Alex and Lasherette: Going Home

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Alex and Lasherette: The Tides of Change

This story is not made for anyone under the age of 18!

Lash was now halfway through her pregnancy, and her belly had rounded considerably. Her master taught her many things about her pregnancy. He told her that she was to birth a dragon child, and that is why she was growing so fast. But she also learned that, unlike with a human birthing, he could still be very rough with her without fear of harming the child within her, and he was very rough with her on a fairly constant basis. He told her that these rough matings would help her birth the child since it would be considerably larger than a human child. That part worried her, but he assured her that she had nothing to be afraid of, and she believed him. She gave herself to him, and she trusted and loved him, and in her heart she knew that he would never allow him to hurt her.

Things had begun to change dramatically ever since she had first come here. She now had total freedom of the cave, and he no longer watched her at all times. She could take a bath whenever she wished, she could move about freely, and he had even set up a form of stairs for her to leave the cave so that she could walk through the forest and get exercise for herself and for the child. And it surprised her a little.....If he had done that when she first came to be here, she would have ran away without a second thought. But now that she was his, every time she went out to walk, the thought never once crossed her mind to leave. Now she was walking around the cave in the silky smooth robe that Alex had given her. Of course it had hugged her body, and showed off all of her delicious curves, but she loved the robe, and rubbed her belly slowly, enjoying the feel of the robe against her belly.

Alex was sleeping quite soundly currently, and Lash poked her head into the room. He was sleeping on his back with his wings extended, showing his large sheath to the world shamelessly. Her body heated up, and she felt herself getting moist. The thought of him taking her roughly again was only getting her wetter, and she could see it in her mind. Those powerful jaws that could crush bones easily were wrapped around her throat as he pounded into her......She shivered softly as she continued to daydream, her hand sliding down her belly and into her robe so that she could rub her mound slowly, teasing her clit. She wanted him so badly.....but she wouldn't risk his wrath by waking him up. And then it hit her. What if she could have him WITHOUT waking him up? That was risky as well, but still, she walked forward slowly, almost without thinking. His snores were a little loud, but that showed her just how deeply that he was asleep. She crawled up onto the bed and straddled his hips, sliding her wet pussy slowly against his sheath. She felt it getting thicker, and smiled happily as his throbbing red member began to slide out.

She stopped as he grunted once and started to shift a little bit, but then he stilled again, and she began to rub herself against him again. It didn't take too long before he was fully hard, and she lifted her robe up over her hips. She gripped his cock softly in her hand, and stroked him a few times before pushing his fat cock head into her. She tried so hard not to yell out in pleasure, and had to bite her lower lip to keep from doing so. As she slid down his hard, thick cock, it she let out soft whimpers, and Alex let out another groan as her hot tight pussy squeezed him tightly, but still he did not wake. It was then that Lash noticed the shackles on the bed. Alex's forearms were close to them....and it would be an added protection should he wake up......Without another thought, she slid off of him and clamped his forearms into the shackles. It was then that it dawned on her that SHE was in the dominant position for once......and she LOVED it. It took her no longer than a few seconds before she impaled herself on his throbbing cock and began to ride him slowly, sinking all the way down until his large balls touched her ass, and then went all the way back up, until only his tip was inside of her heat before she slammed herself back down.

It was at this time that Alex had began to stir. His deep crimson eyes slid slowly open at first until he saw his mate, his PET riding him, and then his eyes shot open and he went to sit up, only to find himself chained down! Words alone could not explain the absolute FURY that welled up inside of him, and his voice boomed out loudly, "What do you think you are DOING?!" He tried to twist, he tried to roll her off of him, but with his claws shackled, there was nothing at all he could do. It was not that he didn't enjoy being ridden by her, it was the simple fact that she had chained him down, and was taking advantage of him in his sleep! Despite his current situation, he was panting as she rode him with a look of sheer bliss on her face. He knew that she would be reaching the point in her pregnancy where her hormones would take over and that she would need to be rutted daily, but he had no idea this would happen. "PET, get off of me right.....aaaahhh......right this instant!!" He commanded as forcefully as possible. But it wasn't working, and she wasn't stopping. He knew that she couldn't keep up forever, and he also knew that she knew he could easily break the shackles at any time. He was getting close, and from the moisture that he felt on his dick and on his balls, he could tell that she already had, at least three or four times. He could still lean his head forward, and he did now, whispering in her ear. "When this is all over, I hope you don't expect that your going to get away with this without any punishment....." He hissed as he pulled away, and then his body jerked and he roared mightily as he came hard, and she screamed like a banshee as she felt that hot, thick cum coating her insides and flowing out around his cock.

