The Fourth Wall: Part Two

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#2 of The Fourth Wall

Here's the next part! More information about the world in this one, and some touchy-feely, emotional jabber. =3

Here for the sex? CTRL + F and search "squeezed."

When Saber opened his eyes the next day, he could feel his head throbbing painfully. The light shining through the windows was almost too much for him to bear and only sent daggers into his skull. He shut his eyes tightly and groaned, rubbing his aching head. Then he remembered what happened the night before and felt heat rush to his cheeks.

He looked at Blade, who was sleeping soundly, and felt a strange, twisting feeling inside him. It was as if Saber wanted to regret mating with Blade, but he knew he couldn't. What happened between them was unusual, but that's what made it special. The only thing he did regret was drinking too much alcohol!

Saber groaned again and rubbed his eyes. Blade's black and gold feathered wing rested over his purple body like a blanket. Saber's back was pressed into Blade's soft, golden underbelly while the black and gold dragon embraced Saber from behind. As comfortable as Saber could have been, he was anything but. He fidgeted around, growing annoyed at the fact that he couldn't find sleep again. His head ached painfully and he wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep.

Blade inhaled deeply and rumbled while stretching out his limbs as he woke. He groaned and sighed, shifting uncomfortably. Saber pretended that he was asleep, keeping his eyes closed and his body still, hoping that Blade would just fall back asleep.

But he heard a soft warble as Blade's forepaw gently caressed Saber's body. Saber had been okay with it until it traced down his rump and groped him. Saber's eyes widened, and then he felt that paw sneak its way to his orbs, squeezing them gently.

Saber meeped and sprang to his paws, standing on top of the bed while he looked accusingly at Blade. "W- Why did y- you do that?"

Blade only smirked and chuckled. "I think you know why, cutie," he cooed. Then Saber saw Blade's flesh protruding from his sheath while it twitched needily. He didn't even bother to hide his morning wood; it was in perfect view for Saber.

Then Blade winced and rubbed his forehead with a forepaw, growling with irritation. "Damn hangover," he grumbled and sighed, seeming to have lost interest in Saber--much to his relief.

Saber nodded, understanding Blade's pain. "I thought we couldn't feel pain in this world," he pointed out as if there was a lack of congruency.

Blade shook his head, ruffling up his feathers. "We can't feel pain caused by something other than ourselves, except for other characters. Since alcohol in itself doesn't cause pain, we can still feel a hangover," he explained, muttering and grumbling half of his explanation.

Saber nodded again and sighed, muttering a few curses. He felt like sleeping this grogginess off all day, but he had to talk to the dragon king Blade mentioned, Raevocrei. He needed answers.

Blade chuckled and stepped off the bed. "Lucky for us, I know someone who can help with this." Saber reluctantly hopped off the bed, stumbling a bit, and then followed Blade out the door and down the stairs. He took each step carefully as he found that he still felt a little dizzy. The last thing he wanted was to go tumbling down the stairs!

The tavern had mostly cleared out, and Saber only noticed a few humans around. The smell of breakfast wafted into his nostrils, and his stomach growled loudly. Blade looked back at him and giggled, making Saber sigh. The strangest thing was that Saber didn't even feel hungry, so he didn't bother pestering Blade for some food.

The same pointy-eared woman stood at the counter as Blade approached her. The feathered dragon's head was a little above hers while Saber's was at her chest. Saber stayed back a bit behind him, feeling out of place.

"Morning, Erin," Blade greeted. "Thanks again for letting us stay!"

She smiled and nodded. "You're welcome, but there better not be another mess left for me."

Saber immediately blushed, realizing that they most certainly had left a mess. But Blade played it off casually. "Of course not! We licked it up this time."

Saber's eyes bulged as he almost started coughing. He couldn't believe what he just heard!

Erin seemed to have gotten a kick out of that and laughed. Her laugh was bright and full, almost like music to Saber's ears. "You appear to have acquired a new partner. I've never seen him before."

Saber continued to blush profusely. Blade nodded happily, looking at the purple dragon with a gleeful glint in his golden eyes. "He just arrived yesterday. But... we sort of had a little too much to drink last night."

Erin sighed and shook her head. "I told you to go lighter. Any normal person would have died drinking that amount."

"But we aren't humans!" Blade retorted.

She sighed again and stepped out from behind the counter, reaching up and putting her palms to Blade's temples as he flicked his ears. Saber watched curiously, wondering what she was doing, but it seemed that she was done almost as soon as she had started. Blade sighed with relief and thanked her with a lick, making Erin recoil and hit him. Blade snickered and grinned.

Then she approached Saber and asked, "What's your name?"

"S- Saber," he answered as she put her hands on either side of his head. Saber suddenly felt pressure pushing against his skull. He meeped and closed his eyes as he felt an energy flow through his head and down his spine, making his tail twitch and tingle. Then it stopped as Erin withdrew her hands.

Saber immediately noticed that his grogginess was gone; he felt completely new again! "Th- thank you," he said, looking at her while feeling his head curiously. All of that heaviness just vanished!

She grinned and nodded and returned behind the counter.

"We'll see you around, Erin!" Blade said and gestured with a wing for Saber to follow. Saber thanked the woman again, giving her one last curious look before he quickly padded out to the cobblestone streets. Light shone down from the sky, brightening and warming the world as if a sun existed. It seemed that it was much later in the morning than Saber thought. Still, the stones of the street felt a cool beneath Saber's paws.

