Zootopia: Final Audition

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#1 of Zootopia

WARNING: This story contains sizable spoilers for the movie Zootopia - read at your own risk, and go see the movie. It is great.

Gazelle has always had a rather unhealthy fascination with predators, even before some started going savage. Now you can see why!

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I'm also going to devote time each month toward a potential chapter for my novel, "The World After", about dogs in a post-apocalyptic sci-fantasy modeled after the hit series "A Game of Thrones". The only way to read the unedited chapters in advance is to pledge - all tiers can read it, make suggestions, and speculate about what will happen on my forum!

Special thanks to Guri, Kankuroboa, Nymlus, Percy Rose, Rob Baird, Rokanoss, WolfPrinceKouga, Blake, Silvani and the rest of my beloved patrons for all their love and support!

"Gazelle? All the auditions are in, and we have our pick."

I tore my eyes from the computer screen, tossing my head slightly to get my blonde hair out of my eyes. My heart was racing, eyes wide, shocked by my assistant's sudden entrance.

But I didn't let the badger see my surprise.

Taking a deep breath, I said smoothly, "Tell him to wait for the final interview in my dressing room; I'll be there shortly."

I took a deep breath when she left my office, glancing back down at my laptop. "What am I doing?" I muttered. Still, I clicked 'play' on the video.

There, on the screen, I watched as an ocelot reached slowly into a basket and pulled out a mouse. The little mammal was squeaking oaths, but what could it do?She, I reminded myself. The pipsqueak barely the size of my hoof was a person.

Yet somehow, that only made me glue my eyes to the video even more. The shot was heavily edited so that you couldn't see the ocelot's face, just his mouth. Soon, the shot showed the naked little teenaged rodent dangling just in front of his whiskers.

"No! You can't _do_this!" the mouse gasped.

He can't really_, can he?_ I wondered, panting.

His only answer was a throaty purr. Then, before I could even prepare for it, he opened his mouth, cocked his head back, and lowered the young woman into his gaping maw.

My ears flattened. "No!" I gasped. With a loud slurp, the ocelot closed his mouth around the squirming creature, and the camera zoomed in on his throat. "This can't be real," I shivered, watching a writhing little bulge slowly travel down the white fur on his spotted neck. It had to be CG or something! With a loud gulp, the bulge was gone, and the only response from the cat was a loud, satisfied, 'aaaah.'

But my source had assured me this was real footage, from the dark underbelly of Zootopia. My throat was dry and I was gasping, but he didn't give me any breaks. The camera showed the ocelot's wide grin as he reached back into the basket for another mouse. There were ten - well, nine left - rodents weeping and squealing as they tried to get out of the basket.

I couldn't help it. My three fingers slipped neatly beneath the waistband of my skirt, ears flat as I moaned. What if the badger had walked in on me now?_What if word got out that the city's biggest defended of predators was getting off to snuff films? The newspapers all ran headlines crediting Gazelle for holding the city together amidst calls to kick out all the cats, wolves, bears, ever since they started going crazy and attacking people. If anyone found out about this, not only would my movement be over, but so would my _career.

And yet, I watched intently, humping against my hooved fingers as the ocelot gulped down mouse after mouse after mouse. This _never_would have happened if Carlotti hadn't...

almost killed me

I shivered, the murders on the screen continuing in a blur as I thought back to that night. We'd just finished a show and I was getting out of the car when the lead backup dancer, Carlotti roared, clutching the back of his neck. It was one thing to hear about 'going savage' on the news, but another thing entirely to see it in person. How ironic would it be if the leader of the predator rights movement was murdered by her own employee?

Before I could respond, his eyes went wide and unearthly, and the huge beast dropped to all fours, growling at me. I only made it two steps in my high heels before he was on me, snapping and clawing at my small body. Thank goodness Ambrose was there, or I'd have died. The tigers fought tooth and claw while I ran away. Ambrose was still in the hospital, and Carlotti...well, he was in the city jail, pacing around like an animal.

At first, I'd defended predators because they were my friends and fellow performers, but now...now I couldn't help but tremble at how large and powerful my tigers were. I barely stood as tall as their belly buttons!

The video ended with a panned out shot of the ocelot's rather full belly, the new and final prison for the poor mice. He let out a satisfied_braaaap!_ and the film was over, no credits.

