After the Storm - Part 34 [When Night Comes]

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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#36 of After the Storm

Welp, I assume that this was uploaded within a month of the last chapter. Hope you guys like it.NOTE: I tried uploading this thrice last night by my stupid internet won't let me. My internet speed is decent (about as decent as the Philippines can give: 2mbps), but I think the signal keeps fluctuating so my laptop THINKS it has internet but is unable to connect...NOTENOTE: blah blah blah, continuity errors 'cause I made this chapter on my phone at school so I don't have the past chapters for references, blah.

The night was quiet and empty at the Alexander residence. The sun had set and the moon shown bright overhead, bathing Avalon in a scenery of false tranquility. Even the cold, gentle breeze was mocking their misfortunes. The door was left slightly ajar as the Riolu and the Kirlia were in a hurry to leave the area that neither of them bothered to properly close it. Jason hoped that no thief was tempted by the rather easy opportunity.

"You could've at least slammed the door shut when you left." the Charmeleon said as the duo entered the house.

Jason let out an annoyed groan. "I intended for Sarah to stay behind and that she would close the door after I left..."

The interior of the house was now just as cold as the outside. To Jason's relief, none of the furniture were moved in any way, the house was left the way it was before he and Sarah left... including the TV that was still turned on, displaying a blank screen.

"Don't." Jason said before Charlie got the chance to make a comment, sarcastic or not.

"Don't what?" Charlie asked.

The Riolu walked towards the TV and turned it off. "Don't comment about anything... I'm not in the mood for sarcasm right now."

"Last I checked, you were the sarcastic one for about most of the walk to here. Why the sudden change?"

Jason was silent for a moment, wondering himself why he was suddenly upset like this. Perhaps he was just tired. He knew himself well enough that he was already upset to begin with, perhaps his fatigue just kept him from exerting effort in trying to entertain others and himself. "I dunno... I guess I just need some sleep... it's been a rough day for me..."

Charlie's expression softened. "Yeah... I guess it has been for all of us..."

A sudden sensation of rage sparked within the Riolu. He wanted to yell at the Charmeleon for what he said, for thinking that they had it as rough as he did. But Jason kept those emotions in check. He knew well enough that everyone has a reason to feel bad, and that his situation, whether it was worse or not, should not change how anybody else felt. "So... uh... is this where we part ways?"


"What do you mean 'Hm?'?" Jason asked. "I meant will you be leaving soon or is there another reason why you insisted on walking me home?"

"I said I'd keep you safe didn't I?" the Charmeleon said with a soft chuckle. "I'd be an idiot if I assumed that a locked door would keep them out. Not when we know that they're capable of so much more destruction."

Jason stared at the Charmeleon as if he'd done or, in this case, said something crazy. "So you're staying for the night?"

"If it's alright with you of course."

Jason couldn't believe what he was hearing. He and Charlie hadn't seen each other in the span of a few months, they had just seen each other again that very day, and now Charlie was asking if he could stay there for the night. Perhaps this was actually more normal that Jason originally thought... but the situation was still a bit strange for him. Strange, but not unwanted. With both his parents at the hospital, Jason just realized how lonely he'd be at home. Having someone to keep him company would probably be a good idea.

"Alright, you can stay." Jason said. "I'm just worried that you won't be able to sleep at night when you're worrying about me." Jason said with a teasing grin.

"I think I prefer you cranky..." the Charmeleon said as he closed the door behind him. "Hope you got something good to eat here, I'm starving."

"I haven't even said 'make yourself at home' or something like that." Jason chuckled as he lazily made his way towards the kitchen. "I still have some leftover chocolate drink here, want some?"

"Put mine in a ceramic cup." the Charmeleon said as he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to a movie channel. "I plan on heating mine."

"'kay 'kay..." The Riolu did as the Charmeleon requested then handed his guest the drink. He then walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out a cup of brewed tea. It was something that his mom usually did; rather than the usual sugary iced tea, she'd brew herself some herbal tea and cool it in the fridge. Jason's never really tried it himself, but he felt like giving it a shot.

"Jason." the Riolu heard the Charmeleon's voice calling him through the loud explosions from whatever action movie he was watching.

