First Season Chapter 2

Story by A large dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of First Season

Once again, this has topics that are too mature for younger viewers. Please do not read if you are under the age of 18. Thanks!

I had woken up with the feeling of my stomach gnawing at itself from ravonous hunger. It was the fifth day of my mating season and apparently, my sexual appetite wasn't the only thing that had increased with the season. So I took time out of my schedule to go shopping for food. The whole escapade took about an hour and nearly all of my self restraint, but soon I was back in my apartment without many problems. I locked my door and threw the groceries on the kitchen table. I was just about to relieve myself of the seed that had built up during the night so I could eat, when I noticed a white tiger lounging on my couch. I jumped back, startled to say the least, but he just smiled.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I shouted. He shifted his position some to stretch. When he got done, he idly grabbed his balls some which forced his cock to awaken. Needless to say, I was turned on by the sight which showed as each ridge of my own member forced its way out. This made the tiger smile even more.

"You dragons shouldn't be the only ones to enjoy a mating season. Hell, I've been feeling your heat for days, so I thought I'd help you with your condition."

"How'd you get in?"

"Well, since it must matter to you, my claws are good at getting by most cheap locks. Now are you and your erection going to stand there all day, or are we going to have some fun? I did go through the trouble of clearing my schedule for the rest of the day..."

I could've been a lot of things at that moment, but I was only horny by that point. And yet, it seems that I stuttered for too long, so the tiger got up and sauntered over to me until his fur lightly brushed against my scales. Almost immediately, I felt the all too familiar feeling of pre leaking out of the tip, but the kitty simply licked it away. My legs buckled a little as need washed over me. But still, this really wasn't right, was it? I knew from others that a dragon's pheremones could make others act strangely... All I had to do was hold off somehow.

"I am nothing more than your sex toy for the rest of the day, and this is the thanks I get?" He accentuated his last few words by grabbing my cock and pulling on it, his padding lightly scratching against the pink tip of my member.

Whatever he did stirred feelings in me I didn't know before. I pushed him, and we both fell to the floor. Out of pure desperation and need, I strattled his chest and began mashing my cock into his fur, already dripping pre into his coat. The warm feeling of his purring body almost sent me over immediately, the vibrations running up through my body and stimulating me even more than I thought possible. I was just about to climax when the cat pushed me over onto my back and began licking the base of my shaft, slowly licking to the top causing the head to flair even more. When I thought it couldn't get any better, he took the whole thing in his maw, the strange texture of his tongue rubbing over almost my entire length. I growled in pleasure, still humping furiously to try to climax.

I was about ready to break when he stopped and held me down, my cock throbbing hungrily. He warned me not to touch it, and then just got up. He came back moments later with a plate of food which he began to stuff in my mouth.

"If we'll be playing together, you probably shouldn't have an empty stomach, right?"

Despite everything my body told me, I figured he was right, so I scarfed the food down as fast as I dared while he stroked himself. He was quite vocal about what he was doing, occasionally grunting as he played with himself. I looked down at my poor cock as it throbbed, practically dribbling its liquid so that a tiny pool of the stuff was forming on the floor around me. I was so entranced by my own member, that I didn't even notice him looking at me until I went for another bite of food. I heard him take a sharp breath, and I looked over to realize that he was trying to get off to me. Sure, it might have been a bad idea, but I didn't care. I opened my legs a little more, forcing my shaft to its full length. Then I took another bite of my food.

"You know," he said between gasps, "I didn't realize you dragons were so big. Had I known, I would've been here three days ago."

He walked over to me as I finished the last of the food, then pushed me back down. I growled a warning at him, but he licked my neck, then slowly moved back down to my awaiting dick. He licked it a few times before impaling himself on it. He practically roared as pre shot from his own shaft. He started riding me faster... Harder, his balls slapping against my abs. I bucked back against him, wanting to make him explode from my cum. He closed his eyes and moaned as he spurted a load of cum all over my scales. The sudden tightness made my cock go ballistic... I wanted nothing more than to cum as he finished dripping his last bit of seed on my abs, but I wanted to make the feeling last as long as possible, so I held the cum back. As he finished up, I found I couldn't hold it back much longer, when all of a sudden, he pulled off of me. I nearly roared in anger as he lightheartedly attempted to walk away from me; his legs at moved at a strange angle from having me inside of him. Never before had I been so upset...

"No! I'm going to cum in you now!" I screamed angrily between gritted teeth. I nearly tackled him, bringing him to his knees, and wings spread, began to shove my shaft deep inside of him. He groaned, but I didn't care, it felt so good. And the harder I shoved the better it felt. I was panting, and his groaning was getting louder as he pushed up against me, forcing me even deeper. Within moments, I was ready to climax again, and as he writhed against me, I felt all my restraint give way as the orgasm shook my body. I roared loud enough to rattle my windows, driving my meat deep, my cum shooting even deeper. As I forced my way even deeper; he whined as he climaxed again. As he tightened around my ridged length, my cock was milked of every last drop, leaving a night's worth of cum inside the poor kitty. As I finished, I laid down next to the tiger, who already passed out and rubbed my hand over his belly, bloated from its recent flood. As he began to purr, I fell asleep, snuggled close to him...