Beast for Hire

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - plussun

Writing - Runa

Vinn - Greenwing

Ceylon - Runa

I know I say this a lot, but this was a lot of fun. I WAS originally planning on doing another 10k+ word story, because that's just how I roll and I love adding to the depth of my world and characters.

But between Vinn (love him as I might) not appreciating that kind of world building, I instead opted to do a story that's basically nothing but smut. Three porn scenes (four if you count the off-handed paragraph at the end) strung together by the most simplistic and tangential plot this side of actual porn, and Voila!

7200 words, three sex scenes, back to back porn, with only the simplest of references to other works!

Special thanks goes to FlecktarnWolf for allowing me the use of Arnika for this story. Love that bitch.

Beast for Hire

Winter had given way to the warmth of spring, and that was a wonderful, magical time at Ilorek's ranch. The bitches, mares, and hens all went into heat at around the same time, which excited the studs, stallions, and drakes. Ilorek had been telling Vinn and Arnika both that this would be the busiest time of year for their talent, and the previous week or so had proven that.

Natasha - Ilorek's sister-in-law and the director of the videos - had been there every day that previous week, filming over a dozen different films with the various animals of the ranch. Vinn enjoyed watching the creation of each and every film, and was an integral part of it since it was his job to 'fluff' the talent and the beasts both in between filming, to keep them both aroused and eager without allowing them to finish.

This was really just a side job for Vinn, who spent his days not at the ranch in the marketplace selling potions. Or managing the house for Leera and Yetzer. Of his three jobs, this one paid the least but had the best perks, because he got to get close to all sorts of beasts. Stallions, Gryphon drakes, mares, chimeric bitches and studs, etc. His favorites to play with were the gryphons and horses.

"Hey, have you done the stall for Ceylon yet?" Arnika asked as she poked her head in through the giant sliding door at the end of the barn.

Vinn had been filling a bucket with water for Green, the wingless drake. "Not yet, I was going to do hers once I was done with Green. What about you? What stall are you cleaning today?"

Arnika shrugged and slipped into the barn, sliding the door to close behind her. "I really don't know. Probably one of the stallions, for sure. Maybe Vas, maybe Rannik, might be Aayrick the unicorn, since he seems especially agitated. Why do you ask?"

"No real reason, just wondering. Figure whoever you clean for would be your next co-star, and I wanted to get a bit of a preview!" He winked and smiled, slipping his tongue out as the frill on his head and neck stood on end.

Arnika laughed and flicked her ear as she followed in tow behind Vinn, who was taking the bucket of water to the stall he had been cleaning. "Well, that depends, really. I'll walk by each of them and see which one reacts the least towards me. Probably take the safest route. Got a shoot tomorrow and don't wanna tease them too much!"

"Probably a good idea. I'm going to be doing Ceylon's as soon as I'm done with Green here. She's gonna be the tease for your next stud and I need to make sure she's in heat. When is Nat supposed to be here? She'll be sharing the stud with you, right?" Vinn slipped into Green's stall and hung the bucket on the wall, slipping out as quick as he entered.

"I have no idea. She's the director, I'm not sure if she's into stallions or not. I know she loves hippogryphs and stuff, but horses might be too much for her. Naw, I'm the size queen of this production!" She smiled and jabbed a thumb to her own chest, proud of that distinction.

Vinn rolled his eyes and grabbed a stall-cleanng rake from the walls and gave it to Arnika. "Well, you better get cleaning. The stallion part of the barn is starting to smell pretty ripe. Have fun!" Once she had it, he turned and went back to Ceylon's stall, glancing in between the bars to see the gryphon lying on her side, chest heaving slowly. It was still early in the morning so she was asleep, not ready to get up.

He could hear Arnika shuffling her feet as she walked down to the other end of the barn, the handle of the cleaning rake tapping and scraping along the soft rubber of the floor as she went. He could hear her grumbling and mumbling every step of the way.

"Well, it's just you and I now, eh Cey?" He whispered to the gryphon. He got a good look at the stall to see if there was any mess to be cleaned but found none. She hadn't been eating much the last little while and therefore wasn't producing much mess to clean up. Since it was spring and the fields were mucky and gross, she spent most of her time indoors. Ilorek didn't want her soft, white fur or feathers to be mucked up by mud if she was going to be the star of one of his faux impregnation videos.

