The Outsider | Chapter 2: It Begins

Story by kawzman on SoFurry

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#2 of The Outsider (Updated)

In rural northeastern Nevada there is a small, unassuming community where the local residents have a strong connection and resemblance to the goats they raise. On his way home from backpacking in the Nevada wilderness, Aaron wrecks his Jeep in order to avoid striking a goat standing in the middle of the road. When a seemingly innocent local woman named Annabel takes him in while his Jeep is being repaired, an unlikely attraction develops during the time they are together. While Aaron longs to return home, he soon discovers that his feelings for Annabel may not be the only thing that prevents him from leaving the community.Work in progress

Not a lot of time to dedicate to this project of mine that I have been working on periodically since 2009. I wish I had the time to just get'er done. Some day. Will continue to peck at it for now. This update reflects significant changes to chapters 1-3. Currently reworking to better tie chapter 3 to chapter 4.

I was stirred awake the next morning by what I figured were the typical sounds of the farm; roosters crowing, cooking utensils clanking, floors creaking, and goats bleating (the animal type from outside). These were among the various sounds that penetrated the walls of my room as early morning daylight seeped in from around the edges of my room's window curtain. For a brief moment, I was disoriented, forgetting where I was. I quickly realized that the previous day had not been a dream and I was still in the same old farmhouse in which I had fallen asleep. I must have slept for a solid twelve hours but I desperately wanted more. I shoved my head under the pillow but that aided little in restoring the darkness and silence that ended with the rising sun.

The residents' hooves made a constant clopping sound on the old wooden floorboards. I could recognize Mama Goat's hoof steps, which were louder with more space between them as she seemed to shift her own weight with each step. Annabel's hoof steps where much faster and seemed to have a spring in each step. There was the sound of an old spring stretching immediately followed by the screen door slamming shut and then Mama Goat's footsteps were no longer audible. I could hear Annabel still moving about, humming an unfamiliar tune.

I laid there and stretched for a moment. My legs were a bit sore from the knees down, particularly my knees and ankles. I thought it was kind of odd given that I've never had any issues with my ankles. My knees though, well that's a whole other story. The restful sleep did nothing to cure my headache. It was still pounding strong, focused in the front of my head that now included my sinus cavity. I figured this was probably the initial symptoms of my next sinus infection. I got them from time-to-time and they weren't pleasant. I took some more Tylenol and chased that with an Advil to see if that would do the trick in at least easing my pain. I normally carried a few Sudafed and some Claritan for just such an occasion but naturally I had forgotten them this time.

I lazily got out of bed and slowly walked over to the window. The chilly wooden floor felt wonderful on my bare feet. Pushing the curtains open I immediately shielded my eyes as they adjusted to the intrusion of the blinding morning light. Once adjusted, I saw Mama Goat walking out towards the barn carrying a bucket with one hoofed hand and a plate of what I guessed was breakfast in the other. The ground was rather wet with scattered puddles of standing water but the sky was completely clear. I must have really been out if I slept through the whole storm.

Stepping away from the window, I decided I wasn't going to get any more sleep. I grabbed my fully charged iPhone and brought it out of its own sleep. The time it displayed was 07:18 and to no surprise it still had no reception. I grabbed a water bottle and headed to the bathroom to start my day. My pace quickened once the dire need to take a piss hit me like a ton of bricks. As I did "my business", I checked out the rather small bathroom and I was surprised to find it quite clean albeit showing definite signs of age. Once finishing "my business", I moved over to the sink. Rubbing my eyes, I leaned in towards the mirror and inspected my face. I hadn't seen my reflection in almost a week and my face look weathered. It was quite dirty with a hint of too much sun. My unkept facial hair coverage was typical for about a week of no shaving, but something didn't seem right about the length. As I ran my fingers through it, it felt like more than a nights growth had been added during my sleep. "Odd." I thought to myself, but I quickly dismissed it without concern. The amount of hair on my head was the most I had seen in a while since I liked to keep it shaved bald.

Looking down to turn on the water I noticed hairs of various shades of gray, white, and brown scattered about the sink with a small collection resting on the drain cover. They either measured less than one inch in length or were substantially longer. Glancing over into the bathtub, I saw more of the same. Taking into account the characteristics of Annabel and Mama Goat, it seemed logical that the shorter hairs were fur while the longer hairs were human hair from their head. I still couldn't believe that I was actually in the company of goat people.

Turning the water on, the pipes rattled a bit as the cold water flowed out of the faucet and into my cupped hands. After the well water conversation last night, I kinda expected the water to be a little brown or discolored somehow but it came out clear as it would from the tap at home. I eagerly splashed it on my face and boy did it feel great! It was the first clean water to contact my body in almost a week. Not looking to spoil the moment with some nasty taste, I made every effort not to get any in my mouth. Lathering up some soap in my hands, I thoroughly washed them and my face and then dried them with a nearby hand towel. It was so refreshing to have a clean face again.

Once I finished in the bathroom, I followed the sounds of someone in house to its source, the dining room. There I found Annabel sitting at the dining room table and eating what appeared to be oatmeal.

"Morning." I greeted her as I took a seat at the table and sipped from my water bottle.

"Good mornin! Ya feelin better?" she asked with a friendly smile.

"Still got a headache. Think I'm getting a sinus infection." Annabel looked at me incredulously. "What?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, don't worry. I promise." referring to the promise I made to her that I would let her know if I were feeling sick from the "bad water". "You wouldn't happen to have any Sudafed by chance?"

Annabel gave me a confused look that immediately answered my question. "Sorry...I...uh...don't know what that is."

"It's medicine I take for these kind of headaches." I paused, a little frustrated by my lack of preparedness. "No worries. I've got other meds."

"Well, did ya at least sleep okay?" she asked.

"Yep, I slept great actually. The bed was very comfortable. Tell you the truth, that was the most sleep I've had in years. I guess I was really exhausted. I still managed to get up near sunrise."

"Yeah, we're usually up before sunup. Got a farm to run and all." Annabel replied.

"Yeah, I bet. Must be a lot of hard work. So where did Mama Goat go? I saw her walking out to the barn with a plate of food."

"Oh, she took breakfast out to Pa and tended to the goats." she replied.

"Pa? You mean your dad?"

"Mmhmm." she responded with a mouth full of oatmeal.

"Where is he? Sure would like to meet him?"

"Pa spends most of his time outside either working on the farm or tending to the goats. Ya won't see much of him around the house." she explained as she ate the last of her oatmeal.

"You mean he sleeps out there, too?" I asked, not meaning to pry, but it was rather odd to imagine someone living outside and not sleeping in the house with their family.

"Sometimes. There's plenty of hay for him to sleep on in the barn. It's just his way. Ma takes good care of him, though..." There was an awkward silence for a moment as she pressed her lips together. I couldn't tell if there was more to the story or not but Annabel seemed like she wanted to change the subject. "Would ya like some breakfast? How bout some eggs and toast?"

