You Won't Break Me (Illustrated)

Story by LaVojeto on SoFurry

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You Won't Break Me

Dear Diary

You ever wonder why we're so afraid to share our kinks with others? Why is it that we're so indoctrinated against sharing sexual pleasures beyond what's considered the norm? I'm finding that it's the same even in homosexual relationships (is that proper? Am I supposed to say homosexual relationship or lesbian relationship? I'm not sure.). Even the normally unflappable and unabashed Alice, the lioness who's never shied away from saying exactly what she means and what she wants, has been a bit hesitant to tell me what she likes.

Maybe I'm a hypocrite for saying something like this. I'm not exactly an open book about my sexual fantasies. In fact, in all of my relationships (all three!), I've never told a partner what really gets me off. It's something that's irked me about relationships; if I love whomever I'm with, then I should feel open and comfortable with them. Yet, every time I think about opening up...I close up. I feel so weak and weird that I shut down and don't tell them. Hell, I can't even ask for my own orgasm, I just hope that my partner thinks to get me off. Alice is much better about it than my last partners, but I put it down to her admitted fetish for seeing me whimper and moan more than anything else.

There's a fetish she's told me about; she gets off watching me. But I feel like that's scraping the surface of the sexual iceberg. She's definitely hiding some things from me. Just like I'm hiding some things with her.

It's at this impasse that I'm unsure of what to do. She's made most of the first moves in our entire relationship; first kiss, first time holding hands in public, first session of coitus, first dance. The only thing I initiated was the relationship itself, and that was only when I was drunk on anger and lust. So here I am, six months down the line with a three word phrase I've a deep desire to say and a situation I've never been in before.

I have to tell Alice to let me in on her kinks, and I have to prepare to let her in on mine.

There's a deep fear in me about letting her in. I'm afraid she might find my kinks too gross and leave. I'm afraid I might find them too gross. There's nothing wrong with any kink if it's practiced in a safe and consensual setting, and that's something I tell everyone, and yet I hold myself to this ridiculous double standard that I'm not included in that. That I should be vanilla and any kinks I might have should be repressed. Yet I look up porn of it, I get off to it, and I'm afraid of it. I'm afraid of my own sexuality and it's so frustrating that I can't

_Sorry diary, I got off track. _

I'm planning on confronting her tomorrow. We're going to breakfast (she's taking me to her favorite diner!) and I'm hoping that some time out in public with my <3girlfriend<3 will help me get my courage up. Wish me luck diary.

_D.C.M. _

† † †

I wiggled in my seat as I watched my lioness girlfriend stir her sugar into her coffee before grabbing the can of creamer and dumping some in, almost sending her cup to spill over. She bent down and slurped at the rim, shooting me a wry grin as I rolled my eyes and sipped at my Pupsi. Sitting up straight, she finished stirring it all, tapping the spoon against the rim before setting it down and raising the cup to her lips.

"Favorite place. Good coffee, better food." She said before drinking her brew. "Mmm damn good." The feline sighed happily, slipping back into her seat. She set down the coffee and shrugged off her leather jacket, setting it aside and showing up the muscular tone of her upper body, barely covered by the tank top she wore.

"Y-you're not wearing a bra." I muttered, eyes wide.

"No reason when you've got, like, no tits." She laughed with another shrug. "I go without sometimes. Makes the world seem freer." I wiggled about as I felt my mind go imaginative before mentally scolding myself for being such a pervert. "You seem on edge." Alice noted, taking another sip from her coffee.

I swallowed down nerves that suddenly jumped to my throat, feeling my stomach clench as I remembered the line I had silently practiced all morning.

"Whatkindofkinksareyouinto?" I asked Alice, my hands shaking as I held onto my glass of pupsi. The lioness arched an eyebrow at me, and I felt as if my stomach was going to empty itself onto the table.

"Ummm...come again?" She asked. "Slower this time? Because I'm not sure I heard you right."

I exhaled. "What kind of kinks are you into?" I repeated, my ears burning in embarrassment as I looked at the table.

