Taking Care of Business: Chapter 2 - Net Present Value

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#2 of Taking Care of Business

A second chapter. A chance meeting, a stallion in need. And investment made; with some immediate returns for Big Bunny. For first chapter, see above in the folder.

It was still raining come Tuesday morning, which made the rabbit feel on edge. He always felt like his fur was standing up when it rained, it made him uncomfortable and more angry bunny than usual. He had almost been tempted to beat the everloving shit out of a buck he ran into while having his morning jog on Brighton beach, but the youngster had been suitably apologetic and the anger dissipated like a summer storm. Now he was merely hungry, and in need of coffee.

His car pulled up in his designated parking spot under the office building. The sign proclaimed his domain, and he smiled at the little black and white notice remembering.

Reserved for Lappin Investments, CEO. Trespassers park at their own risk.

He had had to remind a couple of fellow tenants in the most forceful terms of what that risk might entail. He had no issues since.

As he got out and closed the door, he gave the duco of his pride and joy a last fond stroke. He loved that car, for all sorts of reasons. Some of his staff thought it was a gesture of eccentricity, others a sign of his attachment to nostaligic reminders of a better Australian past. It was both...and neither.

He loved it most because it was a gift from the only person he had ever actually cared for. The rabbit had once been a soldier, a member of the SAS. And his lover, companion, soul mate, sergeant, had owned the car, and lavished it with as much attention as he showed to a certain rabbit ass.

When his lover had been killed outside Kabul, he had inherited the car. He kept it pristine, as his lost mate had, knowing it was what he would have wanted. That had also been the moment that had precipitated the rabbit into his current occupation.

It was beyond his capacity to care, or so he thought. And it seemed life had proven his instincts right after all. So from now on, he was going to do the taking, and the killing. And nobody was going to get in his way.

He had transferred to logistics, and then intelligence, developing contacts and skills that would serve him well for a very different future. He had also placed himself by extension in occupations less likely to have him wearing a sniper's bullet any time soon. And if he missed the harsh thrill of combat after his life in the bush, he made up for it now. He could still taste the cordite from the shot that killed the ram, and the harsh metallic tang of blood, and both tasted just fine thank you very much.

With a last caress of the car's badge and a chuckle he headed for the lift. The badge shone in the harsh fluorescent light, winking at him. He had almost lost it, to his utmost distress. One day, parked at a restaurant carousing with an old friend, he had come back to find it missing. His outburst was said by those present to have made even his hardened killers blush.

When they tracked down the culprits, he had been at least partly mollified to find it was in fact two drunk college boys who had done it for a treasure hunt in their university orientation week. It didn't save them some punishment, of course. Hanging upside down by their hooves, the stallion and the bull had been most apologetic, especially when the rabbit's offsider had taken out the blow torch and applied it to their nipples.

In the end he had done nothing terribly permanent, at least in the sense he had initially intended. Oh, he had been sorely tempted, but it was one thing to kill one of society's great unwashed, a member of the milieu, another to slice and dice the youngest sons of prosperous well connected families who went to Scotch College, especially when one had the deputy premier as a godfather.

Instead, he caused them a more profound and deeper pain, by bending both cocky but now terrified studs over and fucking their virgin asses with an anger and a vigor that neither would easily forget. Not before first removing their carefully trimmed metrosexual pubes with the blow torch and just tickling the underside of their scrotums with same to show them how lucky they had been. Then he made them his bitches in other, less erotically satisfying, but altogether more useful ways that still were paying off. So on the whole, he found the transaction ran at a profit.

Still, some days, he wished he had castrated the two and choked them on their own severed scrotums like he wanted. And, though they didn't know it, he was still toying with the idea of doing it even five years later now his position was more secure. It was one of his favourite daydreams for escaping the boredom of finance meetings.

He was whistling softly as he boarded the private lift. It took him with silent German efficiency to the fourth floor and into his office suite. When he sat down, he received a latte, double shot, from his assistant, and his mail. He then turned on the screen at the side of his desk to see what was going on in the big wide world of the place he had built.

Lappin Investments. A nice play on words, which he enjoyed well enough. The original Lappin, a scion of an old money banking family, had been bought out easily enough with the aid of a monumental amount of cocaine, a nice financial backhander, and a video recording of the ostensibly respectable tiger dressed in academic garb and wielding a replica cane enjoying the services of three underage ponies dressed in matching school uniform begging for a good spanking from their headmaster. Which he proceeded to show the tiger in full HD, richly coloured glory. The tiger seemed to lose his colour, and his objections to the sale, almost immediately.

