*Cub* Alternative Adventures in Squirrelsitting 2 - 2016

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A follow up to the first one, located https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=38946

Tammy has decided that Chip isn't allowed near Bink after what happened just three days ago. Tammy, Gadget, and the others are too busy to baby sit her, except for Dale. Dale tries to keep things innocent, just like him, but after all the fun feelings Bink has been denied the past few days, she doesn't want innocent, she wants Happy.

Dale finds he wants happy too. Chip finds them both and Tammy's rule just isn't enough to keep them apart.

Alternative Adventures in Squirrelsitting 2 by tannim March 08, 2016

Dale looked up from his comic book at a sound. "Huh? Whose there?"

A fluffy tail zipped across the room and disappeared at the edge of his bed. He only got to see it for a second and after reading comic books all day, he was jumpy. Dale hopped up and looked over the edge of the bed, but nothing was there. A giggle made him relax and he shifted to look over the other side, coming nose to nose with Bink.

"Bink! You startled me!" He grabbed her as she tried to dart off and lifted her up against his chest. "Where's Gadget? I thought she was watching you today."

The toddler looked thoughtful, then squirmed free and ran out, stopping at the doorway to make sure she was being followed. Dale found her pointing up to the workshop and sighed. Gadget was working again and probably got too caught up to pay attention to babysitting.

"Well, I guess it's down to m... hey, I bet Chip would like to do... no. No he's not supposed to be alone with you for some reason now. Tammy was very clear about that. I wonder why?"

Bink didn't know why, either. Just three days after their special trip to Fat Cat's Casino and she hadn't been allowed even a moment alone with the tasty Chipmunk. That night she'd felt wonderful and tasted and sniffed lots of new exciting things. She'd been talked to by Gadget and by her sister but nothing they said had made much sense. It had felt good and didn't hurt, why shouldn't she do things that were harmless?

The little squirrel had been bored and lonely with everybody else out of Ranger Headquarters. She'd amused herself by exploring until she'd found Dale. He didn't try to talk to her about anything and was grabbing a ball even as he tried to figure out what to do. Bink liked Dale.

With no clue what to actually do with a cub, Dale did what he wanted to do. He took her hand and lead her deeper into the tree where a hollowed out area let him run around and do pretty much whatever he wanted to do. It wasn't as nice as being on the ground outside, but it was enough for goofing off where he wouldn't break anything again. Besides, it had a great slide that wound down along the trunk just to get into it.

Bink squealed in delight at the slide and Dale found her running back up it for a second go. The ball was forgotten for a while as they just went down the slide repeatedly. It was fun having a playmate for once who wasn't too serious about what was happening.

As fun as it was for them both, Bink was thinking of other things. She tried sitting on Dale to get him to touch her like Fat Cat and Chip had and he just playfully shuffled her around. Riding his belly on all fours with her rump in his face didn't have the desired results either. Her tail kept buffeting his muzzle on the way down as she didn't think to flick it up or to the side.

She tumbled off him at the end of that ride and had to wrap her tail around herself protectively as she rolled around the floor like a fluffy ball. Dale yelled in surprise and caught her just before she rolled into a wall. Bink stayed curled up tightly in her tail.

"You can come out now, Bink. It's safe."


"Are you sure?" Dale pat her, then grinned and clenched his fingers like claws. "You can't hide from ME, Villain! Your protective shield is no match for Bird Munk's Tickle Talons!"

Bink tugged her tail tighter just after Dale dug in with his fingers. She let out a loud giggle from the sudden tickling and squirmed around inside her tail fluff. Her babysitter's fingertips stroked over her sides at first, then over her legs and butt. The toddler's laughter turned to a curious rumble when her squirming brought his tickling touch to her groin and chest.

Dale wasn't sure why she'd changed her noises, but he was concerned about the wet feeling around his fingers. Her tail unfolded while he felt around and he jerked his hand away when she revealed herself. He wasn't totally sure where he'd touched, but she looked happy and that was enough.

The chipmunk struck a pose and grinned in triumph. "Ah ha! I told you your shield was no match for me!"

Bink watched him hunch over and stalk around her, arms flapping. Why wasn't he touching her more? It was fun and he was funny, but she wanted the touching. His fingers had felt neat tickling her between her legs until he'd stopped and she wanted more. Maybe if she curled up again.

"Hey, no fair! You can't reform you shield right after I broke it! Drat. Now how can I defeat someone whose shield comes back as soon as it's broken..." Dale hopped back onto her and tickled into the fluffy squirrel tail again. He'd never realized how nice those felt before. "Hang in there Bink, I'll get you out of that bubble somehow!" Nuzzling his face into the long fur, his tickling became less focused and more of an exploratory petting. "Mmm... Even if I have to keep petting this really soft tail to do it all day."

Bink looked up through a fold in her tail, giggling. She squirmed until his hand dipped into her cunny again, then flicked an ear at a new sensation when his fingers slipped lower to stroke her tight anus instead. Her butt clenched at that and caught his attention.

"Oh, ho, what's this?" The chipmunk poked and rubbed at the twitching spot repeatedly. It felt dry and hot, so it was probably safe to touch. "A weak spot in your armor!"

Bink's giggles changed to curious grunts, but she didn't unwrap herself. Instead she reached out with her own hands and tried rubbing his much larger frame. She caught at his thighs, but even squatting he was out of reach for her arms. Her longer legs were in a better position and she managed to rub her feet up to his thighs and groin.

"Er, Bink? What are you doing there?" Dale looked up from his tail cuddling. Her feet had clutched at his balls briefly, then felt their way up to his sheath. "I don't think you're supposed to do that. Though Chip was doing it and Chip NEVER does anything wrong. Maybe you are supposed to." He swayed his hips to feel her feet rubbing his sheath more. "I've never really looked at feet too much before, but this is kind of nice!" He leaned up to watch her small soles awkwardly squeezing around his groin. Catching both her ankles in one hand, he held them in place for her. "Try wiggling your toes, Bink."

Having her legs held up was a relief. Holding them that way had been hard. She liked the change in Dale's tone. He'd stopped sounding funny and moved on to fun and interested in what she was doing. Bink clenched her toes around the soft lightly furred flesh under them, not entirely sure what it was but knowing it was in the right area for the interesting parts.

His sheath squished pleasantly between her toes, other than a weird thicker part that moved inside, and Bink let go to squeeze again. Dale grunted at the squeezing and she let him push her soles more firmly against his soft fuzzy bits. The smile on his face made her happy, though she stayed hidden by her tail in hopes he'd go back to fondling her.

She tried to pull her legs back to reposition, but Dale held on and used his free hand to tickle them. "Uh uh, you aren't done with that yet."

Bink laughed and kicked forward, thumping his slowly thickening sheath with her feet repeatedly while he kept tickling one foot or the other. The thumping felt good for both of them. Dale loved the pressure from her weak kicks and she enjoyed watching his balls and sheath bounce with it. The heat from the area was growing, too. She had no idea what was happening in there until a hint of pink peaked out the slit at the top.

