dampness to gradually spread. "Mmm, I think someone needs to be taken care of," she purred, looking directly into Rhuna's eyes and licking her lips. "But first...."

The tauren watched with an almost agonised expression as his partner moved over to the door to close it. She poked her head out into the hallway, and disappeared briefly to close the door to Rhuna's room first. "Now, where were we?" she said, padding back over to Rhuna. She pushed against his belly, prodding him in the direction of the bed, upon which he was forced to sit down. It was then that she slipped her fingers into his britches and slowly pulled them out and down, releasing his maleness. It sprang up, waggling comically for a few seconds until it settled, jutting towards her face.

As he watched, Heyo licked her lips and lowered her head over his shaft. Her breath was soft, almost imperceptibly, but he could feel the warmth of it playing over his leaking glans. Her eyes looked up into his, and her small pink tongue flicked out to brush gently over his cockhead. Once, twice, three times. She dipped the tip into his urethra and swirled it around the opening, smearing his precum over it.

He gasped in surprise when one of her hands cupped his balls, softly, slowly manipulating them, ending jolts of pleasure through him. He stroked his thick fingers through Heyo's hair, smiling back at her as she parted her full lips and slipped them languidly over his member, not letting up with the movements of her tongue.

If there was a higher plane of existence, Rhuna felt as if he was already there. The pandaren's mouth felt heavenly around his thick, throbbing cock as she bobbed her head, gradually taking more into her muzzle until he felt his glans pressing into her throat. A choked gag told him that she'd reached her limit. She hurriedly backed off, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself before resuming her very pleasurable oral activity.

Heyo was moaning softly, the sound accompanied by wet slurping as she liberally coated her lover's shaft with her saliva. Now and then she lifted her head to grab a steadying breath before slipping her lips back down, wiggling her tongue over the underside of his cock while she continued to fondle the large balls underneath. Experimentally, she moved her thumb downwards, rubbing over the smooth skin just above his tailhole.

The effect was immediate. He gasped, and involuntarily thrust his shaft deep into her throat. Startled, the pandaren barely had time to register how far his cock had gone before she gagged, gulped hard and found her nose pressing against Rhuna's belly. For a few seconds they didn't move, while Rhuna panted raggedly, his cock twitched deep inside Heyo's neck, and her lungs burned for air. Eventually she pulled back, letting his member slip from her jaws. A line of drool briefly connected her lips to his cock before it snapped and swung back against her chin. She gasped for breath, her eyes wide.

"Did I hurt you?" Rhuna asked, concern colouring his voice. He leaned forward, stroking his hand gently through her hair. "I didn't know I would do that."

"I'm fine," Heyo replied once she'd calmed her breathing and swallowed a few times. "I never thought I'd accidentally deepthroat a tauren." She licked her lips to clean them, then carefully rubbed that spot under Rhuna's balls again. He gasped again, and he leaned back and raised a leg to give her better access.

"You like that a lot, huh?" she murmured with an almost shy smile. She made a mental note to fully explore her tauren lover's body more when time permitted. She lightly rubbed and explored beneath the tauren's heavy scrotum, adjusting pressure and movements until he was moaning and panting, while he slowly masturbated, working himself closer to climax.

On an impulse, she slipped a finger into her mouth and wet it thoroughly, making sure it was totally covered in frothy saliva, then slowly applied it to Rhuna's anus. It clenched tightly at the initial touch, and he stayed still while she rubbed slowly around the puckered sphincter. When she pressed the tip of her finger into the very core of his hole, he couldn't help letting out a yelp as it slipped in. She stopped, waiting patiently as his hole clenched involuntarily at her finger, then when he relaxed she pushed it just a little further.

In this way, Heyo gradually begin to finger-fuck him, twisting her finger as she carefully thrust in and out, lubing his virgin tailhole. "Rhuna?"

"Yes?" Rhuna had laid back, pulling his legs up to fully expose his rear hole to his lover. Not once in his life had he ever thought he'd be in the position of having his anus penetrated in a sexual manner, and though it was painful and uncomfortably to start with, he was starting to find that it was rather pleasurable, especially when Heyo crooked her finger to stroke his innards in different ways. When it happened to prod against his prostate, he yelped again as a strong jolt of - he could only describe it as sexual lightning - coursed through his nether regions, making his cock twitch. "Wow... do that again!" he urged.

Heyo was happy to. After a few experimental strokes she found his prostate again, and she spent a couple minutes stimulating it with varying strokes and pressures. Remembering that she had a question, she voiced it. "Do you like this? I mean, being penetrated like this."

