Sabhira's Daughter #51

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#58 of Tails of the Khajiit

Remember, the answer to the question "How bad can it be?" is ALWAYS "Pretty Fucking Bad!"

| "Ubergard! Glad to see you, we were getting worried about you!" Udaran said when the big Argonian entered.

"FarSeer? What on earth are you doing here? And what are you wearing?!"

"Hi Sis! Long story. But we're starving! Catch anything?"

"No. I was damn close to getting a nice buck, but it spooked at the last minute."

"Sorry Uber, I should have gone with you," said Muz-Ra.

"I must admit your arrows would have come in handy. I guess it's just more travel rations tonight."

"Oh, I'm sure I can do better than that," Shabhira spoke up unexpectedly. Let's go out to the fire and see what I can come up with." | image |

| "So are you coming with us FarSeer?" asked Ubergard of her brother.

"No, just staying the night. Well, SORT of 'staying'. I'll be here in the morning though."

"He's taking me out with him!" Shabhira declared happily.

"You? Why would you want to do that?"

"She seems to have taken an interest in my 'condition'," FarSeer shrugged.

"I bet I'll learn more tonight about lycanthropy than anyone in the last 100 years!" | image |

| "I daresay you may. Though you may regret it anyway. You're sure about this FarSeer?"

"Absolutely. I'll keep her safe."

"See that you do. I'd have hell to pay if I came this close to success and then lost her now."

"You won't. Besides, I suspect I have more to fear from her than the other way around!"


"Let's just say that Shabhira is full of surprises," FarSeer smiled.

Shabhira smiled back and nodded, "that's right, and don't you forget it!" Then she turned to the business of cooking. | image |

| "That was DELICIOUS Shabhira! And you say there was no meat in that stew at all?" FarSeer asked after they had eaten.

"None. Some beef broth, but no actual meat. I always carry some dried vegetables when I'm out in the wilds. With the right preparation, they're almost as good as fresh."

"Indeed! My complements to the chef!" FarSeer bowed. "And now, if you girls don't mind, I think I'll try my own hand at doing a little hunting. With luck, I may have something for your breakfast that's NOT reconstituted!"

"Hey, would you mind changing right here? I'd love to see it happen in the light!" Shabhira said excitedly.

"I don't know. It's a pretty nasty looking business as I recall. I don't know if the others would really find it so... interesting."

"Oh, go ahead. How bad can it be?" Udaran suggested. | image |

| "Well, unless I want to have to search for another pair of underwear, I have to take these off first."

"Now THAT sounds like nasty looking business. If you don't mind, I'll head inside," Ubergard declared and went indoors.

"Ok, girls, if you really want me to. Don't stand too close though. It takes me a moment to get oriented afterwards."

And with that, FarSeer removed his clothes and... changed.

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| Ubergard ran outside immediately just as the last echoes of the screams had died away, blade at the ready. Fortunately what she saw was far less serious than she'd imagined. Muz-Ra had stumbled off the porch and was busily emptying the contents of her stomach while Udaran had her back to the wall with eyes wide at the beast in the corner. Kitty was curled up with her hands covering her head while a huge black shape stood breathing heavily in the firelight, it's mouth open and salivating wildly. But something about the eyes conveyed a look of sadness...

"Where's Shabhira?!" Ubergard demanded, having noticed her brother was not attacking anyone and not seeing her around.

It was then that the black shape turned slightly and even gestured to Sabhira's daughter who had been hidden behind it's bulk. Amazingly, she was stroking the thing's fur! No, not stroking... gathering fur! | image |

| "Shabhira, are you alright?" she asked, reflexively moving her blade constantly. The beast's eyes tracked it warily.

"What? Of course! Please put that down. He's done nothing wrong!"

"But... what happened?"

Udaran recovered her composure somewhat and replied, "Sorry Ubergard. We were all just overwhelmed."

"More like scared out of our minds!" Muz-Ra corrected. "That is something I never want to see again. Oh god, I'm sorry FarSeer, but I can't look at you. I've got to go inside." | image |

| "Take Kitty, Red. She looks worse off than us even."

But Kitty protested wordlessly when Muz-Ra tried to help her to her feet, finally whispering, "No. I'm ok. Just... need a minute. FarSeer, please do me a favor. Let me know you're in there. Nod for me please."

The beast clearly nodded.

"Ok, thank you. I think I'm ok now." | image |

| FarSeer waived a long-taloned claw out to the forest beyond.

"You're ready to go then?" Shabhira asked cheerily.

Again, the thing nodded in assent.

"Ok, just hold on one second. If I'm going to try and keep up with you, I'm going to need to get rid of this outfit."

A look of surprise came over the beast's features, not to mention her friends on the porch.

"Hey, I can run fast. But I can run faster on all fours without encumbrance. All Khajiits know this. There, now let's go!" | image |

| And with that, Shabhira raced away naked, practically daring FarSeer to keep up. FarSeer gave chase instinctively and they were gone in seconds, the sound of Shabhira's laughter fading into the distance, mixed with the howl of a werewolf. | image |