"Oh yes please. That sounds great."

Annabel removed herself from the table and walked into the kitchen. The tension in the room had gone up more than I had expected just by asking about her father. I couldn't help but notice she was dressed in an outfit similar to what she wore yesterday except the colors of the dress alternated in white and yellow. I could tell she had already been outside working on the farm as evidence by the smears of dirt and dried mud on her long sleeves and the bottom of her dress.

"I heard the thunderstorm last night." I stated in hopes to change the subject.

Annabel popped her head out of the kitchen. "Oh yeah. The weather was sumthin fierce last night. It only cleared up about an hour ago. Did it wake you much?"

"Nope, I was out cold. Slept through the whole thing once I fell asleep."

I sat there as Annabel whipped up the easy breakfast. I was really hoping that I would be able to get out of there and maybe be back on the road by the afternoon. "Can we check with Billy Jo this morning to see how much long he needs with my Jeep?"

"Sure, I'll take ya there right after breakfast."

While I ate Annabel cleaned up the kitchen. After breakfast we hopped back in the clunker of a pick-up truck and went back to Billy Jo's garage. As we approached, I noticed my Jeep to the side of the building and, to my dismay, still attached to a tow truck that was either rust-colored or rust-covered. My stomach sank as I realized that I was probably not going home today.

Once we pulled up, Billy Jo walked out of his garage and stood out front. "Good mornin Ms. Annabel," he greeted her.

"Good mornin Billy. Beautiful day ain't it?" Annabel asked as she exited the truck.

"Sure is Ms. Annabel." Billy fixated on me and looked me over and then looked back to Annabel before clearing his throat. "So, there been any changes?"

Annabel looked puzzled for a split second before understanding the question. "Changes? Oh yeah, no, none that I can tell." she responded as she briefly glanced my way.

"Huh, well that's odd." Billy replied as he scratched his chin.

I had no idea what they were talking about but I was quickly growing impatient about inquiring about my Jeep's status. "So Billy Jo, any chance of fixing my Jeep?" I interrupted knowing that I probably already knew the answer.

"Well, ya banged her up pretty good. It's goin to take a bit to get the parts I'll need ta fix'er back up." Billy responded. With how old most everything appeared around the shop, I was getting the feeling that might be awhile until those parts came.

"Can you at least tow me to the next town?" I pleaded.

Billy pointed a merged finger to a black puddle of leaked oil that was spreading out from under the tow truck. "Nope, tow truck's broke. Hadn't needed to tow anythin fur years. I'll should have my truck fixed in a couple a days, though, so don't ya worry none."

Annabel jumped in, "Don't worry, Aaron. Ya can stay with us. Mama Goat won't mind, and I'd be more than glad to show ya around the farm!"

"Not exactly how I wanted to spend my last few days off." I thought. "Billy Jo, mind if I use your phone? I was expected back yesterday, so I'd like to call someone to let them know I'm alright."

Chewing his tobacco, Billy looked over at Annabel, who smiled and nodded as if she were approving the request. Billy rolled his eyes then looked at me. "Phone's in thu shop by the register." Billy responded as though he was forced.

"Man, Billy really doesn't like outsiders." I thought to myself. I stood there for a moment, looking at Billy, whose disgruntled eyes were locked on mine. I had tried to be very nice to Billy but my tolerance for his prejudice was wearing thin but until he fixed my Jeep he had me by the balls.

I threw Billy a half-hearted "thanks" and walked towards his garage. Inside, and to my surprise, there was a dimly lit convenience store that was a throwback to simpler times. There were old pop machines that were filled about half way, and a few shelves worth of snacks and basic necessities like hygiene products and medical supplies.

The room felt stuffy, and had an old ceiling fan lazily spinning it's blades but not actually moving much air through the room. I searched for Sudafed, Claritan, or anything of the like and naturally Billy didn't carry any. Opening the pop machine, I grabbed a couple chilled bottles of Coke for me and Annabel. Upon inspection I found them to be near their expiration, but that was better than what I had expected. I decided to give one a try. If it was flat I'm sure I could get Annabel to convince Billy to give me a refund. I wasn't sure what his policy was for outsiders, but I doubted very seriously that it was "The customer is always right."

Walking over to the counter, I put down a few dollars for the Cokes and looked around for the phone. Next to the register sat a black rotary phone. "Wow, I hadn't seen one of these in years!" I said to myself. Picking up the receiver, I was relieved to hear there was a dial tone. "Thank goodness."

Checking my iPhone again, it still didn't have any bars, so I pulled up the number I needed from my contacts. I dialed my best friend and then glanced around to make sure it was a private call. Fortunately, after a few rings, Steven picked up.

"Hello?" A barely audible voice responded but I could hear well enough to know it was him.

"Steven, it's Aaron!"

"Where are you man? I was starting to wonder what the fuck happened to you when you didn't show up last night. I tried calling your cell and it goes straight to voicemail."

"You wouldn't believe the last 24 hours I've had. Let's see, I got lost and then wrecked swerving to miss a fucking goat and now I'm stuck here. I'm shacked up with some locals until I can get outta here." I explained.

Steven began speaking again but I was suddenly distracted by raised voices from outside. I looked out through the window and I noticed Billy and Annabel having what appeared to be a rather intense conversation. "Hold on Steven."

I pulled the phone away from my head and observed the situation. I couldn't make out everything being said but it appeared as if Billy was scolding Annabel. I figured he was once again voicing his disdain with associating so closely with an outsider. I confirmed that I was at least the subject of conversation when I overheard the words "that Aaron" spoken in a less than pleasant tone of voice by Billy. I couldn't make out anything Annabel was saying, but her body language exuded an emotional but defensive posture.

My focus on them was broken by Steven's faint voice from the phone's receiver. "Aaron? Still there?"

Putting the phone back to my ear, "Yeah I'm still here. Sorry about that. What were you saying?"

"Who are these people you're shacked up with?" he asked.

"Just some farmers that were kind enough to take me in."

"Why don't you just call for a tow truck?" he asked.

"Yeeeaaaaah, tried that already and the damn thing broke down too." I sighed in frustration. "I hope to be outta here in a couple days though."

"You sure you're alright man? I can come get you till your Jeep's fixed and then pick it up later." Steven offered.

"Naw, I'm good. Thanks though."

"So these people you're shacked up with, sure you can trust them?"

"It's a bit weird here but this girl and her mom are really goin out of their way to help me out." I responded.

"Wait a minute. Is she a hottie? C'mon, tell me some smokin hot farm girl took you in!" Steven prodded.


Steven cut me off me off mid sentence. "I fuckin knew it! Yeah, you take a couple days and tap that ass!"

"Steven, it's not like that. Besides, I'd hardly call her hot. More like unique and...well...cute in her own way." I responded.

"Whatever dude. Call me if you change your mind."