"Was... was she a character?" Saber asked curiously as they started walking down the cobblestone street. They passed by many different humans who seemed to be hustling about--randoms, Saber presumed. Down one of the streets looked to be a market, where humans were scattered and littered about between many different stalls with a variety of goods.

Blade nodded. "She's an elf from a different story."

"An elf?"

"Yeah... basically a human, but with pointy ears. She also knows some sort of magic," he explained.

Saber nodded, but he didn't really understand any of it. What in the hell is magic?

Just as Saber was about to ask where they were going, he saw a large, white-scaled dragoness descend from the sky and land in the center of town. She was huge! Saber swore that she was about fifteen-feet tall, if not taller, and almost as long as several buildings. Her tail stretched even longer than that, curling around her feet as she sat sejant in what seemed to be a town square.

"Ah, good. We're on time," Blade said as he quickly padded up to the white dragoness. Saber stood there in awe for a moment, admiring her beauty. Then he realized Blade was leaving and sprinted to catch up to him.

The dragoness' crimson eyes looked down at them as they approached. Saber saw white feathers crowning her head a lot like Blade's. Aside from her eyes, her entire scaled body was pure-white, a symbol of purity and perfected beauty.

Saber wondered how Blade could even approach her like he did. She seemed to be royalty of some sort, yet the feathered dragon simply padded up to her, his feathered tail swishing excitedly behind him. Saber anxiously followed him, wondering who she was.

He had to look up at the dragoness, since she was almost four times his height.

She lowered her head and greeted Blade with a nuzzle. "Hello, Blade," she said, her voice serene and bright. "What brings you to see me?"

Blade warbled, fluffed up his feathers, and grinned toothily. Saber stepped up behind him, avoiding eye contact with the dragoness. He felt extremely small and out of place.

"I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to see your beauty again, Ahkaeirvah!" he wooed.

She chuckled and grinned, making Saber's heart flutter. She reminded him a lot of Aislin, especially in the way she presented herself. "My answer will always be no," she teased, her tail pushing at Blade so he'd keep his distance.

Blade whined. "Just mate with me one time! It's all I ask," he insisted. "I may not be as big as Raev, but I certainly know how to satisfy a dragoness!"

"Raevocrei would burn you to a crisp! He's a very jealous mate, as I'm sure you're aware." Saber put two and two together and realized that this white dragoness, Ahkaeirvah, was the mate of Raevocrei. That made her the queen, as far as Saber knew, so she was royalty!

Blade muttered something beneath his breath. "What if I told you that he mated with me?"

"You know just as well as I do that that would never happen," she retorted, laughing again. Ahkaeirvah's smile was contagious, and Saber found himself to be chuckling too. "However, Saber may bring up some exceptions..."

Saber meeped and blushed heatedly. Was she really suggesting what he thought she was or was she just teasing Blade? How did she know his name already? Blade glanced at Saber and glared at him a moment.

"And why's that, Ahk?"

"We both have a thing for purple... Plus he hasn't been trying to peek between my legs this entire time!"

Blade grumbled and rolled his eyes. "It's probably because he's gay!"

"I think Aislin would beg to differ," she countered, smirking at him. "I thought you were the one attracted to males anyway."

Saber perked up at that. "Y- You know A- Aislin?"

Ahk turned her attention to Saber, smiling softly at him. "I do. She's a good friend of mine."

Saber grinned happily, almost bouncing up and down. "You know where she is?"

Then her expression softened. A painful string in Saber's heart was plucked. "I'm sorry, Saber. I'm not quite sure where she is now."

Saber frowned with disappointment. "Oh..."

She nuzzled him affectionately, her snout much larger than his. "She usually visits me here or at my home at least once a week. You're welcome to stay with Raev and me to wait for her, if you would like."

"We were actually on our way to see you both," Blade butted in. "Saber seems to be retaining a lot of his story character."

"What do you mean?" she asked, studying the purple dragon. Saber shrunk back nervously.

"Well, he didn't just appear into our world... he came crashing through the fourth wall," Blade explained.

"Oh, so that's what happened," Ahkaeirvah commented, seeming to be thinking deeply. She asked Saber, "You're looking for Aislin because she was your mate?"

Saber nodded and blushed a little, hanging his head. "She is my mate..."

"I see. Raev will have more answers than I, so let's go and see him." Ahkaeirvah beckoned for them to follow her out of town so she could take off safely. Being the larger dragon she was, the force of her jump and gust of her wings could damage some of the town.

Blade and Saber followed behind Ahkaeirvah to the mountains in the north. Saber's mind roiled with thoughts almost the entire way there. He couldn't decide if Aislin was really still his mate or not. He wanted to believe it, but the fact that he mated with Blade almost haunted him. What would Aislin think about that?

Then he remembered that he still knew very little about the feathered dragon. Blade had promised to tell Saber his past the night before, but in their drunken mating they both had forgotten about that.

Saber looked over curiously at Blade as they flew close to each other. The wind from their flight flattened down his black and gold feathers, making him look lithe and sleek. Then he noticed his erection protruding from his sheath like a dagger.

Saber blushed warmly and turned his head forward. As soon as he did, he realized why Blade was aroused; Ahkaeirvah's rump was in plain view for them as she flew ahead, swaying during her flight. It wasn't revealing in any way, but it was enough to draw out Saber's lustful imagination. Saber's face flushed heatedly as he had to avert his gaze quickly before he had an erection himself!

The rest of the flight there was awkward and quiet. Saber wasn't one to speak out, and Blade seemed to be occupied while Ahkaeirvah simply led them. It wasn't long before the evening began to settle in, the light in the sky dimming. They stopped along a river to rest for a moment and drink from it before continuing further into the foothills.

