A Different Kind of Journey (Shinx TF)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Originally written as a prize for the winner of a contest I held on DA, who had requested a Shinx turning into his trainer and vice versa. It was a fun little thing to do, haven't done many (if any) "animal" to human tfs before!

And that's all the prizes! Time to slave away at Trans-Isle!

Tyler was an up and coming Pokemon Trainer in the Sinoh region. His journey was about to begin today, but no exactly how he imaged it the night before. Things started off poorly right off the bat, waking up late for his appointment with Professor Rowan. There were a very limited amount of Pokemon that he would give to new trainers that day, and if they weren't claimed they would be given to Professors in other regions. So when Tyler's alarm didn't go off it wasn't a good sign. The instant he woke up and saw how late he was, he practically jumped out of his bed and ran through his door, only stopping to put on mere slippers.

He bursts through the lab doors and ran up to Professor Rowan, out of breath.

"Did-did I make it...?" he asked still trying to regain his composure.

"Well...not exactly no..." the professor replied, which didn't help ease Tyler in the slightest. "I do have a Pokemon I can give you though, recently caught but he's far from a rarity."

"That's fine!" he said with a sprout of newfound energy. "I'll take any Pokemon!"

"Fantastic." Rowan responded. "Here is your Pokemon. Shinx, it's an electric type.

"Thanks Professor! I'll take good care of it and we'll be unstoppable!" Tyler said excitedly.

"I'm sure you will." he responded with a smile as Tyler left the lab.

Tyler walked out into a forest where he let the Shinx out of it's ball for the first time. He looked up at Tyler and practically leapt at Tyler happily, licking his face. This put a smile on Tyler's face as he giggled. He knew this would be a lasting bond. After a decent chunk of time passed, the two began walking down the path. However, the late expedition had caused the duo to lose daylight, and they were still far away from the next town. They had taken refuse in a nearby cave. It was a bit dangerous to be there so un-prepared, but it was probably safer than continuing in the darkness. The two had lied against the cave wall and began to get drowsy.

Suddenly, they could hear footsteps approaching them. This caused them to jump back up. "Hello? Anyone there?" Tyler called nervously to the steps. Shinx also said something, of course unable to be understood, only coming out as a cry. Then from the shadow approached a Banette. It didn't attack, and neither did Tyler or Shinx. There was a moment of the group just staring at each other. Then, the Banette opened it's mouth, and odd smoke coming out from it surrounding the two. As Shinx and Tyler both began to cough, the Banette ran back into the deep cave.

As the duo coughed the two went through a very odd change. Tyler's upper body quickly grew light blue all over. At his neck, some black fur formed and more black fur grew from his lower body to his feet. His ears became much larger as the insides became yellow. His hair retracted back into his fur, save for a small tuft sticking out. Some more hair stuck out just under his ears as his nose became small and pink. Tyler's eyes turned yellow while yellow fur grew around his wrists.

Tyler's body shrunk down and as he was getting smaller, his skeleton altered and forced Tyler onto all fours. His hands and feet both turned into paws while a black tail with a yellow star at the tip had formed. Tyler clawed his way out of his former clothing and stood as a transformation Shinx!

Meanwhile Tyler's Shinx was going through the polar opposite change. His body lost it's fur to replaced with skin as his body slowly grew bigger, going onto just his hand legs as his skeleton became more straight up and down. His paws had become human feet and hands. The tail behind him vanished completely as his head became smaller, along with his ears. The Shinx's eyes had become smaller and turned a hazel color. His nose became that of a human's as his lips became noticeable and pink. Brown hair grew out from his scalp and where the Shinx once was stood a human.

Despite not having full knowledge of laws, the new human knew that humans had to wear clothing, and quickly put on Tyler's former clothes before examining his new body. Tyler looked at himself as well the best he could, even trying to stand on his hind legs failing to do so.

"I'm a human...and you're a Pokemon..." the former Shinx said out loud. "My birthname was Larry...couldn't tell you that before." he added with a small but nervous chuckle. Tyler tried to respond, all that came out was a small cry you'd hear from any other Shinx.

"Can't talk to me anymore...not like you used to anyways..." Larry said. "But we can't let this stop us! We'll return to normal eventually! But until then, we got to be the best we can be!" he said, raising both his and Tyler's spirits. With a newfound confidence despite the odd happenstance, the two set out to continue their adventure.

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