Two's Company

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of A Change for the Better

A ray of sunlight cast its way through my drawn shades and shone on my lupine face. My eyes slowly slid open and I checked the clock; five fifty-two. Eight minutes until I had to get up. That's eight minutes for me to relax and enjoy my situation. I disarmed my alarm clock and looked down at my adopted brother and now secret lover Scott. I couldn't help but smile; he was clinging like an infant to my chest fur, fast asleep. It was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

I wanted this moment to last, I didn't want to get out of bed and go to school, but I knew I'd have to. I lied there in my queen-size bed waiting for the dreaded moment to come, and at last it did. When my clock read six o'two (I rested an extra two minutes because it wouldn't hurt) I gently shook my lover. "Scott, wake up. We have to get ready for school." Scott slowly but surely began to stir, looking sleepily into my eyes.

"Mornin' hun." He said. He yawned, stretched, and stood. "You're going to need a shower Wolfy."

I looked down at my chest and noticed that my seed had dried into my chest fur. "So I will." I said. "And so will you, you reek of pheromones."

"Can you blame me?"

"Not one bit."

I threw back the covers and stood, realizing that I was hard. "Damned morning wood."

"If you want I can help chop it down to size." He winked at me.

"You horny little human, you." I replied. "As much as I'd love that, hun, we don't have time. The bus comes in twenty minutes." We liked to take the bus in the morning because walking at six twenty-five was difficult work.

"Well we should probably speed up the process by showering together." He said erotically. "Don't you think?"

I looked at him slyly. "Alright, but remember, we don't have time for any sex stuff."

"Whatever you say Wolfy, whatever you say." Scott slid out of his boxers (because I was already naked) and we both stepped into the bathroom. I turned on the water and we stood outside the large stall waiting for it to heat. In the meantime, Scott wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled up close, resting his head on my chest. "You're so lucky."

"Yeah, because I have you."

"You know what I meant."

"I didn't choose to be this way."

"I know, but it still happened."

I looked down into my boyfriend's eyes. "If I could give it to you I would."

He looked back up at me and said, "You would? Honestly?" I thought about it. Would I really? I loved this gift, but Scott loved it more. Plus, he deserved it after all that he went through. "Yes, I would." I said honestly. He rested his head against my chest again. "We should shower now."

We both stepped into the stall and were hit with a shower of warm water. I lathered my hands up with soap. Then I reached out in front of Scott, who was facing away from me, and rubbed soap into his pubes. He smiled, "I thought we didn't have time for that."

"I said we don't have time for sex, I never said anything about not being able to wash you."

He smiled. "It feels good." I noticed that he was starting to get hard, his erection stiffening to its full seven inches.

"Woah, easy there tiger."

He smiled. "I can't help that it feels good. Don't worry hun, I'll shrink."

"If you say so." I moved away from his groin and rubbed my soapy paws into his skinny chest, his undeveloped abdominals and pectorals, moving to his shoulders and back. I went lower and massaged his thin thighs, his balls and hardened shaft, finally moving on to is ass.

Then Scott turned around and picked up the bottle of shampoo. He squeezed a decent amount into his human palm. He started with the part that needed the most obvious attention; my chest. He rubbed his palms together and then worked his way deep into my pectorals. I couldn't help but let out a soft mur.

"Puppy likes?" Scott asked playfully. I opened my mouth and curved my jowls into a smile, letting my tongue hang out of the side and panted lightly. "I guess so."

He worked his fingers into my toned abdominals, then moved back to my pecs, giving extra attention to the tuffs of fur that fluffed out between my two chest muscles. "You like my fur a lot, huh?"

"Hey, you're my puppy and you've got to look good!"

"That I am." I grinned as he worked the shampoo into my thick arms, massaging my firm deltoids, biceps, and triceps.

"You're so strong." He cooed. He moved away from my arms and rubbed my neck, then my muzzle.

"This fur is gonna be a pain in the ass to clean." I said.

"Yeah, well, just wait until you jump in a pool and you have to wash that fucking chlorine out of it."

"Aww, I didn't think of that! Shit..."

Scott laughed. "It's okay, I'd be happy to clean it for you." After rubbing away the dried cum from my chest and muzzle he worked his way down to my sheath. By now my member had gone back into hiding, but I had a feeling that Scott was going to bring it out again.