The land beneath them changed into a more wintery setting as the temperature dropped rapidly. Pines and evergreens replaced the deciduous forest, and as they approached the giant mountains, snow coated the rolling land in a soft, white blanket.

To Saber's surprise, he saw a few other dragons about the same size as Ahk flying around. They looked massive compared to him and Blade. The three of them ascended higher until what Saber guessed was halfway up the mountain, where a large cave entrance was dug out of the rock and snow.

Blade and Saber landed behind Ahkaeirvah on a large outcropping that served as a platform. She smiled at them and gestured with her head for them to enter. "I have a few more errands to run, but Raev should be home."

"Thank you," Saber said, bowing respectfully.

Ahk chuckled and gave him a tender nuzzle. "No need for such formality, silly. I'll be back soon. Keep Blade and Raev in check."

Blade grumbled and pouted, making Ahk laugh brightly before she took off.

"She may be the most beautiful dragoness around, but she gets on my nerves sometimes," Blade said after Ahkaeirvah was out of earshot.

"I think she's just teasing you," Saber pointed out.

Blade rolled his eyes. "I know, and it only makes me want to mate her more," he admitted. He sat down on his rear and spread his legs apart, poking at his semi-hard flesh. "She's such a tease, and she knows it."

Saber blushed and turned his head away, distracting himself with his surroundings. He looked into the cave to see a small, dim light inside. He looked around and thought that this place seemed nothing like a king's castle like he had imagined, just a normal wild dragon's home. Curious to see Raevocrei, Saber started walking inside. Blade grumbled and followed.

Upon stepping inside, Saber immediately noticed that it was much warmer and that the cave distinctly smelled of dragon. It made sense, being that two mates lived here, but he knew that the aroma was stronger for a reason. The combined scents tickled his nostrils pleasantly, making Saber's cheeks warm.

Blade stepped ahead and turned around a small bend. Saber followed close behind him and soon saw Raevocrei sitting with his back facing them, seeming to be hunched over a desk-like ledge in the wall. Small, glowing red stones were placed in the cave's walls, lighting the area enough that Saber could easily make out Raevocrei's features.

Raevocrei was bigger than Ahkaeirvah, seeming to tower above Saber at about eighteen feet tall. His scales were as black as the night, and they seemed to be sturdier than Saber's, acting more like a natural armor. Two pairs of curvy, ivory horns protruded from the back of his thick skull that adorned his head, the top pair larger and longer than the bottom. As Raevocrei turned around, Saber saw that he had a dark-blue, plated underbelly that flowed smoothly to the middle of his tail. His sapphire eyes stared back at them, seeming to recognize both Blade and Saber.

"Greetings," he said, his voice deep and reverberating. "What brings you two here?" He set down what appeared to be a pen of some sort and turned his attention to the two dragons.

Blade looked at Saber and encouraged him to speak, smiling softly at him. Saber stepped forward and gulped, looking up at Raev. "I uhm... I was hoping y- you could answer some questions that I have... y- your grace."

Raev chuckled and shook his head. "I am not royalty! There's no need for that."

Blade tried to hide his giggling behind his wing while Saber blushed embarrassingly and hung his head. "Oh

"No matter." A soft grin curled Raev's lips, revealing a row of sharp, white teeth. "I'll gladly answer your questions. It's good to finally see you here."

Saber smiled awkwardly back and thanked him. "I just... I'm wondering what this world is. Does it really exist? Am I dreaming?"

Raevocrei chuckled and lowered his head so that it was closer to Saber's eye level. "Those are some odd questions... Why do you ask them?"

"Well... I uhm..."

"Saber is retaining his old character," Blade stepped in and explained. "He thinks he is dreaming."

Raevocrei looked at Saber with a bit more serious expression. "You think you're dreaming?"

Saber wanted to object to that, but that was basically his entire problem. "I want to return to my world."

Raev curiously eyed Saber, seeming to be thinking deeply. "I'm sorry, Saber. This world isn't a dream and I can't guarantee your return. And even if you did return, you would end up back here again at some point."

"Why can't I?" he asked desperately. He clawed at the ground, feeling irritated.

"The only way that you would be brought out of this world is if your story continued."

"What are these stories?" Saber was getting sick of hearing about stories. He wanted reality.

"Stories are exactly what you think they are. Our creator writes them about us, the characters. They take place in worlds separate from this one."

Saber grumbled and nodded--another thing he didn't like to hear. "Who is this creator?"

Raevocrei sighed and scraped his claws on the ground. "It's hard to explain. To us, he's basically our god. He designs and creates us, and then he determines what will happen in our stories."

"So everything I do... is determined by him? My being and my life?"

Raevocrei seemed to hesitate slightly before he nodded.

Saber pondered for a moment, trying to grasp this ridiculous information. He hadn't entirely believed Blade, but now the truth was becoming evident. "So what you're saying is that we're in a story right now?"

Raevocrei half-nodded. "I believe so. It's quite odd, really. Our creator left this world alone for quite some time... He must have had a reason to use it. Since the only conflict I see happens to be centered around you and Blade, I'm going to assume that you're the main character, Saber, of this new story."

Saber grit his teeth as his head whirled. "You're saying that everything that's happening right now is his doing?"

"Yes, it is."

Saber growled with frustration. "If he's in control of this story, then why am I here? Why do I have to be the one who has to struggle to understand?"

Raevocrei noticed Saber's plight and nuzzled him comfortingly. "It's to develop you and the story. You'll be a stronger character because of it."