"Once the pain goes away, yeah. It feels... rather weird, but enjoyable." Rhuna had taken hold of his shaft again and was stroking it, just enough to keep him at a gentle simmer. He didn't want to orgasm just yet. He was sure that Heyo wanted him to expend his seed deep inside her, rather than over his belly.

"Mmm. I was wondering...." The pandaren trailed off with a thoughtful look on her face. She pulled her finger out, then added a second finger, eliciting a grunt from Rhuna as he was stretched some more. "Would you be open to the idea of being mounted?"

That was a possibility that had never occurred to him. He tried to think about it, while he was distracted by the fingers working his tailhole. He could feel himself getting looser, which was an unusual sensation. "Like... if you had a cock, you'd want to fuck me?"

Heyo nodded, looking shy and cute again, a quality that totally endeared her to him. "Fist and I came across some gender changing potions recently, but we haven't tried them out yet."

The mental vision that came to his mind's eye was strangely appealing. He saw himself on all fours, taking Fistsong's thick cock in his muzzle, while their smaller companion gripped his hips and thrust deeply into his rump, going until they climaxed, at which point they'd switch places, Fist's fatter shaft making him groan around Heyo's.

"Yeah, I think I'd be up for that," Rhuna affirmed, taking his hand off his throbbing shaft to prevent himself from reaching the point of no return. Precum continued to drool from his tip, dripping down onto his belly fur.

"Maybe when we're all more comfortable with each other, we can see how far we can go, hmm?" Heyo smiled and pushed her fingers in deep, rubbing firmly against his prostate, making the tauren squirm and grunt with pleasure.

Rhuna nodded. "Speaking of which... I think it's your turn to get some attention."

Heyo giggled and withdrew her fingers. "Yeah. I have an itch that needs some scratching." She disappeared into the bathroom to wash her hands, and came back already unfastening her leggings. "I'll leave it to you to decide how it should be scratched." She slipped out of her pants and underwear, and turned around and raised her tail, quite deliberately showing herself off. As Rhuna watched with captivated eyes, Heyo reached between her legs and spread her labia, sliding her fingers slowly up and down her slit before pushing them into herself with a soft squelch. "Mmm, yeah... I'm good and wet for you, Rhuna. Ready for your long tongue, and your big, hard cock." She fingered herself for a short time, then pulled her fingers out and moved them around to brush over her crinkled pink-brown pucker. "Maybe I'll let you try out my bum too."

Before Rhuna could respond Heyo turned and languidly climbed up onto the bed, straddling his chest facing away from him. She shifted back, edging her shapely rump up and over his muzzle.

It was clear what Heyo wanted right now. The tauren parted his lips just as Heyo's moist pussy slid over them. His tongue darted out and sank into the wet heat of his lover's sex, immediately tasting the musky nectar that was seeping out of her. A happy gasp and moan, accompanied by a squirming of her buttocks, told him that she was well on the way to satisfying herself.

He parted her labia with his thumbs, better exposing the delights of her inner sanctum to his tongue. He wiggled it all around, sliding it in deep, thrusting in and out, and seeking out her clit to tease it. Heyo was completely lost for words. Her eyes were closed as she rode Rhuna's muzzle, grinding her sopping snatch over it, loving how his tongue felt swirling around inside her. It wasn't long before she was trembling at the edge of climax.

Rhuna brought her over with a nibble and suck at her clit, and as she orgasmed she flooded his mouth with her juices. He drank deeply of them, letting his mouth fill to savour her unique taste before he swallowed. He continued to tongue-fuck her, until she pulled herself off his face to fall to the side, shuddering and panting erratically. He shifted position so that he could look into her blissful face as he spread her legs. His member was still firm and ready for action, and he took her slowly and gently, finding the sensation of entering a still climaxing vagina to be unparalleled in his experiences.

The pandaren was in no state to talk but she uttered a squeak of ecstasy as her pussy stretched wide around his thick shaft. She wrapped her arms around Rhuna and pulled her against him as he began to make love to her, thrusting every inch of his maleness into her quivering body.

Their coupling was sometimes gentle, sometimes rough, but Rhuna and Heyo were lost to their mutual pleasures. Again and again Rhuna brought them to the summit of climax, without ever reaching it, slowing down and allowing their bodies to relax before he stoked their fires once more. He took her in different positions, on all fours, spooning behind her, flat on her belly and with her legs pushed back over her head, but for the final act she rode on top, so he could watch her small, but well-proportioned breasts bounce as he thrust up into her quim.

