Best Week Ever - The Night After

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Finally did it! After 4 years of waiting on getting the 2nd part of this story (that I initially had no intention into making a series), I finally was able to get this second part up!

After taking a nap from their previous romp, Maverick remembered that he had somebody important to him that was supposed to come over! With this babysitter, he had no idea what was going to happen, but he was most definitely excited!

"Whoo, what a day that was!" The lapine crooned happily, waking up from her post-orgasmic slumber. She looked over to the sleeping fox, checking on how he was doing after that little romp. The boy was absolutely exhausted; legs and mouth wide-open, paws both rested behind his head, and that blue member of his lazily flopped along his left loin. That lavender-haired lop couldn't do much but muster a warm smile, reaching out to him and leaning her face down, grabbing that flopping length, gobbling it in her mouth, slowly dragging her head back, taking in what little was left of the duo's combined flavor. Wasn't enough to get him hard, but easily enough to elicit the smallest of moans from his mouth, as well as a shift in position, spreading even wider. "Even when sleeping? You naughty little thing." That whisper caused him to stir just the slightest bit, rolling now over to his side.. That little stir was definitely enough to get his body to groan for a tad more sleep, curling up away from her to cease her teasing, letting his body surrender itself back to dreamland.

Bon-Bon felt that now was the best time, if any, to get herself nice and cleaned up. Was it morning? Had to be. She felt as though they were asleep forever. The rabbit groggily slumped her way over to her pants that were lazily strewn about on the floor, bending down to reach for her phone she left in her front pocket. Oh what a view she was offering. Her legs were tightly together, wiggling her hips a tad as her fingers fished around her pockets, trying to pinpoint which pocket they were in. Her tight little folds clung together, glazed with the juices that the two mixed together during their time they spent together earlier. As much as that white fuzz that covered her sex wanted to remain the focus, just a hint of her pink inner-lips peered through as well. The smallest bead of the kit's light-blue essence began to seep out as well.

"Gotcha." She grinned as she snagged her phone. "And the time is..." She gasped aloud for a moment, rather stunned at the time. "It's only 8:30!?'s still so early. Gotta find a way to fill up the rest of the night." She rose fully back to her feet now, then looked down between her legs, taking note of the matted fur between her legs. "But before that...showertime." The babysitter began to scramble about, darting around to grab a few towels, and her favorite body wash made specifically for short-furred creatures. She made her way into the large bathroom, ever so thankful for Maverick's rather fancy life and his rich parents. It was rather large. Jacuzzi bathtub, double-sink, and a toilet with absolutely nothing special to it at all. "Heh, gonna have to push them to finally grab a bidet in here. I probably could use one right now." She giggled to herself. She reached into the tub now, turning the knob to get the warm water running. The young teen, while the water began to run, sauntered over to the door, closing it just far enough that it was ajar, so she could hear her young ward's voice in case he needed her. What were the odds he was going to wake up after all that, though? As far as she knew, she had rocked his four foot world hard enough that he'd probably sleep through the night. Once she felt that the shower was warm enough, Bon-Bon hopped into the warm water, sighing out excitedly, that warm water finally washing away all the dirtiness of the day. Eyes closed, head tilted back, and body fully relaxing underneath that showerhead, she finally eased herself into a semi-conscious state.

"Mnh..." Maverick yawned softly to himself as he rolled out of the bed, getting right to his feet and dragging himself toward the bathroom. At the moment, he was less of a fox, and more of a zombie at this point. He didn't seem to think much of Bon-Bon not being in the bed yet, his mind still a-tizzy from all the fun of the day. It was only when the kit got across the hall and arrived at the door had he saw the steam coming out. It finally hit him. Shower! That's where she is, and it wouldn't be a bad idea if he joined her on that, either. How nice it would be if he just knocked on the door, walked in, and asked his dearly beloved babysitter if he could join her in a nice, hot shower? Pft...if he was anybody else, sure. This is, however, Maverick Skye, the 'silly fox' as he had a habit of being called. Now that the kit had snapped out of his grogginess, he slowly opened the door, being absolutely sure not to make a peep. His eyes looked over at the mirror, watching the reflection for any movement of the curtains. Nothing. Perfect. That silver-furred demon slid his way in, getting down, finger spayed along the ground, pads rubbing into the carpet as he stealthily made his way toward the shower curtains. A quiet, heavy inhale preceded the next phase of his plot. His fingertips wrapped around the edge, peeling the curtain away from the wall. That was the riskiest maneuver of all, peering his head in to take note of her position. He saw that she was faced toward the front wall, giving him a perfect view of her posterior. Gotcha. The fox, as quietly as a mouse, moved his upper body into the shower, his own upper body being sprinkled with whatever water slid past her body. Time to strike. Like a cobra, his fingers shot forward, giving her cheeks a nice grip. In that very instance, he spread her open, head moving in at the speed of sound so his blue tongue greeting her wet pucker. "Thurprith Wim bob!" He fought to get the phrase "surprise rim job" out but, with a tongue filling her canal at the moment, he could only utter that incoherent babble.

