Lion suit

Story by ChanceFan on SoFurry

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Your typical stroll of the evening, nothing else in your head....

Then all of a sudden you stumble upon a magnificent lion costume that changes your life!

And your species...

And your personality...

And other stuff...

It took me forever, but finally I finished this story! Feel free to leave comments below

One afternoon, you are walking on the street, minding your own business. You yawn, as you scratch the back of your head. There's no destination: you just want to walk for a while before heading home, when a sudden noise jolts you back to attention... just to realize you don't quite recognize your surroundings. Tilting your head, you look in front of you, and look toward what appears to be an abandoned store, all boarded up. You recognize the name of the street, you shouldn't be that far away from you home, so you decide to resume your walk...

Until the boarded place rings a bell: This used to be an old family-owned costume store! It's been a while since the store went out of business, after which the owners disappeared. You notice the boarding on the building is pretty flimsy. "I could get in if I wanted to. Maybe I'll find something to sell?" Talking to yourself, you balance out the pros and cons in your head. Reaching a conclusion, you pull out your trusty pocket knife, and begin to remove some nails from the weakest boards. Making sure nobody on the street is watching, you slip ´.into the shop.

The store itself was dimly lit, so you reach for the switch on a nearby wall. A lonely light bulb turns on, displaying rows of dusty racks, most of them empty, and some of them with assorted costume pieces. You manage to find a duck bill, a cowboy hat, a cheap plastic trident, an astronaut helmet... just lame stuff. "Well, I should have expected this", you say as you shake your head. "There's nothing here I can sell. Perhaps on the counter?" You check on the counter, but there is nothing but a pair of sticky notes, and the mark where the cashing machine should have been. The only place left is in the back of the counter, where there is a door to the store's back room. "Let's hope it's not locked, then".

The back room is no bigger than the rest of the store, but at least it's big enough to move freely inside it. There are many boxes, though they appear to be empty and block most of the room. There is a huge mirror on one side of the room, covered in dust and cobwebs. "Well, it's gonna take me a while to check them all out..." And then, you spot one of the boxes, in the corner of the same size of the room where you are. It's big, it's brown, it's all taped up, and there are various sticky notes in different languages, none of them which you recognize. "What's this, perhaps a custom order?" You glance upon the box, reading notes like "pas ouverte", "nicht öffnen", "hindi bukas", "non aprire". Peaking your curiosity, you pull out your knife, lift the box (which is heavier than you expected, given its size and width) and start cutting the tape locking the box.

After you finish, you step back to let the lid of the box fall to the floor, not even noticing the "DO NOT OPEN" sign that fell down a long time ago, as the room is filled everywhere with dust. You cough weakly and cover your mouth and nose, as the dust clears off... and you spot a majestic, amazing, musclebound lion costume inside the box. "Holy fucking shit!" you exclaim, as you open your jaw in surprise. It's surreal, as if an anthropomorphic lion was standing in front of you. "This could sell for so much money! It might even cost a small fortune...". How could the owners create such a realistic costume, and even then go bankrupt, is beyond your comprehension.

You chuckle lightly, as you check the costume out. First, there is the muscled bodysuit, completely covered in brownish fur, with huge hand-like paws, feet-like hindpaws, and a long tail with a bushy end. On top of all that, separated from the bodysuit, rested a regal-looking lion mask, surrounded by a fluffy main, with a strong muzzle and sporting sharp fangs. The only part missing were the eyes, which were left open to let the wearer look through them. It looks like some sort of mascot... except this one aims for realism. Taking a look at the huge muscles, you guess that all that padding might add a lot of pounds to the suit. This is gonna be hard to move...

You have to admit to yourself, all your life you have wondered what it would feel like to have that kind of musculature. Every time you go to the gym, you watch jealously all those huge gym-goers, getting all the attention of the ladies while they flex and lift. Perhaps if you were that buff, you would be able to score with any female that crossed your path, seducing them with ease as they marvel at your body... unfortunately that kind of stuff takes a lot of time and effort. So, you realize that you are feeling jealous of a costume, and decide to plan how to move this heavy costume outside the store.