In the years since he had made it a powerhouse. And a far more useful tool for certain activities even the tiger would have drawn a line at.

Flicking through the different office views, he suddenly stiffened and focussed in on a cubicle. In it, one of his retail loans officers was talking in animated fashion to a distressed looking equine. The retail loans department was part of his front, a respectable and boring façade populated by low level drones like the badger currently laying down the law to the stallion on his screen. That was common enough, and scenes like this were a fairly routine matter for the retail loans section. He was often a lender of last resort, and 'no' was hard to hear when there was nobody else to ask.

What made his ears quiver this morning was the identity of the supplicant. It was a familiar individual, one whose delicious muzzle and cute ears had been in his mind, along with sundry other bodily parts, due not least to him reviewing a tape of the self same individual before wanking off a mammoth cum just that morning after his run. It was the stallion in the shower at Clancy's, and he was dressed this time, the rabbit was disappointed to see, and in his own office.

"Sandra, I'm heading down to retail. Hold my calls and reschedule my ten oclock."

He didn't wait for acknowledgement, and the hyperefficient husky in the Christian Dior suit would have considered it a stain on her professional reputation to have given one, let alone to have asked why. An order was given; an order would be carried out. To the letter. It was why he loved her so much.

"Travis...mind if I step in?"

The badger blinked a couple of times. He was sweating, the rabbit saw, and not due to the humidity.

"Um...of course Sir...um...I was just explaining...to this gentleman..."

He picked up the file note and read. A smile slowly colonised his face, and his whiskers twitched.

"So...you need fifty grand?"

He looked at the equine, who seemed ill at ease. He wrung his hands, and shifted awkwardly on the too small and uncomfortably angled seat. It was not a coincidence; the rabbit had commissioned a design house to make the most uncomfortable office chairs known to science. It was one of his little pet projects.

"Ahh...yeah...I was telling the loans officer here..."

"Well now mate you can tell me. Why do you need it?"

"I...I just do..."

The rabbit looked at the badger, who rolled his eyes and sat back with a sigh. The rabbit decided to put on his most fatherly smile, and a warm comforting voice. Like a favourite uncle, or a priest.

"Son...you see, this is my company. So, I take pride in what we do here. And one of the things we do is provide loans to people who sometimes may have difficulty with...er...more traditional lending institutions. But even for me, I tend to want to have some idea of what the money is needed for. Call me crazy, but I like the idea I am going to be repaid you see."

"I know. But I...I cant tell you..."

"Son, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a student. At university. Chemsitry."

The rabbit's smile got a fraction larger then. "Ahh very useful..."


"Nothing...so, a student. No meaningful job I presume? No, thought not...so, you have assets?"

"Um...no, not really..."

The rabbit shook his head with infinite sadness "Then I'm sorry mate..."

The stallion's eyes were wide now, and just about to brim over with tears. The rabbit could sense them, he knew when a stud had hit the critical point. It would all come out now. He just wasn't expecting exactly what came out.

"Aleksey Ivanenko..."

The effect on the rabbit was impressive.

"Travis, please take your lunch break now."

"But Sir, it's nine thir..."

"Travis...be a good badger now."

The badger suddenly stopped mid sentence. His ears twitched, and even as a low level drone, he knew this was some serious shit. With a stuttering babble about how nice it would be to get into some salad before the lunchtime rush ate it all, he headed out, running into the copier on his way.

The rabbit fixed his quarry with a hard x-ray stare.

"Where did you get that name?"

"Someone I know, who knows him. And who recommended I come here."

The rabbit's eyes narrowed to slits and his ears folded back.

"I think you better come with me pony boy."

The stallion followed, still nervous, but thankful to be out of the fucking torture chair he had been trying to sit in at least, and trotted obediently behind the rabbit all the way to the fourth floor.


Back in his office, Jack indicated an altogether more comfortable leather seat for the young stallion. He didn't speak at first, just biding his time, while he headed to the nicely concealed bar contained in a rosewood cabinet and fixed two single malts. He handled the crystal tumbler to the stallion, and sipped his own drink watching the youngster keenly.

"So...how do you know my good friend..."

"I don't. Not directly. My...my brother does..."

"Ahhh, the stallion has a brother. And where is your brother, and why isn't he coming to see me?"

"Because he is in the Remand Centre, and I need to get him out."

