Friendly Wagers

"...Do you accept this mission, boys?" The voice came from the shrouded face of a male skydancer, hidden within the embrace of some secluded stone passage. Light from the outside world permeated in through the entrance to the rock crevice, but just...

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Sharing Bounty

The lightweaver had truly blessed the land of Illei and her fleet this day. The maize- and blood-tinted guardian flew high above her clan's territory, casting a broad shadow below that drew the attention of her flight's members. Airborne dragons...

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"Today is the day", thought a midnight-colored, frosty tundra dragon out loud, but to himself. "Today is the day I... Let him know." He straightened his legs and bolstered his stance as he continued rummaging in the tall grass and flowers of his fleet...

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Acalan's "Heartbreak"

The large, furry tundra dragon stirred awake. Sapphire eyes fluttering open, he stretched out his steel blue striped arms and legs from his lying position, his wings splaying over the ground and into the air as he came to find that his beloved mate...

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Keeping Morale High

A booming roar echoed from a maize-colored Tundra male, and flames spewed from his maw in a vicious display of heat and magma. The fur down his body rippled and waved as the force of the blast altered the air pressure around him by creating a...

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[Pokemon] Reaching for the Sun

Noah was overjoyed that she'd won the power plant trivia contest and their prized Heliolisk, and was oh-so-eager to meet him... in private. She'd been practically trembling with anticipation ever since the ball was placed in her hand; she had seen...

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[TES] The Argonian Beastmistress

The tender Argonian girl laid her head in the thick forest grass, breathing heavily, face hot. She whimpered like a dog, but not out of pain. Behind her, the stud male wolf that had just bred her stood, licking the Argonian's dripping flower of his...

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Alleyway Anathema

The large biped wolf had to get home soon. Night was falling fast in the city, and even with his jet black fur, he would be hard to miss under the street lights that dotted the streets with his brown coat and jeans, and his jade eyes in particular...

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Spirit of Hospitality

Featuring: [Ciel the Terra Dragon [?]]( x [Seridyl the Plains Dragoness [?]]( Lightning arced across the overcast night sky in brilliant flashes that illuminated...

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