I was right. Scott slowly massaged his soapy hands into my pubic fur, giving extra attention to my baseball-sized sac and the two jewels that it held. "Ohh... Scott, come on dude don't torture me like that."

He giggled. "You know it feels good."

"Exactly. Don't get me worked up, I want to be able to go to school without a brick of wolf meat in my pants."

"Aww! If you say so, Wolfy."

"Hey, I promise to make it up to you after school if we have time."

"You promise?" I nodded my head yes. "Okay, whatever you say, Chris."

We both rinsed off and Scott turned off the water and stepped out. "You coming?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, just hold up a second..." I shut the door to the stall so that Scott and the rest of the bathroom were shielded. Once I was sure that they were protected, I shook rapidly, throwing water this way and that. Once satisfied, I stepped out of the shower. Scott's jaw was once again dropped and I had a huge grin on my face. "Pass me a towel, wouldja?" I asked him. He closed his mouth, grinned too, and handed me a towel. We toweled off, dressed, got some Pop Tarts for breakfast, and headed out the door.

I was wearing a black tee-shirt and tan cargo pants. Scott wore a brown tee-shirt with a casual tan button-down tee-shirt and, like me, tan cargo pants which nicely complimented the button-down shirt. We ran out the door to see our bus just pulling away. "Shit!" Scott shouted. "God damn it, now we're gonna be late!"

I stomped the ground in anger, before I got an idea. "Hmm..." I said, pondering.

"What?" Scott asked.

"I have an idea." I handed Scott my backpack. "Put this on your other shoulder." Scott did as I asked of him and I got down on all fours. "Get on my back and hold on tight.

Scott's eyes widened. "Oh no, you're not thinking of..."

"Do you want to be late or not?" He nodded his head no. "Then get on!" He did as I told him. "Hang on." He wrapped his arms around my neck and I took off running.

"Holy shiiiiiiiit!" Scott screamed out as we took off at near twenty miles an hour. It wasn't exactly the smoothest ride for Scott and we got quite a few screams and stares from people we passed on the sidewalk, but we made it to school before the bus did. I decided to make a big entrance by leaping over a fence and landed in the center of the bus lot, summoning quite a few yells from students around us.

Scott dismounted, extremely excited. "Ha-ha! Woohoo! Now that's a way to travel! Fuck your silly busses; I rode a wolf to school!" I stood back to my hind legs, towering over most of the crowd except a few unusually tall people. Scott handed me my backpack and I stretched out my arm and leg muscles.

"Hell yeah, that felt good!" I said.

"I bet." I heard a voice say behind me. Scott and I whirled around to see both my principal and my gym teacher approaching us. It was my gym teacher who had spoken, "I wish to God that I could ask you to join the track team; you'd leave those other guys in the dust!"

"Yes," the principal said, "but we must be fair, now mustn't we?"

Scott and I headed towards our lockers. The whole way I received gasps as well as cheers from other students. Most of the girls in school wanted to feel my fur. I let a few of them, but after a while I told them I had to go. I pulled my necessary books from my locker and shut its door, then went off to find Scott before homeroom. I was horrified to find Scott sitting on the ground leaning up against a bunch of lockers with a bloody nose. Standing over him, with hands balled into fists, was none other than Brett Commons.

A crowd had formed around the two and no one had dared to try to stop Brett. That was about to change; he had gone too far now. "Hold this." I said to the nearest student, a freshman I didn't know, and handed him my backpack. I broke into a run, pushing my way through the crowd, and grabbed Brett by the neck. I lifted him off the ground by the neck and rushed him up against the concrete wall, making sure that his head slammed hard against it. A thin stream of blood began to drip from his nose.

"C-Chris..." he stammered past my hand which I had securely around his neck.

"Listen to me you little shit," I bared my teeth at him, letting out a sinister growl, "if you so much as lay another finger on my brother I will personally rip your throat out with my bare claws." I held up a hand to show my bladed fingertips to him. "And don't let the thought that I'm bluffing pass through your shitty little brain, because if you think I'm bluffing, go ahead and punch him now and see what happens." I released him and he fell in a heap on the floor gasping for air. He slowly stood and looked at me, the look of real fear in his eyes. I once again shown my teeth and let out a loud growl. Tough-guy Brett Commons scurried away from me like a mouse fleeing a snake.

People cheered for me as I lifted Scott up off the floor, holding his weak body bridal style in my arms. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and I placed him on the ground, supporting him with one of my strong arms.