I just shook my head and sighed. "Alright man. Take it easy." I hung up the phone. As I looked out at Annabel and Billy, conversing in a less heated manner, I pondered if I should have left out the details about the goat-like people. I figured that might be a bit harder to explain without Steven thinking that I was fuckin with him.

Frustrated, I stood there for a moment and closed my eyes while taking a couple deep relaxing breaths. The pain radiating from my sinus cavity and into the bridge of my nose redirected my attention. I brought my left hand up to my face and placed my fingers on the sinus cavity over my left eye and over to where the bridge of my nose met my forehead. I pushed against it which helped to relieve the pressure a bit. I stood there for a couple minutes and enjoyed the temporary reprieve.

The on-going conversation between Billy and Annabel suddenly recaptured my attention and brought me back into the reality of my predicament. With a sigh, I grabbed my Cokes and headed out the door to face the world. Stepping back outside into the bright sun, I felt relieved that I was finally able to get back in touch with a world that was more familiar to me. Once Annabel and Billy noticed me approaching them, they immediately stopped talking.

Annabel turned to me. "Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah. Hey Billy Jo, I grabbed a couple Cokes and put three dollars on the counter. I didn't see a price for them."

Billy just kept staring and chewing without saying a word. I was quickly getting tired of his bullshit. I locked on his eyes, giving him a dirty look as I awaited his response. Annabel quickly grew uncomfortable in the silence of our stare down.

"Well Billy, I'll take it by your lack of response that it's okay then." I stated in my smart-assed tone.

Annabel sensed my rapidly dissolving patience. "Come on, Aaron. I'll drive ya home." she said, although she obviously meant her home, not mine.

Annabel grabbed me by the arm and started me back toward her truck. We climbed back into the truck and we were off once again. The ride back was as rough as it had been before, but I was almost getting used to it at this point. Annabel wasn't saying anything and the silence was a little uncomfortable.

I reached over and offered her a Coke. I figured it would be a good ice breaker. "Uh, I got this for you. I thought you might be thirsty."

Annabel looked over and seeing the Coke in my hand, reacted surprised by the gesture. "Well that was sweet, thanks. I haven't one of these in a while." She glanced back at the road before looking back at me and smiled widely. "Would ya mind openin it for me?"

"Not at all." I responded. After a quick snap and a hiss from the bottle, I removed the cap and handed her the bottle. She took several big swigs and followed them with a refreshed "Ahhhh". I immediately opened mine and took a few gulps myself. I was surprised to find the nearly expired coke was still well carbonated.

"Wow, I forgot how good these are." she said with a large smile.

We arrived back at the farmhouse a little before nine AM. Upon exiting the vehicle Mama Goat called to Annabel from the farmhouse after seeing her get out of the truck. "A-a-a-nnabel, ya ready for the raisin?!"

I looked over at Annabel with a baffled look. "Raisin?" I asked.

Annabel looked over at me. "Oh yeah, I forgot!" she said excitedly. She looked back to the house and hollered back to Mama Goat. "Yeah, Ma, I'm comin!" Annabel looked back at me with a large smile. "There's a barn raisin today. I don't suppose ya know anythin bout makin barns?" Annabel asked.

Now, I knew what a barn raising was from watching TV. As far as construction experience goes, I had volunteered for Habitat for Humanity a few times but I hardly figured that counted. "Nope, can't say that I do. I mean, I've got quite a collection of tools back at my house but I've only done some simple repairs around the house."

"Would ya like to help out?" I could tell by her body language she was hoping I would.

"Sure, I'd love to." It wasn't like I had anything pressing to occupy my time.

"That's great! Ya might want to change yur clothes if that's not somethin ya want to get dirty." Annabel took a sip from her Coke and then dashed into the house where I overheard her briefly greet Mama Goat. I followed her in at a much slower and less-excited pace. After changing clothes, we loaded up the truck with the stuff that needed to be taken to the event. I made sure to bring several bottles of water for myself. After about fifteen minutes we finished loading the truck and then the three of us we were on our way. It was a little cramped with all of us in the cab. Mama Goat sat in the middle and she definitely didn't mind sitting next to me as it provided the perfect venue for conversation. I inquired as to whether or not I would get to meet Pa at the barn raising but was told that he would not be attending. So this Pa fella would continue to be a mystery to me.

During the journey Annabel and Mama Goat filled me in with what to expect. Annabel was also kind enough to remind me that everyone there would be goat people like them so I wouldn't react so shocked like I have in the past.

After about fifteen minutes of driving we arrived at a farm. It was a nice property with most of the structures situated on top of a small hill overlooking the surrounding fields. The only thing I didn't like about the property was the lack of trees. Annabel steered the truck along the dirt driveway until pulling off to the side where everyone else from the community that elected to drive had parked their ride. Conveyances ranged from older pickup trucks and cars to simple horse drawn wagons and buggies. Never in my life had I seen such an assortment of transportation parked together.

After exiting the truck I extended my hand and helped Mama Goat out. I looked around and admired the unobstructed view the elevated property offered. It was just high enough so that I could see most of the valley this community was situated in. Its elevation also exposed those that assembled to help to the chilly wind following the storm that had departed the area just hours before.

Those that hadn't just recently arrived were gathered near a large and level dirt area which I inferred was the construction site for the new barn. Supporting this inference was the nearby stacks of tool boxes, tools, materials, and stacks of precut wood. The pleasant sound of laughter and friendly conversations could be easily heard, carried by the cool and gusty wind. We joined the others that had recently arrived making their way towards the commotion. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I couldn't help but stare at them with overwhelming curiosity as everyone was part goat in varying degrees. I guess actually seeing what Annabel had only described had more of an impact than I could have expected.

Their manner of dress was similar regardless of age. If I didn't know for a fact that I was in Nevada, I'd swear I was standing on a farm in the Amish Country of northeastern America. The styles were simple and hinted that they were manufactured by the community rather than one of the common clothing corporations us outsiders purchased from. The males wore pants colored in shades of gray or black and were usually accompanied by either a belt or suspenders whose purposed seemed to be more for style than actually holding up their pants. Most of the shirts worn were collared and a dark or pastel color with long sleeves though most were rolled or pushed up. Several of the elders even added a simple vest. The clothing selection seemed odd for the occasion. Almost every male was wearing a hat that appeared to be made of straw. The females all wore either single or two piece dresses colored similarly to the men's shirts. Bonnets were a popular selection for headdress. With me in my cargo pants, brightly colored Old Navy t-shirt, Oakley sunglasses, and Atlanta Falcons cap; the only way anyone could say I blended in is if the standouts were categorized by only those dressed in the nude.

Feeling less confident, I positioned myself behind Annabel and Mama Goat so they could lead the way. As we began passing through those standing at the perimeter of the crowd, Mama Goat and Annabel received and extended greetings. Each time I was introduced I was greeted by a variety of responses. Most were very friendly while a few were unsure of what to make of me. There were also a few that showed discontent and they numbered more than I would have liked. It was evident that although I had been accepted by Annabel and her family that I was still very much an outsider in this community.

