Brothel Bovine

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Derros placed his hand upon the door handle and let it rest there for a moment, the cold metal surface sent a shiver down his spine. He glanced nervously about the streets, instinctively pressing himself against the door to make himself less visible. That was when he realized what he was doing. He chuckled and relaxed, quickly straightening his stance as he brushed back his hair. What was he so worried about? He was a nobody, a man no more important than any walking the streets tonight, especially on this side of town so late at night. Others he had seen were concerned with their own business and so should he. And his business, he thought with a smile, was pleasure.

He turned the door handle firmly in his tight grip and stepped forward through the door. Once completely inside, he quietly closed the door behind him and took in his surroundings.

The place was fairly dark as most establishments were. There wasn't much to it from what he could see at the moment; pale walls upon which hung nothing save a few bright lights. There was also a solid wooden desk that had openings to either side that led to doorway filled halls. The desk was elegant and seemingly expensive. He smiled wide, for it reminded him of something one might find at a fine inn. He would not be sleeping here in the common understanding of the word and the figure behind the desk was no innkeeper of some reputable place that even the royals deigned to visit. Rather, this was a brothel that attracted people with questionable, deviant tastes, people like Derros.

He kept his wide smile as he approached the figure behind the counter, even if the individual was off putting, mostly thanks to its choice of wear. He, she or whatever it was, was completely covered in cloth, thick wrappings that should have been far too warm for such a temperate establishment. Even its head was covered with a makeshift turban of sorts. He wondered if it had arms and legs or was the cloth wrapped to make it appear like it had them.

"Hi," Derros said, placing his hands upon the counter. He grinned and leaned forward. "I'm here for..." He looked down at his hands and chortled. "Well, I think you know why."

"Everyone," The figure said, its voice just high pitched enough that Derros decide 'it' must be female. "Comes for different reasons."

Derros dropped his smile and he returned his gaze to the figure. He cocked his head.

"Really?" he asked. "Is this not Yegu's...what was it?"


"Yes!" Derros snapped. "That's it. Yegu's Bagnio, which means you are...Yegu?"

Yegu nodded.

"Hmm." Derros looked around. "Fancy name for a...uh, plain place." He nodded his head at Yegu.

"Fancy name for foreign folk." Yegu shrugged.

"You said everyone comes here for different reasons. Is that true because from what I've heard..." His eyes glanced shiftily about. "Is that the name is some fancy way of hiding that everyone comes here for sex?"

Yegu nodded again.

"Ha!" Derros exclaimed slapping the counter. "Perfect!" He licked his lips. "What girls do you have available?"

"One," Yegu said plainly. "Just one."

Derros blinked. "One?" He whistled. "She must get tired."

"One at the moment. I have not had the opportunity to expand the roster as of yet."

"I know, I know, this place is new and all but... hmm, I do like a selection..."

"Then go elsewhere. There are many whorehouses." Yegu said quickly.

"But none like yours." Derros pointed at the cloth-covered figure like he knew a secret. "If I had common tastes I wouldn't be here, but in all honestly..." He shrugged and held his hands up, palms toward the ceiling. "I'm kind of a freak and I heard you have freaks" He leaned in to whisper but kept the volume up. "And I mean freaks." He chortled, resuming his normal posture. "Well, I don't mean that weird but... weird. Ya know? Also, not too expensive, mind you." He held up his hand in protest. "The best at a fair price, am I right?" He slapped the counter again, then quickly shoved his hands into his pockets before squinting at Yegu. "I have specific tastes." He shook his head. "It's a terrible curse." He pretended to be sad for himself. "Do you you think I'll like her?" He shifted gears to a better topic.

"No client, as of yet, has been unsatisfied with Lavender." Yegu said plainly.

"Lavender? Oooh, I bet she smells good too. You know, I'm normally not a gambling man, but I'll take her. What's the price?" Derros slapped his wallet onto the counter.

"Species and..." Yegu held up a piece of parchment that she procured seemingly out of nowhere. "Signature."

"Signature? You have a contract for your whores?"

"A contract between me and you. All I ask is a simple signature and a small amount of coin."

"How small?"

Yegu named her price. Upon hearing it, Derros' eyes widened. With a smile, He guffawed and snatched the paper up like it was free money.