"YEEK!" The girl squealed out loud. The girl seemed to have had enough power in those lungs to have shattered glass. Her body tensed, one hand gripping the curtains, the other slamming against the wall to prevent herself from falling to the ground, her fear gripping at her body for that short moment. "Surprise Rimjob? You cheeky dick waffle!" The rabbit laughed, realizing that this was just as much her fault for letting her guard down in the same home as her very predator. Mav, once he heard her say that, pulled back a bit, feeling rather proud of himself that his sneak attack had been so successful. "I'll take that as a compl-" He was then totally cut off as that hand went right behind his head, pulling his head right back into her cheeks, mouth right against that star. "Who said I told you to stop?" She smirked, letting those unique tingles wash over her tawny frame. Shivers coursed through her as well, reawakening those little pink nubs that stood upon those medium-sized mounds on her chest.

"Mnh..." He whined, his plot to startle and pleasure her had completely backfired. Well, almost completely. He did startle her. He is pleasuring her. So the mission wasn't entirely broken. This was more of a case of "Fission Mailed" instead of Mission Failed. His eyes closed as he began to fulfill her command, paws now reaching down to grip at the edge of the tub, and tongue still beating at her taut little pucker, making very light passes from bottom to the top, just sticking to the rim of it. By the time the cub had reached the bathtub, his member receded back into the sheath, but now that he was caught up doing this, that rest was short-lived. His azure length began to bob in that misty, warm air. As much as he was enjoying the taste of her entrance, the water that was running along his face, eyes, and hair was beginning to dilute the taste and his enjoyment of the moment. He decided that if he was going to whine, he'd at least make sure he was going to finish out with a bang. He thrust forward, paws now wrapping around her hips, one gripping tight against that cute paw-print that caressed her inner thigh, nose pressing forward enough that allowed his tongue to pierce through her barrier, working its way inside of her. That muscle of his began to slurp along her inner walls, even making a small amount of noise that he knew probably would be silenced by the noises of the water hitting the ceramic tub. His face even shifted from the initial surprised expression, to one of pure defiance. His fingertip inched closer toward her desire, his pointer finger finding its objective, striking at that pulsing pinkness that protruded.

"Holy...what?!" Bon was rather dumbfounded at these sudden precision strikes to her very inner beast. Her carnal desire was starting to awaken from just his teasing alone. No...Not here. She was the one in charge, not Mavy. It was time the kit learned his place. She bumped the kid's face with her behind, causing him a bit of surprise as he flopped back onto his rear. She turned to face him now, paw on a single hip, face, albeit wet, was painted with a look that simply shouted "You're mine now, boy..." Her body was so imposing over his. She was only 14 years old, but did she ever know how to assert her aura over an unsuspecting fox. Her hand reached out now, fingers gently weaving into that girlishly long, platinum tuft of hair atop his head. Maverick, on reflex, closed his eyes, always having such a weakness for head-pats. Too bad for him, that was about to turn on its head. A surge of dominance sparked at the tips of her fingers, and those pink pads pressed into his scalp, pressing him forward, forcing his snout right back between her legs. Now he was facing her front; sweet scents of her arousal and...Oh my...His own finale from earlier filled his nose. "There's still some left. Clean it." She sharply demanded. He didn't whimper or whine, but he didn't hesitate to obey.