"That's..." Alice muttered, looking shocked for once.

"Hey sweeties, can I take your order?" The lamb waitress asked, suddenly appearing at the side of our table. Alice and I threw open our menus, burying our muzzles into them as we scanned down the menu.

"I-I'll have beef hash. Eggs over medium with two pancakes." I stuttered, shutting my menu and holding it upright.

"Number 12 with an extra side of bacon." Alice said to the waitress. The lamb nodded pleasantly and took our menus before walking away, leaving us in our secluded corner again.


"What's bringing this on?" Alice asked, interrupting me. "Have we been having problems in bed?"

"N-no! Not at all." I shook my head feverishly, distracting myself with another sip of soda. "'s just that I..." I licked my lips and took a few seconds to compose myself. "I want to make you feel good, too, and I...I feel like there're things you're not telling me that you like, so..."

"Same could be said about you." Alice said, hackles a bit raised and slouched back into her seat.

"Y-yes but you already do a lot for me so I thought I could find out what you like so we can enjoy it together and I just I didn't want you to get mad at me I'm sorry." I whined, feeling my self-control collapse as I sank into my seat. Alice's gaze immediately softened and she sat straight up.

"I-I'm not mad, I'm just..." The lioness shook her head, reaching out and taking my hands in hers. "Dakota, you don't have to do anything special for me, I've already told you that."

I nodded, then shrugged. "But...I want to. For no other reason than I l...ike you." I told her. "I want you to feel totally comfortable with me and I want you to feel like you can share this with me so I'm asking you...what do you like?"

Alice bit her lip and looked away. "W-we'll talk about it later. It's not exactly abandoned in here."

"It's exactly abandoned in here." I countered, waving my hand around at all the empty spaces. "It's just us, the waitress and the cooks. If we wait, I'm afraid you'll just try and avoid the issue."

"That's something you'd do, not me." Alice said, pointing a finger at me accusingly. I blushed and sunk back into my seat again, ears laying flat against my head as I silently acknowledged the truth to that. "Trust me, if you really want to know, I'll tell you. I just...I don't want to tell you here. In public." The lioness said in a tone of finality.

We lapsed into a period of silence as we sat across from one another. I fiddled with my fingers underneath the table as the lioness sipped at her coffee lightly.

"Here we go, darlings." The lamb said to us, materializing next to our table with a tray of food in hand. "And can I get you two anything else?" She asked as she set down our plates in front of us.

"N-no thanks." I stuttered, sitting straight up in my seat as I unrolled my napkin and set it in my lap. The lamb beamed at us and wished us a good breakfast before tottering off, leaving us to our own devices. I looked at Alice before looking back at my meal. "Sorry if I upset you..."

"You didn't." She assured me. I looked at her and she was giving me that gentle grin of hers; the one that told me she found this situation to be a bit humorous. "And when we get home, I'll tell you all about it."

I nodded and picked up my fork, stabbing gently at my corned beef hash. The pit in my stomach uncoiled itself as I took a bite out of my breakfast, the lioness digging into hers with her usual ferocity.

I had something to look forward to after breakfast.

† † †

Alice sighed as she stepped inside our shared apartment. I shut the door just as she tore off her shirt and dropped it to the ground, leaving her toned top exposed to the air. I blushed and bit my lower lip as she unbuttoned and pushed her pants down, flagging her tail to show off her toned rear, panties hugging her butt tightly, and soon those were gone too, the lioness kicking them off and leaving herself entirely naked.

"Join me on the couch?" She asked with a smile, walking away with a swish to her hips that left my eyes glued to them. My ears folded down as I scolded myself for being such a horn-dog, and I followed the lioness into our living room. I saw her sitting there, patting her lap and smiling at me. Walking over, I carefully slid into her lap, and she wrapped strong arms around me and pulled me close. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my legs up, nuzzling underneath her chin as she rubbed up and down my sides.

