Brother's Quest - Chapter Two: A Little Morning Help

Story by Foxx DawnKit on SoFurry

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#2 of Brother's Quest

Disclaimer Thingy:

Yeah, so... this is a story that includes two males, who happen to be brothers, and that happen to love each other, which will lead to - you got it - yiff. So, if you don't like gay sex, otters, foxes or incest relations, just click that nice lil' button with an arrow near the top of your screen, it'll take you back and away from here ;3

If you don't like yiff or furries... what the hell are you doing on YS? x3

Oh, yeah, also, since this has sexual content, kids have to leave, sorry ^w^;;

Foxx DawnKit belongs to me.

Aleath belongs to me.

Now, onwards!! *over exaggerated movement*

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The sun's rays shyly entered through the window of the small room, slowly making their way through it until they reached the small bed the two brothers were sleeping in.

As the warm rays hit his back, Aleath let out a small murr and smiled softly, gently pulling his younger brother closer against his chest. Some moments later, he opened his eyes, and looked at Foxx's head. The two were hugging each other, under the covers.

The otter murred happily and didn't move, enjoying the warmth and the feel of his brother's body against his own and listening to the birds outside. It was still a little hard to believe that his brother loved him the way he did. And that he, Aleath, loved him back. The otter sighed happily and held Foxx as close as possible.

After a few minutes, Foxx stirred lightly, and slowly opened his eyes, taking a few seconds to notice who or what the brown mass of fur actually was.

"Hey there, sleepyhead." Aleath said, softly kissing Foxx's lips. The fox blushed lightly but kissed back. Aleath smiled and looked at Foxx. "Were you dreaming about us?" he then asked, with a small grin on his muzzle. Foxx's blush got a little brighter.

"H-how did you know...?" he asked bashfully. It was true. He was dreaming about what happened the night before. Aleath's smile got a little wider and he moved his brown paw down Foxx's slim body, reaching his member.

"Because I think someone has one severe case of morning wood..." he explained, smiling and gently massaging Foxx's hard member. Foxx murred and moaned softly, still blushed. "Hehe, it's ok, lil' brother. I'll help you out." with that, the otter pushed the sheets away and made his brother lay on his back. He grinned lightly and lay on Foxx's body, starting to move his paws on the smaller fox's sides, gently nipping and licking his neck, making the younger one murr and shiver lightly.

"Mmm... Aleath..." he cooed softly, his long tail wrapping gently around the otter's leg. Aleath smiled and slowly started making his way down Foxx's body, nuzzling, kissing and licking him softly, feeling the younger fox's body shivering and shaking softly with the tender touches.

Once he reached Foxx's member, he spread the vulpine's legs a little, and gave his white, fuzzy orbs a lick, getting a moan and a murr out of him. He smiled lightly and did it again, feeling Foxx's legs twitching lightly, then slowly moved so his muzzle was just a few inches away from his brother's jet black member, and inhaled the soft, musky scent of his arousal.

"I wonder how you taste..." he said softly, and gave the base of Foxx's shaft a lick, tasting it and murring. It had a slightly salty flavor, but, at the same time, it had a bit of a sweet taste to it. Foxx moaned and gripped the sheets under him lightly with that simple lick.

"Ahh... Aleath..." he moaned out softly. Aleath looked up at him with a small smile, using his paws to rub and massage the vulpine's inner thighs gently.

"Yes?" he asked, his thick tail lazily moving behind him, on the bed.

"T-that feels good..." the younger fox said with a few moans. He wanted to feel the otter's soft and warm tongue against his member again.

Aleath smiled and lowered his head between Foxx's legs once again, starting to move his tongue on his brother's length. At the same time, the scent emanating from Foxx got slightly stronger, strong enough to start arousing Aleath.

Foxx murred and moaned as his brother's tongue moved on his member, sending shivers through his body. A small gasp left him when he felt something warm and wet around his tip, and lifted his head a little. Aleath looked back at him, suckling softly on the tip of his shaft. He smiled softly and took a bit more of the length in his muzzle, using one of his paws to caress Foxx's fuzzy sac gently.

"Ooh... Aleath..." Foxx moaned softly, pushing his member half instinctively a little deeper into the warm and inviting muzzle. Aleath let out a low and deep murr, letting his brother thrust, his paw moving up slowly, teasing the base of the vulpine's member. Foxx groaned lightly and his back arched, his grip on the sheets getting slightly tighter.

Aleath smiled lightly and let out a happy humming sound when he felt the saltier taste of Foxx's pre-cum on his tongue. He swallowed it, then started sucking a little harder, murring as his brother squirmed lightly in pleasure.

Foxx's long tail was still wrapped around Aleath's leg, the tip of it twitching lightly as wave after wave of pleasure ran through his body, vaguely feeling his orgasm quickly approaching.

"Haa... big brother... if you... mph... keep that up... I'm going to cum soon..." he managed to say, twitching lightly on the bed. Aleath pulled away and looked at Foxx, with a grin on his muzzle.

"I know... and I want to taste your seed..." he replied, giving Foxx's saliva covered member a lick, then took it in his muzzle again, sucking eagerly. His paw worked on the base, teasing lightly at the small knot that started forming.

Foxx let out a little meep and arched his back again, panting and smiling. The feel of his brother sucking him and teasing his slowly forming knot was making him think that he never felt that aroused during his life.

Suddenly, Aleath moved his head down, taking his brother's whole member in his muzzle and pressing his lips against the knot. Foxx whimpered in pleasure and arched his back more, feeling the intense pleasure of release as his seed was pumped into Aleath's waiting mouth.

