Chapter Three: Foreshadows

Story by The Roseblack Dragon on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of Ippon

Storms can be easily seen coming, but not so easily stopped...

The city stank. It was not the dry, crisp reek of molten metal and burning wood

and coal. However, it was a moist, wet smell. The smell of masses of people packed so

closely togethere there was nothing that could alleviate the overhanging funk of sweat and

grime. It was not a dirty city, but Eizu was certainly worlds apart from Usuyami's home of

Tetsumo. She walked along the crowded street, clothed in plain worker's clothing, with a

large bundle on her back that hid her normal clothing, and her swords and bow. She had her

long copper hair pulled up and tied back under a white kerchief. She herself was a day early,

with her formal arrival happening tomorrow. She had plans for visiting the city of Eizu without

Aritseru knowing she was there. This was a fairly simple thing for her, due to the things she

had learned from her Father when she was very little. It had been almost fifteen years since

her father's death, but the name of Hakkichi Shidomori was still famous, to those who knew

the name, that was. Usuyami's father was renown for his skills in stealth and agility, for he

was one of the few who could actually be called 'Ninja'. Unlike most Ninja, who were either

Ronin, or simply mercenaries, like most of Aritseru's forces, Hakkichi was true to the Akanti

clan. He was a spy, a gatherer of information, a spreader of lies, and on the rare occasion, a

blade of silent death.

Usuyami had learned most of his tricks, since from the day she could walk he had

trained her in the ways of movement. She was not Ninja, but she knew things that most Ninja

would never tell. She even knew secrets about their work that they would never share with

anyone outside their world. Usuyami sighed, unwillingly taking in a lungful of the damp

market air. She wished to be home in Tetsumo, but she knew she had to make some kind of

an appearance here, honor demanded it. As she walked, she passed a very odd sight. A

sight that was making more than a few people stare. A Jirajin Samurai of the Rokkotsu Clan

was walking with a lady such as she had never seen before. Not one of the people of Ippon,

as she resembled a rabbit, but the girl was far from unattractive. The she recognized the

samurai and her eyes goggled. There was no mistaking that spear and those eyes; he was

Shuji Yarimoto, Lord of the Rokkotsu. Usuyami quickly turned and knelt down, reaching into

her pack and removing a single arrow from her bundle striding over and bowing to him like a

commoner with a gift.

"Lord Yarimoto, I bear you this gift from a Samurai who respects you, and would

like to meet with you later."

Shuji blinked and took the arrow, and smiled. "I see... Very well, I shall stop by

her lodgings just past the Hour of the Falcon. Can you tell me where she is staying?"

Usuyami nodded, expertly keeping the smile from her face and not daring to look

up, in case another Samurai was watching, "She is staying at the Inn of the Moon Bird."

"Thank you," shuji nodded, "I would be happy to meet with her."

Usuyami bowed lower, "Thank you, lord. She will be thrilled to learn of your

acceptance." And she quickly scurried off.

"What she want?" Summer asked in her halting speech.

Shuji nodded, "Gift." He showed her the arrow, "Later, you come meet Friend?"

Summer smiled and nodded, "yes!"

"You are an Idiot!" Aritseru bellowed at the kneeling Nezujin, Kuji Morisa, "Do you

have ANY idea who that was?!"

"H-he was just some arrogant samurai, lord," Kuji stammered nervously. Aritseru

paid him well, better than any other employer, but he knew that his life was entirely in the

Lord Kajikuro's hands.

Aritseru pounded the floor with his palm, "That 'arrogant samurai' was Lord

Yarimoto, head of The Rokkotsu!"

Kuji paled, "but... he was not dressed as a Lord would be...."

"IDIOT!" Aritseru roared, making the wood and paper walls shudder, "that is what

he does! Ugh... I had no idea he would be coming..."

Kuji kept silent, knowing to wait until spoken to.

