Business Partners

Story by IQ_Bear123 on SoFurry

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Gideon had agreed to help the Hopps family with some work on the fields. That wasn't part of their business partnership, just him being a decent guy and lending them a helping paw or two. It had been a long and very hot day and he had gotten quite sweaty by now. He walked over towards Mister Hopps to ask if they were done. "Hey Mister H, anythin' else we have to do?"

Stu wiped his brow and huffed a tired breath. "Naw, I think that's about all that needs doin' today...", he muttered, scratching behind his ears underneath his broad hat. "Not that I'm much lookin' forward t'headin' home tonight. But I sure do appreciate you helpin' me out while Bonnie'n'the kids are visitin' Judy." He stopped himself from cringing at the reminder of the motel bill that was getting racked up with his entire family in the city.

"Yeah, gotta be lonesome with y'all by yerself... feels a bit weird with only the two of us around. I kinda like the lil' ones playin' around here", Gideon said. "Anyways, guess I gotta head back to my truck then, Mister H."

"Well... hang on now, son. You're right that it gets lonesome. What's say you come along home with me and we'll wash up and have a boys' night in?" A small thrill fluttered in Stu's chest - he was inviting a fox back to his den... He'd done his best to get over his prejudices, for Judy, and now for Gideon, but he didn't feel afraid, exactly... It felt... dangerous. But in the same way back when he was a young buck sneaking around looking for the first hole he could find to deal with his raging rabbit hormones.

The big fox looked at him with a surprised expression on his face. "Uh... yeah... sure. Guess we could do that, Mister H", he stammered shyly. "Yeah, boys night sounds good. Haven't had one of those since I was a young'un myself."

Stu grinned and chuckled, putting an arm around the younger male's shoulder. "Let's just take my truck back in, so's t'save on gas, less you'd rather we took yours?"

"B-but how am I s'posed to get back home then?", Gideon asked, slightly blushing because he liked Mister Hopps's fatherly affections, since his own father had never really cared for him when he was a cub.

"Well, we're comin' back here in the mornin', ain't we?", he explained plainly, steering Gideon toward the truck already. "Ain't like I ain't got room fer you t'bed down at my place an' save ya some time tomorrow. I'll even let ya make breakfast!"

"Oh", Gideon said surprised. The rabbit had already started driving. "I'll make us a darn good breakfast though, that's fer sure. But I didn't bring no clothes to change into, Mister H", he stammered, sitting on the passenger's seat

"We can just wash those coveralls'n such right up. Ain't got no young'uns or women round t'get scandalized seein' a pair a'bare men, after all!" He smiled pleasantly, keeping his eyes on the road, the thrill in his chest still spinning and bouncing. He could barely even believe himself that he was actually doing this.

The pudgy baker nervously rubbed his head. "Uh... yeah... scandalized...", he tried to mask his own embarrassment with a chuckle that was barely convincing.

It wasn't long before the truck pulled up at the Hopps' house, looking eerily devoid of activity for anyone who was used to its usual hustle and bustle. "Alright, come on in and let's get washed up for some supper!"

The big, chubby fox shyly followed the stocky rabbit. This was the first time he had actually stepped inside the house, he had only delivered some stuff to the front door so far. He looked around and found the place to be quite cozy. "That's a nice place y'all got here, Mister H."

"Hehe, thank you kindly, son. The missus takes pride in keeping the place presentable despite the kids underfoot most'a the time!" He led Gideon down the windy hall from the entryway to a shag-carpeted den, where a big flat screen on one wall was flanked by a couple of large recliners.

"Laundry room's right there - should be at least one washer that's empty, and the master bath's right back this way", Stu directed as he hung his hat on a track in the corner before undoing the straps of his overalls.

The fox followed the rabbit and blushed as the older male undressed in front of him. He didn't want to stare but his eyes just couldn't keep themselves from looking over Mister Hopps's chubby but obviously strong body. Then they went lower and noticed a fat sheath and a plump, heavy pair of a low-hanging balls. Gideon turned around, blushing noticeably red, even under his thick, red fur.

Stu did his best to stay nonchalant. He remembered how it'd felt in Gideon's shoes, way back when one of his uncles had undressed in front of him... of course he'd been considerably younger than Gideon at that point. "Hurry up now, son, Bonnie's always on my tail t'save water! Might as well wash everything at once!"

The big fox took a deep breath, then stripped down his own overalls. Wearing nothing underneath them his own enormous sheath and hefty balls flopped down, swinging heavily between his legs as he handed his overalls to the older male.

The rabbit farmer repeated in his mind over and over ordering himself not to stare as he took Gideon's clothes from him, but he couldn't stop the instinctive whistle through his teeth. "You got a right deadly weapon tween yer legs, boy!"

"Uh... thanks, Mister H", Gideon stammered. "Guess I should get a licence for it or sumthin...", he weakly chuckled. "Yers ain't too bad either...", he shyly added.

"Heh, that's kinda you t'say, son. Can't say Bonnie feels much the same, no more," he mentioned "casually", before taking their clothes to start a wash cycle in one of the several machines in the dim laundry room

"Oh... uh...", Gideon didn't really know what to say and stood there, rubbing his arms nervously. He wasn't used to being naked around other men and the whole situation was a bit much for him.

"Alright then - I'm thinkin' after we wash up, I can make some good ol' veggie'n cheese stew with some shortbread and blueberries - how's that sound ta you?", he asked, leaving the previous conversation where it lay as he led the way to the master bathroom

"Uh... sounds good. I can help ya cook, Mister H", the fox stammered, still not fully comfortable about being naked around another male. "Sorry, Mister H... it's just... a bit weird... us being naked as jaybirds..."

