Luna's Forgotten Past

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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This was a story I made for the beautiful Luna Night who can be found here: The picture was made by the always talented Val Thunderbeast found here: I had a wonderful time talking to Luna and with her help, manage to make her character come alive just the way she wanted. I hope you like it as much as we had making it.

"So, by adding these variables, you can come up with the solution very easily," the blue and white wolf said, writing on the chalkboard.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day as kids gathered their books and backpacks.

"Don't forget. There will be a test on page one twenty nine. Make sure you read up."

"Yes Ms. Luna," they all said.

She smiled before taking a seat, fixing her black skirt along with her shirt. She was just about to work on some papers when a knock was heard. Looking to the door, she saw one of her students standing there.

"Mr. Jacobs, what can I do for you?" she said with a smile.

"Um, hey Ms. Night," Jacobs said, his tail twitching nervously from side to side as he walked up to her desk. "I was wondering um..."

"Yes?" she said, kneeling on her elbows on the desk and showing her clevage.

The collie blushed deeply before looking away, moving his legs from side to side. This got a chuckle from her.

"There's a dance coming up.....and I was wondering....if you would.....join me? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Luna chuckled before taking off her glasses, leaning back in her chair and moving the white highlighted hair from her eyes.

"Mr. Jacobs? Are you asking me on a date?"

"Not a date per say. Just a dance at the local roller skating rink. They said you can bring anybody and I figured I'd ask you."

Luna chuckled which made Jacobs smile hearing her sweet laugh.

"Mr. Jacobs. As much as I would love to join you, I have things I have to do."

Jacobs ears wilted at that. Luna smiled before getting up and walking around to him.

"I'm sure a handsome guy like yourself will have no problem getting a young lady to accompany you."

"I guess," Jacobs said with a soft voice.

"If it was any other time, I would be honored. But my duties as a teacher comes first and foremost. If I don't do that, then you wouldn't see me again. And you wouldn't want that would you?" she said, tickling his chin and making his tail wag fast.

"No Ms. Night."

"Good. Now run along home. I'm sure you will find the right girl."

"Okay. Thanks Ms. Night," Jacobs said, waving goodbye and walking out the door.

She watched him leave before shaking her head and taking her seat. Pen in hand, she started grading papers as the time flew. A knock on the door startled her as she saw the janitor.

"Staying late Ms. Night?" the walrus asked.

"What time is it?" she asked looking at the clock on the wall and gasp. "Goodness, its almost seven. I better get home. I didn't realize it was so late."

She started gathering her paperwork up and placing it inside her briefcase before getting up and heading to the door.

"Have good one Ms. NIght," the janitor said, tipping his hat.

"Thanks Webber. You too."

Her heels clicked loudly down the empty halls as she made her way to the exit doors. The parking lot was empty as the street light were on, lighting the parking lot up. She got to her car, tossing her briefcase into the passenger side before getting in. The car started up with a purr as she let it get warmed up. After a few minutes, she put it in gear and headed home.

"Man, I can't wait to get home. I could use a nice shower."

A murr came to her as just the thought made her smile. The ride home was quick since there was no traffic to contend with this late at night. She hit the garage opener, watching the door open as she pulled in. Getting out, the garage door closed behind her as she went inside her house. She put the keys on the hook and went into the spacious living room, plopping down on the couch with a sigh.

"Man, what a long day. Glad it's over."

She tossed her heels off, flexing her toes with a murr. Getting up, she went into the kitchen, heading towards the fridge and pulling out a bottle of OJ. Grabbing a glass, she poured a cup and drank it with a sigh.

"Time for that shower."

She headed for the carpeted stairs, feeling the soft rug comfort her pads. Reaching her room, she took off her suit jacket and laid it on the bed. The rest of the clothes followed leaving her clad in her black silk bra and panties. She walked into the adjoining bathroom, stopping to look at herself in the mirror.

She was a beautiful wolf. Teal blue fur dominated most of her body save for the white that was on half her muzzle down to her chest and the under side of her tail. She took off her bra showing her ample, perky breasts with studs going through both her dark blue nipples. The panties came next, showing her white sheath, tiny bit of her blue cock appearing from the opening. So what if she had a cock. In her mind, she was beautiful.

In her left ear stood a star earring while on the right, there were five silver studs. Her hair was black with the front left side highlighted in white. Around her neck was a blue collar with a bit of black that held a crescent moon pendant. Her eyes were a stunning shade of teal that can capture you and take your breath away. She struck a pose in the mirror before sticking her blue tongue out in a laugh before turning the water on. Steam started to fog up the mirror as she hopped in and started to clean off with a happy murr.

Getting nice and clean, she turned the water off. Drying herself off, she wrapped the towel around her body before walking out into her room and sitting down in front of the larger dresser with a mirror. Grabbing a brush, she started to brush her fur and hair out, humming a tune to herself. Soon, her senses started to go off. It was as if somebody was inside her house.

Her ears stood at attention as she placed the brush down and stood up. Her time as a freelance mercenary made her senses sharp. She walked to the door and stepped out into the hall. The kitchen light was on as well as the hall light. Her eyes darted left to right as her nose twitched, taking in everything she could. Something or someone, was in here.

"I know you're here. Stop hiding," she growled.

She barely heard the footsteps behind her as she turned around, only to get a solid punch making her hit the wall with a yelp. The assailant didn't give her a chance to recover as they rushed her, a knife in hand. Luna recovered quicker than expected as she stopped the knife from plunging into her eye.

"Sneaking up on a lady huh?" she said with a growl. "Not very gentlemanly of you."

Her paw crackled with power before thrusting it straight into the assailant's chest making him back off from the shock of the electricity going through him. She followed quickly with two round kicks in successions, one knocking the knife out of their hand and the other right on the chin. The assailant stumbled backwards, seeing stars before letting out a yell of pain as Luna followed with another kick straight to the chest.

"Now then," she snarled, her paws beginning to get covered with crackling blue lighting. "You have about two seconds before I turn you crispy to explain why you are in my house."

The assailant chuckled, getting to its feet and moving its neck around.

"You pack quite a punch," the assailant said with a deep male voice. "I forgot how much training you did."

That got her attention a little making her ears perk forward.

"How do you know that?"

"We know all about you Luna. Lets just say, you erased some important people and said people aren't happy."

"And they send the puppet to kill me huh?"

The man chuckled before shrugging his shoulders, tail twitching from side to side.

"Just doing what I was told. No hard feeling right?"

After he said that, he snapped his fingers causing a blinding light making her cover her eyes. She let out a yelp before grunts as he landed solid blows to her body before taking her legs out from her making her hit the ground with a thud.

"Such a shame. Everybody feared you, yet here you are on your back."

He kicked her in the ribs making her yelp. Her vision came back slowly after about the third strike to her body. The man went for another kick. As his foot came down, she grabbed it and twisted it quickly, making him yelp and fall to the ground as she held it in a strong ankle lock. The man screamed in pain before bringing his other foot up and kicking her off after a few tries. She did a back handstand to her feet and got in a fighting stance as the man came at her. She had some hand to hand combat during her mercenary years, but she preferred to take her targets out from afar with her magic.

They went toe to toe with precise movements and counters. She made a direct attack which the man countered, bringing her arm behind her back painfully making her stand up on her toes with a whine. She heard and felt his nose on her neck inhale deeply.

"Mmmm, you smell good."

She let out a snarl before bringing her right leg straight up and kicking him. That staggered him as she landed blow after blow before flooring him with another roundhouse to the face making him spin in the air before landing on the floor near her bed. She watched him stagger to his feet before she growled angrily, more electricity forming in her hands. Just as the man turned around, she let loose with a massive ball of blue, crackling electricity that sent him flying out the window as glass went everywhere.

She hurried to the window and looked out. To her shock, she didn't see a body anywhere. She did hear him chuckle but couldn't see due to the inadequate light.

"Thanks for the dance honey. May I say, you do look absolutely beautiful, even if you are a herm. We'll meet again."

The sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance coming closer as she let out a huff before sitting on the bed. She winced a little, feeling her sore body racked in pain. Something she gotten used to after a while. She used her paw to wipe the blood from her muzzle and sighed.

"Guess I'll have to take another shower. Hope the insurance can cover this."


"Alright class, time's up. Bring your tests up to the front. Once you do, you can have the rest of the time to yourselves."

All the kids got up and handed their tests in before sitting back down and conversing with one another. Luna started grading them, wincing a little when she did a little too much movement. After the cops visited her last night and she explained what happened, she took another shower and sat at her dresser.

"Who was that guy? And how did he know what I did? More importantly, how did he know where I lived?"

It seems like the more questions she asked, the more came up. She made sure that when she disappeared from the mercenary business, she was a ghost. Cleaning up behind herself and making sure that whoever remembered her, was promptly taken care of. But somehow, somebody somewhere knew who she was, where she lived, and what she did.

"Ms. Night?"

She let out a small gasp and looked up from her deep thinking to see the class looking at her.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, there's some kind ice forming around your desk for some odd reason."

She looked over to see a small clump of ice forming at the corner. None of her students know about her past and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Oh, that's just a little figurine I had. It can go transparent from time to time."

The students looked at each other before going back to conversering. She let out a sigh of relief before going back to grading.

"I got to remember to stop thinking so hard. Whenever I do, that always happens."

The bell rang as the students gathered their belongings and headed out the door, waving bye to Luna. She waved bye back before hearing her stomach growl.

"Better grab some lunch before the next class comes in."

Getting up, she went into the hall, weaving through the crowd of kids with a smile as some of the males gave her a lustful stare. She passed by the open gym doors before stopping and looking back in.

"Who is that?"

Sitting on a blue mat was a wolf. Its eyes was closed as its chest rose and fell softly. She took a second to look him over. His fur was black, with his chest teal along with the tip of his tail and the inside of his ears. He was wearing a simple red vest with matching slacks.

"He must be new. I never seen him here before. I should introduce myself."

She was about to walk in when the bell rang.

"Crap. It's time for the next class and I still haven't gotten anything to eat. Guess introductions can wait."

She took one last look at him before hurrying to the staff room and grabbing a quick lunch which consisted of a chicken salad on wheat, sweet tea, and a yogurt. She grabbed it and headed back to her class, not looking where she was going as she bumped into somebody with a yelp, tossing her lunch into the air. She watched her lunch fly into the air before being caught skillfully without anything being dropped to the floor.

"Are you okay my lady?"

She looked and it was that same wolf from the gym. He had a smile on his face and eyes closed, holding her lunch with both paws.


"Your lunch my lady," he said with a smooth voice.

"Um, thank you," Luna said with a soft voice, cheeks turning a little red.

"Anytime my lady," the wolf said with a smile before heading to the lunch line.

She watched him for a second, tail wagging rapidly for some reason.

"Who is that?"