"So...what's this big secret that you couldn't tell me at breakfast?" I asked in a low voice, wrapping my arms around her as best I could and snuggling even closer. Her warmth spilled through my shirt, and my heart skipped a beat as her hands travelled dangerously upwards, threatening to slip under my bra.

" know my dating history." Alice muttered, to which I nodded. "Well, each of my girlfriends has...they weren't receptive to my kinks. In fact, they hated them." The feline laughed, squeezing me close. "It didn't, per say, but it certainly didn't help me knowing that they thought my fetishes were freaky and weird. Then my other partners...well, they never asked, I never told."

"I get it..." I muttered. "I could see why that would be hurtful. But I won't..." I stopped and thought to myself for a second. I had no idea what it was the lioness was into. As much as I wanted to tell her that I wouldn't judge her, I couldn't make that promise. If she was into something that I found repulsive, I knew I wouldn't be able to lie my way through sex with her and indulging her. "You know I'm open-minded. I don't know if I'll find it gross or weird or something, but...I won't judge you for it."

Alice laughed again, a low laugh deep in her throat. Lion hands fell away from my sides as Alice rested her head on mine.

"Dakota...I'm into BDSM." Alice whispered, and I allowed myself a small laugh.

"That's it?" I started, feeling a smile come to my face.

"I like spanking. Hair pulling. Degrading my partner." Alice continued, squeezing me close. "Really rough stuff. I want my partner to be sore and whimpering, I want to...I want to take my aggression out on my partner. I don't want to hurt them, but...I want to hurt them." She finished in a hushed whisper.

We sat in silence, and the lioness remained perfectly still as I digested what she said. To me it felt like seconds. To her, I could only imagine it felt like hours.

"How...badly do you want to hurt them?" I asked, rubbing her wherever I could reach.

"Nothing really painful but..." Alice muttered. "I...I do want to spank. To pin and push, rip clothing, pull hair, bite...everything rough. And I gotta're taking this much better than they did."

"W-well..." I blushed and coughed. "Y-you might be...I can say that I...well that stuff doesn't sound t-too awful." I shrugged. Alice tipped my head back and looked me in the eyes.

"Really?" She asked, and I nodded. "You'd...let me...?"

"W-well...y-yeah." I blushed, looking down again as I felt that familiar coiling of my nerves in my gut. I couldn't help but wiggle my feet. " sounds really..." I wiggled, unable to get the words out.

"Are you sure?" Alice asked me, running a hand through my hair. "Would you be OK with me calling you a slut, or a whore? Or spanking you, pinning your head to the bed, fucking you senseless? Could you really stand that?"

I remained silent, and I felt myself wondering that very thing. If she called me a whore, how would I respond to that? I couldn't answer that honestly.

"I...I'd want to find out." I answered truthfully, clinging to my girlfriend even tighter. "I feel safe with you, Alice, so if...if you wanted to try all...that, then I'd want to try it with you." I told her, nuzzling into her chest. She was so warm, so strong...I felt so safe in her arms that nothing in the world could seem amiss when she was holding me. She kept me in a constant state of happiness, and if there were anyone in the world I would trust to degrade me, yet think nothing less of me and keep loving me, it was her.

As twisted as that sounds.

"L-let's do it." I whispered, twisting around and sitting up to face the lioness. My nerves knotted up in my stomach as I straddled her lap, looking her in the eye as I leaned in to kiss her. Alice leaned back, and I quirked my head quizzically, uncomprehending.

"Dakota, this is...something big." She told me, resting her hands on my hips. "I don't want to rush into something like this, about we do it tomorrow." The lioness suggested in the softest voice I've ever heard her use. "We can think about it today and we both have class tomorrow morning, we're free in the afternoon. We come here and finish discussing this."

I mulled over the thought in silence.

I gave her a curt nod as an answer, and she let go out of a breath I hadn't been aware she was holding.

" watch some Netflix?" She asked.