The freshman approached me with my backpack. "That was awesome, bro." he said to me, handing me my backpack.

"Hey, it's about time someone showed him up."

"Seriously, that guy beats me up for lunch money every day! I mean seriously, I thought I was done with the whole lunch money shit when I left elementary school!"

"Don't we all."

"Well, thanks again for knocking the shit out of him." He giggled. "Here's your backpack."

"Thanks man, I'll see ya around."

"Cool. I'm Jordon by the way." He held his hand out and I shook it lightly as to not break every bone in his hand.


"Nice to meet you Chris." The bell rang. "Well, I'd better be off. See ya around!"

The day eventually ended and we went back to our house. To both our dismay our parents were home already (we were both looking forward to me fulfilling my promise to Scott). The night proceeded normally; we did our homework, we played videogames and watched television, we ate dinner, we played poker, we talked, we went to bed. Sadly, we weren't ready to tell our parents yet (they had a lot on their minds already with the whole wolf thing) so we went to our own separate rooms.

I was having a lot of trouble falling asleep tonight. It seems that since what happened last night, I found it difficult to sleep without Scott there with me. We'd have to tell our parents so that we could sleep together soon, otherwise I'd never get to bed! Around eleven thirty I heard the door to my parents room shut, and ten minutes later there was a soft knock on my door. "It's me!" Scott whispered in.

"It's open." I softly called back. The door opened and Scott shuffled in, quickly shutting and locking the door behind him. "You having trouble sleeping too?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I dunno, it's weird not having your fur there with me. I was wondering if we could sleep together again."

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I'll set my clock for five forty-five. That ought to give you enough time to get back to your room before Mom and Dad get up."

"Cool." I did as I said I would and reset my clock. Scott climbed under the sheets so his back was into my stomach. I wrapped my arm around his waist and we were soon fast asleep.

The next morning came quickly and before I knew it my alarm was sounding. I reached over and disarmed the small device, then pulled my arm back. I felt my arm resting over something furry and I felt pressure against my stomach, so naturally I figured that my arm was resting against my stomach. But then I realized a few things; I was lying on my side so I couldn't be resting my arm on my stomach, and the pressure on my stomach also covered my chest, the underside of my neck, and the tops of my legs as well. I opened my eyes and what I saw nearly made me cry tears of joy. Scott was going to love this.

I shook Scott's arm lightly to wake him up. "Scott, get up hun you have to see something!"

"Ugg, can't it wait?"

"I guess it could, but you'll want to see this. Keep your eyes closed for now." I draped a paw over his eyes so he couldn't see and led him to the mirror on my closet door.

"What the hell could it possibly be...?" he stopped dead in the middle of his sentence because I had positioned him in front of the mirror and removed my hand. When he saw what I wanted him to see, he collapsed to the carpeted floor and wept tears of joy, never taking his eyes away from his face in the mirror.

For those of you who are slow to process, Scott was a wolf. His fur was white all over with black pads and nose and a black birthmark on the back of his left hand. He lifted his right hand and pressed it up against the mirror. "Is that really me?" he asked, still slightly crying.

"Hell yeah, hun. It's you."

"Wow..." still on his knees, he retracted his right hand and rubbed it into his now fully developed pectoral. My guess was that he had at least doubled his muscle mass. Frankly, he was ripped. Beneath his short white fur I could see obvious lines between pectorals and abdominals, as well as a broad set of shoulders and arms. His deltoids, biceps, and triceps were all fully defined and visible, and his legs had size that would shame an Olympic runner. Overall he had grown to a height of six-foot, still four inches under me, but five inches taller than he was before.

He stood back up and slipped out of his boxers, examining his naked body from all angles. He snapped his tail back and forth, testing its strength. From our differences, it seemed like I had been built for strength over short periods of time, while Scott was leaner and built for elegance and agility over a longer time frame. His muscles practically screamed "sprinter" and his eyes, oh his eyes were beautiful. They were an unusual bright green color and blazed with a passionate fire that said he could take on the world.

He elegantly spun around and pulled me into a hug, burying his new muzzle into my shoulder. "I love this," he said, "but how did it happen? I thought the doctor said it wasn't contagious."

"He said that it only could be transferred if you were to take in a large amount of my live DNA..." then it hit me. "Two nights go! You swallowed my whole load! The sperm in that load probably were carrying enough DNA to change you!"

