Take My Breath Away Part I

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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Take My Breath Away Part I




It was another shopping day for the fox who browsed the aisles of K-Mart looking for the latest new fashion he could afford.

The place wasn't really that busy even for a weekday standard but William really wasn't interested in who was there as much as he was in getting the latest fashion to add to his growing collection at home.

The whole reason William was at K-Mart was because he needed a hip t-shirt to go with the pair of Diesel jeans he picked up at the mall the day before.

Either way he wasn't finding it at K-Mart so he walked out the front door into the parking lot and got on his motor scooter. William buzzed out of the parking lot and turned onto the road heading out of Furdale proper.

The city William lived in wasn't that big but what it made up for in size it made up for in traffic. The City of Furdale could be more described as the world's smallest city that thought it was an LA or New York City.

All the major shopping brands William loved were in one of the most well known areas in town named Fox Run. It was the most trendy and hip area in the entire city and that's why William called it home.

William rarely left Fox Run but when he did it usually was to go out to buy appliances and things he could use in his house. The only reason he came to Furdale proper was because he thought he saw a deal for a nice shirt advertised on television.

"What liars those television ads are" William grumbled as he turned off the road and into in a huge Wal-Mart Supercenter parking lot that was almost overflowing with parked vehicles. Since William had a motor scooter he could go right up to the front door and park his scooter on the walk beside the front door.

"If they don't have what I'm looking for I'm heading home and going places I know don't lie about what they sell" William said to himself as he parked his motor scooter on the walk beside the front door and went inside.

Wal-Mart unlike K-Mart was a zoo full of furs both young and old looking for a sticky fingered deal. William was shocked that such a place could be this crowded and yet the checkout lines were moving out as many furs out the store's exit as there were furs coming into the store's entrance. William walked over to the clothing area and started browsing while doing some fur watching.

Most furs who passed the fox were young mothers with their cubs or older ones with the whole family in tow. Nobody really noticed the attractive young fox with his Diesel jeans and shirt that read "Yiff Me, I'm a Great Sub".

The fox was just tone enough to turn some heads in the right place. He was fairly tall for his species at just under 6 feet tall. The fox did a ton of cardio workouts when he wasn't toiling around town on his motor scooter and it greatly paid off with a body and rear that would make most furs of his type want to have a moment alone with him.

What William lacked in muscle he made up for in tone cardio developed muscle. William's red shirt with black letters showed off a small six pack on him and it made him look bigger then he actually was.

William's baby blue eyes made the clothes he wore pop along with his spiked up black hair. However, a Wal-Mart on the most conservative side of town wasn't the greatest place to be wearing a shirt that said "Yiff Me, I'm a Great Sub".

On this side of town furs like William were often beat up and racially made fun of since the church followers ruled the area. Gay furs like William also were shot at, vandalized, or worse killed if they showed who they really were in that side of town.

The fox barely paid attention to the glares and negative looks he was getting from the bible bumpers who had a problem with what he wore and what he was. It was their problem and not his. William's parents were the same way and so he had a certain armor plate to himself of ignoring furs who had a problem with him.

William had just turned 18 and was looking forward to college in a few weeks. William would be moving out of his parent's home for good and leaving Furdale forever to head for a huge college where he could express who he really was without getting the odd looks or even worse slurs said towards him.

Fox Run was the best part of town but it was still as conservative as the rest of Furdale which the gay fox longed to get away from. William's parents found out he was gay when the fox was 16 and sent him to gay cleansing camp for a year.

William hated every minute of it as much as he hated his parents for not accepting who he was. It wasn't the fox's fault he was gay and he was truthful to his parents when they found out. The thing that really irritated William more than anything was the fact not only did his parents disown him and lock him away in his room when he got back but some of his so-called friends did the same as his parents. A few of them even tried to get William expelled from school as they said he was in their words "a threat to society".

The only thing that kept the fox in school was his good grades and the fact he could ignore all the bullies of his high school. The bullies usually hung themselves when they did something so stupid to where even the principal of his school had no choice but to suspend them for picking on a straight A student like William.

After his so called friends abandoned him William clammed up and stuck his nose in a book until he graduated from high school and was finally out of that nightmare and away from his enemies for good.

The fact everybody in Wal-Mart was giving the fox strange and sometimes dirty looks really didn't faze the fox as he walked out of Wal-Mart and got back on his motor scooter to head home.


