Indiana Meiko

Story by Meiko on SoFurry

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This was a story written by a close friend. I won't talk a whole lot about the story and let you find out.

Pausing at what he thought was a rise in the jungle, Meiko leaned back against a tree and let out a huff of air from his blowhole, the young male orca reaching back into his backpack for his water jug and taking a quick gulp before replacing it. A quick check of the Solar-powered GPS hanging from his belt showed he was less then a third of a mile from what he hoped was his destination. His body was clad in long pants and boots, an explorers khaki vest unzipped to help cool him, exposing his white undershirt outlining his fitly muscled chest. After the rebirth, the world changing to hold furry races rather then humans, a lot of ancient temples, monuments, and other artifacts had begun showing up in places they weren't before, or taking on new significance, as though the world had awoken a part of itself long dormant. He'd first stumbled across the legend of his jungle temple, fed by a tunnel letting water in from the ocean, almost 5 years earlier. Those 5 years had been full of studies, explorations financed by a company run by a rich dolphin entrepreneur, and more old books and legends then he'd ever imagined contending with. The temple was supposedly a place of worship for a several millennia old cetacean fertility cult, run by a hermaphrodite orca, with tales of love and fertility blessing all those within a weeks travel. The temple, along with all the worshipers, had been lost so long ago human history didn't record it, but some new artifacts pointed to it's general location, and satellite imagery revealed what had been a clearing and some stonework, which he hoped was in the right spot. He had only a month before his visitors permit expired in the country he was in, and his jungle guides had all left him several miles back, saying that the place he was walking now was sacred ground, not to be touched. Hefting himself back up and wiggling his dorsal until his pack rested on it comfortably again, he re-checked his GPS and began slowly climbing down a steep embankment, one hand on the ground and the other out for balance. His eyes and ears kept up a constant survey, listening for any potential threats, as there were still wild carnivores, loose tree trunks, and countless other hazards which would leave him stranded, alone, and unable to get help. Getting to the bottom of an almost 50 foot sheer wall, he glanced around again and then continued his trek, starting to notice hopeful signs. Pausing, he crouched, and found under several layers of dirt, leaves, and other jungle detritus there were stones, worked stones, in a path leading in the general direction he was heading. Each one bore several symbols, but prominent in each one was a dolphin and orca forming a circle, and in the middle of them a curled up baby, as though in the womb; the symbol of the cult. A new energy flooded him as he stood and began following what looked like the path the stones led; some had been lifted up or buried over the centuries, but some were also intact, enough to let him align the path with his gps and figure both went in the same direction. He also began noticing some strange plants, with flowers of pink, red, and yellow, strewn along the trees on either side of the path. The flowers came from vines which wrapped around the trees, but rather then being parasitic, seemed to nurture them, plump berries hanging beneath the flowers looking enticingly juicy. Knowing better then to blindly eat some, he still conceded a bit to his curiosity and gathered several of them, putting them in sealed test tubes in his pack, and to be safe, a handful in his pocket, not disturbing the blooms as he continued on his journey. He was surprised as he found the seemingly overwhelming green light of the jungle being replaced with the blue of clear sky, the tree canopy becoming more and more spare as he approached what looked like a clearing.