Saber shook his head and backed away. "I don't want to be a character! I want to be me, and I want to be with Aislin!" He felt tears welling at his eyes as he reached his breaking point. He furiously tried to blink them away, but he found it impossible. With a sniffle, he hid his face from view, burying his head in a wing while gritting his teeth.

Blade warbled softly and wrapped one of his feathery wings around Saber, nuzzling him reassuringly. "It's alright, Saber..."

"It's not alright," Saber griped. He wanted to shove Blade away, but he couldn't quite do that... not to his only friend in this world.

Blade cooed and embraced the purple dragon, tenderly nuzzling and comforting him. Saber cried freely as he buried his snout into Blade's feathers, relinquishing himself. He never imagined to be seeking Blade for comfort like this, but it was everything he needed right now.

"If it makes you feel any better, I wish I was the main character instead. Then the story could have been about sex!"

Saber sniffled and lightly chuckled, the comment slightly lifting his spirits.

Raevocrei said, "Blade has a point. The story's perspective and events depend entirely on the characters involved. You have a lot more control than you think."

"I just... I just want to see Aislin," Saber said and reluctantly withdrew from Blade's feathers. "She's all that matters to me, but now I'm afraid that she doesn't have the same feelings for me... I still love her, but does she still love me?"

Raevocrei's smile softened as he looked at Saber admiringly. "She does still love you, Saber. I don't think she ever won't. She comes here to talk with Ahkaeirvah and me every so often, and each time she asks me if you've come here yet. She misses you."

Blade nodded and added, "She talks about you a lot. She's the reason why a lot of us here know about you and your story."

Saber blushed a little bit and felt warmth rising in his chest. A small smiled curled his lips, but it quickly faded. "What... what about our egg?"

Raev looked at Saber somberly. "You two were about to have an egg, weren't you?" He sighed and shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Saber... Since the egg wasn't even laid, it won't appear in this world. I'm afraid that we can't create eggs either."

Saber looked away and gritted his teeth together, holding back another stream of tears. "Oh..." He had wanted nothing more than to be a father... and now he's never have that chance. He'd never get to see their hatchling. A painful feeling gripped his chest. "D- Does Aislin know that?"

Raev nodded. "She still wants nothing more than to be with you, Saber. She loves you."

"Did... did she say that?" Saber looked up at Raev with hopeful eyes.

He nodded again, a bright smile across his lips. "You both played a large, supporting role for each other. Every character retains the feelings and information they gained in their stories, it's just that we normally don't hold onto it so closely here. When new characters appear, they feel like they've lived here all of their lives--as if nothing changed. You, Saber, are the only one so far to experience something different."

Saber nodded, beginning to understand. "So I'm just like every other character here?"

"Normally, you would be," Raevocrei answered, "but right now you're the main protagonist while Blade appears to be a supporting character."

Saber nodded again and smiled at Blade fondly. Blade warbled and grinned back. "So this is a story of its own?"

"It appears so. There's no for sure way to tell, but I'd bet my hoard on it."

Saber pondered deeply. "So... if this is a story, does that mean that there's another world like this one where our characters will go?"

"Now you're in over your head," Raevocrei replied and laughed. "But it's entirely possible, since we didn't know about the existence of this one during our stories."

Saber heard someone land at the entrance and claws clacking against the ground. Then he saw Ahkaeirvah as he turned around. Raevocrei quickly stood up and padded over to her, giving her an affectionate nuzzle. They said a few things to each other that Saber couldn't hear. Then he saw Ahkaeirvah's long tail snake between Raevocrei's legs, making the black dragon visibly shudder.

Saber blushed and noticed that Raev didn't have any balls or a sheath. He couldn't see anything between his legs, so that made Saber wonder how he mated, if Raev even could. Then he turned his head away before they would notice his staring.

But Blade was looking right at him, grinning widely with a look that said, I saw where you were staring. That made Saber's cheeks flush even more.

Then the two mates turned their attention toward them. "You've already met my mate?" Raevocrei asked, a gleeful glint in his eyes. Saber noticed the same look in Ahkaeirvah's eyes. His heart thumped heavily in his chest as he grinned toothily back at Raev, nodding. They were good mates, and they closely reminded him of Aislin and himself.

Hope filled Saber as he thought about what Raev and Blade said earlier. "You two were mates in your story?"

They both happily nodded. "We were mates long before our story too," Raev explained.

Saber looked at him questioningly. "How is that possible?"

"Our characters were conceived before there ever was a story planned for us. Although our story was never finished, our back story remains the same. It's the same thing with Blade, though he was a part of a much shorter story instead."

Saber glanced at Blade and he nodded, confirming what Saber already knew. It made Saber curious again to know what sort of backstory Blade had.

"I looked around for Aislin, but I'm sorry that I didn't find her, Saber," Ahkaeirvah said.

Saber smiled at her kindly. "I appreciate you trying."

"She will turn up soon," Raevocrei reassured. "But it's getting late now. Our home is yours for as long as you would like. Would you like me to show you to your room?"

Blade yawned and stretched and nodded with Saber. "After all that flying, I could use some downtime," Blade commented. "And do you have a bath area or a hot spring? I have the feeling we'll need it in the morning." He winked at Saber, which made the purple dragon meep embarrassingly.

Raevocrei chuckled and nodded. "We do, and we'll pass it on our way to your room."

Ahk gave Raev a quick kiss before she bid them goodnight and retired to their private chamber. Blade and Saber followed the large, black dragon to their quarters, noticing the entrance to the mates' private bath area before they entered a large tunnel that led them to another private room.