"You will go and apologize to him instantly, and if he takes your head for your

rudeness, I will not blame him," Aritseru hissed.

Kuji bowed, "My Lord, What of the girl and her companion?"

"Leave them be! Are you deaf? They are not your concern now that Lord Yarimoto

has taken them into his care. Though I would like to see this foreign girl you speak of..."

"I will go now, Lord."

"You should have gone when I told you to," Aritseru hissed angrily, his palm on

his blade.

Kuji quailed. At Aritseru's waist was the famed 'Atsuta Blade'. A katana of

massive proportions, easily able to cut through armor, samurai, saddle, and horse with one

stroke. Kuji would be nothing but a red smear on the floor if he stayed, so he hopped to his

feet and did what rats did best. He ran.

Aritseru huffed. If the Lord of Rokkotsu were in his town, he would have to be

careful. The Rokkotsu were the largest clan in the south of Ippon, and Shuji was spoken of

as a lazy, carefree Lord, but those who had faced his forces on the field knew better. The

Rokkotsu were known for their success in battles, sustaining minimal losses, while decimating

their opponents. This was due to Shuji's tactical prowess. He had a knack for finding the

seams in an enemy's forces and splitting them wide open. Shuji was also reputed to be

rather popular among the women, though he was still unmarried and practically aloof with all

of the women who approached him.

Aritseru hissed and leaned back in his seat. If everything was true about this

newcomer to Ippon, he would have to see her. If she would not be his, she would be


"But why meet him, Shidomori-san?" The cream-colored vixen asked, confused.

Usuyami smiled, pulling her kimono closed and adjusting the Obi as she wrapped

it, "Because he is interesting. And he knows much of battles; I could learn a few things from

him. Can you help me with this, Yanagi-chan?"

Aoi Yanagi sighed and moved over to help Usuyami tie the Obi, "I still think it's a

big risk. Kajikuro's spies might see you, and then what?" Aoi was Usuyami's best friend, and

the two were quite close. Aoi was Jyujin, and she was small of build, even for a race that was

already considered 'petite'. But despite her lack of stature, she was quite strong and agile,

And Usuyami had taken her under her tutelage, teaching her the ways of the ninja that

Usuyami's father had taught her. Aoi wore a similar outfit to Usuyami; the Akanti Lotus

intoned in red, on a pale white Kimono, with a deep red Obi. Her fur was pale crème in color,

and she had oddly colored tips. Her left ear was black tipped, while her right ear was tipped

in white. Her handfur was reversed, with the right one black and the left one white, and her

feet where both white. In a separate Takonama from the one Usuyami's swords and bow

were kept in, rested Aoi's weapons. Her paired Katana and Wakizashi that marked her as

samurai, but her main weapons were know to many; The Five Fans of Fudou.

The fans were considered one of the True Magical Artifacts of Ippon. Each fan held sway over

an element. Kazou, the Flame fan (and Aoi's favorite) could turn a small candle flame into a

blazing conflagration of wildfire with just a simple wave of its hardened red silk. Suizou, the

Wave fan, could summon a tsunami from a simple cup of water, while keeping its

shimmering blue Silk completely dry. Huzou, the Gust fan, could topple villages with a strong

enough swipe of the pale green fan. Dozou, the Sand fan, could create crevices and splits in

the very ground with a wide swing of the golden-toned silk. The last fan, Kuzou, was only

meant to be used in small, gentle waves. Kuzou was the Seed fan, and its breeze could give

strength to the sickest plants, or increase the growth of any vegetation.

Aoi guarded the fans carefully, as they had been passed down through various

branches of her family, eventually all of the fans ending up in her care. She knew their

power well, and the devastation that could be wrought by an uncontrolled flick of one's wrist.

Aoi thought of herself as Usuyami's grounding force. Like the child on the end of a string

attached to a massive kite, she was what Kept Usuyami from blowing with the winds of

change that constantly buffeted the land of Ippon. She was her Friend's Center, and Usuyami

was her inspiration. The two were an incredible pair, and both knew it.