Though the stall was clean still and the gryphoness was laying on her side next to a pile of hay, Vinn still needed to get in there and test her to see if her heat had triggered. All part of the job here at the ranch, and he was more than happy to test her. Though the official rules stated he needed a glove, he rarely used one when testing her. Unofficially, Ilorek preferred this.

He quickly slipped into the stall and closed the door behind him, his subtle actions waking the gryphon from her slumber. She chirped and trilled as she blinked her eyes, clearing the sleep from them. Ceylon looked up at Vinn with her beak agape, excited to see him. Her feathers were splayed out and and her wings were ruffling gently.

"Good girl." He said quietly as he stepped around her, using the long talons of his feet to test the hay and bedding of her stall. Since she was winged, her stall was massive - one of the biggest on the farm, and that could lead to a lot of room to test and clean. Luckily, he found nothing that needed to be cleaned or replaced. No wet spots, no piles. When he was sure that he wasn't going to have to do cleaning - only some light reorganizing of the bedding, he glanced out over the gate to see if Arnika was anywhere near.

Vinn could hear the scuffling and scraping of her cleaning the horse's stall, so he knew he was alone, at least for a while. He stood over next to Ceylon and crouched down, scritching at her neck under the feathers. "Who's a good burd?" He cooed at her, rubbing her warm neck as she squinted and chirped at him, feathers splaying out as though she was being preened.

Ceylon leaned into him, her massive body rolling against the bedding as her tail flicked up and swayed gently around behind him.

The two of them had grown close over the months of winter, with Vinn as her primary care giver when she wasn't oviparous. She was a prize hen here at the ranch, both as a star of the Zoophilm Videos, as well as the exotic gryphon eggs that Ilorek sold to the high class restaurants in town. She was one of Ilorek's best performers as well as a great source of income, so she got special treatment.

She had recently laid an egg, so it was likely about time for her to go back into heat. An odd thing for a hybrid creature to do, for her to have both a typucal egg cycle as well as a seasonal heat. With spring having just finally blossomed over the snow of what little winter the region experienced, She was likely to be dripping with eagerness.

"Come on, up. Up." Vinn commanded as he got to his feet, standing over her and backing off.

She quickly rolled to all fours and shook herself free of the straw and bedding that had caught in her fur and feathers, wings splayed out in order to ensure they weren't stiff or cramped. She glanced to the side, her steely blue eyes trained on Vinn as she continued to purr.

Vinn paused to get a good look at her flank, and he saw she needed to be brushed first. He wanted to get right to the test, but rule one of courting a gryphon was to actually court her before taking the plunge. He needed to show her affection, maybe feed her something. In this case, he was going to gently brush her to ensure she was calm and properly warmed up for the under-tail test. He quickly turned to stick his head and arm out over the door again, this time to grab a specially made brush with a feather comb on one side and a fur comb on the other.

While out there, he heard Arnika still shoveling and scraping her rake against the ground, still cleaning stalls and too busy to come over and see him doing his duty. Vinn was yanked from his contemplative pondering when he felt a beak nuzzling up under his arm from behind. It was Ceylon, eager for a brushing.

"Wait up a bit, girl." He cooed at her, gently pushing back against her chest to give himself a little room. She shuffled sideways until she was in the middle of the room, her wings ruffled and feathers standing on end as she held her head high. Proud gryphoness, and she was about to get pampered.

Vinn eagerly ran the brushes of the comb through her feathers, preening at her plumage from above and below as she cooed and trilled at him. He got both sides of her neck and shoulders, taking time to focus on her upper forelegs and wings. He couldn't do much about the long, broad feathers of her wing tips, but he could get the soft down near the base and near the wing shoulders. Once he was done and her avian half was properly straightened, he flipped the brush and combed over her fur of her flanks.

However, he got to her spine and had to return tot he feather brush, since she had a strip of black feathers down right to the tip of her tail, as he did that, he wrapped his other hand around the base of her tail, lifting it gently so he could brush her.