"For that price, I'll sign anything," He said, looking down at the paper. "You might have just gotten yourself a lifelong customer, ol' Yegu." He patted his pockets. "Got a quill?"

Yegu was already holding one out for him when he asked. "Please, sign your true name."

"Of course!" Derros said, quickly scribbling his name. He handed parchment back over to Yegu. "Only got one name, the only one my parents ever gave me."

Yegu nodded and examined the parchment. "Derros."

"That's me!"

"And the coin?"

Derros happily relinquished the fee from his wallet, quickly pulling his hand away when it came into contact with Yegu's.

"Toasty!" Derros exclaimed. He looked over Yegu. "Are you, uh, sick or something?"

Yegu looked from the parchment she held in one hand to the coins in the other. With a flash of flame, they vanished. Derros jumped back.

"Whoa!" he said. "I guess that's why you wear the bandages, huh? Burn yourself often with that fancy fire magic, eh?"

"The contract is fulfilled," Yegu said then pointed to the right hallway. "Lavender is waiting, third door down."

"Thanks," Derros said, smiling gracefully as he sidled towards the entrance. He gave Yegu a friendly wink and disappeared into the hallway.

The hallway was dark, the only source of illumination some small candlesticks mounted in holders along the walls. In addition, everything was quiet, which was quiet strange for a brothel. In this dark silence, Derros' imagination thrived as he made his way down the hall. He rubbed his hands together as he pondered what Lavendar might be. Maybe a dainty doe? Or perhaps a frisky feline? He felt like he would almost be disappointed if she was a vivacious vixen, although...

Derros came to a stop before the third door and sniffed deeply. There was indeed the pleasant scent of something floral and piney on the air. He took in the smell and let his mind wander. What sort of delicious creature was waiting beyond the door? He could imagine her now, a small, delicate thing with pretty eyes, soft fur... maybe a naughty little rat with a thing for dashing thin men that went by the name Derros...

Derros opened the door and inside was a whale. Not a fat woman, but an actual large humanoid whale reclining nude on a well-maintained bed. Derros stared dumstruck at the spectacle. She had shiny lavender skin, large breasts that were squished and partially covered by her big arms, a curvy wide-hipped figure, an inviting pink pussy showing between her legs and a thick tail that hung off the bed. She smiled at him, revealing her bristly teeth, while batting her eyes at him. Derros blinked when he heard her emit a lusty, high-pitched groan that echoed softly as though they were both underwater. He promptly shut the door and spun around.

Quietly and quickly, Derros made his way back to the front of the brothel until he stood in front of the desk and Yegu again.

"Is there a problem?" Yegu asked.

"Yes," Derros said, nodding. "I'm very particular--a curse, a curse. Lavender, she was just too--" He held out his hands wide to explain the situation better. "Big, and big is no good for me."

"She's completely healthy."

"I'm sure, I'm sure, it's just that..." Derros smiled apologetically. "I'm very particular, see? It's hard to concentrate on the fun when I'm constantly afraid she might roll over and crush me in the process."

"Some clients enjoy that fear and that size."

"Well, I don't. I'm sorry, Yegu old friend, but she has gotta be at most my size and since Lavender is all you got at the moment..." Derros sighed. "I'm sorry, but I might have to ask for a refund."

"There are no refunds."

"No ref--"

Yegu held up a covered hand, silencing Derros.

"May I instead offer another girl? My last client left just shortly after you signed. Her name is Razor and I think she would be more to your liking."

"Is she sharp?" Derros said, confused by the pet name.

"She is sharp." Yegu gestured to the left. "She awaits you at the first door."

Derros nodded, still confused, but went down the other hall to the first room Yegu was pointing at. In the left hall, he heard noises, low moans and groans which raised his spirits. He licked his lips, Razor was definitely not as enticing of a name as Lavender but perhaps she would be an appropriate opposite to the behemoth whale. Yegu had said she was slightly...

Derros pushed open the door and stood. Inside was a short female humanoid shark with shining silver skin. Although her mouth was slightly closed, he could see many sharp teeth poking out of her maw. Like Lavender, she was naked, allowing him to see her disappointingly small breasts and androgynous shape. Down below, she had fins on either side of her slit, protrusions that did not look comfortable when he imagined tusting against them. Derros sighed and quickly shut the door, all before the shark could say or do much of anything. Again, he made his way back to Yegu.

