The Fourth Wall: Part Four

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#4 of The Fourth Wall

Here it is, the fourth and final part! This one is shorter than the others, but lots of naughty bits and sex! ^-^

Thanks for reading!

Saber took in a deep breath of fresh air as Aislin released him and squinted. Having been in a cave for almost a full day, it felt a little strange to finally return to the rest of the world. He took in the sight of rolling, white hills and pine trees delightedly and took another strong whiff of the fresh, piney scent.

Aislin looked around, and Blade giggled as he nuzzled Saber.

"So where are we going?" Blade asked eagerly.

"I don't know... I'd like to go somewhere a bit more... modern," Aislin answered. "I'd like a soft bed to sleep on."

Saber grumbled. He disliked the fact that they were both instantly best-friends after the mentioning that they could share him. It was like their argument never happened!

Blade pointed to the southwest. "It's not modern, but the city in my story is only several leagues that way. There are plenty of soft beds, and we could get there before nightfall."

Aislin nodded and grinned back at both of them. "Sounds good! Let's hurry."

They were even cooperating together well! Saber sighed in defeat and followed Aislin and Blade into the air as they all took off to the southwest.

The city itself was huge, stretching to the edge of the horizon as they reached the outskirts. It was even larger than Aislin and Saber's city! As Blade had said, it wasn't modern, but it seemed to be set at an era later than the small, medieval town with the tavern they had stayed at. Saber noticed a lot of people and two-legs walking about below them, but he didn't see any dragons except for a few in the sky. Most of the buildings around the outside of a strong, stone wall seemed to be crudely built from wood while the buildings inside the wall were expertly crafted by a combination of brick, stone, and wood. Even closer to the center, Saber could see large, pristine buildings that reminded him of temples that he had read about before.

"Is this where you lived?" Saber asked in awe.

Blade shook his head. "No... the city I lived in doesn't exist in this world. In my story, I was merely spending my time here, traveling."

Saber nodded and continued to take in the scenery while they flew high over the city. The weather was warmer than it was in the mountains, but there was still a chill in the air.

"But! During my time here, I found a lot of great places to stay... Although it was the best, I won't take you to the place in my story..."

"Why's that?" Aislin asked.

"Well, it's a brothel!" Blade answered and chuckled. "Not much point in us going there together."

Saber blushed and shook his head, already imagining all sorts of things Blade would do at a brothel. It was a perfect place for him!

The feathered dragon tilted his wings and began to descend. Saber and Aislin followed behind him until they all landed in front of a luxurious building that was a few stories tall. They walked beneath a small pavilion with plants and flowers on either side of them until they stepped through a low archway into the building.

Inside was what seemed to be a lobby with all sorts of well-dressed types, humans and two-legs alike. Saber found it odd that even though the two-legs that Blade spoke of reminded him of animals or regular four-legged beasts like himself, they still felt the need to wear clothes like the humans. He shrugged the thought off and watched Blade approach the counter and talk to an attendant.

"This place is amazing, Aislin," Saber said, looking around at the various types of decorations ranging from plants, to paintings, and to carvings.

"It is," she agreed. "It reminds me of a fancy hotel in our city... I always wanted to spend at least a night there."

Saber grinned and nuzzled her. "Well, looks like you'll get the chance for something similar."

She smiled softly back and nodded. "It's a shame that we aren't alone, but I've never done something like this before."

"L- Like what?"

"A threesome," she simply stated with a big, toothy grin while Saber gulped. "Oh come on, Saber! This is going to be fun!"

Saber blushed and nodded. He loved mating with Aislin, and he loved mating with Blade, but he was still nervous about mating with the both of them at once. He wasn't even sure how that would work!

The attendant handed Blade a key, and he was quick to lead Saber and Aislin down a corridor. There were doors lining down the walls on both sides, seeming to be separated at an equal distance apart. Blade stopped at Room 125 and twisted the key in the notch. The door opened and they all stepped inside.

The room was much larger than Saber had expected! A giant, queen-sized bed was pushed against the opposite wall. To the right of them was another smaller bed, to the left was a fireplace, and then a few dressers, shelves, and tables filled the rest of the room, still leaving the three dragons plenty of space. Even Blade, the largest of them, could easily maneuver about.

Saber immediately hopped up onto the bed and bounced on it, eagerly testing its comfort. "This is amazing!"

