Red Moon: Revolution Chapter 7

Red Moon: Revolution Chapter 7 "Damn traffic." Rommel gripped his steering wheel tightly as he glared ahead at the brake lights of hundreds upon hundreds of cars. People were coming home from work now and that created traffic jams that stretched...

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The debts of a killer

Murder, yes, i murdered that guy and it was gonna be fifteen years, but thanks to a dark move i just had to declared myself as guilty and they gave me five years. after that short punishment they let me go.

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Terrible Service

"Now Troy, I'm just _dying_ to hear your answer," the tigress said, her paw still holding a hidden pistol. Troy, also a tiger, cleared his throat, glancing down at the collapsed waiter that the woman across the table from him had just shot...

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Filet Mignon

* * * Writing prompt this week is: You consider yourself an artist. Unappreciated and misunderstood. You'll present them with your finest masterpiece yet. The big slab of meat was gently laid on the plastic table. The fat was trimmed away...

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Second entry

**Second entry** "We've been here in this village for two weeks now. At our insistence, we were allowed to bury the bodies of the inhabitants. I still can't forget the faces of the children. The look on the Major's face will probably stay with me for...

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First entry

"man, we're not child murderers!" the three look at each other uncertainly. then hiredeki hands one of his companions his rifle and walks towards the two children.

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Third entry

We have murdered and stolen. i have shot men and not spared women and children." hiredeki looks at his hands and remembers the faces of the children. the priest looks at him long and hard before answering. "you have already received your punishment.

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**Prologue:** In an almost completely destroyed city, a young man rushes through the streets laden with rubble and ash. Again and again he looks around in fear. They are no longer there. His pursuers have lost him. But he still doesn't slow down. He...

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Ninth entry

**Ninth entry** "We're finally back on the road. It took longer than we had planned, but we were able to repair the engine. Who would have thought that old boots could be used as gaskets? Well, every mile we ride increases our motivation. We turned...

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Eigth Entry

**Eigth Entry** "We had a stroke of luck. Instead of soldiers as expected, we came across refugees. A small group that has already made its way through Sepata. They must be heading in the same direction as us, they also want to get to Seruma. That's...

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Seventh entry

**Seventh entry** "We got off with a black eye once again. We may have lost most of our equipment and most of our supplies, but at least we're still alive. Now it's time to find the next village. Unfortunately, we lost our map in the bombing along...

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Sixth entry

**Sixth entry** "We may have got past the capital, but we have another loss to lament. Jones didn't make it. On the other hand, his sacrifice allowed us to survive. The Torekmetians would almost certainly not have left us alive if they had found out...

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