"Unsatisfied?" Yegu asked.

"You're bloody well right about that," Derros raised his voice. "A shark with... with crotch fins? What am I supposed to do with her? She would damn near bite my dick off if she were to suck me off and she would probably slice me apart with those crotch fins if I try to have simple sex. I can't even touch her not that I would want to! Her skin looks too rough, rub her tiny, yes I mean bitty, titties the wrong way and I'll have a torn hand for sure! Probably how you ended up with bandages on your hands." Derros huffed, feeling exhausted from having to explain his complaints when they should be obvious to Yegu.

"I see." Yegu said plainly.

"Do you?" Derros shivered. "I dig the whole protection gig, but I shouldn't need a suit of armor to bed one of your girls."

"Coal prefers that, actually."

"Coal? What is she? A fucking dragon? I bet a full dragoness too, so hot that you need to drink a heat protection potion or something. Really, Yegu, like I said, I know about protection but..." Derros shook his head. "Are you see the problem here?"


"Really? You do? Can you even see underneath that getup?" Derros shook his head. "Don't you have someone soft but..." He cupped his hands to his chest. "Big? You know, large and loving but not larger than me? Something familiar or more common that isn't found at the bottom of the sea? Gentle as a lamb not ferocious like a beast?"

"Yes, of course, I see the problem."

"Good, because--"

"I am short staffed."

"Well, yes but--"

"There are roles that need to be filled."

"Ok, so--"

"And here you are."


"You will suffice."

"Wait, wait, wait," Derros shook his head and raised his hands to halt the conversation. "Whoa, hold up. You want me to work here?" He laughed. "No, no, no, no way. That doesn't even make any sense, you see, I'm here to sleep with the girls not have women come sleep to me, I mean, it sounds sorta fun..." This made him ponder the benefits of having gorgeous woman come flocking to him, but then he thought about all the ugly ones that might come see him too. "But look, I came to have some fun and this is not fun. I'm going to leave." He turned away from Yegu.

"You can't." Yegu said quickly.

Derros stopped and looked back to her.

"You haven't fulfilled the contract." Yegu added.

"Contract?" Derros said, then laughed. "All I did was sign my name?"


The parchment materialized in Yegu's concealed hand. She held it out towards Derros. The document made him gasp. At the top was his signature where he had signed and below it was strange spidery writing in a language he simply did not know.

"That was blank, blank!" Derros pointed at the parchment. "Plus, that doesn't mean anything to me!"

"It means everything."

"No, no--"

"I own you."

"Now, it definitely doesn't mean that. Who do you think you are? What do you think you are--?"

"This." Yegu tore away her turban, revealing her visage. Immediately, Derros felt the blood drain from his face.

"Fuck," Derros swore.

"Succinctly said."

Derros ran for the door but the handle dematerialized, right before his very eyes. He frowned and then pressed his shoulder into the door, but it still didn't budge. He turned around and jumped, for Yegu stood closer before him now. It was at this point in time that he realized she was much taller than him; in fact, that made her toothy smile that much more frightening.

"What did you say?" Yegu asked.


"Soft? Large?"

"Wait, wait, wait--"

"Loving? Familiar? Common?"

"You're not going to--?"

"Oh yes. You'll be the second. You and Quill will be able to relate."

"Quill? What is with you and these fucking names?" Derros stuttered. "What am I going to be? Chalk? Doorframe?"

"Something gentle," Yegu said, her horrifying smile widened. She raised a hand, peeling away the layers of cloth with her other.

"Wait!" Derros begged, sweating a bit. Ever since Yegu's reveal, the room had become like a furnace . "I'll sleep with Lavender or Razor or Ashes or whoever just please don't--"

The last bit of cloth fell off of Yegu's arm, vaporizing before it hit the ground. A single cruel finger pointed at the man. Despite himself, Derros began to shiver. He was a nobody, a man no more important than any other out there tonight and yet here he was about to be turned into some sort of brothel bitch.

"No," Yegu said as if reading the man's mind. "I believe the correct term is cow."