As he cradled the underside of her tail, he got a brief glimpse at the dark, velvety flesh of her vulva. She was moist, glistening with arousal. Nervous, he quickly leaned back to hear if Arnika was still working before lightly slipping a couple of fingers between her rump cheeks to gently caress the wrinkled, gooey folds. He felt her spine contract and her muscles twitch as she looked back over her freshly preened wings with a gentle chirp.

Vinn's heart was racing as he got to feel her arousal gumming up his digits. Her flesh was warm, the fluid slimy and slick. When he reached under her tail again to rub his knuckles against her lips, she lifted her tail out of his palm, knocking the brush from his hands as she spread her hind legs and arched her back.

He hadn't even slipped anything into her yet to test her heat and she was already assuming the position of gryph-mare. He didn't need to test any farther, but that didn't mean he didn't want to. Vinn had a special relationship with this gryphon, and she was cooing gently as she looked back over her shoulder, eagerly waiting for him to please her. She was used to it, and he couldn't resist.

Arnika was still at the other end of the barn, scraping and tossing the hay and bedding around, so she wasn't going to come and witness him doing his tests. Though he was not shy about his fetishes with those he trusted, Vinn didn't like being seen with the mares or stallions of the barn. It was his job, everyone on the ranch knew what he did, but that didn't mean he wanted to be seen when he was trying to enjoy a tender moment.

Once he was sure of his own solitude and the freedom to not be seen, he patted Ceylon's rump and tossed the brush to the side. He had spent some time preening her and caressing her, and it was clear she wanted him to please her, so he didn't waste any more time. "Hey girl!" He cooed at her, nipping at her rump with his long snout, imitating a gryphon drake. The gentle peck coaxed her tail up higher as she pushed back, her ebony fleshed lips quivering and parting to show a tiny slit of cherry pink insides.

She wanted him. In his months here he'd never once seen her get this excited or eager. She'd had no problem lifting her tail and letting a stallion mount her for the camera - especially when early in her oviparous cycle - but she was never this aggressive in demanding attention.

"Okay, okay." Vinn whispered, patting her rump again. He licked his snout and pushed her tail to the side, using both of his thumbs to part her lips by pulling on the furred inner rump cheek, gaping her open and wafting a hot, moist burst of air from her pussy. The scent was sweet yet earthy. Bitter yet tangy. Beautiful.

"Chr?" Ceylon trilled at Vinn as she glanced back over her shoulder, wings slowly parting for balance as she shuffled from hind leg to hind leg. Her nethers were spread open, the deep fleshy tones of her birth canal parted wide and dark, the glistening moisture of her arousal reflecting the dim lights of the barn.

The scent was intoxicating, the warmth on his palms a hard invitation to deny. Slowly, he let her lips close back up and he slipped both thumbs into her depths, rubbing against her walls and pressing down against her clit. He pulled both digits from her and squeezed at her meaty, equine-looking clit between thumb and forefinger only to have her grunt and clench her muscles, a thin strand of slick fluid bursting out from her depths to coat his wrist and forearm with a wet squelch.

Her form pressed to the ground with her hind end still high in the air, her sex quivering against Vinn's touch, her muscles pulsing and forcing her arousal out against him. She wanted it. She needed it. She was in that magical time where she was both ready for seeding for her egg and also in season. Her behaviour was clear - demanding, even - and Vinn knew if he held off and teased her much longer, she'd actually get aggressive.

Knowing that, he leaned in close with his thumbs parting her vulva, his own lips wrapping around her clit. He gently sucked at her flesh, tasting the earthy-sweet flavor of her excitement as she grunted and pushed back, her sex swallowing up parts of his upper maw. Her hot flesh smothered him and squeezed against his snout, the pressure of her pelvic muscles nearly forcing him out again.

Vinn had to be careful. If his teeth caught on her flesh she would panic and kick or claw at him. At least that's what traditional knowledge would have dictated. Ceylon was known to be kinda kinky and like it when her partners bit her, even if they drew blood while mating. Very kinky gryphon.

He was about to squeeze at her clit with his teeth when he heard a defiant stomp followed by an aggressive whinny from over where Arnika was tending to the stallion. Curious and worried about his friend, he quickly pulled out from under Ceylon's tail and poked his head out over the stall door, keeping an eye out to see if she was fine. The stomping and whinnying died down after a few moments so Vinn turned back to the gryphon, who was still pressing her chest to the ground with hips up and tail raised, her rump and vulva pressed out, parted gently to show the slit of glistening cherry pink of her sex.