"Issit now? Shoot, son, was just about every day growin' up me'n my brothers shucked off our clothes at home any chance we got. My pa and my uncles, too, while the women were away. Ain't you got any kin you'd take your baths with in your house?" Stu wasn't being completely honest about his upbringing... But he thought it'd be a good way to get the young fox more at ease as they entered the large bathroom with its oversized bathtub in one corner and an equally gigantic shower in the other. Towels and clothes of all kinds were here and there, still slightly damp from the rush of all the Hopps kids rushing to bathe lest Bonnie leave them behind from the trip to see Judy.

"My folks were pretty strict bout being nekkid... guess I never got used to it...", the baker admitted, although the older male's kind words made it a bit easier for him. He looked at the shower and the bathtub, a bit surprised at their size, but then again the Hopps family probably needed it with that many children.

"Ah, well, t'each their own and all that... So, whatcha think? Y'wanna shower or the bath tub?" Stu planted his hands on his hips, waiting for an answer, while simultaneously using the mirror of an open cabinet to look at Gideon's backside.

The fox gulped and couldn't quite believe it himself that he uttered the following words. "Well, ya said that Misses H insists on not wasting to much water, so whatever we do I think we should do it... uh... together..." Gideon once again rubbed his arms and weakly looked at the stocky rabbit.

The older male tried not to make the smirk on his face too obvious. "Well, that's true, ain't it...? And there's certainly plenty of room in either one..."

"It uses more water but I could really go fer a bath, Mister H. We can do each other's backs", Gideon innocently said.

The elder rabbit grinned around his buck teeth, almost not believing Gideon had just mentioned 'doing each other's backs' innocently. "Now that sounds like a plan!" he exclaimed boisterously and padded over to the large tub, turning one large iron faucet handle to let already steaming water pour into the tub. The chubby fox couldn't help but stare at the older, equally chubby rabbit bent over the tub, giving him a nice view of his strong, broad back and rounded ass with that impressive set of balls hanging down below it. Gideon gulped, hoping the rabbit wouldn't notice.

Stu gave a small flick of his spade-shaped tail as he straightened up after adjusting the water temperature. "There - that should fill up right quick. Oh, hm... looks like the little ones used up all the soap n such. How's about you slide on in while I get some from the hall closet?"

Gideon nodded slightly. "Sure, Mister H." As he slowly slipped into the hot water he sighed in pleasure as the warmth soothed his slightly cramped muscles. "Darn tootin', this is really nice."

Mr. Hopps whistled idly to himself as he opened up the hall closet, picking out some of his special "dad only" soap and fur wash that smelled like aftershave. The kids always complained when he used it, but the kids weren't home tonight.

Gideon relaxed as the hot water surrounded him. He had closed his eyes and lay back in the tub, only opening them as he heard Mister Hopps's footfalls returning to the bathroom. "Nice n comfy, kiddo?" he asked and set the soap and bottle down on the side of the tub. He lifted one meaty leg up over the edge and gave Gideon a very intimate view of his fuzzy package before he swung over the other and shifted to the opposite side of the tub, settling down into the water and moaning in contentment as the hot water covered his lower body

As the vulpine opened his eyes they were directly aligned with the rabbit's hefty package, giving him a nice view of that fat sheath and those mighty balls. He had to shake his head as if from a trance before answering. "Feels great, Mister H. Glad you talked me into coming with ya. Only got a shower at my place."

"Mmmm... yeah, after a long day, sometimes nuffin' beats a good soak in a hot tub... Mmm... well, almost nuffin'." He sighed and slid deeper into the tub, his stubby legs pushing his feet a bit further between Gideon's own under the water.

"Uh... yeah...", Gideon weakly chuckled and slightly blushed as those strong legs touched his own. "Sorry, Mister H... I'll be trying not to be so stiff... just ain't much of a people person since I've realized the error of my way."

"Hrm...? Wuzzat? Sorry, boy, I get a little distracted when I get good'n relaxed like this... y'said yer stiff?" He sat up and smiled congenially before scooting closer. "Shit, boy, I can help y'out with that if y'want!" And then, suddenly, a large, strong, hot rabbit paw pad was pressing against Gideon's family jewels.

The fox let out a decidedly un-predator-like yip as he felt that paw touch him. He nervously looked around, trying not to look at Mister Hopps's face as he stammered some "Uhs".

"Hm... y'r not stiff at all there, boy... did I mishear ya?" His tone remained conversational, but he did not remove his paw from between Gideon's legs.

"Uh... I...", Gideon kept stammering as his fat sheath began throbbing as blood started rushing down to his lower regions.

"What was that? Speak up, son, I don't think I'm hearin' ya over the water..." Even so Stu started to move his foot just slightly, making the barest up and down motions that nonetheless sent immense jolts up through Gideon's body

"Uh... Mister H... yer kinda makin' me get stiff...." Gideon's sheath now stood up straight, the tip of his canine cock showing as it began to slip out from its furry covering.

The older male's eyebrow rose. "Is that a problem...? Always how I helped my pa relax after a long day..." He curled his toes slightly, letting them tease the fox's emerging cock.

"Yer pa?", Gideon gasped as he grew harder and harder. Soon his cock stood up from between his legs, proudly showing that the fox was a big guy everywhere. His knotted length was fat and veiny as it throbbed against his chubby gut. He murred involuntarily as the rabbit's toes worked wonders on him.

