Cold Start - Pet Training

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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Guild Wars 2 - The exploits and lives of the Ice Warband, a full set of runt charr that found creative ways to make it in the world.

Cold Start

Pet Training

The lynx hissed and growled softly as the small charr offered him a tidbit of meat, but slowly his ears came forward and he slunk up to snatch the morel from the feline claws, backing away to eat it cautiously.

"A whooooole five weeks and he still hisses at you," Ash said, her eyes big and wide as she watched, clutching her hammer to her chest. The weapon was half again as tall as she was, made for normal charr, not runts like this group.

Karrak sighed and smiled at Ash. "It takes two or three months to get a new pet's trust." He offered another piece of meat and the cat didn't hiss at him this time before taking it. "See? Sly's getting better."

The lynx carried the new piece of meat over to Ash and set it by her feet, then meowrled and rubbed against her side. The little charr female clung to her hammer more tightly. "He likes me more," she said. Then she jumped as the lynx nipped at the top of her tail.

"Hey! No biting, kitty!" she exclaimed, spinning and nearly walloping the poor cat with her hammer. The lynx was fast and ducked out of the way of the half-hearted blow, but looked at her with a pained, "What did I do?" expression on his face. Ash glared at him. "Why did you nom my tail?" she whined.

"Sly's just flirting with you," Ty said from where she was sharpening her dagger nearby. "You're in heat, Ash, and they can smell it." She jerked a thumb at Cort, the arctic wolf lounging nearby and ignoring all the goings on despite the fact that Karrak had turned his attention toward trying to get that new pet to come to him. "That's why you can see his tip."

Ash's eyes got huge for a moment, then she squinted at Cort. "I thought he just liked ignoring Karrak. He's not gonna bite my tail too, is he?"

"Nope," Ty said, "but if you bent over, he'd definitely to something else to it."

Karrak shook his head. "Ty's right. Ash, you're distracting them. I need to train them properly and I can't do that if they're busy thinking about you. I'll take them somewhere else to train for now." He turned his attention to the lynx and wolf and whistled, but they ignored him.

Sly padded back over to take another attempt at wooing Ash by rubbing against her leg and Ash pushed him away, but he just pushed back. "Go on, go with Karrak! He's the ranger, you need to be his bestest friend so you can help us all," Ash told Sly.

"It's no use. They're not going to listen while they're all distracted like this," Karrak said. "I'm gonna go put out food for them. They'll leave you alone when they get hungry." His tail hung dejectedly as he padded out.

Ash pushed on Sly's nose again. "Maybe they think he's too small?" she mused worriedly.

"We're all small, Ash," Ty pointed out. "We're nearly as big as we're gonna get and we're only as tall as humans. That's why they sent us to the snow. They figured we'd die because we were small, and if not from the cold, the bigger cubs' warbands would have accidents when sparring us." Her eyes glinted. "We showed them, didn't we?"

"We did!!!" Ash exclaimed. "I hit them in the face with my hammer and everything!" She drooped. "I don't want to see Karrak be so sad, but even if I close my eyes, he's still sad even though I don't see him. And we're all in heat so we can't just do fun stuff with him to help him feel better or we'd have cubs and that would be bad for us right now. And the problem is that these two new pets aren't listening to him real quick, so fun stuff wouldn't really help."

"It does take longer for a ranger to form a bond with their pets," Ty said, sheathing her dagger.

"But I want them to like him more noooooow!" Ash exclaimed. She pouted for a moment, but her ears started to wiggle as she started to get ideas. She really liked smashing things in the face, but she was still Ice and she knew how to plot more-complicated things.

Ash finally perked as the plan congealed. "They need to see him more as an equal and understand how important he is!"

Ty glanced up. "What?"

"He spends all the time in the dorms with us while they stay out in the pet place and so they don't trust him enough yet! I'll get him to stay out in the pet place with them and they'll see and they'll like him better!" Ash ran off after this decree.