Saber glimpsed between the large, ebony dragon's hind legs again, trying to determine whether or not he was actually a male. His dark-blue underbelly continued between his legs, and Saber thought he saw some sort of crevice running vertically along his crotch. Blade chuckled and bumped playfully into Saber's hips, making the purple dragon meep with surprise.

"Saber has another question for you, Raev," Blade stated, a cocky grin spreading his lips.

Saber thought his heart stopped for a second. He shook his head furiously and then glared angrily at Blade, thwacking him with his tail. Raevocrei stopped and turned around, chuckling at the two.

"And what question do you have for me, Saber?"

Saber froze and blushed deeply while pawing awkwardly at his forearm. "I uhm... uhh... d- do you have... do you have genitals?"

Raevocrei seemed rather taken aback by the question too, appearing to be blushing himself. "W- What makes you ask such a question?"

Blade was giggling uncontrollably beside Saber, rolling on the ground. Saber hit him again with a tail. He stared awkwardly at a wall. "I just... You d- don't have any..."

Raevocrei shook his head and sighed. "I do... they're just... well, they're inside me unlike yours."

Saber glanced up at Raev, trying his best to hide his face. "Oh... L- like a reptile?"

Raevocrei nodded quickly and turned back around, noticeably tucking his tail closer to his rear. Blade finished his fit of laughter, wiping his eyes as he trotted to catch up with them. "That was priceless," he commented. Saber just pouted, feeling rather foolish and embarrassed.

Raevocrei led Blade and Saber into the private chamber with a pile of soft-looking fur in the center. Thankfully, he seemed to forget the whole conversation. "I apologize that this isn't what you're used to, but trust me it's very comfortable."

"Th- there's only one bed?" Saber asked, realizing that he and Blade would be sleeping together again.

Raev nodded. "Is that a problem? I thought you two had already acquainted yourselves."

Blade grinned toothily and nodded happily as he lied down on the furs. "We sure did!" He lay on his side and beckoned for Saber to join him.

Saber blushed heatedly. "It's n- not a problem at all..." He hesitantly went to lie with Blade, hoping Raev wouldn't tease him about it, but Raev didn't seem to care either way.

"You're of course welcome to the rest of our home, but this is our most accommodating room," Raev said. "If you need anything, give us a holler... but please don't come walking in."

Saber chuckled awkwardly and nodded, understanding what he suggested. Raev bid them goodnight as well and returned to his mate.

Blade snuggled closely with Saber, pulling him against his larger, soft body. Saber relaxed and enjoyed the embrace, his back against Blade's golden belly. He fit perfectly with Blade, his smaller, purple body fitting against him like a puzzle piece.

"I thought you liked this," Blade said, seeming to be a bit disheartened because Saber didn't immediately hop into bed with him.

"It's not that... I like you and all, but it's just that we're both males... And I still have a mate."

"Are you concerned about us mating last night?" Blade asked worriedly and nuzzled along Saber's neck.

Saber thought for a moment to choose his words right. "A little bit, yes. I don't think I would have mated had I been in the right state of mind."

Blade sighed at that. "I didn't mean to drag you into that without your full consent. I get a little... horny when I'm drunk."

"Only a little? And only when you're drunk?" Saber teased, chuckling.

Blade nipped his neck playfully. Then his paw stroked down Saber's side until it sensually groped his rump, making Saber meep and blush.

"Don't test me, cutie," he cooed. "But since you're Aislin's mate at all, and I consider you both my friends, I figured I should tell you something."

"What is it?" Saber asked curiously.

"I've mated with Aislin before," Blade confessed.

Saber furrowed his brow and clenched his paws, feeling a little angry at him. He suppressed a growl and quickly calmed himself. "Y- You did?"

Blade hugged Saber tightly. "It's different here, Saber. We mated to share pleasure, not because we love each other. She knew that just as well as I did."

Saber nodded and sighed. Aislin had agreed to it too, so it wasn't entirely Blade's fault. Still, Saber found himself feeling rather jealous, but he was glad that it happened. She wasn't the only one to have mated with Blade!

"I'm... I'm honestly relieved to hear that," Saber admitted. "I was worried what she would say when I told her that we mated... Now it doesn't seem like much of a problem at all."

Blade chuckled lightly and tenderly licked Saber's neck. "I'm glad you think so. You're by far the most enjoyable experience I've had."

Saber smiled softly and felt Blade's paws beginning to explore his body, running and tracing along his scales. This position reminded him of how he cuddled with Aislin... It felt different being the one in front, but he liked it quite a lot. He cooed quietly as Blade's paw rubbed and groped his rear around the base of his tail.

"I... I have to admit that I did have a good time with you."

"I'm glad you did... would you like to again?" Blade cooed into his ear. His touch went just a little lower and gently caressed Saber's sensitive orbs. Saber gasped and lifted his rear leg invitingly, not bothering to even attempt resisting. Despite feeling slightly uncomfortable about it, he desired to feel that ecstatic pleasure of being taken again.

"Please," he answered.

Blade rumbled happily and sensually licked behind Saber's cheek spikes and down his neck while his paw gently squeezed Saber's loose stones. He massaged him pleasantly, rolling each orb in his paw before lightly grinding them together. Saber could feel his cock stirring inside his sheath as he moaned and blushed heatedly. Blade's paw moved up to grasp at Saber's sheath, squeezing the flesh inside it firmly as he quickly jerked it back and forth.