Stopping, he looked down into what seemed to be a small valley, and his air blew again in amazement as his eyes drunk in the sight; he had reached his objective. The valley below him was roughly ovoid, with the remains of what looked like roads and possibly some former crop fields leading in and out of it. Centered in the valley was a large depression filled with water, the size of an olympic swimming pool. From the tinge of the water, it was indeed salt water, stones surrounding the lip of the pool and looking etched with the same symbol on the road, the stone a strange pinkish color. What truly took his breath away though was what stood almost touching the edge of the pool; a gigantic temple, the size of a mega-mart, made of the same strange, pink stone. It was surprisingly intact, with the stone blocks carved into curved, organic shapes, and statues abutting several doorways leading in and out of it. He was so enraptured by the sight before him, he didn't notice the ground beneath him loosening until it was too late. He didn't realize what was happening until there was a snap, and he found himself braced against nothing, his weight having shifted and pushed too hard against the tree branch he was holding for leverage. The next few moments were filled with cursing and several loud thumps as he rolled down the side of the valley, the ground angled enough to make him roll but not enough to make him fall. His backpack and most of his possessions were either battered against the ground or tossed from him as his body rolling conspired with centripital force to deny him any chance to catch himself. Finally coming to a stop at the foot of the valley's bottom, he gave a long grown and then sat back, his mind going into a panicked state as he checked to see what he'd lost or gotten damaged. His backpack had been torn open, and most of his food and water was gone, along with survey maps, his tent and sleeping roll, and a good deal of his other survival equipment. his hand reaching into his pocket came out soaked in red, and his fear was quickly subdued at realizing it was just the berries, crushed against his body. Standing and dusting himself off, he cursed, loudly, as he saw the solar charging cell on his GPS was broken; it would still work, but without a means to charge he had perhaps a day before it was rendered useless. He'd managed to survive without too much personal injury, some light bruising and a small cut on his chest the only damage his body had suffered. Glancing back up the hillside, he sighed mentally; he could likely find most of what he'd lost, but there was a lot of terrain to search, and he was unsure of where to start.

Turning back to the temple, he decided he had enough supplies for 3 or 4 days, and could spend a day or two exploring before either beginning his search or seeing if his radio distress beacon could be activated; it would take days for help to arrive if it did, anyway. Giving the bird to the side of the valley he'd rolled down, he headed towards the culmination of all his research. Inspecting the pool, he was amazed to find the stone was actually sun-bleached coral blocks made into bricks like marble, the symbols on them of dolphins and orcas of all types dancing and swimming and engaging in lustful acts, the etchings worn from time but still discernible. Pulling out one of the pieces of survival gear he hadn't lost, his water testing set, he took a sample and was surprised to find the pool indeed held fresh sea-water, the ph, oxygen level, and all other indicators a match for water pulled from the central American coast, over a hundred miles away. A strange urge came over him, and he felt himself compelled to swim in the pool; he was hot, sweaty, covered in dirt, and it had been a week since he'd bathed. Pausing a moment, he considered, then shrugged; why not? It took only a few moments for him to remove his clothes, the left side of his shorts and underwear stained a brilliant crimson from the berries, making him ponder washing them in the water. But first, he wanted to cleanse himself. As soon as he entered the water, fully unclothed, he felt a calm and peacefulness envelop him; this was where he belonged, the pool seemed to say, floating and savoring the tingles of it's caress along his skin. To his surprise, the coral blocks went down the walls of the natural pool, to somewhere out of sight below him, no doubt where it joined some ancient lava tube and connected to the sea itself. The tiles, once the green slime had been rubbed off of them, revealed more etching like those above, showing cetacean orgies and celebrations, all in worship of the oceanic gods of pleasure, love, and fertility.

Finally stepping out of the pool using steps carved from the same coral-stone blocks, he was surprised to see he had somehow managed to swim almost effortlessly to the front of the temple, his eyes tracing along it in wonder; it was crafted with the skill he'd encountered in Greek statues, even fine details not taken for granted. The main entrance was abutted by a pair of gigantic statues, two orcas, a male and female. Around the foot of the female were calf's of all types, sleeping, smiling up at her, like a gathering of children surrounding a loving mother. The feet of the male statue was surrounded by a combination of adolescent and young adult cetacean anthro's, some holding fish or what looked like kelp, others appearing to hold some kind of spear, defenders perhaps. Going back to his survival pack, he managed to find a working electric lamp, and turned it on, returning to the temple's main entrance and carefully sliding underneath a fallen tree that had attempted to take root and fallen across the entry hallway. Switching on the light, he tried and failed to restrain a gasp as the interior was revealed, his tiny pool of light showing only a small portion of the grandeur within.

