Take My Breath Away Part III

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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Here is part three of Take My Breath Away.

In this part you will meet Patrick's Uncle and discover who he is.

Your comments are welcomed as always.



Take My Breath Away Part III



Patrick awoke to the first rays of the morning sun hitting him in his face. It had been quite an interesting night for the otter with his sudden realization he wasn't going to be the only gay farm boy in all of Central Ohio.

Patrick glanced over at the out cold William and realized he'd better let the fox sleep a little more since he had such an emotionally draining day yesterday.

"Sleep in peace my lovely fox" Patrick cooed. "I'll wake you in a couple of hours"

Patrick swung his legs around and got up out of bed. He threw on the pair of overalls he had been wearing the day before. They smelled of the farm but Patrick's uncle wouldn't care. Patrick realized he had a huge mess to clean up when he awoke the fox in a couple of hours.

"At least my shower won't be a lonesome thing anymore" Patrick thought to himself as he stopped to watch William sleep.

"What a beautiful site you are when you sleep" Patrick said to himself. "I hope the memories of our first night together will help you deal with the scarred memories you have"

"God you are so sexy" Patrick said to himself as he turned and walked out of the guest bedroom to go say good morning to his uncle.


Samuel Wyeman sat in the living room reading the newspaper as he heard movement upstairs. The old otter was happy his nephew had found a new friend and could be himself for once.

Samuel used to be just like Patrick many years ago but sadly his love of twenty years succumbed to AIDS and died when Patrick was just a mere pup.

Samuel never told Patrick he was gay because he like Patrick lived in an area of Ohio where being gay was asking for vandals and homophobes to deface the otter's property with faggot graffiti or even worse.

Someday Samuel would tell Patrick he was gay but for right now he was content keeping it a secret. The whole reason Patrick was living with his uncle was because his father wanted to get Patrick away from the uber conservative bible bumping town of Furdale.

Being gay in Furdale was worse than being gay in the country. At least Samuel could provide Patrick with a safe place to be who he was out of the view of the brutal eyes of society.

Samuel had always been a country boy by heart and when he met his otter boyfriend all those ions ago he moved out of his apartment in Furdale and left it forever to live in peace out in the country.

When his otter boyfriend had succumbed to AIDS it hit Samuel hard and Samuel never dated another soul after his boyfriend. It was just too painful for Samuel to have to relive the hope that the next boyfriend he had wouldn't end up like his previous one.

When Samuel found out Patrick was gay through word of his father the old otter immediately took in Patrick when he was old enough to move out.

Samuel endured months of legal battles to obtain the rights to be Patrick's guardian but eventually the courts gave in and the otter was able to get custody of Patrick.

There were no problems in Samuel's family as much as there was an understanding that Patrick needed to leave Furdale as soon as possible before he ended up like most gays who tried to live there in being suicidal or ridiculed for their image.

Samuel knew all of this too well because when the otter was in college he went to the wrong side of Furdale and nearly came out of it in a body bag. The otter never saw the sneak attack coming from the two burly hippos who snuck up behind Samuel and beat him to a bloody pulp.

The only thing which saved the otter was another otter who was in the area and took care of those two bullies. The otter in question was his boyfriend to be. If it had not been for him Samuel would of ended up as another brutal statistic and reason all gays needed to avoid Furdale.

They never caught the two hippos which didn't surprise Samuel one bit seeing as Furdale was a crooked city full of crooked cops and even more crooked justices of the peace.

When Samuel got out of the hospital he sued the city but lost the battle because the judge wasn't too keen on his type. After all of that trouble Samuel and his boyfriend moved away from Furdale forever.

Now forty-five years young and his age catching up to him, Samuel sat in the living room reading his newspaper as his favorite nephew walked down the stairs with a huge smile on his face.


Patrick walked down the stairs and peered over to his left to see his Uncle Samuel smiling back at him with his gorgeous green eyes.

Patrick had always loved his uncle because of the otter he was and for some strange reason he felt like he could open up to Uncle Samuel with no fear of being ridiculed.

Patrick returned the smile and winked at Uncle Samuel who in turn returned the favor with a knowing nod dropping his newspaper on his lap as his nephew walked into the living room and plopped down on the coach beside him.

"Morning Nephew" Uncle Samuel said as he ruffled Patrick's spiked hair. "How was it?"

"How was what?" Patrick asked.

"Your first night with your new friend there"

"Oh..THAT!" Patrick exclaimed "It was wonderful!"

"I bet" Uncle Samuel said. "Tell me how it went?"