"Yeah, Netflix and chill sounds nice." I smiled at her, leaning in for a kiss as the lioness rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god you are insatiable." She laughed with a shake of her head, dodging my kiss playfully. "Does my puppy actually like sex?"

"Of course I do!" I squeaked as she flipped on the TV with the remote. "Why would you even have to ask?"

"Oh well from how prudish you normally are, I'd assume that sex scared you." She teased, eyes on the TV screen dangling from our wall. "Though this and our little talk just now, I'm starting to think there's a dirty side to you."

"Sh-shut up!" I blushed, ears folding against my head as she laughed. The lioness turned on a show before dipping me onto the couch, clambering atop of me and spreading my legs. "H-hey! Let go, bully!"

"Nope, you wanted to Netflix and chill." Alice laughed with a devious smirk, hands snaking under my shirt. "We're gonna chill the fuck out."

"No, I changed my mind!"

"Not allowed."

"Alice stop!"

"Not gonna."


"There we go, who's a good girl."

"N-nope, not happening! S-stop! Get your hands out of my pants! A-ali...mmmmmmmf! S-stooooooop....!"

† † †

I watched the ground as I strolled down the sidewalk, headed back to my apartment. My mind was awhirl with thoughts of class and the huge report I had coming up. Of course I'd started the week after classes had begun, but I still worried that I hadn't gotten all my thoughts in order. I knew it'd probably be best to look over my draft one more time with an even more critical eye, make sure that I was getting across the points I wanted to get across before I made the final edits into what would be the final paper worth ten percent of my grade.

Pressing the crosslight button, I sighed as I stood at the cross-walk, the voidness of cars providing me a silence in which to think. If I devoted thirty minutes a day until Saturday, that'd give me 3 hours in total in which to work on and look over this paper. Then Sunday I'd give myself two hours in the morning for final revisions and research before turning it in at noon, well ahead of the eleven fifty-nine P.M. due date. My tail wagged, and I felt the immense amount of satisfaction I got when I planned out my assignments.

The crosslight gave a loud beep, and I looked both ways before stepping out into the street, clutching the books I'd checked out at the library to my chest as my feet carried me across the street. I slipped my card key out of the topmost book and slid it in the key slot, the door giving a loud ring as it unlocked myself. I carefully opened it, trying not to let my books spill and tumble to the ground.

I raced up the stairs, books held firmly against my stomach as I felt my tail wagging incessantly. My excitement to write out this paper began spilling over, and as I bounced open the door to my floor, I couldn't help but think of all the ways I could improve upon it. I'd have to find some old Latin works to translate, that'd really give the paper a bit more flair.

I slid my card key into my apartment and stepped inside, letting the door shut behind me as I strolled in. Entering into the kitchen, I saw Alice sitting in our living room, hunched over.


I dropped my books and my bag and raced over, throwing myself into the seat next to her, much to her shock. "Are you OK? What's wrong?!" I asked instantly, grabbing onto her hands and looking into her eyes.

"Wha-? Oh!" Alice said, registering what I said before giving a terse laugh and a shake of her head, sending that wild mane of white hair flailing. "Nothing, I just got home. I stopped by the store to pick myself up some new video games. Nervous habit." She admitted.

"Nervous about what?" I tilted my head slightly, devoting my full attention to her.

" thing." She said slowly, and my mind was suddenly flooded with memories of the day before, and what she'd confessed to me.

"Oooooh that...I haven't even thought about that." I beamed at her, and her look went from anxious to crestfallen.

"Dakota, we were supposed to think about this and what it means for us..." She muttered, looking more devastated than I'd ever seen her. She stood up and slowly walked towards the kitchen, arms wrapped around her torso dejectedly. My stomach plummeted and I vaulted off the couch to follow her.

"Wha-no, Alice, I mean I didn't worry about it!" I insisted as she cracked open the fridge and grabbed a water.

"Why not?" Alice asked, looking at me over the rim of her water bottle. "Why aren't you worried about something that could hurt you?"

