The Outsider | Chapter 7: Leaving Town

Story by kawzman on SoFurry

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#7 of The Outsider (Updated)

In rural northeastern Nevada there is a small, unassuming community where the local residents have a strong connection and resemblance to the goats they raise. On his way home from backpacking in the Nevada wilderness, Aaron wrecks his Jeep in order to avoid striking a goat standing in the middle of the road. When a seemingly innocent local woman named Annabel takes him in while his Jeep is being repaired, an unlikely attraction develops during the time they are together. While Aaron longs to return home, he soon discovers that his feelings for Annabel may not be the only thing that prevents him from leaving the community.Work in progress

Not a lot of time to dedicate to this project of mine that I have been working on periodically since 2009. I wish I had the time to just get'er done. Some day. Will continue to peck at it for now. This update reflects significant changes to chapters 1-3. Currently reworking to better tie chapter 3 to chapter 4.

I immediately headed for a small mountain to the west that appeared to be about 2000 feet in elevation. I figured it would keep me away from the surrounding farms and I could also get my bearings once at the top. Taking a direct route up its side, it didn't take long to reach the top. The mountain provided a nice view of the surrounding countryside. Although I knew the highway was to the south, I had no idea how far away it was and I couldn't see it with the mountains obstructing my line of sight.

Frustrated, I removed my packs and inventoried my supplies, which were unfortunately limited. I wasn't in too bad of shape food wise, but I only had two bottles of water remaining as I had drank several from my reserves during my stay in goat town. Not knowing how far the effects of the virus extended from the community, this was not good. It was an unseasonably warm day, the thermometer on my pack registered 82°F. I needed to get going, knowing that I was going to lose water fast in this dry climate. I repacked, took a bearing, and was on my way once again. Below was a nice long valley than stretched a good 9-10 miles southward but it was composed of several farms that I was sure were all part of the community. Given my meager water supply, my immediate goal was to cover as much distance as possible, so I had to risk the route.

I kept looking over my shoulder, concerned that "the community" may not be so willing to let a changing outsider leave. I figured the technological ineptitude of the community gave me the advantage as they couldn't simply pick up the phone and pass the word that I was about. I stayed off the road and well hidden in the fields. I was making decent time, but because it wasn't till after 2pm that I had left, I was losing daylight fast. As I ascended the 2500 foot mountain at the end of the valley, I decided to make camp at the top. Once again I ascended straight up the side and made it to the top just before sunset. Looking to the south, I still could not see the highway. I hoped it wasn't more than another day's hike but I guess I'd find out tomorrow. I set up my tent and opted to not build a fire, sacrificing warmth for concealment.

I sat in my tent and relaxed for the first time since leaving the community. My stomach growled furiously and it wasn't until then that I realized I hadn't eaten much of anything all day. I had some snacks to get some nourishment and finished off the first bottle of water. I set my alarm clock to wake at 6am so I could get an early start at first light. Even after all the sleep I had gotten the night before, I was surprisingly tired by the time 9pm came around. It wasn't easy for me to fall asleep though. I couldn't shut down my brain as I was unable to stop thinking of Annabel and everything that had transpired during the last few days. I must have tossed and turned in my sleeping bag for a good hour before finally falling asleep.

I awoke the next morning, the alarm having successfully done its job. Looking out the entrance of my tent, daylight was just beginning to illuminate the forest as the sun had just begun to rise. I immediately wondered if the changes to my body had progressed at all during the night. I threw back my sleeping bag and turned on my flashlight to carefully examine myself. The soreness hadn't gone away but it wasn't any worse than yesterday. The coloring of my fingernails and toenails appeared to have darkened a bit more but I couldn't really discern any additional physical changes. I slid my hand down my back and under the waistband of my boxers. I felt what seemed to be a newly grown fine coating of fur before reaching something more disturbing. My tail bone had definitely grown since my last inspection. Running my fingers over its length, I estimated that it was about 1.5 inches long. I could feel what was no doubt goat fur covering it from base to tip. As I studied its characteristics, I was suddenly caught off guard when the appendage pushed my fingers aside. "Holy shit!" I said to myself as I jerked my hand out of my britches. "My tail just fuckin wagged!" I said in an appalling manner.

I had enough change evaluation for the time being. Near as I could tell my changes progressed little during the course of the night and that was likely due to having ingested little of the local food or drink since yesterday. I sighed in relief. So far, the changes were subtle and ones I could live with.