"Then the Lord Kajikuro will know I was here early, and that'll just anger him

more," Usuyami giggled, adjusting her hair carefully with sarcasm and open disdain about

their host in Eizu.

Aoi frowned, "And you really want to upset him when we're guests?"

"Yanagi-chan," Usuyami laughed, "He's upset because I'm not his... so my being

here early won't make any difference..."

Aoi Shrugged, "I suppose..." She did not like Aritseru either, but Aoi was not

openly confrontational Like her friend. "I just don't want to get chased back to Tetsumo."

Usuyami smiled and turned, leaning in and giving Aoi a light, playful kiss, startling

the Jyujin a bit. "Don't worry. I'm just going to talk to Yarimoto-san, and then I will be back.

We have to get things ready for the arrival tomorrow."

Aoi nodded and tried to cool the blush in her cheeks, "y-yes..."

Usuyami winked and pulled the large black oilsilk shawl over herself. It had

started to rain while she was changing. She took up the bundle that held her swords, leaving

her bow behind, and headed out into the city.

Kuji Morisa stalked down the evacuating street, the rain beating down on him. He

seethed at having to apologize to the man who had humiliated him, and the people hurrying

home near him could sense his anger. Most kept clear of him, except a younger girl who

walked a little too slowly and ended up getting knocked to her backside when Kuji walked

into her. She gasped and bowed as best she could from her new seat in the muddying street,

cowering, her eyes closed in testament to her loss of sight.

"Please forgive me, I did not mean to be in your way..."

Kuji's rage bubbled at his surface. Some poor Blind girl would never be missed.

He bent down and unceremoniously lifted her by the arm, holding her close and snarling in

her ear, "Scream, and I'll kill you."

The small Nezujin girl shivered in fear and nodded silently, her arm pressing against the

swords at Kuji's waist. He knew she knew he was samurai, and he relished the power over

her. Looking around he dragged her down the wooded alleyway between two of the less-

reputable Inns, and shoved her onto a shipping crate. It had been weeks since he had made

a trip to the pleasure houses, mainly because most of his stipend was tied up in gambling

debts. He needed release, and this girl was going to give it to him. He lifted her Yukata and

roughly groped her backside, grinning. The girl merely stifled her whimpers of fear and tried

to let the samurai do what he would, the rain now beating down on them both as it intensified.

"I'm going to enjoy you... Your ass is so tight," Kuji hissed playfully, smacking the

poor girl's upturned rear as he loosened his sash, setting his swords against the crate. He

pulled himself from his loincloth, already solid and throbbing at the thought of raping the girl

before him, her tightly folded sex his target. He lined himself up, feeling her warmth on his

skinny cocktip, and grinning.

The girl moaned faintly, still yielding to her attacker.

Kuji gripped her firmly shaped hips and drove himself into her small tunnel harshly, not

letting her get used to him inside her before he pulled back quickly and did it again, starting

to bang his hips against her now clenched ass. She yelped, and that only spurred him on

more. After a few of his rough thrusts, she was moistened to the point where he was sliding

through her depths instead of tearing through her, and he groaned. Then amidst the rain, he

heard it. The girl was laughing. He stopped, confused, "What are you laughing about, bitch?"

The girl turned her head up to face Kuji and chuckled. The laugh was so evil, so

malicious, it send shivers down Kuji's spine. "You weak, pathetic man... you will be useful to

me in the coming times."

"Shut your mouth you little slut!" Kuji lashed out to slap her, but she caught his

wrist, and then squeezed, her strength inhuman. Kuji grimaced, feeling his wrist pop from the

tightness of her grip.

"Be silent you chittering shit," she hissed, "Your will is mine now... and you will

serve me for the rest of your life. I will give you status, power, and perhaps, should you

merit it, This girl's body will be yours to claim when you wish..."