Aleath murred and smiled, feeling the warm jets of Foxx's cum, and swallowed it. The mixed salty and sweet taste filled his maw, and made the otter quite aroused and happy.

A few moments later, Foxx's body relaxed while he panted somewhat heavily. Aleath let his brother's member slip out of his muzzle then slowly started moving up the vulpine's body, gently moving his paws up the white belly and chest. When the two were facing each other, he softly pressed his lips against Foxx's.

Foxx let out a low murr and kissed his brother back, shyly opening his muzzle. Aleath let out a murr and slipped his tongue into his brother, with a bit of his seed on it. Foxx's ears perked lightly with surprise and then a blush appeared under his fur when he tasted the still warm fluid on Aleath's tongue.

Aleath smiled and moved his tongue so the small amount to seed would move onto Foxx's tongue. Foxx blushed a little more and shyly swallowed it, then looked at his older brother as he broke the kiss.

"What do you think?" he asked with a warm smile, pulling himself up and sitting on the bed. Foxx moved so he was sitting too, and looked up at Aleath.

"It... tasted good..." he confessed shyly. The slightly salty taste was still present in his muzzle, being salty enough to make him slightly thirsty.

Aleath smiled and got up, picking up his brother in his arms and carrying him to the bathroom.

"We better take a shower, or people would know what we did even if they're a mile away. And you did quite a mess last night." he added, grinning and running his finger on the patch of fur on Foxx's belly that was glued together with his dry seed. Foxx blushed and wrapped his arms around his brother.

"Yeah... guess so..." he said shyly. Aleath smiled and nuzzled Foxx's neck, then opened the bathroom's door and pushed it with his footpaw. Once inside, he set Foxx down and opened the water, starting to fill the tub. Once it was filled with the warm water, Aleath stepped in then motioned for Foxx to get in too.

"Come on, it feels great." he said with a smile. Foxx smiled back and nodded, slowly stepping into the tub, on the opposite side of his brother was in. Slowly sliding down into the water, he murred and after some moments, then slowly moved so he was by his brother's side. He then grabbed a bar of soap and started rubbing it on Aleath's fur.

"Mmm... Foxx, that feels good..." he murred softly, nuzzling his brother's muzzle. Foxx smiled and kept washing the otter's body. Aleath smiled and got a near-by bar of soap, then started doing the same to the vulpine.

Some time later, when they were done, Aleath rinsed off the soap on Foxx's body, and Foxx did the same to him, and then cuddled together in the warm water. After some moments, Aleath licked the side of Foxx's muzzle and got up with him, some water making its way down their fur.

"We better get out now. The sooner we start walking, the sooner we get there." he said, getting a pair of towels and wrapping one around Foxx and the other around himself, starting to dry his fur. Foxx nodded and started drying his fur too.

"I hope we find another village tomorrow. Sleeping in the forest is kinda harsh..." he said, drying his long hair and big tail. Aleath nodded and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But I think that we'll be faster getting to the next town than we were to reaching this one."

"I hope you're right."

After that, the two got some clothes on and got their weapons ready. Foxx strapped his sheathed sword on his back, and hid his dagger in his right sleeve. It was held in place by a small leather strap that he put there. The strap also prevented the blade from cutting his arm.

Aleath put his sword on the left side of his waist, so he could unsheathe it with his right paw. His dagger was carefully placed in a small pocket on his right leg. He then grabbed the bag and gave it to Foxx.

"Your turn to take it today." he said, smiling and walking out of the room. Foxx grinned lightly and put the bag over his sword, then followed the older otter. They walked downstairs and outside, thanking the dingo as they passed by him. The dingo murmured something in reply and watched as the two left.

Once outside, Aleath looked around, covering his eyes from the morning sun but letting out a small murr as its rays hit his fur.

"Hmm... we better go to a shop and get a map. The one we have doesn't have the places we're going to from now on." he said.

"Sure, that and we can get some food too, since we forgot we could eat at the inn." Foxx replied with a small giggle. Aleath chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around the younger fox as they walked down the main street.

The two stopped at a small shop and bought a map, some fruits, bread and cheese, then sat under a small tree. Aleath studied the map, while Foxx looked at the furs that walked by.

"Hmm..." Aleath started, swallowing the food in his mouth. "If we go south, we might find a town by nightfall." he explained, his furred finger tapping a small dot on the map. "If we don't find anything bad during the way, that is."

"Ok, then what are we waiting for?" Foxx asked, eating the rest of his orange and spitting out the seeds. He then got up and helped his brother. Aleath grinned and looked at him.

"Yeah, we should get going, we already... used some of our time." he giggled, getting up. What the two did before wasn't exactly wasting time. A soft blush appeared on Foxx's muzzle then he nodded.

The two stretched and then headed to the outside of the village, and into the forest that lay ahead. After about ten minutes of walking, something caught Aleath's attention, which caused him to look around with a curious look on his face.

"What is it, big brother?" Foxx asked looking around too; apparently not noticing anything unusual.

"Hmm... nothing... let's go." the otter replied, turning to the trail again and wrapping his arm around his brother's body.

A few minutes later, after the two were swallowed by the tall trees, something moved again, on top of an oak tree.


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Dun dun duuuuunnn....

What will happen? Only I know >:3

Ok, enough of that. I hope you guys are liking the story so far, it's being quite fun writing it too.

I might post the third chapter soon, I know almost exactly what to write, I have it all planned >:3

So see you next chapter ^w^

~ Foxx Dawnkit