His head was back on the pillows and he was panting heavily, and she was still grinding and rocking her hips against him, forcing him to give her every drop of his essence. After a few moments, and after she had slumped over his chest, it was then that he broke the shackles off with a snarl, rubbing his wrists. His pet was still impaled on him, and he growled down at her, snapping her out of a daze. "Alex! M..m....master, I....I don't know what came over me, I....." Of course Alex knew what had happened, and it was likely that this was not going to be the last time that it happened. Although he was going to make perfectly sure that he was not asleep again when it happened. "You took advantage of me while I was asleep, and that is unacceptable!" Alex said firmly. I shall have to punish you now, my beloved Lasherette. As much as I do not want to do so, I must." He picked her up from his chest and carried her to the kitchen, where he pushed food in front of her. She was practically shaking from fear now, and she poked at the food. "We do not want our child to starve, now do we?" Alex asked gruffly. She could hear the edge in his voice that warned of what would happen if the child was not properly taken care of, and she began to eat. It was not two minutes into her meal and he had grabbed her and leaned her against the kitchen counter hard. Her robe was ripped from her body and she was bent forward over the counter. She could feel the heat of his body near hers and screamed out as he pushed his cock completely into the confines of her tight, hot pussy. "Ahhhh, your screams are music to my ears." He whispered into her ear. "How does it feel to be taken advantage of at a moment you don't expect?!" He pounded into her hard, so hard it reminded her of the first time he had fucked her. It felt like he was splitting her in two, and he only pumped his hips harder and faster. "This is what you wanted, is it not, pet?" Alex said as he slapped her ass hard. "You wanted to be fucked, you wanted to be ravaged, didn't you?" She whimpered in reply, then screamed out as another stinging slap was applied to her ass. Then she felt his tail tip, and knew exactly what to expect......and it happened. His tail pushed DEEP into her asshole, and she gave another sweet scream and came right then on his fat cock, and still he pounded into her. Tail and cock slamming deeper and harder, and she screamed louder and louder with each hard pump of his hips. She felt his body clench up and he ROARED as he came hard, filling her sweet pussy for the second time, purring as he watched most of it drip out her and onto the floor. He slipped his cock from her and licked himself clean. Finish eating and then Bathe yourself, pet......were going on a little trip."

She was very frightened as she began to eat her food, thinking that this was it. He was going to get rid of her now for her mistake of taking advantage of him. She wanted to cry, but she would not let it happen, he wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her tears. "Where are we going to go, Master?" Lash asked as she finished eating and started walking slowly to the bathing chambers. Alex watched, but did not follow her as she slipped into the water and began to clean herself. "We are going to a very special place, my beloved one." He said before exiting the bathing chambers. She was almost certain now that he was going to leave her alone now, why else would he be acting this way? After she had thoroughly cleaned herself, she got out and dried off with one of the fluffy red towels that he had given her. She was somewhat upset that he had destroyed the robe he had given her a gift, but as she walked out into the main room, he was there waiting for her. He bade her to turn around, and she did so, putting her back to him as he slipped the new robe on her. She smiled up into those glowing crimson eyes she had grown to love as he tied it for her, and he actually smiled back. Perhaps he wasn't going to leave her alone after all.

