Best Vacation Ever

Story by danath on SoFurry

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This story is loosely associated with Sasha and the Beach. Consider them related, though not sequential. Also, has anyone else noticed there's no nippledick keyword?

* * *

Jannie gasped as Markus splashed her. The 20-something lioness growled playfully as she splashed her friend back, drenching him in sea water. The leopard grinned and stuck his tongue out at her.

Jannie grinned as they kept splashing each other in the waist-high water. The lioness's C-cup breasts, barely contained by a slight pink bikini, bounced in the sun, shimmering with water. She enjoyed showing off when she had the opportunity. Markus's chest was soaked as well, plastering his fur to his skin down to his black and red swim trunks, outlining his fit, muscular build.

Nearby, their other two friends laughed as they watched. Gordon, a brown-furred short-hair feline in a pair of tight green swimming briefs, and Mandy, a strikingly-colored calico in a light-purple one-piece, lay in the water a few yards away, drifting on a couple of inflatable cushions.

"So, you think it's funny, huh?" Markus shouted, and set a few sprays of water in their direction. Mandy shrieked and tumbled into the water, but Gordon just lay there, grinning as the water fell around him in drops.

"Hey, keep it up, it feels nice!" he called back, resetting his sunglasses over the bridge of his nose.

The four vacationers had rented a boat earlier in the day to explore the chain of tiny islands surrounding the tropical country they'd decided to visit. There was nobody else around for miles, it felt like - just beautiful blue ocean as far as the eye could see, dotted occasionally with a small plot of land and palm trees.

Gordon let out a whoop as Jannie and Mandy tipped him over, dumping him into the water. He came up laughing and splashed them both with warm seawater.

* * *

Unknown to the four friends (and occasional partners in bed), the tide was bringing more than water and sediment.

Decades ago, during the height of the lax dumping laws, dozens of large multinationals discovered it was easier and cheaper to bury their barrels of waste in the waters off the atolls, rather than disposing of them legally and cleanly.

A large scandal had ensued over the next decade, with many firings and fines, and a good portion of the waste was cleaned up before it did too much damage to the sea and islands. Unfortunately for the vacationers, not all of it had been found. Fifty years later, the rotting barrels were beginning to leak invisible radiation.

Normally the small leaks would dissipate in the waters and never be of any harm to anyone. But thanks to the curious currents around the small atolls, the conflux of these various small deposits swirled together, right where Markus, Gordon, Mandy, and Jannie decided to stop for lunch.

They'd been in the water for over an hour, soaking up chemicals, radiation, and other scientific waste, all invisible to the eye, even as it began to wreak havoc on their nervous systems, higher functions... even their very DNA.

* * *

"Hey, let's call a truce and get something to eat!" Markus called out, bounding out of the water towards the shore. There was a cooler with plenty to eat and drink and the leopard was feeling suddenly hungry.

The other three followed, each feelings similarly hungry.

Mandy toweled herself dry as Gordon and Markus lugged the cooler closer to the water. Jannie pulled it open and grabbed a sandwich, with the others quickly following suit.

"Man, I'm hungry," Gordon said. "Must be all this fresh air, huh?"

"Sure," Mandy replied between bites. "Though it's not like you ever eat anything anyways."

It was true - the brown-furred feline was skinny, but still in very good shape. Mandy had always liked him, especially since he took such good care of himself. Her eyes drifted down his chest and belly, enjoying the view of his abs showing through the light brown, almost cream-colored fur disappearing into his skimpy swimsuit.

Jannie grinned as she swallowed the last of her sandwich and went for another. She was a big girl, the tallest of their group, though her constant companions never minded. Markus certainly never complained, though he enjoyed being on top anyways.

Taking a bite of her new sandwich, Jannie tossed another to the others before sitting down on the sand next to Markus.

"Hey, Mandy, you like giving us all shows?" Markus asked teasingly.

Mandy looked confused for a moment before glancing down at her chest. She giggled and tried to cover her breasts with her arm, realizing her nipples were very hard and visibly poking out of the one-piece she wore.

"Yeah, like you've never got a boner," she grumbled.

Gordon polished off his sandwiches quickly and grabbed a beer before laying his head across Mandy's lap, purring loudly as he let the sun dry his fur. "I may get a boner with this view," he teased the other feline.

Mandy sighed and glanced at Jannie as she ran her paws through the fur on Gordon's head. "Males, right?"

Jannie grinned and leaned over to nuzzle Markus, feeling suddenly very frisky. "Totally right."

Mandy grinned down at Gordon and grabbed his beer, taking a few swigs before handing it back.

"Hey, get your own!" the feline protested.

"That's what I keep you around for," Mandy said, kissing his forehead.