I grabbed my Berretta and slowly poked my head outside and looked around. I didn't see anyone or hear anything out of the ordinary, so I slipped back inside and redressed before fully emerging to get going. I stood tall and stretched, letting out a subtle groan as I yawned. I could see my breath in the chilled air. Suddenly, I heard what sounded like a stick breaking nearby, behind me and to my right. My eyes widened as I froze in sudden fear. In one motion, I turned around towards the source of the noise while simultaneously drawing out my Berretta from the back of my pants, making it unsafe, and taking aim. Focusing beyond the sighting of my weapon's barrel, I saw Annabel sitting comfortably against a tree about 30 feet from me. Seemingly not a threat, I immediately scanned the surrounding forest for others while keeping a center mass aim at Annabel.

"Don't worry, I'm alone." she said without any hint of fear.

I ignored her as I cautiously searched my surroundings and listened intently for indications of anyone else in the area. Satisfied that she may be telling the truth, I focused back on Annabel. "Are you stupid?! I could have shot you! I told you not to follow me!" I shouted.

"So what now? Are ya going to shoot me?" She tossed the broken pieces of the stick she used to get my attention and then stood up. I kept her in my pistol's sight, uncertain of what to expect. Annabel gently brushed herself off and then picked up a bouquet of flowers that had been lying on the ground next to her. "Well, are ya or aren'tchya?"

I looked around again and then lowered my gun knowing full well I could never hurt her. I sighed in a sort of defeat as the sadness of heartbreak had finally overtaken my anger. "How did you find me?" I asked in a solemn and quiet voice.

"Well, ya weren't easy to track. If it wasn't for yur scent, I never would have found ya. I can recognize yur scent anywhere. The goat part of me has a good sense of smell, especially for the scent of my mate."

"Please...don't call me that. That's not the case anymore." I looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact with her. It was silent for a moment. "Are you cold? I have a jacket if need it?"

Annabel smiled at the kind gesture. "No thanks, I'm fine. My fur keeps me warm enough."

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

Annabel slowly walked towards me. "A few hours I guess. I didn't want to wake ya. Besides, I wasn't sure what ya do if I did, so I waited." She stopped a couple feet from me and handed me the flowers. I looked at them for a moment before reluctantly taking them.

"Thanks. They're nice...where did you get them?"

"They were in the clearing were we...well...ya know. I went there to think about things."

"Dammit Annabel, why'd you have to come? I'm trying to get over you!"

She hesitated before responding. Annabel knew she had to tread carefully with every word if there was any hope of patching things up with me. "Aaron, I know ya still love me." she said softly.

I sighed again in a sort of conceding the fact. "Of course I do." I said equally as soft.

"Then come back with me and let's work things out." Annabel said softly. "I love ya so much Aaron!" she blurted more loudly past the restraint she had promised herself that she would employ so as not to pressure me with her own desires.

In the hours after I had left, Annabel had thought long and hard about her selfish and deceptive actions and the resulting situation. She even confessed to Pa and Mama Goat that she had deceived them and me out of her desperation to find love. Looking at the situation from my point of view, she completely understood my reaction but prayed that forgiveness and the love that we shared would bring us back together.

"Annabel...I can't. I need to get away from this place."

Annabel looked away from me to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. "I understand."

Her response caught me a bit off guard. "You do?"

"Yeah. I can't blame ya. What I did was wrong. I've hurt everyone I love and lost the one I love most."

I was immediately confused by one word. "Everyone? What do you mean everyone?"

"Well, Mama Goat and Pa are plenty mad at me for lying to them about ya." I stood there and quietly listened as she explained the complex tapestry of lies she had woven in order to keep contradicting elements from hindering the development of our relationship. Annabel went on to explain how she told them from the beginning that I was the one that initially expressed interested in courting her, though she definitely led me on long before I had taken interest in her. She told them that I liked the simplicity of their community and how she thought I was interested in possibly joining it even after learning about the goat changing issue. To avoid them questioning me too much, Annabel asked them not to interfere and let whatever might develop do so on its own. "If it was meant to be, then it was meant to be. Of course, I did my best to make sure certain facts didn't come to light that might have scared ya off."

It was a lot to take in, so I thought for a moment before asking away. "So why did Mama Goat offer me that glass of milk knowing full well it would change me faster?"

