Sabhira's Daughter - EPILOGUE

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#61 of Tails of the Khajiit

Thank you for reading! I hope to start another story before too long!

| "Are you sure about this Shabhira? It's awfully sudden for such big decisions," Udaran asked as they were getting ready to leave.

"I know it's cliche, but I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

"FarSeer's not coming to see us off?" asked Kitty, feeling a bit disappointed. | image | | "No. He thought it would be awkward, after last night. He's going to meet me back at the fork in the road that leads south. It's just a little way."

"He is a coward and you can tell him I said so!" Kitty said, but not with malice.

"Yes," Shabhira agreed. "He is. I'll try and work that out of him."

"Well, then we're on our way. Good luck Shabhira! You know where to find us. Come and visit sometime!" called Udaran as they went their separate ways. | image | | Kitty just caught a glimpse of Shabhira meeting up with FarSeer in the distance as they rounded a bend and were taken out of sight.

"So, Kitty," Muz-Ra turned to the quiet Khajiit. "Or should I call you Lady Kitty? What are you going to do with your new-found wealth now?"

"Well, FIRST thing I'm going to do it take that damned bag of gold away from Udaran! I saw how much you left in the cabin. She's been passing out my gold like it was candy!"

"I don't remember you protesting before," laughed Udaran.

"It wasn't my MONEY before! Go on, give it here..." | image | | "That's it? That's all that's left?"

"Well... there's expenses, wages, bonus for hazardous duty pay in Helgen..."


"Sorry Kitty, now that you have money, you're going to have to be more careful with it!" Muz-Ra added helpfully.

"Moochers. You're all a bunch of moochers!" | image | | "But seriously, what ARE you going to do?"

"I don't know yet. Too soon. I'll stay at H's till I come up with a plan."

"Think you'll stay with us?"

"Probably not to be honest. You girls are great and all, but... I think I'd like a place of my own."

Udaran nodded. | image | | "I'll need security. Hey Ubergard! Wanna work for me?"

The giantess smiled back, "How much are you paying?"

"What does H pay you?"


"I'll double it!"

"Done! What's the job? Guarding your gold?"

"No... conversationalist. You'll be the life of my parties!" | image | | Three months later...

"Hi Kitty. Hey, I got another letter from Shabhira."

"Oh really? What does she say? Did she blow something up again?"

"No. It's an invitation for the four of us actually... to a wedding! FarSeer and Shabhira are getting married!"

"Married?! They do move quickly don't they?"

"I'm sure Red and Uber will go. It's in a couple weeks. Will you come too? They need to know how many to expect."

Kitty paused and reflected for a minute.

"Not if my life depended on it. Send my best regards," said Kitty and walked off without another word. | image | | "Oh, hi Ubergard. We're going to go take a leisurely soak in the hot tub. Want to come along?"

"Why thank you Udaran. Actually, I'd love to. Those two new guards from the Cathouse are working out fine. I think I deserve a bit of relaxation."

"Yes, you do. Come on. Red's off to get some bath oil!" | image | | "Come on in Red, the water's JUST right. Did you bring the bath oil?" asked Udaran.

"Sure did! And you got Ubergard out of her chain mail I see."

Ubergard nodded in greeting to Muz-Ra.

"What about Kitty?" Cheetah asked, concerned. "Isn't she coming? She usually joins us about this time."

"Guess not," purred Udaran, burrowing her head farther between Cheetah's breasts.

"I saw her in the maintenance room. Crying her poor heart out. I thought it best to leave her alone. I wonder what that's all about?"

Udaran sighed. "I don't." | image | | And that concludes our little story. Thank you for spending your time with us. Look for another Tails of the Khajiit coming soon, fates willing. If you would like to express thanks or encourage the author to continue these stories, likes, comments and signal boosting work wonders. Jus' sayin'.

Your major players for this story have been: Muz-Ra (Red), Ubergard, Udaran, FarSeer, Shabhira and, of course... The Khajiit Formerly Known As Kitty. (That will make more sense after the next Tails story) | image |