Aislin giggled and brushed a paw along the sheets. "So soft..." Then she took one of the pillows and set it against a wall on the ground. She safely placed the egg on top of it. Saber saw her soft smile when she gently adjusted it and made sure it was comfortable. It was a motherly sort of smile that made him feel all giddy inside. He couldn't wait to raise a hatchling with her!

Blade grinned proudly and nodded. "In my world, only the wealthiest could stay here. I could never scrounge up enough money for more than one night... but we get to stay for free in this world!"

"Thanks for taking us here, Blade," Saber said politely. Aislin took off her necklace and set it on the nightstand beside the bed. Then she jumped up onto the bed and playfully pounced on Saber pinning him onto his back. He meeped and wiggled around, giggling as he was nibbled and licked relentlessly. He kicked and squirmed while pushing and pawing against her.

Blade chuckled and stepped up to the side of the bed with a smirk spreading his lips. "It's my pleasure, of course," he said and nudged his nose beneath Aislin's tail.

"B- Blade!" Aislin gasped and glared at him, but she did nothing to stop it as he nuzzled between her thighs. Saber could hear him sniffing her, and he immediately felt irked that he would blatantly do that to his mate, right in front of him no less!

"O- Oh, Blade!" she moaned.

But Aislin gasped again and shuddered as she hung her head. She winced and lifted her tail for Blade while resting her head on Saber's chest. Saber saw Blade grope her rump with his forepaws while his head pushed beneath her tail. He couldn't see what was happening, but he could easily imagine it as he heard his lewd slurping. Saber blushed deeply, watching his mate being pleasured by Blade's tongue.

Instead of griping about it, Saber pushed his jealous thoughts aside and caressed Aislin gently while cooing softly to her. He wanted her to enjoy it as much as she could. She looked at him with glazed, emerald eyes, a pleasured grin across her muzzle. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply. Saber sucked in a breath and held the back of her head, tenderly stroking behind her horns. They mingled their tongues passionately and shared their saliva.

Then Saber suddenly felt a soft and fuzzy forepaw groping between his legs, rubbing at his nethers in small circles. He gasped and squirmed with delight. The paw squeezed his orbs and tugged at his sheath. His cock was soon growing from his sheath while Blade stroked his flesh through his loose skin.

Aislin panted heavily with Saber before she had to break from the kiss. She moaned encouragingly and pushed back into Blade's snout. Saber blushed heatedly again after hearing his mate's cries. He realized that his cock was rock hard in Blade's grasp as his arousal moved through his body in a warm, pleasant wave. Blade's paw squeezed Saber's cock and stroked it up and down, making Saber shudder and squirm.

It wasn't much longer before Blade's slurping and groping stopped, and he climbed up onto the bed with them. His larger body hovered over them as he mounted Aislin.

"W- What are you doing?" Saber asked anxiously.

"I'm taking Aislin," Blade stated with a sly grin.

Saber watched with wide eyes as Blade pushed his hips into hers, moving her tail out of the way as he prodded for her entrance. Aislin cooed and submitted to him. She raised her rump as he pressed into her and lowered her torso on top of the stunned Saber.

"I hope that's not a problem!"

"Stop teasing him, Blade. I think he's having a hard enough time," Aislin said, smiling softly at Saber before giving him a quick, reassuring kiss.

"I could give him a hard time," Blade muttered.

Saber again felt tinges of jealousy tugging at his mind. He was watching his mate being mounted by another while he was beneath them both, and he really wasn't sure what to feel! He could see it in Aislin's expression when Blade penetrated her. She winced and gasped, clawing at the bed while Blade growled with lust. Saber imagined that Aislin was tight for Blade too, considering he was a couple feet larger than her!

Aislin groaned and sucked in a breath as Blade thrust the last of his length into her.

"C- Careful!" Saber urged, hoping Blade didn't hurt her.

Aislin giggled and licked Saber's nose. "I'm not made of glass, Saber... Sit in front of me."

Saber looked at her questioningly, and she urged him to do as she said. So, he pulled his body out from beneath her and sat on his rear directly in front of her, his erection protruding from between his legs. Aislin snaked her head between them and licked his sensitive flesh. Saber gasped and moaned, immediately spreading his legs apart for her.