Their shared orgasm, when it finally arrived, was like no other Rhuna had ever experienced. His consciousness became as an explosion of multicoloured stars as his mighty shaft throbbed and erupted gloriously into Heyo's well-fucked pussy. The pandaren fell forward onto his chest, shuddering and crying out as her sex milked the heavy cream from her lover's balls. He held her in his powerful arms, cradling her as their juices mingled within her, until they began to ooze out.

Sometime later, when they had relaxed and they were more able to function, Heyo carefully pulled herself forward and off Rhuna's softened shaft, releasing a gush of white cum that dribbled onto his cock and belly. She lay next to him, cuddling up while uttering happy sounds.

Rhuna stroked a hand over her head, brushing back the hair that had fallen over her eyes so he could see them properly. "I don't know what to say," he murmurs, bending his head to plant a kiss on her lips. "Other than 'I love you.'"

"That's all you need to say, Rhuna," Heyo replied when their lips parted.

They fell into a gentle doze, still in a warm embrace, soaking in their combined afterglows. When they woke later, the sun was getting low in the sky, and Fistsong hadn't yet returned. Rhuna yawned and pushed himself upright, his movements waking Heyo. "Mm?" she murmured, yawning widely as well. She stared blearily at the tauren beside her until the events of the afternoon suddenly snapped back into focus.

A moment's exploration between her legs proved that she had definitely been the recipient of a spirited lovemaking session. She giggled and snugged Rhuna. "Mmm, thank you love."

Rhuna looked slightly embarrassed, and his voice stuttered briefly before he could reply. "Any time, Heyo." He looked down at his belly and sheath, both of which were now matted with his seed and her cunt nectar. "I think we should clean up before we do anything else."

"We probably should," Heyo agreed with a thoughtful nod. "But... as Fist isn't back yet...." She moved closer and stroked a diminutive hand over his sheath, trailing it over the dried semen to his navel. "Perhaps you'd be interested in round two?"

"Round two?" Rhuna stared at his fellow monk uncomprehendingly for a moment. "You mean you're still horny?"

"Maybe. Just a little." Heyo giggled in that cute way that he absolutely adored. "But why don't we change it up a bit?" A look of confusion crossed Rhuna's face, and the pandaren explained further. "You know how you were exploring my butt back in that goblin's inn? Well... we have another opportunity...." She trailed off as she moved her hand down to lightly cup the tauren's orbs. "If you feel up to it."

He was torn between acceding to her request for more action, and wanting more time to recover from the heavy expenditure of energy, as well as a bath to soak in. "I... think I am. If you can wake my cock up."

"Probably." Heyo grinned and shuffled around until she was on all fours again, with her head hovering above his sheath. She sniffed curiously at it, twitching her nose at the unique aroma of their combined emissions, then began to lick around the opening, wiggling the tip of her tongue into it, teasing the glans hidden within. One hand went lower to rub gently at that special spot below his balls.

Despite his doubts about Heyo being able to entice him into a second session of sex, he found his cock stirring and emerging from his sheath once more as the pandaren expertly manipulated him. "Are you sure that I'm the only male you've been with?"

A giggle was Heyo's only answer. After a few full-length slurps on his shaft, she shifted position so that she was on all fours again, tail swaying over her back.

Rhuna gazed upon the perfection of her tight, still virgin tailhole, and the spunk-oozing mess that was her femsex. His shaft throbbed, as if it was begging to slip into Heyo's body. He wasn't about to deny his body's needs, and he carefully positioned himself behind his lover. His large hands slipped over her rump to lightly grip her hips, and the head of his cock nudged into the gooey creampie. He pulled her back as he pushed forward, and easily sheathed his stiff penis within her passage, which rippled invitingly along his length.

Heyo gasped and clenched briefly before relaxing as her tauren stud began to thrust. She rocked back against Rhuna, taking every inch of his maleness deep inside her with lewd squelches. Just as she was really getting into it, arching her back and panting as Rhuna's shaft ploughed heavily into her, she felt him pull out, leaving her gooey pussy fluttering around nothing. A moment later she tensed up when the head of his warm, slimy cock pressed against her unsullied anus.

"Ready, love?"