"Don't hold it against her. She has a good heart and loves me so much. She saw a chance for me to be happy with a man and kinda got carried away. That's why I told her the milk was bad. Neither of us wanted to just change ya. That's why Mama Goat let ya stay when I first brought ya home. Once she knew ya were stranded out here she figured it was more better for ya to stay at our house where we could keep the changes as slow as possible. If ya had stayed out in the wilderness, ya might have changed a lot on yur own."

"Well, I never thought of it that way. I'm pretty adept at living off the land. You and Mama Goat probably saved me in that case." I became silent again as I thought through my time in the community for other irregularities. "What about Billy Jo? Was he stalling?"

Annabel's body language suddenly exuded a guilty posture. "Oh...uhhh...yeah, he kinda stalled because I asked him to, not that he liked doing it."

"What was the heated conversation you two were having at the service station while I was on the phone? I know it was about me. I heard Billy Jo say my name."

"Well, I had to explain to him what I was doing, and he didn't think it was right for me to do that to ya. He felt that ya deserved to know the truth and decide for yurself."

My mouth actually dropped open in shock. "You're shittin me? In all this, Billy Jo is the only one that that stood up for me. Wow, didn't see that one coming."

"Does that clear up some things for ya Aaron?"

"Yeah, it does. I had some things wrong and I definitely misjudged some people. But..." I paused, reluctant to finish my thought.

"But what Aaron?"

"Well, it doesn't change the fact that you deceived me. Our love for each other is built on lies. You lied to me and your parents. You have no idea how hard it is for me to trust people." My eyes started to tear up and seeing my deeply heartfelt emotion, Annabel began to tear up as well. "I can't do this with you. I can't be with someone I can't trust. You've hurt me more deeply than you can imagine Annabel." I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned back towards my tent. "I've got to get going."

"I'm so sorry Aaron. I never meant to hurt ya. Haven't ya ever wanted something so bad in yur life that when the one real chance to have it came along that ya didn't at least try? Yur the only man to come into my life that I could see spending the rest of my life with. I couldn't let it pass me by."

"I know Annabel. I really do know."

Annabel turned and headed back to the tree by which she had been sitting. I could hear her crying softly and it was killing me inside. I watched her as she bent over and picked up a small blanket and then turned back to me. I quickly turned my head so she wouldn't know I had been watching her. I started gathering my things when she approached me.

"Aaron, here I thought ya could use this."

I turned around to find her holding a full water bottle. "Thanks. You don't know how much I needed this. Where did you get it?"

"It was in the icebox." Annabel stood there for a moment looking like she wanted to say something else. "Aaron, would ya like a ride back to Billy Jo's? Ya really don't need to walk back to yur home."

"Well, if I walked all the way back to your place just to get a ride to Billy Jo's I might as well walk the rest of the way."

"Actually, I know the folks that live in the farm right below this mountain. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Oh, I didn't realize." I looked down at my gear. I really didn't want to hike to the highway and try getting back home that way. "OKAY Annabel, I'll take you up on your offer." She gave an acknowledging nod. "I just need a few minutes to get everything together."

"OKAY. Ya need any help?"

"Naw, I got it." I disassembled the tent and quickly stuffed it and the few things I had removed from my packs and we were on our way.

I followed Annabel at a specific distance just to be safe. Though her confessions seemed to be genuine, I didn't trust her. We made good time getting down the mountain, though walking was more difficult as the ligaments in the back of my legs had tightened a little more over night. It seemed as though my hiking days were at an end because the discomfort would outweigh the enjoyment of my normal excursions. It made me sad to think that I would no longer be able to enjoy my long treks into the wilderness.

We came to a corn field at the bottom of the mountain and only after a few minutes of navigating through it we came to the owner's driveway. I followed Annabel as she changed course and began to follow it. As we approached a bend, the sounds of a tractor's engine and kids playing indicated the residents were carrying out a routine that likely mirrored the other farms in the community. Rounding the bend, a decent sized two story farmhouse and a barn came into view. The driveway quickly opened up into a large dirt area with patches of grass that was packed by frequent farm equipment traffic.

Two kids giggled as they played with a tire swing that hung from a large oak tree next to the house. As Annabel and I started towards the house, a female voice called out from behind us. "Bel?! Is that you?!"