The rabbit nodded thoughtfully and swirled the whisky. He reached for his drawer and the first cigar of his day. It was a much anticipated delight, that first cigar, and he prepared it with loving care while the stallion stewed. Then he blew a large smoke ring at the horse and sat back with his hindpaws crossed on the antique leather desktop and smiled.

"So, your brother has been in some...difficulty with the law..."

"Yes. He was arrested for...for drugs. Possession with intent to supply. He is not a bad horse, not really, he has just been struggling since dad died and...well, I try to look after him see. But he got involved with these guys and, whatever they did, they left him to carry the can."

"And the constabulary have incarcerated your poor brother in the Dickensian confines of the remand centre because he is too much of a flight risk to get bail."


"And in there, he met my good friend. Tell me, does your brother look anything like you?"

"Yeah, we have the same colouring I guess. Kade is kind of thinner though, lighter, I've got more of dad's shire breed in me."

"Yes, I can see why Aleks would be interested. Hmmm so lucky to have some shire in you too. Maybe that can be arranged."


"Sorry...so, you need money, why?"

The stallion was crying now. The rabbit almost wanted to lick off his tears, but let them fall. He would be easier to work once the crying was done.

"I...I failed him. I promised dad not to, but I have. But I've been told, if I can get a good lawyer, and enough money for a bond, I can get him out, maybe get him a lower sentence or even suspended sentence. But I need the money and I...and I..."

The rabbit was solicitous in the extreme. "And you thought, based on what your brother told you, that I might be able to help."

The stallion only nodded. Then he swallowed his whisky in one gulp and almost fell over in a paroxysm of coughing.

"You know I can't lend you the money, not really."

"Yes." It came out as a whisper.

"But you also know I may help out in exchange for...certain, services."

"Yes." A second whisper, with a hint of a sob.

"Good. Strip."

The stallions head came up suddenly, eyes wide, tears stemmed for now.


"Are you hard of hearing pony? Simpleminded? French?"


"Fucking useless cunts, the French. You better not be one of those bastards..."

"No! Not French just...strip?"

"Yes. I want to see what I'm buying for my money."

The rabbit sat back and savoured. It was even better than the cigar, which he was still puffing on in languorous fashion as he let the remains of his whisky circle the cut crystal tumbler.

He watched entranced as the stallion's actions warred with his intent. He could see the outrage, taste it even, it was written in the ears and the set of his eyes and his mane. But in spite of it, the stallion complied. He saw him think slowly, then fumble with the jacket. It was tossed over a chesterfield, followed by his shirt. The rabbit's eyes opened a bit wider, remembering the look of that chest and abdomen from the video. It was even better in the flesh, and such delicious and muscled flesh it was too.

"And the rest."

The stallion let out a whinny but complied. He looked like he might cry again, thought Jack, and wondered how much it would take for the waterworks to start. He made a small internal bet on the outcome.

A pair of hoofboots now followed, and a pair of jeans. The stallion stood, awkward, pained, in his boxers. One look at the inscrutable rabbit eyes told him what he had to do. So he did, like a good horse, and pulled his boxers down and off his hooves to join the pile of clothes on the sofa.


The rabbit rose from his comfortable seat and walked slowly over to the shaking equine. A big pair of equine eyes followed his every move, and he noticed they were the most striking ice blue. The horse swallowed and tried to regain his composure, but the first touch of the rabbit's paw on his chest ruined the attempt. He whinnied, and shook, and his ears plastered on his head.

"Strong bastard. Good. You know what kind of things I can have you do?"

"A...A...Aleksey didn't tell my brother, or Kade didn't pass it on anyway. But he hinted a bit..."

"Yes. Hints. The important thing to know is...I own you now, colt."

"But, if I repay the loan..."

"That's just it. I am not loaning you money. Oh, calm down, your brother will be taken care of. But not that way, not that easy. I will use my own methods, far more reliable ones. And in exchange, I own you. There are a whole lot of things I may need you for, pony. And you will do them...understand?"

The equine nodded. He did not trust himself to speak then.

"Good. Now, jack off for me."

One stallion muzzle opened, and then closed, without making a sound. Eyes pleaded, and met eyes devoid of any comforting emotion but filled with plenty of lust. He swallowed and hung his head.

"Cory...beautiful, straight Cory. Have you got a girlfriend Cory? Maybe some nice filly?"

"N...no. I broke up...well, with my brother and all she didn't want to have anything to do with me and her parents..."

"Ahh, so tragic. Young love and all that. Well, jack off thinking of her Cory. Jack off for me."