"You mean... you did this to me?" he asked.

I nodded yes. "I think so."

He stood silent in front of me for a moment, but eventually tackled me to the ground with surprising strength. "Thank you!" he cried to me, "Thank you so much!"

"Hehe, don't mention it."

Scott stood. "I've got to go back to my room and get changed so I can tell Mom and Dad. I'll meet you back here in a minute." He dashed towards the door and opened it he shut it behind him and turned to head towards his room, but came face to face with our father. "Dad..."

"Scott..." he said astonished, "is that you?"

"Yeah, dad, it's me."

"Y-you too? But I th-thought that Paterson said that it wasn't contagious..."

"I don't know how this happened, Dad." he lied. "Maybe Paterson can figure it out."

My father gulped. "I guess we'll find out. Your mother had to leave for work early to set up for another meeting. I'll drive you to the hospital. Is Chris awake?"

"Yeah, I'll go get him."

He went to turn around again, but my dad placed a hand on his white-furred shoulder. "Um, why don't you go put some pants on and I'll get Chris?"

Scott looked down and saw his exposed paper-white sheath and realized that he had forgotten to slip back into his boxers. "Um, yeah, right, let's do that."

He slipped back into his own room and found some clothes that fit him. Like me, the only shirt he could find was a tight white tank-top that nicely complimented his snowy fur. He also pulled on a pair of black cargo pants that used to be too large but now fit him perfectly.

We grabbed a few bagels for breakfast and piled into the car. My father drove (duh) and I rode shotgun with Scott in the back seat. On the way there my father called the school and alerted the principal that neither me nor my brother would be in school again and the principal had accepted without question. We arrived at the hospital and, just like yesterday, we were escorted through the lobby by two nurses and a security guard. We arrived at the same check-up room as yesterday and when we entered Doctor Paterson turned around to see us. "Chris, back so soon..." he trailed off when he noticed me. "Um, Chris... who's your friend...?"

"Come on, Doc.," Scott started to say, "now how could you not recognize this handsome face?"


"In the fur!"

Paterson was quiet for a moment. "... Intriguing." He said finally. "Most intriguing. Well, let's start with the basic x-rays." We were led into the same room that I had been in the other day. Paterson took the pictures and we returned to the exam room where Scott underwent the same tests that I did, starting with a blood test and ending with reflexes.

"Just like Chris, your reflexes are astounding, as are your hearing skills. Your tail is fully mobile, too, I see." Scott looked behind himself to see that his tail was wagging and the fur beneath his eyes turned a bright pink. "No need to be embarrassed, son. It's only natural."

After a bit a nurse walked into the room with a folder full of m x-rays. Paterson lit them up on a light-board on the wall. "Déjà vu." Paterson said. "Your bone structure is exactly the same, with the exception of being slightly smaller, of course."

"So, I'm exactly like Chris?" Scott asked.

"Well, not all of you." Paterson explained, "Your bodily differences are intriguing. Your bone structures are similar, but your muscles are quite different. Scott, your muscles seem more engineered for agility over a long duration, while Chris's are engineered to be more brute strength. It's astonishing, really. If it were possible, I would absolutely love to watch you two in an M.M.A. fight. Your adaptations would be wondrous to behold, I just know it."

"Do you have any idea of how this might have happened?" my father asked.

Paterson looked at Scott, then at me, then back to my brother. "No." he said. There was a moment of silence before Paterson spoke to my father, "Henry, would it be okay if I spoke to your sons in private about all that's going on?"

"Of course, take your time." With that my father left the room.

Paterson pulled his glasses off of his nose and looked us each in the eye. "Okay boys," he addressed us, "I know that you two know how Scott got this way. Spill it."

My jaw dropped slightly, as did Scott's. "How do you know?" I asked.

"Boys, it's written all over your faces, so please make it easier on yourselves and just tell me what happened."

I looked at Scott. He pressed his paper-white ears flat against his skull and looked down at the ground. I guess it was up to me. I looked back to Paterson and looked him right in the eye. "Scott and I had gay sex the same night that I saw you, during which time he ended up swallowing some of my sperm."

Paterson raised an eyebrow at me but didn't seem too phased by what I told him. He looked at Scott. "How much did you ingest?" he asked frankly without a single tone of disgust or disapproval in his voice.