The other little charr glanced up from her dagger as both of the two new pets started sniffing, realizing that their happy smelling female charr was no longer there. Just better garments under her armor would have prevented the distraction, Ty thought, but try to get Ash to do that? Naaah. She made a note to check on Karrak later. Ash's plans were well-intentioned, but often ill-conceived. But this was just convincing Karrak to spend the night with his pets. So it'd be okay. No worries then.

* * *

Ash caught up with her male bandmate as he was washing his hands after putting out a rabbit each for the two new animals. She set her hammer carefully against the side and grabbed some rope as Karrak turned his attention to her.

"Ash? What're you doing?" he asked, confused. "Maybe your being here will help them come here, but then they'll be distracted again," he said with a frump.

"Nope!" she exclaimed. "They need to know how important you are and get to know you better so they trust you and like you. So you're gonna stay out here with them tonight and sleep out here and they'll like you better because they see you more."

Karrak frowned. "It's not even vaguely comfortable out here and I don't want my clothing to smell funny."

"That's nice," she exclaimed, and took advantage of his frustration to take him completely by surprise as she leaped at him.

He was a good charr and he led them well, but she was hugely stronger than him from her time swinging around Smashy, her hammer. The minor scuffle did not go well for him, ending with his wrists bound behind his back and his shanks and knees bound as Ash sat straddling his thighs and carefully folding his clothing.

"Okay, now you'll stay here," she said with a purr, "and your clothes won't get smelly either." She scooted toward his hips to check all the bindings, then climbed off him when she was certain they were secure and wouldn't hurt him. Then she carefully lifted him up and carried him to the pile of bedding the pets got.

"You know I should discipline you for this," he growled.

"You won't, because this'll help!" she exclaimed gleefully, setting him face down across a pile of bedding as she started to arrange more of it for him to be set on properly. Then she jumped. "Oh! It's late and I told Butterfly that I'd help her!" She leaped up without a care and ran off on all fours.

"HEY! What about...?!" Karrak called after her, but it was too late, she was already gone.

So here he was, tied up tight and rump up across the pet bedding with a wet spot from her at the top of his tail that subjected his own senses to her happy pheromones. He could try to call for help, but that would be way too embarrassing.

He thought for a moment. Shard, his snow leopard, had been with him for years. The cat was out hunting right now, but when he got back it would be possible to direct him to chew through the bindings. Just had to wait until then. He tried to rock himself onto his side, but the bedding was too thick to either side, so he was pretty effectively stuck. Better to just wait patiently for his trained pet than to go to the trouble and pain of trying to get free himself.

It wasn't very long before his two new pets came sniffing along, following the scent trail of the distraction Ash had left. Sly mowfed at him and he gave a wry smile. First time so far the cat hadn't hissed first. Even Cort was looking more curious and attentive than usual, padding around and watching the charr closely.

"I don't suppose you'd come here and get these ropes off, would you?" Karrak asked the wolf ruefully. Then he was startled as Cort responded to 'come here' and stood up, padding over with a wagging tail. That was unprecedented behavior from him. The wolf had spent the vast majority of the past weeks ignoring the charr ranger for the most part, but now he was sniffing curiously and attentive and seeming worried.

"Cort, ropes," he said, though he knew he'd not taught the wolf even anything vaguely close to that. It would take a much stronger bond to the two. Even Shard still had some ways to go before he had an unspoken mental understanding with his charr. Had to form the right bonds, and then ranger skills would bring them together and make them one fighting force. Cort of course had no clue what he was talking about and flopped on his side, lounging and panting softly.

Sly was behind him and he felt the big lynx paws pad up on his lower back and then the cat sniffing at the ropes. "Can you get the ropes, Sly?" Of course he couldn't, but it was good to try, to help with the training. Then the feline was sniffing lower, around the base of his tail, and mrrrrrowled softly, dropping back to the ground and padding around the charr.

"Eh, it was worth a try," Karrak murmured. "At least I seem to have both of your attention well now." Sly rubbed against his face and a horn, then against his shoulder. "Heh, so I guess I need to not be a demanding ranger charr to get your attention?"