"Yeah?" the Riolu asked as he took a sip of the tea.

The sounds of the action movie faded away when the Charmeleon turned the TV off. "May I ask you something personal?"

Jason felt a bit awkward about the situation. Even without his aura, he could feel the tension in the atmosphere, in the Chameleon's tone of voice, and the fact that Charlie had to turn off the TV just as it was about to reach the climactic boss fight. "What is it?" Jason asked as he approached the couch and sat on the opposite end as the Charmeleon.

The Charmeleon hesitated at first, but spoke soon after. "How do you stay so calm?"

Jason was expecting a heavier question, but he guessed that this was still somewhat personal. "I dunno... I just... try not to think about it I guess. Also, I feel like we've had this conversation before."

"But this is different. Both of your parents almost died, you somehow don't have your aura anymore, and no place seems to be safe. How do you manage to stay calm when presented with something like that?"

Jason was genuinely surprised at what the Charmeleon said. Charlie may be able to maintain his confidence and "manly toughness" in his composure, just Jason could still hear the hint of fear or desperation in his partner's voice. "That depends... how are YOU calm right now?"

"Wha--" Charlie didn't even finish the word when the thought clicked in his head. "I force myself to be calm... 'cause panicking won't do me any good. Look, before you say anything, no, I'm not asking you how you stay calm because I'm panicking right now. I'm asking how you stay calm because..." Charlie hesitated. He was about to say something like "I want to understand you" but refrained from doing so because it sounded so cheesy.

Jason gave it a few seconds, waiting for whether the Charmeleon was going to continue his sentence. Once five seconds have passed, Jason looked away and stared at the black screen of the TV. "I understand..." he said softly. "To be honest, I don't know. Yes, I try not to think about it... but even when I'm thinking about it... I don't feel afraid... There's that fear at first, yes, but then... your body just gets tired of it... like it's had enough."

"So you just give up?"

"You can say it like that..." the Riolu said. "I'm not saying I'm proud of it, but that's how it feels like. Even when they've openly admitted that they're after me, all I feel like doing is lying down and sleeping..."

The Charmeleon was worried for Jason. What he just said could either be taken literally, or it had a deeper, darker meaning to it. "Maybe it's because you're tired."

As if on cue, the Riolu let out a yawn. "Most likely..." he said sheepishly as he finished his tea and stood up. "I'll go ahead and prepare my room; you'll be sleeping on my bed while I sleep on the floor."

"Why would you be the one to sleep on the floor?"

"'cause I don't really feel like anything special right now..." Jason said with a soft chuckle. "Help yourself to a sandwich or something if you're hungry." he said as he walked towards the stairs.


"I'm fine," Jason stopped at the foot of the staircase. "I just really don't feel like having you be the one to sleep on the floor... Nor do I feel like preparing any other room."

*ding dong*

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted their conversation. Neither of them really expected a visitor at the time, but given the situation, it's still possible that additional security would be assigned to keep Jason safe.

"I'll get it." the Charmeleon said as he stood up to open the door.

He grabbed the knob and pulled the door open slightly to first check who the visitor was. He did not expect to find the Ninetails Vex to be the one standing outside. "Charlie?" the Ninetails asked in surprise but she maintained that cheerful expression on her face. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"I guess I could ask you the same thing." the Charmeleon asked, suspicious of the authenticity of their guest and leaving the door just slightly open.

The Ninetails felt the Chameleon's suspicion and let out an amused chuckle. "Why don't you ask Jason to check if I'm real and not just an illusion?"

"Jason can't really use his aura right now." the Charmeleon replied. "If you were the real Veronica, you'd understand my caution. You may leave a message and be on your way."

"I'll check if she's real." Jason spoke from behind the Charmeleon. "Open the door."

Charlie was confused for a moment. "Wait, how will you--"

"Just open the door." the Riolu commanded, barely able to hold back the devious grin that was creeping across his lips.

Neither the Charmeleon nor the Ninetails seemed to appreciate the look on the Riolu's face, but Charlie opened the door anyway.

