phoneix...To the skies ch4 end it quick, and fly away

Story by The guided one on SoFurry

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#4 of Phoenix...To the skies

        Ok, up until now, I've been comfortable with the whole adventure theme that this nonsense has been going on, I'm a phoenix and I'm stuck being in a mess like no other, especially now. Ok, so I'm on a submarine right, through Darklin connection,--- who if you don't know who he is read the previous chapter. * * *

Melisha right next to me, she's standing up, suited up, Darklin dressed up as a ninja, as is Melisha, as far as I can tell, he's going to stay by a computer a lot. (Ah, Melisha looks nice) what I'm not a saint, I can't keep my personal thoughts away all the time, get over it, plus that wouldn't then I wouldn't seem human, well you know what I mean. Alright, so I'm standing up facing the screen in front of all of us. (I wish I knew the one piloting this thing) at least this time I'm all geared up. In between the both of us, is Darklin at the computer, and a halls worth of room behind us and about two in front of us. We're on the right center back of the submarine, to our left and rights our more screens, (man if that computer crashes the screens go down, but the glass would have to be used as a substitute...) "If this thing sinks I won't forgive Darklin" Earlier-Melisha:"Flare just trust Darklin" ^=^(yeah, he stole it Melisha most likely)   -Flare:"I will once we get onto the base" (what's with scales? I couldn't have hurt his feelings, and another thing Melisha seems happy when she should be nervous) Darklin:Man, my scales are bothering me, well I guess its to be expected since I'm not use to being in this tin can, in fact, I feel like I have an itch I can't scratch that's spreading     -__- (don't tell me he has fleas or something) "Hey have faith, we'll get there in no time" * * *

 Over at the controls- isn't poetic, the hero, faces danger and yet the greatest is in the very submarine, his mistake was trusting someone he just met, the second thing, didn't he think it was too easy that his girl friend was found so quickly. Well I guess not since he never found out, but this makes things all the better. But there's no doubt that if he does find out, he won't make it out of this.

  The present-Flare turns his head over to Darklin "Darklin tell the captain to speed up the sub"  "Sure" (its getting a little dull even for my taste) Darklin turns on a mic. "Cap. speed it up little" but the captain doesn't respond by speaking or increasing speed. Melisha walks over and looks at Darklin "Hey is that mic. working?" "It should be, I just got it last month" (No! malfunctioning, or nonfunctioning equipment are not what I need right now, keeping track of whether the base is responding to us in any way is all I should be doing) he speaks into the mic. again "Hey captain are you alright?" (Nothing...great!)          Flare shakes his head (I don't like this one bit), "I'll go see if he's alright" he walks out of the room and goes down the hall the control room. He makes his way over the door, its locked, he looks in and he doesn't see the captain inside, or any one, (great, no one controlling this thing) Flare kicked the door down, and he hears Darklin. Darklin voice is heard "What was that?" Flare walks over and then speaks into the mic,  "I had to kick the door down, guess what, the captain took off somewhere" Melisha had a shocked expression "What!" (seems like he works faster than I thought) [Back in the other room]  "Its alright, I'll take the controls and make sure we get there, you two just keep watch for the captain, and a possible intruder." [Back in the room]  Darklin sighs "Just in case someone took the captain?" (if that's the case who snuck on?) Flare's voice is heard  "Yeah, he ether really touchy to this submarines controls or that, there's also the possibility that he just rushed out without realizing he locked it." (if he or someone else did this, than what's the best thing to do?) Darklin getting distracted by thought "I doubt he would do that, but you never know" (if he did, he isn't following his reputation for being someone who takes a task seriously, and doesn't stray from it) Flare's voice "We're coming up to the base, anything Darklin?" "No, looks like any surprises we'll find inside" Flare's voice "Its not like we gave them an email saying, 'yeah we're going to evade your base and stop your organization' or something" Darklin sits quietly "..." (yeah, some joke) Melisha smiling, *heh* she started to chuckle (I'm glad I don't have to keep this act for much longer)    Flare's voice "Its up head, looks like they wants us to come in" (this couldn't be better, looks like they haven't noticed us, wonder if Darklin doing it)