The lynx rubbed against his shoulder again then licked at the back of his neck affectionately with a rrrrowl. Karrak chortled at the irony that the cat was behaving much better now but he couldn't really do much training tied up like this. Then things added up in his mind at the same time the new pet nipped his neck and swung around to be beside him, then changed the licks and nipping to a good grip on his scruff.

"Oh, wait, hey!" Karrak exclaimed as he realized what was transpiring. Ash was in heat, which was why the two pets were so distracted. Cort was even half peeking from his sheath now and Karrak couldn't deny that he was aroused also. But after Ash left, the arousal stayed because of the wet spot she'd left at the top of his tail when she'd pinned him. One nice splash of happy charr pheromones for them all.

So now instead of being just the ranger who was training them, Karrak smelled like a female in heat as well, and this distinctly had both of the animals' attentions. Sly had been inspecting the scent, not the rope. The cheek rub was trying to woo him, not just because he wasn't looming over them.

Here he was, tail end up and smelling all nice... and he wasn't throwing the lynx off with a grumpy swipe the way an unwilling female would. Sly took that as acquiescence to the attention and was taking the offer as any good male kitty would.

Karrak squirmed in concern as he felt the lynx step his hindquarters over the bigger legs, but Sly just growfed and clung tighter to his scruff. Charr didn't really have scruffs though after they were no longer cubs, so the tightened grip was painful. He fell still and the teeth loosened, allowing him to let out his breath in relief. He didn't want to thrash and traumatize his poor new pets. He'd lose all the progress he made with them so far and probably have to release them and start fresh with new ones.

So he held still, careful not to encourage more scruffing, and waited as the lynx got himself hunched over and lined up... then poked the fur just behind the charr's balls. Several more pokes and the ranger chuckled. He wasn't female, silly kitty. Sure he smelled like it right now because Ash sat on him, but there was no hole there to slide into.

Sly chuffed in frustration and humped against his companion more diligently, trying to find the proper aim. Maybe a little to the side? Tilt hips better? It felt good, but the kitty was pretty sure it was supposed to be better.

"Sorry, no hole there, Sly. You obviously like this, so go ahead and rub. I'll have a mess to clean off my fur when you're done, but no worse than when I paw off." He chortled to himself. This probably looked pretty silly, but his new pet wasn't hissing or growling at him, so it was fine. Maybe Sly would have better appreciation for him when he was done or gave up.

He gritted his teeth and his stomach tightened at the mild pain when Sly scruffed him harder, the cat thinking that maybe his mate was playing difficult. The taut tummy pulled his hips against the bedding and gave him a quick reminder that Ash's scent had a very pleasant effect on him as well.

His cock grinding against the soft bedding gave him a reminder of how pleasant the scent was and brought forth happy memories of time spent deep in the warmth of his bandmates. Hmmmmrrrrr. If he was going to have his cat enjoying rubbing against him, he may as well enjoy himself too. Hips rocked happily against the softness and he closed his eyes, imagining sinking deeply into Ash or Ty as his full length was enticed from his sheath and his tail twitched to the side in his excitement, it's return to the other side blocked by the cat that was trying to hump him.

Being old enough to call themselves a warband now but still young enough to be in training, the charr was also not really experienced with a lot of things and very naive. Despite assuring the cat that there was no hole there because he was not female, certain facts had definitely slipped by his notice.

The first of these was that the cat was still wantingly trying to find his mark and was leaving a growing spot of slick pre beneath his tail. Had he noted that though, he would have been unworried, since he expected that the cat would make a similar mess behind the nice fuzzy charr balls as he did when he humped the blanket and thought of his lovely females.

Secondly, he failed to have much knowledge of animal mating. While he'd think happy thoughts and make a mess, Sly was more intent on getting into a proper hole and leaving his load there to make a good, strong, healthy litter of kittens. Rubbing against a soft, warm surface made the cat happy, but despite the ranger's insistence that there was nowhere for him to go into, he naturally wanted more.