"S'what I said... why? You never helped out yer pa with a paw?" He grinned at his own bad joke, running his toes up along the impressive length the fox was sporting. "If he's anything like his son, I'm bettin' he's got a lot of him in need of relaxin'!"

"Well... uh he never really was around much...", Gideon stammered, eyes staring down at the rabbit manhandling him.

"Oh... I'm sorry t'hear that. Didn't mean t'hit a nerve..." The rabbit's toe curled up and around the crown of Gideon's cock, rubbing right along his slit.

The fox grunted as he tried to suppress a moan before finally giving in and letting out a long, deep one. "Yer hitting a nerve there alright, Mister H... but we're two guys..."

Stu's foot finally paused at that. "Yeah. Yeah, we are. And what's wrong with a couple of guys helpin' each other out...? Like I toldja... always walkin around in the buff in my family. Made it easier t'get...frisky!" His heel pressed against the vulpine's fuzzy sack firmly, grinding just slightly enough to make them shift under the water against the bathtub floor.

"Frisky...", Gideon echoed. "Well... my mama always told me that it was against Gawd's law fer two guys to be doin sumthin like this..."

"Boy... if Aslan cared one way or another what a couple'a men, a couple'a friends 'n' family do alone with each other... why's it feel so good?" His knee bent as he continued to knead Gideon's crotch, shifting closer bit by bit in the steaming water as it got closer to full.

"Uh... I guess there's some truth to that, Mister H...", Gideon stammered, still acting like he was almost hypnotized.

"Hmm... damn right there is..." His footpaw moved away from Gideon's balls and cock at last, only to immediately be replaced by his hand, groping and probing with his fingers to tease the fox's intimate areas even more than before.

"Mister H... I'm sorry if I dunno what to do... I just ain't never been with another man... or anybody really", the big fox admitted, now looking weak and vulnerable all of a sudden.

"I figured as much, Gideon, son.... but don't you worry. Good ol' Mr. H is more'n willin' to give you a hand..." The older rabbit was grinning as his thumb and finger wrapped around the base of Gideon's cock, just before he leaned in to nuzzle and nip at Gideon's neck while beginning to stroke.

The big fox seemed to almost melt at that, softly murring and moaning, closing his eyes. "Well, thank y'all Mister H. Yer always so kind to me. But I've been told to always return favours..."

"Mm... don't you worry, boy, we got all weekend fer that. But fer now... let me show you the kinda Hopps hospitality me'n'mine used to have back when I was your age..." He squeezed and stroked Gideon firmly underneath the water.

"Oh... uh... ok...", the fox stammered. And as the rabbit's big, calloused paw worked his thick cock up and down he let out a long and loud gasp.

The tub water was spilling into the overflow drains near the top, now, but neither of them seemed to notice as the rabbit used his other paw to fondle the fox's heavy balls, rolling them in his palm and squeezing them in time with his strokes. "Mmm... you got a really fine manhood here, Gideon Grey... makes this ol' rabbit feel like a young buck again t'let me feel up a hot young thing like you..."

"Uhm... thank ya, Mister H... but I ain't anythin' special. Big, chubby fox... we're supposed to be slim and sly... not loud and clumsy..."

"Heh, boy, don't argue with your elders... you're a right pretty sight, all that pretty red fur with some decent meat on yer bones! Mmmn... made me feel like a right ol' pervert, y'know that...? If'n I had less self control, mighta decided t'take ya inta the tub with me years ago..." Well, that, and if he'd been a little more open minded about species relations, probably... "But right here, right now... boy, you're th'most handsome, hot little thing I ever did see!"

"Years ago?", Gideon asked and gulped. Thoughts of the strong rabbit just having his way with him as a cub made his mind swim. Especially since he felt like a boy right now, he might haven been bigger and a predator but the rabbit clearly had him in his palm. Quite literally. "I might've liked that, Mister H...", he admitted with a whisper.

"Heh.... well.... then I think us two should get t'makin up fer lost time... and for starters..." His hand was suddenly gone from Gideon's cock, and water sloshed as Stu turned and leaned himself against the opposite side of the tub, lifting his ass up out of the water just enough to get his round cheeks up above the line. "Think you can pound this ol' bunny butt the way my uncles used to?"

"Oh... uh... I kinda thought you'd wanna take my butt, Mister H...", the fox weakly chuckled to mask his nervousness. "You gotta help me here, I ain't never done anythin' like this... so do I just push it in? I don't wanna hurt ya, yer always so nice to me..."

Finally, Stu's composure with the entire situation cracked, and he barked out "Gideon, just start fucking me!" before he even realized the words were leaving his mouth. He slightly blushed under his fur and turned his head away, suddenly feeling his nerves for the first time that night kicking in from his sudden outburst.

The pudgy fox let out another startled yip, then tried to calm himself. He'd been taught to obey people he respected and he respected Mister Hopps very much. So he lifted himself up, grabbed his cock, aligned it with the rabbit's winking pucker, took a deep breath and started pushing into the bunny's tight hole.

"Hmf!" Stu's body tensed as he was suddenly getting spread open from behind - even with his sudden demand he hadn't expected Gideon to actually just... he couldn't help but moan loudly, body shuddering as he felt the fox's cockhead press past his outer ring. "OOoohhhhfffffuck..."

Gideon grunted and gritted his teeth as his big cock pushed deeper and deeper into the rabbit's backside, tight warmth wrapping around him and squeezing him like a vice. "Mister H... ya gotta... tell me... if I'm hurtin' ya... have hurt enough... people as a kid...", the fox huffed as his mind began to be clouded by feral urges.