The Riolu approached the Ninetails and stood on the tips of his toes to try and bring his nose closer to Veronica's face. The Ninetails then leaned in closer to help the Riolu. Jason gave her a couple a whiffs before reaching out and rubbing a finger against the Ninetails' cheek. Almost immediately after contact, the Ninetails backed away and slapped the Riolu's cheek.

Charlie flinched in surprise with the Ninetails' unexpected response, almost lashing out even, but the Riolu's chuckling signaled that things weren't as bad as it seemed. "Yep, that's her alright." the Riolu said with a soft chuckle.

"And how does ruining my makeup prove that?" the Ninetails asked with slight hostility in her voice.

"No Ditto or illusionist would need to wear makeup like that." Jason replied. "Besides, I can still sense things when they're up close, like right in front of my face or something." The Riolu chuckled as he walked back in the house followed by the still upset Ninetails and the embarrassed Charmeleon.

The Charmeleon blushed. "So... um..."

"It's alright." the Ninetails spoke before the Charmeleon could even form a proper sentence. " 'Security purposes' and stuff." She let out a sigh. "And my evening was just starting to get better."

"Sorry 'bout that." Jason sheepishly said. "Should I go prepare my parents' room instead? Just make sure you don't leave any stains on the bed."

"We're not like that, Jason!" the Charmeleon exclaimed.

"Don't bother, Jason." said the Ninetails. "I won't be staying here for the night. I just wanted to stop by for a bit before going."

Jason nodded his head. "Alright. Charlie, I'll go on ahead and sleep. G'night."

The two fire type Pokemon watched the Riolu ascend the stairs until he was out of sight. After the Riolu was gone, the two fire types awkwardly sat down on the couch as a few moments of silence filled the room.

"Um..." the Charmeleon mumbled. "I wasn't really able to say it earlier... but... I'm... I'm sorry about your parents..."

The Ninetails flinched at the mention of her parents, but she tried her best not to appear too shaken. "Thank you..." she chuckled. "To think that working at communications would put them in so much danger at the heart of Avalon's prided Military District."

"I heard that your dad'll make it." Charlie chuckled nervously, trying his best to lighten the mood.

The opposite effect seemed to take place, however, as the Ninetails seemed to grimace. "To be honest, it would've probably been better if he just died with mom..."

The Charmeleon was completely taken by surprise at the Ninetails' words. "Wha-- why? Your dad seems so nice..."

"It's not that I hate him." the Ninetails sternly said. "It's just... he gets depressed easily... or something like that. My mom... she keeps him happy... stays by his side..." the Ninetails paused to maintain her composure. "That's why the two of them are working at communications even though they're both proficient in combat, so my dad is reassured that he won't be losing her 'prematurely'... and then this had to happen..." she paused once more. "I can't keep him company and perform my duties as a recruit at the same time. That's why--"

"Then quit."

Veronica stared at the Charmeleon as if he'd said the craziest thing on the face of the world. "What? You want me to... drop out? Just to be with my dad?"

"Yes," Charlie said adamantly. "yes I am."

"But this is exactly why I shouldn't quit! We have terrorist breathing down our necks and killing the people we love! I have to stay at the Academy and join the fight!"

"We are just recruits, Vex." said the Charmeleon. "Even if you continued your training, the adults would be the ones to deal with them."

"But still--"

"Your father needs you, Ve--"


"As the son of the Head of the Academy--"

"That doesn't give you the right!"

"As your boyfriend--"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"As your friend!" the Charmeleon exclaimed at the top of his lungs to assert 'authority' and waited for the Ninetails to be silent. "Vex, you won't be able to live with yourself if you leave your father alone... not when he needs you the most."

"What would you know about how I should feel?" the Ninetails demanded as tears stayed streaming down her eyes. "What would you know about how it feels like to see your parents dead?"

"I don't know what it feels like yet, I'll admit that. But Jason does... and you saw how it affected him."

"Jason's case is different. He was able to bring his dad back!"

The Ninetails stopped and suddenly stared at the staircase, perking her ears up as she listened closely. Afterwards, she took a deep breath and sighed loudly. "Alright... I'll drop out. Just know that I'm telling them that my reason for doing so is because you're forcing me to."