Shuddering, I pulled my wet digits from my pussy, already orgasming twice to the video. But I was on the edge of another. No big problem, considering the private interview I was about to hold. I closed the folder inside a folder inside a folder inside a folder so that no one would chance across that damning video, and flipped it closed, and before I knew it, I was standing outside my dressing room. I doubt the tiger had any idea what the final interview process was all about.

Sure enough, the new recruit was waiting impatiently (judging by his twitching tail), a carbon copy of my other dancers. His broad shoulders, white chest, and rippling muscles were out for anyone to see, thin purple shorts barely containing his tigerhood. I could tell immediately that he would fit in just perfectly, once Ambrose could return as the new head dancer. I glanced over at the big, red light that indicated the room was being recorded, and smiled.

"Hender, I presume?" I said, tossing my head in a way that only a gazelle could pull off. I sauntered in with a well-practiced sway of my wide hips, as was second nature by now. My singing voice was certainly good, but I knew the real reason people watched. With a flick of my tufted, brown flag, I said, "I'm Gazelle."

A low, rumbling voice greeted me. "Believe me, I know. It is an honor to have made it to the final round, miss. I've dreamed of meeting you since I was a cub."

Good small talk, but we had business to attend. I looked up at him. Even though he was sitting down, he still towered over me. "I see you've got high marks for accuracy and strength, but your synchronization is a little off."

Hender blinked, surprised at the sudden onslaught. "Well, I - it was a new song."

"Yes. 'Try Everything'. I hope I don't need to remind you to keep any of these dance moves to yourself if we decide not to go with you."

He nodded.

I smiled, "But you learned your part very fast. That's a good sign, and your backup vocals are top-notch."

Hender grinned, his sharp teeth all too visible. I gulped, trying to hide the way he made my heart race. I pushed my legs together so that I wouldn't start dripping right in front of him. "I'm a triple threat," he admitted.

"All that's left," I said, "Is to convince me that you should be a member of our team."

Hender blinked again, his bright, green eyes narrowed into slits for one small second that send a twinge down my spine. I had to work to keep my ears upright. The huge cat said, "I thought that's what the audition was for?"

I gave a cute, bleating laugh and turned away from him, glancing over my shoulder with my left eye while I sauntered forward toward the big, red button that said, 'Record'. With a playful toss of my hair and a flip of my tail, I said, "Consider this part two of your audition." I pushed down on the button, and the big, red light _clanked_off.

I could hear him catch his breath, realizing that the two of us were now completely off-the-record. Time for the private interview to start. Still, he was wisely patient, bred to lie in wait for his prey. I turned and eyed the huge tiger, licking my lips, and said, "The Gazelle Studios family is close-knit. I need to make sure you're a....good_fit_."

He waited in the chair, eyes fixated on my slender body. I continued, "You're not...the jealous type? You learned how to share?"

Finally Hender spoke. "As long as I get enough for myself," he purred, tail twitching.

"Oh believe me," I said, stepping forward. "There's enough of me to go around."That was pretty clear.

"I wouldn't be so sure," he said, leaning forward. "Tigers are as big as they are high stamina, and you've got four of them."

I stopped right in front of Hender, grinning up at him. "I have a lot of practice. Believe me, I'll be sating you_before you can satisfy _me."

"That sounds like a challenge," he grinned, though I cut off his next response by reaching forward with both hands to grip the enormous bulge tenting his costume.

"No," I said, reaching up to pull down the tight, firm waistband. Hender stood, standing more than two times my height, while I pulled down his pants to reveal his bright, red cock. "It sounds like an audition."

"You know," he purred, "You might get more people auditioning if they knew what the final interview was like."

"And spoil the surprise?" I asked, nuzzling his cock. Cats might be underendowed for their size, but tigers were so large that his erection was almost as wide as my head and half again as long. Luckily, I had experience. Hooved fingers reaching forward, I gripped his shaft in one hand, the other cupping his soft, white balls. Hender groaned, tail twitching, but he didn't _gasp_until I wrapped my long, flexible tongue around his tip.

"Nnng, Gazelle," he groaned. His hands were as big as my upper body, so when he grabbed my shoulders, I was engulfed in fur. "Sorry," he said, reaching back with both hands to grip the cloth on the chair instead.