Saber gasped and inhaled quickly, flexing his toes as sudden pleasure tingled up his spine. Arousal clouded his mind quickly as his flesh spilled from his sheath. Blade continued to pull up and down on the loose skin, massaging Saber's length as it hardened. Then Blade's paw moved to his flesh, beginning to stroke it back and forth as he purred encouragingly into Saber's ears.

"Oh, Blade... that f- feels so good," Saber moaned, enjoying having Blade's gentle paws stroking his sensitive flesh. Saber's natural lubrications made it easy for his soft paw pads to smoothly slide up and down his shaft.

"Just relax, cutie," Blade cooed. "I'll make this quick!"

Saber closed his eyes, relaxing in bliss as Blade pleasured him. His grasp was loose, but firm enough to send tingling pleasure through Saber's loins. Saber pawed at the ground, moaning and groaning with lust as the back of his skull bloomed with warmth. While Blade jerked Saber off, he affectionately nuzzled and licked the purple's neck and caressed his chest and underbelly, giving him all sorts of loving attention.

"That's it, Saber..." Blade cooed again into Saber's ear. Hearing Blade's soft, lusty voice made Saber shudder.

Saber spread his legs wide to give Blade plenty of room to move. He flexed his toes on his blue hind paws, cooing and moaning with bliss. He felt his cock throbbing in Blade's perfected grasp, oozing streams of pre. Blade rhythmically squeezed Saber's flesh and he pumped him faster. His paw glided up and down his length from his tip to his knot. The base of his paw slapped against Saber's knot repeatedly, making Saber's balls jiggle.

Saber felt Blade's warm cock sliding against his rump as he snuggled closely to the purple dragon. He lightly pushed it against Saber's rear, letting it grind and slide across his scales while he pawed Saber off. Saber's cheeks continued to flush heatedly as he relaxed in blissful pleasure. Every stroke brought him closer to the peak of ecstasy, rubbing and massaging his sensitive flesh.

"Come on, Saber," Blade moaned. "Almost there..."

Saber winced as pleasure shot up his spine, making him gasp. Blade quickly and repeatedly stroked Saber's sensitive tip, pumping up and down with short bursts. Saber's legs kicked and moved on their own as he blushed and moaned his pleasure. "I- I'm close, B- Blade," he warned.

Blade nuzzled in close to Saber's earhole and seductively whispered, "Cum for me, Saber."

Saber wanted to hold out as long as he could to relish in every ecstatic second of pleasure, but his arousal soon became too much. His body curled forward as his muscles tightened for the impending orgasm. He cried out as he hit his climax. His cock throbbed powerfully in Blade's grasp as the feathered paw began to stroke and massage his entirety again. The first string of his warm seed splattered into Saber's face, making him wince and recoil. Saber couldn't help but to moan and groan lewdly while the peak of pleasure rattled his body. The next few strings spilled on his underbelly while Blade stroked him vigorously, milking as much out of Saber as he could.

"That's it, cutie," Blade cooed, licking Saber's cheeks.

Saber's limbs stretched and retracted instinctively as he moaned and flexed his toes. Pleasure bloomed inside his entire body and released with the throbs of his cock. Soon his orgasm died down while Blade gently massaged his twitching flesh with strings of seed coating his paw.

Saber panted heavily with light moans, feeling exuberant. "Oh, Blade... that was amazing." He twined their tails together and swished them back and forth, basking in the afterglow of pleasure.

"I'm glad. Ready for round two?" Blade didn't give much time for Saber to answer. He growled playfully and then rolled Saber onto his back, stepping between his legs and impatiently pinning him down. Saber meeped and felt Blade's warm, slick flesh rubbing against his own. He looked between their legs to see his larger, erect cock pushing and rubbing against Saber's half-hard member. Saber blushed warmly at the sight.

Blade cooed and gave Saber an affectionate lick across his lips as he smashed their nethers together, rubbing and grinding against Saber's crotch. He entwined their tails together again while licking beneath Saber's chin. Saber elicited a soft gasp and held Blade closely, spreading his legs for the larger male.

Blade frotted with Saber for another while longer. Saber awkwardly enjoyed feeling Blade's genitals rubbing against his own. It was erotic and something he had never done before, exciting his lusts more than he had expected. Feeling Blade's cock against his own only stirred his arousal, and having Blade's soft, feathery body pressed against his scales only added to it. He grinded back against him, holding his feathered rump with his hind legs.

Then Blade cooed and withdrew slightly, lining his cock up with Saber's tailvent. Saber blushed heatedly and watched the other male penetrate him. He felt the tapered tip of Blade's cock slip inside him and groaned. His muscles squeezed it tightly before Saber remembered to relax. Blade warbled and licked Saber's lips again.

"That's it, cutie," he said softly as he pressed into Saber's rump. His cock slid further and further into Saber's passage, each ridge passing into him until Blade bottomed out. Saber could feel his feathers along his underbelly pressing and rubbing against his erect cock as Blade was joined with Saber belly to belly.

Saber gasped as Blade grinded against him and felt his cock massaging his sensitive passage as Saber adjusted to his girth. Then Blade pulled out and eased himself back in. Saber clenched his toes and moaned encouragingly. Soon Blade began humping Saber gently, his length pushing and pulling inside his rear. Saber lay back, taking Blade's thrusts with bliss as he submitted to the larger dragon like a female again.

Blade moaned too, looking down at Saber with a soft, toothy grin. "I do very much enjoy this position with you."

Saber smiled back, blushing warmly as Blade took him in the rear. "W- Why's that?"