Her thoughts were broken up by the class bell making her yip.

"Oh shoot, I'm late."

She hurried down the hall and into her classroom where her students were chatting and chuckling away.

"So sorry I'm late. I forgot it was my lunch. Today's assignment is on the board. Once you finished, you are free for the rest of the period."

The sound of pen on paper along with the turning of books pages were heard as Luna munched on her lunch, her mind going back to that wolf. There was something about him that made her senses react wildly. She didn't know if that was a good thing or bad. She was good at judging people, but this wolf was a mystery. The bell rang bringing an end to the day as she finished her lunch.

"Bye Ms. Night," they all said.

"Have a good day kids. Be safe," she replied with a smile.

She started working when there was a knock on the door. Looking up, she saw her co worker and good friend, Lucy standing there.

"Hey there girlfriend," the cougar said with a smile.

"Hey kitty cat."

"You ready for our jog tomorrow?"

"You bet. I could use some fresh air."

"Great. I'll meet you at the trail."

"Okay," Luna said, a happy wag to her tail.

Finishing her paperwork, she gathered her belongings and headed for the parking lot. Coming out, she saw that same wolf talking to the principal as he and the saint Bernard laughed together. She gave them a quick wave before heading out. Getting to the car, she started the engine with a purr and headed for home.

"Hurray for the weekend," she said happily, pulling into the garage.


Saturday morning came fast as Luna waited at the trail for her jogging mate. She was wearing a pair of dark blue jogger shorts along with a matching tank top. A water canteen was attached to her belt and full. Small red sweat bands were on each wrist as she hummed softly to herself.

"Hey Luna, sorry I'm late," Lucy said walking up to her.

"No problem," Luna said with a smile.

"Okay. Let's stretch and then work up a sweat."

They took turns stretching each others legs out before heading into the forest trail. The air was crisp as a cool breeze brushed by them. Wildlife crouched behind bushes or scurried up trees as they jogged by.

"Did you see the new gym teacher?" Lucy asked.

"You mean that black wolf?" Luna asked.

"Yeah. Isn't he a cutie?"

Luna chuckled at that. Lucy was one of those girls that loves to hit on people, be they male or female. Most of the teachers in the school were given a personal tour of her bedroom once or twice, even Luna. It wasn't that she was a slut. She just loved sex.

"I guess he's kind of cute," Luna said, remembering the smile he gave her.

"Why not go for it?" Lucy said with a grin.

"I don't know."

Lucy rolled her eyes at that.

"You're not getting any younger girl. You need that special man in your life. Little cubs running around and driving you crazy. The works."

"Lucy, you know that's not a good idea."

Lucy was the only person she told about her past. When she came to this world and became a teacher, they became fast friends.

"Are you still going on about your past life? I thought you were in the clear?"

"So did I. But somebody broke into my house and tried to kill me."

"Oh my god! Do you know who it was?"

"No. Apparently I made somebody disappear and they aren't too happy about it. Whoever they are. So I don't really want to take a chance of getting into a relationship until I know everything is good."

Lucy nodded her head in understanding as they jogged in silence, listening to the chirping birds and the crunch of the leaves under their paws. They stopped near a bench underneath a weeping willow tree and took a swig of their water.

"Ahh, nothing beats cold water after a brisk jog," Lucy said wiping her mouth.

"I prefer ice tea," Luna chuckled.

She finished screwing the cap back on when her senses kicked in again. Not only that, she heard the trees whisper, telling her to watch out. Lucy gave a stretch before looking at Luna.

"You ready to go?"

Luna didn't respond as her eyes scanned the background looking left and right, ears at full attention. A tap on the shoulder made her jump.

"You okay?" Lucy asked concerned.

"Yeah, sorry. Was daydreaming. Shall we head back?"

"Okay, let's go."

They headed back the way they came in at a steady pace. Suddenly, her senses screamed at her as well as the trees around her.

"Lucy, wait," she said grabbing her hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Somebody's here."

"What!? Where?"

Luna closed her eyes and concentrated. She let her senses become one with the nature around her. She could feel the branches being swayed back and forth from the wind. The wildlife running around on the damp ground. Then, she felt the presence of several hard footsteps hurrying through the park. Each one heading towards her direction.

"They're coming here. You have to go, now."

"But what about you?" Lucy asked, worry laced in her voice.

"I'll draw their attention away from you. Just go."


Luna didn't wait for a response as she took off in a different direction. Keeping in touch with the earth, she counted the footsteps and their location.

"Ten of you huh? All for little old me? I'm flattered. But how about we divide and conquer?"

She went to one knee and placed her paw on the ground, letting it sink into the mud. Focusing her magic, she closed her eyes and pushed her will into the soil, conveying a message to the plant life around her. She asked for their assistance, protection from the enemies that are pursuing her. Vines around trees started to come to life. Thorn bushes grew larger along with their tiny spikes. Trees branches began to crack and move, reaching for their prey.

A smile came to her muzzle as she felt the panicked footsteps as well as the gunfire as her allies in nature came to her aid. The vibrations of their pained screams echoed through the ground. After a few minutes, everything went silent. She kept her paw in the ground, her senses still keen on her surroundings.

"Did I get them all?"

With a sigh, she stood up and dusted her paw off.

"I better find out who is coming after me. I don't want them coming after me while I'm in school."

She headed back to the trail, her thoughts going a million miles in her head. Who could be coming after her? She took another step before freezing in her tracks. Her hackles raised as her paw got covered in white light. Turning around, she held her paw in front of her creating a wall of ice. A wave of fire hit her wall making her grunt from the force on which it hit her shield.

"Impressive. Your little display of man versus nature was brilliant," a voice echoed out.

"Apparently I didn't do a good job if you still live," Luna growled, her eyes searching the foliage around her.

"Unfortunately, we have a lot more training when it comes to people of your 'particular' set of skills than those inept rookies."

"We?" she thought.

She started to walk backwards, keeping her senses about her. Reaching out to the trees, she tried to get a location on them but got nothing.

"Are they using some kind of illusion magic? No, I would've sensed that."

The foliage around her rustled, making her lash out with streaks of blue lightning but hitting nothing but air.

"Oh, she's a feisty one. Can we have some fun with her before bringing her to As...."

"Watch what you say Kazan."

"My apologies. I just get excited on the hunt."

Luna backed into a tree, her eyes darting left and right trying to pick up on where the voices were coming from.

"Surprise!" a voice yelled above her.

She looked up to see a cheetah descending upon her. A yelp escaped her as the cheetah came down on her, only for Luna to shatter into tiny pieces of ice. The cheetah recovered quickly, only to be struck by a blast of tornado like wind sending him flying into a tree with crushing force. Luna appeared from behind a tree and gave a smile.

"She's full of surprises. I like this hunt," the cheetah moaned from where he landed.

"Do you need a hand Kazan?" a voice said.

"Stay out of this Rueben. This prey is mine," Kazan said, getting to his feet slowly.

He turned to face Luna, blood coming down the side of his face as his amethyst eyes looked at her with a predatory, hunger gaze. Luna could sense the bloodlust in the air making her shiver. Whoever this person was, wanted her dead or seriously injured.

"Now then my love, shall we dance?"

It was there she noticed his voice.

"You were the one in my house?"

"I'm glad you remembered me. And you still smell as good as ever."

Luna was good at knocking people out and fighting defensively, but something told her if she messed up for just a second, she wouldn't live to regret it. Kazan licked his lips, tasting the blood as he flew at Luna with great speed. Luna's paws weaved in the air, the magic gathering around her as the wind came to her aid, creating a wall around her.

"That trick won't work twice," Kazan grinned, pulling a sword that was strapped to his back.

He lashed out against the wind barrier, feeling the wind push against his sword. It almost felt like he was trying to cut through rubber as he was repelled backwards into the air landing on his feet nimbly.

"You are impressive indeed. I'm so glad I got to go on this hunt."

He brought his sword to his mouth, tongue coming out as he gave it a lick from the hilt to the tip of the blade. The sword started to glow a blue-violet color as he smiled.

"Are you ready baby?"

He came at her again as she stood ready. When he took a swing again, the sword cleanly went through her barrier making her yelp and jump back as the tip clip some of her hair.

"Ahh, so close to your neck. I was hoping for a one shot."

Luna's heart started to beat faster. Whoever these people are, they knew how to get around her defenses. Kazan closed his eyes and smiled.

"I can hear your heart love. It beats fast and full of fear."

"How do you know it's just not excited for the fight?"

"Cause if it was, it would be calm, like mine is," Kazan said, opening his eyes.

"Kazan, you are wasting time," another voice echoed out.

Luna looked behind him to see a doe dressed in all white, arms crossed.

Kazan let out a sigh before looking at Luna.

"You guys never let me have any fun."

"We do have other marks to get," a deep voice said behind Luna making her jump.

She turned around to see a large bengal tiger standing there. He had on a black tank top with red pants, the muscles on his arms flexing with each breath he took. An eye patch covered his right eye as the brick red colored left one looked at her.

"Very well Reuben. We'll do it your way," Kazan said, putting his sword back. "Does unconsciousness work for you?"

Reuben didn't say anything as Kazan nodded. Luna turned her attention back to Kazan who cracked his knuckles. She started to shiver as Kazan started to walk slowly towards her. Gritting her teeth, her paws got covered in blue lighting as she lashed it out towards Kazan. Kazan raised one paw up and deflected it easily into the air with a swipe of his hand. Hunching down, he took two steps before he was in front of Luna. She didn't even have time to react before letting out a grunt as Kazan landed a solid blow to her stomach before grabbing her arm and flinging her into a nearby tree with a loud yelp from her.

"He moved so fast. I couldn't keep up with him."

She got to her knees, a small trail of blood coming down her muzzle from the impact as she saw Kazan walking towards her again. Shakily getting to her feet, she held her paws to the side as ice began to form. Just before she could unleash the power in her paws, Kazan was directly in front of her as he grabbed her arms and held them up in the air.

"The more you struggle, the more you delay the inevitable."

His right knee came up and connected with her with already bruised midsection making her cough up blood. The spell in her paws diffusing with a hiss of power. He grabbed her by the throat and easily lifted her up, her feet dangling a couple of inches off the ground.

"This is good night my lady."

He raised his fist, ready to deliver the last blow. Luna closed her eyes, her body losing air and succumbing to weakness.

"Is this it for me?"

A blur of movement in the background followed by a yell of pain made Luna opened her eyes again as she fell to the ground. Her vision was blurry as a figure stood in front of her.

"Hitting a lady is rude," the figure said calmly.

Kazan recovered from the surprise attack and looked at the figure with angry.

"That actually hurt. Who the hell are you?"

"Somebody who will let you walk away without harm."

Reuben looked at the figure before noticing something making his good eye narrow.

"We're done here. We'll try another time."