Moving through the crowd, many eyes were focusing on me and admittedly, I felt a little uneasy about it. I'm sure most were just curious about me like I was about them, or at least I hoped that was the case. I just wasn't accustomed to being the focus of so many's curiosity. True my military deployments had put me in situations where I found myself the minority in a foreign land but this was different. There was something more to it than the typical racial or cultural differences.

"Uh, you guys sure this is a good idea?" I asked openly to our little group. "I think some aren't too cool about me bein here."

"It's al-al-al-right Aaron. Ya might ge-e-e-t uh few looks, but yur safe." Mama Goat said reassuringly.

Sensing my uneasiness, Annabel unexpectedly took my hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Everythin will be fine. Trust me." Annabel said confidently, reassuring me with her sweet smile.

I was taken aside by her bold and friendly gesture but it had the desired effect. It was hard to feel any sense of uneasiness when Annabel combined that sweet smile of hers with those gorgeous emerald green eyes. I returned her friendly smile. "Uh...thanks." I said appreciatively. As our eyes connected, I couldn't help feel that something more than the desired effect had just taken place. It suddenly felt that the relationship between us had just transcended to more than just mere acquaintances.

As the meet and greets continued, Annabel would privately explain how she and her family knew and interacted with them on a regular basis. I gradually grew more comfortable and started enjoying myself, putting aside any thoughts of the received stares and perceptions of others. There were several with whom I really hit it off with and would become engaged in deep conversations. During the short sessions of mingling while separated from Annabel, I couldn't help but notice her glances over at me to seemingly make sure I was okay.

As I continued to meet members of the opposite sex though, I couldn't help to notice a pattern of odd but repeated behavior from many of them. Shortly after we would exchange introductions or be a short time into the conversation that followed, something would distract them as though something unexpected caught their attention. In a not subtle fashion, they would give the air a few sniffs or inhale deeply altogether. A pleasurable expression typically soon adorned their face as though they were familiar with the scent that had caught their attention and it was something pleasing. I had seen this odd display once before; when I first met Annabel.

Not wanting to risk insulting them and potentially inciting negative attention as an outsider in this large crowd, I decided not to address it openly. The reaction, although weird, seemed innocent and nonthreatening. I'd have to be an idiot though to not realize there was something about me that was causing their reactions. It must have had something to do with my scent. I have oily skin and maybe to these females it produces a pleasurable scent they don't get from the males in their community. I have seen studies that proved that male and female scents affect us (humans) subconsciously but I'm guessing being part goat provides them with enhanced olfaction. I figured I'd ask Annabel about it later after returning to their house.

After hobnobbing for about 20 minutes, a person I presumed to be the event's organizer called for everyone's attention. He thanked everyone for helping out and then proceeded to outline the plan. He finished up after only about five minutes and everyone began moving into what I figured were preassigned groups. The men formed several groups while the pre-adulthood boys moved off and out of the way, seemingly awaiting further instructions. The females, regardless of age, completely separated themselves from the men and headed over to the farmhouse.

Annabel made her way over to me as a seemingly friendly goat man approached and identified himself as Samuel. We shook hands and made our introductions. Annabel chimed in and delivered a short explanation about my being there to help and Samuel was more than happy to serve as my mentor for the day. With me on Samuel's coattails, Annabel and Mama Goat turned to leave.

"What are you guys going to do?" I asked.

Annabel turned and smiled. "Ya have yur work to do and we have ours. Ya go have fun now." she answered playfully. With that they left and joined the other females gathered at the farmhouse.

I followed Samuel over to a group that, like all the others, were strapping on their tool belts and preparing to get started. Samuel introduced me to the crew, which unbeknownst to me, he was leading. With that being the case, I figured I was probably in good hands. Many of the crew took turns welcoming me and introducing themselves. When some of them inquired about my experience and I bluntly left no doubt that it was lacking. A sudden skepticism came over many of them as evidence by the looks exchanged as they seemed to wonder just how much help I was actually going to be. They probably thought I would better serve the project by joining the young boys.

None the less I was handed a tool belt and as I was putting it on I saw Annabel staring at me with a small grin. I gave her a "here I go" expression and gesture that one would give when about to undertake something they're clueless about. This brought her to a full smile that did not go unnoticed by some of those around her. One of the elder women standing next to her caught sight of our interaction and she clearly questioned its appropriateness. Annabel seemed pressured to stop and broke eye contact. I wasn't sure what to make of the disapproval and refocused on the task at hand.

Looking around at the resources at our disposal it was evident that it was muscle power that was going to accomplish this barn raising. There were large sections of the internal framework of this two story barn that had already been assembled lying near the dirt foundation. These sections looked quite heavy and there wasn't a crane or even a pulley in sight. In fact, there was very little in the way of modern technology present aside from some battery powered drills and saws. I got the feeling this experience was going to be quite different from my volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity.

Our first task was raising the outer most frame and it was quite the organized evolution that maximized effective communication and teamwork while utilizing the most rudimentary of tools; poles and ropes. I was on the team that lifted the top end of the frame while the other team across from us beyond the base pulled on ropes secured to the top to lift the frame. As they continued to pull and the frame lifted out of our reach, we grabbed wooden poles that we used to continue pushing up from our side until the frame was completely upright. As we held the frame in position, others quickly moved in and attached the necessary braces and supports to permanently fix it in place.

After we raised the next frame into place, I moved aloft and took on additional roles in assisting with connecting the two frames using horizontal and diagonal wooden beams and studs. These were all lifted into place by hand, many by a human chain formed by workers positioned on beams once fixed into place. They were simply handed up from one person to next until reaching its destination. It was amazing how little metal was used in the construction. Other than the screws and nails used for reinforcement, most of these beams and supports were secured to the frames using large wooden pegs. Holes were drilled on the fly using mostly old school hand-powered drills while shape and length adjustments were accomplished with metal handsaws.

From my vantage point aloft I could see the entire operation. It was an amazingly efficient distribution of responsibilities. The older boys served as apprentices and worked on the ground level under strict supervision while completing many of the same tasks as the men working above them. The younger boys were at workstations set up nearby and assisted the elders with preparing smaller but essential materials. The younger girls served thirsty workers freshly prepared beverages ranging from water to freshly made juices. Many of the women were busy making lunch and prepping the three long rows of picnic tables setup for the meal. The other women were occupied with tending to the horses or entertaining and caring for the children too young to be tasked. Everyone served a purpose and needed little or no direction in completing tasks.

Straddling the support beam I was working on, I hammered into place the last nail. I rested for a moment and looked down and saw Annabel moving about. I watched her for a moment and when she looked up and caught me watching her she smiled but then quickly resumed her task. My vantage point also offered a fantastic view of the landscape surrounding the farm. I looked around and took in the scenery.