"Enough to make me gag." was Scott's straight answer.

Paterson sighed. "That would do it, provided in consumed it within ten seconds of it being released." Paterson looked at me sternly.

"Look, Doc., it's not like it was incest or something. Josh is only my adopted brother, there's no blood relationship between us!"

Paterson sighed again. "Look boys, it's obvious that the reason Scott is changed is because that you two were both exposed to whatever it was that changed Chris at the same time and it simply remained dormant in Scott longer for some reason."

"But, Doc.," Scott started to say, "we just told you what happened that night."

Paterson looked at Scott now. "I have no idea of what night you're rambling on about. All I know is that you two are two very well behaved boys who were just exposed to the same thing at the same time."

I smiled at my doctor. "Thanks Doc."

He returned the smile. "Don't mention it, kiddo. You should tell your parents though. Maybe not that you had sex, but at least that you love each other. You do love each other, right? Or was it just a curiosity thing?"

"It's serious." Scott spoke up.

"Then your parents need to know."

"We had planned to tell them," I said, "but they already have so much on their minds with this whole wolf thing."

"Then now is the perfect time to tell them. If you tell them now then they would be able to process everything all at once, rather than climb out of one dilemma and jump right into another."

I knew my doctor was right. "You're right." I admitted aloud. I saw Scott's eyes widen; my guess was that he feared rejection. "You're right." I repeated. "We'll tell them tonight."

"Chris..." Scott started to say to me.

I turned to my brother-turned-lover and pulled him into a hug. "They have to know. We'll never sleep if they don't."

Scott pulled me closer. "I trust you." He said to me. "If you think that it's right, than so be it."

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my doctor lightly smiling at us. "You two make a cute pair." He said.

"I know." Scott and I both said in unison.

"You two had better go back to your father. I see no reason to hold you here." We both agreed and released each other, walking out of the exam room looking the whole world to observers like two lupine brothers who loved each other just that much; as brothers. Boy, were they wrong.

"You two set to go?" my father asked us. We both nodded in unison and piled back into the car. "I called your mother while you were in there and told her what's going on."

"What'd she say?" Scott asked from the back seat.

"She took it pretty well. I mean, it's not every day that you learn that both of your sons have turned into wolf people over a course of two days." The rest of the day was spent purchasing new clothes for Scott (my dad was really pissed that he had to go through the whole shopping mess all over again). We went out to lunch and returned home around two o'clock.

Scott and I goofed around for most of the afternoon, pausing only twice; once for ten minutes so Scott could fill me in on furry terminology so I know what he was talking about when we yiffed (that was one of my new words, I'm so proud of myself for learning them so fast!) and a second time for a half hour to discuss how we were going to tell our parents.

At six o'clock my mom returned home and we ate dinner. My dad was right; Mom really was taking it well. It really seemed like everything was as it had been three days ago.

Finally dinner was finished and the dishes were cleaned up; the time had come to tell our parents. "Mom, Dad," I started, "could I ask you guys to take a seat on the couch for a minute? Scott and I have a... confession to make."

Our parents agreed, having no idea what was coming at them. They sat on the couch and looked us in the eye. Scott was first to speak. "Mom, Dad, you accept me for being gay, right?"

My parents looked confused. "Of course sweetie," my mom said. "Why the check-up?"

Now it was my turn to speak. "I was hoping that you would be willing to accept me, too."

My parents looked at me surprisingly unphased. "So, you're gay?" I nodded yes. "Well that's not a big deal for us, hun. We love you no matter what..."

I held up a hand. "There's more." My mom was silent once again and I continued. "I have a crush too."

My parents perked up at hearing this. "Oh? And who is he, may I ask?" my father inquired.

I gulped hard; I knew exactly how to answer. I reached my right hand out and Scott reached out his and we took each other's hands. My parents' jaws dropped.

"You mean..." my mother started to say but she trailed off. I nodded my head yes.

"So my boys are in love..." my father said in disbelief, "with each other." Scott and I let go of each other's hand and let our furry arms droop lifelessly at our sides. We both flattened our ears against our skulls and looked down at our bare foot paws. "Are you two happy together?" Dad asked. "Is this what you really want?" We both gently nodded yes. "Then I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to be together."