Aislin licked and lapped at his cock while Blade began to hump her. Saber reached his forepaws over her back and grasped her shoulders, keeping his balance while she pleasured him with her hot, slimy tongue. He could feel her quick, heated breaths washing over his flesh as she continued to grunt and moan her pleasure. Saber joined in with his own moans, expressing his pleasure to his mate.

Saber looked up at Blade and watched his expression churn. His face wrinkled with pleasure while he bared his teeth and growled. Each thrust pushed Aislin's body forward with his, and Saber could hear their hips slapping wetly together. Saber wondered when the last time Blade had taken a female was. He seemed to be so enraptured that he wasn't quite acting normally.

Then Saber was brought back to the immense pleasure tingling through his loins as Aislin took him in her maw. She let his flesh slide into her moist, heated maw while her tongue coiled around his length. His tapered tip pushed slightly into her throat as she began to suckle on him. Saber cooed and instinctively bucked his hips, his knot pushing firmly against her lips.

Aislin sucked on Saber's cock while her tongue worked his shaft up and down. As Blade continued to thrust roughly in and out of her, Aislin's entire body rocked back and forth. Even her maw slid back and forth with her body, stimulating Saber immensely. He couldn't help but to lightly hump her maw. He blushed warmly and gasped as she bobbed her head a little. To his disappointment, she withdrew from him soon after.

"D- Don't hold back, Saber. Take m- me... claim my maw," Aislin cooed and suddenly engulfed Saber's cock up to his knot again. Saber clenched her shoulders tightly, feeling a little reluctant to begin. He didn't want to hurt her, but she started to growl and bob her head herself. Saber gave in and began to lightly hump her mouth, letting his cock slip in and out from between her lips. He shifted his body over hers as if he were mounting her, and his shoulder rubbed against Blade's.

Saber could hardly get enough, and it wasn't long before his knot was patting against her muzzle. His flesh slipped in and out of her warmth, her slimy saliva lubricating his cock and easing his thrusts. Saber gasped and moaned above her as he clung tightly to her shoulders and let his head rest against Blade. Blade cooed to him and nuzzled him affectionately.

"That's it, cutie. Let her have it!" he encouraged.

While Saber humped her from the front, Blade humped her from behind. Aislin's body was in constant motion while all three of them were feeling constant pleasure. Saber could hear all of the lewd, wet sounds emanating from both him and Blade's thrusts while listening to their moans join together. Aislin was grunting and gasping beneath Saber, her breath ragged and heavy. Blade was grunting too with growls mixed in, seeming to be nearing his orgasm.

Aislin suddenly cried out her lusts while her wings fluttered. Her entire body seemed to tremble and shudder while she took each of their thrusts from both ends. Saber held tightly to her and caressed what he could of her body while she climaxed.

Then Blade sensually traced his tongue down Saber's neck while leaving a cool trail of his saliva as his breath washed over Saber's purple scales. Saber gasped and shuddered, and a bit of pre oozed from his tip. Then a sharp pain coursed up and down Saber's neck as Blade bit him near the shoulders. Saber blushed and winced as he heard Blade's lusty growl.

Blade hilted Aislin and pushed her forward roughly as he claimed her. Saber could feel Aislin shivering beneath him while an orgasm rushed through the feathered dragon. Blade bucked his hips and cried out his pleasure between his teeth.

Saber continued to hump Aislin's maw, picking up his speed and adding a bit more strength to his thrusts. His balls slapped against her chin while she took him eagerly, moaning encouragingly. Saber moaned huskily and dropped his body a bit, having lost some of the strength in his legs. Aislin held both him and Blade up while he humped her from a slightly different position.

It wasn't long before Saber could hardly control himself. His knot threatened to squeeze between her lips as he moaned and took his last few, heavy thrusts until he pushed his cock as deep as he could into her mouth without hurting her with his knot, his tapered tip pushing into her throat. Saber's cock pulsed and throbbed as he spilled his seed deep into her throat. He could feel Aislin struggling to swallow it as her mouth and tongue undulated around his cock. It was one of the most blissful feelings he had ever felt. His seed oozed from her muzzle as he filled it.

Saber trembled and shuddered as he came, gasping for breath as his entire body flushed with warmth. Blade released Saber's neck and pulled out of Aislin. He flopped onto his back with his legs splayed shamelessly apart, his twitching, drenched cock drooping against his yellow feathers. Thankfully, Blade seemed to be too out of it to watch Saber finish.