We turned around and Annabel smiled, happy to see whoever this person was. "Hey Meredith!" she called back. As Meredithapproached, I couldn't help but analyze her form. She was dressed in an outfit that was obviously not pieced together to hide her goat like features. Meredith was a goat woman like Annabel, but there were differences when comparing which parts appeared to be human and goat. Her horns were much larger than Annabel's, extending well above her long flowing blonde hair. The high cut jean shorts were relatively tight fitting and accentuated her udder, which appeared larger than Annabel's. Meredith's goat legs were more muscular but were covered in similar brown and white fur. The tank top shirt showed off her flat and furless stomach, and above accentuated her perky breasts that were about one cup size smaller than Annabel's. Her arms had no fur and her hands looked normal. She had a cute face, whose muzzle protruded a bit more than Annabel's.

Meredith locked eyes on me as she approached, making no effort to be subtle about checking me out. "Hey girl. I'd ask ya who this is, but I'd bet the farm that it's Aaron." she said without taking her eyes off me.

"Yes, this is Aaron."

Meredith smiled at me. "Yur right Bel, he is cute."

I rolled my eyes and looked towards the goat kids playing on the swing. "Not now Meredith!" Annabel scolded her. I continued to watch the kids as they played without a care in the world. I suddenly found myself wondering if they knew anything about the world outside their community. I thought about how nice it must be to raise a family free of so many of the negative influences in the world.

"What's yur deal girl?" Meredith asked Annabel.

"Can ya give us a ride to Billy's?"

"Sure, what for?"

Annabel's eyes began to tear up and she looked away from Meredith to collect herself for a moment before responding. "Aaron's leaving and needs to talk to Billy."

"Shit Bel, are ya alright?" Meredith glared over at me. "What the fuck did ya do to her?!"

I looked back over at Meredith but before I could respond, Annabel interjected. "No, Meredith! It's not him. He didn't do anything. It was me." Annabel took Meredith's right hand and pulled her into a slow walk. She began to explain everything that happened.

I watched as they started to slowly walk away. "Whatever." I said aloud as I turned back to watch the kids. They talked for a few minutes and I looked back over my shoulder in time to see them locked in a friendly reassuring hug. I just wanted to get going. The sooner I could leave the sooner I could get home and start moving on with my life. I heard footsteps approaching me from behind and I turned to see them making their way back to me. They held hands with smiles of reassurance adorning their faces.

"I want apologize Aaron. Bel and I are best friends and I hate seeing her hurt."

I looked Meredith in the eye for a moment. "It's cool. I can understand that."

"Sweet!" Meredith turned back to Annabel. "I'm gonna go tell dad that I'm borrowing his ride. Be right back."

Meredith took off in a sprint towards the house and I watched in puzzlement. Something didn't seem right with her. I looked at Annabel as I mused.

"What?" Annabel asked.

"That's your girlfriend that you described as being "into my world" isn't she?"

"Yeah. How did ya know?"

"Well, there's the way she's dressed for one. Then there's how she speaks and a certain selection of words she uses. I mean really, how many here say "sweet" and call vehicles their "ride".

"Yeah, Meredith doesn't really make an effort to hide it."

A few minutes later we heard a truck start up and shortly afterwards it came around from behind the house. The old Ford pickup was only a few years younger than the truck that Annabel drove around. It still had most of its paint and looked safer to ride in though. As it pulled up to us, Meredith hollered out the window. "Get in!" I followed Annabel around the front of the truck, tossed my packs in the bed, and climbed in after her. Once I got situated in my seat, I closed the door and Meredith immediately took off. It was a little cramped in the single seat cab and the touch shared by Annabel and I from being seated next to each other was the first time we had touched since yesterday. Truth be told I missed her touch and I missed touching her casually and intimately.

Meredith covered the miles to Billy's service station in about fifteen minutes. As we pulled up, Billly Jo was already pulling himself out from underneath a tractor he was working on to greet us. We all climbed out the truck and Billy Jo walked over. I saw my Jeep sitting to the side of the garage, unmoved since my last visit to the station.

"G'mornin Ms. Annabel, Ms. Meredith. What brings ya out here?"

"Aaron's leaving Billy." Annabel responded in a depressed manner.

Billy looked over at me. "Is that so? Well I'm kinda surprised to hear it."

"Look, Billy, the jig is up. Annabel told me everything and I'm leavin before I change anymore."

Billy looked over at Annabel with a surprised look. "Did she now?"

Annabel looked down at the earth to avoid eye contact as an aura of guilt swept over her body. "Ya were right Billy. I should've listened to ya sooner." she said solemnly.

"Well Ms. Annabel, I'm just glad ya ended up doin the right thing, though ya shoulda done it sooner."

"Look Billy, I want to get my Jeep towed to get fixed. Can you help me or not?"