  • * * [Back in the other room]          "Hey, Darklin why are you helping us?" a figure is right behind Darklin. "I love the thrill of it, being out there, the pay I get nice too" he didn't noticed the figure getting closer. "If you were given more pay for being a criminal would you do it?" (maybe if you say yes, I'll signal and you won't get knocked over the head) "No, using my skills for one side enough for me" he continued to keep watch for anything going on outside the submarine. (too bad, I wanted to see more of what you could do) she signals the figure to knock Darklin in the head. DarkLin sees Melisha giving a signal  "Hey, who are you sig..." *thud* he lands on the floor, the the captain dusts himself off. "Hey 'captain' I thought you would never get here I was beginning to think you were going to betray us"  "What can I can say, double crossing that dragon will better profit me than he ever could" "Well I'm glad that you think that now help me tie him up" Melisha and the captain tie up Darklin. So, he's gagged, arms behind his back, both of his legs are lightly wrapped up and tied, as are his arms, his wings are bruised due to the rope. Melisha admires their work   'captain' taps Melisha on the shoulder "go ahead and call your 'boyfriend' over and tell him I'll be over there, so he can leave the controls" She walks over to the mic. "Flare, I found the captain, he had just rushed out of the room and had locked it, you can go ahead and come back" Flare's voice "Ok, I'll be there in a second" (that was quick) he left back for the room. When he got there he noticed Darklin was missing from his spot. "Where's Darklin I though he was making sure we didn't go into any unexpected bumps in the road"  Melisha response "He decided to take a walk in the submarine" [Back in the other room] (thats not like him) "Ok" (I'm not buying into this, even if I hadn't known him long I know enough to know he would have said something before) the submarine stops once in the base. (finally here) They take a dip into the water, and step closer to an elevator, "it might be safer if we take the stairs over there" he notices that Darklin isn't in sight just Melisha. Flare notices that Darklin isn't with them and looks at Melisha "Where's Darklin Melisha?"  "We don't need him, if things get tough, you can handle it" (besides, you shouldn't worry about him)  "Fine" (I don't like it, this time I wanted backup) he goes over to stairs or tries to, he's grabbed from behind, he grabs and then throws the person behind him over his left shoulder. He found it was the captain he had just thrown. "What are you doing here, you should be in the submarine?" 'Captain' staring at Flare "You don't get do you?" The 'captain' tosses his clothes to the floor, and reveals that he was a rat anthro, rouge, so he wore, a cloak over himself, . "A rat that's a rouge? How original, mind telling me your name?" Melisha shouts "You can take him" (he wishes) then the rouge runs away into the elevator and before he closes the door 'Captain "I would worry about your dragon friend" Flare flies over to the stairs, with 'Melisha' behind, fly up and kick off of the walls to keep their momentum going. As tiring it was, he pushed on. He sees the rouge, follows him but he hears a cry for help, so leaving it up to Melisha to follow him, he goes to where he heard the cry. He sees a woman deer anthro wearing a t-shirt and pants,with her antlers holding the old man from eariler against the wall, "Hang on! Hey, you," he walked closer to her and even more he runs and then flies over, to knock into her head, but she swings her antlers and charges at Flare while he's in midair. Deer anthro looks over to Flare "Finally, you've arrived" "Thats my left shoulder your pressing into" Flare turns on fire, she steps back for a moment  "I'm not impressed" (I can beat this guy easy) Flare tries to press off of her but she got him pinned against the wall, "Miss, let me go or I'll have no choice" his flame was out.  "Your going to cut my antlers off? Your pretty predictable with nothing new" she press harder into Flare, knowing he'll just heal. "I wouldn't...want to..." (but she's not leaving me with a lot of options) Flare turns into a spere of flame and lands behind her. She turns around, he flaps his wings, front flips forward, jumps off of the wall, and charges towards her. She swings her antlers again, he goes over again runs on the wall drops, she gets her antlers ready for a midair strike, but instead, he drops to ground, slides, grabs her legs and makes her trip due to her own weight. He runs over to the old man, and helps him up, (yep, as I thought, its that old guy from the bus stop from last night) "Are you alright sir?" Old man answers"Yes, perfectly, just tired"  "we need to hurry, there's no time to waste" Deer anthro up on her feet staring at them "I won't let