The structure was huge, the sun only able to peek through what had been myriad skylights in the ceiling almost two stories above him, providing thin shafts of light in the darkness through the overgrowth of centuries. Even with the limited light, it was easy to see the ceiling high above was supported by gigantic columns, these of local stone, and carved to resemble figures of cetaceans engaged in carnal acts, like the tantric statues of old Indian temples. All genders were represented in the couplings, a few even seeming to be hermaphrodites. In the dancing light, he could almost swear he saw them moving, his mind conjuring their moans of pleasure as stray drafts of wind passed through the abandoned temple. His footsteps the only sound, he continued deeper, finding a shallow pool surrounded by images of mothers and children, small hollows in the stone apparently for resting newborns in, and decided it was a nursery, complete with benches carved in a nearby wall for expectant parents. Another area near it had small raised cylinders of various sizes, and after eyeing it he realized it was laid out much like a classroom. Turning the lamp, a mural carved in stone was revealed at the front of the 'classroom', many different kinds of stone making a colored image of the male and female figure again, and in between them a crouching hermaphrodite, kneeling with hands out as though asking for someone to come to hir. His curiosity momentarily filling his mind, he reached out and gently caressed the face of the hermaphrodite, wondering what stories had been told of hir; so much had been lost to history, and so much knowledge forgotten. Starting, he jumped back as he swore for a moment the mural moved, the kneeling form smiling in response to his touch. But when he shined the light again, hir face was as when he'd first seen it, loving but solemn.

His continuing search of the temple perimeter revealed more areas, one that looked like a hospital, with hollows in the stone for bed, and what looked like desiccated versions of the berries he'd encountered, still sitting in small, bowl shaped hollows in the walls. Another area took some time for him to ascertain it's purpose, and he then realized it was for storing food; there were long trays for fish to be kept in, and jars and vases made from local clay. The symbols on the containers were beyond his understanding, sadly, and he knew this place would take much more time to properly explore and catalogue. Having searched the perimeter, he decided to seek more deeply, and found to his surprise that the center of the temple was surrounded by walls made of local stone, four entrances along what he assumed were the four cardinal directions allowing entry, though three of them were covered with long dead jungle vines and other detritus; he'd noticed that most of the stone in the temple was still intact, an amazing feat for such a construction. Stepping into the last doorway, he found himself staring at a small version of the pool in front, but in the middle of it stood what appeared to be an altar, the width of two dining tables, and circular in shape. Surrounding the pool were several statues of male and female cetaceans, all kneeling as though in worship. The inner chamber was circular, and covering the walls were more carvings of dolphins and orcas in lust, some of them actually sticking out of the stone walls; one wall had several males standing with their exquisitely carved shafts standing from it, as though to practice on, and the wall opposite had females, openings in the stone corresponding to their genitals, and breasts standing out. It looked like an orgy had been frozen in time and placed inside the walls. Turning, he found the wall behind him held images of the hermaphrodite from the mural, engaged in many lusty acts with anthro and feral cetaceans, male and female. The final quarter of the wall had the male and female figures from the entrance standing, and between them stood the hermaphrodite, obviously their child or a favored being at any rate, hir hands standing out from the wall and open with the palms up, as if asking to receive something or entreating the viewer.