"Yep, I know a wrecker in the next town. I'll give'm a call and get'm here fer ya."

Despite what Annabel had said about Billy sticking up for me, I still didn't trust him. So many lies had been told to me at this service station that I wasn't taking any chances. "Don't mind if I tag along do ya Billy?"

"Think I can make the call withoutchya sonny."

I looked over at Annabel before responding. "Well, let's just say I've recently developed trust issues around here." Annabel just cowered without responding.

"I understand. Tag along if ya'd like."

As Billy started towards his shop I casually pulled my Beretta from the back of my pants, double checked to make sure a round was chambered, and took it off safe before putting it back. Meredith's eyes grew wide while an overwhelming sense of concern struck Annabel.

"Aaron, what are ya doing?!" Annabel inquired.

Meredith's reaction came immediately afterwards. "Oh shit! Is that a gun?!"

Billy stopped, turned around and looked at me.

"I'm not taking any chances Annabel." I responded as I headed towards the shop as well.

"Don't hurt him!" Annabel shouted.

Billy looked at me as I approached. "Ya won't be needin that gun sonny. No one's goin to stop ya from leavin."

I came to a stop just out of his reach. "Look Billy, I just want to get out of here alright? So can we just get this over with?"

"Sure thing." He said as he turned and made his way into the shop and I trailed at a distance behind him. Billy immediately went over to the phone and dialed a number. I stood nearby and watched and listened intently as he talked to the person on the other end. Billy made the necessary arrangements and I was happy to hear him confirm that the wrecker would be there in 30 minutes. "Well, that's that." he said as he hung up the phone.

"Cool. Now, can you dial the number again?"

Billy looked at me with a puzzled expression but complied. He made sure it started to ring on the other end before handing it to me. "Just put it down on the counter and step back if you don't mind."

"Not at all sonny." he said as he complied once again.

I slowly walked over and could hear an inquiring voice emitting from the receiver as I picked it up to put it to my ear. I asked about any recent orders for a tow truck and quickly confirmed that one was already on its way. I smiled in relief and thanked the man on the other end before hanging up. I was overwhelmingly relieved that this ordeal was going to be over soon.

I looked over at Billy and lowered my guard a bit. "Thanks Billy." I said with a smile.

He returned my smile, which caught me by surprise. It was the first time he had ever directed a smile in my direction since I had met him. "Help yurself to anything ya want to eat or drink if ya'd like."

"Thanks Billy but I'm not really hungry or thirsty."

Billy just stared at me. It looked as though he wanted to say something but hesitated in doing so. "Is there something on your mind Billy? It looks like you have something you want to say."

He hesitated a moment more before finally speaking. "Ya really do love her donchya?" I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Aaron, look, I know Ms. Annabel didn't go about this whole thing the right way but she's gotta good heart. She really loves ya, more than I think ya ever know. I can't think of a time that she's been happier in her whole life." Billy looked down and thought for a moment. He seemed a little frustrated. "Look, I don't know much anythin aboutchya outsiders, but I think ya'd be stupid to walk away from a good thing. Life's too short pass up real love."

"Billy, it's complicated. I can't just up and leave my life behind. I have responsibilities and commitments. Besides, our love is built on lies, nothing but lies. And, oh yeah, I don't want to be a goat!" I looked down in my own frustration, heart aching all the while.

"Well sonny, it's yur life. Ya gotta do what makes ya happy. Just seems like yur punishin yurself as well as Ms. Annabel by walkin away." Billy walked to the door and just before stepping outside he turned back to me. "How much did ya really miss yur life while ya were here?" He paused for a moment to gage my reaction and then turned and left, obviously not looking for a response but rather to leave me with something to ponder.

I just stood there and watched through the window as Billy walked over to Annabel and Meredith. They were obviously concerned for his safety as they greeted him as though he was a released hostage. I remained inside while deciding whether to go outside and join them. If nothing else, I figured I could put my packs in my Jeep. The moment I pushed open the door their heads turned towards me in unison; all eyes focused on me. I paid no mind and went straight to Meredith's truck and grabbed my packs.

"Billy, can I get the key to my Jeep back?" I asked as I pulled out the remote and unlocked my ride.

"Sure thing sonny."

Billy went into his garage to fetch my key as I opened the hatch with the remote. Meredith had worked her way over to check out my Jeep. "Whoa! That's freakin cool! Ya opened the door with that?!"

"Yeah. It's called keyless remote entry."

"Mind if I have a look inside?" Meredith asked all excited.