"Reuben. You can't be serious? This guy got a lucky hit. I can take him."

"I said, we're done," Reuben growled, his eye glowing making Kazan shiver.

Kazan sucked his teeth in frustration before walking towards him. Reuben looked at the figure, a growl coming from his throat before vanishing along with the doe. Luna looked at the figure as it turned towards her. She wanted to move, but her body was too weak. The last thing she remembered was being picked up gently and carried off before she passed out.


"What the hell Reuben? I could've taken that guy," Kazan said angrily, his spotted tail lashing angrily.

"No, you couldn't," Reuben said calmly leaning on the wall.

"And how the hell do you know? I didn't even get to try."

"Because I know. Lets leave it at that."

Kazan let out an evil snarl before slamming his fist through the wall in frustration as the doe chuckled.

"Are you done destroying my house?" a voice said from the doorway.

They turned to see a medium sized man dress in an all grey suit. He had greasy black hair that was cut short. Signs of stubble could be seen around his chin as his arms were behind his back. Dark coral eyes looked at them before eyeing the hole in the wall.

"I hope you know the damages will be coming out of your pay?"

"Understandable," Reuben said.

"Well, do you have her?"

"No," Kazan said angrily. "I could've got the job done but-"

"We ran into some difficulty," Reuben spoke up cutting Kazan off who looked at him with venom.

The man studied them for a second before nodding his head.

"I see. And is this difficulty going to cause problems?"

"No sir. We will deliver the target as promised."

"Excellent. See that you do. I don't like my money being wasted on incompetence," the man said before leaving the room.

Kazan snorted with disgust at the arrogance of the man.

"What a jackass. If he wasn't paying all this money, I would've......"

The next thing he knew he was on both knees, gasping for air. The strike came so fast that he didn't even have time to react as his eyes watered. He got picked up by his neck and was face to face with Reuben.

"The next time you overstep your boundaries with me, I'll give you more than just a love tap. Do I make myself clear?"

Kazan couldn't even breath as he gave a soft mewl of acknowledgement. He knew Reuben was holding back his real strength and was lucky to even still be breathing. Reuben dropped him on the ground before heading towards the door.

"You'll never learn Kazan," the doe smiled.

"Can I ask a question?" Kazan spoke up softly.

"What is it?" Reuben said with his back turned.

"Who was that guy back there?"

Reuben clenched his fist tightly, drawing a little blood.

"A fly that needs to be swatted."

He watched him before turning to the doe.

"Are you going to tell me who that guy was Eve?"

"Not my business to say. Somethings are best left unspoken of."

Kazan let out a humph before heading out the door.

"Whatever. I'm going to find that asshole and make him regret hitting me."

Eve chuckled and shook her head.

"He'll find out the hard way."


Luna awoke with a jump but regretted it as a sharp, stabbing pain erupted from her midsection from the sudden movement. She caught her breath before sitting back up in the bed she was in.

"Where am I?" she said looking around.

The sound of footsteps approaching made her ears perk and look at the sliding door as a shadow was seen. The door opened as the gym teacher was standing there with a smile and a cup of tea.

"Ah, I see you are awake my lady. How are you feeling?" the wolf asked, walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge.

"A bit beat up. Um, thank you for helping me."

"My pleasure. Here, drink this. It'll help with your injuries."

She took the cup and took a sip. The liquid had a bitter sweet taste to it but nothing unpleasant. As she swallowed, she felt her body start to feel warm and full of vigor.

"What kind of tea is this?" she asked, taking another sip.

"A remedy my master made. Good for healing injuries or relaxing."

"I see."

The wolf smiled before standing up from the bed.

"What's your name? Mine is Luna Night."

"Nagasumi Devil. People just call me Devil," Devil said, looking back with a smile. "Finish your tea and rest some more. If you need anything, just ring the bell."

She watched him leave before taking another sip of the tea. Now, she had to figure out who those three people were. Kazan the cheetah, Reuben the tiger, and that doe. Where did they come from and who hired them to find her? More importantly, who is trying to find her?

"Grrr, just more questions. I hate questions," Luna growled shaking her head.

She finished her tea, noticing her injuries were all but healed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she noticed she was still wearing her jogging outfit. Her legs were a little unstable but she got her balance and walked towards the sliding door and opening it.

"Wow, this place is beautiful."

It was a large Japanese style house with a beautiful zen garden in the middle. Cubs were running around playing with each other with joyous laughter. An elderly eastern dragon was watching over them, a smile on its muzzle. It's long whiskers were grey and trailed on the ground as he walked. An elegant deep red samue covered his pale blue scales as his tail moved lazily side to side.

"What is this place?"

"Think of it like a safe haven or a learning center for everybody," the dragon said with a kind voice turning to look at her. "I see you have recovered nicely from your altercation."

"Yes. Thank you for your assistance," Luna said with a bow of her head.

"Don't thank me. Thank Devil. I just made the tea for you."

"Where is he?"

"Teaching the students in the dojo. Feel free to watch," he said, pointing to the nearby door.

She smiled and nodded her head, heading for the door. Opening the sliding door, she saw about twelve kids practicing with one another with wooden swords or hand to hand. Devil was walking around, watching with a smile.

"Good form students. Just remember to observe then react."

She couldn't help but smile as she watched Devil work with the kids, showing them various things and ruffling their hair making them laugh. A bell chimed softly as all the kids sighed.

"Alright students. That's all for today. Make sure to meditate at least twenty minutes a day."

They all gave him a bow before hurrying out the door. Devil watched them with a smile before picking up the equipment left behind.

"I see you recovered my lady."

"Yes. Thank you for helping me."

Devil smiled, placing the equipment on the racks before taking a seat on the mat. Luna walked over and join him.

"Can I ask a question?" Luna said.

"Certainly my lady."

"Why are your eyes closed? Is it some sort of spell or are you blind?"

Devil chuckled before responding.

"I'm not blind and it's not a spell my lady. I only open my eyes when I'm serious."

"I see. How did you know where I was at?"

"There was bad ki in the air and I followed it."


"Think of it as your body's spiritual energy. Everybody has it. Even you."

"I know how to do magic. But I don't know anything about ki."

Devil was about to respond when the dragon walked in.

"Devil, can you run and grab some supplies from the store. We are running low."

"Of course master Iga," Devil said getting up. "Your car is right outside my lady. Please be safe when driving home."

He gave he a small bow of his head before heading out. She watched him before looking at Iga who smiled.

"Who is Devil really? He has this strange aura around him that I never felt before."

"Somethings are better asked in person. Have a good day Ms. Luna and drive safe," Iga said, tossing her the keys which she caught.

"Thank you," she said with a curt nod before getting up.

She headed towards the large wooden double doors and exited, finding her car on the side of the street. Getting in, she sat there for a minute of two trying to process everything. Her head started to hurt as she shook it lightly before starting the engine.

"I need a nice cup of tea and a warm bed."


Monday morning found her sitting at her desk during her free period. Questions danced in her head making ice form and change colors like a prism. She needed to find out who was coming after her. But where would she start? Then there was Devil. So far he seemed like he was on her side but can never be too sure. A sigh escaped her as she stood up and stretched. Maybe she would talk to Devil and ask him. With a nod, she left her classroom and headed for the gym. The sound of basketballs and laughing kids caught her ears as she approached the double doors and looked in.

"Come on Jimmy, post him up. You have the size advantage. Use it," Devil said, whistle around his neck.

The great dane posted up the smaller human, back to the basket. Using his size, he did a euro step before tossing a hook shot that hit backboard and net. Devil blew the whistle and clapped his hands.

"Good job everybody. Hit the showers and get ready for your next class."

All the students went into the locker room leaving Devil there as he put all the balls back into the basket by the wall. Luna walked over, hands behind her back and a smile.

"Good afternoon Devil."

Devil's ears perked before turning around.

"Good afternoon my lady. How fair you?"

"Ten times better now. Thanks again."

Devil nodded before taking a seat on the bleachers, Luna right next to him. She noticed a strange tattoo on his right shoulder that stood out in his black fur.

"What does that symbol mean?"

"It is the symbol of Okami, the wolf."

"What is it for?"

"It is a sign of the successor to the Koga clan."

"Koga clan?"

Devil nodded his head holding his hand out. The tattoo glowed softly before a sword appeared in the air and floated down to his open paw. Grasping the sheath, he showed it to Luna who held it softly, feeling the mystical power it held.

"The Koga clan was an ancient clan that died out long ago. They mastered the power of ninjutsu and the sacred blade Masamune which you are holding. It takes years of hard training and mental powers to be able to master the Koga style. I'm the last descendant. Master Iga is my teacher."

"I see," Luna said, handing him back the katana.

"How about you my lady? I can sense powerful ki in you."

She smiled before moving the white highlighted hair from her eyes.

"I come from a different world. My tribe was great and we had everything we needed. My father was a great tribal warrior and leader. When I was seven, I found out I had magic in me. Who I inherited it from I don't know. Anyway, when I discovered my magic, I was sort of adopted by elves who helped me train and develop my magical abilities even further."

She reached a paw up and touched the pendant on her collar remembering what transpired.

"I was always energetic and trying new spells. One spell that I tried changed my fur color from dull grey to what you see now. Not that I didn't mind. At age sixteen, I was trained in combat magic, using the elements of the world around me. Sadly I couldn't master any fire magic, which was okay cause I prefer ice, wind, and lightning. Once I was up to their standards, they started training me as a mercenary."

"I can't see someone as beautiful as you doing stuff like that?" Devil said softly.

"Thank you," Luna said with a blush, tail wagging happily. "But sadly it's true. I did that for two years. But the one thing I didn't do, was kill my marks. I just made them see the errors of their ways. I don't kill anybody. That's not the way I was raised. My mother always told me that one should never take a life, even in self defense."

Devil nodded his head at that.

"Your mother is very wise. How did you come here to become a teacher?"

"When I was being trained by the elves, they neglected to tell me I was in their debt for them training me. They forced me back into the mercenary job until I was nineteen. Soon, I just had enough and developed a portal to come here. My magic isn't as strong here as it is back home, but it's good enough. I miss my parents, but I know going back home, the elves would take me back. And I don't want that. Here, I get to live my dream of being a teacher and helping kids."

She lowered her head before feeling it get lifted softly. She looked at Devil who opened his eyes halfway, revealing his soft teal orbs, the same as hers.

"Never change who you are my lady. As long as you are happy, that's all that really matters in the end."

His eyes captivated her making her blush hotly. She opened her mouth to say something when the bell rang. Devil smiled and closed his eyes before standing up.

"I must get my class ready. Have a good day my lady. If you ever want to talk, feel free to visit me and my master."

She got up from the bleachers and headed back to her classroom as her students filed in and found their seats.

"Okay kids, the assignment's on the board," she said, writing down the task on the chalkboard. "Once you are done, you are free to leave early."