Her eyes widened at the pinkness and she stopped pushing with her feet. Dale was panting as he looked down and his cheeks went red at his arousal showing, but he didn't pull her feet away. Bink let him press them right to it a moment later and she curiously squeezed them around the much harder bit of something inside his sheath.

Bink rubbed them both up down to peel Dale's soft skin down and giggled at the growing moist cock she exposed. One foot kept tugging while the other caught his shaft between two toes just to feel it. It was a lot softer than Chip's had been in her mouth, but it was also still growing even as she played with it.

The toddler squirrel, let her feet fall away. She wanted it in her mouth, not her feet. Dale crouched next to her after she left him hanging and hid back in her tail again. He huffed in minor irritation and stuffed his hands back in to tickle her out again.

"Bink? Why'd you stop? Don't make me come in there little lady... well, unless you really want it!" His fingers ran over her inside and again found their way to a rather pleasant place under her tail.

Bink laying on her belly, unwrapped her tail at last and let Dale see his fingers stroking her tight anal ring. The girl lifted her tail high for him. She wiggled and looked back at him a moment later.

"Wanna feel good again!" Bink sounded frustrated, yet excited.

Her babysitter kept circling her cute dry hole. "Feel good again? You don't feel good now?" He pat her butt fondly. "This feel good to me."

Bink rolled over and crossed her arms. She lifted her legs up into the air and spread her legs wide, wiggling her hips to show off her pussy and butt to him. Her eyes dropped from his face to his groin and back again. "Uh uh! Licky and happy humps!"

"I'm not sure what you want, there, Bink." Dale was breathing harder at the sight.

That was a view he wanted to see, but he wanted to see Gadget in that position, not Bink. Bink didn't have all those fantastic curves that his sexy mechanic had. Dale's mouth hung open as he thought of Gadget. Bink didn't have any interesting features on her chest, either.

The girl was curious about Dale's weird expression, but when she saw his penis peaking out and growing quickly, she finally had the result she wanted. A quick hop onto all fours had her crawling over and nuzzling into the chipmunk's groin. One of the results anyway.

Dale woke from his Gadget fantasies at an eager little mouth sealing around his cock and a frantic tongue swirling around it. His eyes when wide at seeing Bink down there. He'd been too distracted at the Casino to see what she'd been doing with Fat Cat exactly, but he'd certainly seen her with Chip, even if he had ignored it at the time.

"Erm... uh... So that was what you wanted, huh?" He glanced to the slide, as if he'd be able to see if anybody were coming down it anyway, then back to Bink, not sure he should. After a few seconds, he shrugged, why not? Chip hadn't gotten into trouble for it and it wasn't like Gadget was doing anything for him with her mouth lately. Or any other part of her body. "Licky and happy humps it is then!"

Bink looked up at him, happy to have the funny odor of an aroused male filling her her nose again as well as the interesting flavor of his cock in her mouth. Dale wasn't as big as Fat Cat had been but he was slightly larger than Chip. She didn't really know what to do with her hands since she didn't have to hold onto anybody, so she just grabbed the handle hanging below her taste treat and went at it.

"That's the licky alright." Dale scratched her head fondly and found her small hands on his balls very pleasant, even with almost half of her weight tugging on them. Thoughts of Gadget were receding and he focused on that happy young mouth. It didn't feel right to just stand there and enjoy it. "I know it isn't licky, but would you like to add Touchy to your list, Bink?"

He leaned over her, then dropped to all fours over top of her. Bink giggled at the change in position, then let out a squeal at his fingers rubbing under her tail and around her anus again. Dale could only use one hand and she had seemed to like that hole being toyed with, so he he went with it. She looked cute with her hips trying to push higher under him at the touching and he'd always liked butts.

"You may not have Gadget's curves, but you do have a pretty cute rump, Bink. It looks cute enough to eat." Dale stared at her anus winking at him as he kept rubbing around and over it. "Close enough to too. Well... she DID say licky."

Bink didn't hear him with all her attention focused on his nearly two inches of chipmunk dick. His musings to himself were just distant sound compared to her loud sniffing and eager licking. She did like the touching to her anus. It wasn't as fun as Chip playing with her funny slit from before, but the novelty was almost as good.

Having so much happening at once was somewhat frustrating to her. She couldn't pay attention to everything at once like she wanted to. Dale probed at her tight ring with his finger, then his tongue pressed against it, and Bink had to slow down on his cock to let out a squeak of surprise. The girl wanted to look, too, but didn't want to take her special treat out.

Dale's tongue brushed over her ring several times and felt her shiver under him each time. She didn't taste bad at all or like anything. Tammy and her mother had been keeping her very clean. He was happy under there.

Her tail root rubbed against his chin and neck while he rimmed her. His own tail flicked rapidly in response to her muzzle grinding into his groin fur. Bink's tongue slathered over his leaking erection while his did the same all around her butt between her cheeks. He briefly dipped it into her her pussy from behind, but decided that was more Chip's thing and went back to her formerly untouched hole.

Dale pulled away to rub his cheeks against her buttocks. "Gee, Bink. You sure do have a talented tongue." He pat her belly to try to get her attention, somewhat fidgety as his pleasure built alarmingly fast. "Do you think you can slow it down, though? I don't want to finish too soon!"

When she didn't respond, he pushed up and stepped back, making his cock pop out of her mouth with a loud pop. Bink stared at him in annoyance, then tackled him and sat on his chest as he lay back wondering what happened and how her mouth was all over him again. Her tail was lifted off to the side, giving him a good view of her butt again and twitching excitedly.

"I guess I'll... unnng... be finishing soon... after...ALL!" Dale grabbed her hips and pulled her off just before she made him cum.

"No! Wanna suck!" Bink jumped at his tongue pressing through her anal ring and her whole body clenched down around it while he was twirling his tongue inside.

She stared at his erection pulsing and spurting cum right at her. The first blob hit her chest, but she was fast enough to catch the other in her wide open mouth. Dale's hands on her hips held her tight against his own muzzle so she couldn't wrap hers around it again and she had to catch what she could of his orgasm until the pressure dropped to a trickle. Only after he finished did he think to sit up so she could reach him while he could still tongue fuck her.

Bink scooped the cum off her flat chest and sniffed it for a few seconds before licking it up. She liked the funny musky scent. She liked the slimy texture it left on her tongue. She was a bit disappointed by how little there was of it despite catching the rest in her mouth. The big cat had given her a lot more.

Dale's cock sagged in her mouth after she tried to catch it again and Bink found herself focusing more on the feeling of his tongue squirming around inside her. Chip's dick had felt great in her pussy. Dale's tongue felt funny in her other hole. He had a tighter grip on her hips than her other lover had had and she liked it. His nose rubbed against her tail root in a surprisingly pleasant way.