The stallion complied, hesitantly but completely. He closed his eyes, fleeing to a different place, one with his beautiful mare riding his cock and whispering in his ear. And his cock dropped in response, while the rabbit watched in admiration, growing to full magnificent hardness in seconds, the flared tip winking just as he remembered from the video, the shaft so juicy and thick in pink and black mottled glory.

"That's it pony...does she go down on you?"

"Oh yessss..."

"Yeah, be she loves this." A slight gasp betrayed the stallion's feelings as a rabbit paw cupped his scrotum and stroked, gently, almost lovingly. Then squeezed just as the stallion gripped his shaft under the flare and stroked.

"Did she love your cock stud?"

"I think...I think...oh God yes..." a fingertip slid under a pair of heavy stallion testicles, teasing his perineum. Warm breath blew on his chest, down the chasm between his pectorals, and across to each now pert and eagre nipple.

"Did she beg for you to fuck her?"

"Oh yes...so much..."

"Ahhh so fine, a young stud with his mare." One rabbit paw now gripped the base of his cock, jacking slow, while the stallion concentrated on his flare. The squeezes on his scrotum built, almost painful, deliciously painful...

"Ahhhh!" Cory's eyes shot open, staring into the rabbit's glinting orbs. The squeeze on his balls had become more than painful. It had become excruciating.

"Good. Now you get the message. I own you, pony. I own these. You will not cum without my permission, do you understand?"

"Oh God...please..." it came out as a sob, a plea from the heart. Jack had heard them before. They always tasted delicious.


"Yes! Yes!"

"Good. Now, lie back on the desk."

The stallion reacted quickly now. With his tortured genitals free of that terrible grip, he wasn't about to do anything to put them back there. He lay back as best he could, with his legs dangling over the edge and his head next to the landline.

The rabbit watched him, cigar still puffing. He laid the cheroot down on an ashtray, and pulled off his jacket and shirt.

Cory was taken aback a little then. He didn't expect the hard bodied mass of muscle suddenly revealed. Nor the scars he could see peeking through the fur. Then the rabbit slowly opened his fly and pulled out an achingly hard, long thin rabbit cock, pink and glistening already with precum. He stared, muzzle open in a question that wouldn't come, or a plea.

Rough hands gripped his fetlocks, and he felt his hooves lifted to the sky. They settled on a pair of muscled rabbit shoulders, and a paw gripped his cock, still dropped, still leaking, and gave a gentle stroke even his girlfriend couldn't have matched. He closed his eyes and scrunched them tight anticipating the worst.

His head rang with the force of a blow. He opened his eyes, staring in shock at the rabbit.

"That's better. I want to watch you watching me take your cherry stud. Now watch."

Jack pressed his swollen tip to the loving embrace of a fat stallion pucker and teased awhile, rocking his hips, not pressing enough to penetrate, just enough to let the stud know what was coming. He bent over the prone stud, lapping at his belly, up to his chest, and biting on a nipple. Then he kissed, unexpectedly, and the stallion was too astonished to stop him. Instead his muzzle opened, and he felt a male tongue invading and caressing, and lips that were as hard and demanding as his own.

He was staring into those dark eyes when it happened. His screaming whinny was lost in the kiss, but the rabbit knew, and his eyes twinkled as the stallion's went wide in pain. It hurt so much, his delicate pucker spread and stretched, the rasp of skin on skin as the rabbit's cock went deeper and deeper and he felt his insides spread impossibly wide.

The rabbit broke the kiss, and he lay back panting for breath, trying to make the burn inside his ass go away. It wouldn't, not if the rabbit had anything to say about it.

"Such a beautiful stud you are Cory. And all mine."

The rabbit leaned back a little, with the stallion's legs over his shoulder, and began a long slow teasing fuck. He wrapped one paw around the still hard horsecock and jacked it, matching the horse's own actions, knowing how to drive him wild from watching how the horse pleasured himself. His hips bucked, but gently, almost lovingly. The penetration was designed to dominate, to punish, but the fuck was designed for something else. Something more painful in it's own way, not physically but otherwise.

He found what he was looking for.


Cory felt it, the deep aching burn turn to a pleasured throb. Then again. Then again, when the rabbit's cock touched him just...


"Yeah, such a fucking slut. All you studs, just the same. Just waiting for a real male to show you who's boss."

The rabbit lent over him then, kissing, licking at the stallion's neck, all the while keeping up the rocking, demanding fuck, his cock battering away deep inside until the stallion's body responded reluctantly but completely.

