[Pokemon] Reaching for the Sun

Story by Cepheus Runeweaver on SoFurry

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#2 of Fanfics

This was originally an art-trade for someone whom I can't remember the name of right now; the trade fell through, but I had already done this much, and I was proud of it! Enjoy this little pokephilia short of a girl and her Heliolisk (cute sun lizard)

Noah was overjoyed that she'd won the power plant trivia contest and their prized Heliolisk, and was oh-so-eager to meet him... in private. She'd been practically trembling with anticipation ever since the ball was placed in her hand; she had seen Heliolisk before at a distance, and in pictures, but never owned one herself. The possibilities and potential fun she could have with a male flooded her mind and made her walk to the nearest Pokemon Center feel like an eternal trek, even if it was only a few minutes away.

Slowly but surely, she made it to the Lumiose Pokemon Center as the sun began to set with her lust still under control, though her loins were beginning to burn hot enough that she feared in the back of her mind that her arousal might be visible on her bare legs beneath her skirt. The welcoming glass doors opened into the warm interior, and she was quickly greeted by the head nurse as she approached the main desk.

"Welcome to the Lumiose City Pokemon Center! Did you just come from the power plant anniversary event?"

Noah cleared her throat, staving off her libido from making her voice crack or face blush; something she had gotten very good at with past experience. "Yes! I won a great pokemon, too! I was hoping to get a room for the night after getting him a quick checkup?" She unlatched the ball from her skirt and set it on the desk.

"Oh!" The nurse smiled joyfully, completely oblivious to the raunchy intentions running wild in the mind of the trainer before her. "You won the Heliolisk? Congratulations! I'd be more than happy to give him a quick diagnostic and get you an upstairs room for the night. Can I get your name and how long you'll be staying, please?" She picked up the ball and bowed her head politely before turning to hook the Heliolisk's pokeball up to their medical scanner and set up a room key while the device worked.

"I'm Noah, and I'm just staying 'till morning." Noah smiled sweetly in return.

"Alright then," The nurse shoved away from the machine to her rolling chair at her desktop computer with a bit of a song in her voice. "I'll just be a moment!"

"Excellent, thank you!" Noah nodded politely and stood off to the side with her back against the desk nonchalantly while the nurse performed her duties. Time alone with her thoughts would have done little to no favors for her rising heat, so she was glad to hear the "ding" of the machine's completion after only a minute or two. She turned back to face the nurse just as she finished typing up Noah's room reservation into the computer.

Checking over the information one last time and looking content, the nurse procured a plastic key-card from a desk drawer and swiped it through a device attached to the computer. Verifying with one more inspection of the monitor that the room had been registered properly, she handed the key card to Noah with another kind smile. "There's your room key, and..." She rolled her chair back and unhooked the pokeball containing Noah's Heliolisk before rolling forward again and handing it to her. "There's your new pokemon! Your room is 112, no charge for overnight stays for trainers, and your Heliolisk looks to be in great condition! Have a nice night!"

Noah accepted the keycard, holding it in her off hand, and picked up the pokeball, keeping it close to her chest. "Oh, I will, thank you ever so much~!" Her smile was sweet and warm, until she turned away; it then became more of a smirk, one that embodied the devious thoughts in her head. Heading upstairs with her new partner in-hand, she made her way to room 112. Many of the other rooms were empty, a shame, as more often than not she'd made friends with others when her moans went through the walls. Still, for a new pokemon, perhaps a night of complete privacy was best to make him feel most welcome. She slipped the key card into the door's lock mechanism and turned the handle, opening it to a small, simple residence with a twin bed, bathroom with a shower and toilet, and basic kitchen area with the most basic necessities. Pokemon Center residences weren't lavish, as they were intended to be temporary for weary travelers on long journeys, or trainers with pokemon that required longer stays, but tonight it was going to be exactly what Noah and her new partner needed.

Shutting the door behind her and shutting the blinds to the world outside, she sat on the edge of the nondescript bed and looked over the new pokeball in her hand. "Are you read to meet me, Heliolisk?"

The ball twitched in response.

"Alright then. My name is Noah, and I want to give you my special welcome to my team." She smiled and thumbed the button on the front of the pokeball, depressing it and tossing it on the ground. The capsule popped open and in a flash of light, the large, meter-tall reptile was standing on the floor before Noah with his pokeball resting closed beside him, standing just a bit higher than the edge of the bed.

They locked eyes, and Noah couldn't help but smile particularly wide. He was so handsome and good-looking, his shapely body and uniquely reptilian head both captivated and infatuated her. "O-oh gosh." She said, flustered. She hadn't expected him to look so nice up close, and she felt her arousal flare up again.