While he kicked the skimpy shorts off, I settled in, ready to show the new recruit a thing or two. I opened my jaw wide and slid my wet muzzle over his swollen tip. I could feel the sharp bristles starting to tingle, though they wouldn't spring all the way out just yet. Slowly, I snaked my tongue around and around his dick until I had him wrapped all the way to his base.

"I always knew you were talented," he purred, "but this is something else."

And he ain't seen nothin' yet. Ever so slowly, I bobbed my head forward, inch after inch of his enormous, throbbing cock pushing past my lips. I looked up into his widening eyes, and when my cheeks were just starting to hurt, I felt him poke the back of my throat.

"Wow," was all he said, a full three-fourths of his dick now hidden inside my mouth.

Time to pull out the big guns. Flattening my ears, I let out a muffled bleat and relaxed my gag reflex. I had to stand on my tip-toes to get the right angle, but I did it. Suckling hard, I opened my throat and let him in.

"No way..." he gasped, watching his enormous bulge start to push down my slender neck. Just a few more inches and..._there!_My dainty nose was pushed up against his belly. He was about to make another comment when I started to really suck, my throat rippling around his deeply embedded tip, pulsating around him.

His words became a growl, and suddenly his hands were on my antlers. Each was just long enough to form a perfect hand-hold for the enormous tiger, and he held on tightly, bucking his hips. I was like putty in his hands, bobbing up and down his cock at his mercy, bleating eagerly.

Until he flared. His barbs shot outward, rubbing against my neck and throat and mouth. When Hender pulled back, the spines dug into me. I didn't mind a little pain with my pleasure, my tail bouncing up and down in my excitement. I knew what the tiger was about to do, but little did he realize that if he really_wanted to beat me at this game, he would need to start getting me off early and often. I was already two orgasms for the last hour, but he had a _lot of catching up to do.

"Graaar!" he roared, slamming forward and letting go. I felt his heavy balls pulse into life, shooting their heady load straight into my stomach. A good source of protein, I knew. I had to keep my figure somehow.

Gently, I pulled myself off of him with a wet _splop!_Tigers might have huge stamina, but they were quick to cum and small in dose. That suited me just fine. Licking my lips, I said, "Round 1 to Gazelle."

Hender smirked. "I've got a lot more where that came from."

"I should hope so!" I said, shaking my rump. "Prove it."

"You're going to have to help me with that clasp," he said, pointing to my bright pink top. The mechanism was tiny compared to Hender's huge hands, so I smiled and reached behind to unclasp it. The tiger reached down to my skirt, however, and tugged down. Lowering my tail obediently, the colorful cloth slipped down my wide rump to fall lifeless around my slender ankles. I stepped slowly forward, tossing the top down beside it.

Now, I was completely naked, though Hender hadn't seen anything just yet. I walked two steps away from him and _leeeeaaaaned_forward, lifting my light brown rump for the massive cat. He watched appreciatively, his dick already pointing up again after our little introduction.

And then I flicked my tail up. This time, with no skirt to get in the way, he could see everything. My flag-tail was hiked, wide buttocks spread just enough to reveal the light pink lips between them. Hender _murred_and took a step forward, reaching down to wrap one huge hand around my waist.

"Oh!" I gasped, giggling as he lifted me effortlessly into the air. I couldn't help but be reminded of those helpless mice in the ocelot's claws, dangling above the cat's bright, red meatstick. His upper hand slid up to wrap around my chest, rubbing against my tight breasts, while his free hand snaked beneath me, one enormous finger testing the waters.

I was already sopping. "Someone came prepared," he rumbled.

"Quit teasing me," I suggested.

"Tsk, tsk," he said. "Not until I return the favor."

"Nnnnnrrrraaah!" I bleated, gasping as he rubbed his sheathed digit up between my legs. I was helpless to resist as Hender pushed up into my, spreading my ample rump wide. Shivering though I was, I managed to gasp, "You're going to have to do better than that."

"Just wait," he growled, holding me tightly in place and pumping his paw pad up my pussy. He wasn't bad, though I had to doubt that he could top Carlotti.

Quivering, I rocked my hips back and forth against his finger, grateful for the attention after so long without an orgasm. I'd gotten quite accustomed over the years performing with the crew, and I'd rarely go more than an hour without a quicky in the bathroom. I had to try to stop myself from cumming all over his hand, but even though I wanted to, I wasn't about to make this easy on the new recruit.