Once Saber's orgasm died down, he pulled his cock from Aislin's maw and panted heavily. Aislin looked up at him with glazed eyes, grinning with strings of his seed dripping from her lips.

"S- Sorry..." he apologized.

Aislin giggled and shook her head. "That's what I wanted, silly." She licked her chops clean and swallowed while pushing Saber onto his back. Saber lay down with Aislin between his legs, cuddling him closely.

Saber cooed to her and nuzzled her lovingly. They exchanged affectionate licks and caresses before kissing. He could taste his seed on her tongue. It was strong, but he didn't mind it.

"It's been a while, Aislin," Blade said between breaths. "I forgot how good you felt..."

Aislin pulled away from the kiss and smiled softly at Blade and chuckled. "It's probably because you're too busy sticking your cock beneath another male's tail. I hope you clean yourself well!"

Blade grinned toothily and nodded. "Of course I do! I'm always prepared for my next partner." Then he glanced at Saber and winked. "Even if it's the same partner twice in a row."

Saber blushed as Aislin nipped at his neck. "You really did mate with him twice already?"

Saber meekly nodded and bared a small grin. "I was uhm... a bit drunk the first time..."

"You were drinking too!?" Then Aislin glared at Blade. "You're a terrible influence on him, you know."

Blade nodded, not even trying to deny that. "He deserves to have a little fun!"

Aislin grumbled. "Drinking isn't fun."

"But mating is," Blade cooed and wiggled happily on his back. He fluffed out his feathers, seeming to be quite satisfied with himself.

Aislin sighed and returned her attention to Saber, doting him with affectionate licks and kisses. Saber cooed softly and returned them, content to just cuddle with Aislin. He didn't mind Blade's presence as much as he thought he would. It helped that the black-feathered dragon seemed to be lost in his own world, not paying any attention to him and Aislin.

Saber wrapped his hind legs around Aislin and pulled her close to his purple body while nuzzling and caressing her body tenderly. Their wet crotches touched and rubbed together, exciting a bit of Saber's lust, but he knew neither of them could go for another round so quickly. So he simply enjoyed the intimate feeling while grinding lightly against her as her gray-scaled body rubbed against him.

"I love you, Aislin," Saber said softly, his bright, crimson eyes peering into her green, swirling spheres.

Aislin smiled softly at him and nuzzled his snout. "I love you too, Saber." Then they pressed their lips together and locked their maws, delving into a passionate kiss. Saber wrapped his tongue with hers and closed his eyes as he lost himself. He caressed her body with his forepaws and traced his claws along her gray scales. Aislin gently pushed against his torso, holding him down while she kissed him. They twined their tails together as their bodies intimately mingled.

"Get a room," Blade grumbled beside them.

Saber had hoped they would have continued kissing until they couldn't anymore, but he knew Aislin all too well. She pulled away and smirked at Blade. Saber sighed and licked her neck instead.

"This is our room too, featherbutt. If you don't like it, you can leave," she stated firmly. She cooed to Saber and nuzzled him lovingly.

"I never said I didn't like it..." Blade scooted over and looked down at Saber with a devious grin across his muzzle. "I just feel a little left out!"

Saber meeped as Blade pressed his lips to Saber's. Blade's tongue quickly slipped inside his maw as Blade kissed him eagerly. Saber gasped and held onto the back of Blade's soft head near his feathered crest. Blade was a bit rougher than Aislin was, delving as deep as he could into the kiss while breathing heavily from his mouth. His tongue felt larger, and his saliva was different than Aislin's with a stronger taste.

Saber's cheeks flushed warmly as he kissed Blade back. He gently caressed down the back of his neck, feeling his soft, golden mane trickling through his digits. But it wasn't long before Aislin broke them up. She glared at Blade and licked Saber's lips almost defensively.

Blade chuckled and rolled onto his back away from them, relaxing with his eyes closed. "That was nice..."

"He's my mate, Blade," Aislin stated. "You shouldn't kiss him like that."

"It was just a friendly kiss," he replied with a smirk. "I didn't mean anything by it. And if he didn't like it, then he could have stopped it!"

Aislin grumbled to herself and firmly buried her snout into Saber's neck. She clung to him jealously. Saber sighed and held her in a tender embrace while he lovingly stroked her back.

"You never kissed me like that," she said to Blade.

Blade chuckled at that. "That's because you don't have a cock," he retorted.

