Sabhira's Daughter #32

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#35 of Tails of the Khajiit

The Cat and the Wolf

| Kitty rose early and slipped out back without waking the others, though Ubergard's unblinking eyes followed her. In fact, Kitty was not convinced that the Argonian was awake, but she didn't feel the need to find out. After her needs were met on her way back to the cabin, she noticed a dark shape far away down the hill but moving rapidly in her direction. She knew undoubtedly that it was FarSeer in his altered form, but as the distance was closed and she knew he was coming to meet her, she trembled involuntarily. | image |

| Finally, as it turned the last corner and approached her, she could see it's form only too clearly. Though every nerve and instinct told her to flee, she decided she must trust in his words. Inside that thing, her friend was looking at her. For his sake she would trust him. But when he came within reach, her will gave out and she fell to her knees, looking away from him. | image |

| "I'm so sorry FarSeer... It's too much. I trust you, but I can't handle this. It's my fault, not yours. I'm sorry."

She felt a claw her brush shoulder as if in consolation, but at her involuntary shudder, it moved away. With a rustle, it was gone. | image |

| Kitty sat there for some time before gathering her courage and heading back into the cabin. If Ubergard was awake, she remained silent and Kitty lay back down. Her sobbing caused Udaran to wake. | image |

| "What is it Kitty?" she asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

Kitty looked to her friend and snuggled closer. "It's nothing," she lied. "Bad dream."

"I can't say I'm surprised with all the talk of werewolves last night. But calm down, it was just a dream." | image |

| "Dream? Did Kitty have a bad dream?" Muz-Ra asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yes, but it'll be ok," Udaran answered her.

With that they began to dress and gather their things for an early start.

"Oh, are you awake in there?" said a familiar voice from outside a little later. "I've got a breakfast ready for you if you've time before you have to go."

"Breakfast? Of COURSE! Thank you again!" Muz-Ra replied happily as they all rose to leave the cabin. | image |

| "It's a long walk, but if you stick to the course I've given Ubergard, you should get to Markarth tonight. I'll walk you back to the road," FarSeer answered after they had eaten.

"That's great. You've been a big help to us FarSeer. Better than we could hope. We all really appreciate it," Udaran thanked him as she gathered her belongings.

"And thanks for the dried venison too - it'll come in handy on the road," Muz-Ra agreed.

FarSeer looked to Kitty, who hadn't said anything throughout breakfast and was obviously avoiding FarSeer's gaze. While it was obvious something had changed in her, the others knew better than to bring it up. | image |

| A few minutes later, they had walked the path back to the road and were ready to continue towards Markarth.

"Well, thank you for staying with me. Will you be coming this way on your return?" FarSeer asked Udaran.

"From the explanation Ubergard's given me, I understand that this would out of the way. The main path from Markarth to Whiterun goes north of the lake. Though your hospitality is appreciated, I think we're all getting a bit tired of the road life. Probably not." | image |

| "I understand. Well, until whenever we meet again, fare well. Oh! I forgot to mention it. You won't have any problem with that wolf pack anymore."

"You've killed them?" Udaran looked up at the Argonian.

"Not all, but the pack is greatly reduced. They wouldn't attack anyone on the road again. At least until their pack increases again. I'm a pretty good manager of the resources around here, but I had let them get too numerous. They'd gotten bold. They are not anymore."

"And it's appreciated, for other travelers as well I'm sure. Good luck FarSeer. Perhaps we'll meet again."

"Perhaps. Goodbye, and be safe... Goodbye Kitty. I'll remember you fondly," FarSeer said and turned back to his cabin.

Kitty did not respond but gave him a sad look. | image |

| With that, the four turned toward the north following the western edge of the lake back up to the main road between Markarth and Whiterun. There they turned westward into the more mountainous land approaching the city of stone. Conversation was spare as both Ubergard and Kitty seemed to be lost in their thoughts, or just preferring to let their mind wander during the monotonous trudge of the journey. | image |