Altogether, this naturally meant that as the charr rocked to hump the bedding - deep in his happy place, his tail shifted off to the side and a growing slickness beneath it as the cat tried to find a hole - the changing tilt of his hips and the cat's perseverance began to pay off and the feline tip soon found the puckered opening beneath the charr's tail. This made Karrak quite wrong about not having a hole for him and was likely to make the lynx much happier.

Now Karrak only had experience being quite happy and content inside Ty and Ash and the other females. Ty, on the other hand, was a sneaky, sneaky charr. She'd gossipped with many of the older, wiser females and learned some naughty secrets. So when it was a nice group session between Karrak and the females, she'd made use of some of these ideas and the male had been too distracted to really understand what she was doing when her finger moved from slicking itself up on her own body to barely sliding in under his tail to tease him. She'd never gone very deep, unsure of the idea, but she knew he responded to it well even though he was oblivious to what happened.

When Sly found the puckered entrance and managed to get a slick tip lodged, the charr let out a happy moan. He must have been remembering that time with the females really vividly. But while Ty hadn't even gone more than a quarter of an inch, the cat was under no such personal restriction. In fact, that first quarter inch that made the ranger moan and thrust into the blankets was just validation to the cat that there was a better place and he'd just found it. And the new tilt of the charr's hips from the thrust just made it all that much more accessible.

With a quarter inch in place and all the frustration that had led up to finding this location, Sly growled happily and got a tighter grip on his 'mate's' scruff, breaking the charr partially out of his reverie. The ranger froze again in caution to avoid getting bitten too hard. Sly took this as a signal that his 'mate' was behaving, and since this was his first time too, it was quite an experience for him. So with instinct driving him forward, and powerful kitty muscles driving his hips forward, he quickly sank the rest of his length into his master.

Karrak let out a squeak of surprise as he was also experiencing something for the first time in his life, but it felt surprisingly good. Had Ty ever been braver, he might have delighted in a deeper finger before. In this case though, he was subjected to the heat of his new pet's hard and slick shaft instead, only a few seconds later coming to the realization that there -was- a hole there to poke into. Sly was just quite happy to have made this discovery as well.

Sinking in and hilting himself brought a new satisfaction to the cat that brought his head up off the poor charr's nommed scruff and Sly chuffed in delight at the feeling of being sunk deep inside a warm body. When he couldn't go any deeper, nature took over and he quickly withdrew and repeated the delicious action, eliciting a moan from the charr. Two out of two being better than good was great, so the cat swiftly began to thrust, testing the theory with three and five and then a dozen tries and finding each one even better than the last.

The ranger was still just along for the ride and still reeling in pleasant surprise when his new pet's stamina ran out in appropriately-feral short order. Sly tensed and drove as deeply into him as the cat's bits would reach, then Karrak felt the feline balls pull up past his own suddenly as the hot cock in his depths bucked, once, twice, then many more times. Only when that bucking slowed and faded did the feline relax and start purring intensely, licking at the charr's scruff affectionately before climbing off with a satisfied chuff as he slid out.

"The twitches... inside..." he was thinking furiously. "Like when mine does that... inside the females." The lynx padded around him, rubbing affectionately all along his sides and licking at his face. "You just made that happy goo inside me like I do inside them!" He said with realization. His cock was still raging and he'd had quite the delight from the lynx.

A worried meow called from behind and he recognized Shard, his snow leopard. The bigger cat was much better trained and with a small effort, should be able to be instructed to chew through the ropes. Cort lifted his head from where he was flopped and craned his neck to see the other feline while Sly kept loving on the charr happily.

"Shard, come here. Ropes!"

The leopard let out a sharp meowf, acknowledging the command, and sprang over, sniffing worriedly over his master and friend. Change was worrying to cats of all types and to find the ranger here in their sleeping area was a nice surprise but also a worrying change.

Karrak hadn't had a chance to train him much on ropes yet, but he was pretty sure the cat would pick up the issue and solve the problem. Sure enough, in short order the good feline was gnawing diligently at the rope binding his knees together. That was the most uncomfortable one because of the shape of his legs and probably the feline could sense his discomfort.