"Mmmff... I p-promise... sure... I'll tell ya th'second it hurts... Oh fuck..." Gideon had already felt huge in his paws, inside him the fox's fat meat simply felt massive, stretching him out good... it had been so long since he'd anything besides his own finger up there... all he knew was he wanted more, even as his own cock throbbed beneath his portly belly into he water.

"Thanks, Mister H", Gideon grunted. "Darn... feels like yer tryin' ta squeeze my dick off..." After some time the fox's hefty lowhangers finally touched the rabbit's ass.

"OOOH... w-wouldn't dream of it, son..." Stu leaned heavily on the edge of the tub, his breath shallow as he felt Gideon's cock pressing up inside him deeper than he could remember ever having anything go before.

Instinctively Gideon pulled almost all of his cock out again and then just rammed it back into the rabbit's hole, grunting through gritted fangs as he started humping him. "Oh wow..."

"Hhrf... mmm... yeah... that's it, son... mmm, fuck me good!", Hopps moaned out, his words peppered with forced grunts when Gideon's hips slapped against his chubby bunny buns, frothing and churning the bathwater and making it partially slosh over the sides.

Gideon started letting out deep, feral growls. "Gonna fuck ya good, Mister H! Always wanna do... a good job, y'know that." His big, strong body giving him a lot of force to piledrive his huge canine cock deep into the rabbit's ass. His knot slowly started forming and prodded the farmer's entrance.

"Hnn! Gh-oh, fuck..." The older male knew what that telltale prodding under his tail now meant... Memories of nights where his uncle took him out to a seedy rest stop bar out on the road toward Zootopia... Of his first time taking a canine... He pushed back against Gideon while moaning shamelessly, desperate for that familiar, forbidden burn of getting knotted by a predator

The big, chubby fox grunted and growled and snarled like he'd gone savage as he ferociously fucked the rabbit with all of his enormous strength, his knot swelling bigger and bigger as it kept hammering against the rabbit's backside, his balls slapping against the older male's pair.

"Hnnng... s-sweet Aslan!" Stu grabbed the tub with white knuckles under his fur, the frenzy of their rut covering the floor with water sloshing over the sides while the faucet kept running, discarded clothes and towels soaking up the errant bathwater, the bunny's hole just barely holding out despite the efforts of both men to spread it wider.

After quite a while Gideon let out a loud growl, instinctively biting down on the bunny's neckscruff and rammed all of his knot into the farmer's ass before filling it up with a thick, creamy load of fox cum as he shot rope after rope deep into the rabbit's bowels.

Stu's bellowing yell was just as primal and instinctual when Gideon seized his neck in his jaw, coupled with finally feeling himself stuffed and knotted as the fox's hot cum soaked his insides, and the bunny shuddered inside and out as he poured his own potent load into the churning bathwater. As the rabbit's anal walls tightened around him they forced even more cum out of Gideon's cock before he finally collapsed on top of the farmer, panting heavily.

Stu blinked away the spots in his eyes as he finally started to think coherently again after having his mind go practically blank from his mind-blowing climax... He breathed shallowly with the weight of Gideon's body on top of his own and the hot, humid air that now permeated the bathroom. "Hff... hff... You.... You did good, boy.... R-real good...."

Gideon almost panicked as he came down from his orgasmic high and realized his jaws were still clamping down on the rabbit's neckscruff. He released him before hearing the older male's words that calmed him down a bit. "Th-Thank ya, Mister H... sorry for the bitin'... I didn't know what I was doin'... it just came over me..." He panted heavily for a while. "This was even better'n I ever imagined."

"Hmn... And a damn sight better'n I thought I remembered... Ooooh... Feels like yer knot's bigger'n my fist back there.!" Stu clenched reflexively, making them both shudder weakly.

"Knot?", Gideon asked before realizing they were tied to each other. "Oh... sorry... yeah, I think it might indeed be bigger, Mister H. What with me bein' bigger overall'n stuff."

"Heh, I don't doubt it...hfff.... Y-y mind if we sit back a bit now? Gettin' little uncomfortable breathin here..."

"Sure, Mister H", Gideon said, put his arms around the rabbit's body and easily carried him with him and lay back back, the rabbit now resting on his strong but padded belly and chest.

"Oooh...that's the stuff... God, been so long since I had a good knot under my tail...", the older male mused idly, leaning back against Gideon. "Takes me back... fore I even met Bonnie..."

"Must be honest bout this, Mister H. Never thought you'd be the type to do sumthin' like this. But I'm really honoured that ya did this fer me", the fox said as he kept hugging and snuggling the bunny, letting his big paws run over the rabbit's chubby belly.

"Aww, course, son! We're business partners now!" He laid his hands over Gideon's affectionately and squeezed. "And sides that, my Judy wanted me t'tell you how much she'n a lotta people owe ya... She said it's cuzza you that day she figured out how t'help all them folks in the city. Far as I'm concerned son, you're family!"

The fox blushed and chuckled. "That's mighty kind of y'all, Mister H. Specially with me havin' been a big jerk all those years... I'm glad I could turn my life around. If my dad would've been a bit more like you, maybe I would've been a nicer kid..."

Stu's face softened, and he did his best from his angle to look up and back at Gideon. "It's a downright crime, him not appreciatin' a son like you, Gideon. But you became a fine young man all on your own. Y'think I'd've let you knock my tail if y'weren't?" He lightly squeezed his hole for emphasis and chuckled at the face the fox made from it.