Bink tried to wiggle her bottom at first, seeing how well he held her, then she pushed herself up against him. She giggled when he dropped onto his back and let her climb into a sitting position over his face. The toddler sat as much of her weight on Dale's muzzle as she could before lifting her legs and tail up to feel him taking all of her.

Bink's anal ring was already stretched around his tongue and the wetness of his licking made her stretch wider around his lips until his nose got in the way. She stiffened in alarm and clenched hard at the unexpected stretching, but it didn't hurt so much as surprise her. Dale's hands pushed her up as soon as he realized what she was doing to prevent her from taking any more than she could handle.

With the exotic sensation under her tail, Bink found her cunny tingling in a different way than when Chip had been with her. The direct stimulation her first partner had given her had been really intense. Dale's rimming and anal tongue play was much slower and more subtle.

She felt the funny tingle coming from much further away. Her pussy got wetter, but she was too young to think to touch herself. It was just a happy sensation to enjoy feeling and let grow.

Dale heard her humming after several more seconds. She was getting into the licking. There wasn't much more than a light acorny flavor inside and he was enjoying himself too. His dick was telling him he was ready for more than just using his mouth, though. It throbbed and demanded attention. He ignored it as long as he could, but finally lifted Bink off his muzzle and set her down again.

Bink clapped at the sight of his erection ready to go for her after he got up again. "Happy humps!"

"How about you get on all fours for me, Bink. That'll make it nice and... Oh. You might be a bit tight yet, huh?" Dale rubbed her butt after she'd gotten into position as he'd asked. Her anus had felt big to his tongue, but it looked very small still. "I don't think I'm going to fit in there without loosening you up a bit first."

The toddler was confused about why he wasn't sticking it in her. She frantically wiggled her hips. When that didn't work she tried the usual pointing method that always worked for food and simply pointed to her pussy.

A finger probed into her anus and she let out a squeak of surprise. His tongue had felt good back there but she was expecting something in her other hole. Bink looked back flushed and confused, but not really angry. The finger felt... intense with how it made her feel, like she had to go but couldn't.

Dale pumped his finger in slowly at first, but her anus had relaxed greatly after his tongue had worked it for nearly three minutes. She did let out a groan when it was fully in but she didn't ask him to stop. A second probing the entry had her tail swishing in his face, but again no complaint from his pretty little lover.

"Not too much is it, Bink?"

Bink clenched around the fingers inside, but they didn't hurt at all. It felt funny. It felt pretty nice. There wasn't much sensation other than fullness inside but she could certainly feel him at the entrance. The movement was getting kind of uncomfortable, though as her hole dried up again.

"Maybe I should get something to help. It's getting kind of dry now..." Dale pat his shirt, then looked around. There wasn't much in his playroom other than his snack closet. Snack closet... The chipmunk perked up. He'd enjoyed tasting her ass. Why not make it tastier by using something good for lubrication? "Stay put, Bink. I'll be RIGHT back!"

The girl clenched her butt when he pulled out and sat down. She rubbed at her own hole, curious at how it had felt so good, while watching Dale rummaging through the closet. Loose peanuts, jaw breakers the size of her body, bits of chocolate, and various other treats spilled out, but Bink stayed put, curiously probing her butt. Her fingers didn't feel nearly as interesting.

Dale hurried back with a packet of jelly he'd snagged from a restaurant during one of Fat Cat's lesser heists. "I think this'll work." He opened it on the way over, then stopped to watch her pushing a finger into her rump. "That'll be easier once we get you nice and slick, Bink. Er, could you roll onto your back? I can't put it on while you're sitting like that."

"Ok." Bink lay back and lifted her legs and hips up as she would for a diaper change. Her nose twitched at the scent of strawberry in the air and she hopped up again to lick at the sweet strawberry jelly that oozed out of the plastic packet. "Strawb'y!"

"Haha, yes, it's strawberry alright. But you can't have too much, we need it for your butt! Hey, no, do you want happy tickles again or not?" Dale pushed her away, hating having to do it, and helped her back into position. He knelt down, scrooted closer so she was resting her back on the slope made by his folded legs, and gave her her pussy a fond pat to make her think of other things. "Ok, take nice deep breaths and relax again, Bink."

"Wanna strawb'y." The toddler stared at him until he gave in and squirted some onto her hand, then a bit more onto her chest.

"I only have one packet of this, but there should be enough for a little snack, I guess. I was saving this for a special occasion, what better than for giving you some happy butt fun?" He grinned, dipped his hand, then whole arm, into the packet, and held it up for her to see. "BLUTT! I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLUTT."

When she didn't laugh at him, groan, or even partially get the joke, he sighed and simply smeared it into the crease under her tail. Bink giggled at the sticky stuff. It was cold on her hot body and it made her fur mat down on her buttocks. The stuff felt really slick when Dale pushed a finger into her anus, though. It also made a funny squishing noise each time he added more. She really loved the strong strawberry odor despite the way it covered her babysitter's musk.

"This stuff feels funny, huh?" Dale scooped a whole handfull over her ass while fingering it in with two fingers from his other hand.

Bink had tightened back up a lot during the delay, but she relaxed again after just a minute of lubrication. Dale's fingers stretching her hole were much more comfortable for the little squirrel with the slick syrupy jelly coating everything and her involuntary clenches eased up to let him slip a third finger in. She was probably wide enough from what he could see, but he was going in so easily. Why not try for more?

Bink sucked on her sticky hand at first, but as her butt took more of her babysitter's hand inside, she just held it in her mouth and stared up at him. The full sensation was making her clench again after three fingers and Dale was going a lot faster than before. Each time her butt gripped his fingers, it felt kind of like when she'd had Chip in her other hole. She really liked that and how much slower that happy tingles built. Maybe they'd last a long time before they went away again.

"You're really squeezing again, Bink. Gee, I can see inside with my fingers spreading you open." Dale spread them wide inside her, pushed all the way in until his thumb blocked the hole, then all the way back out again. "I bet I really could get my whole hand in there."

He wasn't really speaking to her and he wasn't looking anywhere but at her sexy ass and the back of her immature toddler pussy. She was open so wide for him, far wider than he'd expected given her size. Having seen her mouth open so wide, though, he shouldn't have been too surprised at her flexibility. Dale rubbed her belly to get her ready, then angled his thumb down with the other fingers.

"Here it goes, Bink."

The squirrel's eyes widened at the extra stretching of his added thumb pushing inside. Her thighs clenched and her arms pressed against her sides from how big it felt pushing her ring open. It didn't hurt, but it felt like it was about to for three seconds before the pressure just gave way and his hand popped inside.

Dale tried to ease the stretching tension with his other hand stroking her clitoris and pussy before he finally popped through her tight anal ring. Bink didn't even seem to notice it at first but after the hard buck in response to the pressure easing she reached down to rub herself with him. Her eyes were wide at how full she was and he was glad to see there weren't any tears leaking from them.