They'd been together long enough for his ranger skills to be developing nicely. Eventually Shard would know his mind and he the cat's thoughts as well, working together as a single unit with deadly precision. His healing spells would reach the pet no matter how far the distance between them. But for now, it was still hit or miss as he trained his companion.

Several strands chewed through and a snap later, the rope severed and the feline pawed at it while the charr worked his knees apart, getting more comfortable despite his shanks still being bound. Shard's hindpaws took the space there as he sniffed over the ropes on Karrak's wrists. In future training, he'd have to emphasize freeing his hands first rather than making him more comfortable first. Once his hands were free, he'd be able to take care of other ropes himself.

Ash's scent was still powerful though and close enough to the wrist bindings that the freshly-returned cat suddenly had his attention drawn to it. Karrak realized that his pet's breath was falling against the top of the base of his tail instead of investigating the ropes. "Shard. Ropes!" he commanded again. After no response and more avid snuffling, "Shard?"

The bigger, fluffier feline was far too distracted by the scent of the female to care about ropes. Especially after his hunt had left his belly satisfied with snow hare but his loins teased by the lingering scent of females that he'd not had a chance to track down. He wasn't a new kitty to the experiences of the flesh either, his sexual appetites having been satisfied a few times with feline flings over the years he'd been with his ranger companion. The teasing scents from the hunt left him disgruntled, especially since his growing devotion was to his ranger and feral females felt like a distraction.

This was a new side to his master that he'd never seen before. None of that strange covering and fickle time to play and learn. This was the back end, presented delightfully, with the heady female scent of 'do me now' combined with the musk of a male cat that had done already, proving that this was doable. It was an offer he could be dissuaded from with a strong enough scolding, unlike the fidgety new pets, but not an offer he wanted to give a chance to be withdrawn to.

Without a lick of hesitation he made use of his prior male knowledge and got his forepaws to either side of the charr's waist. His body bent over nearly double, he nipped at the base of the thick tail, satisfied when the ranger yelped in surprise and the tail naturally twitched out of the way in response. With the furry appendage out of the way, he promptly thrust his hips forward, making use of the provided clearance and knowing that even though only half his length was exposed from his sheath, the rest would quickly come out to play as he went in. He was a smart kitty who knew all the tricks. Well... almost all of them. Karrak still wasn't a female and despite all the smarts, his tip found nowhere to go as it prodded several times.

"You too?!" Karrak said in exasperation, letting out a huff. But his own shaft betrayed him with a powerful throb in anticipation and as Sly continued to rub against him affectionately, his mind quickly changed. "Mmmm... yes... you too, Shard," he said with a purr.

Mighty charr hips gave a thick charr cock a happy stroke against the bedding, but this was really just a way to get his hips tilted so his long-time companion could stop the worried and frustrated rowling. Another twitch from his cock as the spotted fluffcat found his mark and his prior delight was renewed in short order when Shard gave a happy prrrrowf and quickly drove himself in.

Much bigger than Sly in his whole body, Shard was also larger there, though not comparable to the charr. But for the ranger, this was all juuuuust fine. Shard hadn't gotten fully aroused before sliding in and despite hilting against his sheath with each powerful thrust, there was another bit of length each time until he was all out and then all-in.

Shard's greater mass had the added benefit of rocking the little charr against the bedding too, driving a slick and happy shaft against the soft mass that supported his hips while the cat's own cock took the hole deeply. Not as good as pouncing his female companions, the charr decided, but great in a completely different way. Sly was even rubbing against him more now, excited by what Shard was doing.

All of this commotion from the two felines finally got the curiosity of the arctic wolf piqued enough to pull him to his feet and he stretched languidly. "Huh, not as excited as them, Cort?" Karrak asked with a chuckle, though several inches of bare, slick wolf flesh were peeking between the canine legs. Cort was also a newb to what this meant, inexperienced with making use of that flesh, but the scents were starting to get to him and his hips twitched as he padded around behind to see what was going on, dry-humping the air.

The charr was making a dawning realization that he was getting a wash of affection and astoundingly powerful satisfaction from Shard. The cat was ecstatic with this. Before it was a fling or two with a female in the wild, but those became fewer and further between as the training progressed. His master was going to be his life, and he'd have no time for female frolicking fun, much to his dismay.