Saber giggled and was nipped by Aislin. He meeped and grinned at her.

"Maybe Saber would like me better with a cock too," she teased and giggled.

Saber shook his head. "No! I very much like you the way you are," he replied and touched her nose with his. Aislin smiled softly at him and briefly kissed him.

They resumed their intimate cuddling as Blade hopped off the bed and walked across the room to the other bed. He yawned widely, baring his sharp teeth, before curling up by himself. His gold and black feathered body nearly filled the entire bed!

"You two can have that bed," Blade said, "Since you haven't seen each other for a while, I figured it'd be nice if you two slept by yourselves tonight."

"Thank you, Blade," Aislin responded. Saber smiled happily at him and nodded with wordless gratitude.

Blade smiled toothily back and then rested his head and closed his eyes.

Aislin rolled onto her side with her back facing Saber. Saber warbled and embraced her from behind just as he used to. He snuggled up against her, his underbelly pressing against her back while his forearms wrapped around her, a wing lay over her, and while a hind leg rested over hers. They curled their tails together and relaxed.

"I missed this," Saber whispered into her ear. "I missed being with you, and I missed holding you like this."

Aislin cooed and wiggled happily in his embrace. "I love you, Saber."

Saber grit his teeth so that he didn't cry. He couldn't have been happier. "I love you too." He nuzzled along her neck before resting his head above hers. He saw their egg resting on the pillow pushed against the wall and smiled happily.

"Do you think our egg will be fine over there? It looks rather cold..."

Aislin chuckled and nodded. "We're not birds, Saber. We don't have to sit on our eggs for them to keep warm."

Saber grinned and purred delightedly as he intimately held his mate. "That's good... Do... do you think it heard us when we..."

Aislin giggled and shook her head. "Honestly, Saber! Stop worrying so much."

Saber sighed and closed his eyes. "As you command, my queen." He squeezed Aislin gently and relaxed his body. "Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, Saber," Aislin responded.

Saber smiled happily and simply let himself fall asleep. His heart beat slowly in his chest, thumping rhythmically and pulsing. He heard Aislin's breathing slow with his own, her chest rising and falling steadily until Saber slipped into slumber.

Saber took in a sharp breath as he suddenly woke in the middle of the night. Aislin stirred beside him and looked at him curiously. Saber apologized, but then he blushed profusely as he realized that his hard erection was poking into Aislin's rear end. He apologized again and pulled away, but Aislin rubbed up against him and cooed softly. Saber shuddered as his flesh slid across her scales.

"A-Aislin?" he said quietly.

"Feeling frisky again, are we?" she teased and rubbed up against him again.

Saber elicited a soft gasp and tensed up. "Yes..." He sensually traced his paws down her underbelly, his touch going lower and lower. Aislin cooed encouragingly to him as he licked and nibbled on the back of her neck.

"Then why don't we make things interesting?" Aislin separated from Saber and licked his nose before lying back on the bed.

Saber blushed warmly as Aislin sprawled out on her back in front of him. She spread her legs apart and exposed herself to him, a devious smirk across her lips. Saber couldn't help but to stare between her legs, his eyes stuck on her slit. Her soft scales were already glistening in the faint light while her lips parted just enough to expose her pink flesh. Saber shuddered when her scent hit him and flared his nostrils.

Aislin stretched a paw between her legs and spread open her vent for him with two digits, revealing her wet entrance to Saber as she cooed softly. Saber gulped as his loins rapidly warmed with his arousal.

"C'mon, Saber!" she whispered to him.

"B- But Blade is sleeping right there!" Saber glanced behind him, making sure the feathered drake was still fast asleep on his bed.

"Then you better make it quick!" Aislin giggled quietly and snaked her tail between his legs, stroking at his exposed flesh. Saber trembled and gasped before giving in to his mate.

He grinned at her and chuckled lightly before lowering his head between her thighs. Her scent was so intoxicating that Saber could hardly control himself. He breathed it in and parted his maw as his tongue flicked out and tasted her flesh between her digits. She tasted earthy and slightly acidic, just like he remembered. Aislin gasped and spread her legs wide for him, watching him with glassy, verdant eyes.