A few seconds passed before Heyo took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready." Her fingers curled, gripping the bed's blankets tightly as her sexual journey went down a new path. She could feel the pressure building as the tauren pushed firmly against the very centre of her tailhole. Lubed up as it was, his glans met little resistance as it inexorably penetrated the tight ring of muscle protecting Heyo's bowels. Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened in a barely audible squeak as her back door gave up and admitted Rhuna's cock.

The tauren stopped, with just the head of his member hidden from view. The clenching of Heyo's anus felt amazing, squeezing his glans erratically. He stroked a large hand down her back, murring with pleasure as he just rested for a few moments, before advancing another inch.

Heyo whimpered, breathing shallowly as her large lover very gradually entered her, taking his time. It could have taken hours, for all she knew, but she knew that Rhuna was steadily pressing into her, stretching her poor tailhole, invading the dark sanctity of her most intimate orifice. So focused was she on the pain in her rump, she didn't hear Rhuna speaking. "Nggh... what?"

"I said I'm all the way in," Rhuna murmured, looking down at her tautly stretched anus, watching it flex around the base of his thick cock. "All eight inches of it." He smiled and slipped his large hands over her back and around to gently caress her breasts. Even in her discomfort she had firm nipples. He flicked them, and got a groan in return. The pandaren squirmed as she responded to the stimulation, gasping as her internal sphincter clenched around the head of the tauren's dick, drawing a gasp from him as well. "How's it feel, love?"

A number of possible responses flitted through Heyo's mind before she settled on one. "Like I have a massive meat pole stuffed up my rear," she said, still panting. "Hnngh... people do this for fun?"

"Well... it's probably more fun for the guy penetrating," Rhuna admitted. He moved a hand to guide it between her legs, seeking out her clit with his thick fingers. A clench and a sharp intake of breath told him he'd found it. He rubbed it slowly, back and forth, in a circle, lightly teasing her as his cock throbbed deep within her rectum. She started to relax, and he took the opportunity to withdraw a couple inches. Immediately she clamped down again. "Let me know if you can't take it any more."

Heyo nodded, feeling her body's confusion at feeling pain and intense pleasure at the same time. Her tailhole was definitely hurting a lot, but it was strangely muted by the clit rubbing. She couldn't help clenching as Rhuna began to move his cock, pulling at her innards briefly before pushing them back in. It was a weird sensation. She was sure she could feel every vein in his shaft as it slipped back and forth through her taut anus. Actually... it was sort of nice....

Rhuna alternated between rubbing Heyo's clit and slipping two fingers into her cum-oozing muff, keeping up the pleasure to distract her from the anal assault. She seemed to be getting used to it, grinding her rump against him when he was fully buried and pushing back when he was about to slide in again. He was fucking her with four inches now, and she didn't seem to be as tight. "How's it feel now?"

The pandaren turned her head, her eyes still a bit wide, and grinned. "Still feels like a tauren's crammed his dick up my bum. But... I think I like it. It's so strange, knowing that your cock is in a place inside me where it should never be. It's so naughty!"

"Mmhmm." Rhuna slipped his fingers out of his lover's pussy and offered them to her to suck clean, continuing to thrust. Heyo licked her lips, then slipped them over his fingers, mmming as she suckled the cum off them.

"I think I could get to like this," Heyo murred after she'd cleaned his fingers a second time. "A cock in both ends, lots of cum... om nom nom!"

Rhuna chuckled throatily. He shifted his hands to grip her hips, allowing him to properly drive his shaft into her bowels. Six, seven... then eight inches of prime beef were easily sliding in and out, now that her tailhole had got used to the massive invader. On a whim, he suddenly pulled out, gazing briefly at the two-inch hole his withdrawal had left. He could see right up inside her hole for a few moments before it began to close up.

Heyo looked around to see what Rhuna was doing, and saw him standing there, his shaft jutting out towards her, glistening in the light. He looked back at her, an enigmatic smile on his face. "What?"

"I was just thinking how beautiful you look," he responded.

"With my butt in the air and my hole gaping?" She rolled over onto her back, raising her legs and spreading them, fully showing off her delights. "What about now?" she asked, reaching between her legs and rubbing over her moist pussy. She watched Rhuna's expression as she slipped her fingers lower, dipping them into her now loosened anus, fingering it slowly.

If Rhuna's cock could have got any harder, it would have as he watched the pandaren finger-fucking her tailhole. "Beautiful, and so sexy!" He bent and pulled her rump over the edge of the bed. He nudged her fingers out of the way with his glans and one more entered her earth hole, sliding in easily until his balls were draped over her tailbase. Leaning over her, he pressed his thick lips to her more diminutive ones and pushed his tongue into her mouth as he began to make anal love to her again.