Shard's grip on his master's waist and the feel of his loving master's body like a glove around his flesh - welcoming his heat and his wants - was a realization of so many of his feline and ranger pet desires and needs. Beyond what training alone could accomplish, the magical bond between the two was growing at a tremendous rate and he couldn't express his kitty delight with this nearly as well as he wanted to.

The wolf couldn't leave well enough alone. Apparently everything interesting was happening at this one place. To a wolf, interesting of course was what smelled nicest. Shard was too happy to worry as the canine shoved his nose in the area and snoofed avidly, then quickly began licking at everything in the region. It was a natural response to the fragrant and powerful pheromones the air was laced heavily with. And with balls and cock and ass all getting the graces of a long tongue, neither of those two were complaining either.

The feral lack of longevity was on the agenda even for this. When Shard threw his head back with an ecstatic snarl on his face, Karrak closed his eyes and paid close attention to the sensation. Powerful feline muscles that normally pulled his companion's body toward prey were taught against his furred body as the cat took his full depth. Balls pulled up with a jerk, dragging against the backs of his own as belly muscles tensed. Then the powerful jump of the shaft deep inside him beneath his tail and he swore he could feel the splash of the warm goo within himself.

Many happy-kitty-part bucks and several pushes just for effect later and Shard was satisfied and delighted. Karrak could feel it. It was closer to what their end link was supposed to feel like, just so much faster than he expected. He'd studied the proper training of ranger pets in many places from many people and many books, but none mentioned anything like this. It felt like it worked exceedingly well though.

Sly was mrowling softly and questioningly again, the same mrowls when he was trying to woo the ranger, and then the same nips at the charr's shoulder and scruff. His hard, slick shaft was already pointing proudly between his legs and as Shard climbed off with a purrrrrrring pleased chuff, Sly was obviously ready to go at this again. Karrak had heard rumors that felines would mate many times in quick succession, but since he was a ranger and not focusing on animal husbandry, he'd discarded the thoughts for the most part.

As Shard stepped to the side and Sly continued to preen and encourage, not yet having enough confidence to have the idea that he should just do it, Karrak was suddenly assaulted beneath the tail by Cort's tongue. Whining, soft whimpering, and little barks from the wolf as he licked furiously. It felt quite good and the charr had no qualms with holding his tail far to the side out of the way for the sensation while Sly started to nudge to the side and try to get into position.

Sly was too slow though and even as he was just getting a loose grip on Karrak's scruff, canine paws first fell on the charr's rump, then slipped to the side and wrapped powerfully around his waist. With a vice-like grip, Cort humped in the general direction of where his body and instincts told him he should be.

The first contact as he finally walked his hind legs forward enough made the poor charr oof in mild discomfort. Wolves had an actual bone in that bit and having it hit just behind his balls was no fun at all. The base of his tail partially straightened in reaction, but he forced it to stay up enough and out of the way, not wanting to get pounded by that bone in the wrong place a second time. So he pressed his hips down into the softness until the underside of the base of his tail met the canine tip and let the fluff of that tail take a nice slippery swath of wolf precum as it guided the tip toward its mark.

Thrusting into the bedding felt good enough to overcome the discomfort from being boned, and then his recalcitrant wolf pet let out a spurt of hot pre that hit his already-wet and air-chilled pucker just before the tip of the cock did. A moan escaped the charr as the tapered tip pressed in and Cort obviously liked it too. Quickly getting an even stronger grip, the canine started up a jackhammer-like thrusting that looked wild but in reality was serving to rapidly slide some of his thicker cock in and extract slightly less than that each time.

Much more girth than the felines, but still fine for a charr body. After about half his length, the rapid, twitching thrusts were replaced by long, powerful humping that first slid all but a teensy bit out, then drove it all back in plus some. Karrak gritted his teeth and panted at the sensation, trying to hump against the bedding but finding his hips pulled away from it more and more as the wolf drove himself in.