Dale twisted his hand around inside, not going any deeper or trying to pull it out again yet. "You alright, Bink?"

"Yeah..." She wiggled her hips while he moved his hand around and made a face. "I have to poop!"

Her babysitter pulled his hand back, glad she was still feeling alright, and watched her face scrunch up cutely with her anus stretching wide open to let him out. "How about now? Still need to go?"

Bink looked confused and shook her head. She felt a heat and a presence inside from the jelly, but the need to go was mostly gone. It came back again immediately with Dale once again pushing his entire hand inside. It took her a few times in and out before she realized it was just him that made her feel like she had to go. Once she did she smiled and laughed.

"Put it in again!"

"You're ready for a bit faster then, huh?" Dale stuffed his arm back into the jelly packet and lubed it up good before popping it through her loosening ring. It was easier after just the four times he'd gone through. "This is going to feel pretty amazing, I think. One... two... here it goes!"

Dale pushed in with his full hand, then immediately back out all the way. Bink opened her mouth to say something but it plunged right back in and out again. The chipmunk rapidly popped her ring open both ways and her body bucked with it. Her tiny pussy pulsed open in time to his enter and closed for his exit while her breathing grew louder. The chipmunk kept stroking her clit the whole time.

She couldn't think of anything else while his hands kept going and her babysitter kept it going for nearly twenty seconds with his invading hand slowly closing into a fist to stretch her even wider. He enjoyed the sight of her ass opening and staying open wider and wider as it went on. The excess jelly made a wet sucking squishing glorping noise that made him laugh a little despite how pretty the sight was. Even when he decided her ass was plenty open, he only slowed down and went carefully deeper into her.

There was resistance to going even a little deeper than the length of his hand but he found a tiny ring deeper inside that he could poke a finger with and work open. After another full minute of fisting the toddler's hole he managed to work two fingers through that deeper muscle. Bink was in a daze from the excessive stimulation and close to orgasm.

Her small chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. Her cunny tickled just as wonderfully as it had when it had been receiving all the attention a few days ago. She didn't really miss having something in there with her rump full instead. Dale's sticky red jelly coated fingers on her equally sticky clit had her clutching at his wrist wanting it to stop as much as keep going.

"Nnn... stop... dun wanna finish yet." Bink whimpered and Dale did stop.

"Don't you want to finish? You don't want to feel good?"

Bink shook her head quickly. "Don't want it to end."

Her babysitter pat her pussy. "You're a girl, Bink. You can go more than once in a row. After you have your happy tickles, you can have even more." Dale leaned over her, with his chest pressing his wrist deeper into her clutching anus, and looked into her eyes. "Still want me to stop?"

"I can go again?" She shook her head again, slower. Dale nodded and asked again. Bink giggled and pushed her feet against his cheeks to push him back up. "No stopping!"

The chipmunk laughed and kissed both her feet after he let her push him up. "YES, MA'AM!"

Bink let out a very deep grunt when Dale's fist popped out of her again. She was sort of happy when he stopped rubbing her clitty, but it was too late to stop the pleasure build up. After just another thirty seconds with his arm steadily singing deeper, the pressure and movement in her bowels stroked her vagina enough to send her over.

Dale loved feeling her ass rapidly squeeze and relax in time to the muscle contractions all over her little body. Bink's pussy visibly pulsed in time to them as well and he wondered how it would have felt to have his cock in there. She sure shook for several seconds before her grip on his arm relaxed entirely. Just as she was winding down he wondered if he should have pulled it out and stuffed his dick in instead. Of course, he had already told her she could cum again and he sighed in relief when she wiggled her butt at him after just a short breather.

"More now?" She sounded breathless, but still just as eager.

The chipmunk lifted her up for a kiss, then rested her on his lap with his cock slipping easily into her well stretched butt. "Yep. Is this comfortable?"

Bink looked down at his belly as though she could see through them both, then back up at his happy face. It was comfortable with his cock in her butt, it just wasn't the hole she thought he'd put it in. Her pussy wanted something in it and so did she. She didn't know what to call it or how to get him to switch, though.

When he actually pumped it in and out she relaxed. It was fun if he was moving it. The toddler didn't mind it so much after that.

Bink snuggled against his chest and stickily hugged him. "Uh huh..."

Dale kissed her hair and rocked his hips into her. His entire inch and a half shaft fit in her perfectly with her ass stroking it all. He was glad he'd used his fist to open her so deep as he really liked that deep ring opening and closing around his cocktip with each thrust.

He kissed her nose in between thrusting inside. "You feel wonderful, Bink."

Bink was already tightening around his erection again with her elastic anus taking more effort to thrust into. He scooped a little more jelly onto his hand and slipped out just long enough to pop his slick hand in again. The squirrel above him let out a loud grunt, then a soft hum when it popped right back out again. Her lover wondered if she could take both his hand and his erection at the same time, but decided that would be something to explore another time.

As he thrust into her, Bink wrapped her tail around them both. Dale liked the soft fluffy fur until it tickled his nostrils. He held onto her tight as he fought the sneeze, but ended up on his back anyway with her sitting on top of him. Bink looked around, confused, then laughed and pat him on his belly with both hands.

"Heehee! You're funny!"

A little dazed, Dale looked up at her and wiped his nose. "Wow, that was a strong one. Did I cum in you, Bink?" His eyes focused on her tail and he laughed. "Ha! Just a sneeze! Good... Now here we REALLY go!"

He grabbed Bink's hips again to lift her up just a bit so he could thrust freely into her. Bink's eyes opened wide at the much faster pace of the new position and pushed herself up higher to make him have to really raise his hips up high. She really liked feeling his hips smack against hers when he thrust up too hard.

Each smack made her feel the urge to go to the bathroom from both holes but that sensation went away each time he slipped back out again. The toddler squatted down into it to feel it more forcefully, but she straightened up more when it proved to be too much. Her pussy was still too sensitive from orgasm for the amount of stimulation that gave, though it was still feeling great when he didn't bump her so firmly.

Dale ran his hands over her chubby flat chest once he realized he didn't need to hold her. She licked at his finger for the sweetness without concern for which of them had been up her butt just a minute ago. He continued smiling up at her, feeling as good as she did, as far as she could tell.

Pleasure built quickly for Dale. Her ass felt as tight as it had been before he'd fingered her with how the toddler's ring clenched around his dick. That tightness was making any thoughts very difficult. All he could think of was the pleasant tingle growing far too fast in his groin. He didn't hear a high pitched voice calling his name from above or see the face with it's broad hat peering down at them both. His eyes were locked on Bink sucking on his thumb as he fondled her with his fingers and her lovely little body shivering with their shared joy.

Chip stared over the ledge up top. It hadn't been a good day for him. Tammy had been upset with him again, Gadget wouldn't let him near her while she was in the workshop, and even Mrs. Squirrel had called again to check up. Ever since that damn night at Fat Cat's when he'd saved Bink the only way he could, the girls had been acting like he'd meant to have what had happened happen. Only Dale hadn't bitched at him about it and he was glad to finally find Dale. He was more than a bit surprised to see Bink down there with him.