Kuji's mind reeled, and he hissed, "who are you?"

The girl smiled a smile of total and complete contempt, "I am Gasara, and you,

Kuji Morisa, are mine now."

Kuji growled, "Like hell! I serve Aritseru Kajikuro!" He pushed against the blind

girl's ass to pull out of her, but a sharp pain gripped his shaft, keeping him from pulling from

the girl's wetness. He screeched in pain as the pain gripped him harder.

"You WILL be mine... and there is nothing you can do about it now..." The girl

pushed him over into the mud and turned about on him, the pain leaving his shaft as she

started to ride him, her tunnel clamping around his cock, milking him, sucking him into her,

almost painfully drawing him to orgasm. Kuji's mind went blank as he groaned and shot his

load into the Nezujin girl's depths, and his last thought was of a Massive Nezujin male in

armor, with burning green eyes, laughing at him.

Usuyami looked up as thunder split the sky. The rain was becoming too intense,

she had to hurry. With a quick look around to make sure nobody was on the street, she leapt

up and darted up a pillar of the inn next to her, landing on the roof. She leapt once, landing

daintily on the rooftop of the next building, using her leg and knees to dissipate the shock of

her landing, and the leaping again from the crouch, sailing over the next building to land on

the one past it. Another leap took her over two inns, and she landed on the street, in front of

the inn she was seeking. She walked quickly to the door and stepped in, nodding to the Lady

of the Inn.

"Oh my, come in and dry off from all this dreadful rain, traveler. How may we be

of service?" the Lady, a plump Kibajin smiled brightly.

Usuyami nodded, speaking softly, "There is a Man here, Jirajin, with a stranger

with him. I am here to see them."

The Lady nodded and bowed, "My Lady, he spoke of your visit, please... follow


Usuyami returned the bow with a low nod, and followed the Lady through the

halls, past rooms full of laughter and music, past rooms with moans of passion and lust, past

rooms of silence. Usuyami heard none of it. They came to a door and the lady knelt, sliding

the door open, and letting Usuyami in.

"Hello," shuji sat on a cushion, leaning back a bit, while the foreign girl sat not too

far away, watching curiously.

Usuyami stepped in, and the door closed behind her. She shed the soaked oilsilk

and smiled softly, bowing at the waist, "It is an honor to meet you, Yarimoto-sama."

Shuji nodded and bowed in his seat, "The honor is mine, Shidomori-dono. I had

the pleasure of meeting your father once. A remarkable man."

Usuyami nodded and bowed, "Thank you. I miss his wisdom often."

Shuji nodded politely, "Please, come sit, I'm sure you have much to talk with me about, as

there are some things I would like you to convey to Futsuyomi-dono."

Usuyami blinked and nodded then looked to the girl, curious about the foreign

girl's role in Shuji's being there. She nodded, "Is she safe?"

Shuji laughed a little, "Her Language is limited, but yes. She is in my care after

One of Kajikuro's Men attacked her and her companion. Her companion is resting two rooms

down the hall."

Usuyami nodded and bowed to the girl, "Hello, I hope you do not mind my borrowing Lord

Yarimoto's time."

The rabbit girl looked thoughtful for a moment and then looked to Shuji for


Shuji nodded, "It's okay. You can talk to her, Natsumi-chan."

The girl smiled and nodded to Usuyami, bowing low and politely, "Forgive please,

my words not enough. Name Summer. Shuji-sama call me 'Natsumi' Tell means 'Summer' in

your words."

Usuyami nodded, returning the politeness, astounded at the girl's language skills.

For someone totally alien to Ippon, her speech was quite good. "Thank you, I cannot say my

Name now, but Yarimoto-sama will tell you my name when I am gone."

"You assume to be watched?" shuji blinked.

Usuyami smirked, "This is Eizu... in Eizu I am always watched."

"Why is that?"