A glint of joy shone in Blade's eyes as he leaned his head in close to Saber's. "So I can do something like this..." He pressed his lips to Saber's and offered a kiss. Saber almost hesitated, but his lust urged him to accept. They locked maws passionately as Blade cooed into Saber's mouth. Their tongues mingled together as they shared saliva. Saber tenderly caressed the back of Blade's head, and his paws traced down his neck before returning again. His other paw gently pushed and kneaded into Blade's soft chest. Saber delved further into the kiss than he thought he would, losing himself in it.

Then Blade broke the kiss, seeming to be blushing himself, which surprised Saber. A warm, bright smile curled his lips as he warbled happily, nuzzling Saber's snout tenderly. Saber embraced him with his wings and cooed encouragingly into his ear.

Blade huffed and began to hump Saber faster, rocking their bodies back and forth. Saber clung closely to Blade, feeling and enjoying his silken feathers sliding against his scales. He moaned with pleasure as Blade's cock rubbed a sensitive spot inside him repeatedly. His cock leaked pre that coated Blade's golden, belly feathers.

Blade moaned lewdly, his normally confident and cocky composure seeming to have broken as he buried his face into the crook of Saber's neck and shoulder. Saber grunted with each thrust and cooed, letting Blade know how much he was enjoying this. The feathered dragon panted and gasped. He rocked their bodies quickly back and forth as he held Saber closely. Saber's length was squished between feathers and belly scales as Blade rubbed his soft body against him, grinding their bodies together, like a mating dance.

Saber blushed heatedly as he realized how intimate he was being with Blade. Their other mating had been a lot rougher, plus they had done it in a drunken haze. This one was the opposite, a softer and more passionate mating, and he full-heartedly wanted this. He affectionately caressed Blade's back, letting his feathers trickle through his paws as he explored the male's upper half.

Saber heard Blade elicit a lusty growl and felt him speed his humping. Saber moaned encouragingly into Blade's ear as pleasure rushed through his body, warming his loins and tingling up his spine. He spread his legs wide, letting them sway back and forth limply as Blade slapped against him. Saber held firmly to his shoulders, grasping them as his body seemed to curl forward.

"Oh yes..." Saber moaned and winced as Blade's cock pushed deeper into his rump. He could feel the ridges along his cock pushing into him and tugging on his silken walls as Blade's entirety slid in and out of Saber's tailhole. He could hear their hips meeting with wet slaps. Saber's muscles tightly squeezed Blade's flesh as his cock throbbed and oozed more pre.

Then Blade suddenly gasped and cried out, moaning loudly into Saber's chest as he hid his face. His crest flared, and he shuddered with the final drives of his cock. He hilted Saber as deep as he could while his cock began to throb powerfully, pulsating against Saber's tight passage. Saber felt Blade's thick, warm seed spill into his rear in copious ropes.

Saber clenched his toes and moaned with Blade, holding his feathered body tightly against him as he reached orgasm too. His length throbbed in time with his contracting muscles, spewing strands of his seed into Blade's belly feathers and his purple scales. It made quite the mess, coating both of their bellies with his sticky semen. Saber snarled and winced with pleasure as it burst throughout his body. He trembled and gasped while nuzzling the back of Blade's head.

Saber's climax ended before Blade's. He felt his cheeks flush as his mind spun, the aftermath of their mating making him feel heavy-headed. He noticed Blade still pressed tightly against him, his cock throbbing for another few moments until he moaned and sighed. All at once, he felt Blade's muscles relax as the feathered dragon went limp on top of Saber.

Content to just lay there, Saber purred and stroked Blade's golden mane, holding the larger dragon snugly against him. "That felt amazing, Blade."

Blade warbled softly and finally looked up at Saber, his golden eyes glinting and glazed over, staring into Saber's crimson spheres. A soft smile curled his lips as he nuzzled Saber's snout lovingly. "I haven't felt pleasure like that in such a long time," he said. "Th- Thank you..."

Saber returned the smile and held Blade tightly. That was the first time he ever heard Blade stutter. "You're welcome!"

Saber groaned quietly as Blade pulled his soft cock out of Saber's rump. It slipped out and was followed by some seed that oozed down Saber's tail. Blade stepped forward and pressed their nethers together, their flaccid lengths touching. He cuddled with Saber, lying on top of him and purring.

Saber wrapped Blade in an intimate embrace. He closed his eyes to relax, enjoying the soft warmth of Blade's feathered body. Saber noticed that during their mating Blade had acted a bit unlike himself. Being the confident--and somewhat arrogant--dragon that he was, Saber had never expected him to act like he did. And even now as Blade lay on top of him, he was purring and snuggling close to Saber almost as if they were mates. It wasn't that Saber minded, but he knew something wasn't quite right.

"Are you okay, Blade?" Saber asked with concern.

Blade looked up at Saber curiously. A bright smile spread his lips. "Of course. Why?"

Saber's expression scrunched worriedly. "You're not acting like your usual self."

Blade lightly chuckled and nodded. "I suppose you're right... I'm just..." Saber noticed his expression slightly change as his ears drooped a bit. "I'm feeling a bit like my old self again."

Saber nuzzled Blade comfortingly. "Your old self?"

Blade nodded again, seeming to be looking off into the distance. "I never did tell you about my past, did I?"

Saber shook his head.

Blade sighed, his face now drooping sadly with his ears. "I uhm... I don't know where to quite begin..."

Saber gently caressed Blade's back and tenderly brushed his cheek. "I'm willing to listen, but you don't have to if you don't want to," he comforted encouragingly.

"No, I have to. It's a part of my character progression," he observed with a small smile.