Stu grunted when he realized he was getting a chill. "Damn... hot water's runnin' out..." He strained a bit, still knotted on Gideon's dick, to lean over and shut off the water faucet.

The big fox let out a slight moan as the rabbit's inner muscles squeezed his cock. And he almost blushed from Mister Hopps's words. "Thank ya so very much, Mister H. Feels nice to be preciated. Almost makes me wanna adopt ya as a new dad, sir", Gideon said with a chuckle as he snuggled the older male. He then tried to move along with the rabbit to turn off the water.

"Heh, dun think it quite works that way, son. But..." The rabbit shrugged. "I dunno. I already got myself a gaggle of kids... what's one more?" He leaned back against Gideon in the mostly-warm water and folded his hands over his belly.

"Don't think ya do this with any of yer kids though, Mister H. Guess I'm also a tad bigger than my new brothers and sisters", the chubby fox said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well..." Stu shrugged again, giving another shift that made his hole clench for a moment. "Nothin' sayin' we have to exactly tell no one about it."

"I may not be smart but I ain't dumb either, Mister H. This'll stay between the two of us", Gideon replied, moaning as the rabbit's hole squeezed his cock. "Darn, yer feelin' so good."

"Likewise, son... mmm... god, I missed how it felt bein' all knotted up... ain't had nothin' like this since fore I got married..." he shifted himself a bit, twisting his hips, and smirked knowing from experience how he bet a twisting bunny felt on a canine knot.

Gideon murred and moaned and grunted. "Wouldn't have expected ya to... uh... yeah... take it up yer bum... ya don't seem to be the type to do that. But I never thought I'd be the type to shove my meat up someone's tailhole either..."

"Well... I uh. I was exaggeratin', earlier, I'll admit, but not completely!" Stu hurried to clarify. "I just, uh... wanted to make y'more at ease. But I did spend more than a little private time with a couple'a my brothers... and one'a my uncles."

"Oh... uh... guess that's whatcha call 'family bondin'", the fox chuckled. "Rabbits ain't got no knots though, so ya must've taken some other canine befer."

"Well... yeah. See, my uncle... he... uh..." Stu coughed awkwardly, giving them both a quick jolt. "He liked ta... take me with'im to visit friends. He had... a lotta friends."

"Special friends, yeah. Got it. Ya did start way earlier than big ole me though..."

"Yeah, well... if things had gone different maybe I'da taken you out on road trips like my uncle did. Gotta admit, kinda had an idea a time or two t'take ya behind a shed and tan your hide, at the least."

Gideon shivered at the thought. "Now I almost wish ya had, Mister H... have a feelin' yer mighty good at... tannin' hides", he nervously admitted and gulped. "Specially those of big fox cubs..."

"Heh... bet I would be... yeah. Woulda had ya by yer scruff, pissin' mad after the little scrap with Judy. Woulda been downright ornery enough to hike your britches down t'make sure I got ya bare bottom. Wouldn't'a wanted any cushioning for ya, after all..."

The big fox's ears folded down in a mix between shame, fear and arousal. He only managed some "Uhs" in reply before taking some deep breaths. "I would've deserved it..."

"Maybe so... betcha woulda squirmed on my lap, huh? Not used t'havin a rabbit's paw paddlin' your rear..." As he spoke he moved said hands along Gideon's thighs, rubbing firmly back and forth, and leaned back more to feel Gideon's breathing from his chest

"Not used t'havin... anyone's paw... back there...", Gideon almost whispered as the rabbit's big, calloused paws rubbed his thighs.

"Heh, that don't surprise me... Bet it would've excited you plenty as a pup. Would've excited me, too..." Stu's hands wandered over Gideon's waist behind him and downward along his flanks under the water. "But I wonder... would y'have wanted me to stop? Or to keep going, d'y'think...?"

"I... I dunno, Mister H, sir... I really dunno... I... I guess I would've acted all big'n'stuff, y'know, like I always did... but yeah, it might've excited me...", the fox stammered and shivered.

"Y'ever even touched your own pecker, back then?", Stu asked candidly, lightly squeezing Gideon on the sides of his butt and making his cheeks spread just a bit. "By the time I was that age, me'n my brothers were already ruttin'..."

"Ruttin'...", Gideon echoed. "I touched myself once or twice but my ma told me I'd go blind'n stuff... that I should never do it..."

"Aww no... ain't no boy should ever be afraid of his own dick!" Stu's teasing tone held a hint of genuine sympathy, but it was a bit overshadowed when he crept his fingers lower, straining his arms a bit now, digging into Gideon's chub and getting around and behind his ass. "If I'd'a known... I coulda shown you the proper way to use it."

"Ain't afraid of it... just hope y'll give it back to me again", he weakly chuckled. "Was just what my parents told me... would've liked to have ya as a... teacher, Mister H. Maybe... we... uh..."

"Maybe what, son?", Stu practically whispered, just massaging Gideon's flanks on either side.

"Well... uh... y'took me... guess it would be fair if I... uh... took you, Mister H. Iffin I can get ya off my dick... just... please go easy on me... I ain't as tough as I look..."

"Heh... I dunno, son. I'm feelin' pretty comfortable where I am." He grinned toothily and gave a deliberate squeeze.

Gideon moaned at that. "Must admit, I could get used to that, Mister H. Feels really darn awesome."

"But I suppose you're right.... since I didn't tan yer hide back then, I'd better start makin' up for lost time!" He moved his hands to the sides of the tub, set his feet and started to pull himself up.