He seemed to realize his digit wasn't enough. Toting me high in the air, I lay on my stomach across his large palm, legs dangling down his wrist. I bleated and lifted my brown tail, and Hender wasted no time. A second later, my rump was engulfed by his large, scratchy tongue.

"Aaaah!" I gasped, spreading my legs apart. He shoved his huge tongue deep into my clenching cunny, barely able to stuff the big, wet organ into me. It felt great to be so stuffed, and I couldn't stop myself from bucking up against his tongue, ears flat. I reached my slender arms around his palm and clung tightly to his fur, rocking my body around his fervent licks.

Hender just purred_and _murred, lapping eagerly at my freely offered pussy, enjoying every facet of my salty flavor. Now my willpower was failing me. I was already dripping when he started his onslaught, but now I was getting closer and closer to -

"Mrrraaaaaah!" I squealed, squirting_down Hender's waiting tongue. He gulped and slurped, guzzling ever drop that exploded from my primed young body, which only drove me harder, bouncing up and down as I _came. He kept swallowing until I clenched his hair and tugged, whimpering at the sudden pain in my pussy.

Slowly, he lowered me to the floor, leaving me gasping there as he grinned, "Round 2 to Hender."

When I glanced up at him, he was crouching behind me, his cock once again sticking out like a tent pole. I took a deep breath.

"Don't tell me you're already tired," Hender smirked.

I tossed my head and laughed. "Boy, you've got another thing coming." Sliding onto all fours, I lifted my big, brown rump and tucked my tail to the side. "Let's see what you've got."

He didn't need to be told twice. He leaned forward, mounting me from behind, one hand a pillar holding his weight up, the other wrapped neatly around my breasts. I gasped, shivering as Hender slid his hips forward, his barbed cock getting closer and closer to my trembling pussy. I wasn't ready, not really, still in the throes of my last orgasm, but I'd learned how to cope with the sudden sensation. Instead of shirking away, I pressed my butt back against him, whimpering when I felt his tip brushing up against my pink slit.

"God damn, Gazelle, this doesn't even seem real. You're every pred's wet dream."

I just winked back at him and said, "Every_one's_."

"Rea -"

I interrupted him, "Do you really need to ask?" flatly.

Hender grinned, and stuffed himself home.

"Ooooh!" I gasped, legs shoved apart as the huge tiger split me apart. His tongue was one thing, but his fat, throbbing cock rammed into me, and if I weren't known for my huge ass, he might have been too much. As it was, he fit me perfectly, pressing out in all directions even as I felt him bottom out inside of me, _thudding_up against my cervix. "I'm waiting!" I whined.

Now he knew what I really wanted. With a growl, he began pounding me, hard. Back and forth he rocked my tiny body, holding me in place with his massive fist. He drew his dick back and then plunged forward, picking up the pace. I could only hug his hand and take it all, bleating meekly.

When he hunched over me for a better angle, I glanced up to see the underside of his chin. He was so much bigger than me! I felt his tight, white abs, rubbing against my back and he plundered me, his tight, feline balls bouncing against my thighs.''

"I'm...almost..." I gasped, before composing my words. "Don't forget the neck bite!" I yelped.

Hender groaned, and used his flexible body to its full effect. Even as he pounded my rump, he curled up, lowering his enormous muzzle to the back of my neck. I kept my head facing down so that my horns wouldn't get in the way. Then I felt him. His huge mouth, tilted sideways, engulfed my neck, his sharp teeth sinking in just deep enough to poke.

Carlotti almost did the same, but he would have bit down.

Fear and lust filled my small body as Hender bit down. I remembered all too well how close the huge tiger had come to killing me before Ambrose stepped in, the ravenous beast missing my neck for the killing blow by mere inches. I'd always enjoyed this aspect of tiger mating, but now the sensation was too much for me. I bleated out loud and came, bouncing and squirming around Hender's cock.

It was all too much for Hender as well. His gazelle belle shuddered around him, and I was more than enough to make him explode. Our loins were burning, aching, and _cumming_together, thick, heady _splurts_launching straight into my waiting womb. Not that I had anything to worry about from a tiger.

Of course, his barbs flared out, and when he pulled back and forth, they raked me inside. I just dropped my jaw and bleated like a dying buffalo, grunting. Between the teeth and the barbs, my orgasm was only heightened by the intense pain and pleasure. Fender humped me full of cum until he couldn't any longer, which was only for a minute or two.