"DALE! I'm not going to do anything to her! You don't have to hide her!" Chip squinted, not really sure what they were doing down there since they were covered with something red. He leaned forward almost far enough to fall off before he saw the motion of Dale's hips slapping up into Bink and Bink's intense expression as she squatted back to him. "W... He couldn't... He wouldn't!"

Chip swallowed hard. Dale really was. He took his hat off and sat down, just listening for a moment and trying to accept his brother getting that pretty toddler instead of him. Bink sounded happy as she told him faster. Dale sounded like he was about to blow. Chip wasn't getting anything. At least not after Tammy vented her lust that night after they got home again. As good as Tammy had been, he really wanted to be with her little sister again. Chip stuffed his back on hat on and slid down the slide. He was going to be with her again.

"Dale! There you are! I've been ... you're spending time with Bink... Huh?"

Dale jumped at his brother's voice. He gaped open mouthed at the other chipmunk standing beside them suddenly. How'd chip get down without him noticing?! It was a thought that tried to get through his head. If he hadn't been so close to cumming in the extremely tight squirrel rump he would even have answered. Instead he just stared until his eyes crossed and his hands tugged her down onto him.

Bink clapped at her babysitter's expression, then giggled at the squirting feeling in her bottom. There was a subtle hot presence growing deep in her tummy with a weird pressure each time she felt Dale's dick pulse inside. It was close enough to the last time she'd felt a boy cum in her that she knew he was feeling good with her. She dropped down and hugged him, giving Chip a very good view of his brother's cock in her ass rather than in her pussy.

Chip's pulse raced at the sight. She was right there in front of him, naked, covered in... in something giving Dale some anal delight. His own penis swelled quickly. He needed her. After three days he really needed her. Seeing her squirm enough to make Dale's dick pop out and spurt the last couple loads onto her buttocks instead with more leaking out of her ass made him really give into that need.

Chip hurried over and squatted next to them, petting the pretty toddler's hair. "Hi, Bink! I missed you."

"CHIP!" Bink hopped up into his arms and kissed him with a very sticky mouth.

It only took a few seconds for him to identify the smell and to realize Dale had to have used it as lubricant. "Haha, Dale taking care of you, huh?"

"Yup! We played and tickled and happy tickled and touchy tickled!"

"Er, Chip, you know Tammy says you aren't supposed to be near Bink." Dale propped himself up with his elbows, cock sagging as his orgasm faded. "I'll get in a lot of trouble. Bink, you come right on back to me... um, please?"

"It's ok, Dale. Tammy doesn't really MIND. She was just upset that night." Chip ran his hand down Bink's back and pressed his muzzle to hers in a kiss. Bink's eyes widened at the intensity of that kiss and she wrapped her tail around him tightly to keep him against her. She liked his tongue in her mouth. When he broke the kiss some seconds later, Dale was staring at him again. "It's not going to hurt anything and you can see she wants me here." He kissed her ear and whispered into it. "I have a gift for you down below if you want it again."

The little squirrel looked down when he said it. She hadn't noticed his dick before but she twisted in his arms and treated him like a tree to see it. Bink turned herself upside in his arms and crawled down his torso until his cock disappeared right into her mouth.

Chip winced at the girl's little fingers and toes digging their sharp claws into his flesh, but it was worth it to watch the sticky naked strawberry scented toddler's anus and inviting pussy come into view. He pet her butt and kissed each buttock before kissing directly against her puffy lust swollen cunny. He'd missed that view so much.

With Dale's semen leaking out of her slightly open ass and over her vulva, she looked and smelled a fair bit like she had their first time. His cock throbbed harder than even the first time she'd sucked him at the sight and situation and he was going to make sure it was at least as good as his tongue dug into her soft young vaginal folds. The jelly made her sweeter and stickier, but the mess didn't bother him at all as he ate her out. Anything to be with Bink again.

"Mmm... you certainly are very good with your mouth, Bink." Chip rubbed his nose and lips up and down her small girlish slit while his tongue swirled around inside.

Dale rubbed his hands together, watching. "I dunno, Chip. Tammy was really... sort of DEFINITE about it."

Watching Bink and his brother together and seeing how happy they both looked made his argument peter out. The way Bink had jumped into his arms had shown him how much she wanted the other chipmunk and Chip hadn't even looked away from her once. There really wasn't any harm in it, as long as Tammy didn't find out.

"Oh, alright, but just this once!" Dale watched the two together, Bink bobbing her head vigorously and Chip sucking at her pussy, and felt embarrassed. He couldn't leave them, but he'd already spent and just watching felt... wrong. "She er... looked really funny crawling down you like that, didn't she Chip!"

"Sure, Dale." Chip didn't hear what his brother had said.

He just heard the pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears. After two days without sex and three without his oh so good Bink, he was so horny! Her mouth was wonderful. Her tongue was great. They weren't quite as good as another place though. Chip lifted his muzzle away from her pussy.

He stared at it for several seconds, watching it clench at him wanting his tongue back in. "I know you want me back in there, Bink." Chip pulled her up and grunted at the powerful suction coming loose from around his cock. With a quick flip, he turned her facing him right side up. "We'll both enjoy this more."

Bink's eyes widened when at the loss of her sucker, then half closed in strain when Chip thrust his erection right up her butt. He rutted into that slick sticky hole for a few times, enjoying her face scrunching up before kissing her and slipping into her vagina instead. After seeing Dale in her ass, he had to try it, but it wasn't nearly as nice as her welcoming vagina.

"I know where we both really want it." Chip sat down hard on the ground with his legs giving way to the relief and pleasure of being in his immature lover.

Dale watched Chip give in fully in amazement. He'd never seen him so intense as Chip grabbed Bink's butt and thrust into her pussy rapidly. Chip held her just high enough for easy in and out without having to bounce her too much while Bink held on tight back. Her happy expression changed to a strained one just as Chip's did.

Chip's balls bounced in their sac with his hips blurring against Bink's and she nuzzled hard into his chest in response. The pleasure she'd felt from Dale had been so slow to build up that it had taken a long time for her to come to orgasm. She felt one hit just seconds after Chip plowed in and even through the pleasure making her whole body clench another one was building up.

Chip felt his own pleasure rapidly building, too. He didn't want to end so fast, but he couldn't make himself slow down at all. The toddler's vagina clenched all around his inch long dick so perfectly every time he was in there. He couldn't even stop himself from drooling at the joy of being in his. Only Dale's decision to join in again and the sudden opposing pressure on his cock let him last more than a minute.

His eyes jerked behind Bink to see Dale lounging on his side. It wasn't hard to feel that his brother was pushing his hand into her butt. It was impossible not to feel it once Dale's fingers moved and rubbed Chip's erection through the think wall between her anus and her vagina. That exotic sensation and the surprise of it happening helped push Chip back from the brink.