The fox gritted his teeth and grunted a bit as the rabbit pulled at his knot. After a while of tugging it finally slipped out, leaving Gideon panting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. They both could clearly see that it was indeed bigger than Mister Hopps's fist, even though it had shrunken down a bit.

"Oh wow.... feel like I could stand in for a windsock, right now!", Stu gasped, settling himself on the edge of the tub with a slight wince.

"I... I'm sorry, Mister H... I mean I know that foxes do this but I kinda forgot that I'm plenty big down there... hope I didn't hurt ya... it was like I wasn't even really there..."

"Boy, you'd best stop apologizing for givin' me a good hard fuck like I told ya to", Stu interjected, groaning from clenching his hole a bit to see if he could close himself up.

"OK", Gideon nodded. He looked at the rabbit and then suddenly smiled and chuckled. "Guess I did a good job, Mister H."

"Damn right ya did!" He grinned back at the fox. "But how's about right now we get washed up before the water gets cold? Thinkin' I'd rather continue this in a bed than the bath..."

"Yeah, yer right. Water's startin' to cool already." He grabbed the shampoo Mister Hopps had brought with him earlier and poured some onto a huge paw, then moved over to the rabbit and started rubbing it over his pudgy but broad and strong chest. "Guess it's only fair if I soaped ya up, Mister H."

"Mmm, thank ya kindly, son...." Stu settled back into the water a bit, letting Gideon soap him up and moaning softly from the gentle touch. "Been too long I had another fella helpin' me clean up. Specially after getting dirty with'im."

Gideon kept soaping up the older male, taking his time to explore the rabbit's body. Soon his paws reached his fat sheath and hefty balls. He lifted them as he cleaned them. "Damn, Mister H. Ain't no wonder ya have so many kids... if ya were as tall as me ya prolly would be about my size... Really gotta promise me to go slow, sir."

"Mmf... s-sure, kiddo. Though y'might wanna hold back on gettin' me all revved up already..." Stu panted softly, trying to will his cock to stay soft even though he could feel the beginnings of blood rushing to it.

"OK", the fox nodded and moved down to the rabbit's strong legs and big paws, soaping them up and cleaning them good.

Stu let his eyes drift closed and just enjoyed Gideon's massaging. "Feels plenty good, son..." His feet twitched just slightly as Gideon rubbed his pink pads. The fox smiled slightly and kept massaging the rabbit's big, padded feet, amused at the reaction he got from that.

"Mmn...damn, boy, ain't no faster way t'make a rabbit melt in yer hands than to rub their feet..." Stu leaned back and moaned, his chest rising and falling as Gideon's fingers worked into his sore paws. Gideon began panting heavily as he took good care of both footpaws, even finding himself lifting them towards his face, letting his tongue run over the soles.

"Ah! D-damn..." Stu couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a good foot rub. Bonnie gave him one every now and again, but it was always half-hearted. Gideon really got into it, hungrily slobbering all over the rabbit's feet, his tongue playfully teasing each pink pad as his paws kept massaging them in an almost trance-like state.

"Mmn, a-alright, boy, that's enough..." Stu finally tugged his foot away, panting heavily from the enthusiastic massage of his sensitive pads. "Think ya got it clean..."

The fox shook his head and blinked, then chuckled. "Yeah, they're clean alright."

"You... you like them big ol' bunny feet, Gideon?", he asked slowly. Stu had run into it a time or two... A cougar or coyote who would lick and nibble his toes with him on his back and legs in the air, teasing him with comments about how tasty they were and how they wanted to just eat him up.

"G-guess I do, Mister H. Didn't know I had a thing for them... Seems yer helpin' me find out all kindsa stuff bout myself..."

Stu smirked and chuckled, ruffling Gideon's damp hair. "Glad to help out, son. I'd... forgotten how much I liked havin' my pads rubbed, I guess."

"Maybe I can do more later. Water's gettin' cold though, think we finally should finish cleanin' up."

They managed to remain fairly chaste as they did so, until finally they were toweling off with some fresh cloth on a dry spot of the floor while the tub drained. Gideon was getting really nervous as he toweled himself off, making his thick red fur extra fluffy.

"Mmm, gonna have ta clean this all up before Bonnie comes home...", Stu mused, putting his towel over his shoulder and plainly exposing his fluffed up crotch and rump to Gideon.

The fox blushed a bit but didn't try to hide his glances. "Gonna help ya, Mister H. With the two of us workin' together we'll have it done in no time."

"Heh, o'course son, o'course... But that'll keep for later. For now... how's about Daddy tucks you into bed with him for the night?" He punctuated his blatant innuendo with a firm, open palm grope of one of Gideon's ample rump cheeks.

Gideon yipped loudly in suprise. "I-I'd like that, sir. Just hope I can keep up with yer tucking in, is all...", Gideon stammered as he was led to the bedroom with the rabbit's paws never leaving his chubby ass.

"Heh, don't worry if y'can't, son... Wouldn't be the first time a rabbit out fucked someone." He led Gideon into the master bedroom, where the king sized bed with oversized pillows and fluffy comforters awaited. "Now get on up there and show daddy that slutty red ass o'yers, boy!"

Gideon gulped and shivered at the older male's words, he was sure that Mister Hopps would prove them to be true. "Yes, sir", he said before climbing onto the bed and getting onto all fours. "Like this?"