Now we were both panting, burning up in the blissful splendor of afterglow. Neither of us was ready for round 4. With a weak whimper, I said, "Round 3 - tie."

I recovered first, pushing Hender onto his back and climbing onto his huge belly. "Give up, yet?" I grinned, knowing his answer.

"Fuck no," he grinned.

I laughed and crouched down over his semi-erect cock. "Then you better get this up."

Hender licked his lips, watching in awe as I balanced just inches above him. Sure enough, his dick swelled, pointing straight up to my abused folds. "That's better," I said, and then I was on him, riding him like a wild horse.

"God, you're beautiful," Hender groaned, bucking up as best he could. I rode him up and down, rising and falling a foot. My tight boobs bounced from the effort, and Hender took notice, curling up to lick my chest with his enormous tongue. I wrapped my arms around his wet, spiked tongue. Even his _tongue_was stronger than me!

"Don't hold back!" I gasped, knowing that most of my tigers seemed like they were afraid to give me the pounding I really needed. Hender wasn't one of them. He curled his toes, slamming his hips up to meet mine. I trembled, holding his huge tongue to my chest. Opening my eyes, I realized I had a perfect view of Hender's throat. Suddenly, I was_squealing_ and cumming around the big beast, eyes wide at the giant uvula that dangled neatly above the inky blackness of his throat. I could only imagine that this was the last view half of the mice in that video would ever have (the others were dropped tail-first).

Hender wasn't looking to tie, so he growled and rode out my spasming cunt, making sure not to flare up inside of me. I bucked and squeezed my damndest around that huge rod, but I'd cum too early. Hender smirked up at me as I gasped and groaned. "Round four to me," he rumbled.

Damnit, he's ahead of me now.

Picking me up in one big paw, he pulled me off of him like a discarded condom, letting my juices dribble pitifully out of me onto his stomach. "Ready for round five, or do you give up?" He grinned.

I was still panting from my last orgasm, but he wasn't about to let me off the hook. I had to choose - lose the match, or go again. "Never," I replied.

He went straight for the jugular - metaphorically speaking. He hoisted me over to the nearby dressing room table and spread me out face down. His hand effortlessly spread my trembling legs. I bleated, knowing what awai -

He _slammed_into me from behind, pushing his sopping cock deep into my overstimulated vulva. "Aaaaaaah!" I squealed, but I didn't call 'uncle'. I'd suffered through worse before. Hender was like a wild animal, grabbing each of my tiny arms in his hands and tugging back on me as he humped mercilessly. The table squeaked and creaked under the strain, and it was a testament to the oak that it didn't collapse then and there.

But now, having borned the worst of it, my pussy recovered and _I_had the upper hand. He'd been awfully close to cumming before, so I just had to ride it out and we'd be tied again. I grunted, hoping each thrust would be the last, and he'd start pumping me full again.

Hender leaned all the way forward, resting his enormous weight on my back before a slow, deliberate lick was planted up my back and then along my slender neck. Having his sharp teeth so close sent chills down my spine. Did he know? How could he? "Unnnf! Urrrg!" he grunted, drilling me. I could tell he was close.

But so was I, my sixth orgasm just inches away.

I can do this!

I couldn't. When I felt Hender bite down and flare up inside me, it was too much. His backwards-facing spines dug into my sensitive cunny and tore backwards, sending bright lights of pain through my small body, even as my hindquarters began to tense up and shudder. Mouth forming a rather familiar 'o', I bugled wildly into the small dressing room, ears ringing with his sudden roar.

His balls clenched up and let loose a torrent, twice as strong as the first two. Now I knew I was tapping into his true reserves, balls quivering as they drained into me. I would only stop when my willpower gave out, but Hender could only do so much. Even though he was ahead, I knew that I would win.

I was drenched with sweat now, waiting for the sharp - Ow! - when Hender pulled out of me. Cum spilled out, drenching my legs and spilling onto the floor.

Spinning around, I grinned up at Hender. "Round five: me."

He raised an eyebrow. "That was a tie."

I licked my lips. "If you want to beat me, you're going to need to do at least three-to-one."

He grinned, and I spread my legs, lying back on the table. "Ready?" I asked innocently.