Something potent and unseen lanced from Yegu's outstretched finger into Derros' head, piercing into his brain. He reeled from the blow, stepping back against the door while Yegu moved away to watch. He slid down the surface and landed on his ass with a groan, his dazed head falling forward while intoxicating magic suffused his form. His mouth fell open, tongue hanging out of his slack jaw. Momentarily, his body felt numb and then only his tongue tingled while it thickened and widened. These odd sensations briefly brought Derros out of his reverie and caused him to sit up, his tongue sliding up into his mouth. Dully he licked against his teeth, his canines were flattening and broadened, losing their ability to rend and tear meat while enhancing their capacity to grind vegetation into digestible lumps.

Suddenly, a patch of white fur sprouted on his cheek. Surprised and unsure what exactly was happening, Derros brought his hand to affected area. The fur was surprisingly soft and when he ran his hand up, the fur followed with it, spreading and overtaking his scruffy beard. The strangeness of proliferation of fur was overtaken when his ears yanked, moving up while his skull began to restructure. He groaned, grinding his flat teeth together in stress while his ears traveled farther and farther up, black and white fur covering them. From their new position atop either side of his head they loosened, drooping down while stretching into floppy cow ears. He blinked rapidly, eyes became brown and his lashes grew out, long and lavish. The fur continued to spread until it had subsumed his skin and human hair, leaving his cranium completely covered in mostly white fur with intermittent splotches of black. Suddenly, his face pushed forward and forehead broadened, flattened teeth rearranging within an increasingly cow-like muzzle, adjoined nose becoming pink and large. The flesh was tough but sensitive, joining just above his thick and pink lips.

Derros, the now cow-headed man brought both hands to the bizarre protrusion of his muzzle in order feel it but he also felt like he had to support his new heavy head. Abruptly, he removed his hands as his fingers began to ache. He lowed them and he saw his fingers stiffen and harden as they shook, darkening in hue and thumbs thickening while the rest of his fingers merged together so that he had strange hoof hands of a sort, slightly clumsy yet still able to accomplish much of what they could do before. Fur formed on his palms, extending upwards while at the same time spreading down his neck. For a moment, he couldn't breathe whilst his neck broadened, tightening with muscle to support his heavier head and sloping snout. When he could breath again, he let out a deep sigh that meandered into a soft whiny 'moooo' that he immediately ceased when he realized what he was doing.

Derros was on the edge of panic, yet the magic's tranquil effect continued. Rubbing the altered digits of his hoof-like fingers together, Derros blinked, his watery eyes and relaxed even as fur spread farther over his form; soft splotched hide replacing simple skin, at least he would never be cold like this. However, a problem became more apparent when the fur reached his hips, triggering an onslaught of secondary changes. Derros' relatively thin form began to put on mass, some muscle, but mostly fat.

While his shoulders narrowed and waist pressed in, his stomach churned and his hips continued to expand. Warm, soft fat started to suffuse his form, fattening his torso, padding his hips, thighs, rear, and filling out his arms and legs into a softer shape. His stomach visibly swelled, pressing up and against his shirt with soft flabbiness.

Derros panted, suddenly feeling far too warm and squirmed as something sensitive formed just beneath his belly button. He panicked and grasped at his shirt with his awkward hoof hands. He managed to pull his shirt up and over before it promptly got stuck on his head. He moo'd with discontent while he tugged bindingly, but managed to get no closer to having his shirt off. He squirmed and wriggled, hoping that would help free him from the garment, but that only caused his fattening body to shake and jiggle including that strange growth down below that continued to grow bigger.

Two nubs pressed out of Derros' forehead and sliced at the cloth as they grew out into small, pointed horns. Thus, the shirt tore and finally came off his head, though it took a bit more effort to get some of the scraps off his horns. Only then did he have full sight of his bare torso.

Derros' eyes widened and he gasped at the sight of his stomach. Unlike Lavender the whale woman, he was a little tubbier, possessing a soft layer of fat that gave him a slight paunch. Worse, there was a growing pink sac dangling above his now covered manhood, halfway wedged between his pants and bare torso. Without thinking, he leaned forward and touched it. He flinched and let out a surprised moo when his hoof-like fingers brushed past one of the two visible teats. That mere second of contact elicited pleasure and a small droplet of milk to spring from the almost full pink protrusion. As he stared at the sac--his udder--it continued to grow, expanding and filling with milk with every passing second, the two covered teats coming to press uncomfortably against his pants. He squirmed and felt milk dribble out of the sensitive bumps as they pressed against his pants.