Markus grinned as he slid his hand around Jannie's waist, pulling the larger lioness close to his slim frame, while his other paw grabbed a couple beers from the cooler. He handed one to Jannie and cracked the other for himself.

"Hmmm... this taste funny to anyone else?" he asked, looking at the can.

"Nah, it's just ‘cuz it's the local stuff," Jannie said after taking a deep drink.

* * *

The four friends couldn't know what was happening. After attacking their bodies, the chemicals had well and truly FUBAR'd things up for the four of them. Their bloodstreams carried the pathogens to every cell in their bodies, including their taste buds, which were rapidly changing to accommodate more... sensual tastes.

* * *

"Mmm... c'mere, babe," Markus said roughly, pulling Jannie close to his side. He tipped his muzzle up to meet hers and they kissed lightly. Then deeply. Then with tongue.

Mandy coughed, making them both start.

"Oh... uh, sorry," Jannie said, grinning. Hir paw slid slowly up and down Markus's backside.

"Hey, I was just worried you were going to start without us!" Mandy said, joking. She leaned over and smooched Gordon, purring loudly.

"By the way, Markus, now who's putting on a show?" Mandy said, glancing up at the leopard.

Marcus looked down awkwardly and tugged at his shorts, trying to hid his obvious erection. He gave it up quickly and shrugged. "Eh, nothing you've never seen before," he said, grinning at Mandy. "Besides, your BFF is in the same spot as me!"

Mandy looked down at Gordon and blushed. It was true - the brown-furred feline had an impressive erection in his briefs. It was visibly pulsing against the still-wet cloth and curled around his side a bit. Gordon grinned happily and winked at Mandy. "Nothing you've never seen before, right?"

They laughed and chatted, gradually fondling each other more and more, until they stopped talking and began making out. They couldn't really explain why, but they just needed to, like some kind of primal urge had washed over them.

* * *

It was close to a primal urge. The chemicals and radiation were sending their reproductive organs into overdrive, flooding their bodies with the urge to procreate. Not that they would become pregnant, necessarily, but they would feel the urge to fuck for a good long while, based on the amount of hormones flooding each of the four.

* * *

Markus gasped, pulling away from the lioness for a moment. Her lips immediately went o his neck as he moaned loudly, his throbbing erection grinding into her belly as she pressed against him, legs straddling his hips.

The leopard looked over, eyes widening as he saw Gordon and Mandy. Gordon had Mandy's swimsuit pulled halfways off. The feline's paw was firmly gripping Mandy's full breast, squeezing it roughly and tweaking the nipple. They were locked at the lips, completely inseperable, in an incredibly dirty kiss. Mandy's paw, he also noted quickly before returning his attentions to Jannie, was firmly stuck in Gordon's very full briefs.

The sight of his two friends getting it on made Markus even more hot, which was strange, since that type of thing usually wouldn't get him going - he was a shower, not a viewer, after all. But his heart beat even faster as he slid his paw around to the back of Jannie's head and pulled her up roughly by the hair, demanding another deep kiss from the lioness.

The leopard's other hand slid down to the lioness's hips, where he promptly ripped off her string bikini before slipping his fingers down the lioness's rump, until they dug into her very wet and warm pussy.

Jannie was about to pull away, but Markus kept her in the kiss as he dug his fingers in, pressing in firmly, filling her up with three fingers at once. The lioness's eyes were wide and he could feel her teeth on his lower lip as she finally managed to pull back a few inches.

"Ooooh... damn, you're bad," she crooned down at the leopard, hips gyrating frenziedly.

Lioness and leopard alike turned their heads when they heard the cries from Gordon and Mandy. Gordon had his cock out and was firmly fucking the other cat from behind, doggy style, driving her forearms down into the sand with each thrust.

They both watched, completely still, as they saw Gordon's cock go in and out of Mandy's sloppy pussy, pushing the strap of her swimsuit out of the way, each thrust making pre-cum squirt and the air echo with the sound of the feline's balls slapping against the back of Mandy's thighs. Markus had never really checked out Gordon before, but damn... the cat was hung like a horse!

Jannie had similar thoughts as Markus as she watched. The sight was driving her crazy with need and she grinned down at Markus, fangs bared.

"Bring it, bitch," Markus whispered, using his claws to shred his swim trunks, letting his cock swing up. It slapped against his belly and felt incredibly hard. The leopard panted, feeling hornier than he ever had in his life as Jannie's hips bore down on him, taking his cock all the way in one thick thrust.

Jannie let out a deep, guttural purr as her fingers closed around his shoulders. Markus couldn't be sure, but her breasts looked huge as she started to ride him. The way she made them swing back and forth, barely held in by the ridiculously tiny string bikini top...

Gordon shuddered as he plunged forward again, driving himself to the hilt over and over. Mandy moaned every time, needy and desperate noises that only spurred the lust-filled feline behind her on to fuck harder and deeper.

