A Family Threesome

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Request by Mickhead. Sorry that this was so late!

Calvin is a young Malamute pup, who gets lead downstairs by his dad for a 'chat' with his parents. Little does he know, they have other ideas in mind!

Calvin slowly made his way up to the bathroom and shut the door behind him as he retireved his toothbrush from the pot. He worked on his teeth, his tail wagging happily behind him. He was rather excited, to say the least! In a couple of days time, it would be the Easter Holidays, which meant no more school and all the chocolate he could ever want. His parents had been planned a trip soon, too, and he was especially excited about that. He heard the door behind him open, and he turned to see his father wandering into the bathroom. The pup spat out his toothpaste and quickly rinsed his mouth.

"You all ready for bed, Champ?" His father asked, standing there to face him. He was wearing a set of Pyjamas bottoms and a T-Shirt that covered up his buff exterior.

Young Calvin eagerly nodded his head, the little pup looking a bit sleepy, but otherwise alert. It was roughly 8pm, and for a 9 year old Malamute pup, that was particularly late! He was all set to sleep, eagerly awaiting tomorrow. Though, admittedly, he wasn't that tired, but he often slept so easily that it wasn't a problem.

"Alright. First, your mother and I want to talk to you." His father turned to the toilet and tugged down the front of his pyjamas. "Give me a moment."

Calvin had learnt that, in his household, there was no real shame in hiding your body, but as a little pup, he was often a bit embarrassed. Yet, he always found himself watching if his parents were around, and his eyes focused down on his father's big, plush sheath. The large canine was quiet for a moment, before a growing trickle of urine spurted from his sheath, travelling in an arc into the toilet bowl. His father let out a long sigh as he did so, glancing over to his son and smirking in amusement as his mesmerised state.

The father was soon done, and he took a bit of toilet paper to wipe up his sheath as he tucked his pyjamas back up. With a quick gesture, he lead his son down to the living room and onto the sofa. Calvin looked a little confused, looking over to his mother who sat in the armchair opposite, dressed in only at hin nightgown that just barely covered her.

His father moved over to the right of him and sat down, tugging the puppy up onto his lap as the mother stared over at the two of them, a peculiar smile on her face. Calvin frowned as he looked between them, a little confused.

"What, uh, what did you want to talk about?" Calvin asked quietly, feeling like he was in trouble. He fidgeted as his mother slowly sat forwards until she was on the edge of her seat. Without saying a word, her robes parted, revealing all her intimate areas for her husband, as well as her son.

"M-Mum?!" Calvin looked surprised, and although it was his mother, he couldn't peel his eyes away from her. They descended as he looked over her form. She had managed to stay alluringly thin, and her breasts were large and plump, sagging ever so slightly. His gaze descended lower, until he was staring down right between her legs. She appeared to notice what he was looking at, and as if on command, she slowly parted her legs. Calvin stared at her area, looking over the slightly moist lips. He gulped considerably, feeling his face burning with embarrassment.

"You like that, champ?" His father asked quietly in his ear, and Calvin suddenly felt the older canine's hands on his body, stroking along his hips until one tucked into the waistband of his pyjamas. The little pup wriggled as his father started to undress him, getting more and more embarrassed by the second. He could hear his mother chuckling in front of him.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, son," His father explained as he managed to shimmy his son's pants all the way to his ankles. "Just tell me. Do you like it?"

Slowly, Calvin's head nodded as his father's large, intrusive hand sunk between his legs, cupping firmly around his little balls and sheath. The pup wriggled, a small groan escaping his lips. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was wrong, but his parents appeared very okay with this. If they thought it was okay, then it must be!

Soon, he felt his father's fingers pressing down into the sensitive area between his balls and his rump, massaging his taint. The sensations made Calvin tingle, and he shuddered, leaning back against his Dad as his face grew more and more flushed. His eyes trained on his mother's breasts as his little member pulsed against his father's palm and wrist, growing with each passing second.

"You sure like your mother's tits, don't you?" He heard his father say as he felt another large hand slink towards his crotch, wrapping around his little member. Calvin couldn't help but nod and groan again, pushing his hips up against the warm hand touching such sensitive flesh.

Calvin watched as his mother slowly slipped her hand down, pressing it against her intimate area. The pup stared, wide-eyed, as she sunk a few fingers into herself, and the little canine couldn't help but slowly start to hump against his father's hand, who gently rubbed him in unison. The pleasure he felt shot up all over his body, making him tingle with desire. He let out a weak whine, lolling his tongue. It felt almost too good, but somewhere deep inside him, he knew this wasn't right, somehow.

He couldn't help but slowly lick his lips as he stared over his mother, his little member dribbling tiny droplets of pre-cum onto his father's hand. He wriggled in his seat as the pleasure was slowly becoming too much to bear, and he felt something warm and hard pressing up into his rear. He shivered, wondering just what it could be.

"M-Mummy..." The cub weakly panted out, feeling his loins burning, aching with an indescribable amount of pleasure. He bucked his hips, gripping into his father's forearms as he felt the spikes of pure lust shooting up his spine. His father's hand sunk lower and lower until it was right up against his little pucker. He felt a large digit pressing against the entrance, slowly rubbing in a circle. It made the little pup whine in utter pleasure, his knot swelling firmly against his father's wrist. As if on cue, his dad's hand moved down to squeeze the knot. It was all Calvin needed.