She took a seat at her desk and started on her paperwork. A soft knock on the door made her look up to see Lucy as she walked in.

"Hey girlfriend. I'm happy you made it back," Lucy said softly so not to disturb the students.

"Yeah, I made it. Wasn't easy."

"You didn't get hurt did you?"

"Just a little bit. Nothing I couldn't handle really."

Lucy let out a sigh before grabbing an empty seat and sliding it close to sit near her.

"Well?" Lucy asked.

Luna stopped writing and looked at Lucy, head tilted.

"Well what?"

"Why didn't you kiss him?"

"What!?" Luna said a little loud as the kids looked at her. "Sorry," she said with a smile. "What are you talking about?"

"I passed by the gym and saw how close you and that cute wolf were. Your eyes had that dreamy look in them. I've seen those before plenty of times if you remember."

Luna blushed heavily, averting her eyes.

"It isn't like that. He's the one who helped me at the forest trail."

"Ohh, a knight in shining armor huh? Does this knight have a name?"


Luna purred at that, eyes turning into slits.

"I bet he is one in bed. Can I have him if you don't want him?"

Luna rolled her eyes at that and shook her head.

"Get your mind out of the gutter girl. He may already be spoken for."

"So? Never stopped me before."

"You're hopeless," Luna chuckled as the bell rang.

Lucy got up from her seat and headed for the door, taking a look over her shoulder.

"You may have found mister right girl. Don't let him slip through your paws."

With that said, Lucy left leaving Luna there grading papers. She stopped and let her mind wander. She had to find out who was after her. Cause if the kids got hurt because of her past, she would never figure herself.

"Maybe Devil might know something. He did say if I needed to talk to feel free."

With a smile, she gathered her stuff and headed for home, then to where Devil stayed.


"I see," Iga said, smoothing out one of his whiskers. "You lead a very interesting life."

"Don't I know it," Luna said with a smile.

She told Iga everything about herself and the current situation as they were seated at a table drinking tea.

"I just don't know anything. I hate being in the dark about things. Especially when people are trying to kill me."

"Do you know who is trying to kill you per chance?"

"No. I only got the names of the people they sent after me."

"Who are they?"

"Kazan, Reuben, and some doe. Somehow they know how to get through my defenses."

Iga's eyes narrowed as he put his teacup down.

"Reuben? I never thought I would hear that name again."

"You know him?" Luna asked.

He nodded his head, rubbing his chin in thought.

"A ruthless killer who will do anything if the price is right. He tried to kill me, but didn't succeed resulting in the loss of his eye. If he's after you, somebody wants you badly."

"Can you beat him again if confronted?"

Iga chuckled at that, shaking his head softly side to side.

"Sadly no young one. I'm too old now. Plus, I have a new successor in Devil. He's a lot more lively and nimble then I am."

Luna chuckled at that along with Iga.

"But as for your current situation, I do have a sort of 'associate' that might be able to help you."

Luna's ear perked at that.

"Is this associate your friend?"

"Not a friend per say. Just somebody who owes me a favor."

"Favors are a good thing right?"

"Not with this one," Iga said.

He stood up and went to another table that was burning incense. Pulling open a draw, he sorted through the random items before pulling out a black business card and handing it to Luna.

"Go to that address and my associate, Gerald, should be able to help you. Take Devil with you. You might need him."

Luna looked at the card that had a faded address on it. It was located in the slums of the city. She got up to leave when Iga spoke up.

"If he gives you any trouble, just tell him to shut up and do what you're told."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Trust me on it," Iga said with a smile.

She nodded her head before heading to the dojo where Devil was training. Walking in, she saw him with no shirt on, Masamune in hand as he trained. His movements were fluid and smooth, like it was daily routine. Her father was a great swordsman, but just watching Devil move and how he spun his weapon with ease would put him to shame sadly.

"Do you wish to train my lady?" Devil asked with his back turned.

"Um, maybe one day I'll take you up on your offer."

"Then I'll eagerly await that day. What can I do for you?" Devil asked, sheathing the blade as it floated in the air.

"Iga said for you to accompany me to an address."

"Of course. Let me freshen up."

Devil went into the back, coming out a few minutes later wearing a pair of blue slacks and matching vest.

"Shall we go?"

"Indeed," Luna said.

They walked towards her car and hopped in, heading for the address on the card. The radio played some upbeat music as they stopped at a light. Luna looked at Devil out the corner of her eye. He was kind of cute and easy on the eyes. The aura she felt around him was comforting and made her feel at ease.

"So Devil, tell me about yourself. You know about me."

"Hmm, not much to say really. My parents divorced when I was young. My mom died when I was ten and I went from orphanage to orphanage. I was a real troublemaker."

"I can believe that," Luna said with a chuckle.

"I started robbing house when I was twelve. That's how I met master Iga. I tried to rob him and he caught me. Instead of calling the cops, he took me in and trained me. Those were some of the longest days I ever had. Waking up at the crack of dawn and training to the dead of night. But I'm thankful for it. At twenty one, I'm the proud successor of the Koga clan."

"Impressive. Sorry about your parents though."

Devil shrugged before speaking.

"It's all in the past. Iga said to never dwell on the past for it makes one vulnerable."

"I have to agree with him. There are some things I regret in my past. Ahh, we're here."

The apartment complex were pretty well maintained considered there was trash everywhere else. People were hanging around the corners smoking or rolling dice. When both wolves got out, all attention were on them as they looked around.

"Charming place," Luna said looking around.

"Indeed. I can feel the happiness all around."

"Come on. This person lives here."

They walked up to the complex, eyes locked on them. Luna looked at the card again and saw the apartment number F. Going up the stairs, they saw two lions guarding the door. They walked up to the door before they stopped them.

"State your business."

"We need to see Gerald," Luna spoke up.

"Gerald's busy. Piss off."

"That's no way to speak to a lady," Devil said calmly.

One of them approached Devil and poked a single claw into his chest.

"I said, PISS off!"

"Please take your finger off me. I'll only say it once."

"Or what?"

Devil moved his paw with a blur of movement, striking the lion three times in a heartbeat sending him to one knee gasping for air.

"You son of a bitch," the lion snarled and lunged for him.

"Enough!" a voice said from the door. "Let them in."

The lion looked at the door before back to them, a snarl in his throat.

"See to your buddy. He'll be feeling a little discomfort for a bit," Devil said with a smile walking to the door behind Luna.

Luna walked into the apartment to see an otter being serviced by a female. His arms were on the back of the couch as her head went up and down on his cock with gusto. He looked at them before grunting.

"So? What the hell do you want?"

Luna looked at the girl who didn't even stop when they entered. She could hear the slurping moans coming from her mouth as her hand worked that glistening shaft in her hand.

"Can we have some privacy please?"

"She's a nobody. If you're going to speak, speak now while I'm still in a good mood."

"Very well. I want to know who's trying to kill me."

"And I should give a flying fuck why?"

Luna gritted her teeth before remembering what Iga told her.

"Shut up and do what you're told."

The otter's peach colored eyes narrowed at that. He grabbed the lady by the hair and pulled her off with a wet slurp.

"Get dressed bitch and get out. Money's on the table."

The lady looked angry but didn't argue as she hastily got dressed, took the money and left the three of them alone. The otter slid his pants back on before standing up and looking Luna in the eye.

"What the does the old fucker want?"

"It's not what he wants. It's what I want Gerald."

Gerald let out a humph before grabbing a silk shirt and throwing it on without buttoning it and sitting back down on the couch.

"Do you have a picture or something to go by?"

"All I have are two names."

"Let's hear them."

"Kazan and Reuben."

Gerald's eyes closed before chuckling.

"Take about irony. Who knew this day would come."

"You know who's after me?"

"The same guy that's after you, is after me too. His name is Asmit, brother to Jorge. You should remember him cause you made him disappear so to speak."

Luna remembered him alright. He was sent to the deepest jail ever after being 'taught' a lesson by her. Now it looks like his brother wants revenge.

"Where can I find him?"

"Hell if I know. As you can see, I can't quite show my face with him still looking for me."

"Well, how do I find him?"

Gerald rubbed his chin before smiling.

"Chester, front and center."

A skunk from the back hurried in and bowed his head. He looked young, almost in his teens.

"You called sir?"

"Yeah. Does Hubar still go to that club?"

"Yes sir. Every Wednesday night around ten sharp."

"Thank you Chester."

Chester bowed before hurrying back as Gerald looked at Luna and Devil.

"You want info on how to get to Asmit?"

"Yes," Luna nodded.

"Then here's your chance. One of his guys in charge goes to this club called Dynamite every Wednesday night to relax as he calls it."

"And what is he to Asmit?"

"He knows everywhere he'll be at every time. Call him his personal secretary. Get to him and you'll get Asmit."

Luna looked at Devil who nodded his head.

"Sounds simple enough."

"You would think that. But he's surrounded by bodyguards twenty four seven. The only way to get to him, is if they're distracted."

"And how would you propose we do that?" Luna asked.

Gerald smiled, showing his teeth.

"How good can you dance?"


The bass rocked the walls, table, and bodies of the people in club Dynamite. Luna looked through the curtains to see the mass of people all around the stage drinking and laughing. A beaver walked over to her and smiled.

"Are you ready love?" she asked with a southern accent.

"I think so. I never thought I would be doing this."

"Relax love. You look great. Since I owe Gerald a favor, I don't mind helping you."

Devil walked over and nodded his head.

"You look good Luna. Ready to knock em dead?"

"I'm nervous as all hell right now," Luna smiled, tail wagging nervously. "So what does Hubar look like?"

"You'll know him when you see him," the beaver said with a smile as the music died down and the DJ began to speak. "Just remember, relax and let yourself be free."

"I'll be looking for him while you distract his buddies," Devil said leaving the backstage.

Luna watched them leave before looking out at the crowd again, eyes roving left and right. It didn't help that the lights were right on top of her. But soon she found her mark sitting right in the middle surrounded by two rhinos, a bear, and a gryphon. All of them were dressed in black suits with their arms crossed. The person they were surrounding was a lab, dressed in a white silk shirt and black pants. He was sipping on a martini and tapping on his phone waiting for the show to start.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Well, mostly gentlemen. Dynamite is proud to introduce her first ever dance solo. Give it up for the beautiful, Lunar Night!!"

The lights dimmed down as a slow, tempo beat was played. Luna stuck one leg out before moving out slowly. All the guys let out loud whistles at what she was wearing. She had on a see through pants with a black thong on. A silk belly shirt, that was also see through showed her nipple piercings. A veil covered her muzzle as she moved her body graceful on the small stage that housed a metal pole.