Blue tongue began to roll along those swollen folds, at first giving the lips a little preparatory pleasure before delving inside. She wasn't joking, either. His tongue had begun to collect a wonderful symphony of flavors that graced his palette. He silently lamented that he didn't do this when the cream was fresh, but he wouldn't complain about it now. He continued to lap up her sweet juices taking it in and swallowing down whatever semen that had been left within, sighing out as he felt his own excitement throb wantonly. "More..." He heard her plea as she advanced on him, pressing her lips further onto his muzzle, his tongue now forced further within. It rolled inside her now, curing and tugging out any of his leftover nectar from earlier, the stickiness completely saturating his tongue. "Shi-crap Mavy! So good!" She stammered, forcing back her words as to not taint the 'virgin ears' of the child. Her hips bounced up and down, splashing and squishing on his face, letting her heat further right. "Getting close again. Oh god...Mavy...Mavy...MA-!"


At that point, the duo froze, before the lapine found herself in stitches over the absurdity of the situation. "Really? Really?! You brought your phone in here with you? And that song? Really? You are such a dork luv. Go...go get the phone." Maverick was laughing a bit himself. "Hey, at least it's the remix." He retorted, rolling now out of the shower, splashing water all over the rug on his way to the phone. He quickly dried off his right hand, swiping to answer before the lyrics got too far and he'd miss the call. Bringing it up to his ear, he'd respond. "Yo!~ It's Mavy!"

"Maaaav!" The kit heard a whine on the other end of the phone. "It's like 8:30. I thought you were gonna call me to tell me when to come over! Where the heck are you?" Maverick knew that voice. It was...OH CRAP! The rabbit decided to take advantage of the time he was out of the water to get herself cleaned out fully, cleaning any excess juices from herself. Of course a few errant taps of her little secret would illicit a few moans from her mouth, intentionally ramping up the volume of her pleasure just to tease the little vulpine.

"Jeffy, duuuude." There goes his 'I screwed up and am now in trouble' voice. " some stuff happened and I ended up taking a nap. If you're still game for coming over, head this way and just ring the doorbell when you get here." Bon wasn't done with him yet, though. Deciding to be the one to not get the floor even more wet than it already was, she shut the water off, grabbing a towel, wrapping it around her waist and slinking out to interrupt the conversation. As Maverick talked and made excuses, Bon got down on her knees, reaching forth to begin stroking that blue foxhood, squeezing it to force a little of his nectar out onto the slit. From there, she just quietly rubbed as she listened.

"You? Taking a nap...uh-huh. Right, well I'll be over in a few. Just gotta finish up...mnh...some stuff here." That tell-tale moan. Oh, Mavy knew exactly what was going on there. He couldn't help but to speak up, either, fighting himself so that he didn't moan out himself.

"Just save some...ah...for us, too, okay?" He teased. "Catch ya soon, Jeffy." Mav fought himself to have a bit more composure in this conversation than his yellow counterpart.

"Same. Be there in a little whi-ah-aaaah!" Maverick winced at that loud voice that buzzed through the receiver, his member once again aching from hearing that golden-furred child's bliss ring through. "...Couple minutes. Be there in a couple minutes." The lapine panted blissfully from the other side, the telltale beep that signified the end of a call followed.

Maverick's face then turned down toward the babysitter that was helping herself to his member, stroking the head with the tip of her tongue a though she were fancying herself a tasty, sweet popsicle. "Couldn't help yourself, could ya, Bon?" The fox had to ask as he smirked down at her. "Nope." Was the entirety of her reply, prompting Mavy to let out that rather girlish-sounding giggle of his. "C'mon, gotta be ready for him when he get here!" He laughed, obviously rather psyched for the arrival of his buddy, so much so that he actually stopped her from engulfing his member, something he would never do under any other circumstance. It would be the first time Jeffy stayed at his house, so the kit was ecstatic for what was to come.

"Ah yeah. Guess I should hold off on it. Tomorrow's gonna be such a wild day! Movies and hitting the mall...oh yeah, we'll be busy non-stop!" Bon laughed, returning to her feet. "Now grab a towel, you're soaking the floor." A chuckle rolled out of her lips as she made her exit from the bathroom. The child nodded, snatching his own towel underneath the sink, following suit and departing from the bathroom as well.