That invitation did not go unnoticed. He rubbed his slit with one hand to coax both puplre-fleshed members out while stepping up to her, pushing her tail to the side as he leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss to her nether lips. He parted her folds with his lips, burying his tongue into her depths to taste her powerful estrus flavors. The hot flesh of her pussy pushed back against him again, this time swallowing his snout from nostril to the bridge between his eyes.

Vinn moaned and wrapped his arms around her hips to lean into her, nuzzling at her depths as he used his upper and lower jaw to part her flesh, sucking air in from outside with a deep, guttural squelch that filled her canal to gape her open. He lapped at the walls that were squeezing him from every angle, only to have her muscles clench and force his jaw shut, nearly forcing him out again as her clit peeled out and massaged his chin and throat. A gush of her fluids trickled down his neck and smothered the scales of his belly, which he then used to rub against her inner thighs.

"Aaaooooh!" A howling call came from the other side of the barn. It was Arnika, and Vinn honestly had no idea what to do. He couldn't tell if it was a scream of pain or pleasure, so he pulled his snout from Ceylon's sex with a wet slap to listen closer. A moment later, he heard another pained scream followed by a stomp and another aggressive, defiant whinny.

Though he wanted to finish up his time with Ceylon, he knew he had to go and see what was up. He patted her on the rump, slipped a finger into her to caress her flesh and clit, then quickly, pushed his cocks back in his slit and slipped out from the stall, leaving Ceylon needy with her tail still up high, waiting for him to finish. "Sorry girl." He apologized as he wiped his snout clean of her fluids, briskly darting down the hallway to meet up with Arnika and figure out what was happening. With him teasing the gryphon mare, the stallions may have been a little more aggressive than normal.

When he turned the corner to the stall she was in - the unicorn named aayrick - he was greeted with the image of Arnika, bent over with her tail arching high over her back while Aayrick hoofed at her back, bucking his hips with enough force to slam her head into the side of the stall.

Vinn froze in place, glancing in through the semi-open stall door to watch helplessly as the stallion wrapped a foreleg around her shoulder to hold her in place as he forced himself into her. His horn was dipping and scraping between the bars of the stall as he bucked his hips aggressively, as though he were mounting a mare. As Vinn watched, he could see the stallion reaching down to bite at her, but his horn kept catching on the stall bars, keeping him from going any lower.

Arnika, on the other paw, did not seem to be in distress at all. Her eye were rolled back in her skull and her tongue was hanging out, drooling all over as the stallion filled her with his cock. Her tail was raised high and her legs parted for ease of access, back arched as she pushed back.

The stallion's cock bent as the blunt flare plunged as deep as it would go, the engorged rim of it forming a shapely bulge in Arnika's belly as it shifted back and forth. Tiny spurts of equine seed squirted out from between his bulging shaft and her sloppy lips, spattering against his inner thighs and splashing in the hay and wood chip bedding beneath her.

She giggled and tuned to see Vinn as he watched, her form pressed to the stud's curled foreleg, her neck and cheek pressed to the barn's wooden wall. Her one paw was up and holding at the side of the stall for balance with the other in between her legs to rub her clit, massaging her flesh as her lips squeezed tight around his shaft.

Aaryick thrust again with enough thrust to bend his dick in a quarter angle, the tip of it growing in Arnika's pussy, the bulge of it down under her tail. His urethral ridge pulsed and distended outwards as he deposited his seed into her. Vinn could actually see the bulge of his flare expanding in Arnika's lower belly. She used her free hand to press her abdominal wall against it, massaging it within her.

He couldn't take it anymore. He was holding back and trying to watch her get mounted, but he could see tiny strands of stallion cum dribbling and spraying out her pussy, and he wanted a taste. He quickly dove in through the open stall gate and fell to his knees behind her, burying his snout up between her legs, his lips pressed against her rump cheek and his head resting gently against the hot, firm length of stallion cock. His tongue darted out and lapped at her folds, cleaning her of musky semen as fast as it trickled out of her.