"...Lisk?" The pokemon tilted his head, looking around and observing his surroundings, before looking back to Noah and inspecting her more. He didn't seem too perturbed to be in the hands of a new trainer, though seemed intensely curious. So far, it seemed, he hadn't picked up on the flustered face and speech of the human girl.

She fumbled with her words a bit. "Sorry, I've never met a Heliolisk before. You're incredibly handsome, I must say." She giggled a bit, reaching into her purse and procuring her badge case. Opening it up, she showed it to her new partner, in case he had any qualms about his new owner's competency - She only had four badges inside, but displayed them confidently. "Like I said, I'm Noah. I've been a trainer ever since I was a kid, and pokemon have been my entire life. I'm thrilled to meet you, Heliolisk."

Tilting his head the other direction at the badge case, his neck frill came up slightly and he shrugged it back down, making eye contact with Noah again and smiling. He didn't seem to care what badges she had, she was friendly and kind to pokemon; that's what mattered to him. He extended a small taloned hand in a greeting gesture. "Helio!"

She took his small hand and shook it with a giggle, putting the badge case back in her purse and pulling him a bit closer. "If you don't mind, I'd love to give you my official welcome..." And she kissed him sweetly on the tip of his snout, just above his mouth.

He sneezed cutely and reeled back. He tilted his head again, still smiling slightly but looking a bit confused as well. "...Lio?" He inquired, not quite sure what to make of the sudden gesture.

"Come up here, with me, I'll show you what being my pokemon is like, Heliolisk~" She sung and scooted over a bit, patting the bed next to her.

He hesitated, but only for a moment. He gripped the sheets with his claws and hoisted himself up, taking the seat he'd been offered next to his new trainer. Looking up at her with his claws cutely in front of his chest, he looked to her for affirmation. "Liolisk?"

"Yes, you're welcome here with me." She smiled and gave her new friend a hug before sitting upright again scratching him under his chin with a finger. "You're just so cute!"

He blushed a bit and muttered happily, already feeling a bit muddled by the burst of affection, but definitely not complaining. He shrugged away from her finger only to open his neck frill entirely to expose his neck underneath for scritches.

Noah giggled and let out a small 'aww'ing as he raised his frills, happily moving her hand beneath it to scratch him there. "Now THAT is handsome. Look at you, stud, I bet the ladies love that collar!"

She'd made him laugh, and he tried to close his frill, feeling shy. "Lio... Liolisk." He rubbed his head on her hand.

"Yes, I mean that." Noah scritched the top of his head. "I'm certainly falling for you and that sexy collar of yours, Heliolisk." She smirked and slid her hand down the back of his head and around his torso to his belly where she began to rub circles with her fingers.

He quivered a bit, "L-Lisk??" He seemed confused again, wriggling a bit at her touch and not sure if he was deserving of this much attention. Regardless of how 'deserving' he felt, his body's response was much clearer. As Noah's fingertips caressed the reptiles' belly, between his legs, his scaly slit started to part and two tips became barely visible.

"Oh wow..." Noah crooned softly, "I've never seen a Heliolisk get aroused before... It looks like what they say is true: you have two, huh?"

"Nng..." The Heliolisk resisted ever so slightly, trying to scoot away and hide his face of it's embarrassment, but he found himself captivated by the new trainer's smooth words and delicate touches. She was beginning to awake something primal in him, something rarely awoken. Several millennia of domesticating pokemon had made them civilized and intelligent, but they, like all creatures, had an innate primal lust, testosterone, and libido, all of which in Heliolisk were at the mercy of Noah. "H-helio..." He huffed, leaning back and trying to quell his arousal. Attempting to relax proved futile, and he found himself propped up on his arms, clutching the bedsheets as Noah's fingers made little spiral motions further down his belly until she was circling his slit, each passing moment causing him to grow more and more erect.

"Feels good, huh?" She grinned, her face heated and flushed red. Her panties were soaked now, and as she hoisted her whole body onto the bed and sat on her knees beside her new Heliolisk, it showed. Spreading her legs slightly, she showed herself off to him, pink panties in full view while she dared to run her fingertips up the reptile's dual shafts.

Heliolisk huffed and panted, legs and tail twitching as his eyes darted between the wet and ready loins of his trainer and her hands starting to fondle his malehood. He'd never mated in his life, but his instincts were surfacing fast - and it showed. His hips started to buck subconsciously, and precum began to ooze slightly from both his tips, one after the other.