I smiled at her, feeling my stomach flip as it always did when I saw her. "Because I know you'd never do anything to actually hurt me." I responded honestly. "You might get too rough sometimes, but I put that down to me being such a wimp rather than you being mean, because you're not. You're sweet and kind, and I feel safe with you, Alice." I stepped forward, grabbing her bottle and yanking it from her to put it down before replacing myself in her hands. "I didn't think about it today because I wasn't worried about it. You know me, if something doesn't worry me, I forget about it entirely. And that's what I did; I forgot about this entirely. I wasn't worried, scared, nervous or anything. I'm willing to put myself in your arms today just as I was yesterday. I won't fake enjoying it if I don't because I wouldn't be able to, but I have no doubt in my mind that you would not hurt me."

Alice's face cracked into a smile and she gave a nervous giggle, pushing a lock of hair out of my face. "I'm nervous." She whispered.

"Don't be." I responded, reaching up and brushing her cheek. "If it hurts, or if I'm uncomfortable, I'll let you know. And afterwards, I'll let you know what I liked." I shrugged. "That simple, really. what you want. I'm all yours."

Alice breathed out slowly, nodding.

Her hands grabbed my shirt and shredded it down the middle, her massive strength tearing it from my torso before she tossed me against the wall, hands grabbing my wrists and pinning them before lips mashed against mine. I squeaked and squirmed as her hands squeezed my wrists, her teeth pinching into my lips as a thigh came up to spread my legs.

"Mm fuck, been wanting this..." Alice growled, breaking the kiss. I gasped for breath, my chest heaving as my knees wobbled from the intensity. My stomach roiled and churned from the power behind the kiss, and I leaned forward for another before stopping myself and shrinking back. The lioness's eyes seemed predatory, and her smirk climbed up her muzzle almost impossible high. " like this?" She whispered into my ear, taking the tip and giving it a gentle nibble. I groaned, my knees threatening to buckle. "Tell me your safe word."

"S-safe word...?" I whimpered, my mind foggy and clouded. The lioness opened her lips and I darted forward, stealing another kiss out of the desperate hunger in my chest and loins. The lioness growled and broke the kiss, one hand flying down to slap my thigh before slamming my hand against the wall again. The yelp that accompanied the slap wasn't just a yelp of pain.

I felt lustful.

"You're listening to me, bitch." She hissed, and I bit back another moan as I nodded. "Safe word."


"Good." She growled, and she tore off my bra with enough force to snap the back before tossing it away. She shuffled my hands about, taking both wrists in her impossibly strong hands, and nimble feline fingers found a nipple.

She pinched, hard. She twisted. I moaned and arched my back, feeling heat erupt across my face and ears.

"What a slut you are." She hissed, releasing my nipple as I let out a soft whine. I squeezed my thighs together, shocked at myself for being so aroused by her actions, how she hissed and how she stared at me like I was a piece of meat for her. Her fingers pinched and twisted the other nipple, and I arched my back again.

"Bedroom. Now." She growled, releasing my hands and giving me a soft shove that sent me bouncing. I gained my footing and scurried to the bedroom, stepping inside and turning to look at her. She'd removed her shirt and bra, tossing them aside and staring at me hungrily. "Take it off." Alice instructed with a sharp growl, and my quivering hands reached for the buttons to my jeans. "Make a show of it." She told me.

I blushed and snapped the button to my jeans, sashaying my hips as I did. My teeth sunk into my lower lip as I slowly pushed my jeans down. I turned about, shaking my rear at her as I shimmied my legs, my jeans snagging on my ankles. Bending down, I slipped them off and tossed them aside.

"Suck a hot fucking bitch..." Alice groaned from behind as I hooked my fingers into my panties and slowly began pushing them down. My tail lifted up as the cold air began to brush against my bare rear, and I squeaked as hands reached out to grab at my ass. "Mmmmm fuck...such a nice ass, too." I gasped as she pushed, and I flailed before falling onto the bed, ass in the air. "Spread your pussy." She barked, and I whimpered as I reached down, fingers splaying my wet lips apart for the lioness.