"Damn, this thing is gorgeous... But what's with all those warnings the box had, anyways?" You ask yourself... and then you notice a certain detail about the costume that answers your question. This costume is not your average mascot suit, it's anatomically correct. As in, there is a huge phallus in front of the suit, a mix between a lion and a human cock. It is really big, sporting 12 inches of lion meat. It has barbs, too! You can't help but blush in embarrassment and look the other way. "What... the... fuck!?!? Is this a sick joke?" Now you begin to comprehend why the box was stashed in the corner. Perhaps this suit was the cause of the shop's bankruptcy?

Your face turns red, as you are really embarrassed of even being in the same room with this costume. How the hell were you going to move this suit on the street? Sure, it should be really fun to watch every passerby watching you carry this immense suit and its huge cock? And of course, you are not going to call for a cab, lest you want to be marked as a weirdo. Maybe if you hold the costume the right way, you could be able to hide the dick on your back...

And then, your hand brushes the hand rock abs of the costume... and you suddenly feel a warm, tingly sensation in your hand, as your embarrassment disappears completely. You look towards the costume, which now begins to look more and more attractive. Staring at the lion mask, you appreciate the empty eyeholes, the sharp, ivory fangs, a majestic brown mane, and the strong muzzle. An idea begins to form in your head, first small, but that grows in intensity as time passes: Why don't you wear the costume? It would be easier to move, nobody would suspect anything, you could even wear something on top of the costume in order to hide the huge lion cock! Besides, you will be able to know how it feels to be all muscled and buff.

As if you were in some sort of trance, you smile as you fantasize on how it would look on you. Removing your hand from the costume, you begin to undress, realizing that you possibly wouldn't be able to fit inside that much padding with all your clothes. Slowly you begin to unzip your pants and remove your shirt, not even realizing you are getting naked inside an empty store. You keep removing pieces of clothing in complete silence, thinking only in how good you will look once you have that costume on. Right now, this is the most important thing in the world, to undress of your human clothes, and then to step inside the suit.

You feel a slight breeze brushing against your naked body, as you raise the heavy costume, turning it around to find an opening on the back of the suit. Leaving the mask on top of the box, you introduce your legs inside the padded lion legs of the bodysuit, as you guide your feet towards the hindpaws. Moving your toes, you feel amazed on how the suit responds to your movements, as the clawed lion toes move in their place. You shudder, as you can feel the insides of the suit's legs pressed against your skin, thanks to the generous padding. The material inside the suit feels bizarre... like some sort of leather that clings comfortably to your body.

Still on a trance, you raise the costume to your waist level. You can't help but feel proud of the long tail hanging on the back, as you begin to compare your genitalia with the lion's. You introduce your dick and balls inside the lion's beastlike cock and huge ballsack, which makes you feel very manly as it adapts very neatly to your own. It's almost as if the lion cock IS your own. You left a soft moan, as you don't seem concerned with the fact that you are wearing the same costume you were embarrassed five minutes ago. As you accommodate your dick inside the lion's, you imagine yourself having such a manly and strong cock for your own.

Shaking your head, you continue putting on the costume by raising its upper part. Your right hand finds the orifice through the right arm of the costume, and you propel your arm all the way towards the lion's huge hand-paw. You feel the long claws on the paw move with your hand, as you feel your arm constricted by the fake huge biceps and broad shoulder. You proceed to do the same with your left arm, at the same time accommodating the huge torso towards yours. Using your new paws, you the costume's huge pectorals and abdomen over yours, overshadowing whatever little chest hair you have with the furry suit you are wearing now. You decide to leave the flaps on the back open, though, in order not to overheat while you are trying the suit on.

Not even skipping a beat, you turn around and grab the lion mask. You held it in front of your body, as if letting it admire your new, impressive fur covered body. For some reason, you are looking for the mask's approval, wanting to prove him that your body is now a worthy vessel. And somehow you can feel it move in your hands, as if the mask is nodding. Grabbing the mask by the edges, you lift the mask over your head, and slide it on. You feel your hair reaching the top of the mask as you feel the mane surrounding your head with your paws. Finally, it is on!