* * *

Part of the problem with a giant mix of chemicals is that they get all mixed up, obviously, leading to unique and unexpected situations. For instance, the radiation and chemical mixture currently rattling around inside the four on the beach, besides affecting their reproductive urges, was doing weird things to their DNA as well.

Specifically, adding more.

* * *

Gordon shuddered and moaned deeply as he pumped forward and held himself inside Mandy. His cock burst in a thick shower of cum, flooding her insides before he pulled his hips back and came over her backside, shooting jet after jet of thick, sticky spooge, more than he'd ever shot before.

He gasped heavily, clutching at Mandy's hips as he fell forward, laying across her backside. Mandy moaned and purred, hips wriggling, eager for more. She sat up and slid her paw up the side of Gordon's face as she leaned back against him, hips pressing into his still-hard shaft.

"Give it to me again, baby," she moaned into his ear.

Gordon grinned and took a deep breath, then, still kneeling, wrapped his arms around Mandy's belly and lifted her up before bodily setting her down on his thick erection. The felines moaned simultaneously as Gordon entered her again, less than a minute since finishing up the first time.

Gordon's hips jerked as he fucked Mandy harder than before, using their new position to his full advantage as she leaned back against him, leaving his hands free to slid the rest of her swimsuit off her shoulders, freeing up her heavy breasts, which he eagerly palmed. They felt bigger than before.

Gordon grinned over at Markus, who grinned back. The lioness was riding him like never before. It felt like she was going to crush his hips, but Markus didn't mind. He was giving as good as he got.

Jannie leaned over, pushing her breasts into Markus's face. The leopard eagerly pulled one fat nipple into his muzzle, than another. He was so lost in pleasure as the lioness's hips thrust against him that he barely registered the thick squirts of milky cream dripping wetly from the lioness's incredibly full breasts. He didn't notice how large they were, or how they were lactating, or a few other things - like the second set quickly forming on Jannie's chest, just below the first pair.

It wasn't until a coherent thought finally made it through his brain - something along the lines of "Four breasts is great! Wait... four?" that he took another look.

Jannie's back was arched, presenting all four thick nipples to him as she leaned back, using her arms to pull his head up to her.

"Jannie... uh... ooooh... fuuuuck..."

He tried to tell the lioness something weird was happening, but the lioness was experiencing her orgasm and the subsequent clenching of internal walls left the leopard speechless. He involuntarily pumped his hips, cumming inside the larger feline, flooding her just as Gordon had done to Mandy. Thick rivulets of white seed, dripped from between Jannie's legs as shi continued to ride him, blissfully fucking him, barely registering the leopard's orgasm.

Pleasure (and hormones) swamped Markus's mind, causing him to easily forget why something was wrong and return to suckling thick milk from all four of Jannie's thick nipples, loving how large and fat the nubs were becoming as he licked across them greedily.

Gordon and Mandy had switched positions again by this time, only something even stranger was going on with the two house cats.

* * *

Besides blurring the lines of right and wrong, the neurological impacts of the radioactive and chemical mixtures was to blur the lines of the four vacationer's own bodies - not just a pair of extra breasts, of course, but of gender as well.

* * *

Gordon's ass was high in the air and Mandy had the last foot or so of his tail in her mouth as she kneeled behind him, pulling it up and back. That's weird, Jannie thought idly as she continued to grind down against Markus's hips and turned to watch the other two for a moment. When did Mandy get a cock?

The formerly female feline behind Gordon shuddered and moaned as shi shoved hir thick, brand-new erection into the folds of Gordon's equally new pussy. The former male's chest was swollen, growing rapidly as the new hermaphrodite behind him fucked him harder and harder, abusing his new femininity with glee.

Very soon, in a reversal of the previous scene, Mandy let out a long groan of bliss and came hard inside Gordon. Hir swollen cock exploded inside him, dumping thick loads of spunk from hir heavy, large testicles. Shi pulled out, spraying ropes of cum across Gordon's backside. The brown feline turned over, hands on hir new breasts, and opened hir muzzle, catching some of the thick spooge in hir muzzle.

"Again," shi moaned, hips undulating rapidly into the air. Mandy shivered and grinned hugely, hir fat cock barely able to fit in hir hand - and it was still growing, just like Gordon's, which was slapping rudely against his belly, the head just below his brand new set of double-D cups.

As if in a dream, Jannie turned hir head away from the other two, wondering why shi couldn't feel Markus's muzzle on hir fat nipples anymore. Looking down, shi quickly realized why: Markus's muzzle was otherwise occupied with a fat, throbbing, huge cock jutting from between hir legs. It speared out, pushing right between Markus's swollen breasts and aching, dripping nipples, straight into hir muzzle. It was ridiculously big, the width of the thing, and Markus could hardly fit it in hir mouth at all.