"Just you wait..." he said, stepping over me. He was already making adjustments, realizing he'd never win at this rate. Instead of his cock, he readied his finger, rubbing up against the mess he'd left behind.

I let him do his worst, bleating and whimpering as he fingered me, running his rough tongue all over my chest. I thrust my upper body against him, nipples firm and hard, enjoying the sharp pain. His huge finger was no barbed cock, however, and I was starting to get a little frustrated waiting to cum. "Get on with it!" I panted.

Now I knew_Hender was on to me. With a grin, the huge tiger knelt over me, tilted his head, opened his mouth, and closed his teeth gently over my neck. All my wide eyes could see was the top of his enormous head, helpless in his massive jaws. Finger or no, I _came_and I came _hard.

We did it again and again, Hender taking care to give his sore balls a break, but even with his dedicated onslaught with hands, tongue, and even tail, my pussy was an unstoppable force of nature. The most endearing effort on his part was to get me to give up by lifting up my tail and slipping it in my back door. He couldn't know how often I'd had two tigers on me, abusing each of my holes while I sucked off a third. I took him up the butt three times before he gave up, washed himself in the dressing sink, and went back to door number 1.

I was at 14 or 15 orgasms when I straddled the big tiger and he said, "No, no more! I give up!"

With a grin, I gave his nuts a hard squeeze, leaving the poor tiger groaning on his back. "Told you," I smiled.

Panting, Hender gaspes, "How...how did I do?"

"It's a start, anyway. Don't call us, we'll call you."

His eyes widened. "Seriously?"

I gave a light, bugling laugh. "No, Hender, you've got the job."

Relief washed over the huge tiger. Until, that is, I added, "If you'll do me one last favor."

He tilted his head, watching me as I slowly sat down and laid on my back, spreading my legs for him. "If your dick is out of commission, your tongue will have to do," I explained.

Hender smiled and rolled over onto all fours, creeping toward me like the ancient predator he'd descended from. He licked his huge, white lips until he was peering straight down at my abused, dripping folds.

It felt good. Really_good. I lay back and let him eat me out, pumping my hips. Still, I regretted not being able to see more of his huge throat. I'd been eaten out every day for the last seven years. I needed something_more.


He had to pull his tongue free with a loud, wet _smack_to reply, "Yes?"

"My legs are sore from spreading them out so much."

"But if you close them, I can't get my tongue between them," he explained.

I shivered, wondering if I should even ask. How would he take the request? Would he suspect the truth? I needed it too much to worry about the consequences. "Unless..." I said, lifting one hoof and dangling it in front of the huge tiger.

When he seemed confused, I said, "Pull me into your mouth," breathily.

Hender paused, and for a moment, I knew I'd gone too far. Just as I was about to stammer an apology and find some way to back out of hiring the skilled tiger, he smiled, and grabbed my hoof. "Your wish is my command."

My eyes bugged out so far I thought they'd fall out as I watched the huge tiger lift my left hoof to his mouth and pop it inside his white lips. I whimpered, seeing my own foot disappear. Then, he did the same for the other, lifting me up by my hooves. "Oh, God!" I bugled, watching as he pulled inch after inch of my hind legs into his wet, waiting muzzle.

It felt good, like a tongue bath from every direction at once. When he got to my knees, he slid a huge paw beneath my back, lifting me up like an oyster he was about to guzzle. He pulled my deeper, until his tongue blanketed my aching rump. He sniffed loudly, his nose now inches from my pussy, both my firm thighs buried completely in his mouth. "More..." I panted.

But there was one more milestone before he could suck my whole, wide rump into his mouth. My dainty legs were just a little too long. Relaxing his throat and his jaw, Hender tucked my hooves neatly together, sliding a few inches into his esophagus. There was just enough light in his open mouth for me to watch as my hooves disappeared into that inky sea, my knees bobbing near his uvula.

"Wow..." I gasped, looking down into the tiger's maw. The rows of sharp teeth rounded the slippery tunnel, the base of his tongue clearly visible as the backdrop for my slender legs. Saliva dripped in pillars down the back of his throat, more than I'd ever seen. I realized that _I_was the one making him drool.

As soon as my vulva slipped between his lips, Hender stood up, holding me carefully in place as he suckled on me like a popsicle. Sure, his tongue couldn't quite slide all the way between my legs, but the suction around me sent slobber into every crevasse. My excited juices spilled down my legs into his throat.