Bink was confused for several seconds after he fisted her ass again. She couldn't see behind her and she had never had anyone in both holes at once before. It was weird for her to feel Dale's fingers spreading so wide and weirder still when those fingers slowly wrapped around Chips cock through the fleshy wall. She suddenly felt like she had two vaginas being penetrated and they both felt completely different.

Dale hummed to himself as he kept his fingers as tight as he dared around his brother's cock. He wasn't sure how much Bink could take inside, but he had loved fisting her and he loved giving Chip a hand job so he wasn't about to miss a chance to do both at once. The look on Chip's face of pleasure denied, shock, and pleasure steadily building further than it should have made him glad to be doing it. Chip could be so cute during sex when things didn't happen as he'd expected.

Chip didn't slow down at all despite the surprise of Dale's helping hand. He needed to cum in his little lover again and he was going to go until it happened. Bink hugged tightly against him feeling a very similar need.

Neither of their bodies knew how to deal with the extra pressure inside and Dale kept pulling his hand mostly out every few seconds for his own fun, which kept their lust from building normally. Chip tried to glare at his brother. Bink just ground her face against her lover's chest and held on tight. Neither response helped them cum any sooner.

Bink's clitoris ground against Chip's groin fur with each thrust. Chip's balls bumped against Dale's arm. Dale's fingers held onto his brother's shaft through her anal wall while Dale rimmed the toddler around his wrist. He managed to hold the two away from their orgasm for another twenty seconds before Bink clenched like a vice around both chipmunks in both holes and came.

Her young loins couldn't hold it anymore, even and especially with Dale's attention in her butt. She felt like crying from the overwhelming tingles running all over her body from every muscle clenching, some together, some one after another. With neither lover stopping, the pleasure of from both holes kept her shivering for several seconds, long enough for Chip to finish in her as well.

Bink felt him cum, even through her own pleasure, but she couldn't even look up at him as he did so. Dale felt him cum, too. His brother's shaft pulsed in his hand strong enough to feel through the membrane between Bink's pussy and ass. Dale missed seeing the semen spurt out but he'd seen it enough to imagine how it would look shooting into their tiny lover and he moved his face around Bink's butt as though catching it on his face or in his open mouth.

Chip rocked back and forth as he came, his hips slamming into Bink much harder than he intended to. The toddler bounced but his death grip on her butt and hips kept her in place. She let out gasps each time his hips bounced against her, but the pleasure kept either of them from even noticing. Dale had to pull his face away when the bouncing got too rough but it stopped very suddenly with his brother's hips holding tight against Bink's before he flopped back onto the floor, panting hard.

Bink lay against him, panting just as hard. Dale's hand slipped free of her ass with a wet pop and he watched the two recover for just a second before a new idea popped into his head. They were still weakly grinding against each other with Chip clearly still erect. Why not have a little more fun?

Dale sat back himself and poked his right foot under her tail instead. Bink let out a cute whine at his toes spreading her anus open, but her tail lifted up to make way for it. Her whine turned into a groan when the foot pushed in to the heel and then a loud gasp at Dale's entire foot popping in to the ankle.

Chip lifted his head at the extra pressure against his cock inside her again, but he couldn't see exactly what Dale was up to. His brother waved at him with a silly grin on his face, which just made him lap back down and let it happen. Dale didn't disappoint him.

He felt Dale's foot press against his still stiff dick through Bink's inner wall. The other chipmunk's toes rubbed him just as Dale's fingers had before. Chip took a long deep breath, surprised that it didn't feel too intense having something rubbing him so soon after orgasm. Bink was so slick inside from the jelly, his cum, and her own fluids that there wasn't too much friction. The extra stroking just felt like he was close to orgasm again despite how spent he really felt after giving it to his little lover so hard.

Dale enjoyed watching Bink's butt and hips shift with his foot inside. He could lift her up off of Chip just by lifting and pushing his leg if he wanted, which he did several times just to hear the squirrel's breathless whines. Watching the two squirm was fun and after they got used to it they were enjoying it, too.

Watching them together had left him horny, too. Dale's dick had wanted attention again even before Chip had finished and seeing them still going at it despite coming together already made him want to join in even more. He slipped his foot fully out of Bink, then right back in again. How to join in, though?

Bink looked pretty spent. Chip looked like he'd just blown everything he had into her, though when Dale wiggled his toes his brother pushed his hips up into it again. Dale kept teasing his brother with his foot. Maybe Chip had a bit more to give.

He wiggled his toes a little faster and tried to grip Chip through Bink's inner wall just to distract him, then brought his other foot over to poke Chip's own ass. It wasn't an insistent poke, just a little rubbing along his butt and perineum, but it made the other chipmunk's legs spread to make room for it. It also got Chip thinking of other things beyond the tight toddler squeezing his dick.

Dale rubbed his own dick slowly before pressing his toes more insistently against his brother's hole. "So... Chip. You look pretty done in after all that with Bink and Bink looks completely exhausted after having us both, but I'm still pretty stiff. Since Bink is too tired and you're already fucking her... how about I get your butt tonight?"

Chip clenched at the toe probing his ass. He didn't even notice the cummy jelly that Dale was spreading onto him. Bink was leaking plenty from her ass as he foot fucked her. He could probably have poked a toe in if he'd have wanted to take it too fast.

Dale had to ask two more times before Chip even looked at him. "What was that?"

"I said..." Dale pressed two toes firmly against Chip's tight ring. "I want your butt, Chip."

"It's busy."

"Aw, please? It's been a long time!" Dale moved his foot around inside the tired toddler, making both of the others grunt. "I can't stick it in Bink when she's like this and I really miss your pretty rump."

Another wiggle of Dale's toes both inside the squirrel and against Chip's own ass was distracting Chip from his afterglow. The memory of his brother in the past did float up in his mind, though. He'd enjoyed those simple days before the girls and Gadget had come around.

Looking down to Bink, Chip sighed. "What do you think, Bink? Should I do it?"

The girl just lay with her cheek on his ribs with eyes closed enjoying her blissful exhaustion. She still tingled all over from the powerful orgasms they'd both given her and the very faint build up that was still happening with the continuing double penetration. Her ear flicked at the question and she looked up tiredly when Chip ran his finger's through her hair moments later.

"Alright, Bink, But only because you like the idea."

Dale cheered, then laughed at the sound Bink's wide stretched holes made when Chip lifted her up and they both slipped out. Not even Chip could resist smiling at the squelching of Dale's foot popping out or the dribble of red tinged semen leaking out of both holes. He'd have been worried if he didn't know it was just jelly and if Bink didn't look so peaceful curling up into a ball with her head on her tail to sleep the moment she was set down.

"Ok, Dale. Just this once and you do NOT tell Tammy about what happened. Got it?"