A cool, dry, and refreshing northwest wind continued to blow through the region. I inhaled the fresh breeze and was instantly overwhelmed by the assortment of smells it carried. I never had a very good sense of smell, so I was pleasantly surprised, especially with the onset of a sinus infection. "Maybe it was subsiding before grasping a foothold." I thought to myself. Even on my best day I could never smell this well. I inhaled deeply again and I was amazed at the distinct scents I could differentiate; the upwind fields of corn, wheat, oats, and various berries. I could distinguish various grasses, trees, and dirt. It was an amazing experience! The odor from the fresh cut wood being used in the barn's construction was particularly potent. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply several more times, pausing to take in the experience. Opening my eyes again, I noticed that some of my coworkers noticed my odd behavior and they didn't quite know what to make of it. They just looked at one another and then went back to work. I was quite embarrassed.

My attention was refocused below me as Samuel called to me and then tossed up my water bottle so that I may quench my thirst. I subtly inhaled through my nose between swigs of water but found that the scents had diminished. "Maybe the wind blew from just the right direction to efficiently carry the scents but had since changed." I thought to myself. The respite was short as the next section of framework was raised into place and the supports and beams were needed to be attached.

The work altogether was arduous but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was a quick study and the tasks I learned were completed quickly and accurately. My hard work wasn't going unnoticed either. It seemed that this outsider's commitment to hard work was beginning to earn some acceptance from the locals. I was being included in more of the laid back conversations and enjoyed a few good laughs. I would occasionally sniff the air to catch those strong scents but it appeared that my unique experience was not to be repeated.

The construction progressed rather quickly. One section of framework after another was erected and secured in place. By lunchtime, all six were in place with several of the roof's support beams affixed as well. Lunch was announced by the ringing of a metal triangle as seen in many old western movies. Everyone stopped what they were doing and made their way to the picnic tables. The men and children sat while the women stood by waiting to assist with food and drinks. Samuel invited me to sit next to him with the guys I had become comfortable with while working were seated around us. I thought it odd that not a single woman was seated and couldn't help but satisfy my curiosity. I leaned over and quietly inquired to Samuel seated to my right. He told me that the women would eat afterwards so the meal created as minimal of a work delay as possible. These people were nothing if not efficient.

The tables were nicely set, each covered with a white cloth and enough place settings so that no one was left without. The glasses were empty but the food was already plated, portioned fairly evenly and the meal; chicken, mashed potatoes, bread, and an orange. Bowls and plates containing extra portions for those that might want a little extra were spread out along the middle of the table.

After prayer was said, everyone started eating without hesitation. The women began making their way from person to person and filled the empty glasses one by one. I noticed Annabel make her way straight to me, passing up many empty glasses. Standing behind me, she reached over my left shoulder and grabbed my glass as I leaned slightly to my right to give her better access. Looking up at her, it was hard not to notice her playful grin. I tried to focus on my meal but she continued to stand next to me and fill the surrounding glasses. I couldn't help but glance back up at her a few times with a grin of my own. Looking at the others seated around me, it was obvious that they noticed Annabel's infatuation with me and there were quite a few looks of surprise and a few of disapproval. Once all the nearby glasses were full, she moved on to complete other tasks, leaving me behind an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Lunch couldn't end soon enough and when the other men started getting up, signaling the end of the meal, I was quick to my feet and headed back to the construction site. We picked up where we left off and started working on adding the walls and roof. I again was working aloft, now part of the team putting up the roof. Meanwhile, the women took their turn eating lunch and then cleaned up the aftermath.

The hours passed and the barn was coming together nicely. The lasting repercussions of Annabel's flirting were still evident in the form of a few stares and dirty looks I received from some of the guys with whom I was working. It didn't impact our working relationship nor did it affect the quality of work being performed. The women, having completed their chores, were enjoying sociable activities such as quilting and playing with the children. Annabel had joined the quilters and she too experienced some backlash from her openly flirtatious display. A few of the elders discreetly voiced their concerns and cautioned her about making advances on an outsider. Until that moment Annabel was unaware she had caused such a stir.

By the time the sun was about to set the barn was finished. It was an amazing accomplishment to start with nothing but a dirt foundation and end with a two story barn in less than nine hours. With all the work done, everyone gradually started to leave. I made my way to the farmhouse in search of Annabel and Mama Goat. On my way, I was the recipient of many heartfelt thanks and departing handshakes. Annabel found me as I came around to the front of the farmhouse. She introduced me to the newly married couple for whom which the barn had been raised. We exchanged pleasantries for a short while before departing ourselves.

Mama Goat was standing by the truck enjoying a conversation which was hardly surprising. We all climbed into the truck and Annabel started us on our trek back home. It was slow going at first as we fell in line with other departing automobiles and horse drawn conveyances traversing the dirt driveway. Annabel didn't seem to mind as she took advantage of our slow going to wave and briefly chitchat with those she knew that were traveling by foot.

It was a quarter to seven when we arrived back at the farmhouse. Mama Goat went inside straight away and started making dinner while Annabel and I unloaded the truck. Once we finished, Annabel joined Mama Goat in the kitchen. I offered to help but it was declined. It was just as well since I probably would have been more in the way than anything else.

Taking a seat on the porch swing, I admired the chilly and quiet night as I sipped from my water bottle. The wind had become calm as the bulk of the cold and dry air mass had moved into the region. Skies were clear and the nearly full moon and stars shined brightly. The only sounds to break the silence were the occasional low bleating of goats and chirping of the grasshoppers that were beginning to stir. As I sat there and started to unwind, I gradually began to realize just how sore and exhausted I was.

The busy day had done an excellent job with helping keep my mind off my aches and pains. As I sat there, my head was still pounding. My legs still ached from the knees down, focused in my knees, ankles, and now my toes. The thought of that soft bed in my room was mighty inviting to the point that I briefly entertained skipping dinner and a shower to get there.

I sat there relaxing long enough for the chill of the night air to become too much for me in my short sleeves. I was just about to head inside to fetch my light jacket when Annabel opened the door and let me know that it was dinner time. In addition to being sore and exhausted, I was also quite hungry. The meal at lunchtime was rather filling at the time but the last of those calories were burned off long ago while finishing the barn. I sat there for a moment not really wanting to get up but the need to satisfy my hunger far exceeded the desire to veg out on the porch.

As I entered the house, I was immediately greeted by the strong aroma of the meal to be consumed. Entering the dining room came into the view the spread of food set out on the table that was quite impressive given the short amount of time in which it was prepared. The meal for tonight consisted of baked chicken, lima beans, and freshly sliced pineapple. The table itself was a typical rectangular shape and appeared to be quite old. An aged off-white decorative table cloth had been laid over it lending to a more fanciful ambiance. Every plate and container was neatly arranged and made of glass; there was no plastic or paper tableware here. Each place setting had a neatly folded cloth napkin on which the silverware was placed. I hadn't had a meal in this formal of a setting since I lived with my parents many years ago.