Derros groaned awkwardly as he undid his pants and pushed them down just in time to witness fur spreading down his lusciously thick thighs. He got his pants halfway down his legs before he gave up and set to instead taking off his underwear.

The underwear, already wet with milk, took some effort to get partway off, but he did manage to get the piece of clothing down to his knees, simultaneously relieving its pressure on his udder and revealing the rest of it. It was large and even sitting down he could feel its heft and how its contents sloshed around inside with each movement. He didn't want to know how it felt to carry it around or how it felt to have it nearly full. He was about to reach a hand to massage his still aching udder when he felt a tugging at his crotch.

It took both of his hands to move his udder so he could see what was happening. He shuddered as his hardened hoof hands grasped at the sensitive sac. It took all of his willpower just to lift it a little and not to give into the pleasure while his groin churned into a similarly pleasurable fashion.

With the udder out of the way, Derros caught sight of his shrunken manhood just in time to see it dwindle away into an opening, his testicles having already vanished. A shudder went down his spine, his cock was gone now, his masculinity had disappeared. In its place a set of soft, furred feminine lips grew, ripening to full womanhood within seconds. Derros stared in disbelief at _her_new sex, but kept herself from touching it even as it quivered.

The new cow's attention was pulled away from her altered sex by a warm wave spreading over her pecs. She glanced at them and watched as they swelled out, fat and flesh gathering under her stiff nipples that grew stiffer still and thicker as well, taking on a dark pink hue. She cupped her swelling breasts and moo'd, hoping beyond hope that holding them like she was would curtail their growth. Instead, they only seemed to be encouraged by touch, bloating out to a size she could just comfortably cup in her hands, then to a size beyond that which she could barely hold onto, and then even larger until her soft breast flesh covered her hands down to her wrists. At least they weren't filled with milk, yet.

While Derros extricated her hands, the bones in her legs snapped and shifted. She winced with each crack, wiggling her toes even as they merged together, feet pulling back into a slightly circular mass. The combined nails grew out into hooves that split near the middle while the alterations to her legs finished, leaving her with a digitigrade stance.

Derros shifted uncomfortably where she sat on the floor, flinching from the sensation of her big breasts wobbling, feminine sex pressing into the cold ground and udder sloshing and dribbling milk. Finally. she sat more comfortably thanks to further plumping of her rear, which became large and pillowy. Her shoes came off easily enough with a kick, exposing her cloven hoofed feet for the first time.

Something pressed out of the base of her spine and against the door. Derros whimpered and attempted to scoot away from the door. Her efforts displaced her but also caused her horribly sensitive sex and udder to rub against the ground, trailing milk and feminine fluids as she moved. While her tail grew, her breasts also began to swell with milk that made them only appear larger and fuller. She winced with each inch her tail pressed out. The end of it was black and bushy while the rest was white and spotted. It only took a minute before its growth had finished, slapping against her plump rump when it was done. By then, her udder was nearly full to the point of bursting while her breasts were on their way to the same state. Derros whined and waited, but no further changes took place. It was over.

The magic left with a final sedating wave that dazzled her mind. Trembling, Derros attempted to get to her hooves, a feat made all the more difficult by her dazed state and unfamiliar weight of her breasts, udder and fat; coupled with her altered stance. Still, she managed, discarding her clothes in the process then she stood there naked and confused. She held her head in one hoofed hand while her other rested on her hip, her udder occasionally dripping milk onto the ground below.

"My, my," A voice spoke. "How soft, how large, and how familiar, for whom does not know the common cow?"

Derros looked up and saw Yegu, who was completely covered in wrapped cloth again. The cow tried to muster anger or at least some annoyance, but all she could feet at the moment was intense discomfort. She glanced down at her udder and grabbed the swollen mass with, shivering as some milk squirted out from her teats.

"And oh so very gentle," Yegu continued. "And no doubt loving. Is that not what you wanted?"

Derros moo'd in one response and grabbed one of her teats. She squeezed too low and bellowed it caused her pain instead of the reward of pressure relief.

"Careful now, Chalk," Yegu said.

Derros shook her head. Chalk? Was that what she was going to be called? She stared at Tegu and tried to speak but her udders fullness was so painfully pleasurable that all she could do was let out a high-pitched mixture of a moo and moan.