Patrick went on to talk about the fox and how he had found him in such a depressed state on the side of the road begging to end it all. Patrick then went into why the fox did what he tried to do.

"That's awful but it doesn't surprise me" Uncle Samuel said. "He's not the only gay kid whose come out of Furdale wanting to end it all" "He's lucky you were there when you were" "I think fate has a strange way of bringing two furs together" Uncle Samuel said.

"You know Unk, you never told me why you left Furdale" Patrick wondered "I keep hearing stories about how vicious it is to live there and try to be gay" "Did you leave there because you were gay?" Patrick asked.

Samuel froze dead where he sat and knew it was time to tell the young otter the truth. Samuel had kept his secret from Patrick long enough and it was time for the young otter to know the truth.

"You know Patrick, I'm going to be really honest with you like I always have" Uncle Samuel said with a shaky voice. "I hope you will not think what I had to do to get you out of Furdale was not without a reason"

"Yes Patrick, I am gay and I feel for your fox friend" Uncle Samuel openly admitted. "When you told me of what happened to him I couldn't help but realize how lucky I was to be able to get you out of the situation you were in" "I knew Furdale was a bad place to be gay since I had experienced it myself with the near death beating I took by two hippos whose only objective was to get rid of the scourge that was contaminating their town" Uncle Samuel explained.

"When I met my boyfriend I was in a hospital bed lucky to be alive" "He saved my life and I swore to him once we got out of college that we'd leave Furdale forever and never come back" "If we had continued to live there I think the both of us would of been just like your fox friend" "Furdale is a bad place because of who runs it and what they let the furs who live there get away with" Uncle Samuel continued.

"Me and my boyfriend left Furdale when we figured out the justice system and our rights were never going to be realized" "I never wanted you to experience what I had to experience with the crooked politicians and judges who spit in our faces because we were abominations in their eyes" Uncle Samuel said with anger in his voice.

"What those people who are obviously naive parents did to your fox friend was uncontainable and they will answer to a higher power who isn't going to let them get away with what they did to him" Uncle Samuel barked.

"The ones who will rot in hell are his parents for shunning him and using the bible as an excuse for the lack of parenting skills they had" "Being gay is not something you are born with, being gay is something you pick up as you get older" Uncle Samuel explained.

"I didn't realize I was gay until I was about his age of sixteen and when I came out to my parents they did the exact thing your fox friend's parents did" "I had no roof to live under and so I had to always watch my back so I wouldn't get killed" "I got a job and hid who I was until I got to college but even then I still had to watch it" "Your fox friend's parents would of been better off kicking him out then forcing him to try and change who he was" Uncle Samuel said as he stared deep into the eyes of Patrick.

"The ones who lose are his parents and the one who can blow them off and move on is him" "What he's going to face is no cake walk in that he'll have to reach down deep inside his soul to grasp who he is and what he can show others who need as much help as he did"

"You are his answer Patrick and I want you to always remember he's going to need you now more than ever". "If you weather this hard time in his life and support him unconditionally the both of you will realize it was meant to be" Uncle Samuel said in a way that made Patrick's brown eyes sparkle.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" Patrick asked.

"I didn't want you to feel pressured into thinking I did what I did just because of your sexuality" "I did what I did because I knew you would someday ask me why I moved you out of Furdale" "Now you have your answer Patrick" Uncle Samuel said softly.

Patrick scooted over and gave his uncle a big hug and looked deep into his eyes and said:

"I'm glad you opened up who you really were to me because now I feel at ease knowing I'm not the only gay boy in this county" "I love you Unk" Patrick cooed as he gave his uncle a deep hug and got up to go upstairs.

"There's one more thing" Uncle Samuel said.

"What's that?" Patrick asked.

"If you're fox friend needs a place to stay my home is always open to him" Uncle Samuel said with a smile.

"I'll let him know Unk and thank you so much for being honest with me" "I know what you did was not easy but I love you for it" Patrick said in a happy tone.

"Go up and wake your fox friend up because I'd like to meet him" Uncle Samuel said.

"Oh and one more thing"

"Yes?" Patrick asked.

"You two take your time and when you come down with him I'll have breakfast ready so we can talk over a good hot meal" Uncle Samuel said winking at Patrick.

"I can't wait Unk so I'll see you when breakfast is ready" Patrick said as he returned the wink to go upstairs to wake up the sleeping fox to get a shower with him and come down to meet Uncle Samuel for the first time over a home cooked farmer's breakfast.


End of Part III

Part IV coming soon!