"Go ahead, I don't care." I responded as I put my packs in the back.

Meredith opened the driver's side door and examined the interior. "Bel, come check out his ride. It's pretty sweet!"

"Naw. That's okay."

I looked through the pockets of my pack trying to find my wallet and came across my iPod. My mind immediately flashed back to Annabel and me laying on the bed yesterday taking pictures and watching her listen to my music. I thought for a moment and then leaned around the back of my Jeep and looked at Annabel. I immediately longed for the time prior to my having knowledge of her deception. As I stared, my heart ached painfully. My heart longed to stay with her but my mind couldn't deal with the deception. As I snapped out of my zoning stare, I suddenly realized Annabel had become aware of my watching. She stared at me with sorrowful look about her. I quickly moved back to my pack and removed my iPad. I quickly fired it up and loaded several songs and pictures of us to my iPod before powering it back down and returning it to my pack. I put my iPod and all its accessories in its little pouch and called to Meredith.

"Hey Meredith, come check this out."

She quickly bounded over to see what new spectacle I had to show her. "What's up Aaron?"

"I need you to do me a favor Meredith."

"Sure, what's the fav?"

I handed her the pouch containing the iPod. "I need you to give this to Annabel after I leave. Can you do that?"

"Uh, sure. What's in here?" she asked as she held it up and gave it a little jiggle to get a better idea for its weight.

"It's just something I want her to have."

"Well then why dontchya just give it to her yurself?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Look, I don't wanna get into it Meredith. Can you just do this for me?"

A more serious expression came across her face. "Sure Aaron." She looked at me as though she hadn't completed her thought and was mustering up the courage to do so. "Aaron...ya still..." she paused and looked over her shoulder at Annabel before looking back at me. "Ya still love her dontchya?" she continued at a lower volume.

I rolled my eyes and briefly tilted my head skyward. "God dammit! You too?!" I responded frustratingly but as quietly as I could before pausing for a moment. "Look, will you do this for me or not?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Gosh!" she responded as she stuck it in her back pocket.

"Wait till after I've left before giving it to her, OKAY?"

"Yeah, OKAY."

I closed up the back of the Jeep as Meredith walked over to Annabel and began conversing. I went door to door and made sure everything was secured for the towing. By the time I finished, the wrecker rolled up. I sighed in relief. It was really happening. I was finally going home. Billy walked over to the rig and spoke with the driver as he pointed over to my Jeep.

As the driver backed the wrecker up to my Jeep, Billy directed the driver into position. Once in position, the driver climbed out of the rig and greeted Billy with a friendly handshake. They conversed for a moment before the driver walked over to me.

"So Billy tells me that ya banged up yur Jeep pretty good to keep from hittin a goat eh? Mighty nice of ya." He said as he extended his right hand.

I looked down at his hand before extending my own to examine the level of humanity he possessed. I guess it was a habit I had started to develop in my time here. Albeit covered in grease or oil or both, it appeared unaltered. Other than my own, it was the first completely human hand I had seen in days. I grasped it and we completed a few shakes as he introduced himself as Ned.

"So how long before we're outta here Ned?"

"Oh, won't be long. Betchya I can have us on our way in bout ten minutes."

"Well then, don't let me keep ya." I said as I stepped aside. Ned went right to work and began hooking up my Jeep. Meredith came bounding over to watch the spectacle. I looked over at Annabel, who was still standing in the same spot trying to hide the pain of my inevitable departure. It was the same pain I was trying to keep hidden as well. She stared sadly at the ground, subtly nudging and kicking around the small rocks in the dirt below her. Not really knowing what to say or do, I focused my attention back on Ned who was making quick work of prepping the tow. I kept peaking over at Annabel all the while. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"All finished!" Ned announced loudly and then turned to me. "Ya ready?"

I glanced over at Annabel in time to see her look over at me. I paused for moment as our eyes locked. Tears began to fill my eyes and in that moment, I was unsure of what to do. I turned my back to her and cleared my throat in an effort to regain my composure. "Yeah, I'm ready." I responded to Ned.

"Well then, let's go. I've got to get to a job on the other side of the county after I drop ya off." Ned said as he climbed into the cab.

As I made my way over to the passenger's side, I swear I could feel Billy's and Meredith's stares locked on me as I walked passed. I stopped and turned back to them, figuring they at least deserved my gratitude. Meredith wiped a tear from her eye, as a deep sadness for her friend peaked with my impending departure. Billy on the other hand sported the typical expressionless look I had become accustomed to receiving from him.