Noah was in her own blissful world. She gripped the Heliolisk's cock that was closest to her and began to tug on it gently, evoking just the response she wanted from him. He squirmed and let out a restrained little moan before letting his arms out and he collapsed back on the bed, completely at the mercy of the intense sensations that her careful touches created. The shaft of the reptile that she tugged on began to produce much more slimy, clear precum than it's partner, and while that intrigued and aroused her, she knew she could do better. She shot a grin to her new pokemon - who was incapacitated with his head back and eyes closed - and shifted her body into a half-laying position on her side. Propping herself up on one elbow, she lied beside her Heliolisk with her head near his groin and one bent knee lifting her skirt and giving her new lizard companion a more up-close look at his trainer's nethers. Still stroking his shaft, she spoke to him, "You can look and touch all you want, okay sweetie? Just tell me when you think you're gonna cum though, alright? I want to give you the best ending you can think of."

"H-he..." Was all he could respond with. Opening one eye, he glanced to his trainer's soaked panties and found himself gripping the bedspread again with his gaze intensely locked on her glistening inner thighs and just barely visible vulva.

Looking up to him, she noticed his restraint, "Timid nature, are you? Too shy to touch, mm?" Noah giggled, "I like that, we'll see if we can't bring you out of your shell a bit..." And without warning, she took the reptile's closest shaft into her mouth, shifting her hand's grip to the other one next to it.

This was already getting too much for the virgin Heliolisk's body to handle. He lurched upwards, quiveringly shouting his name as Noah jerked on one of his penises while her head bobbed on the other. He grabbed his new trainer by the hair, muttering and whimpering.

That was good progress, Noah thought, her mouth occupied with Heliolisk cock and filling fast with sweet, slick precum. His grabbing of her hair and bracing didn't surprise her or bother her in the slightest. She knew few males could resist the carnal sensation of a warm hole around their length; she could only imagine Heliolisk getting double the excitement of having both his most sensitive parts stimulated at the same time. His pleasure was tangible in her mouth, on her tongue, and starting to dribble down the length in her hand, slipping between her fingers and over her wrists.

"H-helio! Helio!" He managed to stabilize his voice long enough to let out his warning; his climax was coming fast and he kicked at the air, almost losing it and spilling his load into Noah's mouth.

She quickly took one more suck and removed her head and her hand from his privates, getting back up on her knees next to her partner. She licked her lips and happily swallowed the mess before cleaning the clear, gooey fluid from her hand with the same tongue that was responsible in part for the mess. "Good boy! Very good boy!" She praised him.

"Lioooo..." He whined and panted, having trouble keeping eye contact with his trainer in his bashfulness, but quickly latching onto her leg, with his nose under her skirt. "Lisk..."

She stroked his head and the back of his neck beneath her skirt with a giggle. "You wanna taste? Or do you wanna make this official and get your happy ending?"

He paused, hesitating. His tail flicked and he muttered something quietly before scooting himself a little further underneath Noah's skirt.

She eeped a bit as she felt a little nip from his rigid lips on her labia and a tug on her panties. "Ooh~ Timid, but still a gentleman, are you? Well, I do love a male that likes to return the favor... I'll have to make sure you get extra treats for that." She eased him out from under her skirt slightly so she could reposition herself without nudging or kicking him. He sat back on his rump with his hemipenis still out and dripping as Noah lied back down and began to slide her soaked panties down her legs before kicking them off the foot of the bed. Keeping her skirt on but working out of her shirt and top as casually as she'd done with her panties, she spread her legs. "There you go, sweetheart, all yours tonight~" She sung with a wink at him.

Timid as he may have been, Heliolisk didn't show any hesitation on this offer. With a swiftness that could only be found in a rutting electric reptile with way to drain his lust in front of him, he zipped over to her and nuzzled her hot pink skirt out of the way with his nose before getting lost underneath it, and Noah found herself the feast of the Heliolisk's tongue.

She gasped and moaned delightedly as his rigid nose spread her vulva to make way for his wet, wide, and slightly sticky tongue. She could feel his claws graze her thighs as he raked over her flesh softly but lustfully, feeling the pokemon's tongue lap up her slit from bottom to top, catching as much of her honey as he could, much of it running down her rump and onto the bed, or dripping from the Heliolisk's chin. Her hips wriggled as she giggled, tickled and pleasured by her explorative lover, so eager to clean her up. Biting her lip, she propped herself up on her elbows, watching as the bump in her skirt bobbed and the Heliolisk's tail wag blissfully in the air behind him. Reaching down with one hand, she flicked her skirt up and slid her hand down to join her licking lover, pressing her middle finger against her clitoris and rapidly jostling it before her reptile lover's nose. "K-keep going, sweetheart, I'll get mine soon if you keep licking like that..."

And he was happy to oblige. Still holding onto Noah's upper thighs with his short arms but a bestial grip, he kept his snout buried in her privates and his thick tongue lavishing her folds with long laps of his tongue that grew more intense as Noah just seemed to get wetter after the clitoral attention.