My ears shot up and I looked into my father's eyes with disbelief. Scott did the same. "You mean it?" he asked excitedly. My father nodded his head yes and my mother followed suit. "Oh my God, thank you so much!" he ran up to and gave my dad a huge hug. Then he hugged my mom, which was difficult and awkward because she was sitting. Finally, he turned back to me and threw his arms around my waist. I placed my right hand on the back of his lupine head and pulled him into my chest, while using my left hand to rub his back.

"You two are cute together." My mother said with a smile.

"I know we are." I said.

"So," my father spoke up, "I suppose you two probably want to share a room."

"I'd like to move into Chris's room if it's okay." Scott said, the side of his head still resting on my chest.

"That won't be a problem at all. I'm sure Chris could help me move your dresser into his room..."

Scott cut him short. "Dad, my muscles more than doubled overnight. I think Chris and I can handle it."

"Alright then. You two had better get started; you've had a long day and I want you to get to bed early, as in ten o'clock." Neither of us complained one bit at the order and we set off to move some of Scott's things into my room.

Once we had left my father placed his hands in his pockets and looked at my mom. "Our boys are growing up." He said with a tone of nonchalance.

My mother just nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes they are."

Ten o'clock finally came around and Scott and I got ready for bed. After brushing our teeth and washing the gunk away from our eyes and jowls we said goodnight to our parents. We entered my, um, I mean our room and flopped down onto the queen-sized bed. "I love you." I said to Scott.

"I love you more." He replied.

"Oh shut up. You know that's not possible."

Scott giggled. "I know." He shifted himself so that he was sitting up against the baseboard of the bed and I was leaning over his lap. "I'm so glad this happened to us."

"What, us being together or the wolf thing?"

Scott's grin spread even wider across his snow-white muzzle. "Both, of course! Just think; we're the world's first anthro couple! Pretty cool to think about, I'd say."

Now it was my turn to grin. "Yeah, but you know what I say?" I reached out in front of me and rubbed my lover's crotch through the cargo pants. "I say that it's about time I paid you back for that blow job two nights ago."

Scott grinned. "Hell yeah."

Taking that as the go-ahead, I pulled Scott's tank-top up over his head. "God," he said, looking over my defined chest muscles, "you're gorgeous!"

Scott smiled. "I know. Now come here so I can take your clothes off." I did as I was ordered and Scott soon pulled off my shirt and pants, leaving me only in my boxers.

"Scott," I said, "there's something I've wanted to do for two nights now."

"Oh? What is it?"

"This." I leaned in close to him and pressed my muzzle up against him, pulling him into a deep and lustful kiss. I felt Scott slack his jaw and I pushed my tongue into his maw, exploring around with my soft, wet muscle. I felt Scott's tongue doing the exact same thing, gliding over the surface of mine with elegance and ease. We finally pulled away panting.

"Chris, hun, that was amazing!" Scott said.

"Oh, I've only just begun babe." I reassured my furry friend. "Now just relax." I said as I undid the button on his pants. I pulled them away from his thin yet powerful legs, taking in full the eye candy of my lover's bulging boxers. I reached forward and grasped the elastic waistband and pulled the boxers away from his pale-white sheath. It was wondrous to behold; Scott's shaft wasn't halfway out and already reached his lowest pair of abs. "This is gong to be fun."

"Amen." Scott said. He lay on the bed, propping himself off of his back with his elbows and forearms, watching my every move. I grasped his sheath with my right hand paw and massaged the furry skin covering, pulling it lower and lower, silently begging for his length to unsheathe itself. At long last I was given my reward and presented with Scott's pink, eleven inch member. It was strange, like nothing I've ever seen before. It came to a point at the top and pre oozed out from the tip. It seemed incredibly smooth, and I couldn't get enough of it.

I reached forward with my right hand and took a hold of Scott's firm length, earning a lustful groan from the canine. I slowly began to run my padded hand up and down the large piece of meat, making sure to thoroughly knead the skin where sensitive parts were. Scott gasped. "Oh fuck, Chris! Don't stop, it feels good."

His length was like a steel pipe planted firmly into the ground, sticking naturally straight up into the air at a ninety degree angle. I moved my hand down to the base of his eleven inches and took the first half-inch of his lupine rod into my mouth. The salty taste of pre filled my mouth as I closed my jowls around his point. Scott gasped as I took in the next half inch, then another inch, then another, and another until I had deep-throated almost all of Scott's eleven inches, except the knot.