Now that the duo had gotten cleaned up, they spent a short time focusing on their own little worlds. Maverick was lying upon the couch, pair of loose-fitted basketball shorts and basketball jersey over his lithe frame, Nintendo 3DS in hand. His concentration was absolutely focused upon that game, almost like the kit wasn't even breathing right now. Bon-Bon was being a bit more productive with her time. The lavender-haired lapine was standing in the kitchen, her beloved Sansing Nebula tablet on its prop, simultaneously playing some J-Rock from Youtube, and looking at recipes on the other. She was even more lazily dressed than Maverick, just a white, small towel clinging to her frame. For now, she was wondering what she was going to make for dinner for the trio. After much heavy deliberating, however, the girl swiped the recipes off of the tablet, and switched to ordering a pizza. "Yo, Mavy!" She called out to him. "Pizza is gonna be on the way soon cutie!" She called to him as she approached him, standing over the boy now. Finally, his eyes peeled away from his 3DS, but only for them to get stuck viewing elsewhere. He felt his mouth water, and shorts tighten just the slightest bit as he took in that fine view from there. It was drawing close...and closer...and closer? Wait...wha-

Maverick's own thoughts were suddenly drowned out by that cunny pressing itself against his muzzle. "Mnh!?" He muttered as he felt that familiar heat begin to grind itself against his mouth. "Bon? What are you...?"

He began, before getting fully shut up by her pressing down on his face. "I'm still not done with you. Jeffy won't be over for a little bit, you know? That gives me just a little more time to play with you." She excitedly exclaimed, starting to slide her dampening lips up and down along his nose and mouth, almost as though she were using it to pry him open. In the meanwhile, her fingers snaked forward, playing down his chest, to his belly, and down to his shorts, going further to allow her wrists to tease at his rather obvious tent now, before slipping into one of the legs of his shorts, fishing his member out of the shorts, gripping it tight in her right palm as her thumb began to tease over the head, pad wiggling back and forth against his slit.

His tongue got back to work, almost as though he had unfinished business from earlier. That shower, however, made her pussy feel like it was totally new, reinvigorated. Any traces of his own essence had disappeared from her folds, and his tongue felt like it was exploring her cavern anew. His tongue delved inside, over and over again, even venturing with a little more bravery, sucking at the entire puss, creating a brand new pressure within her. His eyes shut, and concentration completely focused upon her own pleasure, allowing him to grow totally unaware as to what was going on aside from that marvelous nectar soaking his tongue. That was...until that moment where his concentration was absolutely broken. A sudden invasion caused him to pull off of her for a moment, her juices clinging to his face, a few strings of her excitement connecting them still.

"Hwah...Bon!" He gasped as the babysitter began to grow more adventurous. Somehow, it felt like it was planned. Her lube was sitting on the back of the couch, and while Mavy's focus was on her sweet secret, Bon-Bon had already snagged some, dropped a little of that watery solution on her finger, and dipped her middle inside of him, sliding in and out, her face emulating the most foxlike grin that a rabbit could muster. Her finger started to slide in rather swiftly, fingering him with such glee, enjoying the feeling of his little frame writhing underneath him as she made direct strikes against his prostate. The cub twitched, wiggling about underneath her until his arms wrapped around her hip, paws resting on her rear. "S-so much..." He gasped out as his hips rocked back against her.

"I'll let you cum again, later." That mischievous voice crooned to him as her fingertip popped out, causing the boy to gasp, thrusting once as a squirt of his pre splat her directly upon her face, eye closing just in time for her lid to shield her. "But...until Jeffy calls to let us know that he's on the way...." The babysitter was so commanding tonight. Nobody was complaining though. Quite the contrary, the duo was getting a serious kick out of it. "On the floor. On your knees." She spoke sharply and decisively. Maverick nodded, springing off of the couch, getting to his knees as he looked up at her. Bon took in the sight of that usually rambunctious little thing. His eyes were filled with want and need, body's loose fitted clothing showing such an obvious tent, and face damp with her own need, something she planned to make much, much worse before the night concluded. Bon-Bon repositioned herself now, opening her legs to show him exactly what he was going to be working with. Oh, it was almost too much for the kit to handle. The sight of those beautiful mounds presenting to him, juices flowing all along her inner-walls. Her scent, he could smell all of her excitement. The warm aroma filled his senses, making him gulp, and his juices to begin to stain the front of his shorts. "Get to it."