The stallion's cock was growing limp next to his cheek, so he nuzzled into it and used his closest hand to rub it up and down the shaft, using the wrinkled skin to massage the deflating inner core. As its girth lessened, more and more of its seed gushed out next to the shaft and right into Vinn's open maw. He gulped back every last drop of it as the stallion's flare popped out from her triangular vulva with another wet plopping sound.

Her pussy was gaping and the horse's cum was leaking out of her, so Vinn kept his tongue at her, guiding any and all creamy fluid down his throat. He kept a hold of the cock in his other hand, squeezing its soft length with one hand and tugging on the shrinking flare, hoping to re-ignite the stallion's passion.

Aayrick hopped back, his fore leg slipping off from Arnika's back as he threw his head back, whinnying and nickering in defiance. His dominance was showing and he didn't seem to like that Vinn had buried his snout in the gaping pussy of his mare. He even reared up and flailed his front legs in a show of dominance. Maybe it was aggression, maybe it was the faint scent of gryphon mare soaking his hands and muzzle.

Arnika grabbed Vinn's wrist and quickly got to her feet, darting out of the stall with him in tow, barely yanking him out from the angry stallion before he was stomped. She slammed the gate shut behind her and fell back against the wood wall, pulling Vinn into a passionate kiss, her pussy still sore and tender from the stallion, seed dripping out against her inner thigh. She pulled him in close, paw on his rump to force his slit and cocks to rub against her inner thighs, using the seed as lubricant.

Vinn was hesitant at first, knowing full well that her excitement had ruined one of the horses for the videos, but he could feel the gooey mess of Aayrick's cum soaking his members and that certainly interfered with his ability to think straight. Normally he wouldn't be into canines of any sort - wolf, fox, or dog - but the cloud of pheromones between them urged him to kiss back.

He grinded his hips against hers, bucking his midsection as his tail flicked and shifted like a lever, his twin members angling up into her loose, sloppy cunt. He had just barely felt one of his cock tips enter her when she arched her back and reached down between them, squeezing both together and guiding them into her distended sex when a slamming was heard at the other end of the barn near Ceylon's stall. Almost instantly Vinn lost his erection and both members retreated back into his slit.

"Good job, you two." Ilorek chastised as he clicked his beak in disapproval.

"Sorry, 'Rek. I just couldn't help it, the stud was too eager and excited!" Arnika fake-cried, reaching out to him with messy, cummy fingers.

He backed off and sidestepped away from her with a chuckle. "Really? That's fine, but did you remember to at least put up a tripod? I imagine it could have made for some fun amateur stuff, if you wanted to share." He paused and looked to Vinn, who had lowered his snout to his chest and was trying to make himself look smaller. "And what's your excuse? Did you forget to test Ceylon's heat?"

"I, uh...maybe. I think she's-" Vinn started, only to get cut off.

"Oh lighten up, jeez. You have not been here long enough have you? It's fine, I can smell her on you. She's in heat, no doubt about that. Also, I saw she was pacing with her tail up. Wouldn't want to waste it, would we?" Ilorek winked and fake punched Vinn on the shoulder. "Tell ya what, I'll ignore this silly little waste of horse cum if Arnika gets a camera right now and you have your way with Ceylon."

Vinn gulped. "Wait, what? On camera? Right now?"

Ilorek glanced over to Arnika and raised his eyebrow, flicking his ear back towards the equipment room as he nodded. "Yup. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do just fine. Come on." He grabbed Vinn by the wrist and started yanking him back towards Ceylon's stall. When they got to the gryphon's door, Ilorek tossed Vinn inside and closed the door behind him, resting over it as he watched. "Well, wait till Arnika gets here, then we'll have an in-season flick of you teasing her into her first egg of the year!"

Vinn stumbled a bit as Ceylon shuffled to the side to avoid having him fall and land on her. When he got his balance back, the gryphon pushed her beak up against the small of his back and held him in place, a gentle trill escaping her beak. Naturally, Vinn patted her head and rubbed into her head feathers between her splayed ears as he looked back up to Ilorek. "Come on, you know I can't be on film. It makes me very uncomfortable."

Ilorek shrugged and clicked his beak at the lizard. "Well, you wanna work here, get paid as well as you do, and fool around with the talent, you better do it on camera. I mean, I'm totally okay with you fooling around - I encourage it - but as they say, waste not. Aayrick won't have that kind of load again for a while, so we better use Ceylon while she's at the peak of her desire. Don't worry, just let it come naturally, once you're inside her, I doubt you'll remember the cameras." He nodded and pointed, winking devilishly.