I hesitantly walked over to them. "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out."

Billy gave me a subtle grin and a nod without a word. Meredith looked over at Annabel and then back at me. I could tell she was conflicted about bringing up the obvious subject of me and Annabel but she wisely elected to bite her tongue this time. "Don't mention it. Too bad ya have to leave so soon."

"Well, I have to be getting back. I've gotta job to get back to."

Billy suddenly extended his misshapen hand for a friendly shake. I took his hand and we firmly shook. He then gripped me a little tighter and leaned towards me a bit. "I sure hope ya find wachya lookin fur outta life Aaron." He smiled and released my hand. I paused for just a moment, caught off-guard by the deep thought Billy presented me. Without a word, I looked to Meredith, smiled, and then turned and walked over to the truck. I took one last look over at Annabel before climbing into the cab. "Let's get outta here Ned."

As I got comfortably seated and fastened my seatbelt, Ned shifted the rig into gear and with a sudden lurch forward my departure from this community had begun. As we rolled passed Annabel, she gave me a sad little wave, the tears rolling down her cheeks clearly evident even with the distance separating us. I waved back while fighting to hold back my own tears. I hated seeing her looking so sorrowful but she brought this on herself. Once she disappeared from my window, I reacquired her in the side view mirror. I saw Annabel hunch forward a bit and bury her face into her hands, obviously crying. Meredith came into view as she put her arms around Annabel to console her. I looked away to the road ahead of me as I wiped away a stray tear rolling down my right cheek. This whole mess was finally being put behind me, both literally and figuratively.

During the trip, Ned and I partook in idle chit chat to pass the time. At one point I recalled his arrival in my head and realized I had overlooked Ned's lack of reaction to goat-like features of Billy and the others. I found myself curious and elected to satisfy said curiosity. "So Ned, how many times have you been to that community?"

He looked over at me with a subtle look of surprise that I knew he had been there before. "A few times. How'd ya know?"

"You weren't shocked to see goat-people when you pulled up. So I'm guessing you've been there before."

"Yeah, others have wound up there with some sorta car trouble. There was a first time though!" he added as he looked over at me with a smile. "And I about shit myself the first time I saw Billy!" he said as he laughed.

It wasn't long before the conversation was steered into my experience in the community. That conversation lasted the remainder of the trip, which in total only took a little more than forty minutes. Arriving in the city of Austin, I was relieved to be returning to civilization. As the rig pulled up to a garage sharing the lot with a dealership, my hopes of getting my Jeep repaired were higher than ever. Ned backed my Jeep into one of the garage stalls and then climbed out and lowered my ride. He assured me that the mechanics were good people and they'd take good care of me.

I pulled out my iPhone and was ecstatic to see five bars. I made arrangements with my insurance to cover everything but the deductible of course. Unfortunately the extent of the damage meant I was going to have to spend the night in Austin. The good news was that all the damage was confined to the exterior body. The frame and all the hardware under the hood were undamaged. They guaranteed to have me on the road by lunchtime tomorrow. Even though they had a full schedule, they worked me in as a high priority once finding out I was military. It was always a good card to have in tight situations, though I didn't play it often.

Fully expecting to be able to get home tomorrow, I called Steven and let him know that I would be back tomorrow. Following that call, I contacted my boss and explained the situation and let him know that I would be a day late in returning to work. He was cool with it and was just glad that everything was working out.

My insurance also covered a hotel room for the night and a loaner car from the dealership. It was already almost 10am, lots of time to kill before my Jeep would be ready. I wasn't much interested in going out and about, but I was extremely hungry. I grabbed a bite from Taco Bell and then secured a room at a nearby hotel, spending the rest of the day and night there. I could sense a wave of depression setting in from the recent love lost. I coped by watching TV and ordering out for food when I got hungry. I tried desperately not to think of the last few days but the mark Annabel had made on my life was far too great to simply brush aside and easily move on. I did notice that the aches and pains of my transformation were slowly decreasing as time passed. I continued my regiment of Advil and Tylenol to keep it dull though. Throughout the night, I drifted in and out of sleep, tossing and turning as visions of Annabel danced through my head. I found it more difficult to lay on my back thanks to my new tail but fortunately I liked to sleep on my stomach. It wasn't until sometime after 2am that I finally fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning on my own accord. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand it read a few minutes before 10am. I stretched and quickly realized that my aches and pains were gone. I was so relieved. I threw opened the curtains to let the sunshine illuminate the room so I could take toll of the final extent of the transformation. I stood in front of the mirror mounted to the wall above the desk centered along the wall. I immediately notice two bumps on top of my head towards the front. I figured they were the beginnings of horns but they fortunately had not broken through the skin. My head shaving days were numbered but at least I'd be able to keep short haircuts as even just a half inch of hair or so would easily conceal the new growths. The tops of my ears had become slightly pointed, and upon closer inspection, I found that a fine light brown fur had grown to cover the top third of them. I still had my goatee, which was longer, but it was nothing a quick shave couldn't cure.