Heyo's grunts and moans were lost in the deep kiss. She closed her eyes and swirled her tongue around Rhuna's. Her arms hugged him tightly as he thrust again and again into her bowels, stoking a fire inside her that she didn't know was burning. "Hunh... Rhuna... fuck me, Rhuna!" she begged when their lips parted to give them breath. "I need... your seed!"

The tauren didn't reply, instead raising himself up to gaze into Heyo's emerald eyes. His hand gripped her around her upper thighs, and he hammered into her with wild abandon. Sticky slurping sounds accompanied each powerful thrust, a prelude to the finale. His breath was ragged, his chest heaving as he gulped in huge breaths to sustain him. Finally, he threw his head back and bellowed to the heavens as he erupted.

Heyo felt her tailhole stretch even more as Rhuna's cock thickened slightly before the first squirt of semen fired into her colon. Throb, throb, throb.... Despite having only climaxed a short time ago, Rhuna seemed intent on filling her to the brim again. She squirmed a hand between her legs and rubbed frantically at her pussy, trying to bring herself to orgasm again to join Rhuna in his bliss.

Rhuna pulled out, wrapping his thick fingers around his squirting shaft and stroking out the rest of his white cream, which splattered over Heyo's hand and sex.

As the tauren's seed spattered over her hand, Heyo achieved her peak, arching her back and letting out a whine of ecstasy as her nectar squirted out of her quim. Her fingers plunged in and out of her gooey hole, stirring her juices and Rhuna's into a sticky froth.

How long the moment lasted, they couldn't say, but it was some time before the fog of climax dissipated and they were able to properly think. Rhuna had sunk onto the floor, panting heavily, and was staring at the mess he'd made of Heyo's nether region. He could barely see either hole under the thick glaze of spunk he'd deposited. Heyo stared up at the ceiling, her body seemingly devoid of energy for the time being as she tried to get her thoughts in order. "Errrg...." She tried to lift herself up, only to sink down again when Rhuna unexpectedly began plying his tongue over her pussy.

Rhuna hadn't really tasted his seed before, but seeing his lover's sex plastered with it... he just had to clean up, being a considerate tauren. He slowly flicked his tongue around Heyo's labia, starting on the outside, and working inward. The pandaren moaned weakly and barely twitched as his tongue roamed around, gradually cleaning his cum away. Once her pussy was clear, he eyed her well-spunked tailhole, wondering if he could convince himself to lick that too. As if in answer, some of the air he'd pushed into her bowels leaked out, pushing out some of his semen with it. "Not today," he murmured, awkwardly getting up and stretching, before going to the bathroom to look for a towel.

Heyo giggled, rolling onto her side to help herself up. Rhuna came back, and gently wiped at the pandaren's bottom until it was relatively clean. "I think we'd better shower before we get that drink," she said, carefully climbing off the bed. She pulled Rhuna's head down to give him a kiss. It deepened, as it often did, and she broke it after a few seconds. "Mmm, tastes like cum."

"If it tasted of anything else, I'd be worried." Rhuna smiled and picked the pandaren up easily, supporting her legs and back. "If we're lucky, we can get washed up before Fistsong returns."

As if on cue, they heard heavy footsteps outside the door, and then it opened to reveal a heavily built female tauren, carrying a pack on her back and two smaller bags from one hand. Fistsong looked with a bland expression at the naked monks before her. "Did I miss something?" she asked, tilting her eyebrows quizzically.

Heyo giggled and grinned. "We'll tell you later." She waved a hand in the direction of the bathroom. "We were just about to wash up."

"Uh-huh. Don't be too long. I took the liberty of ordering dinner for us downstairs. It'll be ready soon." Fistsong then smiled knowingly. "And once you're fed and rested, I have some new beer samples I'd like to try out, if you're up to it. I've been told that one of them will 'let your hair down and your balls drop'."

"Sounds good! We won't be long, honestly!" said Heyo as Rhuna took her into the bathroom.

Fistsong sniffed the air as Rhuna kicked the bathroom door closed behind him. "Good," she murmured as she started divesting herself of her purchases. "Smells like they're getting in lots of training. Must be my_turn to get some sparring in," she added with a chuckle. She picked out a dark green bottle with a yellow label. "_Sea Swap," she read quietly. "For those nights when you need a change. This will be fun...."