gay fight 2

2 "Ian!" Who's voice is that? "Ian, where the hell are you!" I slowly opened the closet door and yawned. "Ian, dude what were you doing in your closet?" Robert. "I was looking for something and I guess I hit my head and got knocked out." "Haha!" He...

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What is Love? - Part 4: Living?

Daniel was walking on his horribly paved driveway that seems to never end. He could feel the un-even patterns in the cracked asphalt. It was covered in dew from the moist morning. Daniel couldn't help but smile as he watched a rough sketch of paw...

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What is Love? - Part 3: Ending?

I said I would post this yesterday, but like always, I failed at doing that. So here's part 3 of this series. ~~ The knocks on his door echoed more than usual to Daniel. He flinched at the agonizing sound. This was one difference Daniel really didn't...

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Fur High School Preview

Thankfully, it should be laid back this year because i'm a senior...'s the end of summer and school has just begun. i went to to go to my locker when... "heeeeey, dexy!" hmmmm... that voice sounds familiar... "ryan!"

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To Snare a Wolf Part One

In the second month of my last year at school, my mother decided to send me to a new school. She didn't think highly of St Mary's Catholic High in Florida, and seldom went to the Parents Evenings. She sent me to Ontario High in California, a place...

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Part 2

To everyone reading, well here is part 2. I was invited to lunch by the russet colored wolf, She pointed me out to where was to sit and went to set her books down. We sat down, but she sat down on the other side of the table. I sat down next to a snow...


Okron Academy Part 1

The cold winter air nipped at my heels as I walked briskly towards the imposingly tall academy infront of me. It was a large place, but it had to be, one of the few schools of its type in England. The worn but friendly looking sign next to the wooden,...

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eh, If u are reading this, you should know im Leon, well, Ill cant connect very often or just cant connect, I'm studying for some tests in school, ill be back when tests end (probably 22 th) so, I hope everyone is happy without me (for those who hates...

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A new school year

The sun was high in the sky. Morning dew on the leaves glistened in the sunlight as the sun lazily rose over the horizon signifying a new day. Yuukan lay in his bed his iPod blared to life blasting "Exile" by TheBlackParrot as his alarm. He tapped it...

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Unexpected Love Part 1

Heio! This is my first story. I am in my early teens and i am bulgarian so.... epxect a lot of grammar mistakes. But anyway just enjoy! Oh and it might be a bit short or long idk. I might also do a bit of "twisting" between tenses. Just tell me what...

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Refliction: Psychical Torture

Refliction: Psychical Torture I hate exercising. It's for those other students who wanted to impress girls and perhaps to get laid. It's really not for me. What I wanted to do was to exercise my mind, not my body. But our high school teacher insisted...

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School For the Special CH 2

I took a shaky breath and shouldered my backpack, grabbed the handle to my suitcase and started in a direction. I sighed passing by close doors, laughing was heard and I flattened my ears. I kept heading in that same direction, the long hallway ending...