Getting used to move inside the costume, you walk over your discarded clothes, and towards the mirror on the wall, and then you become breathless at your reflection. "So good..." You say, as you see a huge, musclebound lion looking back at you. You can't even believe how huge you are! You feel your paws roaming over your furry body, as you try to take in how awesome you look now. "Wow... look at these muscles!" You exclaim, as your paws rub your barreled, furry chest. "Damn, it's like being those guys in the gym... this is insane!" You murmur, grinning toothily inside the mask, as you watch your glossy eyes from the eyeholes.

Somehow, a voice inside your head whispers to you the truth: "You are a lion". You repeat after it, as if you were agreeing with the voice. "I am a lion now". The muzzle moves slightly when you talk, which makes you feel even more impressed. The whole bodysuit begins to feel really warm, as you keep posing in front of the mirror. You feel pins and needles all across your body... and without noticing, the flaps on the back of the costume begins to close by themselves. At the same time, the edges of the mask begin to fuse with the edges of the top of the suit. You are so entranced by it that you barely notice the changes in the costume... although now you begin to feel the heat around your body as you begin to pant.

You groan softly, as you begin to feel the cold feet under your hindpaws, and the pawpads on your soles. At the same time, your muscles begin to pulse, as they begin to grow and enlarge, replacing the padding in the costume. Both biceps are slowly hardening, becoming rock hard and veiny, as your legs thicken in muscle. Your pectorals grow and your abdomen hardens until you acquire a heroic build. However, you think that this is just a trick your mind is playing, as if your brain is adjusting to the fact you are now wearing this amazing costume.

Somehow, your armpit hair is being absorbed into the costume, as it reappears on the outside of the costume as brown fur. Something similar happens with your chest hair and treasure trail, as it appears as thick, brown fur, making you look manlier by the second.

"You are a lion. You have always been a lion. You LOVE being a lion". The voice continues whispering. The claws on both your handpaws and hindpaws fuse with your toenails, becoming your own. The mask feels lighter, as your mouth and nose expands inside the mask's muzzle, your tongue slides inside the sandpaper-like lion tongue and your teeth fuse with the sharp lion fangs. Your hair is being absorbed and fused into your brand new mane and your eyes change color, until they become amber-like and feline. The lion tail begins slowly to move, as the tail connects to your tailbone and begins moving on its own... and in that moment, your asshole is assimilated under the tailhole. And you were able to perceive that, as the suit invaded your innards in an intensely pleasant way.

"What the... hell..." You yell, although your voice now sounds different. "W-What... I sound so different! What the hell?!" Surprised by your deep and masculine voice, you twist your sand-papery tongue inside your muzzle, as your tail twists in anticipation. "What just... happened?" You listen to your own, deep voice, which somehow is making the whiskers in the mask to vibrate as your vocal cords are being altered. In this moment, you begin to notice the changes that are going on, as you notice your yellow eyes, and the musculature looks more realistic and defined, and not as exaggerated as the costume looked in the beginning.

You can't help but hear the voice inside your head, which now was less of a whisper, and more like if there was someone else in the room talking to you. "You are a lion. You have always been a lion. You have always had a muzzle. You have always had a regal mane. You have always had a furry body.". You shake your head, feeling the mane moving at the same time, hearing your fur moving. You spot your chest, covered in a furry carpet of virility, and your now rock hard abs that are covered too in a treasure trail that goes to your belly button... And beyond, as your cock begins to swell and grow inside the lion sheath, sending a pleasurable spasm through your spine.

You breathe deeply, as you try to comprehend what is happening, or even worse... why are you not freaking out at this?

"You are a lion. You are a manly, musclebound lion. You are a lion. You are a strong, buff lion." The voice continues, as you stand in front of the mirror. You can feel the shock as your feline eyes wink and your ears twitch, before you feel drowsiness kicking in. You try to press back against the words, holding on to who you were before the costume. "No, I'm human... I'm not a lion... I'm not a... lion...?" You try to claim, but your deep, guttural voice just prove how wrong you are. The intensity of the sensations all around your body makes you take a seat on the ground, just so you don't fall over in shock.