"Nnnngh!" I gasped, looking down now to see my lower half replaced by Hender's eager,slurping mouth. My little tail was wagging as I rocked my hips, feeling the longest, hardest orgasm of my life coming closer and closer. Trembling, I grasped the thick whiskers on his muzzle to hold myself up, feeling like any moment I might slip straight down into his throat like the mice in the video. "Uhhh...aaaaah!" I moaned.

He couldn't reply, at least not politely. He rather had his mouth full. With all my resolve and my ears flat against my skull, I managed to gasp, "I've never done this - this is...unbelievable..."

I humped up and down against his greedy tongue, my legs kicking uselessly where they lay trapped in Hender's throat. For one, desperate moment, I actually_wanted_ him to tip me back and open wide, letting me slide slowly into his waiting belly, if only to truly know what it felt like to those doomed mice. The lust in my loins had built to the point that I no longer cared about anything else, and it took all my willpower not to scream, "Eat me!"

Instead, I bleated, "Don't stop!", tossing my head back to get the blonde hair out of my eyes. Ever so gently, Hender slipped his tongue sideways between my legs, managing to slid the rough surface just inside my pink, throbbing flesh, and for one, blessed moment, I could see down his open gullet. It was too much for me, and I began to convulse, _squirting_more than I ever had in my young life. Torrents of my juices mixed with his flooded out of me to course down his tongue, _gulped_noisily by the eager tiger. I was too weak even to buck my hips, just quivering and squeezing onto Hender's whiskers until my knuckles were white.

He drank me down until I was well and truly finished, panting and moaning where I lay, still perched like an empty oyster shell. I was dazed. It was like the first time I'd ever orgasmed - until that point in time, you only_think_ you have felt pleasure. Well, now my orgasm was blown out of the water. Hender left me drained, my brain so overstimulated I almost fell asleep still half embedded in the tiger's mouth.

"You win, Hender," I panted. "I give up! I'm yours..."

The dancer looked up at me grinning.

"Now," I gasped, smiling at him. "Let me down and we can discuss your contract."

Hender only grinned wider, showing the sharp teeth that had made me shudder. "Hender?" I asked.

His only reply was a loud, wet GULP! My eyes went wide as I felt myself pulled deeper, my ankles sliding into his throat, too. "Hender, stop!" I gasped, my rump spilling down to the meatiest part of his wide tongue.

But the new recruit lifted me up even further, until I wasn't on my back anymore. Instead, I was propped up vertically, peering down as Hender opened his huge maw. My grip on his whiskers failed, and I quickly placed one hand on his nose and the other on one of his canine teeth, muscles aching from the effort of staying aloft. "Wait!" I bleated.

But he was already_purring_, content just the way we were. I felt him swallow again and again, his throat muscles tugging again and again on my slime-covered feet. My lower half was similarly drenched. The only thing keeping me from sliding down his throat were my trembling hands. "Hender!" I squealed, glancing at the green light. The video feed was down. No one was watching. The dressing room was all but sound-proof. No one could hear! That damn badger knew better than to interrupt the final interview with an auditioner, no matter how long it took.

This has to be a bad joke!

If it was, Hender wasn't letting on. With his free hand, the tiger reached up as easily as a rabbit hops and squeezed my arms to my sides, losing my hand holds. He let go, and as fast as I tried, I couldn't get my handhold again. With a loud, indignant bleat, I sank into Hender's jaws, eyes wide as I watched my hips sink halfway into hi throat.

With a thud, my wide rump smacked against his esophageal sphincter, holding me in place. Now, I was face to face with the tiger's _snuffling_nose, only my neck still poking out of his mouth. The rest of me was drenched in feline drool, held tight between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. "Please," I begged. "Please don't! I'll do anything!"

If ever there were a time to reveal the joke, this was it. I was fully sobbing now, trying to kick around to find some way to stop my descent. As more and more saliva coated my huge ass, I could feel my widest part starting to wedge its way down his throat. My pussy rubbed heavily against the lip before the final drop-off, starting to quiver.

For a second, Hender held me there, his teeth digging into my neck, only this time the fear I felt was real. Lowering his jaw, Hender tossed his head back and _gulped,_and I caught another glimpse of his dripping throat before my stomach felt the lurch of free-fall. I watched my rump slide swiftly into Hender's throat, the rest of me suddenly dropping entirely into his mouth. If anything remained visible outside, it was my curved, black horns, but even that I couldn't be sure of.