Just then, Arnika came around the corner with a tripod, camera, and a light stand, every step a little awkward due to how tender her nethers were. "I brought all I could, 'Rek. Will this be enough?"

"Yeah, should be fine. Just gonna do a single camera shot. Not a lot of dynamic movement or closeups. Wanna make sure we can see everything." He brought his thumbs and forefingers together to show a frame of the shot he wanted.

However, Vinn wasn't really into it. His cock had firmly nestled in his slit and he was busily rubbing at the back of Ceylon's neck. He was just idly watching and listening to Ilorek and Arnika discuss the film he'd be starring in despite wanting absolutely nothing to do with that element. He curled his tail around his ankles, feeling a little defiant against Ilorek's decision. Problem was, he loved this job because he got to play with the beasts that were in the videos, and he didn't want to lose it. Maybe one scene wasn't that big a deal. After all, Ilorek was right; Once the excitement of gryphon sex had taken over his mind, he wouldn't care.

A few moments was all it took for Arnika to set up the camera on the tripod with the light up behind it, a diffuser ensuring the entire scene was bathed in a buttery golden light. "Alright, set up, and...we are recording!" She laughed a bit as she pressed the little red button. Once that was on, she adjusted the camera angle a bit and watched through the view finder to make sure she followed the action.

Problem was, Vinn seemed to have no interest in being on camera and both Ilorek and Arnika were blocking the only exit from the stall. He really had no choice but to do what he was told. He watched with defeat in his eyes as Ilorek and Arnika both stood at the stall gate and watched him, waiting for him to do something.

After a minute of passive defiance, Vinn eventually turned to Ceylon and rubbed her cheeks, his tail gently and slowly uncurling from around his ankles. "Well, I guess I gotta do this. Not that I mind." He whispered to himself, though her keen ears perked up when she heard him speak.

He leaned into her beak and rubbed his snout to hers, nuzzling gently. She chirped and trilled at him, lightly beaking at his shoulder before stepping into him. Vinn had to pause and dig his claws into the ground to push back against her chest, holding her in place as a method of dominance. He needed to be the dominant one, or she'd literally sit on him.

"Go on. Don't be shy Vinn. Think about it this way. Not only do you get to enjoy this wonderful creature, but you also get a bonus for every video you're in. Sexy time with gryphons and a pay hike. No reason not to!" Ilorek chuckled and patted Arnika on the shoulder, pulling her in close to his side while she nuzzled into his lower chest feathers.

"Well, alright, I guess." Vinn muttered as he slipped out from under her neck to press his body to her side. The discomfort from coming so close to orgasm twice already was swelling within him, his cocks feeling the pressure and poking out as he got nearer to her hind end, the cloud of sweet heat wafting up from under her tail. He took in a deep, long breath as he traced his fingers down through her feathers and under her wing, coaxing her to lift and spread a bit. When he got to her haunches, he buried his snout in her rump fur, deliberately ignoring the cameras even though he could feel the warmth of the light on his back.

He nipped at her rump and she flexed her haunches, kicking away from him in surprise. However, when she stepped away, she lifted her tail high to expose her still soaked and slimed pussy with a dozen tiny trails of fluid bridging from her vulva to the underside of her tail. Her lips were glistening, distracting Vinn from the gentle sounds of cooing and rumbling purrs that came from her chest. His members both grew from his slit, bobbing heavily between his legs as he licked his lips.

She glanced back over her shoulder with her beak agape, back arched and tail raised in the clearest invitation she could have offered. Again, Vinn leaned into her and pressed his chest to her haunches, nipping at her rump cheek as he held around her back end with both palms squeezing her hips. This time, she stayed in place.

That was it. She'd submitted to him, at least as best she could. He wanted to imitate a drake more thoroughly, but all he had was his hand and his cock. That would be enough for her, he hoped.

As he continued to nip and preen at her rump fur, he slipped his hand up between her thighs to rub at her belly, gently trailing his fingers to the end of her lips, gently caressing the soft ridge of velvety vulva that housed her engorged clit. He gave it a gentle rub before parting her lips to expose the mottled flesh within. Every tiny touch of his coaxed a gentle twitch of her spine followed by a tensing of her pelvic muscles, her clit peeling out and sex drooling a thick, gooey fluid.