"Mmm... just like that... And enough with this 'sir' stuff. For tonight, you're gonna call me daddy... or pa... Or father if you're gonna get formal with it. Am I clear?" He punctuated the question with a firm smack against Gideon's ample butt.

Gideon let out a loud yip, then added a "Yes, daddy. Clear as crystal." Once again Gideon, despite his big and strong frame, felt small because he clearly wasn't in control. And the usually jovial rabbit began to show a much rougher side the fox had not yet known before.

"Mmm... that's better... now let's have a look here..." Stu leaned over the bed just behind Gideon, taking two handfuls of his ass and forcefully spreading them. "Y'really are a damn fine baker, son... Cuz y'got two delicious lookin buns!" With no more preamble the rabbit leaned in to drag his tongue from the back of the fox's balls, up his taint, and all along his puckered hole between those red furred mounds.

"Thank you, daddy", the fox said, his body shivering as the rabbit's tongue started tasting his backside. "Hope they taste as good as they look." He paused, then decided to go along with the puns. "Forgot the cream filling though... sorry..."

Stu couldn't help but grin at Gideon's participation. "No need to apologize, son! Your papa's got plenty of cream filling for ya! Now let's just make sure you're all good and ready for it..." He dove back in between Gideon's cheeks, tongue probing at the fox's untouched hole, still pristinely clean from their bath for the rabbit to rim him enthusiastically.

"Oh gosh! Oh my gosh! Darn... yer tongue feels so good, daddy!", the young fox moaned as the older rabbit hungrily licked and lapped at his rear entrance. And he knew that a big, fat bunny cock would soon follow.

Stu continued on for what felt like hours to Gideon, twisting and wriggling, teeth nipping at the insides of his ass cheeks, until his hole was nice, relaxed, and slick. Stu wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and grinned at his handiwork. "Now that's the ass of a boy ready to get fucked by his daddy..."

"I really hope I am... ain't never had anyone up there and you're pretty darn big, daddy", the fox meekly whispered.

"None of that talk now, son... Every boy's ass was made to take his daddy's cock!" Stu grunted as he got up on the bed , letting his thick cock slap against the top of Gideon's ass right next to his tail base. "And just look at how horny you made me, son. You think I'm not gonna make you take care of this when I'm all hard cuzza your tubby ass in the first place?!"

Gideon shuddered at the rabbit's powerful words. "Wasn't doubtin ya, daddy. I really wanna take yer cock, specially after ya took mine. It's just... nerves... is all... my ass ain't just tubby but sensitive too... must admit I'm a bit scared, daddy... but ready anyway."

"Heh. Don't you be scared now, son... daddy's gonna take good care of ya..." Despite his slow buildup to that point, when Stu lined up his cock with Gideon's hole and began to press in, and that first hot clench gripped his fat cockhead... All the pent up frustration since Bonnie had closed her borders in the bedroom compelled him to keep firmly pushing forward, impatient to sink himself entirely into Gideon's hot tight hole.

The fox gritted his teeth and grunted as he felt the rabbit's fat cock spread his virgin hole open and sinking deeper and deeper into his as of yet untouched anal tunnel. There was some pain but Gideon tried his best to relax so that his new daddy could give him all of his meat.

"Nnnh.... yeah.... fuck yeah..." Stu had to give a few thrusts when he met resistance, pushing through the clenching to force more of his cock into Gideon's ass, until finally, with one final thrust that made his hips slap audibly against Gideon's cheeks, he sheathed his fat manhood inside the young fox's body completely. "Ooooooooh! That's a good boy... mmmn, knew you could take all of your daddy's meat!"

Gideon moaned and grunted out loudly. "Ooooh! Daaaarn!" Soon he felt the rabbit's heavy balls touch his own pair, which meant that he had taken all of Mister Hopp's big meat. "So full... yer so big, daddy... feels even bigger... than it looked... darn..." He slowly tried to get used to the fat cock that seemed to be buried impossibly deep in his body, spreading him open and stretching him out good. It hurt but it also felt good. And they were only getting started...

"Mmm, always feels bigger'n it looks, son. Oooh... And your rump's even tighter'n I thought!" Stu slowly moved his hips in small circles, letting his cock stretch Gideon open a bit more.

"Then I must've... felt huge... can't even... imagine that... specially with... the knot...", Gideon grunted through gritted teeth as he slowly adjusted to that meaty intruder.

"Damn right... But once I'm done with ya, you're gonna crave feeling full like this... Stuffed with another man's cock...", Stu grumbled breathily, savouring the feeling of Gideon clenching down on his cock, knowing he was the first man to pop that cherry.

Gideon whimpered upon hearing that. "Might crave bein' the one doin' the stuffin' too though...", he moaned, breathing heavily, his clawed paws starting to dig into the blanket, grabbing it. "Bit o'both maybe..."

"Heh... nothing wrong with being versatile, boy!" Stu finally drew his hips back, slowly but surely, Gideon's hole tugging on him until his cock finally began to slide back out

"Versa... uh... yeah... that... guess I'm that, daddy", he grunted, now suddenly feeling empty as the rabbit withdrew his meaty cock. Though he knew that would only be for a short moment. And indeed, Stu could barely stand to pull out even halfway before he gripped Gideon's ass again and rammed his cock back home, immediately pulling back and keeping that rhythm going.

The big fox almost howled out as the older male started hammering into his tight backside, eyes closed as his claws dug even deeper into the blanket as pleasure and pain spread through his body and made his mind swim.