Once William turned into his neighborhood in Fox Run and was on the street heading towards his home he noticed all his belongings were on the street and his father was sitting in a folding chair on the driveway with an obvious look of disgust on his face.

"Oh great.. I guess the old fart found out about what college I chose" William said to himself as he pulled into his driveway and waited for the inevitable lecture from his father.

"William, you have disappointed me for the last time" his father bellowed as he walked toward William.

"What did I do this time? Pee all over your bible or give your religious ego a kick in the nuts" William said bluntly.

"You are an absolute disgrace to our family with your rude paraphernalia and defiance of our rules to not go out unless we approve of it" William's father bellowed with clear anger in his voice. .

"You know something dad, I can do what I want now because when I turned 18 I officially got off your command" William sneered. "I guess you forgot that certain equation when instead of helping me get the life I wanted you destroyed who I was and made an ass out of yourself" William growled. "Both you and Mom should be ashamed of yourselves for forcing me to get enough money together to get away from the both of you" William sneered.

"What's this then?" William's father demanded as he shoved an enrollment invitation to a local gay friendly college in the William's face.

"What that is dear old dad is me saying fuck you for treating me like I was an abomination instead of your son" William snarled.

"The only thing you've done is make me feel miserable from the time I came out to you" William yelled. "Or have you forgot that you'll never change who I am" William yelled.

"You want to know why your belongings are in the street?" William's father growled and shoved a favorite picture of William's where two male foxes were deeply kissing and standing naked on a beach in his face.

"This makes me sick and you make me sick" William's father yelled as he went and got a gas can and poured gas all over William's belongings.

"Go to hell Dad" William yelled as his father lit a match and set all his belongings including his favorite picture on fire causing the fox to start sobbing.

"If I ever see you on this property or this town again I will make sure you get kicked out for being the abomination you are" William's father yelled. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your life in hell and may Satan have his way with you" William's father touted.

William's tears were of total anger for what his father had done and he had finally broken the fox's last straw as he walked up to him with a fist clinched and decked him in the jaw making the old fox collapse on the ground with a bloody jaw.

As the blood from his father's broken jaw gushed out and made a huge red stain down his buttoned down white shirt William stared a hole into his soul with his now dark blue eyes as his father regained his senses and stared up at William barely able to hold his head up.

"Since I now don't live here anymore consider that my goodbye kiss you deadbeat" William growled as he got on his motor scooter and sped away leaving his neighborhood and Furdale behind forever.

As William's father saw his son vanish for the last time around the corner everything went black for the old fox as he bled out on his driveway defeated and given a good taste of his own medicine.

The paramedics came a few minutes later and hauled the bloody and out cold old fox to the hospital.

When the old fox regained consciousness in the ambulance he looked up at the otter paramedic and said:

"What have I done"

"It looks like you got what was coming to you old man" the paramedic otter said as he heard witness accounts of what happened.

"I hope this teaches you a lesson that your kids have feelings just like you do" the otter said bluntly.

"Maybe this was your son's way of saying you deserved it" the otter said.

"I have a son who is just like yours but I accept who my son is and let him be who he wants to be" the otter said bluntly.

"If you are a man of God you've committed the ultimate sin" the otter said with clear disgust in his voice.

"I hope this teaches you a lesson you should've gotten when your son came out to you" the otter said bluntly.

"In the end it's not your son you are going to have own yourself up to" the otter said as he pointed his finger up with a clear stare of truthfulness in his eyes.

"Forgive me O Father, forgive your most loyal of servants my Lord" William's father cried outloud as the ambulance came to a stop at the hospital where William's father would be spending the next few weeks remembering what the otter said and spending the rest of his life regretting what he did to William.

All the otter paramedic did was shake his head and handed the drugged up religious bible bumper fox off to doctors who were in for a long day of listening to a deadbeat bible thumping father repent his sins.

"I feel sorry for you" the otter paramedic said.

Bring your ear plugs and a good book.. You'll need it" the otter said with a serious tone as he hopped into the ambulance and headed out to the next emergency call on the opposite side of Furdale.


William had not stopped crying since he left the outskirts of Furdale and ended up deep in the Central Ohio cornfields on a rural road where he pulled off to the side of the road when his motor scooter had run out of gas.