Walking closer, he held up the torch, amazed by the craftsmanship of the being before him; he could see every detail in hir face, hir body seemingly made of marble and obsidian, shining in moisture, hir body that of a goddess, breasts full and perked, waist wide for birthing children, waist thin enough to be enticingly female, and beneath hir belly a phallus big enough to breed any who wis... He paused as he glanced down, blinking. He could have sworn shi wasn't sporting a maleness a moment ago, but now there it was, standing from the wall like a symbol of virility, and pink as the coral outside. Stepping back a moment, he eyed the statue, and blinked again when he swore he saw it blink... and then jumped back when it did. A voice, softy, sultry, and incredibly seductive, lilted across his face as he glanced around, trying to find it's source "Welcome Young one... it's been quite some time since I had someone decide to accept my temple's welcome." Looking around, he felt himself both frightened, angry, and strangely aroused "Who are you? Show yourself!" A giggle, like that of a patient mother, echoed in the chamber "Oh, come now... you cleanse yourself in my pool like a new initiate, explore my temple to see where everything is, enter my personal chamber like a new male eager to make an offering to my gods, naked, and expect me to ignore your offer? I am Naketa Orcan, Chosen Avatar of the gods of love pleasure, and fertility." Glancing down at his muscular form again, he blushed as he realized that, beyond his control, his shaft had erected and become rock hard, his balls feeling even fuller then a month in the jungle without sex would normally cause. Lifting the lantern back up, he began stepping back towards the entrance as he realized the statue in the wall had moved again, as though starting to step out of it towards him. The flickering light also revealed that the statues surrounding the pool, a half dozen of them, were also standing, moving towards him with all the grace to be expected from a gymnast, albeit in slow motion.

What had started as fear quickly turned to full grown panic as he backed towards the door, then turned to run, the light flashing and glowing as though short circuiting as he began charging towards the one unblocked entrance. He didn't care enough about the gods to find out what they intended for him, fertility goddess or not. His wet footsteps echoed on the stone as he charged towards the opening, then to his horror slipped, his body going into the air and falling towards the ground; he never hit. Just as the tip of his dorsal brushed the tile, a myriad number of hands caught him, then held him, their grip as cold and strong as stone. His efforts to get free were futile as he looked up into the faces of the cetacean statues, finding them all smiling as they carried him back to the altar, the statue of the hermaphrodite standing atop it and grinning like a Cheshire cat as he was taken to hir like a prize of war. Any verbal protests he was going to make were silenced as the hermaphrodite leaned down to kiss him, a tongue made of sculpted stone cool against his own tongue as shi passionately frenched him, hir hands stroking along his body. The other statues held him down, one on each arm and leg, as they placed him belly up on the altar, his dorsal fitting into a slot in the stone as shi murred, that sultry voice echoing from hir again as shi broke the kiss "It has been so very long since I got to feel a living, breathing partner pleasure me..."

A good part of his brain was still in disbelief; here he was in the middle of the jungle, in an ancient temple devoted to cetacean deities of pleasure, and about to get offered as a sacrifice to what was essentially a horny stone golem. But a part of him liked, was even aroused by the idea, of a living goddess, albeit one etched in stone, sharing pleasure with him. And he definitively wasn't going to get much say in the matter, judging by his current situation, so he might as well enjoy it. As he watched, the herm orca statue slid down, and then began licking along his shaft, the feel of hir tongue strange and exotic as his own body heat slowly warmed the stone, little dribbles of pre forming at his tip as shi began pleasuring him. His view was obstructed, however, by one of the guard statues, a female dolphin, sitting on his face and rubbing a lovingly handcrafted stone slit along his mouth. Deciding to not fight it, he slid his tongue out, and found to his amazement not only was a perfectly carved clit buried within her slit, but that she was in fact moist, the taste strange, sweet and tingling on his tongue. The dolphin statue above him definitively seemed to respond like a flesh and blood female, soft gasps and moans coming from her as his tongue warmed the interior of the statue's cleft. A long moan from further down his body made him pause and glance, only to see the herm orca had a male orca statue behind hir, obviously fucking hir while hir tongue and beak stroked and licked along his throbbing pink staff. Body shivering, he returned to giving attentions to the statue above him, and found to his surprise the more pleasure he gave her, the more she warmed on the inside, almost as if the pleasure was giving her back a living, mortal form. This was confirmed as his maleness was suddenly engulfed in the soft, blubber clad valley of what could only be a pair of breasts, the flesh only a bit warmer then the stone but growing warmer and softer as they slid up and down his shaft, each thrust making them more alive and less statue. Unable to restrain himself, he give several bucks of his hips and then groaned loudly as he orgasmed, his seed spraying onto the breasts and face of the herm statue turning living being, a cry of ecstasy escaping hir, the male behind hir, and the statue above him as what felt like a ripple of energy erupted from him into the temple. The female statue above him moaned to the heavens, and to his surprise dribbled nectar onto his beak as she stood up and moved to one side, revealing herself no longer be a statue, but a gorgeous female dolphin anthro, her body seemingly designed for porn or a swimsuit magazine as she smiled stroked her hands along herself, her pink and firm nipples now each pierced with a ring holding the symbol from the tiles, made from the same pink coral. Returning his gaze to his body, he found the herm orca statue was now much more real looking, the bounce of hir bosom, the flexing of hir muscles, all looking more like flesh then stone now, but not yet fully alive. The male statue behind hir pulled himself out with a wet sucking sound , and after kissing hir, walked over to the female dolphin and began fondling her, to the femphins delight. Grinning at him, the herm smiled "Mmmm, a good start..." and then got atop him, her plushing and softening breasts rubbing against his chest as shi kissed him again, hir tongue much warmer this time as hir shaft and his rubbed against one another.

