Sabhira's Daughter #43

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#48 of Tails of the Khajiit

Oh, Lighten up Udaran!

| "Could it be true? Are we finally going to meet Sabhira's daughter?" Udaran asked.

"That name couldn't be coincidental. Shabira? And Ashasha sounded very confident," Kitty agreed.

Even Ubergard seemed excited, "She'd not have gone through that if it wasn't her. I think so!"

"Kitty, would you mind trying to find Muz-Ra? She should be here too when Shabhira comes."

"Sure thing. I'll be back right away!" | image |

| "What do you think of this one?" Muz-Ra said, trying on yet another outlandish outfit.

"Did you hear what I said, Red? We FOUND her! She'll be here within the hour!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Oh yes, yes. I heard you. But I haven't found anything yet and there's so many!"

"Don't you think it's a bit... much?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But wait, maybe this?" | image |

| Kitty stared in disbelief. "Well, the bottom is definitely YOU. But I don't know HOW you squeezed into that top!"

Muz-Ra looked down at herself. "I guess not. Hmph. Well, I guess I'll go back to the gold bikini."

"And what of the..."

"Oh damn them. They saved my life once. If all they ask in return is a bit of voyeurism, I think that's a small price to pay."

Kitty nodded agreement. | image |

| "But I'm taking one back I want to show Udie. She'll get a kick out of it." | image |

| Ubergard was rolling on the floor and Udaran doubled over in fits of laughter after Muz-Ra entered.

"What? Don't you like it?"

Ubergard spluttered, "Lady Death! Please don't kill me!" | image |

| Udaran added, "Red, PLEASE take it off! I... I... can't BREATH!"

Meanwhile Kitty was checking out the skull pasties. "How DO these stay on Red?"

"Oh, they're kind of like suction cups. Feels weird at first though." | image |

| Udaran choked out, "PLEASE!" through closed fingers between bouts of laughter.

"You two just have no taste in high fashion," Muz-Ra spat in mock disgust, but she pulled out her gold bikini and began to change anyway. | image |

| It just so happened that Red was in a rather awkward position in mid-changing when Shabhira stepped in to get a glorious view of the Argonian's rump. | image |

| "Excuse me, Lady Ashasha told me I needed to speak with you. A matter of some importance I gathered. Is this a bad time?"

Though Kitty had never actually met Sabhira, she had certainly seen pictures of her in back issues of the Tails. Now Kitty turned around to see the spitting image of Sabhira looking very confused. | image |

| Behind her, Kitty heard Udaran gasp and then crumble to the floor in a heap.

"Udie!" Kitty cried but Ubergard was already lifting her from the floor.

"Oh my! What happened?" Shabhira asked, concerned. | image |