"Yeah, Yeah." Dale hopped up and dunked his arm briefly into the jelly packet one more time. "Now hurry up and get on all fours. I want that hot fuzzy tushy in the air where I can enjoy it!"

Chip stared at his brother for a few seconds, then lowered his gaze down at Dale's dick and let the other chipmunk have it. He didn't like giving into Dale's commands in public, but it was kind of fun playing in private. It helped that having that big inch and a half stuffed in him felt good, too.

Dropping onto all fours, Chip flicked his tail a few times and lowered his arms until he was holding himself up on his elbows with his ass lifted as high as he could. He waited as patiently as he could for that cock to poke him but instead yelled when Dale's mouth closed around his dick and sucked at it and enjoyed Bink's cunt musk coating it. Chip pushed himself up and looked under himself to see that dale had slid under him on his back.

"What are you DOING?!"

Dale bobbed his head rapidly while sucking the other chipmunk. He really liked Bink's musk mixed with Chip's. His jelly made it kind of too sweet, but it wasn't bad, really. The sticky slick stuff also kept his brother's cum from being too slimy textured. That stuff had been a great idea.

When Dale didn't answer, Chip lowered his hips to a more comfortable height and took another long calming breath. The unpredictability was part of the fun of being with Dale. His tongue was a pretty good part of it, too. Dale could really polish a tip!

As much as he enjoyed sucking Chip and as much as he enjoyed cleaning Bink off of Chip, Dale really wanted to get to Chip's butt. He'd loved the surprise in his brother's voice and the way Chip squirmed at his tongue, but it was time to move on after only a minute below him. A quick shove out from under and he surprised Chip again by driving his tongue right up the chipmunk's ass crack from balls to tail and back to the hole.

"What... Oh!" Chip's anus clenched at the first few touches, but Dale's tongue dragging around his ring certainly felt good once he got over the surprise of it. "I thought you wanted to stick something in me."

The tongue paused. "Like this?"

The tongue pressed forcefully through Chip's tight anus and brought a loud squeak from Chip's mouth. "That's not what I meant! Not that I didn't like it."

Dale twirled his tongue into his brother's ass just as he had Bink. Such a sexy butt and a nice tight hole. It was funny how much tighter Chip was the much smaller toddler had been. A mental joke about Chip always being such a tight ass made Dale pull away and laugh before he could enjoy himself too much.

"And what's so funny, Dale?" Chip glared back, though all he could really see were Dale's ears and his own rump.

"Huh? Oh, Nothing! Nothing at all, Mr. T.A." Dale pushed up to kneel behind Chip until he pressed his cocktip against Chip's tail. "I can do more of that later. Right now my parasitic friend here is telling me it needs a new host body to infest!"

"You've been reading comic books again, haven't you?"

"Oh no, HE'S TAKING OVER!" Dale scrunched his face up, grabbed his brother's hips, and yanked the other chipmunk's hips up. Chip winced in expected discomfort when he felt the hard thrust slap against his hips, but Dale had poked to the side instead. "I got control back, run!"

"Just stick it in already, Dale!"

"Aw, you could at least play along a little." Dale slathered his erection with Jelly and poked it and two fingers to the waiting hole.

Chip huffed at the extra size pressing against him, but he kind of enjoyed the extra pressure. He trusted Dale not to be too rough back there and the fingers had only been there to make him think it was huge. When his brother actually pushed in, only his cocktip entered with the fingers just rubbing around his tight ring.

Neither could remember the last time they actually had sex together. However long it was, it was too long. Chip was glad Dale had decided to lick him out first as that had helped him to relax his muscles back there. Even with that preparation, taking Dale again was slow going. It was like their first few times all over again.

Nearby, Bink yawned quietly and lifted her head. Her babysitters were too loud to sleep next to. She lowered her head again when they went quiet but then lifted it back up. They were doing something that looked interesting.

Dale had a determined look on his face while trying to stuff his cock into the other chipmunk. How had he managed to fit it all in in the past? There didn't seem to be enough room in there anymore as he kept bottoming out and Chip wasn't stretching as well as Bink had.

As tired as he was, Chip was getting upset by the lack of progress. "Come on, it has to fit. It used to. Try going in at a different angle. Erf, and add more of that jelly."

Dale turned slightly and felt his brother's inner ring suddenly. It resisted opening until he he had pulled out, reapplied, and re-entered a few times. Both chipmunks sighed in relief when their balls and hips touched.

Pulling back and sinking all the way again, Dale rubbed his partner's sides. "You've been really stressed lately, haven't you, Chip?"

"No. I've been just fine ignored and shunned by Gadget and Tammy and Monty and Zipper."

"Well, that's good then."

It took a few more thrusts before Dale realized it was sarcasm and just went quiet to enjoy the ride. The two rocked gently together with Chip pushing back into his brother's motions until they found their rhythm. Neither noticed Bink watching intently or crawling forward for a better look.

She liked seeing the two boys together, even if she was behind them. It was cute seeing Chip's penis bouncing at half mast while their balls bounced in front of it between Dale's legs. Crawling closer, her nose drew her attention to Dale's feet instead. The sweetness of the jelly he'd lubed up with as well as the fun spunky musk of his cum was still covering his right foot and she pounced on it, sucking his whole foot into her mouth to lick it clean.

"AH! THERE'S A MONSTER EATING MY FOOT!" Dale's erection popped out of Chip when he fell to the side, but he laughed when he saw what it was. "Phew, it's just Bink."

"There's something really wrong with you, Dale." As tired as he was, Chip couldn't keep himself from laughing, though. He hadn't seen what had happened, but it was funny feeling his brother overreacting to it. "Are we doing this or not?"

Bink giggled with Chip's laugh, but she didn't stop licking over Dale's foot. It was funny tasting. There was the cum and jello and her own musk, but there was also the odd bitterness from Dale's foot sweat and dirt to go with it. She paused to let it out of her mouth and sniff his other foot, which had just his sweat and such. It was nice too, in its own ways. Licking it made her pucker a bit, but it wasn't too bad. Her eyes drifted to where the two boys bodies joined as she enjoyed Dale's feet. That sure looked interesting, too.

Dale gave his brother's butt a firm slap. "Of course we're doing this. I'm already in you aren't... oh. Hehehe, sorry, I guess I kind of pulled out, didn't I? Here we go for real."

Chip smiled faintly. Dale was good for stress relief at times, even when they were supposed to be intimate times. His ass opened easier around Dale's dick and they both were happy about that. It slid in all the way to the hilt just like it used to. He really had missed that special time before Gadget had gotten in the way.

Dale held onto his brother's hips more gently than he had earlier despite thrusting in faster. His body wasn't going to accept a slow one after all that fun time watching and since Chip's ass had loosened up he could actually work it again. It was different than Bink's, bigger yet oddly tighter, but it was just as pleasant.