Jannie lifted hir hips upwards, gasping as shi looked down. Markus's dick had grown at least three times over in size. It was so thick... but it felt so good. Much better than before, shi decided, as shi forced hirself back down onto the throbbing staff, enjoying the way the wonderfully thick head had to spread hir pussy out so wide before it slid into hir.

Markus gurgled around Jannie's erection, suckling down pre-cum as quickly as he could. But the new hermaphroditic lioness was making more than shi could handle and clear pre flooded out the corners of his mouth.

Pulling off, Markus grinned at the lioness and rolled hir over, onto hir back. The leopard grabbed both of Jannie's ankles and pulled them to the right, leaving the lioness laying half on hir back, half on hir side. Jannie's maleness throbbed, dripping into the sand, as Markus gripped his other erection in a paw and stroked, growling heavily as he slid up behind the lioness, his new cock dripping with excitement.

Jannie shuddered as shi felt the leopard's fat shafts slide against hir bubble-butt. As they entered hir roughly, lubed with copious amounts of pre-cum, the lioness moaned heavily and pushed back. If one massive dick was pleasure, this could only be heaven. Markus leaned over hir as shi pumped hir hips forward, pressing hir breasts into Jannie's side as his muzzle searched out hirs.

Gordon was ignoring everything. Shi didn't see Markus's wonderful new endowment - shi was too busy playing with hir own.

The brown-furred feline was fucking the daylights out of the calico, using two massive erections to drill the other herm roughly. Laying on top of hir, holding hir knees up with hir own arms, Gordon growled hotly as he pumped his hips hard and rough, quickly plunging twin shafts into Mandy's ass and pussy.

Mandy's paws groped Gordon's four breasts equally, playing with the herm's new nipples, milking them as thick cream began to pump from the elongated nubs. Shi moaned, squeezing hirself around the thick heads. It felt like two two-liter bottles made of solid, warm plastic were being shoved into hir body at the same time.

Gordon leaned over just a little more, a blissful expression on hir face, as Mandy leaned up and started to suckle one of those distended nipples eagerly. Shi barely noticed how big and fat hir own four fat nips were growing as they rubbed against Gordon, but shi was in love with the one in hir muzzle. Shi pulled on it, moaning around it, feeling Gordon cum inside hir again.

Gordon didn't stop, though, and neither did shi as thick spooge dripped liberally from hir ass and pussy, soaking into the sand around them. All Mandy wanted was that thick, long nipple spraying milk in hir muzzle... shi sucked harder, treating it like a little cock as it spurted rhythmically, growing harder and longer in hir muzzle...

* * *

The effects of the radiation should be clear by now... needless to say, it took a while longer before the four regained their senses enough o realize what had happened to them. Fortunately, there wasn't much disappointment in their new bodies thanks to the chemicals effects on their neurological system.

Their brains were now hardwired differently, enough to handle their plentiful new assets. Each was now sporting a pair of erections, each single one large enough o put any draft horse to shame; four massive breasts, dripping milk and honey; and bodies as powerful as they could hope for, which was plenty, considering the weight of their new endowments.

* * *

Jannie groaned deeply as shi felt Gordon straddle hir twin monstrosities, each as thick as his leg and throbbing with need. The feline was standing above them, legs spread, and teasing hir mercilessly.

Markus and Mandy, meanwhile, took two breasts each and were busily fucking and sucking them, thrusting against the lioness's fat and thick nipplecocks, while jacking each other off at the same time, discovering just how good it felt to have two insanely big dicks each.

It was a ridiculous scene, Jannie thought later, but at the time, shi could do little more than close hir eyes and try not to go into shock as pleasure swamped hir again and again, even as Markus took both hir erections into his ass and pussy for the fifth straight time.

* * *

Their DNA changes complete, the four friends took several long and glorious hours to tire each other out, firmly exploring every hole, new and old, with every new appendage, new and old. Their taste buds were adapted to seek out cum and the taste was more than enough to keep them going, as well as providing nourishment thanks to their new internal workings.

They scraped together enough clothes and blankets to make themselves decent before the trip back on the boat to their hotel, though the guy who rented it to them was surprised, since he could have sworn he rented it out to two girls and two boys, not four incredibly stacked hotties.

Still, they managed to get home alright, though Jannie had a close call on the airplane and Mandy had to take hir to the bathroom for a quickie. The airline staff was shocked when cleaning the plane later. Jannie had left a message scrawled on the mirror â€" "Sorry for the mess!" â€" but it did little to placate the cleaners.

Fortunately, though their situation wasn't reversible, they managed to start a successful new porno company â€" Pria Beach Productions - with themselves as the main stars. The company was located on the atoll where they changed, though they never said why, and by that time the currents had changed, so nobody else could do so either. That was probably for the best.