Vinn moaned a bit as a viscous strand of her lubrication dribbled out over her clit and onto the back of his hand; eager, he licked it up and trailed his tongue to her lips, burying it between them in one fluid motion. She tasted heavenly - same as before - but her flesh was so much warmer than the first time. The velvety walls were soft, swollen, and snug around his tongue, the temperature much higher than his. Her fluids were almost as hot as she was as they dribbled down over his snout and slipped between his lips.

Of course, he gobbled every bit of it as his free hand continued to rub and caress her haunches, occasionally slipping up onto her back to tickle at her spine. His claws seemed to please her, as she arched her back and pushed into him with her legs spread every time one of his digits slid between the feathers on her spine. Her vulva tensed, forcing the clit to fold out with a stream of fluid that splashed against Vinn's chin and neck.

"Hmmmm!" Vinn hummed into her sex as he nuzzled and rocked his head, embracing her hind end as though he were kissing a lover. His tongue explored her depths as his snout parted her lips, pushing against her clenching muscles and the grunting that accompanied her squelchy squirts against him.

"You getting this, Arnika?" Ilorek prodded as he leaned in close, licking his beak. His own cock had started to bulge under his kilt, pressing against the wood and drooling his own pre-seed.

"Yeah, zooming in now." Arnika assured him as she fiddled with some of the dials and buttons on the camera. She wasn't the one who usually operated the camera, but she knew a thing or two about how to make it work and she seemed to be doing well. However, she found herself getting distracted every time her keen ears heard the faint splash of precum dripping between Ilorek's talons. She sniffed the air, catching a hint of hippogryph musk. Her ears perked up as she glanced sidelong at the engorged stallion head that was swinging low underneath the rim of his kilt.

Vinn, however, couldn't hear them and wasn't paying attention to what they were doing. His muzzle was buried between the gryphon's rump cheeks, his tongue lapping at her folds and gulping down every bit of fluid he coaxed from her depths. He brought his hands around to slip his thumbs into her sex, pulling her apart with a fleshy whooshing sound as her depths filled with air, her walls parting with a series of gooey strands webbing from one side to the other. For a brief moment, the light from the camera crew illuminated her passage and let him see the gaping, open cervix deep inside amidst her glistening, moist folds.

She cooed at him and clenched her muscles tight, closing her walls in one quick motion, the soft flesh collapsing on itself and forcing the air out with a squishy burst, the pink flesh pressing out and her engorged G-spot folding out above her clit. He gave that a gentle suckle and prodded at it with his tongue to find her urethral opening as it was flowing a stream of lubricating fluids everywhere. Curious, he dabbed his tongue inside it, finding it to be tangy and a little bitter, but very loose.

He still had his thumbs in her sex, so he lowered them a bit and used his middle finger to slip inside her urethra, fingering it gently as she twitched and pushed back against him, the pressure of the fluids building up against his claw. Eventually, he pulled out and bent down with his maw open to catch any of it he could. The clear, viscous fluid splashed against his upper maw and tongue, urging him to gulp it down.

When she finally relaxed and her tender walls parted again, he took advantage of this and leaned back, pressing all four fingers and his thumb in between her lips. When he pushed into her, he felt her soft lips quiver and shake in delight as his entire arm disappeared through her vulva. His fingertips slid past her soft flesh and pressed hard against her firm cervix, the walls clenching around him to hold him snug.

Ceylon could have hopped away or brought a hind paw up to kick at him, but she didn't. No, instead she lowered her chest again and pushed her hips back against him, hind legs squatting down a bit to make it easier. She whimpered and trilled a series of cute chirps at him over her shoulder as her vaginal walls clenched in waves, squeezing around his bicep as her clit winked, then rolling inward to 'suck' on his arm. Last, her cervix loosened and gaped open, as though she was inviting seed into her womb.