Breaking the kiss, the other orca smirked "ready for another go, young one?" and then slid hirself down, getting a loud groan from him as his re-hardening shaft found and sank into hir depths, hir own lustful trill echoing in the chamber as shi took him into hirself to the hilt. Hands on either side of him, shi began to slide hirself up and down his length, hir inner vault incredibly tight and hot, better then any virgin he'd ever had, his eyes rolling back as he surrendered his body to hir. A squeal from the side of them revealed the newly reliving female dolphin had bent over, the male orca statue now plowing her from behind and becoming more real seemingly with each thrust, the wet slaps of stone balls turning to real flesh adding to the surreal atmosphere. Even on his second orgasm so soon after the first, the sheer beauty and raw sexuality of his partner quickly had him bucking his hips up into hir, his mouth hanging open in pleasure as depths worthy of being woshipped sucked and squeezed and worked his staff within hir. Hir nectar began to leak around his staff as shi mmmm'ed and leaned down to kiss him again, his face was then slid down to suck on one of hir firm nipples, his lips and tongue suckling like a calf in need of milk. The converted female dolphin didn't take long to squeal and climax, allowing the male orca statue his own conversion as he returned to being a muscular, well hung male and gave her his seed. At a nod from the herm, the other statues let him go, beginning an orgy in the water surrounding the altar, each orgasm shared granting another of them living flesh instead of cold stone to participate with. His own focus, however, never left the herm bouncing atop his crotch, his mouth and hands stroking hir bosom as shi gasped and churred in pleasure above him. He felt, to his amazement, hir nipples and breasts turning real, the stone hard nipple turning to warm, firm flesh and growing the same ring piercing the femphin had, each thrust into hir giving hir more life. Hir own orgasm matched his as he squealed and shot his load within hir, hir depths milking and stroking him for every drop he had to give, hir own maleness spurting a jet of seed onto his belly as shi crooned above him, body shuddering in sweet release. His hands instinctively slid down to hir hips, and shi murred at him, his seed still speckling the black of hir hide along hir breasts and face from his first orgasm as shi smiled down at him "Mmmm, I have so much to show you..."