"Ohh, keep this up Chris, whatever you do don't stop!" Scott said me. I sure as hell wasn't about to disobey that order. All I wanted right now was to milk that wolfish load from my brother's member. I bobbed my head up and down, swirling my tongue around the throbbing piece of sensitive wolf meat. Squirts of pre jetted from Scott's tip as I went on, and I knew that his climax would come quickly. I picked up the pace, bobbing rapidly on Scott's lupine cock. Eventually it became too much for the poor arctic wolf to handle. "Chris... I'm gonna... ohhh..." he groaned and exhaled as his baseball-sized sac pulled up close to his furry groin and he spewed half a dozen thick jets of sticky, salty cum into my maw. His load was too big for me to handle, and after I took down said half dozen, I pulled off, letting the last three shots blast me in the face like a high-powered rifle.

"Th-that was amazing, Chris..." Scott said after his massive pump finally ran dry." I collapsed on top of my friend's still rock-hard member, loving the feeling of the rod against my cheek. "Chris, do you feel tired?" my lover asked me.

"No." I answered truthfully. "Why?"

"I was wondering..." Scott seemed to hesitate a moment before finishing, "would you take me?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" was my response. I sat up and revealed my heavily bulging boxers to my mate. "Babe, my cock is literally going to rip these if you don't get them off of me soon."

"And why waste a perfectly good pair of Lanes?" He reached up and gripped the waistband of my now tight boxers, pulling them down over my fully erected eleven-and-a-half inch member.

"You know, it's going to hurt if I go in dry. Why not lube me up?" Scott was only too happy to oblige and after a few minutes of him licking my shaft I pulled back and pushed him onto his back. "Spread your legs."

"Don't you want me on my hands and knees?"

"No," I answered, "I want to look you in the eye when it happens." Scott finally spread his legs and I lined my shaft up with his tailhole. "You ready?" I asked him. He answered with an affirmative nod. "Alright, hang on babe, I'll take it slow." I gently pushed the tip of my member against Scott's opening, eventually working the first inch into his hole. Scott groaned at the feeling of my presence. Ever so slowly, I worked my second inch into Scott's tailhole, followed by a third inch, and a fourth, a fifth, and finally a sixth inch. "Should I go on?" I grunted.

Scott had one eye closed and looked at me with his open eye. "Nah, hold here for a second, lemme get used to it." I did as I was asked and waited a moment before Scott said "Alright, you can go on." I pulled out two inches but I quickly replaced them, adding another inch as I went in. Things proceeded in this manner until I was completely hilted to Scott.

I let out a loud mur. "Ahh, Scott, you're so tight, I love it!"

"And you're absolutely huge!" he cried out.

I opened my eyes and looked him dead in the eye. "Let's wrap this up, shall we babe?"

"Indeed let's."

I pulled out and pushed in slowly, picking up pace as I went along. Scott laid in the bed on his back the whole time with his mouth ajar and his long tongue hanging out of its side. I was perched over him and propped myself up with my hands, which I positioned on either side of his head. Beads of sweat and Scott's own cum dripped off of my face onto Scott's white chest, but he didn't seem to mind. He was submerged in such a deep state of ecstasy that you could probably slap him across the face and he wouldn't flinch.

By now my pace was exceptionally fast. I thrusted in and out and in and out as hard as I could, each time my knot slapped furiously against Scott's hole. "Scott... oh fuck, I'm almost there..."

"Tie..." was all that the smaller canine was able to say, and it was all that I needed. I pulled back so that only an inch remained within my lover and pushed forward, my knot shoving into Scott's ass with an audible pop.

I couldn't hold it anymore. "Scott, I... oh, fuck, I... can't... hold...... ohhhh..." I looked down in to Scott's sparkling green eyes and I became lost in them. I let out a long groan of ecstasy as my goliath load poured into my lover's ass. At the same time as I, Scott's massive balls pulled up to his body and he shot a second load, coating both of our chests and faces with eight thick jets of hot, gooey wolf seed.

Exhausted, I collapsed back onto the bed and rolled over so Scott was lying on top of me. "That was the best I have ever felt in my life."

"Yeah, and that was sure as hell the biggest load I've ever spilled. This is great, thank you so much for taking me."

"The pleasure was all mine, love. The pleasure was all mine." And with those parting words at eleven o'four PM both Scott and I fell into a deep sleep that would last the entire night.