Devil made his way through the crowd before stopping and looking at Luna's performance. He watched the way she hugged the pole and moved her body around it with dancer's grace. For some reason, something started to pull his body towards her. Their eyes locked for a couple of seconds and right there, a strong, primal urge to go up to her and make her his ran through his body. She stuck her tongue out and licked the pole seductively causing a deep seated growl to come from his throat. He shook his head, realizing his hackles were raised.

"What the hell was that?"

Whatever he felt, the patrons were feeling it also as all the men were crowding the stage, tossing money as Luna giggled, spinning and dancing with ease on and around the pole. Devil looked around until he saw Luna nodded her head towards the center table. He looked over and saw the lab with his hand down his pants and cheering the show. He had to be quick as the show was about to be finished. Walking over, he slipped in between the guards who were too transfixed on the show and quickly knocked out the lab. He made a quick gesture with his paw as he disappeared just as the music died down and the crowd was going crazy as Luna left the stage.

"There you have it folks. Lunar Night! Give it up for that hot piece of ass. Our next show will begin shortly so make sure you refill your drinks and hit the ATM if you want to make the waitresses happy."

All the patrons went back to their seats as the bodyguards looked around in panic for their charge. Luna walked through the club before coming to a room marked private and walked in, seeing Devil with his arms crossed against the wall and watching the lab.

"Is that him?" Luna asked.

"Apparently so. Care to wake him up?"


Luna walked over and gave him a couple of slaps on the face as he groaned and opened his eyes.

"What the hell's going on? Where am I?"

His eyes adjusted to see Luna and Devil standing there.

"Baby, if you want to have me in private, all you had to do was ask."

"Shut up," Luna growled. "I'm going to ask one question and I want the right answer Hubar. Where is Asmit?"

The lab laughed before shaking his head.

"Girl, do you know how much trouble you are in?"

"Trust me, I know. You already tried to get rid of me once."

Hubar looked at her, wheels turning inside his head before it dawned on him who she was as his eyes widened.

"You're that bitch that get rid of Jorge."

He tried to lunge at her but found he was tied to the chair he was sitting in.

"Where is Asmit, Hubar? I'm losing my patience."

"Fuck you bitch. You won't get anything out of me."

"Very well, we'll do this the fun way."

Luna walked up to him, her paw glowing. She reached down and grabbed his crotch making him yelp loudly feeling the freezing cold emitting from her paw. He could feel his balls try to pull into his body to get warmth.

"You know, I always wondered how long it would take to freeze a pair of balls? Maybe I'll get to find out today. Any ideas Devil?"

"I wouldn't know. I prefer to keep them warm. But I heard it doesn't take long since the body is ninety percent water."

"Stop! Please stop," Hubar whimpered.

"Where is Asmit?"

"If I tell you, I'm a dead dog."

"If you don't, I'll neuter you here and now," Luna growled added more power.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you."

Luna let him go as Hubar whimpered pitifully. His eyes had tears in them as he looked up at Luna.


"Asmit works at the Emtec building. He'll be at the Riz tomorrow for a luncheon business meeting. But you won't even get a chance to get close to him."

"Let us worry about that. Devil, do the honors."

"Of course my lady," Devil said walking up to Hubar.

"You won't get away with this bitch. Asmit will rip your thr-"

He couldn't finish as Devil knocked him out.

"We better get out of here before his stooges show up."

Luna nodded as they made their way back through the club. They got to the large dance floor as the patrons congratulated her on a great dance which she smiled and said thank you to. Devil stopped and grabbed her hand as she looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"He's back."

Before she could ask, the crowd parted showing Kazan with a snarl on his face. Luna shivered a little seeing the madness in his eyes.

"I don't care what Reuben says. I'm going to take you both out here and now."

"I gave you fair warning last time. I won't be so nice again," Devil said, a slight growl in his throat.

"Don't get so cocky," Kazan snarled and threw himself at Devil.

Devil raised his paw and caught his fist easily shocking Kazan before letting out a grunt as he felt a strong blow to his midsection. He jumped back seeing Devil standing there calmly. No, he wouldn't be showed up by this nobody. He was Kazan, bringer of death. His paws got covered in a dark, glowing power as he stared daggers at Devil.

"This time I'm going all out. Nobody has ever lasted for long against me when I go full out."

"Very well," Devil said taking a calm stance. "I gave you fair warning."

Kazan came at him again as Devil stood his ground, blocking and easily evading Kazan's attacks while countering with solid strikes to his body. Luna watched with wide eyes.

"How is he countering with such ease?"

Kazan hit the ground from a shoulder throw with a grunt and rolled a couple of times. He could hear some people in the background laughing. He wiped some blood from his muzzle as he looked up at Devil who stood there unfazed. Was Reuben right? Could he not take out a single wolf that sucker punched him in the forest? No. He would not be defeated.

"This fight is over," Devil said turning around. "Shall we go my lady?"

Luna was shocked but nodded her head in agreement. They turned to leave as Kazan sat there fuming mad. Humiliation and shame was all he could think about as he balled his paws angrily. This wasn't suppose to happen.

"You think you've won? It ain't over yet," Kazan yelled.

"You are in position to fight. Consider this defeat a learning experience."

"Then you should learn I don't give up easily."

The crowd let out screams as Kazan pulled out his knife and charged Devil. Devil knew this was coming as he spun, grab Kazan's arm that held the knife and spun him quickly. The momentum made Kazan spin in place, facing Devil and let out a gasp of pain. Looking down, he saw the knife still in his paw. But instead of being plunged into Devil's chest, it was plunged into his with Devil holding his arm so the knife wasn't pushed all the way in.

"Be lucky I didn't push the knife all the way in."

Kazan stumbled backwards, pulling the knife out with a gasp as blood flowed down his body. He went to one knee with a whine, putting pressure on the wound.

"This isn't.....over. I'll be back."

Kazan disappeared in a flash as the crowd seem to cheer making Devil blush a little.

"You are something else Devil. Come on, let's get out of here," Luna smiled.


Kazan stumbled into the room, bleeding from his chest. Eve looked up and let out a gasp and hurried to him.

"Kazan, what happened?"

"I couldn't.....touch him. It's like....he wasn't trying."

"You tried to fight that wolf didn't you?"

Kazan didn't say anything as he stumbled into a chair. Eve walked over and inspected the wound.

"It didn't go deep. You should be lucky. An inch deeper and you would've been history."

"That's exactly.....what that wolf said."

"I guess you learned your lesson huh? Let me fix you up."

Eve stood up and turned only to hear a yowl of pain. She turned around to see Reuben sword sticking right through Kazan's chest from behind.

"I told you what would happen the next time didn't I?" Reuben said with no emotion.

"I'm sorry.....but...."

"No buts are accepted. You crossed me too many times."

"Please.....Reuben, just"

The sword through his chest started to glow making Kazan scream in pain. Smoke started to come from his body as the skin and bone started to melt away. Instead of making a messy puddle on the nice carpet, the sword appeared to be absorbing every piece of skin and drop of blood. In a few minutes, only the skeleton was left as Eve looked away. Reuben pulled his sword out and sheath it in the protector on his back.

"Was that necessary?"

"He disobeyed me not once, but twice. Do you question me too?" Reuben asked, his eye glowing.

"I'm only here as a consultant of sorts. You'll do well to remember that."

He let out a humph at that before looking at the skeletal remains of Kazan. Asmit walked in and looked at the remains, one eyebrow raised.

"Did I miss something?"

"Not a thing."

"Then I hope that skeleton is for a science class. If not, please don't mess up my house with your things."

"My apologies. Is there something you require of us?"

"Yes. I have a business luncheon tomorrow and would appreciate someone to watch my back. The people I'm doing business with have a tendency to 'push' their values onto people."

"I understand. We will be by your side in the shadows."

"Much obliged," Asmit said before leaving.

Reuben looked at Eve who's eyes were locked on Kazan lifeless form. Reuben looked to Kazan before sighing and leaving out the door. Eve sighed before sitting back down. Bringing her book back up, she continued to read as if nothing happened.


"I still can't believe you are going after Asmit. That guy is serious bad news," Lucy said as they sat in the car a half block from the Riz.

"Bad news or not, I have to put a stop to this. Otherwise, the kids might be in danger. And that is something I will not allow," Luna said firmly.

Lucy looked in the rear view mirror at Devil who looked out the window.

"And what's your part in all this cutie?"

"I'm merely lending my assistance in her time of need."

"Maybe you can lend me your assistance once this is over," Lucy purred before letting out a yip from a strong pinch.

"Get your mind out the gutter. I need you to be ready incase things get out of hand," Luna growled softly.

Lucy let out a humph before crossing her arms. A few minutes later, a lemur walked up to the window and tapped it.

"What's the word Clark?" Luna asked.

"Asmit is there with another big hitter. The whole place has been sent home save a few cooks and a waiter. A ton of bodyguards are all around so it might be hard to get to him."

"That's where Devil comes in. He's better at close combat than I am," Luna smiled. "Shall we go?"

Devil nodded as they exited the car. Clark gave her a quick hug before walking away. Lucy rolled down her window and spoke up.

"Be careful girl."

"Always," Luna said with a smile.

With a deep breath, she walked towards the restaurant.

"You expect me to sign this piece of shit agreement Ivan?" Asmit said, looking at the warthog.

"I don't see what's wrong with it?" Ivan said raising an eyebrow.

Asmit laughed at that as a waiter brought over two glasses of champagne.

"You want me to hand over ten percent of my business just because it isn't doing good? I don't see the logic in that."

"If I remember correctly, that's your brother's company. You are just a stand in until he returns from his 'vacation'."

Asmit narrowed his eyes at that.

"Might I remind you that I do things differently then my brother."

"Be that as it may, we had an agreement. And I'm not leaving here without that being signed."

Asmit heard people surround him as he chuckled, picking up his glass and taking a sip of the champagne inside.

"Mmm, that's a nice vintage. Have to remind myself to get a bottle," he said before looking at Ivan. "Are you sure you want to do it like this?"

"I want what is mine. Now sign the damn paper," Ivan snorted angrily.

Asmit just smiled before placing the cup down and picked up the utensils to start eating the lunch that was brought out to him which consisted of a well down t-bone steak, potatoes, and vegetables.

"Are you mocking me boy?"

"Call it what you want," Asmit said, cutting a piece of steak and chewing nonchalantly.

"Fine. I hate to kill Jorge's brother but you leave me no choice. Kill him."

Ivan's bodyguards raised their guns to open fire when a slight breeze was felt and Rueben was standing next to Ivan. His sword was covered in blood and pointing right at Ivan's neck.

"What the hell? Where'd you come from?"

His bodyguards all dropped to the floor headless as blood pooled around their bodies. Ivan took a look down near the entrance to see the rest of his entourage on the floor, Eve sitting at a table drinking some tea and reading a book.

"You see Ivan," Asmit spoke up after wiping his mouth. "What's going to happen is this. You are going to go back to your office, resign, and turn everything you have to me. If not, well, you already seen what can happened."