William was too distraught to care if he had to walk to the nearest gas station. He had nothing to his name except what he wore and what he sat on.

William sat on the side of the rural country road letting his tears of anger and pain overcome him as he couldn't let what his father had done to him go. William knew one thing and one thing only; He was hurt mentally and physically.

What William's father really did was give William the ammo he needed to move on with his life and forget about his parents forever. Even if it was a sort of cleansing thing for William it still hurt him deep in his very core that his parents could be so blind and yet so cruel to who he was as a fur.

William heard rolls of thunder off in the distance and saw ominous grey clouds start to build as a storm was rolling into the rural countryside where William was sitting letting his tears of pain out.

*Sniff, Sniff* "Let it rain on me because that's how I feel" *sniff sniff* William sobbed as the skies darkened over his head and the sunlight disappeared beneath them. The rolls of thunder were getting louder and bolts of lightning threatened to strike the sobbing fox who was as grey in his heart as the weather was above him.

William heard a truck coming up the road behind him but didn't pay much attention as the rays of its headlights illuminated the road and the fox's back.


Patrick Wyeman was trying to beat the oncoming storm as he drove down the country road towards his Uncle's farm.

The otter had been sent to town to gather feed and corn seeds for his Uncle to feed to the cattle he owned and to get a head start for next year's harvesting season. The corn crops were knee high and soon Patrick's Uncle would be harvesting the corn and having the otter help him sell it on the side of the road in a stand as soon as it was harvested.

The oncoming storm was a welcome site since the area had not seen any rain in couple of weeks. However, the angry looking dark clouds told of something worse than rain as Patrick saw a sea of white falling down to the earth mixed in with the rain.

Small hail pellets started to ding off the young otter's truck as he raced down the rural country road.

Patrick had to get his load of corn seeds and feed undercover fast because if the hail got bigger it meant a lost load of money for his Uncle's business.

"This storm is going to be a dozy" Patrick said as the hail continued to ding off his truck.


The young otter was sent to Central Ohio at four years old to work on his Uncle's farm by his father who was a paramedic in Furdale and couldn't take care of him because of his job.

Once Patrick was old enough to drive at 16 his Uncle sent him into town to get supplies and feed for his cattle. There were no big stores or huge grocery stores where Patrick lived so he and his Uncle lived off the land eating whatever Mother Nature provided them.

Patrick had never gotten along with girls all through his school years but when it came to boys he got along with them like they were brothers to him.

Patrick knew he was gay long before he hit his puberty years and both his Uncle and father accepted who he was the minute he came out to them at 16. Patrick had always dreamed about being with another boy but there was really nobody for miles around that he found attractive to spend the night with.

Patrick's nearest neighbors were miles away and most of them were hicks with tobacco chewing hillbilly sons who made Tom Sawyer look like a drag queen on a good night. There really was not an attractive boy to be found and those rare ones that Patrick did find attractive were straight and had already broken their virginity while impregnating the women they loved.

It was quite disgusting to the otter who was glad none of those hicks wanted a piece of his virgin ass.

When Patrick hit 18 his chubby kid looks went away and were replaced with a lean mean sexy farm boy machine. Patrick liked to dress in drag every now and again but preferred just wearing the panties under his farm overalls.

Patrick could not deny the fact that he was drop dead sexy looking in his overalls which gave off his well defined arms and body very well. At just a shade under 5'8 the otter had more growing to do but was at the moment the hottest looking otter in that part of Central Ohio.

Patrick's deep brown eyes and slicked back hair made him look like a country version of Elvis when he was a young fur. Patrick was also hung like a horse and for a fur of his size and stature he was really surprised that he never got any second looks from the rare gays who passed through his area. He figured it was because of his country boy type look he always was seen in.

As the otter reflected on his life up to this point a loud clunk on his truck broke him out of his trance and he realized the hail was getting bigger as his truck hummed up the country road.

As Patrick was just about to drive past the field his Uncle owned to turn into his farm on the right side of the road Patrick noticed a broke down scooter on the side of the road and one of the most sexy foxes he had ever seen sitting on top of it. Patrick's eyes locked on the tone body of the fox and roamed down to the cute ass hugging his Diesel jeans he wore.

Patrick felt his cock start to harden as his gaze got deeper and his mind drifted off imagining the fox naked.