"What was that?" Yegu asked. "Did you have something to say, Chalk?"

Derros nodded, mooing again from the consequence of moving. She held onto her udder. Gods, it was heavy! She blinked and tried to recall what she meant to say, what she was going to say to the cloth covered figure. Try as she might, she could not remember for there was only one thing on her mind, her damnable udder. Why was it so full, why was it so heavy?

"H-h..." Derros stuttered, the cow's voice high-pitched but soft. Finally, she managed to speak. "Help!"

"Help? Very well then. Razor!" Yegu called. "Chalk requires your assistance."

"Chalk?" The cow said. "No, I'm..."

Her name, her real name, was at the edge of her memory but she just couldn't access it. Perhaps it was because it didn't properly describe her current form or maybe it was because her udder was so damnably full? She didn't know! Whatever the case, her name was there, just not there at... this time. Full, so full! Damn it, she would have to be Chalk for now, but not Chalk forever!

Chalk looked up at the familiar female shark that approached her, a large bucket in her slim hand. Instinctively, she pulled back and regretted it as her udder quivered, smacking against her thick thighs.

"Calm down," Razor said, placing the bucket in front of Chalk. "And please stand still."

The shark knelt down in front of the cow and placed her hands on two teats. Chalk shuddered, but did as the shark said partially because the presence of her very sharp visible teeth and purportedly rough skin. Still, she seemed to know what she was doing, for when she squeezed it didn't hurt and the milk flowed into the bucket out at a reasonable pace. The cow sighed in contentment as her udder slowly but surely began to be emptied. Relieved, she truly did begin to relax, her mind solely focused on the feeling of the shark's deft hands upon her teats.

Chalk stiffened suddenly when she felt one of the shark's digits brushed against something lower than her udder. She looked down and inhaled deeply as Razor released the udder and thrust two fingers up the cow's sensitive sex instead.

"Ahh!" Chalk moaned. "What are you--?"

"Now imagine," Yegu said as the shark dug her fingers deeper inside Chalk. "That was a client's cock."

_ _ Chalk shook her head but the pleasure could not be denied. She shivered when Razor twisted her fingers and brushed them against her sex. She didn't really want to think about sex at the moment, her udder was only half emptied and she was a man anyways, why would she want a--

She looked down at herself. Man? By all rights and sight, she was a woman, a humanoid cow with a large bosom, generous curves, a fat _little_stomach and a slightly more paunch udder. And down below--

Razor pressed in and squeezed a teat at the same time she rubbed against the cow's clit, the pleasure was nearly overwhelming. An electric sensation ran up her spine and her pussy felt warm, oh so warm. She let out a moo.

"Is it not nice?" Yegu asked. "Is it not wonderful?"

Chalk shivered and could not help but agree and yet...

"Derros," She whispered, finally remembering. "I'm Derros."

"Yes," Yegu agreed. "Yes, you are, Chalk."

Chalk tilted her head and shuddered as Razor suddenly removed her hand. The shark took the bucket and left just like that.

"Why?" Chalk called, her arousal still high and udder still not completely emptied.

"You are Chalk while you are here," Yegu answered. "In your time off, you may be called Derros or whatever you wish if you want but..."

Chalk nodded, suddenly understanding. She was Derros still, and yet not. A cow, and yet also something else at the same time. She had feared she would be totally subsumed.

"You are much better this way, no? So soft, so large, so familiar, so gentle, so loving... that is why some milk was left, see? For the client."

Chalk nodded again. Razor's fingers had felt so good on her udder and those had just been small, soft hard...what would rougher hands or a mouth be like? Even more curiously, how would a cock within her sex feel? She shivered as she imagined all these things.

"You should go to your room," Yegu suggested. "Fourth room on the right. I doubt you will waiting long for a visitor."

Chalk shivered with anticipation. For the first time since her change, she smiled and there were traces of her old grin there. Her hooves clacked on the floor as she walked past Yegu and so did parts of her bounce, but it hardly mattered to her. She made her way down the hallway, took a deep breath of the wonderful scent when she passed the third room, and finally made it to her room.