"You love your amazing muscles." You hear as you fall to the floor, you feel its coldness on your buttcheeks, as the pawpads on your soles are able to feel the floor too. You groan weakly and arch your back, letting out a soft growl as you feel your muscles pulsing. "You love to work out and show off your musculature. You love to flex at your own reflection..." Your shoulders broaden, as you feel your sharp claws digging on the floor... feeling your strong arms, feeling your powerful legs. Strong arms to catch your prey, powerful legs to chase it down. "You love feeling the rush of power and pleasure through your muscles".

As your dick and balls finish transforming into a male lion's genitalia, the voice continues, growing more present and dominant inside your head. "You are a lion. You are a very horny, gay lion" says the voice, as your eyes open wide in incredulity. "You have always been a homosexual lion; you have always lunged for exclusively male companionship". You arch your back, as the fusion of your cock and balls rushes pleasure through your entire, leonine being. "G-gay horny lion..." You murmur, twitching weakly as you begin to drool. "No... I am... not gay..."

However, the voice becomes even louder. "You are a gay lion. You ARE a gay lion. You have always been..." And it that moment, images of muscular, manly and hairy male begin to flash before your own eyes. Men that you have never seen before in your life, hundreds of manly, sexy, attractive... Wait, why are you thinking about this! You have to stop this; this is not you! You held your lion head with both of your hand paws, as if trying to keep whatever is trying to penetrate your mind away.

In that moment you realize, whatever is now happening to you, it is all because of this costume you are wearing.... The suit is transforming you into a real life anthropomorpic lion! Not only that, it's also conditioning your brain to change your orientation and make you homosexual. You need to stop this madness, before it's too late! "No, I am NOT GAY! I need to take this mask off" You try to raise your head with both hands, but it doesn't budge. With both paws you try to find the opening in your back, but the only thing you feel is your furry and muscled back. "The... The costume! I cannot take it off! It's stuck to my skin..." You say to yourself, choking in your new hyper-masculine lion voice.

"You are a musclebound lion. You love your muscles... and you love men which worship your muscles. You love men that love you and respect you as the powerful alpha lion you have always been...". One more time you groan, trying to think back on all your previous girlfriends, trying to find solid proof of your heterosexuality. You think back on the gym, trying to drown out the images and thought of sexy, attractive... MEN! Only men, just men... You try to convince yourself, but instead of focusing on the women in the gym, you keep focusing on the males that were working out, all of them sweaty and big and...

The more time passes, the stronger the visions become, the louder the voices become, and the harder your new lion cock becomes. You imagine being surrounded by manly men, rubbing themselves all over your body. Your lion cock, which now sports barbs, becomes fully erect, as you feel it pulsing with blood. "You are a gay alpha lion. You have always been a gay alpha lion. YOU LOVE BEING A GAY LION". You pant weakly as the visions begins to overwhelm you. Your tail sways slowly, as your right paw heads to rub your erect lion shaft, amber eyes glazed over as you can feel yourself giving in. "I am... no... am... Gay alpha lion..." You murmur, as you drool profusely from your muzzle.

Your balls build up in pressure, as your cock starts to drip pre in the floor. You are about to have the most powerful orgasm on your life... And to lose what's left of your humanity... and sexuality. You moan, harder and harder, as your muscles contract and your paw moves faster and faster. "A-alpha lion... ngh... n-not gay... s-stop it..." You gently begin to purr, as you flex your right arm, falling in love with your strong, rock hard bicep, as your other paw keeps rubbing your cock.

You can feel yourself getting dizzy from the rush of intense pleasure, unable to slow your paw down at all. You try to force back the climax with what little willpower you have left, biting your tongue to hold off a moan, not even realizing there is no longer a costume around your body, or that there is no human being inside the room. "Gotta... s-stop..." You get closer to climax, as the last traces of your human personality vanishes, and the costume stops being a costume, but your new body. "You are a lion. You are a lion. YOU ARE A LION!"