One huge hail clunk broke him out of his trance as he got closer to the fox on the motor scooter.

"Oh shit.. That poor guy needs help" Patrick said to himself as he gunned his engine and raced towards the fox blaring on his truck's horn.


William sat on his scooter and continued to sob as the angry storm let him know it was there as a chunk of ice bounced off his noggin breaking him from his sobs.

"At this point I don't care if you are angry with me God" William choked.

"If this is how I die then so be it" William said to himself.

"At least I'll be in a better place where nobody will disown me and treat me like I'm one of your failures" William said as he looked up to the sky and another chunk of ice crashed across his forehead making it bleed a little bit.

"Take me to the place I belong and get it over with already" William said to himself as he went back to sobbing and waiting for the hailstorm to end his suffering.


Patrick saw this fox needed more than just a rescue.. He needed a friend to lean on as he saw the true reasons behind why the fox was not fazed by the hailstorm as his truck ground to a halt and he rolled down the passenger side window.

"HEY, GET IN NOW!" Patrick yelled trying to break the fox from his suicidal goal as he opened the passenger door of his truck.

The fox was unfazed as a huge hailstone bounced off the top of his head and knocked him out cold.

"God damnit you fool" Patrick shouted to the fox as he opened his driver's side door and ran out into the raging hailstorm.

Patrick grabbed the fox and threw him in his truck and slammed the passenger side door.

Patrick ran back around to the driver's side as a big hailstone bounced off his head nearly knocking him out as he got into his truck and floored it towards his Uncle's farm driveway at the end of the cornfield.

He hung a sharp right into his Uncle's farm's driveway and floored it until he reached the covered car port of his Uncle's house to take the out cold fox in for immediate medical attention by his Uncle.

Patrick's Uncle was sitting in the living room when he heard the side door swing open and saw his nephew holding an unconscious fox on top of his shoulders.

"Where in the world were you and who is this?" Patrick's Uncle asked.

"Never mind where I was and how late I am" Patrick said with desperation in his voice.

"This fox needs help, I found him trying to commit suicide out in this weather and we need to make sure he hasn't gotten any sort of massive trauma to his head" Patrick said.

"Why would anybody do such a thing in weather like this?" Patrick's Uncle wondered.

"I really don't care at this point..All I care about is making sure this fox didn't get his wish" Patrick said as his Uncle opened the door to the basement and ran down the steps to get medical supplies.

"Please fox.. Don't you dare leave this world before I have the chance to say hi to you" Patrick said in a desperate voice.

Patrick's Uncle brought up a brain scan machine and hooked it up to the wall to do a scan of the fox's head.

Patrick's Uncle realized there were no internal injuries to his head requiring a phoning of the local emergency personnel.

"It looks like he's got a real bad bump on the head Patrick" Patrick's Uncle said.

"He's going to end up with one huge headache when he comes to" Patrick's Uncle said.

"Take him up to the guest bedroom and put him in there till he comes to" Patrick's Uncle commanded.

"I'll stay with this fox until he comes to, ok Unk?" Patrick said.

"Fine with me" Patrick's Uncle said.

"If I'm not here when he comes to; give him a shot of herbal tea with moonshine in it, ok?" Patrick's Uncle said.

"Yes sir" Patrick acknowledged as he carried the fox up the stairs and down the hallway to the guest bedroom.

Patrick kicked open the door with his foot and carried the fox into the guest bedroom.

Patrick gently laid the still out cold fox down on the guest bed and pulled up a chair to sit in it and wait for the fox to come to.

Patrick couldn't help but trace his eyes all over the beautiful tone body of the fox. Patrick's eyes stopped at the well defined bulge hugging the front of the fox's jeans and couldn't help but feel his cock start to stir in his overalls.

As Patrick's eyes went up and got their first look at the fox's shirt which said "Yiff Me I'm A Great Sub" Patrick could help but laugh at the cute shirt. This fox was truly gay if he wore that type of shirt in an area like this.

Patrick couldn't help but stand up and look straight down at the unconscious fox and lightly kiss him on the lips and on top of his forehead.

"I can't wait until you come to fox" Patrick said softly to the out cold fox.

"I think I just found my new friend and lover" Patrick said to himself as he sat back down in his chair waiting and hoping the fox would come to very soon to see the otter of his dreams staring back at him.


There will be a second part to this story so look for it soon!