To his surprise, as soon as he had recovered shi slid off of him, then flipped him onto his belly, one of the other statues turned real, a second female dolphin, sliding below him and suckling on his shaft as something hard and hot poked under his tail, revealing shi was now fully transformed back to life. "Wait, I'm a virg..." was soon ended by a loud squeal as that virginity was claimed, the stout girth of the herm piercing him, but to his amazement no pain was felt, only pleasure and a deep fullness. Holding his hips, shi began thrusting deeper, not stopping until hir entire length was buried within him, hir cry of ecstasy echoing through the mostly empty temple as shi began vigorously fucking him, in time with the bobbings of the femphin sucking him off. The orgy surrounding him vanished to his mind as every fiber of his being focused on the newly living hermaphrodite orca plowing his formerly virgin backside. He'd heard from many of his gay friends what it felt like to have a cock in you, but the experience was so much more intense then he'd imagined; then again, he doubted any of them had been on the receiving end of a fertility goddess. Distantly, part of his mind registered that shi was chanting in an ancient orcan dialect, one he'd only gotten hints of in his studies; apparently, shi was praying as shi fucked him. It took only a few minutes for his orgasm to seize him again between the suckling beak of the dolphin and the thrusting lance in his tail, and his groan was echoed by several happy churrss as several of the no-longer statues shared his seed among themselves, as though tasting ambrosia. The herm took much longer then him, but when shi orgasmed it was of an intensity he'd never imagined, like an explosion of pleasure and lust inside of his body, his cock refirmed again and balls again full as he arched under hir, eyes closed in the sheer immensity of the act, wet squelching coming from where hir seed leaked from him. After several moments of filling him, shi pulled out, then grinned at him, stroking his back softly as shi coo'ed like a happy mother "Mmmmm... I promise, you will be thanked properly for letting us rejoin this world..."

Shi very much lived up to hir word; by the time dawn broke, he had seeded and been seeded more times then he could count by hir and all of the former statues, watched them all engage in fucking the Avatar as well, and had several of his wildest sexual fantasies fulfilled, then finally fallen asleep, exhausted, in the arms of the chosen Avatar of the Gods. Upon awakening, he found himself atop the altar, and the statues, now living, from the previous night were busily working to clear debri and open the skylights, making the temple well lit and whole again. Glancing up, he smiled at the herm holding him and chirruped, feeling a hand trace along his belly like his mother had done as a calf, a shiver of contented joy passing up his spine. "So, what now?" he warbled softly, not minding the kiss on his forehead given him by the Avatar "Now, we rebuild... I wish you to be my first missionary, one who will spread word of our faith to the world again. And I have a bodyguard for you, if you wish to do so. " Hurming, he looked up at hir upside down "You cannot come with me?" Shaking hir head sadly, the herm stroked his chest again "I must stay with the temple... I am not strong enough yet, but your protector draws on a different source, and will keep you safe with her life..." Nodding sadly, he sat up, then paused as he saw what looked like an orca in front of him... if one had come from the depths of Hades. She was plump, with curves to make a renessaince man drool, her body coloring red and pink, with eyes glowing a brilliant amethyst. Her nipples with pierced with golden barbells, matching glowing bands of golden runes encircling different parts of her body. The most blatant differences though, were a pair of horns jutting from the side of her head, with bands on them letting jewelry dangle, and a pair of wings that came out of hir shoulders and folded behind her like a dragons. She was naked save a pair of glasses on her face, an impish smile spreading her beak as he leaned back a little, then glanced at the Avatar "She's my guardian?"

A mothers laugh came from the herm as shi nodded "She is a succubus, and was at one time a minion of the burning hells, but has proven her trustworthiness and faith on many occasions. You will find her protective, caring... and as enjoyable in pleasure as she is to look at. " Nodding, he stood, slowly approaching, and offered his hand to the smiling Succubus a bit nervously, wondering what he was getting himself into now "I'm Meiko..." and his hand was shaken in turn, the female grinning "I'm Syrios...And I promise you, you won't regret this..."

How Meiko met the Calafins (RAW version)

Meiko met the Calafins It was finally here. All the planning, all the emails and phone calls the coordination and a few heartaches have led up to this moment. The van pulled up the departures at Detroit Metro Airport and stopped outside the doors...

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How Meiko met the Calafins (Teaser)

Syrios smiled and moved Meiko onto the bed so she could sit up. Standing up off the bed, she grabbed Meiko and helped him to his feet before following Naketa to the dungeon room. Naketa turned on the light and Syrios gazed at the equipment. She spotted...

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A wanted man part 2

A wanted man pt 2 Sirens echoed throughout the city of Palpiateen as fire trucks responded to the scene on the highway. Black smoke rose into the air as James's get away car burned, slowly turning into a mass of twisted steel and melted plastic....

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