Memories are being forced inside your mind. Your first kiss with that blonde girl is now the first time you saw that motorbike dude. Your second girlfriend transforms into that sexy swimmer you had sex with once. Your last female fling, becomes into that sexy, hairy builder you met on the gym's locker... you grunt and growl weakly as you feel the pressure in your balls getting even stronger, as you now say out loud "Lion... I am a musclebound alpha lion...I am... I am a lion. I AM A LION! I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A LION!"

You emit a powerful and ear spitting roar as you finally reach your climax, cumming all over the place. Your lion semen splashes loudly on the wall, and then it covers your chest and your abs. There's a huge grin on your feline face, as you enjoy the afterglow. You chuckle deeply as you relax in the post-climax bliss, rubbing over your nice firm muscles despite the thick coat of semen covering your fur.

"Murrrrr... that felt SO good... feels like it's been years since I've cum that hard." You say with your masculine voice, reaching down to swipe some of your cum and getting a taste. You lick the salty cum from your huge paw, like the good kitty you are, and you totally love it. In that moment you finally decide to stand back and look at the mirror, and as always you fell in love with your awesome body as you check your perfectly muscular, hairy, manly body. "I can't wait to find some muscle boys to worship me..."

You flex, as you have always done before, looking your muscles swell and become rock solid. You sniff and perceive your manly lion musk, as you begin remembering all the men you have fucked before... All those good times are making your boner to get hard again... That's right! Lion studs like you get to have sex multiple times a day!

You chuckle happily as you keep flexing and posing, smelling your very own strong musk, feeling incredible as you think back to all the times you've fucked sexy men. Feels like you need another milking, maybe you could find a sexy guy to take home and collar and fuck...

After half an hour, you finally decide to take a break, as you head towards the front of the store, skipping over some clothes a human probably discarded a long time ago. You realize it's almost sundown. And somehow you are buck naked inside some abandoned costume store...

You ruffle your mane, realizing that probably heading home in the nude wouldn't be a good call... despite how great it would be to let other guys to see your muscles... not to mention your raging boner. Returning to the backstore, you pick the discarded clothes... but they are too small for your size, even. Perhaps there is something else you can wear?

You decide to take a quick look through all the other boxes on the back of the store. One of them reads "Jaguar Warrior", another reads "Alpha Werewolf", "Athletic Tiger", "Goat Bodybuilder"... None of this works for you! Fortunately, there is one package on one of the shelves labelled "football uniform". Hoping it's your size, you find an XL sized jersey, a pair of pants, huge football shoes (which somehow were proper for your huge paws) and a huge jockstrap to conceal your bulge. It's almost as if the store is giving you just what you need to wear! Tilting your head, you pull out the clothes and start putting them on. You pull the jockstrap to protect and conceal your behemoth sheath, as you pull on the jersey and the pants.

"Well, people would think I'm just getting out of football practice", you say, as you slid on the comfortable football shoes. You rub your chest gently as the jersey rests on top of it, feeling the nice tight sport clothing over your furry body, as it feels amazing against your furry muscles. Watching yourself on the mirror one last time, you decide to pick the small human clothes to clean the stains of cum from the floor. After all, whichever human that left these here might not even care for them at all.

You head to the door, barely being able to exit the shop through the remaining boards due to your muscular mass. Once again, the street is almost empty, so nobody saw you exit the building. As you stand outside, you begin to ponder what you are going to do now, when you spot a man jogging on the street. You turn your leonine head towards him, and then he looks at you... for a second, as he turns his head to try and focus on his jogging, you manage to glimpse his tight shorts, showing you his firm, toned ass, as his sleeveless shirt lets some firmly toned arms on display.

You lick your black lips, as you see him getting away. Getting ready to chase your next prey, you raise your powerful lion legs as you begin to jog in his direction. There's a new alpha lion on the block, and said lion is feeling horny once again.

The hunt has begun.

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