The cow stepped inside and found the room contained a suitable bed. She soon lay upon the bed, udder tucked between her legs while she rested both of her hands on her pillowy breasts. She lay and let her mind wander to fantasies of whom or what would visit her soon while her breasts and udder swelled further along until they were full again. Would they be strong? Tall? Exotic? Large? Loving? Familiar?

Unconsciously, Chalk's hand slipped towards her sex as she thought of her imaginary lover, each one she wanted very much to be real, oh so real so that she could...

Her door swung open suddenly. Chalk sat up and rested her hands on her wide hips, smiling as she saw her visitor, a tall and strong minotaur who wore no shirt, just a small thong that did little to hide what he possessed. He too smiled as he shut the door and moved over to her, sitting next to her on the bed. Immediately, he placed his hands upon her breasts and squeezed them, eliciting a moaning moo from the cow.

"Mmm," The minotaur grumbled, sitting closer so that the cow could feel his hard member pressing into her thigh from beneath its cover. "He charges such a small price for perfection."

Chalk blushed, moaning again when he tweaked her stiff nipples and sighing when one hand dropped down to rub at her belly. She placed her hands upon his strong chest and stared into his eyes. Smiling, he suddenly moved his hand lower and her eyes widened.

"You like that?" He asked and then nodded. "I can do better."

"Show me," She said softly, smile deepening on her muzzle. "I have specific tastes." She batted her eyelashes at him and tilted her head. "It's a blessing."

The minotaur chuckled and so Chalk; soft, large and familiar was gentle and loving, even if the minotaur was hard and rough. She didn't mind--he was just as large and loving and even, in some strange way, familiar.

It was quite some time later when Chalk reclined on her bed, back propped up against the bed's backboard and legs spread apart. This was so her udder, just full enough for a client's enjoyment, hung in full sight. Her wet, wanting womanhood just visible below it. She rested one of her hands on her slightly tubby stomach while the other idly massaged one of her puffy nipples. While she waited for the next client, she listened to the sounds of Yegu's Bagnio. There were sounds of much more activity than when she had first visited here so long ago; there were yips and yaps, moans and groans, and soft speech mixed with satisfied shouts. The brothel had really taken off thanks to a few key additions, Chalk being one of them and as a result most of the girls were often busy. For once, the cow had a longer interlude between clients and so did her mind drift to the minotaur that had first introduced her to the pleasures of her sensitive body. The other girls usually didn't remember their first with such fond remembrance as her, but neither did their first set such a victorious precedence that had seldom been matched since then. She shivered at the thought of what that long night might entail, mooing softly as a pinch on her nipple elicited a dribble of milk.

Finally, the door creaked and her next client came in. Chalk released her nipple and let him stare her over before she swung her legs over the sight of the bed and looked over her shoulder at him, her positioning perfect so that he could see just how soft and large her rump was. Her tail appeared to flick lazily, though in reality it moved with excitement it had difficulty displaying.

"Hi," Chalk whispered to the man, standing upon her hoofed feet, turning towards him, openly displaying all she had. After all, she was not a nobody, but a busty brothel bovine, one of those most sought after in the establishment. She placed her hands on her wide hips and sashayed towards him, udder wobbling. "You're here for..." A grin marked her muzzle. "Well, I think you know why."

Chalk kept her smile wide even as the man frowned, his eyes drawn from her bouncing breasts to her hefty udder. Her client shook his head.

"Ugh," He snorted. "It's one or the other, one or the other!"

"Everyone," Chalk murmured, rubbing her hoof hands down her luscious thighs. "Comes for a different reason."

The man shook his head again and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Chalk shrugged and made her way back to the bed, the smile remaining on her bovine muzzle as she returned to reclining. The attitude was familiar, one that she no longer possessed. She did have specific tastes, but she never let that get in the way of her services. Her smile deepened, her thick lips stretching as she thought of what would become of the unsatisfied man and there was no doubt he would be unsatisfied with whatever was offered. What was he looking for? Someone small and scaly, maybe feathery and fit, or perhaps carapaced and chittery? Whatever the case, she knew Yegu would ensure that no further clients would lack that option.

Chalk let out a satisfied sigh. It was always exciting to have another addition to the brothel. Maybe she would be the one called to assist the new girl with her form, maybe they would even be partnered together at some point, or maybe she would just remain here until her next client came or her next period of leisure time came up. Whatever the case, business, she thought with a smile, was pleasure.

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