you" Flare bursts into flames, and he turned the heat up to an inferno, the deer anthro had to move a distance back before she could even see again. His flames went out, and he and the old man ran to the nearest elevator since the stairs were blocked. But instead of an elevator it was a two cable ziplines going straight down, they took them, since the deer anthro was right behind them. (If this thing breaks we're going to have major issues with the ground) while going down they hear an explosion, luckily they make it down, when they get off the ziplines they see that the elevator next to their way down had dropped and was crushed. But on the bright side, no deer anthro to attack them; he make his way over to the crushed elevator, and opens it open with his flame. To his relief no one was in it. Now stuck with the old man until the old man, Melisha, Darklin, and he left, they noticed motion on the floor they were on and found the rouge talking in a well lit room. He and the old man went up to the rat, the rat ran into the room and then the it was all dark inside. He went into the dark room, and finds Darklin, and Melisha tied up, but as he's about to go over and untie them, he finds he's surrounded. (Great this is all I needed after I saved that old man) The deer, rat, and a woman bat anthro surrounded me, that was until another Melisha walked in, "Nice trick" 'Melisha' scowling "Why thank you, you know, if not for this organization no one would be able shapeshift or at least not until they allow all beings to" "Is that your game, your going to benefit the world by breaking laws?" Flare asks "It is, I'm gald your so smart or I would have to spell it out for you" "Show your self, if I'm right, your a chameleon" she changes into a woman chameleon anthro. she claps in front of him, "very good, but how we'll you stop us you still don't know" 'Rebirthing' by skillet "...I'll beat you four without using my sword" the chameleon shoots her tounge him, which misses, bat the dives in, he ducks and moves out of the way, to the left, then right, the rat comes at him with a dagger, he pushes off with his legs and sends him off behind him, Flare flips forward and lands on his feet. The deer, charges at him, he flies into the air, the chameleon shoots her tounge at him again, he barrel rolls, so it misses, the bat flies back over to him at that instant, he bursts into flames, she dodges. But Flare kicks her down, to the deer anthros direction, the deer catches the bat anthro. Then Flare's flame are growing higher, a true inferno, he dives down at a fierce pace, and then he hits into the floor, creating a shockwave that knocks all of them, the bat, deer, chameleon, and rat all out. They all can't get up due to the shockwave and probably won't be able to until much, much, later. The flames managed to burn through Darklin's and Melisha's restraits. Darklin stretches "Hey, how you been Flare?" He notices that Flare has a blank stare, "Flare?" Flare collapes onto the ground.  Melisha rushes over to Flare "He never pushed himself this hard before, I..." (I can't lose him, not here, not now, not to this group) Darklin could see tears coming down Melisha's face, which dropped onto Flare's body, (ha, well I'll be I never thought I see the tears of phoenix) "So tell, me...Why are you getting all emotional if for one, he isn't a thousand yet, so he won't die yet, unless..." Melisha stops crying "I want his body to heal faster than normal so he can help again sooner" Darklin "Then it looks I'll have to protect us" (while carrying Flare around, just great) the old man that he rescued at a swamp he sees.  Old man notices Darklin "I see you're still helping others" Darklin nods, he nods as well. "How is the boy on you shoulder?" He notices Melisha had been crying.  "He's very tired, but other than that he's fine" Darklin sees the old man taking something out of his front left pocket. "Madam, here wipe your tears away" the olf man hands her a bandana, that she takes and uses to wipe her eyes. Melisha takes a deep breath "Thank you" she hands it back to the old man who puts it away the bandana back into his front pocket. Darklin thinks who they can't leave yet "We need to get to the boss of this place now, before they can manage to recooperate" Meisha not sure what to say to that (I want to say that if we do we might not get lucky again but) she nods and they move ahead. * * * Hmm, finally, they've all arrived, I might just get chance to see all our progess in action. "Agent Doris, its time for you get your revenge on that dragon, Darklin, Febstring" the cat anthro hands the alligator anthro a vial of a pink liquid. "With that, you can tame him, after that, be sure to use the effect on that knight."        The alligator anthro nods "I'll sure to" she walks out into the room that the old man, Darklin, Melisha, and Flare are at right now.