Looking down my torso, I didn't notice anything, not even any fur. I held out my arms and they were also fine. My fingernails had darkened and thickened a bit more, but they definitely were no where close to resembling hooves. Most of my fingers from the knuckle to tip were stiffer and harder to bend with several of them having some patches of the same fine light brown fur that were on my ears. The webbing between some of my fingers extended further up as a merging had appeared to have started. It was nothing that would be very noticeable by anyone else though.

I thoroughly examined my cock, and fortunately nothing had happened there. It was already going to be hard enough to find a woman that would overlook my newly acquired features, but having a goat's cock would surely be impossible to overcome. I twisted around and pointed my ass at the mirror. There in all its glory was my small goat tail. It measured only about a couple inches in length and was covered in longer white and brown fur. Fur covered most of the small of my back and the upper half of my ass cheeks. Unlike my other furry areas, it was thicker and more uniform in coverage. It would be obvious to anyone that it was definitely fur and not just simply human body hair.

Looking down my legs, they appeared fine until my ankles where more fur had grown. I could no longer stand upright and still keep my heels on the floor. In fact, nothing beyond the balls of my feet touched the floor anymore. Fortunately, I'd still be able to wear shoes but standing in formation for inspections could be interesting. Like my fingernails, my toenails had darkened and thickened more while a few of my toes had partially merged as well.

As far as I could tell that was the extent of my transformation into a goat. I hoped that being outside of the community and the affected area that nothing else would happen. I hadn't ingested anything from there in a couple days and I figured that what I had consumed should've already been processed out of my system by now.

My iPhone rang and I was excited to see the dealership's number on the display. I answered and I perked up at the news that my Jeep was ready. I immediately gathered my things, checked out of the hotel, and drove to the garage. My Jeep was parked outside the garage and I was amazed to see that it looked like new. I settled the bill and was quickly on the road again.

My Jeep rode as though the wreck had never happened, in fact, the ride seemed smoother than before. Glancing down at the blank GPS navigation display, I wondered. Though I was sure it was fried, I activated it and to my surprise, it fired right up. It immediately began calculating a route to an unnamed preprogrammed destination. Once finished, it began to guide me to some place in the middle of nowhere a little ways outside of Austin. I pulled over to change the destination to my house and that's when I realized that this destination wasn't one that I had programmed. I used the touch screen to zoom in and as the smaller roads appeared they seemed familiar somehow. When I scrolled over to the endpoint it became obvious that it was Billy Jo's service station. "No fuckin way." I said aloud. I sat there and thought for a moment. I figured that it had to have been either Billy Jo or Meredith. They were the only ones that had access to my Jeep and they were pushing pretty hard for me to stay and give Annabel another chance.

I sat there for moment, staring blankly at the road home ahead of me. My aching heart and the desire for Annabel crept to the forefront causing y grip on the steering wheel to tighten. After a few moments of questioning my decision I shook my head in frustration for letting my emotions overpower me once again. I talked aloud, giving myself motivational support in my decision and the desire to get home came to the forefront once again. Although the heartache was still present, I knew it would subside with time. I pressed the home icon and the navigation recalculated my route once again. I had several hours of driving ahead of me and I was anxious to get home. I pulled back onto the highway and I was once again heading back to my old life.

I pulled into my driveway a little after 5pm with some wonderful smelling Taco Bell. I didn't even bother to unpack as I was completely exhausted from all that had transpired over the last week and a half. The rest of the day was spent chillaxing and watching some TV. Tomorrow was Tuesday and I had to return to work. I was a bit nervous that someone would notice the subtle changes of my body that wouldn't be covered by my uniform. Even though the changes appeared subtle from my point of view since I saw them occur gradually over time, I was concerned that they wouldn't be so subtle to those who hadn't seen me in almost two weeks? I was definitely not looking forward to returning to work.