"Go on, Saber," she cooed

Saber blushed heatedly as he pressed his lips to her nether lips. He eagerly lapped at her. He pushed his tongue into her slit and used the flat of it to lick from the bottom to the top, briefly flicking the tip of his tongue beneath the hood of her clit. That received him a quiet, lustful moan while she clenched her toes. He did that a few times in a row, making Aislin squirm around until her pearl was exposed.

He closed his eyes and focused solely on pleasuring his mate. He groped around her crotch with a forepaw and slurped lewdly while his tongue stroked her flesh. He pressed his nose into her clit, rubbing it gently as he slipped his tongue inside her entrance. Aislin gasped quietly and moaned encouragingly and rolled her hips against him. Saber almost lost himself in pleasuring her, but then a fuzzy forepaw dropped to either side of him as the bed dipped with some added weight.

Saber meeped and pulled away from Aislin, but it was far too late. Blade dropped his weight on top of Saber, lifted his tail, and wrapped his forearms around his belly while his hips pushed into Saber's hind end. Blade forced himself onto Saber with his cock already prodding at Saber's tailhole before the purple dragon could even comprehend what was happening.

"That's it, cutie. Stay where you are," Blade cooed into Saber's ear, breathing huskily as he soon found Saber's entrance and thrust in. Saber cried out and gasped as Blade's thickness spread his tight muscles apart and smoothly sunk into his rear. His cock throbbed and jumped beneath him as his muscles instinctively clenched Blade's length.

Saber looked at Aislin for help, but she was covering a big grin with her forepaws, giggling without budging to help him.

"A- Aislin?" Saber meeped. Then he gasped again as Blade pulled out and thrust in and hilted Saber. A brief tinge of pain made Saber wince, but that was quickly replaced by warm pleasure. He moaned and dropped his head submissively. He saw Aislin's dripping sex right in front of his twitching nose and realized how perfect this position was for her. She could receive pleasure while watching Blade mount Saber...

"Y- You planned this!?"

Aislin giggled again and placed a forepaw on top of his head between his horns while gently pulling him toward her crotch. "I wouldn't be throwing accusations around like that, Saber."

Saber looked up at her almost pleadingly, but then a soft gasp escaped his lips as Blade thrust deep into him again. He felt every ridge slip past his tight ring of muscles before the tapered tip rubbed against that sensitive spot inside him. He couldn't lie; he loved this. Saber dropped his head again and nosed at her sex as Aislin held him against her.

As Blade began to steadily hump Saber, Saber began to lick and lap at Aislin's vent again. Blade crooned delightedly above him as his cock slipped in and out of Saber's rear. Saber spread his rear legs apart a little more and lifted his rump for Blade. The feathered dragon was soon patting his hips against Saber's while the purple dragon gently rocked back and forth.

Aislin moaned loudly and affectionately stroked Saber's head while he ate her out. Her legs were splayed apart while his head was buried between her thighs. Saber's tongue slathered all around her slit and lapped at her inner walls, and his nose brushed and nuzzled her clit. She often curled her toes and squirmed in place as she watched Blade take Saber in front of her.

"Oh... Saber..." she moaned.

Saber grunted with each of Blade's thrusts and groaned his pleasure, enjoying the sensations warming his loins. His cock twitched and oozed strings of his pre that drizzled onto the bed. With his head between Aislin's legs, he felt himself losing track of his thoughts. His face flushed heatedly as he was both giving and receiving pleasure. His lust and arousal could hardly be contained!

He could feel Blade's hard, thick cock sliding and tugging inside his rump while the tip and ridges rubbed his sensitive spots pleasurably. While the feathered dragon's hips patted against his rear, Saber could feel his balls slapping against him. Blade hilted the purple dragon with every thrust, each ridge noticeably passing in and out of Saber's tailhole. Blade groaned and held Saber tightly while their bodies rocked back and forth. His forepaws groped and squeezed Saber's belly while the majority of his weight rested atop of Saber.

Aislin cried out again, and Saber felt her claws digging into the back of his skull. He gasped and delved his tongue as deep as he could inside of her while wiggling it around. She writhed and rolled her hips into his snout, his nose mashing against her clit. Saber closed his eyes as his face flushed heatedly. He heard each of her moans building up until she finally hit her orgasm.

Aislin gasped as her muscles tightened and clenched Saber's invading tongue before undulating around it and trying to tug it deeper. She pushed his head firmly against her while riding out her climax. Her hips bucked and her legs kicked while she flexed her toes.