It hit him: an orgasm like no other that made his body quake. He humped upwards, his knot swollen to it's limit as he spurting tiny dribbles of cum, barely enough to even matter. His toes curled and his body seized as he let out weak grunts of pure, utter ecstasy. He moaned for his mother multiple times as his heels dug into his father's shins, his hands grasping wildly against his dad's arms. Though, as quickly as the orgasm hit him, it faded again, and he felt his body get weaker and weaker.

"How was that, hm?" His father sounded pleased as his hand slowly milked his son's little cock. "You look like you enjoyed yourself."

Calvin weakly nodded, loosening his grip against his Dad's arms as his orgasm dissipated. The warm, hard thing against his rump was getting more and more damp by the moment, and before he had the opportunity to ask, his father had already moved him down onto the sofa. He was pressed onto his back, his bottom half naked as he stared up at his father's smiling face.

He peered over at his mother, and saw her move over towards them. She crouched down by her son's head, her breasts just the right height for him to stare at them and fill his entire vision. He looked back over to his father, glancing down towards his crotch. His eyes focused on a swollen, throbbing red mass that hovered over his own shrinking member. The large thing was oozing with pre-cum, slick with fluids and already knotted and ready to go. Calvin went dry at the mouth as he saw it.

"Don't worry, champ. You're too young to take it yet." His father said as he lifted up his son's rump. Calvin didn't quite understand what he meant, but he assumed it was a relief that he didn't 'take it'. He turned, once again, to his mother's breasts as his father spread his legs apart, his mouth descending.

Calvin let out a weak yelp and quickly turned his head to face his father, staring down at his twinkling, mischievious eyes. The larger canine had his tongue right up against the pup's balls, slowly licking and slathering them with the wide, warm appendage as he moved lower and lower.

"Just focus on me, honey." His mother gently assured him, leaning closer with her upper chest as Calvin felt his ass being spread apart by his father's firm hands. He felt something warm and wet pressing against his rump, and he shivered from the odd feeling.

A groan escaped his lips as his father slowly licked his pucker, pressing deeper and firmer with every other lap of his tongue. His little pucker squeezed and tensed each time he did so, but despite that, the pleasure was almost unbearable. He curled his toes again as his dad's tongue pushed right into his insides, giving the pup a brief aching pain, before it quickly faded and was replaced by an intoxicating lust.

"Go on." He heard his mother say as he pressed closer, and Calvin couldn't help but reach out to give the pillowy flesh a good squeeze. He heard his mother groan as he touched them, and the cub went even further. He enveloped his little lips around the nub of one of her nipples, gently suckling and slurping as he felt his father start to slowly pump his tongue in and out. His legs were already beginning to ache as he felt the warmth of his Dad's tongue inside him, massagging his inner walls and making his little member pulse against his tummy.

Calvin groaned and huffed from the exertion as his Dad rimmed him, weakly pumping pre-cum onto his stomach. His eager hands gripped and squeezed the big, plush breasts as he licked from one nub to the next, switching between each one every few seconds. His mother appeared to be enjoying herself, as the more that he licked, the more she moaned for him to keep going.

Soon, his father pulled back and wanted to change position. He tugged the pup closer and flipped him over onto his back, pressing his body firmly down against him as his thick member slid up between the cub's cheeks. Calvin felt his rump and the sensitive pucker grow sticky with pre-cum as his father snarled with lust above him. The cub couldn't quite reach his mother now, but the sensations he felt from his Dad's humping were incredible! His little member pushed and grinded against the sofa with each thrust, and his buttocks clenched as he pushed his rear back into his father's thick member, eliciting a growl of appreciation as a response.

His father huffed and groaned, feeling his orgasm growing closer and closer until he could take it no more. He tugged back and pressed his tip firmly against Calvin's rump, shoving dangerously against his tight little pucker until the cub finally gave way to let him in a little. The pup weakly whined out in pain, but the father descended no lower than the tip as his hand furiously worked his member, the air filled with the wet sounds of his masturbation.

Then, he let out a long sigh of pleasure, and Calvin felt a sudden warm jet shoot inside him. He let out a weak gasp and pushed his rump back in response, feeling a sudden searing pain in his ass as he did so, but the sensation of the warmth flowing into him made him quiver. It was a curious feeling, and one he wanted to explore. However, his father held him back, keeping his ass firmly pressed down as he emptied his balls into his son's behind. It was enough to spark another orgasm from Calvin, who spurting tiny dribbles of cum into the sofa, stickying up his fur as he pressed down into it. His tight rump squeezed firmly around the tip as he came, forcing a hot jet to spurt against his pucker and dribble down his balls instead.

"Good boy..." He heard his father groan as he pumped his thick load into his son, spurting the final remnants over his cute Malamute bottom. He felt his father's cock smear against his ass a few times before the weight of his Dad's body moved off of him, leaving him free. He clenched his rump, a feeling of dread swimming over him. He had felt something leak out!

"It's alright, son." He heard his father say as he was flipped again, lying flat on his back. "You can let it go."

Calvin looked nervous, but his father appeared sure. So he unclenched, and he felt the cum seeping from his ass down onto the sofa, in slow dribbles. His face was flushed, and he was incredibly confused, but it had all felt so wonderful that he wasn't sure what to think of it at all. He looked between his parents, a frown on his face.

"Was that what you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked them, sounding bewildered, and the two of them smiled.

"It was, honey," His mother assured him, leaving her breasts on show as she descended to kiss him on the forehead. "Would you like to do it again sometime?"

He looked between their smiling faces. They surely thought it was an alright thing to do, so he smiled back.