Saber chuckled lightly and grinned. "Just start wherever you want."

Blade smiled softly, his eyes expressing his gratitude. "Well... I used to have a mate a lot like you. Funny enough, he had some purple hues mixed into his blue scales. His name was Akir. He was everything I could have hoped for in a partner and a mate... loving, kind, gentle..."

Blade sniffled a bit as his golden spheres swirled and glistened. Then he chuckled nervously and continued, "He wasn't shy like you... in fact, I was the shy one. He enjoyed teasing me all the time and I'd get so riled up... And the way he'd hold me and look at me..." Tears broke free and streamed down Blade's cheeks. A small, quiet whimper escaped his lips.

Saber felt himself tear up at that. He held Blade close and hugged him while nuzzling his snout. "It's okay, Blade..."

"Sorry. I've only told this story once before... it's hard to relive it." Blade sniffled and wiped his tears away and carried on. "I was so happy then. I spent almost every waking moment with Akir... he was the love of my life." Blade suddenly clenched his teeth tightly and Saber felt his claws digging into his purple hide. "He... he was r- ripped away f- from me. My joy... m- my happiness... my mate..." Blade snarled and growled deep in his throat. Saber did what he could to comfort Blade, but there was only so much he could do to quell his own raging thoughts.

After a small fit, Blade managed to recollect himself, but he buried his face into Saber's chest. Saber could feel his tears dripping down his scales. "We lived together in the feral district. I... I went out shopping for us one afternoon, looking for some food. He wasn't feeling well, so I wanted to bring something special back for him too... It took me an extra hour or two, so I didn't make it back until sundown. And... And w- when I returned..." Blade whimpered again and sobbed into Saber's chest.

Saber knew what Blade would say next. He'd tell him what happened to Akir, and just thinking about it made Saber's tears finally release. He tried to blink them away, but it was useless to hold them back. He cried with Blade as the feathered dragon managed to continue.

"His bloodied body lay just inside our door as if he had tried to get away." He clenched Saber tightly, crying profusely into his scales. "He was d- dead... slain... murdered... I came back to his battered and bloody corpse..."

Saber bit his tongue for a moment, letting Blade's emotions take time to bleed from him. Then he finally asked, "Who killed him?"

"I never really knew for sure, and if I did, I forgot. I- I can't remember anything after that for a very long period. I blacked out, and I'm almost sure I went mad... My mind draws a blank up until I remember that it was nearly a year later... sometime near the day he died."

"I revisited our home. It was completely destroyed, and I'm sure that it was me who did that. It was just a stone hovel, but bits and pieces of it were missing, everything inside was smashed, and there were still bloodstains splattered about. I was nearly about to end all of my pain I had endured for that year... I was about to kill myself then and there. I... I missed him so much... but I felt a sense of relief wash over me before I could muster the courage to do it. I swore I could feel his presence there amongst the ruins of everything I had known and grown to love. I probably cried for hours, remembering all of the good moments we had together... and there were a lot."

A soft smile lifted Blade's lips as he looked up, staring off at a wall. Seeing his smile warmed Saber's heart immensely. It was as if he could see the same happy memories that were running through Blade's mind--joyful, unforgettable memories.

"It's those moments that saved me. I won't ever be the same again... but I'm glad I held on, and I'm glad that I met you, Saber. You've helped me remember so many fond moments between Akir and me." Blade stared into Saber's eyes, expressing his genuine gratitude and affection.

"It's why I was acting differently... Thank you, Saber." A big, toothy grin split apart his lips as he nuzzled Saber and licked him.

Saber smiled happily back, wiping Blade's tears away as well as his own. He embraced the feathered dragon tightly. "I'm... I'm glad I could help," Saber replied. "Thank you for sharing that with me."

"You, Raev, and Ahk are the only ones I've shared it with... Although, now I suppose it's not a secret anymore."

"Why's that?" Saber asked curiously.

"Now the readers know as well! I guess it will be some useful character building like I thought," he remarked.

"Oh, right..." Saber chuckled, glad to see Blade back to his usual antics. Saber found himself slightly concerned about someone reading all of this, but he realized that there wasn't a reason to worry. It's not like he or Blade would ever see them face-to-face anyway!

Blade shifted onto his side next to Saber, cuddling closely. Saber turned and embraced Blade, curling up with him as their limbs wrapped around each other. Saber then remembered that both their underbellies were coated with strands of his sticky seed as he felt it on his scales. His cheeks flushed warmly, but Blade didn't seem to mind one bit.

Blade cooed and nuzzled beneath Saber's blue chin. Saber grinned happily, resting his head atop Blade's, and closed his eyes as he hummed with delight.

"Goodnight, Saber."

"Goodnight, Blade," Saber replied and felt exhaustion overwhelm him. He fell asleep within minutes, lying comfortably with Blade.

The Fourth Wall: Part Three

Saber slept comfortably the entire night like he used to with Aislin. Having someone he cared about sleeping next to him helped ease his mind and body, and when that someone was as soft as a pillow, it made it all the easier. Saber woke pleasantly,...

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The Fourth Wall

_Am I dreaming?_Saber thought, unsure of where he was. Around him was nothing but abyssal darkness and what seemed to be passing stars, like spectral faeries zooming past. He felt like he was still, as if he wasn't moving an inch, suspended in...

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A Valentine's Day Special

Allus flopped onto the couch across from his friend and coworker, Sage, and sighed with despair. She was just sitting back in the armchair with her legs crossed, reading her book while she was on break, her claws tapping on the hardcover. "What is...

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