Chip's tight muscular ring clamped much harder than his pretty Toddler had each time he shoved in. Chip's body pushed back to meet him much better, too. His brother's extra size let them slap hips together in a pleasantly jolting way that made Dale's dick bounce inside and Chip's bounce outside. Both chipmunks forgot Bink was even there once they got their rhythm going again.

Bink didn't forget about them. Her eyes followed them while she licked Dale's feet a little more. Switching from the cleaner one to the sweeter one let her play with the flavor. Sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, and a surprising mix of in between. She couldn't stop thinking about how much the sticky stuff that came out of their cocks would add, to it, however.

When Bink decided they were too distracted with each other to mind her exploring, she crawled between Dale's legs, pausing to sniff at Dale's butt and balls on the way. Bink couldn't resist licking both, pausing for several licks after the first before dipping her muzzle under Dale's scrotum and right to where Dale disappeared into Chip. Males tasted and smelled so neat compared to Gadget, her sister, and mother.

The first few licks over his butt went completely unnoticed while Dale was pounding into his brother. The first few licks to his balls barely registered, but the first lick around his penis with Bink's tongue slipping into Chip's hole with his cock definitely caught Dale's attention. He didn't stop, but he did slow down to not slap against the unexpected toddler between them.

Chip felt something strange, too. It was very pleasant, though he couldn't tell it was Bink's tongue grinding around the entrance to his ass between him and Dale's dick. The squirrel's tongue swirled around his hole several times after the first several penetrative licks, then she just pushed it in or around wherever or however she wanted it.

Her tail flicked wildly about behind her in delight at the strong musky, cummy, jammy flavors mixing about. She kissed and nibbled along Dale's shaft to his cockroot and down the front of his messy balls, then back again to focus on the back of Chip's own pair. There were too many funny bits of the boys for her to focus on any one area for long. At first anyway.

As she cleaning them up she found their balls to be less fun, then simply focused on licking at their join. Her tongue slipped into Chip with almost every thrust Dale drove into him. Bink teased them both perfectly without knowing it. Keeping them from blowing too soon just as Dale had before, but she couldn't keep them from cumming for long. She didn't want to, either.

Dale had felt the pleasure building for a while but had to fight against Bink's helping to climb to his peak. His erection pulsed faster with his racing heartbeat. His heavy panting was loud in everyone's ears, and he leaned over his brother much more than he had before.

"Here it comes, Chip. Just for you."

Chip wiped sweat from his forehead fur and looked back to see Dale's face contort with his orgasm. He loved seeing his brother finishing just as he loved feeling it. With Bink there, it wasn't really just for him, but he knew it was meant to be. His own cock dribbled a steady stream of pre. It was always so exciting to be mounted, if unsatisfying if that was all he got.

Bink rubbed her head with Dale thrusting in hard enough to bump her roughly. With his orgasm, he'd forgotten she was down there while thrusting in and the final slam as he finished hit Bink pretty hard. It wasn't hard enough to make her pull away, though. Her tongue was in there with his cock, feeling every pulse of cum shoot along his shaft.

She was disappointed that she couldn't taste any of his spunk with how deep he pumped it into his brother, but feeling it through his dick made her smile anyway. It felt like she was helping them feel the same happy tingles she'd had. Dale didn't pump as much out as she felt he should have, but when he slumped back and his cock withdrew, she got to catch some in her mouth anyway. It was still yummy and funny.

Dale fell back to sit on his own feet, having forgotten he was kneeling and he stared up at the ceiling with a goofy smile on his face. Bink glued her mouth to his cock just an instant later, with her little hands squeezing at the root and pulling up to his tip to force out the last little bit. She made him wince at her tongue dragging over his oh so sensitive glance and he had to pull her away before she could make it hurt.

"Hey, easy there, Bink! Can't be playing with those so soon after we finish." He panted and hugged her to himself. "I appreciate you helping, though. Hey, stop squirming!"

The toddler fought his grip until she could wriggle out and dropped right back muzzle to penis again for another suck. Chip rolled over and laughed at the sight of Dale wrestling to get her off again. Their little lover wasn't going to stop until she got a treat.

Dale managed to pop her mouth off again and he looked around frantically for somewhere safe to put, then grinned and plopped her right down between Chip's legs. "There ya go, Bink! A nice fresh snack all ready to go!"

Chip's laugh faded at her mouth engulfing him but he didn't stop smiling. "Mmm... very ready. Thank you, Dale." He scratched behind Bink's ear while her head bobbed eagerly up and down over his erection. "And thank you, Bink."

The little squirrel pulled up to smile at him and accepted a long kiss when he lifted her up for it. She looked miffed when he put her back down. Dale had crawled over and was kissing and licking Chip's cock himself. Bink pushed at him so she could suck it all down, but he didn't let her push him away. After a few seconds she tried licking instead.

The other chipmunk spread his legs wide to make more room for them both. "That's right Bink, it's best to share with friends."

His brother licked over the lower half once Bink joined him. He didn't want to have all of the fun parts with how eager she was. It also let him suck and lick over Chip's fuzzy scrotum.

Bink watched him sucking on both balls at once for a while, but was unwilling to risk giving up her musky treat. It only lasted until she saw how much Dale was enjoying them. He let them out, fondled them, sucked them back in or one at a time. She wanted to try it, too, and lowered down to join him. Dale let her have one nut while he sucked the other.

They sucked for several seconds with Bink tugging one side and Dale tugging the other before Dale suddenly pushed forward and kissed Bink. She laughed at the kiss and let the testicle pop out of her mouth as soon as Dale broke it and he darted up quickly to take his brother's cocktip again. The look on her face was amusing when she realized he had the tasty part again, but she still sucked both of Chip's nuts into her mouth to lick the fuzzy pouch for several seconds before going back to his shaft.

Both of them looked up at Chip above to find him staring at them lovingly with his mouth open. He set a hand on each of their heads and they smiled up at him. All it took was a light push down to encourage them to get back to sharing him. Dale's tongue on one side, Bink's on the other.

A thought made Dale lift up to kiss the little squirrel again just above his brother's tip. He pulled her down until they were kissing around Chip's dribbling dick. Bink licked at the pre, Dale just licked around her with their muzzle lips staying together.

Chip couldn't resist thrusting into their mouths, though he managed to keep it slow enough not to dislodge them. He felt better than he had since starting the Rangers. It was feeling better all the time as he built closer to his peak one more time. Only a nagging worry kept him from blowing too soon.

"Dale... You can't tell Tammy about this. OR Gadget or Monty or especially Mrs. Squirrel."

"Of course I won't tell anyone, Chip. I don't want them mad at ME, either!"

Bink giggled at her babysitter's spunk spraying over her tongue again. She wasn't going to tell anyone either. Her sister and mommy weren't going to stop her from getting any more happy tickles! She did wonder how she could get back to that big pussy cat, though.

*Cub* Quilling Zawadi - 2016

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*PDS* *Cub* Jogging With Reese - 2013

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TMNT - Four Reasons to Get Involved Part 2 - After The bath - 2016

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