As I approached the table, Annabel smiled and told me to take a seat in the chair in front of me. My place at the table was made obvious by the plastic water bottle resting next to its companion empty glass. The beads of sweat developing on the surface of the bottle gave every indication that it had been chilled.

Annabel saw me take notice of the water bottle on the table. "I hope ya don't mind but I had to go into yur room to put some of yur water bottles in the icebox. Wanted to make sure ya'd have some cold ones."

"No, not at all. Thanks Annabel."

Annabel smiled in response and then went into the kitchen as I sat down but quickly returned carrying a plate of sliced bread. She walked up next to the right of me and set the plate on the table.

"Do ya like homemade wheat bread?" Annabel asked.

"Yeah I do. It looks very good." I replied.

"I think ya'll find it very good. I made it last night." she responded.

"Well I think I'm sure to like it then." I said with a smile. Annabel looked back down at me and smiled widely as she took my plate in hand and began adding a generous portion of chicken. "What are you doing? You don't have to do that." I objected.

"Nonsense, yur a guest in our house and I'm servin ya dinner. Ya just relax. Ya deserve it after yur hard day's work." I relented and watched as Annabel began adding sizeable portions of each item on the table.

Annabel's proximity was close enough that her left hip made contact with my upper right arm. Unsure if by accident or playful banter, I looked up at her and that's when a peculiar scent immediately seized my attention. I sniffed the air in an attempt to identify the odor but in a cautious manner so as not to draw Annabel's attention. I had already caused a scene when observing the overpowering scents around me earlier in the day and I didn't care to have a repeat performance. My brain processed the scent that flowed through my nostrils, a strange and unfamiliar musky odor. It wasn't entirely unpleasant but it immediately triggered a warmth that spread through my body and quickly became focused in my loins. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life. The sensation was similar to becoming extremely horny but this was different. It developed instantly with the added element of subtle anxiety entwined with sexual desire.

My cock quickly pulsed to life as blood rushed through its length and in less than half a minute made it painfully erect. I sat there and stared blankly at Annabel as I became lost in the entrancement of the experience. So lost was I that I never even heard the question Annabel posed to me. She stopped plating my food and looked down at me, curious as to my lack of response. From her vantage point it looked as though I was staring at her ass. Although my eyes were focused in that direction, I was completely lost in my own world and wouldn't have noticed a Bigfoot dressed in drag walking by us.

"Aaron?" Annabel asked in an attempt to capture my attention. "Aaron!" she said more loudly as she intentionally bumped me with her left hip.

"What?!" I finally responded as I jerked back slightly and snapped out of my trance.

"What were ya doing?" Annabel asked.

"What?" I responded.

"Ya were staring at my butt!" she accused with a coy smile.

"No...I...wait...what?" I was all confused. I had no idea what was going on or what had just transpired.

"I asked ya if this was enough food."

I answered without even looking at my plate. "Uh...yeah...that's good." I wiped the sweat beading on my forehead resulting from this scent-driven warmth coursing through my body and the additional complete embarrassment from Annabel thinking that I had been leering at her ass. Annabel set my full plate of food down in front of me and clopped over and took her seat on the long side of the table directly across from me. I sat there bewildered as I struggled to form complete thoughts in my mind in order to assure Annabel that I hadn't been staring at her ass.

The scent was still in the air tugging at my attention. My heart was beating fast, fueling the heat in my loins, and the raging boner in my pants. I had to snap out of it and take control of this situation. Normally a deep breath would assist in restoring one's composure but seemed ill advised with this scent hanging in the air. I wiped the newly formed sweat from my brow and looked to my right towards the kitchen with hope that Mama Goat wasn't coming.

Annabel had begun to plate her food. I leaned forward towards her. "Annabel?"

"Yes Aaron." she responded as she glanced up at me.

"I really wasn't...uh...staring at..." I was immediately interrupted by Mama Goat as she clopped in from the kitchen carrying a pitcher.

"Who wa-a-a-nts some orange juice?" she asked the room.

Annabel asked for some while I leaned against the back of my chair in frustration. I suddenly noticed that the troublesome scent had seemed to fade into nothingness. I gave a subtle sniff to the air and confirmed my suspicion; however, I found that its effect on me was slower in diminishing. "Yeah, I'll take some." I responded in my confused state as I sat there and stared blankly at my plate.

Unbeknownst to those around me, I was in the midst of an internal struggle to regain my composure in an effort to ascertain this scent's origin and how it was able to induce such a rapid and lustful reaction. Its grip loosening, I was able to think more clearly and began assessing the situation. I slowly looked around the dining room while mentally recalling the scent's arrival and subsidence and the events that transpired around me during that timeframe. Only one thing could be tied to the timing of its presence; Annabel. It coincided exactly with her close proximity to me while plating my food and dissipation after walking away.

Determining the source was only one part of the puzzle though. How exactly it was able to affect me in such an overwhelming manner wasn't something I was confident that I would be able to ascertain. I had never possessed a very good sense of smell but today, on multiple occasions, the smells around me seemed enhanced somehow. My sinuses still ached from the probable developing infection which typically inhibited my sense of smell rather than enhance it. This fact complicated my arriving to logical conclusion and was simply at a loss to explain it.

Meanwhile, Mama Goat had finished filling Annabel's glass and had made her way over to me to do the same. She filled mine and then took a seat to my right on the short side of the table closest to the kitchen. I picked up my fork and knife and was about to dive into my serving of chicken when I heard Mama Goat clear her throat with authority. I looked over at her to see her with a disapproving expression on her face.

"Aaron, I don't know how you do things at yur home, but here we say prayer before we eat." Mama Goat stated.

"Oh Mama Goat, I'm sorry...I didn't realize." I felt as though I was a little boy that had just been scolded by my mother. Mama Goat wasn't mean about it, but she said it in that way that every mother does; you know, in that "you should know better" way.

"It's alright Aaron." she reassured with a comforting smile.

I looked over to Annabel and she just grinned at me.

"Would you like to lead us in prayer?" Mama Goat asked me.

I instantly felt uneasy as I wasn't exactly the religious type. "Uh...well...I don't really do...uh..."

"I'll say prayer!" blurted Annabel, coming to my rescue. She looked at me with a kind smile. Annabel closed her eyes, bowed her head, and as Mama Goat and I followed suit she led us in prayer. As Annabel delivered it, I opened my eyes and peaked at her. I watched her in admiration but then quickly closed my eyes and bowed again as she finished.

As we began our meal, I could tell Mama Goat was itching to ask me something but it seemed as though she was struggling with an approach. So I figured I'd ease her burden. "Mama Goat, is there something you want to ask me?"

Mama Goat cleared her throat, seemingly indicating that things were about to get serious. "Well Aaron, I was just curious what yur religion is."