Ivan balled his fists angrily, his tan colored eyes staring daggers at Asmit who just smile. Just before he could answer, the front door opened as Luna and Devil walked in.

"Guess we missed the party," Luna said looking around at the bodies lying about. "Asmit! I know you're in here."

Asmit raised an eyebrow before standing up and looking over the rail to see Luna standing there.

"Well well, if it isn't the bitch who made my brother disappear. How nice of you to come here. Saves me the trouble of having to find you."

"And I'm going to make sure you join him," Luna growled angrily.

"Humph. We'll see about that. Reuben, Eve, do your job. But don't kill her. I want to have some fun with her first."

Reuben jumped over the rail and landed without a sound as he looked at them both, his eye locking on Devil.

"If you know what's good for you wolf, you'll turn around and leave. This doesn't concern you."

"Sorry, but I can't do that," Devil said shaking his head.

"Just like your master, stubborn to the end. Fine then. Eve, take care of the girl."

Devil held his hand out, Masamune appearing as he gripped the handle. Reuben grunted, narrowing his good eye before they both disappeared. Luna looked at Eve who smiled and closed her book.

"I've been looking for you for awhile now Luna Night."

"Do I know you?"

"Nope. But I've sent to retrieve you. Don't worry about what Asmit says."

"I'm not going anywhere," Luna growled.

Eve chuckled before rubbing her chin.

"Kefler said you would resist."

Luna froze at that. Kefler was the elf who taught her to be who she was today. She couldn't believe they would find her.

"I'm never going back to that life. I'd rather die."

Eve's opal eyes looked at Luna.

"You will come back with me. They want alive, but they didn't say about the condition."

Her hands got covered in a dark blue glow.

"Let's see how well Kefler trained you."

Electricity danced around Eve's body, which had Luna's fur on edge. She could feel the raw power behind it. With a snap of Eve's fingers, tiny tendrils snaked towards Luna, crackling in the air. Luna's paw glowed with a green tint before the air around her shimmered, causing the lighting to hit a wall of air and fizzle out. She winced a little feeling the power as her shield deflected Eve's attack.

"Impressive," Eve cooed. "Kefler said you mastered wind magic better than anybody else. But there is one thing he taught me that he didn't teach you."

Her opal eyes glowed slightly before raising her hand towards Luna. She let out a gasp before grunting as a strong force propelled her to the wall knocking her breath away making Eve smile.

"Gravity magic is such a useful thing to have. Wouldn't you agree?"

Luna got to her feet only to get pressed to the wall, feeling the air around her compress her body. Eve walked up to her and ran a finger on her cheek.

"Just think, we could've been working side by side. Living the good life so to speak."

"I don't want that life," Luna growled, trying to move her body but with little luck. "I'm happy with the life I have now."

"Kefler was right. You do have a fighter spirit. No wonder he's so in love with you. No matter. Maybe a few knocks will help you change your mind."

Eve smiled before whipping her across the large restaurant to another wall making her yelp in pain before slamming into two more walls and hitting the ground hard, feeling the spell Eve had around her disappear.

"What is your answer now? Please say yes so we can go back. I can't stand big cities like this. Too loud."

"Here's my answer," Luna barked angrily.

She slammed her paws down on the floor, causing the building to shake a few seconds later as ice erupted from underneath Eve's feet encasing her completely as her mouth was open in shock. She got to her feet slowly, defensive spell at the ready as her body screamed in pain. The large ice bubble shook before shattering into pieces as Eve's face twisted into a snarl.

"Fine. I tried to be nice but it looks like the only way you'll hear is through pain. So be it."

Eve focused her power into a tiny swirling brown ball which she threw towards Luna. Luna created a large ice wall in front of her, but that didn't seem to work as it seem to swallow it whole into some sort of black hole. No matter what spell she casted, it just got swallowed by the ball.

"Give up now. I'm through playing games," Eve growled, throwing her hand forward causing Luna to be pinned to the wall. The swirling ball produced a large black spike that came out of the middle. "Last chance. Otherwise I'll just Kefler we ran into an accident on the way back. He'll understand."

"Fuck you," Luna spat.

Eve's eyes narrowed before snapping her fingers. The black spike shoot towards her at incredible speed. Luna closed her eyes waiting for the end to happen when she felt tiny drops of water on her face as she opened her eyes. Devil was in front of her, the spike going right through his shoulder and inches from her.

"Devil!? Oh god."

"Are you alright my lady?"

Reuben appeared next to Eve, tiny cuts on his body but nothing major. Devil gritted his teeth and pulled the spike out as it dissolved when it hit the ground. He held his shoulder, panting hard.

"It appears we are at a disadvantage. I'll keep them busy while you get out."

"But what about you?"

"It'll take more than this to stop me. Go back to the dojo."

Luna hesitated. She didn't want to leave Devil alone, but with her magical power at half, she didn't stand a chance against Eve at the moment. With a whine, she took off towards the exit, Devil covering for her.

"Running away Luna? I won't let you," Eve said but was cut off by Devil.

"Sorry miss. But I can't let you go any further."

"Do you really think you can take us both on?" Reuben growled.

"If I can hang with you, then two shouldn't be a problem," Devil smiled, holding Masamune in his good hand.

Luna made it back to the car as Lucy looked at her. She could see the bruises that were appearing on her body.

"Go!" Luna barked.

"Right," Lucy nodded, putting the car in gear and speeding off.


Asmit was walking back and forth in his office, arms behind his back. Eve was covering what little cuts Reuben had on his body with salve.

"I want answers. How did you manage to fuck this up? You had her right there."

"Things happen," Reuben said.

"Things happen huh? I'm not paying you to let 'things' like that happen. And just who in the hell was that wolf anyway?"

"A problem that I should've solved long ago."

"Whatever. Just don't fuck up again," Asmit said, leaving his office.

Eve watched him leave before looking at Reuben, his good eye glowing with anger. She finished cleaning his wounds before sitting on the couch and looking at him.

"That wolf is pretty good to handle two of us coming at him."

"That old bastard taught him too good. I should've killed him back then."

"The past can always come back to haunt you."

Reuben grunted at that before standing up and looking out the window into the night sky. The city was aglow with the bright lights, lighting the night up like a carnival.

"This time, I'm going to make sure I finish what I started. You just worry about the girl."

"She's nothing. Her magic isn't what I expected. I was told she was powerful, but was disappointing really. I'll have her next time."

"Fine. I'm going to sleep."

Eve watched him leave before looking out the window herself. She closed her eyes and concentrated before picking up a voice in her head.


"She's stubborn Kefler."

"Of course she is. Wild spirits like her are."

"What do I do next time?"

"Kill her if she doesn't listen. I already have a decent replacement with you. You may not be as powerful as her, but I can manage."

Eve opened her eyes and let out a growl.

"I'll show you who's more powerful."


"You have a habit of coming to us injured," Iga chuckled, handing Luna some tea.

"Sorry for that," Luna said softly, ears lowered.

"Don't worry young one. Everybody has there ups and downs in life."

"If only I had my full power, I would be able to beat her easily."

Iga looked at her before walking over as she looked up at him.

"May I see something? I promise not to do anything rash."

Luna nodded her head as Iga smiled. He went to one knee and placed his hand on her chest, right near her heart and closed his eyes. After a minute or two, he got up and nodded his head.

"I see," he said.

"What's wrong?"

"I may have something to help you. But it'll take some time to make. In the meantime, go help Devil."

Luna's ears perked up at that.

"He's back? But I didn't hear him come in."

"He's good at being undetected. You'll find him in his room."

Luna got up and headed towards Devil room across the way. She knocked a couple of times before sliding the door open. Devil was on sitting on the bed, a basin of water next to him that was red from his blood.

"I see you made it back my lady."

Luna didn't say anything as she walked over and sat behind him. She grabbed the cloth out of his hand softly and started to wash his shoulder clean of the blood.

"I thought you wouldn't make it," Luna said softly.

Devil chuckled before wincing a little.

"I've been trained by master Iga. If I lost there, he would've killed me himself."

Luna cleaned Devil, seeing the hole in his shoulder as she whined. She grabbed the bandage wrap and dressed his wound properly, Devil not even moving as she tightened it. Once that was done, she hugged him from behind, eyes starting to water a little.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"You did no such thing."

"Even still. I feel like I'm responsible for your injuries. If only I had my magic at full strength, you wouldn't have been injured for my sake."

"All we can do my lady, is brush ourselves off and try again."

Luna hugged him tighter, feeling the tears come down her cheek.

"My life was going so well. Why did this have to happen now?"

Devil turned and held her face softly, wiping away the tears before opening his eyes and smiling.

"No one can predict what will happen in our life. All we can do is make the most of it. I will help you for as long as you need me."

Luna looked into those soft eyes, her heart dancing in her chest. She closed the gap and kissed him softly, both their eyes closing and enjoying the tender moment. She broke off and smiled at him.

"You should keep your eyes open more. They're beautiful," she chuckled.

Devil's ears turned red making her laugh as she tickled his chin making his tail wag. He let out a small growl before pouncing on Luna making her yip in surprise before moaning as he licked her lick.

"When you were dancing on that stage, something inside me wanted to ravage you."

"I know," Luna said, panting softly as she felt Devil nip her gently. "I have that effect on people sometimes."

"That effect is still active," Devil growled, burying his nose into Luna's neck and inhaling her scent that was driving him wild with lust.

"Good," Luna growled back, pulling Devil's face up and mashing her lips to his in a heated kiss.

Their tongues fought for supremacy as the ripping of clothes was heard. Luna's shirt was ripped in half exposing her soft chest tuft and breasts. Devil's paws roamed her chest freely, claws digging into the skin making her arch her back in pleasure. He broke the kiss, panting for air before attacking her breasts, tongue lashing out and teeth pulling the studs.

"Oh god," Luna whined.

Devil's paws trailed south towards her pants and slowly worked them off. She raised her hips to help as they were tossed to the floor forgotten leaving her clad in blue panties. Devil sat up and looked down at her, an eyebrow raised. Luna bit her lip as he looked at her.

"Not what you were expecting huh?" she said, a little bit of apprehension in her voice.

"On the contrary, you are more beautiful than I imagined. May I?" he asked, reaching for her panites.

"Please do."

He slowly peeled the last layer off her, revealing her in all her glory. A thin line of pre stuck to the panties which he broke off and gave a lick.

"God damn, you're gorgeous."

Luna gave a lustful growl before sitting up and kissing him deeply, her paw trailing south and gripping the tent in his pants making him shiver.

"Let's see what you got wolfie."

Devil smiled, watching Luna pull his pants down, exposing his dripping cock to the air making him suck in a breath. A shiver ran up his spine as she gripped it softly and gave it a few strokes.