"God damn..." She groaned, and strong arms pushed into my shoulders, pinning me to the bed. I let out a strangled gurgle as she did, and I felt her kick my panties off the rest of my legs as she pressed her crotch against my ass. "You've no idea how much I love having you like this..." She whispered.

Her hand vanished from my shoulders, and as she spanked my ass, I let out a loud cry.

She put more strength into that slap than she ever had before, and I loved it.

Her hand came down again, my ass burning as she slapped it again and again, each blow driving a yelp from my lips. My ears burned as my thighs squeezed together, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I arched my back.

Alice noticed, and her hand switched from slapping to groping, her hand squeezing my asscheeks and spreading them apart. Her breathing wasn't nearly as labored as mine, but I could tell she was turned on by living out her fantasies. I whimpered as a finger slid into the crevice of my rear, rubbing against my hole teasingly.

"You like it in the ass, don't you, you slut." The lioness asked, whispering into my ear as her finger applied just a hint of more pressure. I whimpered and nodded. "Say it." She ordered.

"I...I like it in my ass..." I whimpered, pressing back against her. The lioness chuckled and slid off me.

"Oh I'm going to love this..." She muttered, hands peeling apart my ass. Before I even knew how to respond, her tongue made a slow, deliberate swipe from my clit all the way to my ass, and I responded with a loud squeak as my eyes shot open. The lioness's tongue slid over my ass again, giving it firm, strong strokes that had me quivering and biting my lips to stop myself from moaning too loudly.

Alice's tongue swirled and pressed against my ass, her slurps putting a new blush across my face. She prodded and flicked her tongue, pressing against it and then removing the pressure to ring around it, her hands squeezing and mashing them about.

"A-alice, s-stop..." I whimpered, trying to wiggle free from her tongue. My effort was rewarded with a powerful slap to the ass that made me squeal.

"Shut it, slut." She growled, a single finger pressing against my ass and threatening to penetrate. The shiver that passed through me brought a spark of pleasure along with it that shot through me like a flash of lightning. "You don't get to fucking tell me what to do or ask me what to do. You're my bitch, and don't forget that."

Alice slapped my ass twice more before standing up, and I instantly missed the feeling of having her pressed against my back. I chanced a look behind me to see her stepping into a strap-on. The large, purple faux dick bounced and wiggled as she wiggled into the straps, tightening it so that it held firm against her groin.

"You like this? I got it just for you." She grinned, grabbing a bottle of lube and popping it open. She let it drip on the dildo, her hands stroking over it to smear the lube up and down the length. "And I'm going to love splitting your slutty pussy open with it."

I groaned as Alice stepped up to my, one hand smearing the lube on my rear as she squeezed it as the other lined up the toy with my slit. She poked me a few times, each prod a bit more forceful than the last.


I blanched as Alice spoke the words, my ears pinning themselves against my head as I whimpered. I licked my lips and began to speak, but all that came out was a whimpering gasp.


"F-fuck me..." I whined again.

Alice's hand slapped my ass again, grabbing my tail and pulling me back as she thrust her toy in me. I cried out and gripped the bedsheets, my whole body stiffening as a wave of electrified pleasure shot up my spine. Alice groaned and leaned forward, biting into the back of my neck as her free hand came around to grope my breast, crudely pinching at my nipple and giving it a quick twist.

"Oh man, I bet you're just squeezing down on that dick, aren't you." Alice whispered, giving another quick thrust that had me gasping. "Tight little pussy...I bet your ass is even tighter..." She held onto my breast and gave another quick thrust, then another, and another. I groaned and whimpered as the lioness slipped into a comfortable rhythm. She would thrust hard, then slowly withdraw before shoving herself back into me.

"G-god...!" I cried out, tilting my head back. I let out a loud squeal as a hand lashed out and caught my hair, balling it in the lioness's fist. My tongue lolled out of my mouth as the lioness pushed herself into me once more. I felt the cold touch of her straps against my rear as she held herself there.