As he scooped her up into her arms, he flew them out of the cave, and she cuddled herself into his strong arms and nuzzled into his chest as they flew. With as little clothing as she had on, it was a little bit cold. And then the flight was over. As he set her on her feet, she looked around and saw.......her orchard. The place where he had taken her from, just as it had been when they had gone, but without the apples still on the trees of course......and she gasped as she looked at what HAD been her home. Well, it still was, but it was larger than before.....ALOT larger in fact. It looked as though Alex could easily fit inside now. As she turned and looked at him, Alex was smiling. "I thought it only appropriate that you birth your child in your home where you grew up instead of some musty old cave....." "Oh Alex!" Lash cried out, practically throwing herself into his arms. "When did you do all this? I were always with me....." Alex shook his head. "When you were sleeping some nights, I came out here and made a few modifications to your house so that we could live here and raise our child together." The tears threatened to overwhelm her again, and this time, Lasherette did let the tears slide down her cheeks, for they were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. He truly did love her, and he had done all of this for her.....for them.

"Now come, my beloved....I want to show you something." He led her over to one of the trees. "This is the tree that I sat in and watched you every day for a long time." He said, circling around the tree. "Up in its branches, concealed by the red leaves, I watched. I watched you move, I watched you work, I watched you sweat, I even watched when you took a nap under one of the other trees. Here is my command, my beloved pet. I want you to hug this tree. I want you to hug it as though you were embracing me."

It was a very odd request to say the least, but Lash was quick to obey, knowing what kind of punishments that could befall her if she refused. As soon as she had her arms around the tree, shackles locked around her hands, keeping her fastened to the tree. "ALEX!" She screamed, fearing for the life of her that this was going to be a repeat of the time that he had threatened to sell her. "NO! Please don't do this!" Her fears were quickly abated though, when she saw him come around the tree and he kissed her lips gently. "Fear not, my beloved......I am not going to leave you. This is just a little extra punishment for what you pulled this morning.....and I thought.....what better way to do it than to ravage you while you were shackled to the very tree I watched you from?" The very thought of it made Lash moist, but she wouldn't tell him that. Instead, she knew what would pleasure him most, and she gave him just that. She struggled, and she squirmed against the bonds, and she could see what that was doing to him. He was fully hard already as he circled around her and lifted her robe over her hips and laid it on her back so that her smooth ass and her wet pussy were exposed to him. He inhaled of her scent deeply and licked his lips, his primal urges and instincts taking him over as he mounted her. He slipped his cock into her and began to pound into her hard and deep, just the way she liked it. So in turn, as she panted and moaned, she continued to struggle for his pleasure, listening to his hisses and his growls as he fought to hold her hips straight as he ravaged her like the beast he was. Beast he may be, but he was HER beast, her master, and she wanted nothing more than to please him in every way possible. His tail found her ass and pushed deep inside, deeper than he had ever gone before, and an orgasm so intense it was almost painful ripped through her body, and she literally howled in pleasure. "Fuck me master......more......harder......please......" Alex just growled and he clamped his jaws about her throat, holding her still, showing that he was the dominant one, not she, as he only fucked her harder, pulling her back into his thrusts so that there was even deeper penetration. He reached under her and grabbed her thick clit in his fingers and began to tug gently upon it, rolling it in his fingers. "AHHHHHHHH!" Lash screamed as she bucked her hips frantically against his bucking hips, driving his cock and tail into her. "Pleeeeeease master......fuck meeeee........give me your hot cum.....all of it.......pleaaaaase!" As his body stiffened, Alex gave her just that as he let go of her throat and roared loudly enough to scare the roosting birds from the trees as jet after jet of hot, thick cum flowed into her pussy. Alex held himself within her for a few moments to make sure that she would hold all of his cum before he withdrew his cock from her, his tail soon sliding out of her ass. Lash moaned as her dripping pussy was exposed to the cool air, and then she felt the shackles being released from her hands, and her master, her love, pulling her into his arms. "Look, my beloved." He said, pointing. She was drowsy, but she looked, and was awed at the absolute beauty of the sunset taking place. "Within the next day or so, you will have our child......and we will live here together as a family." Lash only nodded, comfortable in his arms and drifting off to sleep.