Apparently not them either, I realized, as Hender closed his mouth, and darkness engulfed me. My muffled screams were surely audible by the cat's sharp ears, but I was allowed to stew in the darkness, feeling his wet tongue squeeze around me from every side, pulled me deeper down his throat. By now, my hips were several feet down, surely making a noticeable bulge in the tiger's neck.

This is...really happening... I thought, biting my lip. Even I couldn't pretend that Hender was playing an elaborate prank in swallowing me down to the belly-button in his gulping throat. Why would he do this? He wasn't savage!

The why became incredibly irrelevant after his next, big _gulp!_His mouth opened long enough for me to watch myself sink to the armpits into Hender's gullet, arms forced up beside my antlers. My slender body offered no real resistance to the hungry tiger. "No!" I gasped, but it was my last coherent word.

My neck, head, and horns slipped down into the inky blackness that was to be my final slide. Now my hooves were already spilling into a wide cavern, but the rest of me was pinned tightly on every side by strong, wet, peristalsis, tugging me ever-downward while Hender swallowed. Now, my ears were blanketed in neverending purrs, only pausing for a loud, satisfied sigh. Above, his throat had closed, leaving me encased in infinite black.

Now I knew first hand what those mice must have felt. The terror of the real thing had driven all thoughts of lust from my mind. This is it, I'm food, I realized. After so many years of getting stuffed full of tiger meat, the new recruit was getting stuffed full of me. Did he think I wanted this, despite all my protests? Did he get carried away? I squirmed in his throat until I realized none of it mattered.

I'm almost there, I thought, remembering the ocelot's mouse-bulging belly. More and more of my legs were freed of his tight esophagus, sliding hoof-first into the cat's enormous stomach. There's nothing to do now but wait...


As soon as I accepted my fate, everything changed. I was already dead, after all. There remained only minutes for me, at best. And then, I wouldn't be Gazelle anymore. There's be no more pressure, stress, or accolades. I'd spent my life trying to satisfy my fans, and now all that was left was to satisfy Hender. Judging by his loud sigh, I was doing pretty damn well!

My pussy began to shudder, all the feelings I'd once felt in fear of death coming out now. I was panting inside, despite the lack of air slowly sapping away at my brain. Bleating, I_humped_ up and down against his throat, enjoying the squeezing of his muscles around my breasts. I didn't even have to touch myself.

My last orgasm had been intense, but this was unreal. In mere seconds, my oxygen-deprived brain was firing on all cylinders as I bucked and came, gushing straight into Hender's belly. I knew he could hear my muffled moans, just like I could hear his _thumping_heartbeat. We would be inseperable, now. Together forever.

With a wet splash, I tumbled into my final resting place. The flesh still squeezed around me, churning and bubbling, his acids sloshing all around me. Before it did more than sting, I felt my eyes start to throb, my ears go flat, my lungs collapsing. A thin, sharp heat started to well up in my head like I'd sunk into a hot tub, and then I -

* * * * *


Arnov dialed his cell phone. "Mayor? It's done."

"It is? Excellent! I'll send Walter over to dispose of the 'evidence'," Bellweather's voice came over the phone.

"No need," Arnov growled. "I didn't need the gun, and there's no body."

Silence on the other end. "How is... you know what? Never mind. With that nosy gazelle finally out of the way, we can move on to the next phase of the plan."

"Listen," Arnov said, sitting back in the chair to rub his churning belly. Her unconscious struggles had stopped a few minutes ago, finally relaxing curled up at the bottom of his stomach. He took a deep breath, listening to the gurgles and_sloshes_ of his latest meal. Gazelle had tasted good all the way down, his gut bulging neatly.

She was a lot bigger than she looked! Still, he should have no trouble walked right out of here before anyone realized something was amiss, and no one would find him in the underground. "I don't care about that, I just want my money."

I should be paying her_after that. I've never committed such a pleasing assassination._

"Of course, of course - I'll wire it to your account as soon as the news breaks."

"Bellweather, do be a good lamb and send the money, or I'll be visiting _you_next," he purred.

He could _hear_the gulp on the other end of the phone. "Of course."

Arnov had never had much trouble getting paid.