An woman alligator antro with a navy uniform walks into the room from the opposite side. Darklin notices who it is (It's that gator from that swamp, what is she doing here?) he looks to find the old man sees her too, "Melisha do you think you can distract her?" Meisha "Yeah" (shouldn't be too hard) her body bursts into flames and flies over the gator, but the gator doesn't seem to be distracted at all. (so much for being easy)  Gator anthro points to Darklin "Darklin, I'll have me revenge on you" Darklin trying to laugh "You'll never reach me, or catch me for that matter" she holding a vial of something, she's putting it up to her lips, she drank the whole vial. (Never seen someone drink from a vial for a drink for anything really, but logic dictates the only other reason is very unlikly) the old man notices how the  air changed more fragrant, it seemed to coming from that gator. Meisha noticed the smell but it was different for her (that smell, its well, kind of wierd, familar, but not known, I'm not sure how to explain it) then Flare notices it (what's that smell, its so...I never smelt something this intoxicating) Gator anthro stood proud like she had just accomplished the impossible "very soon every guy in here will weaken" Meisha rushs down but is grabbed by the neck even though she's on fire Gator anthro confidently says "I guess I forgot to mention that I grow stronger as they grow weaker, and due to how fast it works, time is on my side....Oh, and that goes double for their speed" she tighten her grip on the phoenix neck, harder and harder.   Meisha feels the pressure building on her (If I blackout they'll be, captured, if I...)    "but the effect I like the most is what is does to men when they look directly at me and the rest that follow after...Hey Darkin come over here" he started to walk over there, mesmerized by her like she was a goddess. The old man was sitting down, with a puppy dog stare. "I'll let you see the effects all the way through" she let Meisha go. *Thud* "But since you can't see right now, I'll just tell them, with my body's warmth, I turn them on, but when I touch them..." *Thud* Flare's body hit the ground, "they cum, each and everytime I touch them." A white puddle was forming on the ground, as the gator anthro gently rubbed her hand on Darkin's neck. 'The unfinished story' Albulm: My music collection, by Isisip Meisha awake but can't get up (my brain on fire...I can barely...think) in a very soft whisper "Flare..." Flare managed to wake up (Got to get up...even...if...we...end up locked up here....I rather get one last...fight) he struggles, due to the effects of the vial but he manages to get on all fours, and falls. Gator anthro notices how Flare tried to get up "So he still has some fight left in him huh?" She leaves Darkin in a puddle of his own cum, and stands over Flare. "Not going to give up?" She kicks him over to the opposite door.   Flare laughs a maniac laugh, "you do realize that by using vial that I don't have to hold back like I've doing before" 'Faint' album: Meteora, by Linkin Park Gator anthro not sure wether or not to believe it "You bluffing, there's no way that you could have been holding back" but she looks into his eyes, they've changed, into sinister eyes. Then he drops his shoulder, leg, and arm plates onto the ground, but he leaves the rest on.   Flare looks at her, she terrified, but it wasn't just how his eyes looked that did that to her. His body turned into a raging storm of fire. He dives down and makes her get pressed into the floor, to the point her feet are now below that floor's floor. He kicks her in the face, picks her up and scrapes her on the walls of the room, then drops her onto the ground presses a foot on her down hard and starts swing his sword at her back. "If that vial going to run out tell me now!"       "So I guess its not going to then, you have to say something" Gator anthro still under the effects of the vial when ...(I can't tak...) Flare sees she fainted, well then I have someone I need to meet, he walks through the doors with the old man behind him, with Melisha on his back. And he sees a surprised cat anthro sitting a chair at a desk at the middle back of the room. "Are you the one in charge or do I have to go through all this more than once to find the boss?" Woman cat anthro response "No, I'm in charge" Flare thinks about it for a milli-second (So the one I had a talk with earlier the boss of this organization that been a royal pain the butt) "Your organization attacked people, including myself. Woman cat anthro looks at him with a uncaring hateful look "And you want me to do what?" Flare just response "Stop doing that, get volunters for research, that I don't mind, if the issue isn't solved I'll be back."  * * *      'Slow down' by Paul Collier The scene goes black, and the sound of snoring is heard. The scene then goes to Darkin laying back in a comfy swivel chair with his computer off with his eyes closed, then it moves onto Melisha who's on her belly sleeping away. The scene fades out, then you see a jumble of armor on the floor, and the scene goes black again...          Â