Vinn balled his fist up tight inside her, clenching his muscles in waves to match her own pussy waves. His forearm pulsed and pushed out against the soft velvet of her cunt as his fingertips tickled her from within, massaging the swollen floor of her sex. She grunted and pushed back, rocking her body towards and away from him with every motion. Her clit was steadily peeled out as her lips clenched tight, the wink accompanied by a violent, messy ejaculation from her urethra that sprayed her fluids all over his chest and the floor of the stall between them.

He couldn't help but grab himself with his free hand, wrapping fingers around one cock while using the others to tease the second one. The lizard leaned heavily into her, using his whole body to deeply thrust his entire arm into her with passion and vigor. He curled his bicep a bit inside her so that his hand was pressed against the inside of her spine, elbow pressed down against her g-spot.

The gryph seemed to open up all at once, her womb accepting his fand inside as she leaned back into him, lips swallowing his entire arm to the shoulder. Her vulva smacked and squeezed against his collarbone as she grunted and whimpered, her depths clenching tight around him.

All at once, as she leaned back, Vinn found his snout pressed tight against her black-fleshed rump hole. Rather than pull away or act disgusted, he opened his maw and wrapped his lips around the pucker, plunging tongue into it and sucking the flesh as she ground down on him. Another violent squirt of her fluids exploded onto his chest as her cunt squelched and sputtered against his arm, her canal squeezing him and tugging him deeper, the waves of muscle clenches sucking on his entire arm as her urethra burst and sprayed her fluids.

Vinn could feel his own pleasure rising as he used the female ejaculate to rub himself. He clenched both together in his palm, squeezing tight and pumping at himself as he kept at her pussy, tongue deep in her ass. It was almost done, but he was feeling ready to burst.

However, just as he slipped a single finger into his own slit - a precursor to his climax - Ceylon clenched her muscles as tight as she could and lowered her rump, stepping away to pull off his fist in one fluid motion. Her cunt was left empty, hanging open as she arched her back and let her fluids dribble out onto the floor, tail raised and clit winking.

He tried to lean back into her and get his fist back inside her pussy, but she slammed her tail down tight, blocking his entry before quickly hopping around, wings flared in a playful pose. She chirped and squeaked at him before diving closer, nuzzling both his cocks with her beak, tongue lapping at the fluids he was secreting.

"Hngh!" Vinn let out a grunt as he felt her tongue lapping around his members, squeezing and tugging him gently, cradling his heads. She vibrated as she purred, that sensation bursting pleasure from Vinn's depths. He grunted again and whimpered, talons curling in the bedding of the stall as he let a couple of streams of lizard cum loose on her beak.

She backed away and shook her head clear of the mess, rubbing her beak to her foreleg to clean up as she licked at the mess closest the rim. She still seemed playful even though Vinn was in the throes of climax. Once he finished and was leaning over, panting, she leaned into his chest and starting licking her own fluids off him. She had made quite the slimy mess all over him, and was keen on remedying that.

Her tongue lapped as his chest, then his belly, then down to his slit where his cocks were retreating, then back up to his chest and down his arm to lick between his fingers. She panted like a dog as she cleaned every drop of her fluid from Vinn, even against his idle protests and meek attempts to push her away now that he had finally finished up and was again aware of the camera that watched him.

Still, he felt the need to be compassionate. He hugged her close and rubbed her neck with his damp fingers as she curled herself around, powerful body forcing her beak to his belly as she continued to lick at him. HE couldn't help but giggle and push away, eager to finally get back to Ilorek. Vinn could have stayed in the stall with her forever - in fact he'd spent nights there during her last egg cycle - but he felt uncomfortable with Ilorek and Arnika watching.

Thing is, when he looked over to the stall door, he couldn't see either of them. Only the camera and light stood, the red light indicating it was still recording. He gave Ceylon a final pat before un-latching the door and slipping out to see Ilorek bending Arnika over a hay bale, one leg lifted high and cock buried deep in her sloppy cunt. His clothes were in the hallway between the stalls, and he barely registered Vinn's presence as he glanced over his shoulder to wave.

"Hey Vinn! Good show!" Arnika complimented him before writhing and grasping at the hay of the bale with her fingers, snout pressed tight against it.

The last of Vinn's cock tip disappeared back into his slit as he shook his head, eagerly leaving the stable to let the other two enjoy each other. He waved and chirped at them, glancing back over his shoulder to see Ceylon burying her beak between the bars of her stall, sad to see him leave.