Chapter 9 Draft 2

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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With the rise of the morning sun, Ethan could be seen in his family's backyard, spinning his stun baton like a lightsaber. After that encounter with Amanda, he couldn't help but feel that he needed to get some kind of practice in. Sure, he couldn't just discharge random blasts of lightning without drawing attention, but nothing was stopping him from utilizing that retractable stun baton he had been carrying around. Sighing, he pushed a button as the weapon extended, before glowing with his electricity. Closing his eyes, he relaxed himself as he took a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he swung his weapon like a swords with a vertical slash, then an uppercut. Following up with the two attacks, he then performed a diagonal slash before striking the ground, producing a few sparks upon impact.Smiling, he cracked his neck before throwing a flurry of swings, generating a few sparks with each swing. "What fun is practicing combat when you're doing it on your own?" He heard from behind, forcing him to jump somewhat. Lowering his baton, he turned around as he noticed Nathan's blue furred jackal coming out of the house using her natural voice as opposed to her telepathy."Christine, you scared me." Ethan replied. "I couldn't sleep, so I went out of the house to practice with my weapon. I've been up since at least four fifty and-" Realizing how early he had gotten up, he went to look at his watch, as it read seven 'o clock. He couldn't help but laugh at the time. "Anyway, what were you up to?""Oh, I was just doing my daily meditation. I've been told that it's a means of relaxation, but I honestly find it as more of a habit." She explained. "Although it is useful for detecting the Auras of others.""Now that I think about it, Nathan had said that my power over electricity may be a form of Aura manipulation. Do you think you know what he meant of that?" Ethan had asked out of curiosity.Sighing, Christine explained "I hate to say this, but I think he might've been saying that metaphorically. Anyway, how about I help you out with battling?"Ignoring the explanation Christine gave, he asked "You serious? I'd actually expect to take on Nathan for a sparring session.""I wouldn't want to put him down like this, but he still has a long ways to go before he can compete with your strength." She explained with a shrug."And you have more vulnerability with electricity." "Who said you were using your

power on me?" Christine replied as she held her paws out, and created a bone shaped staff out of her Aura."I guess that works, then." Ethan responded, knowing what attack she was pulling off. Grinning, she jumped at him, attempting an overhead strike. Dodging her attack, he asked "Since I like learning on the job, I'd like to know a bit more about Aura. If there's more users of the dark side like Amanda running amok, I might as well know about what you and Nathan possess, Christine." Blocking a strike from his baton, she dodged another strike as she used her staff to knock him off his feet. Taking the chance, her right paw glowed with a light blue Aura as a sphere emanated from her paw, before firing it like a bullet as it made contact with Ethan's torso. Upon hitting the ground, he could feel the pain of getting hit, as he shrugged it off.  "I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised to see you take a hit like that." The jackal expressed, even though she herself was surprised to see him shrug off one of the most versatile amongst amongst Aura Manipulators. "So what's the first thing you know about auras?"As the two clashed with their respective weapons, Ethan replied while twirling his baton like a sword "It's a life force of sorts that everyone possesses?""In a nutshell." Christine explained. 

Part 2: Electrokinesis

Hey, everyone. Pokémon Trainer Hilda here! Did I say Pokémon Trainer, even though I'm already in my late forties? Well, there are some occupations you can retire from; Pokémon Training isn't one of them to say the least. (Laughs) Death is really the...

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Part One: Power Colors and Meanings

Hello, fans. I've seen at least two, if not three writers write some paragraphs detailing over how some elements of their worlds work. Soooooo, I thought I'd take a stab at the idea. *looks at his palm as it glows with dark blue electricity before...


Chapter 9 Draft 1

The next morning was rather uneventful for the Black residence. Even in spite of Amanda returning, let alone the fact that Ethan had a potential target on the back of his head if he wasn't careful. After his morning habit of a sponge bath to wash up,...

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