The Charmeleon nodded slightly and watched the Ninetails stand up and make her way towards the door. Stopping just before she opened the door, she turned around to face the Charmeleon before leaving. "Those assholes openly admitted that they're after Jason... Don't you dare give them the satisfaction, Charlie, whatever it takes." and at that, the Ninetails left.

The Charmeleon was left alone, contemplating on whether he did the right thing or not. One thing's for sure though, it was unlikely that he and Veronica were still in a relationship after that argument they just had.

"Ugh..." the Charmeleon sighed. He was in too bad of a mood to even consider eating, he decided to just skip dinner and go to bed like Jason.

"Jason!" the Charmeleon gasped as he suddenly realized that Veronica might have been looking at the Riolu's direction after what she had said about Jason. He quickly got up from his seat and hurried up the stairs. He expected to find the Riolu inside the room, he didn't expect to find him seat at the end of the stairs.

"Jason... uh..."

"She's mad at me..." the Riolu said softly. Jason may have sounded upset or depressed about it, but he was still wearing a smile on his face albeit avoidin looking at the Charmeleon directly.

"No she isn't."

"She blames me for her predicament... for all the people we lost today."

"She didn't say anything like that." the Charmeleon didn't even have to lie at this one , the Ninetails actually didn't say anything about blaming Jason.

"You heard what she said..." the Riolu chuckled, but the Charmeleon knew it was more of self-pity than amusement. " 'Whatever it takes'..."

"That doesn't mean that she blames you--"

"She means... if it came to it..." the Riolu looked at the Charmeleon in the eye. "you have to kill me just so they won't get their hands on me."

The Charmeleon couldn't think of a single thing to say. His thoughts were buzzing around his head forming no clear path or trail to follow. He knew Vex, he was captivated by her ability, charm, and determination, but he never could've guessed that she would want a friend of hers killed. Then again, maybe she and Jason were not really that close to begin with... Whatever the case, Charlie couldn't fashion the idea of being asked to kill one of their own, and a friend of his to make matters worse.

"I won't kill you, Jason." the Charmeleon said sternly. "I won't let it come to that."

The Riolu looked away as if contemplating what Charlie had said. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. "Welp, I'm really sleepy right now so I'll go on ahead. G'night..."

"G'night..." the Charmeleon said as he watched the Riolu disappear into the room. The image of his first time being there flashed into his mind. He remembered how Jason had accidentally set his room on fire in his sleep, he hoped that he would have to deal with a fire in the middle of the night while he stayed there, and he also remembered how Jason, it whatever it was, had attacked him.

He couldn't get the image of Jason with pure gold, glowing eyes and his golden aura capable of regenerating lost limbs and, more recently, reviving the dead. His first impression of it was that it was a powerful yet hostile spirit. But given how it saved Jason and revived his father, Charlie wasn't so sure anymore. What he worried about right now is the fact that it's very likely that that same "spirit"is why those terrorists seem to be after Jason.

* stomach growling noises*

As much as the Charmeleon had decided to just hit the hay, it seems that his stomach had other ideas. Looks like he'll be having dinner first after all. And maybe a warm shower, Jason probably won't mind. Thoughts of how he would be relaxing soon overshadowed his worries, but that's just how he likes it. There's no point worrying about it now considering he has no idea on what he would do about them. For now, rest. Tomorrow... well, he'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings him.

After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]

Charlie had almost forgotten that he decided to spend the night at Jason's house and had decided to sleep with him in the same room. He awoke confused because of the unfamiliar ceiling above his head, the alien furniture and overall appearance of the...

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After the Storm - Part 33 [Sunsets]

The bright orange light of the setting sun poured into the hospital window. Nurses rushed from room to room, checking on their patients. The hospital's lobby was rather calm considering the panic caused by the explosion earlier that afternoon. Then...

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After the Storm - Part 32 [Shadows of the Past]

"We just can't get a break now can we?" the Blaziken sighed, hunched forward as he and Lucius walked back to the Military District. The sun was setting behind them, casting their their long shadows in front of them with its crimson rays. Another long...

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