Saber felt the heat of his lust burning in a blissful fire throughout his loins as Blade relentlessly pounded against him. Pleasure burst in the back of his head. It wasn't long before Saber felt as if he would explode any second. Blade's length rubbed him in all the right ways, pushing deep into his rear to pleasure that sensitive spot inside him. His cock drizzled copious strings of pre until he finally gave in to the immense amount of pleasure.

He pulled his head up and gasped, breathing heavily from his mouth as his orgasm rushed through his body. He looked up into Aislin's glazed, verdant eyes and saw her smiling at him. She cooed encouragingly and stroked his cheeks as he came. He clenched the bed sheets tightly with his claws as he began to spill his seed. Saber moaned loudly while his cock throbbed and his tight ring pulsed around Blade's hard flesh. His seed spewed out of his tip with every throb, making a mess as his length bobbed back and forth. Blade continued to rut Saber through his orgasm, drawing out every bit of pleasure he could.

"Oh... that's it, cutie," Blade cooed into Saber's ear.

Then Blade finally hit his climax as Saber's died down. Saber panted heavily and closed his eyes as he felt Blade's cock throbbing deep inside him. He heard a lustful, moaning roar as Blade hilted Saber with his entirety, his sheath and package pushing firmly beneath his tail. Warm, gooey seed filled Saber's tailhole as Blade claimed him. He bucked his hips often, hardly able to control himself as he squeezed Saber tightly. Saber shuddered and trembled as his senses slowly returned to him.

Blade finished and pulled out of Saber with a contented sigh. Saber grunted as he felt Blade's length slip out of him with a slosh of his seed that trickled down his balls. He sighed too and lay with Aislin. She cooed and embraced him lovingly, pulling him close. Then Blade flopped down beside them on his back and sprawled out lazily as he wiggled and crooned delightedly.

"That was amazing," he said and chuckled. "I'm glad you thought of that."

Aislin giggled as Saber glared at her. "You enjoyed it too!" she defended herself.

Saber grinned and nodded before nuzzling her affectionately. "I suppose I did.

She licked his nose, smirking back at him. "I had to see it for myself."

"S- See what?"

"If you would really have another male mate you!"

Saber blushed heatedly and nodded bashfully.

Aislin squeezed him tight and gently caressed him. "I've mated other females too, Saber. No need to be ashamed of it, especially in this world."

Saber's eyes widened as he began to imagine Aislin and another female mating... It sounded like a dream come true. No wonder she wanted to see and Blade mate!

"Mating is fun!" Blade exclaimed beside them. "Who cares who you do it with as long it feels good?"

Saber chuckled at his friend and grinned widely. "I suppose you're right for once, Blade."

"Of course! I'm always right," he stated confidently.

Aislin snickered and shook her head. "I don't believe that for a second."

"Can you prove me wrong?" he retorted.

She shook her head and sighed.

Blade nodded and flared his crest proudly as he stood up. Saber meeped as Blade's weight suddenly pushed him firmly into Aislin, his soft, feathered underbelly against Saber's back. He cooed and wrapped his feathery wings around them as he lay on top of them.

Aislin chuckled and began to lick Saber's neck while Blade's paws caressed his purple body. Saber smiled happily as he was squished between them, feeling both of their bodies warming his. They both doted him affectionately, and this time they surprisingly weren't arguing about it. Saber closed his eyes and relaxed on top of his mate, feeling exuberant.

It was nice to have a mate, and it was nice to have a best-friend, but most importantly, Saber was happy to feel loved. He didn't care that they were all just characters living in a made-up world, and he didn't care that none of them really existed. Even if it all was just a dream, he was happy with that.

He was content with just being himself.

The Fourth Wall: Part Three

Saber slept comfortably the entire night like he used to with Aislin. Having someone he cared about sleeping next to him helped ease his mind and body, and when that someone was as soft as a pillow, it made it all the easier. Saber woke pleasantly,...

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The Fourth Wall: Part Two

When Saber opened his eyes the next day, he could feel his head throbbing painfully. The light shining through the windows was almost too much for him to bear and only sent daggers into his skull. He shut his eyes tightly and groaned, rubbing his...

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The Fourth Wall

_Am I dreaming?_Saber thought, unsure of where he was. Around him was nothing but abyssal darkness and what seemed to be passing stars, like spectral faeries zooming past. He felt like he was still, as if he wasn't moving an inch, suspended in...

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