Sampson and Devilah #11

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#14 of Sampson and Devilah

Ubergard Felled

| The next morning...

"Sampson! Are you...?"

"Devilah! No! I... Um... it's not... It's just that, in the morning, see..."

"Oh, I see all right! It's just us two in here you know. That whole vow thing..."

"Maybe just a little..." Sampson wavered for a moment. "No! Let's get going Devilah. This day will see the end of that cursed vow one way or another!" | image | | "If you say so, master."


"Yes master?"

"You are... beautiful."

The red-clad Khajiit just smiled and gave Sampson a kiss, and then they were off again. | image | | "HALT!" Ubergard shouted as soon as Sampson and Devilah walked out of the Sleeping Giant.

Immediately, Sampson drew his sword menacingly, though he was not unshaken by the size of the armored Argonian that stood before them, nor the evil-looking battleaxe that remained at her back.

"What is this? Who are you, Argonian, and why do you oppose me?"

"I would ask the same of you, warrior. What is your purpose here in this place?" | image | | "I am Sampson, Justice-Bringer and Assassin-Bane. I come seeking vengeance for the crimes of the Dark Brotherhood!"

"A noble quest, but there are no assassins here. You are entering Whiterun territory. Do you have the ear of the Jarl?"

"Of course not. Why would I have his ear?"

"She means, do you have his approval?" Devilah pointed out. | image | | "Oh. Well, no. But all right-thinking aristocracy would welcome me and my quest! Are you his emissary?"

Now it was the Argonian's turn to feel uncertain.

"Well, no. Not exactly. But like you I live to serve Law and Peace. I fear you would bring violence to my home."

"None to honest citizens, of that I assure you. But there is one in these lands whom I seek. A Khajiit known to the Brotherhood as The Black Cat. To you she is known as Kitty."

Ubergard could not hide her recognition of the name, and Devilah picked up on it immediately. | image | | "Clearly you know her," Devilah stated. "Honor my master's geas and tell us where we can find her so that we can put an end to this quest."

"I know her. But in this I will not aid you. Kitty is not the Khajiit you believe. She was rejected by the Brotherhood because she would not take a life for gold." | image | | "You lie. Stand aside Argonian, or you shall suffer your evil friend's fate, I swear by my good name!"

"I will not," Ubergard stated and drew her vicious blade.

"Then _ have at you _!" shouted Sampson and the fight began as Devilah drew aside, watching them both with flashing eyes. | image | | -------------------------------

An hour passed, sapping the strength of both warriors with neither scoring a decisive hit. A lull in the fighting found both heaving for breath before attempting the next lunge.

"You fight well, <pant> Argonian. Surely such skill as you posess <pant> should not align itself with <pant> such as this Black Cat! But you must know you are beaten. <pant> You now only defend. <pant> Look, you can barely lift your blade!" | image | | "And you as well, human. <gasp> I have never fought against such. <gasp> You may best me yet, I cannot lie. <gasp> But if so, let my honor reach your ears. <gasp> Kitty is_ not _ your foe!"

"Let fate be the judge of that!" screamed Sampson and the onslaught was renewed. | image | | "What happened?!" Sampson cried to Devilah, nearly toppling with exhaustion.

"Rest a minute, my brave fighter," Devilah said, dousing the blue glow from her hands.

"But, I didn't even hit her at the last!"

"Perhaps she fainted from sheer exhaustion. Would you dispatch her now that she lies unconscious?" | image |