"The Lord Aritseru wishes for me to join his harem," Usuyami hissed.

Shuji gawked and then laughed uproariously, rolling onto his back with laughter.

Usuyami blinked, as did Summer.

"Oh, that's rich," Shuji laughed, righting himself. "I apologize, but if you are

anything like your father, I know for a fact you are too free-spirited to be claimed like that."

Usuyami shrugged, "I simply do not like it here, and his arrogance annoys me."

Shuji nodded, "As it does me, which is why I am not telling him of what I have


"The thing you wished for me to tell Futsuyomi-sama?"

Shuji nodded, his smile leaving and his face turning grim, "There is something

happening in the Firelands.

Usuyami shivered, her scales ruffling. The Firelands were in the center of Ippon,

where the Great Wound spewed molten rock, and nothing could live under the choking

clouds. It was a place of nightmares and ancient legends. Where Gasara wounded the world,

and doomed the Lands of Ippon to a slow death.

"There is rumor of the Gasaran tribes Gathering there, and I am inclined to

believe it." Shuji sighed, "One of our borders was under constant attack by Raiding Gasaran,

The Futiki Clan. But in the past month, they have vanished. Their siege camps are

abandoned, and even their main villages are empty. Gasaran Clans don't vanish like that.

I'm sure you're aware of that fact."

Usuyami went pale. A concentrated attack by all the Gasaran clans could wipe out

every clan across Ippon. "I... I see..."

"If you can Tell your Lord, then with the Akanti and Rokkotsu strengths, we may

just be able to hold them off here, and wear down their forces."

"If the entire Gasaran Clans are gathering, we will need more than just our clans

to hold them. The entire Land must be convinced to assist."

Shuji nodded, "That is my goal, but it is a massive undertaking, and not many will


Usuyami nodded, "well, I will help in whatever way I can."

"I thank you," he replied, "so, we have some time still, how are things in


They talked for another hour or so, the maids brought Sake, and they talked for

another hour after that. Summer had takes a seat next to Shuji and was leaning against him,

While Usuyami had relaxed a bit as well. Then, something crashed through the wall, snarling

and screaming. Summer Screamed, Shuji hopped to his feet in front of her as the crazed

Nezujin charged.

Usuyami lashed out with her tail, taking the samurai's ankles out from under him,

and swinging to her feet. Her blade was out as the rat got up and lunged. The stroke was

parried in a shower of sparks, and then with a shift of weight, the rat lost his arm. He lunged

again, corners of his mouth foamed with saliva as he made to bite Usuyami, but Shuji's lance

shot in past Usuyami's head and skewered into he roof of the rat's maw, piercing his skull

and killing him instantly.

"Are you alright?" Shuji asked Usuyami.

She nodded, "Yes, the girl?"

Summer was on her knees, shocked, and staring at the felled rat.

Shuji nodded, "She's unhurt. He's the one from earlier!" He leaned down and

examined the corpse, never touching it though.

"You mean the one who attacked you?" Usuyami blinked.

Shuji nodded, "the very one. Morisa, was his name."

"What could this mean?"

Shuji growled a little, "It means Aritseru Kajikuro has some explaining to do..."

Usuyami sighed, "I agree."


Chapter Two: Passion

_Sometimes things do not go as men plan them to..._ Aritseru Kajikuro gave a content sigh, smiling to himself. His plan was coming along nicely. He watched absently as the busty Jyujin vixen he had just taken as a consort a year before...

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Chapter one: Conflict

_Battle fatigue can lead to strange dreams_ Swords rang, arrow shafts flew thicker than swarming mosquitoes in summer, and hundred died before the battle ground to a sickening halt, neither side giving way. The attackers rallied and...

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Prologue: Creation

This is the prolgue to an epic i am working on. It will have almost every aspect of life in it, as well as a decent amount of Yiff. Various subjects will be touched on, and some may offend people. In short, if you do not think you will like parts...

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