A Nightmare: Chapter 5

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#5 of A Nightmare

A Nightmare: Chapter 5 About two weeks later...

"Chirp?" Folvos awoke suddenly to see Aqua looking into his eyes. "Hello Aqua, How are you?" Folvos asks tiredly before shutting his eyes again smiling. "Chirp chirp chirp..." Aqua starts chirping happily and walks over Folvos's bed, seemingly enjoying when he falls and when the bed dips around him. Aqua keeps walking around smiling happily until suddenly the bed bends where he stands and he starts falling off the edge. "CHIRP!" Aqua calls out loud and surprised when he starts to fall. Quick as possible Folvos is up and looking around for anyone or anything who tried to hurt Aqua. He looks around before realizing that Aqua had only fallen and helps the now softly crying Aqua back up onto his bed. "Folvos are you ok? I hear some chirping or something in there..." Polybius asks knocking on the door sounding confused. "Yes I'm fine, what chirping?" An audible sigh comes from the other side. "Never mind, what was that thud? Are you sure you're ok?" Polybius continues questioning Folvos. "Yes, I'm fine, I just... accidentally rolled off the bed..." Laughing sounds from the other side of the door, "Ok, Mina has already left for work today and I have the day off so when you are ready I'd like to show you some stuff and talk to you about what happened a few months ago." Polybius grows more serious as he nears the end of his sentence giving Folvos slight goosebumps despite the warm sleeping... Aqua in his arms. "Ok, I should be up shortly, is there time for breakfast Uncle Poly?" Folvos jokingly adds the last part attempting to lighten the mood. Polybius just sighs, "Please do not call me that again, I'm not that old. Yes there will be time for some toast or something." Folvos smiles, "Ok, just give me some time to get up and dressed." Footsteps grow fainter when Folvos gets up to look through his clothes. "Chirp?" Aqua had apparently woken up and looked up to Folvos confused. "I'm just going to get some stuff to eat, I'll bring you back something ok?" Aqua nods and curls back up onto Folvos's bed. Folvos smiles to Aqua and pats him softly before going off to grab some breakfast and talk to Polybius.

"So, if you are ready follow me Folvos, we're just going to my lab." Polybius states slightly impatiently as I follow him while we walk down into his basement. For a personal lab he had quite a lot of expensive looking equipment that I was not expecting, everything had a white tone to it and almost appeared to be glowing softly. My eyes were drawn to the slightly large gray colored box in the center of a mostly cleared area. "This is what I have been working on; you remember the weapon you had had in that laboratory place when we tried to escape?" Polybius questions while walking over to the stand with his arms held behind his back and wearing his usual lab coat. "That thing was great, it did hurt my shoulder though and it was REALLY loud... Why does that matter anyways?" Folvos stairs curiously at the box as Polybius starts typing in a panel to the side. Polybius just smiles softly as there is a hiss of air and the box starts to slide apart revealing a set of light grey armor and a rifle similar to the sniper but more compact and not as menacing or as powerful looking. "Remember when you said I could pay you back later? Consider this pay back... and your birthday present." Folvos continues to look towards the armor and weapon with an open jaw. "H-how did you get this?!? Why did you get this? There is no way that it's just that simple, we've only known each other properly for just over a month at this point..." Folvos gets silenced by Polybius's sigh. "Tell me Folvos... how did you get trapped in the other world?" Polybius questions Folvos sounding slightly exhausted. "Well I began having those dreams and one day and I never woke up from that dream one time which is when I became trapped." "And what if I told you I had been having nightmares lately?" Polybius turned to Folvos giving him a serious stare. "What kind?" "The kind that makes you worry that we only made the situation worse for us back there." "How so?" Folvos questions not liking Polybius's serious tone. Polybius just sighs and he pulls up a chair for the two of them. "Folvos, I'm not a real Ninjin... I was a computer program gone wrong. I have no biological parents and I have no siblings. I am a glitch, watch this..." Folvos stares at Polybius seemingly waiting for him to say 'ha-ha, got you' before Polybius as fast as can be shoves his hand through Folvos with his arm seeming to pixelate and break around where his hand should be inside of Folvos. He pulls his hand back after Folvos flinches and starts speaking again continuing to stare seriously into Folvos's eyes.

"I was originally the hero to a series called after my own name, the main enemy was a near mirror image of me that was technically inside of me however he was able to gain the ability to leave my body and attempted to control the world. Somehow I came to life and was able to escape into the arcade where I was found by Mina and she took me home to look after me. The rest isn't really important right now, what is important is the fact that I need to prepare you. This is a lot to take in... but I need you to listen to me. Just as you had your dreams, I've began having these nightmares lately. Zephilyber, the 'evil twin' I talked about before... I think he found a way to escape, and I think he is trying to take over our world." "If this is all true... why are you telling me this? Surely there are people that are more qualified or even more trustable than me, to be fair you've only really known me for two weeks." Folvos looks at Polybius slightly suspiciously. "Because I think he is going to make a move soon... Honestly, I've seen you too be a great person and who else would believe me when I say that aliens are coming to invade our world? I'd be laughed at and no one, not even the military would respond until it was too late to save most of the world..." Folvos looks at Polybius reality suddenly dawning on him. "So... you think he is planning something... how can I help you?" "I believe he thinks we are at your home town... we'll be ready to go there soon and you will be the one to lead us when we're there as well as you were born there... We are coming with you, however You _WILL_protect Mina, she took me in when I had nothing. If she dies then I don't care who you are, after I'm done with the assailant I will make sure you look as bad as they d~" A loud crash from upstairs sounds and interrupts Polybius, he instantly goes into alert mode and starts running up the stairs before Folvos chases after him. Another quieter sounding crash is heard as well as some chirping coming from Folvos's room and he groans knowing what it was. Polybius opens the door claws bared and growls lowly sweeping around not expecting Aqua to waddle up to him looking up at him curiously. "Chirp?"

A Nightmare: Chapter 6

**A Nightmare: Chapter 6** Polybius stares at the little creature in front of him for a second before Aqua sees Folvos and chirps happily walking over to him. Folvos picks him up and looks at Polybius clearly very destressed and worried. "...

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A Nightmare: Chapter 4

**A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 4** The creature gazed up into Folvos's eyes expectantly. He smiles happily and cuddles the hand that was put around his back before wincing and looking at his leg. Although Folvos had seen many different types of legs...

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A Nightmare: Chapter 3

**A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 3** Thank you to my friend who proof read this chapter for me. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. A loud groan was heard reverberating through the room as Folvos was taken from his dreams. Rolling over in...

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