Sure enough, it all came to fruition quickly after. The thrill of a new lover - such a handsome and willing pokemon - the feeling of his tongue on her flower and the taste of his arousal still on her lips. The passion of it all washed over her and her eyes rolled back in her head and the elbow she had propped herself up with gave out. She fell back in an elated, longing moan of orgasm as her legs twitched and kicked, her whole upper body writhing as her Heliolisk lover continued to lick, having a veritable flood of female cum to lick up now. Her nerves all fired and her labia became hypersensitive to the relentless eating-out of her electric partner almost to the point of pain. Giving in to a fit of high pitched moans, giggles, and incomprehensible words, she reached down and placed a hand on her Heliolisk's head, trying to push him away and close her legs, still jittering from her earthshaking climax. "Ah, ah ah... Okay okay, stop, sensitive, gah..."

Reluctant to give up his feast, he took one last long drink from her cavern before obeying his trainer's wish to back up. He sat up between her legs, looking particularly pleased with himself, Noah's cum glistening on the scales of his snout and neck frill. "Helio..." He sung softly, seductively, his bashfulness all but melted away and replaced by confidence born of the orgasm that he'd given his trainer. Precum continued to drip from both his shafts as it had for their entire session, forming a considerably sized dark and wet pool on the bedsheets beneath the reptile.

Panting and catching her breath, she laughed a bit, whispering pet praises to her pokemon. "Good boy... So, so good... Alright," She attempted to prop herself up on her elbows again, but they were still weak with exhaustion. Collapsing again, she huffed and instead scooted upwards towards the head of the bed. She propped her back up against the pillows and headboard, giving her a comfortable place to rest before opening her legs up again to present to her partner. "It's your turn now, honey~" She smirked at him and beckoned him over, her skirt flipped up to give him access. "Show me what you can really do."

He pounced on her like an animal, hugging her midsection and resting his head between her breasts. His eyes met Noah's with an intensity he'd not shown before now, full of infatuation and delight. She crooned his name and wrapped her arms around him, stroking his head and down his back in a sweet embrace. His hind feet clawed and scratched at the bedspread as one of his shafts slipped between her petals and he thrusted against it slickly, but seemed to be having trouble penetrating.

If it wasn't for her own insatiable lusts, she would have loved to enjoy the slipping thrusts of her partner, but they'd both been waiting for this so long, she had to end this night as messy as possible. An idea came to her mind and she grinned. A hundred pokemon had taken her before, some with particularly girthy members, but never one with two. Having one of her Heliolisk's shafts in her anus and one in her vagina sounded too difficult to pull off right now without more frustrating moving around, so she tried her next best idea. Reaching down, she nudged her lover off her just a bit before wrapping her hand around both of his cocks and angling them down and pointed into her entrance. "Easy, easy..." She squeezed him and he whined, craving sweet release. She brought his tips as close together as she could without causing him pain and eased him into her. "Now come forward, just like that," She guided him in, and was immediately taken.

Heliolisk jumped at the entirely new sensation enveloping his hemipenis. This was hotter, wetter, and tighter than having one in Noah's mouth, and in an instant he was humping his trainer, bucking his hips and breeding with her in a frenzy.

Noah gasped and immediately released her partner's nethers, her grip snapping back around her Heliolisk again, embracing him tighter than ever as he carnally satisfied his lusts on her. She moaned out lewdly, crying out in delight as she squirmed, another orgasm claiming her body and sending her into a fit of intense shivers.

Both of them were lost in pleasure; Noah was feeling weak again, but didn't want her pokemon lover to stop. She kept her grasp on him as he continued pummeling her loins, whispering praises and dirty words that were just barely audible over the wet slapping noises of scales against flesh.

Heliolisk grunted, clenching his teeth and continuing his relentless rutting until...

"Rrrrrffff!!! L-Lissss...." He hissed and growled gutturally, kicking the bed and giving Noah one last, deep thrust as he erupted, filling her with a night's-worth of pent up seed. As if he had just mated with another Heliolisk with the intent to impregnate, he pushed - nearly sprayed - several ounces of cloudy white cum into his new trainer, much of it oozing between his shafts and out of Noah's entrance to drip on the bed below them.

Huffing and panting, trying to catch his breath, Heliolisk collapsed on Noah's belly, spent. He'd given up his grip on her, his arms hanging limply at her sides as he used her breasts as pillows in his afterglow.

Noah couldn't have been more pleased, either. Smiling wide, her eyes half shut in fatigue, she held her new Heliolisk close, stroking his black-scaled head sweetly scritching his neck all over. She didn't expect much response from him after a mess like that, but she had a hunch he enjoyed her voice, "Welcome to the team, Heliolisk... You're in for a lot of that, being my Pokemon..."

He looked up at her, love in his eyes. He didn't speak, but she knew that he'd probably be taking her up on that offer again soon.

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