Knot. He'd seen dogs, and that was what finally came to mind as the depth became sufficient to suddenly have that thick piece of anatomy stretching him. Cort was keen on getting just a little more of the knot in with each push until it was halfway buried at the end of one long stroke. Then instead of pulling out, he just got a stronger grip on charr hips and leaned into the effort, forcing the rest of the bulge into his master and eliciting a surprised yelp from the ranger.

With his knot buried, it was a frantic humping before he leaned forward and pressed as close as he could in his peak. The cat's balls had pulled up and then the cock had done the majority of the twitching inside him while the balls stayed high. With Cort, the twitching inside was very subtle as spurt after spurt of hot canine cum flowed into his body, but each spurt was accompanied by a powerful pull of the wolf's sack up to his body, rubbing against the back of the charr's jewels and the space behind them with each one.

Moreso, the canine was not a hop, pop, and stop humper. With his knot seated deeply, he continued to unload for a good long time, panting happily and letting out a small whine of pleasure on occasion. Finally the wolf had enough of the event when he'd fully emptied his juices, and he backed away, pulling out with a small bit of effort and a yip of delight that punctuated the happy grown from the charr.

Karrak was beside himself. Shard was bonding with him so tremendously quickly and the two new pets were suddenly fully attentive to him. A rumbling purr reverberated deep in his chest as he considered the implications of this and how this would help him train his pets and have fun at the same time. It cut short as Sly made a sound almost like a bark of a meow and caught his scruff lightly, then promptly mounted up again to continue to satisfy himself.

This... this could be a long night...

* * *

Morning came nearly as quickly as his pets had. When they'd all been satisfied several times, Shard had finally gotten back to chewing the ropes off while Cort made sure his rear was licked nice and clean. The only regret that he had was that he'd often been close to the edge, but the soggyness of the bedding from his copious pre and the speed with which his pets were satisfied left him wanting each time.

As a result, Ash came back to find him laying on his back with his three companions snuggled close by and a raging case of unfulfilled morning wood. "Karr..." she started to call before she realized he was asleep. Then she paused. His pets woke of course and got up to stretch, then padded off to drink and take care of business, leaving the charr and his glorious - yet needful - pole snoozing peacefully.

"Ooo!" she breathed in excitement. "Cog said the potion would make it safe for me to do stuff and squish my heat. I already drank it, and I feel sorry for leaving him last night, and... and..." Her eyes went big and round as she dropped to all fours and stared at his boner with her nose only an inch away. "And it's soooooo happy looking! I wanna have it!"

She bit back a whine as she gave it a lick and made a quiet squee when it twitched, then took a deep breath. "He's all asleep. If he wakes up, he might be mad at me for leaving him." She wilted for just half a second, then perked again. "I just won't wake him up!"

Quick disrobing of her lower half allowed her to squat carefully over his hips. She clung to her tail and held it over her shoulder with one hand so it wouldn't whip about and betray her like the evil tail it was. Her other hand kept her steady as she gauged her aim, whispering to herself, "Stay asleep, stay asleep..."

Then her lips down there met his tip and after tilting her hips to correct the placement, she bit back a groan as she sunk down onto him, still whispering huskily, "Stay asleep!" with her head tilted back.

As she started to carefully ride him, her mouth gaping with her head thrown back, she missed his eye cracking open and the smirk that curled the corner of his lip. She was right. As her superior, he had to be angry at her. But he'd be damned if he was going to give up his chance to finally pop after that hectic night and the dozens of times his pets filled him. So despite the fact that he'd been awake since the first fall of her nearly-silent paws on the grass outside made his ear twitch, he was going to stay faking sleep until he popped. And then, since he was ready this time, he knew how he could overpower her enough to make sure she stuck around for the sequel, and maybe more.

He wasn't going to discipline her until he was good and satisfied, and by then the discipline would be complete. Because with how pent up his pet 'training' had left him, he knew he had at least two or three delightful explosions he could fire inside her in short order. But if she wanted to cum too? Well, too bad. She shouldn't have gotten herself in trouble. But that was for a different story.

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