First Season Chapter 1

This story has mature content, and thus should not be seen by younger audiences. Please, do not read if you are under the age of 18. For those of you who can read this legally, this is just an edit of a former story... Apparently, there were some...

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First Season Chapter 2

Once again, this has topics that are too mature for younger viewers. Please do not read if you are under the age of 18. Thanks! I had woken up with the feeling of my stomach gnawing at itself from ravonous hunger. It was the fifth day of my mating...

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Waiting for the Right Moment

He had always watched out for her, even when she didn't know it. Ever since that day when she stood up and accepted him when no one else could. For that alone, she was perfect for him. Exile was hard enough, but the way the humans bothered him... He...

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Feeding his Majesty's Pleasure

The take-over had been swift if anything... Disorganization fell beneath his determination, and though the might of what seemed like so many could have easily struck him down alone, by the time he decided to strike, he wasn't alone. It seemed as if...

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