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I thought it was just big brother instincts kicking in. I thought that's all it was. But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel a little bit jealous of what my mom was doing.

First, I believe an introduction is needed. I am Justin, I'm an 18 year old husky with what my friends call an impressive build, and I stand at around 6'4". Oh, and I'm only 10 years younger than my mom, and I hate calling her mom, so I call her by her first name, Maddie.

I suppose I should explain. At age 9, Maddie got herself pregnant, and age 10 she gave birth to me.

My brother Calvin, is a 14 year old husky, with a small build, and is about 5'8".

Calvin and I have never met our dad. From what Maddie tells us, his name is Marcus, and he gives us money so that we can have better lives. Neither Calvin, nor I have seen a penny of this money.

I'm not even sure that Marcus is both of our fathers. Maddie sells her "services" on the street corner.

So let's see. Did I leave anything out? I'm 18, Maddie is a prostitute, and Calvin was born when I was 4. I don't think I left anything out. Oh! How it all began... I almost forgot to tell you that.

It was one winter, back when Calvin still called her "mommy".

It was too cold to go outside and work, but Maddie was still feeling heated. With nobody else to help her release, she went after Calvin. Calvin was only 8.

They were both in the kitchen; I was watching them through the small crack between the hinges of the door. Calvin was standing in front of Maddie, who was sitting in a chair by the table. "Calvin, pull down your pants."

"But I don't want to mommy."

"Calvin, just pull down your pants." Her voice barked.

Calvin was always afraid of Maddie yelling at him. So he undid the button, but Maddie couldn't wait anymore, he was moving too slow. She swatted his hand aside, and pulled down the zipper herself.


She stripped Calvin of his jeans, and pulled off his shirt. He stood there, his thin frame only in his tight briefs, very cold, and very scared. His tail slowly retreated between his legs as Maddie put her hand on his package, and slid her hand underneath where she fingered his balls.

I watched and waited, oblivious to the low growl that was coming from deep in my chest, and sounding out through my gritted teeth. But there was nothing I could do, Maddie had locked the door. I could only watch, as my little brother was sexed by Maddie, and this wasn't the first time.

Calvin never called her "mommy" again.

I wasn't used to this feeling, was it me being protective over my little brother? But deep down, I had another feeling, jealousy. After that day, I had a dream that was very much the same, but instead of saying "Mommy", Calvin was whimpering my name as I pulled him towards me. This doesn't make me any better than Maddie.

It is now six years later. I have finally realized what I felt those years ago. I still have trouble dealing with the fact that I am emotionally, biologically, and sexually attracted to my kid brother, but I know that I love him.

Maddie is still selling herself, but now she has discovered alcohol. The liquid poison gets to her head, and shows her true feelings, her rage, her hatred, her, I don't know. It's just that, it makes her more aggressive, more abusive. I can't think of a time when she's not drunk. She walks out of her bedroom each day, with a half empty bottle already in her hand. The woman is messed up.

To avoid being abused, Calvin and I have taken up on many school activities to keep us out of the house, and away from that drunken bitch at home. I am in football, a weight training class, and baseball in the spring. Calvin on the other hand has decided to take up wrestling, marching band, swimming in the spring semester, and a few other activities that I don't even know about. Not to mention all the clubs he belongs to. The environmental club and the anime club being the only two I know about. On top of these activities, Calvin is also part of a band with a couple of friends. I know that in the band he is the lead singer, the lead guitarist, and occasionally the bassist if he needs to be. He's in more activities than me, because he hates going home more than I do. After all, he has more reason to be scared.

It's horrible, going to a home where there is no hope. It's like a twisted demented version of Cinderella. We work for Maddie, do the chores and meaningless tasks for her, and if we do it wrong, if one detail is forgotten, we're beaten. But most of the time, we are just beaten for no reason.

Because he's smaller than Maddie, Calvin is abused more than me. I'm not saying that I'm not abused at all, it's just that, I can defend myself for the most part... Maddie has a tendency to use things laying around the house when she abuses me. Everything from old pipes in the garage, to the empty beers bottles under her bed. Luckily, she has never used anything around the house to abuse Calvin, or, I should say, we are lucky that she has not done it yet.

Most of my friends don't know about what goes on in my home. This is why nobody ever comes over to hang out. Most of my friends think I'm just being studious or something. It's probably best that way.