"Fuuuuuck, good slut...!" She growled.

Strong arms pushed me down, pinning both my shoulders to the bed, and Alice gave a thrust that put every bit of her lower body strength into the action. The moan that escaped my lips must have let the entire building know what was happening, and I nearly lost my breath as Alice slammed home again. With each thrust I found myself gasping for breath, the power behind her thrusts knocking the wind out of me just as it sent pleasurable jolts throughout my body. My toes wiggled and squeezed as I bit back screams of pleasure.

Alice pushed down on my shoulders harder, her thrusts coming quicker and faster than before. I could hear the squelch of her toy sliding in and out of my slit, her breathing labored as she focused on pushing her toy deep into me with each thrust. She bent further down to take my ear into her muzzle, biting down and pulling to twist my head, earning a pleasured squeal from me as she shoved herself in again.

Suddenly the dildo was gone, and the pressure from my shoulders vanished. I took a deep gulp of breath, my breathing labored and harsh, before two strong hands grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my back. I squeaked as she took my wrists and pinned them above my head.

"I wanna see your face." She growled, looking down at our crotches. She poked at me once before managing to line up her floppy toy with my slit, and I yowled as she slammed in. My cry was cut off by her lips, and her tongue invaded my mouth, wrestling with mine as she pounded into me with wild abandon. I wrapped my legs around her waist, moaning and writhing underneath her as my body tingled and buzzed with ecstasy.

"A-alice...g-gonna c-c...!" I cried out, wrenching and twisting about underneath her as I felt that familiar tingle and build up in my groin. The lioness grinned down at me, undulating her lower half with more force and purpose, eager to push me over the edge of pleasure. I grit my teeth and scrunched my face as the sensation grew, the pleasure threatening to rupture like a volcano as it surged and coiled with my groin.

I tossed my head back and screamed. The world went white as pleasure shot through my body, every muscle in my body quaking and trembling from the intensity. My mouth opened wordlessly, a cry of passionate pleasure spilling forth as I writhed and bounced underneath the lioness.

My world came trickling back as the high from my orgasm slowly faded. I gasped for breath, filling my lungs with oxygen as my vision cleared and Alice slowly swam back into focus. I collapsed onto the bed, still shaking and trembling as the world finally settled into the pleasant after-orgasmic glow of bliss.

"Dakota? You...alright?" Alice asked, looking me in the eye. I blinked a few times, her voice still seeming a bit far off. I breathed out a shuddering gasp as she withdrew from my aching slit, her face scrunched up. "Dakota, you're not talking...d-did I go too far? Did I hurt you? You're not saying anything, please just..."

"Shhhhhhshshshshsh..." I whimpered, reaching up with a limp hand to stop the lioness from talking too much. "Can't talk...too tired. Lay down." I mumbled, rolling onto my side.

The lioness seemed to hesitate before she wiggled out of the harness and dropped it on the floor. She snuggled up behind me, arms wrapping around my waist. I whimpered and made a gesture with my hand. Thankfully she understood, and she pulled the blanket over the two of us. I let out another sound and turned about, snuggling closer into her arms and intertwining our legs.

"S-so...are you..."

"Enjoying some very good post-sex snuggles, yes..." I whispered, closing my eyes and resting my head on her arm. "Feeling pleasantly pleased was nice...good...mmmf..." I muttered. My head was swimming with that pre-sleep haze that comes after a powerful orgasm.

"And you didn't...?" Alice asked.

"I loved it." I admitted quietly, leaning forward and kissing the lioness's chest. "You...might want to hold back on the swears, were saying them quite a bit."

"S-sorry...if they bugged you I can..."

"No, they just lose their edge if you keep saying them." I smiled, pulling her closer and nuzzling into her chest. "It's more effective..." I started before being interrupted by a loud yawn, "if you save it for every once in awhile."

Alice laughed and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. "I underestimated your kinkiness."

"Shush..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "And let me slut." I finished with a smile before falling into a deep, peaceful slumber.