That was all he needed to hear! His face dove in, paws sliding behind her legs, gripping her behind the knee as he spread her even wider. His tongue began to immediately attack her pulsing lips, dragging his tongue up one wall, and down the next, before spreading that canine tongue wide, slurping up the entire slit, before meeting her clit. He moved further in, maw sucking her button into him now as he began to slowly bob his head upon it, emulating a blowjob upon that sensitive bundle of nerves the best possible way he could. More and more, she watched him submit, watching those ears fold back and eyes close as he carried on. The room remained utterly silent, save for the smacks, the slurps, the moans, and the pants that the pair made, punctuated only by...


"Jeffy!" Bon-Bon replied as she snagged the fox's phone off of the couch. "Hey cutie. On the way? Awesome...oh one sec." Without missing a beat, the teenager shut down that whiney, pouty face that the kit had. "Get back down there." She huffed. "Your tongue is to work until Jeffy gets here!" That wasn't just a demand for Mavy to follow, that was to give Jeffy's ears a taste of what he was getting into. "Aaah...that's a good boy." She gave a follow-up moan as she watched him obey. "5 minutes? Y-know..." She managed to grunt that through a small gasp. "...It's a little dangerous to be out this late by yourself, I'll make sure to take you home myself tomorrow." She continued talking to him for a few more moments. "Alright. See you here, cutie." She cooed, ending the call. It was then, she grabbed his head, shoving him down further onto her pussy, her now-free other paw spread her lips wider as she forced him down to lick her even harder. "Oh god...Mavy...such a sweetie!!" She panted out as she continued to run her pussy into the boy's face.

The kit was lost in their little world now, feeling his own heat mix with hers as he continued to dance his blue tongue all over her quaking entrance. His warm breathing washed over her privates with such passion, he was no longer able to think about anything except the dish that he was eagerly feasting on. The rabbit was in cloud nine herself, paws gripping tight at the couch, tail twitching, and eyes hazy with the sheer amount of pleasure that was rocking her very core. "You're much better, kid." She huffed out, biting her lip as she began to fight, forcing her impending climax away. Every time she'd get close, the girl would begin her internal struggle to put those melty feelings, those dazed thoughts that fuse...yes...that flickering flame that was on a very short fuse. Snuffing it out was a challenge, to be sure, but if this kept up for even one minute longer, she was going to absolutely lose it.


The reverberating sound of the doorbell absolutely shattered their disillusioned, impassioned session, both of them snapping to attention, ears perked and at the ready. "Jeffy!" Bon-Bon bellowed, dizzily standing up, taking Mavy's paw to allow him to do the same. The fox reached out, pulling the door open to greet the blue-haired cutie. "Heeeey bun!" Maverick managed to utter, looking absolutely out of sorts. Muzzle was completely saturated in her sex, and the aroma was wafting right into the little golden-furred bunny's nose. His jersey was totally disheveled, one strap dangling off his shoulder, shorts absolutely tented, and eyes, albeit back to normal, Jeffy could see that he was just in the throes of pleasure. Bon was no different. Her towel was slightly loose, but aside from her own hazy-looking eyes...Jeffy could see, smell, and almost feel the passion between them. "Ready for an awesome night?" She chimed, almost sing-song at the boy.

"Because for the next boys are mine."


"What!? No way, there's no way you are gonna get me to go in there, Ren!" The young, white-colored husky whined. "Oh come on Dana, what's the big deal, she's not home, your parents won't even be home 'til tomorrow evening. You're not gonna get...

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The Best Week Ever

The Best Week " the LAST time...I do that." The fox boy mumbled as he found himself lying down on the ground, right in between the two inclines of the half pipe, a skateboard lying down on his butt. "Seriously...why am I even here? I...

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Forest Dwellers Ch. 10

"...What the FUCK!?" The wolf howled out as he exited their van. ...

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