"I see all that training not only gave you a hard body, but a hard cock too."

"Comes with the perks," Devil whined, thrusting his hips weakly.

She took her paw off, licking the pre that coated her fingers with glee.

"Such a potent flavor. I want more," she growled, pushing him onto his back making him yip.

"Only if I can have some of you."

"My pleasure."

She maneuvered herself over his rod which throbbed with his heartbeat. A moan escaped her feeling her butt get squeezed and caressed, her tail smacking Devil in the face playfully as he bit it.

"Easy on the fur wolfie," she said looking under her with a smile.

"My apologies," Devil smiled.

"Now then, where was I?," she murred, gripping that hot flesh in her paws.

Her tongue circled the head slowly earning a whine and a bucking of hips from the owner. Moving her hair, she inched her muzzle down, encasing Devil in her hot mouth making him grunt. His claws dug into her firm butt before feeling sticky wetness on his chest. Looking down, he saw her cock out of her sheath and dripping on him. With a grin, he trailed a claw from the base to the tip earning a loud whine from Luna.

"Tease," she whined, swatting him again with her tail.

"It's how I am."

Gripping it softly, he guided it to his muzzle giving it a lick, savoring the taste before taking it in his muzzle. He heard the whine and felt the shiver as both wolves worked each other. The lewd slurping sounds filled their ears as their musk overpowered their sense of smell bringing them to a heightened level of lust.

Luna's paw cupped the soft fur covered orbs, giving them gentle squeezes and coaxing out more pre which was swallowed eagerly. Devil grunted feeling the extra pleasure surge in his body. He wasn't about to be out done though. Using his paw, he guided it upwards past her orbs to the glistening lips and pushed a finger inside slowly. She tightened her walls on contact and moaned, feeling her pleasure double. She let go of Devil cock with a lewd slurp, her paw still working it as she looked under her.

"How about we up the ante?"

Devil let Luna's cock go with a slurping pop before looking at her.

"What did you have in mind?"

She grinned before turning around and sliding in between Devil's legs, her glistening tip poking Devil's puckered hole.

"Really?" Devil chuckled.

"You don't mind do you?"

"I'd be honored to be bred by a beauty like you."

Luna felt her cock surge at those words, pre coating the hole.

"I'll try to be gentle."

"Don't mind me. Go all out my lady. We both need this."

Luna smiled before pressing forward. A gasp followed a grunt as the tip pushed into the tight confines of Devil's ass. He panted softly feeling Luna push forward inch by inch. Soon their hips were flush as they both moaned together.

"Now this is wonderful," Devil panted.

"Are you okay?"

"Better than okay. I"m being fucked by a hot wolf. What more could I ask for?"

"Flatterer," Luna blushed.

She moved her hips back, feeling those tight walls grip and try to keep her in before thrusting back in with a little force earning a yip from Devil. They started off slow and steady, each complete thrust was followed by a moan from both parties. Soon the lust started to cloud her mind as she gripped his hips and moved faster. Devil arched his back in a loud moan, his prostate being jabbed repeated causing pre to coat his fur.

"That's lady. Take me."

Luna growled at that, bringing her muzzle down and biting his neck. Her hips slammed into his, rocking the bed and making it move. The pleasure she was feeling was incredible. Sure Lucy was good, but something about Devil drove her insane with lust. She didn't care what it was. All that mattered to her was taking what was in her arms.

"God...I never felt.....pleasure like this," Luna whined.

Devil wrapped his legs around her and tightened with each thrust making a howl come out her muzzle. With a grin, he waited for the right moment before switching position earning a yelp of surprise as he straddled her.

"Sorry about that," Devil panted. "But I hope you don't mind a change of scenery?"

"Of course not. Just give a little warning," Luna said, sticking her tongue out playfully.

Devil took over, his hips going up and down with renewed vigor on that thick rod inside of him. Luna could only whine and clutch the sheets underneath her as Devil rode her. Looking down, Devil saw the look of pure pleasure on her face. With a smile and keeping his rhythm, he bent down and lashed his tongue out across those hard nipples and squeezing those squishy globes. She snarled in ecstasy as her body burned with untold fire. Her knot started to form, demanding entrance to claim the body it was mating. Devil went from a fast pace, to a slow grinding method, feeling the knot slowly spread him open making him grunt.

"D...Devil. Are you....sure you....want to..."

Before she could finish, Devil gave a slight growl before raising his rear and coming down hard. The blood engorged knot popping into place and locking them together. Devil's tongue lolled out his mouth feeling it grow as he looked down at Luna.

"You were.....saying?" Devil grinned, tightening up and caressing the sensitive nerves.

Luna whined loudly, moving her hips to reach that state of ecstasy. Devil followed suit as they fell into a rhythm and became a pair of lust driven wolves. Luna could tell she wouldn't last much longer feeling those walls convulse rhythmically around her. Her stomach knotted as she clenched her eyes shut.


"Let it.....go my lady."

Luna sat up and hugged Devil tightly, muzzle buried into his neck as she let out a howl. Thick ropes of cum shot forth from the tip and flooded Devil's insides making him fold his ears and murr. Each shiver he felt was followed by another rope. Luna could only whine as she rode out probably the best orgasm she ever had. She could feel her cock flare up before releasing another glob into the tight confines. Once it was over, she went limp in his arms, panting hard. Devil rubbed her back making her murr softly before laying them both down on their sides. She opened her eyes which were out of focus and gave a goofy smile.

"My god Devil, that was amazing. I never felt that good in a long time."

"I'm glad I was the one to make you feel that way," Devil smiled.

She cuddled into his arms, her head under his chin as they got their senses back, waiting for the tie to go down. Not that it mattered. They enjoyed being in each other's warm embrace. All too soon, Devil felt the knot inside of him deflate enough that it popped out. A trail of cum went down his leg as he chuckled.

"I could tell you needed that. Feels like I'm leaking a river."

Luna blushed at that as her cum covered cock retreated to its furry protection, showing only the tip. She gave Devil a loving kiss before sitting up. He watched her as she gave a light stretch before going to all fours and looking behind her, tail wagging happily.

"Come on wolfie. Fuck your beautiful lady," she growled playfully, giving her ass a slap.

Devil didn't need to be told twice. He slid up behind her, grasping her hips which shivered in anticipation. The tip of his cock slid up and down her puffy, blue lips making her whine in need.

"Must you tease me now meanie?" she whined, ears folded back.

"Sorry my lady. Couldn't resist," Devil grinned.

Lining up, he pushed into her slowly. Luna's head shot up, eyes closed as she groaned in ecstasy. He was just the right size to scratch her insides all over. She let out a gasp when she felt his hips touch hers, paws balling the sheets tightly.

"You feel incredible, my lady," Devil panted, leaning over and nibbling her ear making her whine.

"Take me Devil. Take me please," she yip.

Devil withdrew his hips back, leaving the tip to be caressed before thrusting back in. Luna let out a bark of pleasure, feeling that hot pillar of flesh spear her depths over and over. It felt just like a piston, spitting out lube to keep the friction going and not burn out. All she could do was bark, yip, and moan in pleasure.

" goood," she whined, arching her back and meeting every rough thrust with her own.

Devil could only growl in response. He felt those silk walls mold and conform to his penis adding to his pleasure. His hands left her hips, travelling underneath and rubbing her belly softly. That got a growl from her and a rapid thrusting from her body before it tensed up and a flood of honey leaked out from their connection. He heard her murr happily from that orgasm as she dropped onto the bed, panting hard as her eyes glazed over.

His left paw left her stomach and went to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples while the right paw trailed south to find her already erect cock flopping back and forth with a steady stream of pre leaking onto the sheets below. Gripping it gently, he started to stroke her up and down causing Luna to bare her teeth in a snarl, her claws tearing holes into the sheets. He leaned over her, never stopping his motions as he bit her ear gently before licking it and whispering softly.

"Give your body to me my lady."

"It's yours," Luna replied back quickly. "Just.....don't stop."

Devil let out an evil snarl making Luna shiver before yelping as he spread her legs wider and slammed into her hard. Luna was in a state of nirvana. Every breath she took came out as a gasp. The male on top of her was breeding her like a true bitch in heat. And by god, did she love it. Every time their hips met, her legs were lifted in the air a little as Devil pushed as deep as he could. Balls covered in their fluids connected together with loud slaps along with their bodies. It was a beautiful drama of man and female in complete feral mode.

Maybe Lucy was right. Maybe she had found the right guy. Once this situation was over, could this become a permanent thing? God knows he was making her whine and yelp like a pup. She turned her head and looked up at him with glassy eyes, begging him to fill her to the brim with his cum. She could swear for a second she saw his eyes glow red but that thought was quickly erased as another orgasm racked her body making her yelp. Devil growled, feeling those walls convulse over his cock, milking it hard and making his knot form rapidly as it paddled her backside.

"Please wolfie. I to please," Luna whined, her head spinning from pleasure.

Devil only snarled in response, driving his hips harder into the willing bitch underneath him. The large bulb of flesh knocked repeatedly on her cunt lips, demanding entrance whether she wanted it or not. Finally, her lips gave in and swallowed that large knot, locking them in place. A whine escaped them both, Devil feeling the heat and tightness surround him and Luna for the feeling of being full.

"Gods....Luna. So good. Can't last......much longer."

"Let it......go wolfie. Fill me.....up til I......burst from your love."

Devil reached under and grabbed Luna, lifting her up to a sitting position on his lap and grinded into her, his muzzle buried into her neck and inhaling her arousal. Luna let out a gasp at the sudden change but moaned loudly feeling Devil nuzzle her neck as she reached around and scratched between his ears. She was rewarded with a paw on her cock, stroking her in hopes to bring her to that glorious release.

"I'm....going to.....cum Devil," Luna whined, hips thrusting as much as they could in their tied state. "Cum....with me....please," she whispered into his ear.

" lady," Devil whined, not able to hold back the army knocking onto his walls.

She leaned her head down and kissed him, which was all both wolves could take. Pushing as far as he could, Devil unloading into Luna's womb with heavy spurts of cum that made his head spin. Luna felt that hot load splash inside her, folding her ears back and making her tense before she too fired away. Each volley of cum that leapt from her tip splashed onto the floor below with wet splats, making a nice size puddle. Both wolves relaxed with a heavy sigh, their ears ringing and hearts thudding in their chests. Devil opened his eyes as they slowly adjusted and looked down, seeing her cock pulse weakly as a line of cum drooled onto his paw. He brought it up to his muzzle as she watched him lick it clean.

"You taste good my lady."

"Why don't you share it?" she murred, kissing him and swirling her tongue around to collect his saliva.

With a little effort, Devil managed to lay the both down on their sides as he petted her, making her tail wag happily.

"Thank you Devil," Luna said after a few minutes of silence.

"You are quite welcomed my lady."