In that moment I was really hoping I hadn't unknowingly found myself in a community of Bible thumpers that overwhelmingly brought religion into every aspect of their lives and those around them regardless of their beliefs. I hadn't gotten that impression so far, but I was hoping this wasn't the beginning of a journey down that path. "To be honest, I really don't have one." I responded with a bit a dread.

"I see." Mama Goat created a pause by taking a drink but then looked me straight in the eye. "Do you believe in God?"

"Oh boy, here we go." I thought to myself. I took a bight of my chicken to create my own pause, giving me a few seconds to formulate a response. I didn't want to offend anyone, but I didn't want to abandon my beliefs at the same time. "Well, I simply believe that religion..."

Mama Goat cut me off mid-sentence. "Aaron, I didn't ask you about religion. I asked if you believe in God?" she asked straight forwardly.

"Mama!" Annabel interjected. "I don't think he wants to talk about it."

I looked to Annabel. "No, it's alright Annabel." I immediately responded. "She has a right to know what kind of person she has invited into her house." I said as I looked backed to Mama Goat. "Well Mama Goat, I'm a scientist. My mind tells me that I will never understand God."

"Hmmmm...okay, but what does your heart tell you?" Mama Goat countered with a smile.

I sighed and then paused before answering. "It tells me that I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift I have yet to receive."

"Nicely said Aaron, nicely said. Well...maybe, someday, faith will find you." Mama Goat responded.

I looked over to Annabel who smiled at me upon eye contact. She gave me a little "bravo" head nod as though I had passed some test. The inquisition over, the discussion turned to the recollection of the day's events and our personal experiences. I hadn't enjoyed a family meal in quite some time and Annabel and Mama Goat made me feel completely welcome.

As the meal continued I couldn't help but notice Annabel casually looking over at me a smiling in a playful and flirtatious manner. She was a bit more discreet about it than at lunch earlier. I figured Mama Goat probably would not approve of such behavior. I was normally kind of a shy guy that would normally feel a little uncomfortable in this situation; but not with Annabel. There was something compelling and alluring about her that was nearly impossible for me to ignore for some reason. I wasn't particularly good at courtship on the fly and preferred to strategize before making advancements on a woman that I fancied. Whenever a woman approached me I always felt unprepared and didn't typically end in my favor.

Toward the end of the meal Annabel and I were exchanging smiles in between subjects of conversation and Mama Goat finally took notice. Our moment was disturbed by a sudden throat clearing sound from Mama Goat. Annabel and I immediately darted our attentions to her. There sat Mama Goat glancing back and forth at each of us with a disapproving look. I was so embarrassed. I felt like a horny teenager that got busted by their mother checking out some chick. My heart began to race and a warmth quickly spread throughout my body. Remember those fight or flight instincts? Well, I immediately stood up but failing to push my chair back far enough so that I cleared the table, I jarred it and nearly knocked over every drink. "Oh shit!...No, wait!...I mean...Sorry!...I...uh...oh boy [audible sigh]." I paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that my poor reaction has now put me in a position where everyone is staring at me in bewilderment and I'm standing there without the slightest plan for what to do next. I looked down at the table unable to bring myself to make eye contact with anyone. "I...uh...feel sick." And with that poorly articulated declaration I made a beeline for my bedroom without looking back.

Reaching the safe confines of my bedroom I quickly closed the door and just stood there facing the door, my right hand still gripping the doorknob. I leaned my head forward against the door with audible thump. "You handled that well!" I said aloud to myself. I couldn't believe what I had just done. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" I posed to myself out loud. I banged my head on the door lightly in frustration which was unexpectedly answered by three light knocks from the other side of the door. I was so engrossed with my own disgust that I never noticed that someone approached the door.

I tilted my head back and rolled my eyes as I sighed with dread. "Oh great." I thought to myself. Needless to say I really wasn't ready to face anyone after my performance in the dining room.

"Aaron, you OKAY?" the sweet country voice of Annabel inquired.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I responded.

"Are ya really sick?"

"No, I'm fine. I just didn't know what else to say to get outa there is all."

There was silence for a moment. I figured Annabel was deciding what to do next. "Are you standing at the door?" she asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Can I come in? Annabel paused for a moment. I want to apologize and I...uh...well, I really don't want to do it through a door." I hesitated for a moment but then relented. Stepping back, I opened the door with my left hand and my eyes immediately met her sweet and friendly smile. I held the door open as she entered the room. "Close the door please." she requested.

I suddenly became worried by the request for privacy. "I'm not in trouble am I?" I asked.

Annabel smiled. "No, yur not in trouble."

I closed the door and then turned and faced her. "Look Annabel, you don't need to apologize. What happened out there was all my fault."

"No, actually it's not." She responded but then paused for a moment, seemingly thinking of a way to word what she wanted to say. I waited patiently. Annabel suddenly looked at me with a more serious expression before beginning. "Aaron, I want to apologize for the way I've been acting."

I figured I knew where this was going but I figured I would ask anyway to show my openness for what she had to say as a way to encourage her. "What do you mean?"

"Well...I know I've been showing a...uh...a liking for you." Her serious expression was rapidly replaced with a bashful smile. This was not an expression I was accustomed to seeing on a normally confident Annabel. "It's just that I'm in...I'" she stopped, seemingly hesitant about continuing.

"What is it Annabel? You can tell me." I decided to return the comforting gesture she gave me earlier in the day. I slowly approached Annabel with a comforting smile. I cautiously took her right hand into my left and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Annabel, it's OKAY."

She returned a nervous smile and took a deep breath as though it would build her courage past a threshold that would allow her to continue. "It's kinda embarrassing actually. I'm in estrus." She looked at me as though I was supposed to suddenly "get" something that I couldn't piece together without that critical piece of information.

In all actuality I had no fucking clue what the word "estrus" even meant. "I'm sorry Annabel, I don't understand? What's estrus?" I asked with a confused look.

Annabel blushed a bit before responding. "Well, it means that I'm ready to...uh...mate."

"Oh." I immediately responded somewhat nonchalantly. But after a few seconds what she said really hit me. "Oooooohhhhh." I took a moment to process this a bit more. "So you're in heat, like a dog?"

The look on her face in reaction to the words that just left my lips left me instantly realizing that I had chosen my words poorly. Annabel sharply pulled her hand from mine and displayed a defensive posture. "Excuse me, but I am not a dog!" she exclaimed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No...Annabel!...I...I wasn't trying to compare you to a dog. I'm just not familiar with such things other than what some dog breeder friends had told me. That's all." I felt really bad about offending her after she shared something so personal. As I continued with the noblest of intensions, I forgot the cardinal "man rule" when apologizing to a woman; keep it short and sweet and above all, get it right the first time. "It's just that I don't know much about the mating behavior of that you're an animal...uh...shit... You know what, I'm just gonna stop talking now." I was extremely frustrated and embarrassed. I normally spoke in an extremely articulate manner but at the moment I felt as though I should seek a doctor to surgically remove my foot from my mouth.