Cory saw the rabbit's face close now, his front teeth bared in an almost predatory grin. He felt it move to his ear, licking, nibbling, as the need inside him built, his balls aching, cock twitching on the brink.

"That's it stud. You know it too. I own you!"


"Shh, yes I do. Here." And the rabbit placed a kiss in his forehead, and humped his hips roughly, smacking a desperately needy stallion nut full on.

"Oh God..no!"

"Here..." and he kisses the stallion's chest, over his heart, and administered another hit to the now spasming nut. He felt the tension in his cock now, the way the stallion's pucker gripped him like it was trying to cut his cock in half. He leaned back and smiled.


"And...here..." one more hard slap on his nut and the stallion was doomed. He whinnied, and shook, and his cock suddenly unloaded all over his chest and belly, the equine mortified even as his body took its ultimate pleasure from a hard rutting by another male.

"Oh yeah...such a slut...ughhhhhhhhh"

The rabbit's hips moved hard and fast now, and his own orgasm filled his body, and he let his eyes close and his head hang a moment, bathing in the sensation and the triumph of filling a tight virgin stud hole with his load. Nothing beat that. Nothing at all.

When he came down from the high he let his paws slide up the stallion's chest, feeling the ruffle of fur, and the slick mess of fur coated in stallion cum. He brought one cummy fingertip to the stallion's muzzle and slid it between a pair of quivering lips.

"Eat up stud."

The stallion had dissolved in weeping, and he licked at his tears, while the lost equine suckled his fingers. Personally, the rabbit found tears better than stallion jizz, and more satisfying.

And he had to remember to pay himself for winning the bet. This one had some spunk, as he thought, and not all of it was on his chest.


Once he had bid a reluctant farewell to the stallion, he sat back in his chair replaying the encounter in his head. It had been an epic fuck, taking that cherry. The moment the stud lost his nut, he knew he couldn't hold back. And the stallion was that delicious mix of defiant and beaten. They were always like that, young studs. So much bravado, so little staying power. He had put his paw on the stallion's mane and forced him down, without even much pressure, till he was kneeling before him and made him suck a second load out of his cock while he wrapped his fingers in the horse's mane and used him like a fleshlight. The stud chocked but took it, swallowing every last drop, his tail down and ears so flat they almost disappeared.

He hadn't cried again though, and the rabbit kind of liked that. There were depths there, depths to explore. And wreck. All in good time.

The stallion's arrival in his building had been almost too good to be true, after how much he had enjoyed the sight of him in the gym. He had wanted a chance to touch that body; and it had been presented to him, almost on a platter.

He frowned around his cigar. His ears twitched, and his whiskers quivered. He still had the instincts, honed on the battlefield. And he had learned to mistrust things that appeared too good to be true.

"Sandra...send Dockerley in."

His assistant pursed her muzzle and nodded. And then she vacated the outer office, as she knew by now to do whenever Dockerley came in.

The mouse entered his boss' office quietly and took up a seat across from the rabbit with a blank expression. Those who knew him knew it was not a studied expression. He never showed anything at all, or at least nothing resembling emotion.

"Doc, I need some digging."

"Yes boss?"

"Two individuals, one named Kade Tucker, equine, aged...maybe twenty? Currently in Melbourne Remand, charge possession with intent. Second, Cory Tucker, aged early twenties, student. Brother of first. Got it?"

"Yes boss. What do you need?"

"Anything you find. And the obvious, of course."

"Of course. What if I find..."

"If either has a link to the organised crime squad or the narcs, tell me. I will arrange for their...safety."

"Yes boss."

He looked out the window at the rain still splattering the footpath outside his building and scowled.

"Fucking Melbourne weather. Lucky this shithouse city has a good twinky brothel."

And with that thought, he knew the location of his afternoon meeting had been decided.

Taking Care of Business: Chapter 3 - The Webs we Weave

The young stallion stood at his lab bench carefully adding solvent to the small amount of sample he had placed in the little glass vial. It dissolved completely, and at last he cracked a smile, grateful something was working right. After flushing the...

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Taking Care of Business: Chapter 1 - Labor problems

He sat in his car for a moment finishing the cigar. There was something about savouring a really good cigar, and this was a Romeo Y Julietta, so it wasn't half bad and he hated to waste it. He let the smoke fill his lungs and ignored the hacking cough...

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The Fall: Prologue

The night was a bitter one, with a wind off the mountains that froze to the bone. It whistled round the old barn, shaking the odd assortment of palings that masqueraded as walls, dislodging the occasional fragment of ice to clatter to the hard earth...

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