"Fuck... fuck yeah..." Stu grinned and panted while keeping a death grip on Gideon's hips, pulling him back to meet each thrust and practically bouncing off the fox's cheeks, each time slapping his heavy balls against Gideon's, only slightly muffled by their fur.

"Ooooh.... daaaarn... yeaaaaah....", Gideon moaned loudly. He'd known that the rabbit was strong despite his rounded appearance, he'd seen him lift and carry heavy stuff around the farm often enough, but the way he now used his body still surprised him. The tip of that fat meat found his prostate with every thrust and sent waves of pleasure through his body.

It seemed like Stu kept that pace ramming Gideon's ass for hours, until he finally changed it up and started to make long, smooth thrusts, ones that made his cock saw against Gideon's prostate rather than jabbing it

Gideon's claws were by now tearing into the fabric of the blanket, his mind completely blank, overwhelmed by powerful sensations. He was reduced to low moans and grunts, occasionally he whimpered a "Darn", "Yeah" or "Daddy" as his own cock throbbed against his gut, precum drooling down onto the blanket.

After using the slower pace to catch his breath, Stu adjusted his position so that his cockhead pressed firmly against Gideon's prostate, pushing into it precisely. "Hmmn... y'feel that, son? Your daddy's cock right there on your fuck nut?", He growled softly, his voice breathy but heavy with lust.

"Y-yeah, d-daddy", the big fox stammered. "Feels darn good..."

Stu smirked toothily before he bit his lower lip, setting his jaw and adjusting his stance, before he suddenly started to jackhammer Gideon's tail hole with short, brutal thrusts that practically made their two bodies vibrate there on the bed. Gideon couldn't take it any longer. Suddenly he howled out, his whole body shivering and tightening as he shot his load all over the bed and his belly, panting heavily, just barely keeping himself from collapsing as his anal walls tightly clenched down on the rabbit's cock hammering away at his backside.

Despite the sudden tightness with Gideon's body clutching him even tighter than before, Stu didn't let up - his short, frenzied thrusts served more to tug and push Gideon's insides rather than slide along them, and he didn't let up all through the fox's climax even as he willed his own to hold back just one second more.

The chubby fox was a whimpering, moaning, grunting mess as the older male never stopped his assault on his tailhole while he basked in the afterglow of his powerful orgasm. Finally Stu could hold back no more - he threw back his head while digging his fingers into Gideon's sides, mouth open wide in a gasping cry as he pumped his voluminous bunny load deep into the fox's freshly stretched hole.

Gideon felt the rabbit's cum shoot deep into his bowels, filling him up with thick, almost boiling hot liquid. He shuddered and shivered, moaning and whimpering as his new daddy gave him all of the creamy seed his big balls had stored.

Stu gave a few more shaking, quivering thrusts as his copious load finally tapered off, some of it dribbling down Gideon's taint and balls, gasping for breath when his muscles finally went slack and the afterglow began to set in. "Hhf.... f-fuck, son..."

Gideon shivered as felt the cum run out of his well-used hole, even over his balls and dripping down onto the bed. "D-daddy... so good...", the fox panted, breathing heavily, trying to refill his lungs with the air that had been knocked out of them.

Stu clung tightly to Gideon underneath him, breath labored, feeling like his mind had gone blank from the extremity of their rutting. "Y-yeah... REAL good, son..."

"Darn... feelin all plumb tuckered out... ya went at me like a beast, daddy...", the fox whispered as the rabbit hugged him from behind.

"Hrn... just... just been pent up, so long... mmmn... and you just feel so damn GOOD on my cock, son..." He weakly squeezed Gideon while reaching around to grope at his chest, nuzzling at the back of his neck.

"Feels good bein on yer dick too, dad. Also liked givin' ya mine. Guess I could get used to havin' sex", Gideon weakly chuckled. "I'd hug ya but I'm all covered in my spunk... fraid I ruined the blanket with my claws... sorry, dad. Wasn't meanin' to, just kinda happened..."

"Pfft... this place gets dirtier and messier'n this every day when the kids are home." Stu tugged on Gideon, pulling them both over onto their sides in a spooning position, and the rabbit's softening cock pulled free of the fox's rump with a soft slurping noise.

"Well... uh... ok then...", the fox said, murring softly as that meaty cock left his tailhole which now felt a bit empty.

"Mmmn... was honestly kinda worried, here. Thought I might get the ol 'afters' and start feelin' guilty'n whatnot. But I don't." He squeezed Gideon tighter and snuggled against his back.

"Uh... ol whatnow? Sorry, dad... still new to all of this...", Gideon answered, really enjoying the hugging and snuggling.

"Well... I know your mama told ya it was sinful or whatever, but, didja ever get so riled up y'had to rub one out, but once y'did, you just felt nothin' but guilty for it?"

"Uh... guess the few times I did I always felt guilty cause of her tellin' me all that stuff..."

"Yeah, well... to be honest I've been plannin' this for a long time. Like I said, been hungerin' to stuff yer big red buns since ya were a boy. Bonnie and I are still happy together, don't worry, but you've seen my balls, hafta keep'em from getting' all blue. So today I'd decided to finally claim yer tight ass."

Gideon blushed but nodded. "Ain't nuffin' to feel bad for, dad. Had lots of fun finally findin' out what all of this sex business is about. Can see why people go crazy fer it."

"Aw, yer such a nice boy, Gideon", Stu said and snuggled him tight. "So prouda ya. And we only just started. Gonna show ya lots more..."

The big fox gulped. "Can't wait, daddy. Might wanna give yer buns another cream filling", he smirked which sent the older rabbit into a fit of laughter.