Annabel could tell I was genuinely sorry and realized that she may have overreacted a bit. "It's alright Aaron." she said with a reassuring smile that was quickly replaced with a curious expression. "So yur women don' that?"

"What? Go into heat?" Annabel nodded "yes" in response. "Um, no, they don't." I said while shaking my head "no". This conversation had quickly taken a weird turn and I was really hoping she wasn't going to continue on this line of questioning regarding the human female reproductive system. It wasn't a topic I really wanted to discuss at the moment.

I think Annabel might have realized this and brought us back to the reason for her coming to my bedroom in the first place. "Well, anyway, I was telling you about my estrus because I can get kinda...well...pushy when taking a liking to someone."

OKAY, now I was confused. I had started to like Annabel; a lot in fact, and probably more than I should for my own good. Recalling our interactions through the day, anyone with a half a sense would realize the relationship between us had grown beyond a simple male and female friendship. I didn't expect to be here much longer and I wasn't actively seeking a relationship nor a wham, bam, thank you ma'am but I couldn't deny that there were times I was inexplicably drawn to her. I had never experienced such feelings of lust for anyone. Infatuation, yeah, sure, who hasn't? But sometimes when I'm around Annabel something rises from the depths of my being that overwhelm my ability to think rationally. Complicating things further, she was carrying the future child of some guy that doesn't appear to be in her life anymore. The million dollar question was, does Annabel really like me or is it really just the hormones talking? I began to feel like I was caught up in some fucked up soap opera.

"So you actually don't like me?" I asked bluntly.

"No, I didn't mean that. It's just that the liking of you that I've been showing in front of everyone isn't like me. Some of the elders were mad at me at the picnic for doing that."

"Yeah, I noticed. I don't think Mama Goat approved either at dinner." I added.

"And that's what I'm talkin about. If it wasn't for me doing it, you wouldn't have either. And that's why I'm apologizing."

A small but noticeable smile grew on my face as I looked into her gorgeous emerald eyes. "Look Annabel, you don't have to apologize. What I did was because I like you too. You didn't make me do it."

Her body language instantly exuded a sense of relief immediately followed by that sweet smile that I love seeing adorn her face. "Well, alright then." she responded.

A comfortable silence filled the bedroom. "By the way, it's called flirting." I stated softly.

"What is?" she asked equally as soft.

"Let's see, how did you put it? Something like showing a liking of me in front of everyone? It's called flirting."

"Oh, OKAY, flirting. I've never hurd that word before." We stood there for a moment just smiling and looking at each other for a moment. "OKAY...well...I'm gonna go and let ya get back to doing whatever

ya were doing." Annabel said as backed up to the door and opened it.

"Well I'm gonna take a shower. I stink something awful."

"Yeah, ya do." she teased with a smile as she backed out the doorway and pulled the door closed.

I just stood there for a moment and wondered how the night could get any weirder. As I did, the pain and pressure in my sinuses came to the forefront. I brought the fingers of my right hand to my forehead and bridge of my nose and pressed to relieve the pressure a bit. I couldn't believe I forgot my allergy meds. All I could do was take some more Tylenol and Advil for pain management and hope it doesn't get any worse. Feeling a trickle of drainage (snot) about to run out of my nose, I went over to the backpack that contained some Kleenex and grabbed a couple. Wiping and blowing my nose, I was disheartened to see a little blood mixed in with the snot, a sure sign that the infection was worsening. "Well that's just great." I said to myself.

At that point I was really ready for the day to be over. I grabbed the towel and washcloth Annabel had placed on top of one of the dressers. Since I had exhausted my supply of clean clothes I would be changing right back into what I had on my back. I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I placed the towel on the sink and as I hung the washcloth on the shower curtain rod there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and found Annabel standing there.

"Hey!" she greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Uh, hi." I responded but with much less enthusiasm in my exhausted state.

"Don't mean to be a bother but I wanted to make sure ya don't use my special shampoo. It's in a white bottle. Ya can use my regular shampoo. It's the pink bottle."

I looked back over to the shelf above the bathtub and located the pink bottle that would be the savior from my filthy state. "OKAY. Thanks." I responded.

"Yur welcome." said Annabel and then walked down the hall.

I closed the door and immediately undressed. I was so filthy and could not wait to get cleaned up. I took my time and enjoyed a nice hot and steamy shower. I didn't typically dilly dally or soak in the shower but it felt so great that I did just that. I probably spent about 30 minutes completing the task. Since there was no ventilation fan I had hoped the steam might help with my sinus issue. After I dried off and redressed I went to Annabel's bedroom doorway and found her folding and putting away her laundered clothes. She noticed me straight away and looked at me with a puzzled expression. "I thought ya were gonna take a shower?" she asked.

"Yeah, I already did." I responded.

"Why are ya wearing the same clothes?" she inquired.

"That's why I came to see you. All my clothes are dirty, so I was wondering if I could do some laundry."

Annabel smiled. "Well of course you can. Why didn't ya ask sooner?" She handed me the laundry basket she had just emptied. "Put yur dirty things in there and I'll come get them when I'm done."

"Annabel, I can do my own laundry." I stated.

"Nonsense, I'll take care of it fur ya. Ya worked hard today and deserve to rest." Annabel countered though I think she sense I wasn't going to give in so easily. "Let's just call it a way of sayin thank you for helpin out today."

I shrugged my shoulders and conceded. "Alright, you win."

I went back to my room and dug out the dirty clothes from my packs. It was going to be nice having some clean clothes again. No sooner than I had finished putting the last article of dirty clothing in the basket, Annabel rapped on my open bedroom door. She entered without saying a word, took the basket from me, and presumably went to the laundry room.

Annabel still seemed to have plenty of energy, but I on the other hand; the long hot shower had done its job by inducing a much needed relaxed state, so much so that I had hit the proverbial wall of my day. That wonderful shower combined with the cocktail of medications seemed to dull the soreness in my legs and even provided some relief from the pressure in my sinus cavity. I picked up my watch to check the time and it read 20:43 (8:43 PM). It didn't matter what it read, it was bedtime.

I closed my bedroom door, turned off the light, and then stripped down to my boxers, my dirty boxers, man I couldn't wait to have clean clothes again. Such a simple concept that to this point had been unattainable. Grasping the comforter, blanket, and sheet in one hand, I pulled them back a bit from the made bed in one motion and then slid into their soft and cool embrace. I loved the feeling of cool sheets against my skin and a cool pillowcase caressing my head. My body always ran warm and further warmed by the hot shower, my body temperature quickly warmed the bed. My head's salvation from the warmth came with a flip of the pillow and resting my head once again I sighed deeply at the satisfying coolness of the previously unexposed material. "As cool as the other side of the pillow." I thought to myself recalling a favorite Stewart Scott expression of mine that he frequently applied to awesome plays highlighted on ESPN's "Sports Center". As I lay there in the darkness, I attempted to rationally evaluate my situation but before my progress could even reach its infancy I was out cold.