Fuzzy Form

Story by taladrian on SoFurry

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#1 of Poetry

First Poem I did this semester for my Creative Writing class. We were to choose an object to write a poem about, and I chose my fursuit. Ironically, I had intended to write a bubbly, happy poem because that's what I think of when I picture my fursuit. Before I had written it, I was laying in my bed, reading the textbook for my class when I got so inspired, I literally threw the book across the room as I leaped out of bed to the computer to start typing. I got part way through the third stanza when I just started crying out of nowhere, and I still don't quite understand how it happened. A light hearted, bubbly story somehow turned into one of sorrow and loss. As I was writing, I started thinking about fursuiting at a children's hospital, and then thoughts of my dog who died over two years ago ran through my head and I just lost it. I was crying so loud that I woke up one of my mates from across the hall, and it was about a half hour before I finally calmed down.

The moral of the story is, you never know when inspiration will strike, or what kind. Don't be afraid to run with it. Even though this poem was not what I intended, I'm still really proud of it, and I'm finding that it means more to me than I anticipated.

And finally, comments and constructive criticism are welcome as always. Thanks for reading!

-- Fuzzy Form --

Unblinking eyes greet upon entry,

The smirk - perpetual.

The head sits alone,

Its body hidden behind closet doors

Until the time to don comes.

A hood of black

Creates shadows of gray.

Its spear-tipped ears, and

Long yet blunted nose meet

Fur soft

As an innocent heart.

With the helmet worn

And the armor donned,

I come to life.

The smirk becomes a smile.

The unblinking eyes are now a comfort

To those who see it

Like that of one's pet

After days of false kindness,

At work and school

Where faces blend, and attitudes flare.

My own warmth comes

In this fake flesh.

The true, no,

Desired self is known.

This armor thought to protect me

From my emotions and hide it

From others fails

As I wander through

The weeping halls

Of parents and kids.

Their faces of loss or inevitable fate

Turn to hope and calm acceptance

After they laugh and play

With this fuzzy furred form.

Tears I long held fall, memories

Of my own loss years passed,

During even children's smile.

Their laughter soon to be

Silent eternal.

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