"No, I mean, thank you for everything. I never wanted you to be involved with my past life, but I'm glad you are here with me now."

"I'm with you to the end Luna."

She smiled at that before letting out a yawn. The ripped sheet was tossed over their bodies as she let out a sigh.

"I just hope we can beat them," Luna sighed. "I may not be at full strength, but I'll do the best I can."

"Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together," Devil said softly.

He gave her neck a soft lick making her shiver before interlocking his paw with hers. She gave it a squeeze as she leaned back into him. He held her close, his chin on her head as she felt his heartbeat. She loved this feeling. His scent and aura made her feel secure and happy. With a happy, soft whine, she feel asleep in his warm embrace.


Luna stirred softly in her sleep before letting out a murr, feeling her cheek get caressed softly. Her eyes opened slowly to see Devil looking at her, a smile on his muzzle as he continued to caress her cheek.

"Good morning my lady. Did you sleep well?"

"Best sleep I ever had," she murred happily. "How long have you been up?"

"A few hours. I had to do some training before coming back. I enjoy watching you sleep. You look so peaceful, just like an angel."

She blushed at that before pulling him on top of her and kissing him lovingly.

"Would you like some breakfast? I finished cooking for master Iga."

"Wow, a man who can cook? I've died and gone to heaven," she chuckled.

"I'm a jack of all trades," he grinned before kissing her again and sitting up. "I left you a kimono that should be your size. I did have a good way of measuring you last night. Shower's down the hall. Get cleaned up and have something to eat. Then we'll discuss our next step."

He gave her another kiss before tickling her chin making her murr and wag her tail happily. She watched him leave before crawling out the bed still naked. Her body felt light and full of energy. She never felt like this when waking up with Lucy. Grabbing the kimono, she exited the room and down the hall to where the shower was located. Turning on the water, she let it get nice and warm before hopping in and getting cleaned off.

"God he was so good last night. I got to keep him before Lucy gets her paws on him."

She chuckled at that before stepping out nice and clean. Finding the towel, she dried herself off and slid on the kimono. Devil wasn't kidding when he said it would fit her. He must've got a good feel. She made her way to the kitchen, following the smell of food and found Iga sitting at the table next to Devil and drinking tea.

"Good morning young one. I hope you slept well?" Iga said with a smile.

"Yes I did, thank you," Luna said taking a seat next to Devil.

"Was Devil gentle with you?" Iga grinned.

"Master!" Devil yip, blushing hard with Luna as Iga laughed heartily.

"Ah, the vibrancy of youth. How I envy it."

They all shared a laugh before munching down. Luna loved the cooking. The eggs were fluffy and just right while the bacon was crisp, not burnt.

"Oh my god Devil, this is so good. I don't think I want to let you go."

"Glad you like it my lady."

She cleaned the plate in minutes, letting out a happy sigh and patting her stomach. Iga reached into his sleeve and pulled out a white bracelet with different kanjis on it and handing it to Luna.

"Use this young one. It should be able to amplify your power to its normal capacity."

Luna took it and placed it on her wrist feeling a jolt of power rush through her. It sent her fur on edge making her shiver lightly. But once that feeling left, she immediately felt her power come back to normal, like she was back in her home world.

"Wow Iga. How did you make this?"

"You don't live this long without lots of knowledge," Iga smiled. "What do you plan to do now?"

Luna crossed her arms and thought about it. If she could get Eve into a forest, there would be no chance she would lose. But then there was Reuben.

"Devil, can you compete with Reuben?"

"Of course my lady."

"Good. I have a plan."


Eve and Reuben stood in the forest trail waiting alongside Asmit. Asmit received a letter of challenge stating that if he won, he could do anything to her he wanted. He paced back and forth, hating to wait for anything.

"Where the hell is this bitch? I'm sick of waiting."

Luna appeared from behind a tree and leaned on it with a smile. She was wearing a simple pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Sorry for the wait. My car had trouble getting here with traffic and all."

Asmit looked at her, a sneer on his mouth.

"So let me get this straight. If you lose to my hire hands, you'll give yourself up freely?"


"Very well. You two, do your job."

Reuben and Eve nodded and ran after Luna who darted into the forest. They appeared in a clearing to see her next to Devil. Reuben let out a growl when he saw him.

"You going to fight me for real this time?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Devil smiled.

"Good. Once I take your head, Iga is next."

Devil's eyes opened as a growl left his muzzle. Masamune appeared in his paw, glowing a dark red as they both took off in a different direction leaving the ladies alone. Eve smiled before cracking her knuckles.

"Do you think you stand a chance this time?"

"I won't know until I try," Luna smiled, her paws glowing a light blue.

Eve lashed out with her paw, surges of electricity blazing a trail towards Luna. Luna waved her hand, creating a wall of air as the tendrils sizzled on impact. She made a quick gesture with her finger causing a small, but powerful blast of wind to impact Eve sending her sliding on the soft ground. Eve looked at her in a bit of shock but grinned.

"So, you decided to play hardball huh. Very well, I'll end this here."

Eve's power accelerated, creating not one, but two of the same gravity vortex as before but this time Luna was prepared for it.

"Have a taste of my gravity magic at full power."

That crushing feeling hit Luna full blast making her go to one knee with a whine. Even with the bracelet, Eve's power was no joke. Just trying to lift a hand was taxing. Eve smiled, her opal eyes glowing brightly.

"This time, you have nobody here to save you."

Those same black spikes appeared from the center of the small swirling vortexes. With a snap of her fingers, they shot towards Luna. Luna let out a snarl, her eyes beginning to burn with a blue fire as a wall of thick ice surrounded her, shattering the spikes. She stood up with ease, much to Eve's surprise.

"Do you want to know why Kefler fell in love with me?"

Eve stood her ground before she heard the sound of ice forming. Looking around, she saw the ground begin to freeze over and her magic attacks turn solid before shattering into tiny pieces. The air started to turn frigid making her shiver to keep warm.

"Because I was the only one to kick his ass. Just like I'm going to do with you."

"I won't let you get the better of me. I will prove I can beat you."

She cupped her hands to the sides, the ground shaking around her as she glowed with power. A massive swirling vortex appeared in her cupped hands, growing larger by the second.

"Let's see you try and stop this one," Eve snarled.

She hurled it at Luna with all the angry she could muster. Rocks, leaves, and all kind of debris got sucked into the angry suction of Eve's attack. Luna stood her ground, her paws sliding towards it a little bit at a time. She held her hand up before bringing it down causing a tornado like funnel to slam into the ground.

"What the hell?" Eve said said shocked.

Luna held her paw up before closing it, making the funnel squeeze down Eve's ball before it exploded with a deafening bang kicking up wind and making her cover her eyes. Once the dust was clear, she looked to see Luna right in front of her, teeth bared and covered in a blue glow. She went for an attack but felt her wrist get constricted by something. Looking over, she saw vines coming up out of the ground and wrapping all over her body.

"A little advice for you: don't fuck with me ever again. And when you see Kefler, tell him I'm never coming back."

Eve had to shiver at that. The power she could feel coming from Luna was overwhelming. No wonder Kefler said she was strong. She thought she stood a chance, but seeing her up close and feeling the raw energy she possessed, she was dead wrong.

"Why don't you just kill me? I would do that to you from where you stand."

"Because my mother told me to never take a life. Leave here and never come back."

Luna raised her hand to her left and created a portal as it snap opened. The vines constricting loosened as she rubbed her wrists.

"I won't forget this Luna Night."

"I probably will. Now get the fuck out of my home."

Eve grunted before turning and walking into the portal. She took another glance behind her before the portal closed with a bang. Luna closed her eyes and let out a sigh, feeling the exhaustion take over her body.

"I forgot how taxing that can be. I hope Devil's okay."

She collected her breath and jogged into the forest, hoping to help him. It didn't take her long to find them as she saw the destruction. In the middle of the destruction, she saw Devil standing over Rueben. But Devil seemed different. He had two white wings coming out his back and Masamune was longer and glowing with a purple tint. She could also feel the bloodlust coming from him as he had the sword on Rueben's neck from behind, ready to finish him.

"Devil don't."

His ears twitched before turning his head as she saw his eyes. Instead of the warm teal she was use to, they were replaced with a dark purple that made her shiver.

"He insulted our master. He must be punished," his voice spoke up but sounded distorted. Almost like there were two people talking at once.

"Killing him is not punishment. Let him live with the fact that he couldn't beat you or Iga. I think that would be punishment enough."

Devil looked back at Rueben before removing the sword from his neck. His eyes went back to normal as he turned his back and walked away.

"Don't think this is over," Rueben growled, holding his arm which was bleeding. "I will have my revenge."

"And I'll be waiting for you," Devil said with his back turned.

He walked to Luna and smiled.

"Shall we go my lady?"

Luna nodded before they headed back towards the entrance. They saw Asmit standing there as he gritted his teeth in anger.

"So they lost I take it?"

"You expected a different outcome?" Luna asked, head tilted with a smile.

"I always hire inept people. No matter. So what happens now?"

"You join your brother in a cozy cell. And I go back to living my life worry free."

Asmit smoothed his hair before shrugging.

"What goes around comes around I guess. I have no regrets."


The bell rang signalling the day coming to a close as the students filed out of the classroom saying their goodbyes to Luna who smiled and waved. Lucy gave a knock before walking in and taking a seat.

"Is everything okay now?"

"Yep. Everything is just fine," Luna grinned, handing her the paper showing Asmit in handcuffs.

"Not bad girl. You had me worried for a second. What do you say we celebrate? My place tonight for a little wine and dine?"

"Sorry. I got plans."

Lucy ears perked at that before smiling.

"You dirty girl. Who's the lucky winner?"

"Devil and I are going to dinner and a movie."

"Meaning you're going to screw each other senseless afterwards right?"

Luna grinned before gathering her things and standing up.

"I want details. How is he? Do you think he'll share us?"

"Sorry girlfriend. This is one wolf I won't give up."

"Stingy bitch," Lucy growled playfully. "But I'm happy for you. I'll see you tomorrow."

Luna waved bye before heading out herself into her car. She got home and took a quick shower before meeting Devil in town for their date. During a great dinner, they truly got to know each other better personally. After that, they saw a nice movie, but left earlier due to roaming paws. They made it to her house and after a strenuous romp that left them both a sweaty and panting mess, they held each other close, Luna's head on Devil's chest. She let out a soft murr feeling his paws stroke her back softly.

"I'm so glad I met you Devil. It feels like you are that missing piece of the puzzle."

Devil smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm happy to be able to meet a lady like you. Are you still up for a little training?"

Luna chuckled, pressing her naked body closer to his. Leaning up, she kissed him lovingly before hugging him tight like a teddy bear.

"I'd like that," she said softly.

Devil held her softly and smiled, hearing her breathing relax as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

"Have a good night my lady."